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Show VOL. L KAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAII, THURSDAY, NOV. DRK. INGRAM L A FRANKS, 1?s:e iBAQUE Reading, class exercise, Miss Nebaker. General program. Bonncmort Public lecture at Bountiful bly hall educational), Stewart. DECEMBER - UTAH. Layton. afternoon. lwMm Artesian Wells Prices Reasonable an JWmSiMKaysTille.Utoh NATIIAN REEVES. Manufacturer of ' COMBINATION Kmiur FENCING - Utah. Methods language Stewart Science clast exercise Mias Neb- DAVIS COUNTY. aker. Ceneral program. Tuesday, November 7, 1893. JANUARY 20. Opening. Psychology Will Stewart Miulo class exerclsa Miss ker. Legislative Ticket. Fer Councilor for the Fifth District; H. F. McCuneT AFTERNOON Ttt nryiMentctlc tor the SlxthDictrict. DAVID STOKER. Methods writing, spelling Busy work, Miss Nebaker, General program. Coutj Ticket Fit febevaey Superintendent of Behoolc; D.O. WILLEY, W. E. SMITH, JR Treelnet Ticket WlllftctlM Harness Repairing evening. Thomas H. Phillips. Ahos II. Bibhof, SUL TsjnBfc Teachers will sing" America" Star Spangle Banner and Merry Children, the latter to be found in the Union music book. For Recorder; - A. Williams & Son Dealers in George-W- . Pleasant Valley, Castle Gate, Rook Springs, Almy and Peacock Coal CoSs, HOE. FRANK J. OAEEOH. Barnes. Tks Eloqiemt Hejntlieaa Orater Disemrtss ta Pslitisa. For Marshal; Of theextcnalve general agent for the Henry IT. Blood. For Treccurer; GOODS at greatly a quotation. William L. Galbbaith, Sxth C. Jones, James II. Linford. WOOLEN E to-da- The first meeting, Nov. 4, will be held In the academy building, at Farming ton, and each teacher is expected to respsnd to his name at roll call with John W. Gailxt, Furnishings. and assem- NOTES. For Councilor! ; HOME-MAD- tfeU stock ef tin usxeslled Clothing & Gents Furnishings, 10. Public lecture in Centerville bly Hall. has large Review. General program. For Mayor; Meruh&nt Tailor and Gents' Stewart, afternoon. Kaysville City. W. R. Jamison, ' Drawing and Geography. on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. - - vtah. kaysviixe f REMEMBER THAT THE is worth buying. which we guarantee first-cla- ss in quality and reasonable in A negotiation for tbe bonding of the price. Tbe bondAjax is about completed. ers are from Salt Lake city. They expect to commence working next week. We have recently received a and new stock How timely was the water question Jvf discussed in last week's Eagle. I think this part uf the county should put good council into action. With a very little work we could make a Also reservoir that weuld hold enough water for the county. Nature has made It broad and long but forgot to put Rubber Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and in fact everything the dam in. necessary for comfort, during the winter months, There seems to be, yet among some parents, n desire to have their children study the one thing for which a child Call aee line of RfiMNXNTfi shows some talcntThls one erroneous y SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS many a principal Is nuking weak unbalanced person, turned into w e are offering reduced prices the World with one idea, and unable to Which In even one ideal s hi profession. cope We have a full line of Dress Goods, and our prices talk. Many a good old father, for Lusk of unOur Stock of Groceries is Complete, derstanding, has been brought face to face with education and led to question it. The parent observes. Yes, The Co-- op is John went to school, be Was Inclined him to the study of music, and b help I gave him splendid privileges, yet my efforts raised him high only to make the fan nuye effectual. Oh! this education Is not what it seems to be. Had not attempted t) make someth lug . great of him, he would at least have oeen a good honest neighbor. ONLY COAL AGENTS IN we While we bear simil ar observations very often, yet we cannot help brt KAYSYIUE. know they are erroneous. Can we expect much of a tree whose roots are all dormantexcept one? Oroan we expect much of a one faculty man. ' God has endowed everything la various ways The beautiful flower Is the product of tbe root, stem, and nAvt J; injure either part of the plaoV and we have a W'there d refuse. The mountain stream spreads verdure on tbe arid desert, not until Its components have first contributed to it. Neither Is mind much unless all Its faculties are (as God designed) deDon't fall to otduro your tloksto reading veloped