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Show ON TO ST. LOUIS. THE JAGLE. crn kaysville, TAnttiandl uf Billii ll gener- When an ort'ce in out seeking a man It it like ghost. It startle everybody. i After liL PATltON SAINT - SOON WILL COLUMBUS BE HISTORY. T. P. A. day Ht. I.ori, of lb HL Louis carnival. and liut caNtiiuua li awlt--r la In kwp-in- g attendance of eoiiinn-ndi- l Hllb lha rily'ii uuuiing a Ilia mercantile metropolis uf the wt.l ami anulhaeal. Tbe propla am flocking to Si. Louis in ibounaiiilis and tlie crowd itliieli viewed tlie atrcrl lliia evening were excrplloual, even for a ally which ha become accustomed to taking rara of ktrangi-by the leua of t'vrm. Wm.s mutiny gels tiiflit ally goes to the luck u j. Mi- III UMilnat Mt Wt-T- w. e. VVllpf.i lh V laltair AS A I IN The Papa at Home About to Wants Nha tho ralroo Hoint of Aouirlra waiole at Other Countries Who Haro fit- oailad Ulni. ISpeeial Corresponded. I HETTY SOON ia to be eano nixed and Columboa tbonrand. America ia to bare a patron saint, just aa England haahi-- r ht George and Scotland her St. Andrew. The pope made thia announcement at an audience given to the Colombian mlmater In Borne, and the firat step of it fulfilll aoon ment namely, be taken. it haa alao been given out at the Vatican that Joan of Are will be enrolled among the aalnta and adopted aa the patron of Franca Her beatification will occur aiuiultaneoualy with that of Commbua Jleatlflcation ia a condition precedent to canonization, and in tlie early da.va of tho church it waa conferred only upon martyr and pioua men whnaa purity of life admitted them after death into the immediate presence of tha Deity. And it waa for thia reason that each country, town, trada and in- - i man hat placed a pLtol fare ia a poor time to inquire in your if it it loaded. In the far Went a man advertised for a woman to wash iron, and milk What dno ho one or two cowa. want the eowa washed for? ...... That which a woman calla her intuition, it really what ahe haa known all the time, but never admit until ahe marriej. beatiik-ationwil- Till king of Spain ia aoven yeara old and apuaka aeveral language. Happily for hla people he ia not able to apeak any cf them with authority ,et Won km are a groat deal nicer to know than mon; if you meet them in a drug a to re when you are buying A cigar, you are not expected to olTer them one. The improvement on the Gatling gun by which A,uHJahotcan bo fired in me minute afford a hope that it may be poaaible yet to exterminate Tub decree laauod by the French government announcing that an international exposition will bo held in Iarla in 11HNJ remove any dnubta which may have exlted regarding the willingncaa of tlie French to enter into comjHititlon with tho ahow now open in fhi-cag- a tremendou They are going to try to beat the magnificent achievement of thi year, and there i no roanon to doulit that a gloriou exposition will be the ihu street lllumlnallon are the evn on the ilrarta of any city In the world la to alala the cate mildly. The number of light turd exeerde 75,000, and more than half of theaa am elaetrle. Tha down-tow-n are lion la n Idam of light, archca emit pe ting for popularity with elaetrle effect To aj that grande! ever Tiik uncertainty of the next great war oppreaaoa military Europe like a nightinara No auch change in the condition of war ha ever before come in peace. The effective ritle firs in 1870 waa limited to GOO to 80!) yarda; it ia now l.sWrt to 1,80:1. Artillery 0ened then at two mile range; It doe the ame work now at four. The boat rifle could kill then at a mile; now the aervlue weapon will bore two men two mlloa off. lllus-trate- BT. 8KOROK d e Demo-eratl- amoke-aeaaono- a pealed nncondltloaally and have, after decided upon a comproconference mise which they belter will end tha tong light and aeeurt tha passage of a bill to tha preient lituatlon by tha end of next week. Senator Gorman and other Democratic repeal aenator hare been actively engaged in arranging tha term of Ibecompromtae and tonight they belter that they have succeeded. It Involve concession on both aid. Tint, tha repeal of the purchase elatue; eeond,tha coinage uf n specified amount, two or two and a half million n month until the total alltrer eolnaga 