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Show AVENGED BY AN INDIAN A MASSACRE BLOODY GALLED BY A DEATH. Piulwd mad Wifa TrMckarou Bad-Skl- na Shot RE lovi Acted Dameaa A Trtoadlj Iteccagcd tka Martian Veritable Tlu Like KUckl-t-at The death ef John Monger, one of the earliest settler of Ore iron, at hauvies island, near Pirtland, recently, recall one of the bloodiest tragedies that ever occurred in that state, and one which will go down m history a the greatest example the pioneers had of the evil effects of giving whisky to the Indians. The event is memorable for another reason, and that is that the daughter ot John Bonner, wife of Wm. I'asto, and probably the most beautiful woman in the territory, was the victim. At that time there was no blue book," and, in fact, women were scarce. It is not surprising then tout tho arrival of William Casto, a man agod 38 years, and a true representative of tho Kentucky colonel type, with his young wife, the daughter of John Monger, of Suavios island, Columbia river, near Portland. should have been a memorable occasion. Mrs. i'asto was a natural, not an artificial boauty one of those women to whom all apparel adapts itself and becomes a part of the Mie was admired by all, wearer. and fuirly worshiped by her husband, in tho spring tan to took up a ranch in tho heart of Squak valley, where the Tibbetts farm now Ilea Here he built a sniali house, put in a garden and commenced clearing. In order to create au income for himself and wife he aliened u Binall trading post and carried on the manufacture of hoop polea Tho valley was peculiarly adapted to this business, owing to a dense growth of liazol bush, the very article most doslrcd. White labor was scarce, but Casto, with an eye to business, employed Indiana For a wonder they applied themselves diligently, and became expert workmen. Casto bad great influence over bis workmen and wus looked up to by them as a sort of whito tyee or chief. IIo hod one fault, which goes hand in hand tho wirld over with a free heart he lovod liquor and now and then drank too much. lie also got in the habit of giving it to the On several Indians in his employ. occusion the true Indian nature, under the influence, of stimulants, came out and it required all his auHis thority to avoid bloodshed. neighbors, who could be numbered on the fingers of both handa with some to spare, cautioned him not to give a redskin whisky and arouse the devil. hut he laughed at them, and when they warned him of treachery thought they spoke nonsense. lie would not believe that the men whom he hod treated so kindly and befriended in every conceivable manner would do him harm under any conditiona lie reasoned that his neighbors did not judge the character of the native correctly, and underestimated his Influence. There was no reason why ho should not give his Indians liquor if he so deHe acted on this decision on sired. the afternoon of November 7, 1864, and then went to his home for supper. The Indians got gloriously drunk and then commenced to thirst for blood. In the crowd were two of the Snohomish tribe, blood-thirst- y and still seeking revenge for the death of their tribesmen and chief on the Snohomish river the summer previous. Their resolve was made. Caste's life would atone for that of the chiof, his wife and friend. John Holsteod, for the other twa They secretly took choir guns and went to Casto's house. The curtain of the room wherein all three were seated at the supper table was up and the breast of Casto was in plain view of the assassins. There was no hesitation on the part of the Indiana Tho first shot crashed through the window and pierced Casto in a vital pot He arose to his feet, staggered and fell on a loixiga His wife sprang to hia assistance, but the rlfl.e spoke again and she fell to the floor. The third shot hit Holsteod, but not fatally, and the Indiana determined to complete their bloody work, ran to the front door. They were met by Ilolstoad, who fought like a demon, but at length fell, his body stabbed in more than twenty places. Not content with the slaughter already done, the bloodthirsty wretches drove their knives into the body of Castos beautiful wife in a manner finished most inhuman. Having their bloody work, they loft the house, never for a moment thinking their lives were in danger. In this particular they mode a fatal error. a The shots fired hod attracted Klickitat Indian named Aleck to the scene. Ho was a true friend to the white man. and held Casto, his emhim ployer, in high regard. It took but a brief period to comprehend the He conccnlod himself, situation. and whon the brutes came out of tho house he crept up behind them. One shot was enough to end the earthly career of one, but tho other took to his heel a Aleck followed him with a hatchet he had drawn from his of foot, belt, and being fleeter one swift with Then caught up blow tho skull of the fleeing Indian was cleft, and as he fell headlong to tho ground ngnhi tho bloody hotchct drank blood until the head that but a few minutes before had humanshape looked like a chopped pump- k,Out of tho two Snohomish Indians grow a feud which resulted in the death of Aleck of the killing by Aleck GALLANT FRANCIS X. WRITING BACKWARD. The old man was the one SAVED UNDER WATER. and then