aud strengthened by each other. See the professional tramps, artistic bums, talented drunkards. Talk with them and you will see that they are the tree of one root, their mind is fed through one avenue only, each in his special channel Is none sided vessel There should not come in the mind uf a student a young one at least an Idea of being a specialist. It makes him t, uni line runnlne Pullman Sleeping nr between Opln, Ball Inks City sad robs sectional, one sided, and narrow, him of a developed mind. Does a child go t school for information alone. I could answer by askDo we cultivate the roots uf the ing, scion in Its youth for the fruit or for the development of the tree? O.wliat interior fruit comes from the scrubby tree and O, what weak efforts from a Train leaven Rio Grande Westers Depot, Ball Lake City, atrWp. Ticket Office, No. !W. Second South Street. partially developed mind. It Is not for tbe Immediate accom"FT, plishment that we are schooling our General Ae.t penger Deparimr... children, but for the purpose of broad- MS Dooiy Bulldlnff each thetr minde, cultivating ening BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. faculty, that each participant may lie an equally balanced, broad minded, being, then we can have mure artistic Neba- Opening exercises. Psychology Will Stewart Drawing and geography, Miss Brotherhood. All Kinds of Whip Lashes MUNICIPAL ELECTION, .atlydone SO. Opening exercises. Psychology feel! ng Stewart . Science class exercise Miss Nebaker. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. & assem- NO. 39. fabrics tieas." Our road supervisor lathe best we ever had. His long experience a s section foreman has furnished him witb tbe beat of ideas regarding thoroughness and substantiality. One, passing through tbe atgeeta of Kaysville ou Sunday, la led to believe tbe citizens are all good church members. No body can be seen on the streets. Our band has, learned a beautiful quickstep: Tenting on tbe Old Camp Grodnd. We have two good butcher shops. What s good old fellow la Competition, " be always brings something that EVENING. TOIYSICIAKS AND SURGEONS, KAYSVILLE, "TusiafUa 2, 1803. are the consequent? Tbe republicans were at the bat last For Collector; Thursday eveulng. A rally was held at tbe Music hall and the bouse was Feed B. Williams. filled with an audience of comfortably For ducticc ef the Pence; Kaysville sod Layton Republicans Albert Beaker. and Democrats who were anxiona to bear Hon. Frank J. Cannon elucidate the principles of his party. There can Bins ooom takes the leas. be no doubt that politics is taking a aa4 Btrict firm bold of the people's minds, JudgTHE KAYSVILLE HOTEL ADeatllaalfakMHiiOwiflrava ' ir, Hi ing by tbe attendance on Thursday Mr. Cannon is eloquent. H. MXN9EU, Prop. When a man of unqu eetloned verac- evening. we Whether agree with what he says mumn t a wmbai cm idu ity unfolds before a long suffering pub-li- e or not we must concede that for beausuch an unprecedented tale a ua som hi ismt tec cuu BiiYtt of he has few piers in expression comes to your view below, who could ty jut m kaibx iiraN. tbe territory. but imbibe its beauties and place it in Judge II. W. Haigbt and Hou K. P. his store house of knowledge for futwere noticed at the meeting, Ellison ure use. In speaking of a man who died at which was called to order by G. BurSouth Weber and was buried at the ton, Jr who introduced tbe speakerof expense of the county witb tbs ezeep tbe evening, Mr. Cannon began by saying that he tlon of a small amount whicb was psld giving reasons for the prespurposed ihtiMta im rasot dewith money which was left by tbe condition of financial affairs in ent Davis the County Clipper Utah ceased, our nation. Kaysville the cause was Primarily says;He was buried br himself and matothers." Only think it What a lively Democratic legislation. In the of wool, fur instance, manufactter corpse. urers were not buying because they anticipated lower prices when the tariff lUPEBIETEEMUIT NlLLET SITES A -was removed. The demand was lesCO. sened and naturally prices decreased. Mink Mr, Cannon showed himself to be a Of What Will Be Dow At the Teacher! man. He pronounced DRY GOODS, MILLINthis Fall ut Winter. said Cleveland had overstepped tbe HFHIHflEL. The general program is aa fol- bounds of executive authority by InERY, NOTIONS, lows: structing bis secretary of the treasury LADIES and GENTS, NOVEMBER 4. W discontinue the purchase of silver: Opening exercises; singing, pfsyer, also, In