1 1700,000,000, then tha coinage of and fourth, tha all the bullion in tha tbTgoTd ssleof ierM to an amount whleh will be deemed suf- fleienl to Insure tha maintenance of gold aad silver money at a parity. When the proposition waa submitted to Secretary Carlisle he Insisted upon tha latter provision to tha agreement. I Itla Urn general understanding that tha diver Republican senators will agree to the compromise; Indeed, Senator Gorman Touche for that. The only thing In Ui way of this to be tlie President. i programme now seem ha not, to far aa known, alwolutely given j II hla consent, although the acquiescence of Carlisle would Indicate that he I Secretary ' would do aa num-rou- g 1 : VTbd. toTnea -- : j Terrible AXD TUB PRAOOX. dividual had ita patron aaint, who could be moved by prayer to intercede with the Almighty on ita behalf. The beatified saint waa and ia in every caae the patron of one country, guild or town, but to the canonized aaint ia accorded the higher homage of the whole church, im the ceremonial necesajry to ita accomplihlv-men- t la one of the most elaborate and expensive known to the ritual ao indeed, that though the family of Churlea borromeo desired his canonization they were obliged t be content with beatification because of the enormous outlay involved in placing hla name in the canon. The pope at the present time ia alone empowered to name the candidate for this high honor, but the history of the rite shows that originally the election was In the handr of the people who selected the marly, or man whoae life and deeds seemed to deserve the title of aaint and then presented hi claim to their bishop. At this period orthodoxy waa ao necessary a part of the claim that even Orlgen and Tertnllton. great an they were, failed to be enrolled among the beatified. Subsequently the authority waa vested in the pope, and it waa by papal aanction that the nameaof auch potentates aa Emperor Henry I. and King Edward, the confessor, were enrolled in tha canon of the mass. At the time when the people made the selection into the examination miraclea T that were said to have been performed by the deceased waaleaa rigorous than at a later period, and it waa not until the advo-eatn- a dlabll and the advoeatna del came into exiatence that the merits and demerit of each caae were aearch-ingl- y examined. The functions of these two officials are to take the facte laid before them and argue upon them. The advoratna dlabll, aa hla title im- makes the most of Eliea, could stand in tha everyofpoint the way candidate, while the advocates del exalts the claim of the proposed saint. Should the latter prevail, the beatification ia decreed, and the ceremony la then performed in St Peter' On the appointed day tha pope and LIVES LOST. Calamity la a Michigan Iroa TWENTY-EIGH- y. Occa-tonal- ly y, ed One of the article of neceaaary equipment bealdea torpedooa in which our new war vossol are deficient ia armor-piorcinAt the projectile time of the Chilian trouble the navy department haatily purchased a aup-pl- y of theaa projectile abroad, but tho war cloud blew over before they could be delivered. Now, the manu- facturo of thoao afoul war bolt haa been domesticated in thia country, and the teat of a lot of the llolzer projectiles produced by an American firm have been remarkably successful Our ordnance Olficors ay ' cen-tnr- Mim Antiiont there 1 but one aaya that ahe wa impelled to remain tingle because of the cuatom of rail lng the widow a relict of her huaband, and ahe would rather remain forever unmarried PROSPECT OF A COMPROMISE. than have her exiatem-- recorded for J future generation aa the relict of The Repeal Neaatora are Kandy t Make any man. Well, Suaan need not do Term With tha Hllver Man, She a that might marry good, a A Washington dlepateh aaya: Tha d man and die tough, repeal aenator have prutlenlly given firat Then he would bo tho relict np the Idea that Urn Sherman law can be rerecently wont to London and opened tho eyoa of that aomewhat aloepy city to tha poaaibilttios attainable by tha fight-er- a of tha fire fiend. Now aomo commissioners foreign have been ahnwn how American appliance facilitate tha gathering of a great harvest, a aquara mile of wheat ltclng cut and bound while they were watching the operation. Amet icn haa unrivaled reanurcee and the moat approved method of realiz- ing upon them. There ia no chance for Ul?f ?t1.DUf lo,nf ; country o do their duty. ! 