fled. When the first stars came out wo dropped through the Haw Ha ItecunutriM-tt-wanted, but he was too quick with Tht Ittfuiirkalila Anclsut Uallillasi AequIrtBiato of the rifle, and they never got him. I ha Modara Fnutalacblaau. opening into tho water, but we did lute Gcriuun ItovolMloBUt of lllk STORY OF AN ESCAPE FROM nut land neur by. We swum fully a The modern Fontainebleau dates old man with long white hair MURDEROUS INDIANS. FIVEfSTATES OUT OF DEBT. andAnbeard quarter of a mile before landing to from tbe gallant knight errant Franand an anxious look was dceeivo any erulty eye that might cis L A giant among liis courtiers, Illinois 1 On of Them Hut Municipal- - seen by a littsburg Dispatch reporter have been observing us. In half an a A A A Turtalt a Tal Frlaail Traa la Ittsa lluva lingo Slusnelnl Bunions. he When graceful horseman, an cxjKsrt (wring over a directory. I seout had hour the Ctevar ltira lulu Cold Water Item. piloted safely wrestler, a dexterous swordsman, was asked what he was banting for Five states Iowa, Vermont, Michhim Fraadum H Waa a Narrow Sliava to the stockade and the soldiers Francis was hailed as tho glass of find he said: to Wisconsin Tm and the Illinois have only igan, trying ltelwaaa Lite and Danin. and the mirror of chivalry, fashion count I who man on aa a can no interest-bearin- g friend, debt, and there HISTORY OF THE HISS. says the Edinburg Keview. Succeedare six or seven otlior states whose lie was living here forty years ago, Dive for your life and come up A Huhim Tukn of DUipprovfll ing to the throne at a momont when bonded debts are more bagatelles. but his name is not in the directory the young nobility of France were rowed AnmaL from tha now. tree! tbe New tho are under number Among Jersey, of the economies of La Bon wearied In If is there truth the ingenious As he was talking a lady approached Nebraska, Kentucky and California These words I yelled from inside Koi Louis Douzo, he enjoyed tbe in advanced tha In a current news paragraph, which to ask a question. argument The old man of a hollow tree thirty years ago to North means ns well as the opportunity of Ueview American contains the above information, it la topped suddenly and with a beg a man by pursued by Indians, says a Dr. Louis Kobinson, mankind Indulging his love of lavish display. aid that exclusive of tho South the your pardon doffed his hat and stood The tree was on the shore is indobted to the brute world for Deeply read in chivalrio romances, writer. states of the union are generally free aside st a respectful distance in a of a large lake, near Pelican Kapids, one of the strongest ef all the ex- he had framed to himself an ideal of from debt," and thut the annual In- Chesterfield manner. Continuing, The whole country was pressions to language. a knightly king, aud, in the opinion accessory terest charge, of all the states col- after the lady had left, he said: You Minnus that The hiss, a universal expression of of his flatterers he united the love of warming with tha red-slectively is loss than that of a single are correct in thinking that 1 have took part in the great Indian out- hostility, is, according to the writer, glory and highbred courtesy of Borailroad. the Atchison, Topeka and seen better days My name la Carl It was an early autumn not ail invention of man. its origin land with the virtues of the most Santa Fa. To a foreigner, or anyone Maier, and I was one of the revolu- break I been out hunting, fur is earlier than his. and it conies to constant of lovers, Amudis de Gaule. bad day. else not familiar with the facts, this tionists in Germany in 1849, being Indians had been quiet for some him through the serpent. This singIt was Frances and the brilliant would convey the impression that the secretary of the Democratic party the no fear was entertained ular theory is not oienly avowed, but lleiad of artists whom ho gathered Americans bear on extremely light and civil commissary at Buchen in week and were the true creaburden of debt Such an idea would the grand duchy of Baden. I am an of immediate trouble ia our section. it is hinted at, and arguments are around him who not the modern take did of knew tors I Fontainebleau, I for it educed dog, my to it give credibility. be somewhat modified, however, says example of a shattered ambition, it would be risky to have a dog in case tho animal kingdom a everywhere his salamander appears Throughout someIn life do one to the Cincinnati Tiines-Staaim the my by being of an attack savages, when hiss is the sign ot dislike and hos- upon the walls, ceilings and woodknowledge that the Atchison, Topeka thing for the go hI of the public. the least noise by the vicmight betray me. tility, whether it be uttered by a work, commemorating was of our cause I After tbe failure and Santa Fe pays interest on whom had of wisdom tories to The the the Tho man. snake. or sequel king proved cat, geese, prey or more, the annual interest forced to flee to America, and went of my boyish judgmonL with fear, and yielded the bear of tho Swiss, the Though of the serpent hem-si- t of to alhouse Frederic the Hecker, 625,01X1,000 charge exceeding but eighteen years old, 1 knew every the unpopular orator listens to it eagles of the Germans, tbe suake ot most as much as the entire Interest chief