the case of the Chinese, by reFURNISHING GOODS, roll call, etc. fusing to carry out tbe clause of tbe UROCEBlKS, HOOTS and SHOES. Lecture, on psychology The Inte- Gmy act, requiring tbe deportation llect' Wm. M. Stewart of tbe Chinese who were not registerDress Making in Latest Styles, Lecture, Physical Culture," Miss ed. If Queen Victoria showed such Ella Nebaker disregard for the laws enacted by parPrices at Bed Rock." Noon recess liament, as Grover Cleveland, does for Methods (numbers) Wm. Btewait our laws, lier castle would be wrecked specialists. WAt R. W. Barnes, Cashier IATSVSU, To the extent that a carpenter (for John It. Barnes. Prest L S. Hills, Vice Prest. Numbers (class szercise) Miss Ells In so hour and nut one stone beautiful the Directors. Nebaker would be left on another. Her life example) comprehends Oarnchin poetry, painting or nature, to that Burton Peter Catechisation of the instructors would be endangered. be beauty In will same there extent H. Larkins. J W. Galley ) J. Tbe speaker placed great stress on all bis work. The man wbo builds Paper by super! Dtendent T. V EoiuTlieJ Edward G. Ogden Music by Clara Leonard the sugarbounty question and said one thought lu view, and that General discussion; Should Teachwas the policy of the Republican party with a common WAl. XAT3VSAX. ers Mingle with Pupils on the Play to foster Lome industries, such as the bread and butter, will build Hundreds of home. and bread butler oneatLehi. Democrats were smotherCleans Ticks, Feathers, and Ground barn rtoners are parading the counn Public educational lecture in ing sUch institutions by removing the because so many start at assembly hall, by Wm. K. Stew- bbtinty by which they can be run try, siiuply Mattresses. Surplus $10,000. before they have- a Capita $25,000. their profession art, in the evening. profitably. He said statehood is a foundation to build on. Be (tree splendid MtihfccatioB. NOVEMBER 18. luxury which will be found expensive The truly educated, or the broad exercises. Transacts a Genera BANKING BUSINESS. Opctlng if e get IS. Let it take rare of itself. and active FOR POUND PKR minded alone reach to 3lilCK (10u Psychology, 'Intellect, Stewart, Democrats are trying to win votes by eminence and greatness. Cultivate the Draft Payable Anywhere In the U Drawn FEATHERS, Numbers, class exercise. Miss Neba- an appeal to the desires of our citizen accordbecome mind and it will great ker. for Aatehood, but they demand to high Cai.ada of Mexico. Our accommodations to AVTEKNUON . a pro for ft. We have paid enough al ing its capacity. of education, Our present system for transacting geneal business Methods; Arithmetic, Stewart. ready. The speaker said he was An ad would tench us then to school our chilCall Class Miss Numbers, vooate of statehood but said he, I had exercise, can be are as good of cultivation. ra lier see Utah remain In territorial dren fnrllie pur)ise lessons that teacher Have tin give General program by leathers. found In Utah. vassalage for another generation or will cultivate every faculty. Having EVENING. us see to sell than mess more, out fer a on Havings every faculty developed Ld active we We wiiit Public educational lecture at Kays- of Democratic pottage." pay 0 to have artistic specialtire prepared Stewart. ville ball, He closed MEATS. assembly with a few words hi favor ists in the from For FIRST CLASS place ef so many gifted DECEMBER 9. deposits uml receive ny of the nomln ecs. Walter n. Barton, HKD PBOBtrOE - SANTA FE ROUTE i Grande Western Colorado, Midland, Atchison, Tpeka & Sana Fe Rys. jSua.ms -- SHORTEST, QUICKEST LINE. unsurpassed equipment SDBHEHY UKHUIIAItED. STE-0P8I- B WXSSELS Meet-in- gf tflfi ELEKWnUD C. BTTEEnEJTT. - 1 BARNES BANKING COMAPNY Farm-into- - S at as Ne-bakc- r. KAYSVILLE Meat Market. Itlghct Cash BEEF, Prices Paid for mutton and PORK Pr Opening exercises. Psychology, Feeling, SteWxrt. Reading, class exercise, Miss Neba- IHUMillngrork and Calves a specialty. ker. DoLcil Blamirvs, Prop, afternoon. Methods, reading, btewari, interest Deposit of nil solicited. Special attention tO til WO Of children, WE' wNT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE US A TRIAL, one dollar up. There will be a Grand Ball tat WIL S. A, Thompson Is bead quarters lams', Hall Friday evening, Nov. 8, for pure drugs, parent medicines, sta 1893. Tickets 60 cti. Robins' Quad- tlonery, toilet articles etc. Call in rille Baud In attendance. and examine prices amount |