1 a-t- he of tha mod daxxlltig character. Three latter era for lha moat part panorama with eonaiant change, vtd vehicle tralfis ia well nigh iuo pended owing to the crowd which throng the aireeta aa well aa cover tha sidewalks. The weatern heniiaphere panorama, herewith, facing Wathlngton Lnlver-allbaa upward of 1,2U0 elaetrle llghta and tell the itury of tha dlaeoveiy of America In letter of Are. Another magnificent ipeeta-- c la la the elec trie floral arch In natural color and another la a combination of the flag of tha Failed flute and Spain with an eagle far above tha center. There are ten other elso-tri- c dlaplaya all equally attractive. Tha lllumlaatluna will be repeated Oct 5, 5, IS and 19, and every on who appreciate a combination of beauty and magnificence ought to ee them. Tha railroad rate an exceptionally low and the attraction aa exceptionally gurgeoua and Irwelatlbl reault flromon ta en-to- the Engiiah eparrow. American front of which waa a small table with elude the pope, cardinal, manopaanu POET'S ItUSTIC HOME soma writing materials and a work of prelate When the chapel to reached tictiou. The walla were ornamented the pope takes hla seat upon the throne with a few print principally of the and receives from tboae present the ISAAC M'LELLAN, THE CLASS- woods and water and the door and act of obedience. '1 he master of cere were LONGFfcLLOWwindow by gauze netMATE OF protected monies then approaches the lower ting. part of the throne and anka that the , Our rosy welcome and the cool, salt saint's name be placed in the canon. 11a Lava tha Woods and la Happily breeze make us comfortable and laden To this the poj'e respond that first at Hia Long we were aoon chatting like old friend there must lat a prayer fur guidance, ' Faaaiag tha Last tear aad t seful Ufa la a labia am Laos lie talked freelv of hia summer home, and thereupon the Litany of ihe!-uinto to said. A second time the request to lalaad. giving ua a splendid opportunity study him. There ia a serton yet made, and with the same result, pleaMnt look in hia fine countenance the only difference being that (N'ew York Correspondrac) that betrava a man of sensibility, aad the Veni Creator Kplritus'' ia aubsti-- j MILES WENTY hia forehead shows the temperament tuted for the 11 any. At the eonclu-- ! ' from the metropo- 'of the poet Mr. McLellan has consion of thia part of the service the can- lis. down on the fined himself to the poems that de- onization ia asked for a third and last eastern scribe birds and extreme other wild animal time and the pope solemnly names the end of lAng island, aa well aa the fish of the sc lie haa candidate as worthy and decrees him nestled among the never e himself to to attui aa deserving a place in the canon, also attempted low hills of the univeraal life, as Dr. Holmes ha bnt fixing the day to be set apart in hia sound aide coast j haa rather end honor. The prothonotary to sumrejoh ed to uke np one him-almost directly op- of the created I world and confine moned to call the congregation as witislposite shelter Hia poems do not have to self that nesses to tha d- gree and thia la foland, lies the quaint i the resonance that Dr. Holmes lyrtoa lowed by the singing of the Te Deum of old village laudaniua" have, bnt according to a celebrated Greenport, which Host on critic they are aa genuine in The canonized saint's name fa herehas tbe distinction their merit aa after used in the Coufiteor and oration of any poems that can be sheltering the oldest poet in Amer- made. They are not ground out by and than follows the absolution and ica, Isaac McLellan. but spring out of hto own blessing. n and spend a day or ao the yard, and often express scenes At tlie offeratory the-ia a curious withCome do. experiences me," Mi the letter, and a quaint in the animal kingdom that no one custom of toying symbolic gifts n on sort of letter it wa but described. haa the altar. The first cardinal p eaents cramped the fact that the writer to now elseWhenbetter a large wax candle, which is followed when did 1 begin to write of 88 yeara of age to taken into considerOh, when nature and her by an offering of two turtle doves in a ation ita legil ll ty to remarkable. I quite a boy I waa subjects? at Itowdoin College golden cage; the seco.id cardinal then armed myhag, traveling my packed and advances bearing two large loaves of with a 'HawKeye,'' and after in the next room to Longfellow, bread, one gilt nnd lha other silvered, self he first suggested my writing for pubrows of the long through tramping and the next gift ia one live dove in a earliest efforts were and boxes that lined a wharf lication. in My United States Literary silver cage: tlie third eardin'il presents birrela the printed on the the end of lower near the city two tiny go'd fia U of wine, and tha Eest riverside boarded a small steam- Gazette, afterward Dry ants Monthly. nest offering ia a large, gayly decor- er, and waa soon leaving the swelter- I did not get paid for my veive then, ate 1 cage filled with live of all bnt Longfellow would write nothing ing city and enjoying the cool breezes bnt what aorta At the conclusion of the cere- created he wm paid for. Ilia price aa ahe noisesteamer the by for a poem then waa flt'U, bnt 1 know mony the pope, attended by the problue the her tit cut rough way lessly of hto since getting fll.ooo for a single cession, retires to hia chambers for waters of the sound. on two different occasion lie prayer and meditation. A few hours later and the scene article to lies tow on the asked me if 1 received pay for a poem It lathe a of room 7x0 to a country changed canonized saint some new and especin Ulark's Monthly, and on inn at Greenport. After breakfa-- t tha published ially characteristic name, and aa tliera Ming informed that I did not he Mid 1 started the for following morning ia already a KL Christopher on the cal- Milk that he got noth ng for a poem in the farm, three miles distant Bame endar it Is poaaible that in the canon- from House number, but I have since learned had a more denever and town, ization of lolumbus thia may be dune. that he waa paid. Longfellow waa in hard a drive country lightful along to Hut it a curious fact that the name and N. K Willis road that follows the shore of the the next class to me, Christopher means the 'bearer of sound. Once clear of the village, we was my boyhood friend. We were Christ. and in tbe present instance fond of the woods and field and at the ends of both no more appropriate title could be mw beautiful farina and were for yeara constant companion ruin the had lane quiet country chosen for the man who bro 'ht the Willi was one of the most even Bound View stock j creed of Christ to this country. Tlie of the celebrated to naas the colthood ' tempered men I ever knew, but I saw ML Christo. her of the present eanoa is farm pointed out home of l.arn the famous trotter, him very mad once, when the Boston by an odd coincidence the patron aaint who led the fastest of his day with a Truth attacked ns both. I tried to of mariner Then we turned quiet him by laughing at the critic KL David, the patron of Wales, not record of 3:12 folluwed tbe who had hauled me over the coala and to the sharp right only performed miraclea after hia birth, beach road, aa and quite m roughly aa he had Willi bnt peaceful quiet but even before it lie waa the son of A Willis declared he would whip him on forest of heart primeval a prince and was born in the sixth which he would had thry met, When he preached a snow white bunch of qnaii ran sctom the road and sight, he waa more than a match for the for the blackberry among disappeared hidove always appeared on head or whoae name waa Snelling. shoulder ; nd the flat earth rose to a bushes that line the land aid would critic, Willis so angry was that made What birds flock shore of a mound to give him an eminence from Truth Mil and our take at praised liryant and lAmgfel-to- w approach flight which to address his congregation. in the Mine article that scored and waters the edge, alighting Analong to The patron of Scotland 8t. lie waa crucidrew, the ton of Jons fied at iatra in 70 A. D., and instead of being nailed he was tied to an cross to meet death by starvation. In 385 hia remains were brought to the east coast of Fife by a Ore- k named liegulna, who found them ia T - joan or ARC, the church of the Twelve Apostles in Byzantium. Italy has for her patron, Ft Anthony; Spain, St Sebastian. St James, and Portugal, There's many an sxeaUent Mint St George with hia dragon end lance, Bt Patrick ao Jolly and quaint, Bt Vitus the saint of the dance; Bt Danis, tha Mint of tha Gaul. Bt Andrew, tha aaint of tha Boot But "Chriatopbar, yonugast of all, saint of the lot T. J. Roo IBS A ISAAC MCLELLAN GIRL OF VIRGINIA. tha Old Dominion In tha Confederate State Tableaux. The United Con'edei ate Veterans association of Virginia haa selected Mlaa Lizzie Southall Clark of Newport Newa to represent the Old Dominion in tha tableaux of the confederate state to he given I" Hirmingham. Ala., on the occasion of the meeting there of tho Grand Camp of the state. Mias Clarke waa born in Henderson, To Represent N. C., just twenty-on- e yeara ago, her father being native of that state, and residing there np to 1801, when Minsk A mine casualty without a parallel to the annals of tha mining Industry of thia country, If not of tha world, occurred at the Hans field, the only producer of Bessemer or to tha Crystal Falla Michigan, mining district at 0 oclock Thursday night The mine caved In from tha top to bottom, burying twenty-rigworkmen aad entailing a loss of the family re- moved to Ne On the New ht fflOO,-00- 0. The Mansflrld shaft an located oa lha west bank of tha Mlchlgamme river, and tha working level of the mine ran directly under tha stream, and parallel with It for a distance of sereral hundred feet The Brat level waa thirty-fir- e feel below the bottom of tha river, st. KimoLA or ErsstA. and tha lower level, fir to number, ran parcl ml in white, form a proallel to the first. The bottom Is 4118 feet be- cardinal low the surf nor of the water. Tha Are upper cession which mores to the church. level have been sloped out to the progress of The Interior of the bailding ia alao tb work, tearing only timber and pillar of I! hung in white, and upon tha hangings are embroidered In gold the arms of ore to brar the mighty weight of the floor of the pope and also those of the saint to ore above. be beatified, if he was of noble The accident I supposed to have been caused by the giving way of the timber on family. The ceremony ia then began by the flfth level, allowing those above to follow, the granting of absolution to all ami at last the river to pour In upon the fated who are present at the solemn meu. rite, after which a formal request ia After the care In the river bed below, the made to be allowed to lead the decree. mine was dry for an hour and forty minute. . This being granted and accomplished men descended the shaft last tha Ta ltonm to anng and the image of Forty-eigor this number twenty erapedan I the Mint, which has been placed on night, found watery I the attar, to unveiled. The entire eon-- j awful denth and twenty-eigh- t e, grave. Their Isxlles will never be recovered. gregetion then offer the act of rever-nicand after the reading of the colMost of the furvlrora erq at work on the lect the Image to incensed and higl tvillom level, which bad not yet been sloped mass ia held. On the day tin cave alien did the not out, and consequently in person visits the ahrine at the heard level- aIkiyc fell. crash pope . Fite men vesper of the cave and started for the ladder way. At tbe ceremony of canonization the All lint four on till level reached tha ladder Image of tha Mint to gorgeously decked iy before the torrent of water down the nd carried in a procession which in- shaft rut off their avenue of esenpe. W0 ttar ternalside she to a Virginian, her mother's father be- ing Norman Southall, n maa clarbd. a member of the Virginia family of that name, and a ward of to John Tylee. She a strikingly handsome woman both in face and figure, and a glanca at her at once suggests Tennyson's Daughter nf tha God: Divinely tall, and moat divinely Her baan'.y to of a distinct fair. blonde type, with soft, expreaaive blue eya anil a mouth indicative of sweetness and strength; tall, but of figure, and extremely graceSba would attract atful earring tention and admiration in any assemwell-know- wall-develop- blage. Harriet Woods Baker. Woods Baker, who wrote extenairely for the past generaLea-lition under the name of Mm died recently In Brooklyn. 8 ha waa a daughter of Dr. Leonard Wood the founder of Andover Theological seminary. She began to write aerials at 11 yeara old. and ahe did not give ftp her literary work until a faw yearn aga She published nearly 1(H) volume moat of them on religiou toplo Her moat popular work. Tim, the Scissor Grinder, waa translated Into aeVdrml language and reached a cireulaUofaoi Mr Mr. Harriet e, 510.100. waiting until we drew near again, him. It ia pleaMnt to recall the com when they would repeat the per- pantonship of auch men as Hawthorne a bevy of sea- Longfellow, Holmes and liryant an formance like side maidens watching the movements of a blazer dad, buzz mw hatted youth from tlie city. Great fat ribbon almost too lazy to fly, eyed ns from almost every fence poet, while bunches of meadow larks spread their white tipped tails aa they crossed the road and allghtad in the adjacent meadows with plump that caused them to fairly bounce in the air and then dtoappear among tha daisy top Waa there ever inch a locality for a poets home? The wagon halted under a broad armed giant of a forest for a few minute and not a sound could be heard hnt the chirping of tha bird and the gentle lapping of the tiny wavelets m they kiaaed the cold gray rocks of the a place for a lover of point What minutes later wa drew natnrel Ten up before a big, roomy farm house with broad veranda shaded by climbing vine and naked for the object of onr visit Tho owner of the broad acres that skirt the aonnd for a mile or ao bade ua alight and come In, adUncle Imbc to down in hla ding; hnt on the shore. I'll go and call him, aa he to expecting yon. We preferred to visit him in hto den, however, and followed onr gnide around the house, across a meadow, through a gate and were in front of a little broad ahanty, the door of which was closed. Gnr guide knocked, entered, exchanged a few words with the solitary occupant and then withdrew, leaving ns alone. In a moment the door opened and we were con fronted by a well dressed man with a round, full face, encircled by hair as white as snow. His eyes were concealed by a pair of spectacle and lmt for the wide brimmed straw hat which he lifted with the grace or a conrtier and carried in hia hand in deference to the lady in onr party, he would have looked like the vision of ISL Nicholas descended from tha borean region Throwing wide the door he bade us enter, and we found an old fashioned armchair, two camp stools and a ' ruddy constructed bunk lounge, in and even now the perusal o: their works reminds one of so mi per sonal traits or peculiarities of th writer that wonla have been forgot ten hut for the strong individuality that each ones writings posses Isaac McLellan wm horn in Got ham, Maine, and after gradnatini from Bowdoin college he became ssno date editor of the Boston Daily I 'a triot, subsequently incorporated witl the Daily Advertiser, and was inter1 eated in the publication of a monthly magazine called the IarL Poetry and proM seem to have been equally at hia command and to have been in variably brilliant Over forty vean McClellan ago removed to New Yorl and there he aoon found acceptabli and appredative friends in William T Porter of the Spirit, Frank Forestei Genlo CL 8cott, William Cullen Bryan and a boat of others well known ii Alluding to them, the A Vision of the Past, has poet, oc taken to casion note his sense of loss as fol IVilli t lows: 0l0w PprJr,,to. of old faces, thase picture of the past, wto my mind, to fade they will t But alas I tha hMvy shadow of tho crav has dosed for'er O'er many that we chsrished, so ptedov M 0 GMT. The wall of hia room are wit reminder, of the chase, hia hnng three p retrievers being among t e moot coi apicuously displayed article Hoi Ter the theologiai v UikndY.vm(. Dr. Griswold an Phillip other compilers of poetry; his friendship with Oliver Wende' Iiolme one of the few saw dates of his youth, an I lingering of hto Tiait 1 Virginia, North Carolina and othi parts where his tast could be gratified. sportsman's In fact, he cover the lives of three generations wit pleasant memories of a long and ua ful life spent in following hisbelori pastimes, snd we left him with regre as the pleasure in telling of the mi wne evidently as great as oura listening. Ja h. Ktl. 1 |