of the German revolution, who In the wilderness as well as the with a flutter of apprehension which Milan. charge of the federal government. had also come to America and located path and in summer spent most generally spreads and is shared by 'UnH-- slrox, KqullKiiue luvus, el turilllfa It Is true that the state debts outside in Illinois Here 1 resumed my old rabbits, uniiui of the days bathing in the lake. Not- a good portion of those who are not l flummu- - yuu, Saliimsuulrs. tun " of tha South are small, jet the calling as a professor and taught his all outdoor 1. who reconstructed exercise is Dr. thinks my It Francis was withstanding It hissing. possible, I look back upon 1 aggregate is far from being a trifle. children. When was a slender and delicate-lookin- g audiem-e- s are un- the ancient buildings and added tenKobinson, that The Southern states have a bonded my seventy years of life I can say But wasn't I glad one day consciously gui.lcd by a deeply seated fold to their extent and decorative indebtedness of 114, 000, (MX) in round that the only friend 1 have In the youth.I was thin. I went in swim- animal instinct when they greet the splendor. Vast sums of money were that is world numbers. The total bonded indebtedmyself. a big dead tree unpopular orator or sentiment with expended on the palace which he near always ming ness of all the states in 1890 was Did you ever see a person begin that lifted its his becalled gaunt form away up a storm of sibilation. Fontainebleau, 621,1)00,000, on which the annual writing a letter at the lost period into the sky. It stood so close to If this is so it oiens a startling vis- loved Chez Mol, and which was now interest charge was 610,0H0,00U and then write backwards and finish the water that the waves had swept ta as to tho poible latent influences transformed from a feudal castle into The total bonded debt of the states up at the beginning? That's what under it and washed away the which may lie resident in man bela varie maisun des Kola, to quote is about one-thir- d of the national Carl Maier can do without the least earth from the roots, making a big yond his knowing. There is much of the words of Napoleon I., la rest-bearing seems as for exertion. It debt easy just where it had once drawn nour- tha animal in us after all. lluw ran des sieclea The people of this country would him to remember the words and let- cavity for its branches. I hod often the human being who hisses his disishment All the forees which had revoluhave good reason to consider them- ters of a sentence in reversed order to look under there and know approbation instinctively and before tionized society were reflected in selves especially blest in the matter as it is for tho ordinary person to re- longed all about the mysteries of that cave. his brain has bad time to fathom it the changes effected at Fontaineof taxation for interest on public member them In their regular order. So one Italian influences, grace and day, feeling more than usual- declare that he always acts from bleau. debts if they had nothing more to pay It is an easy matter for him to think I took a long pole, poked reason? Strangely enough, too, the refinement ef manuors, reverence for reckless, ly than the interest on the national backward, and, what is more aston- around in the hole to sue whether I serpent as the primeval author of classical antiquity everything, ia and state bonded indebtedness. It is ishing, ho writes upside down. The would in any roots and hissing again figures as a subject for short, that inspired the renaissance get caught the local burdens that weigh heavily letters are all inverted os he looks then dived in. As I got well under The act is appropriately movement are imprinted on the And, again, the hill I discovered that the care cuntempL upon their shoulders, and, although at them when writing. and the form of the architecignoble and mean. style these debts may be less onerous tban performing this feat, which one was and that I could see botture and the decoration. those borne in other countries, they thinks would require all the power tom. light I kicked back till I got out Tha IMsaraea ( I ha llaadkarrhlal. are not to be dismissed os matters and attention of his brain, he is not Here was a The Greeks and liomuni had no Hurrahing In Many Unte mystery, sure. Another of no great importance, as may be disturbed by carrying on a conversa- breath and down I went again. This jiocket handkerchiefs, but merely a is not generally known that few It done in the case of state debta The tion with you, no matter how foreign time I turned on my bock and looked cloth colled sudorium, to wipe per- words can boast of so remote and aggregate of county and municipal the subject may be. Maier's per- up. A great flood of light came spiration from tho face, which was widely extended as prevalence indebtedness in 1890 was about formance would almost make one down the old treo. The storms of In India and Ceylon caricd in a fold of tbe tunic hurrah. usually nearly 6280,000,000 more believe the theory promulgated by 'a years above and below had jointly or loosely tied about tbe neck. The ur-rewhich seems to be a form of than the bonded debt of the United scientist that we have double-barrele- d eaten out tho old trunk till it stood a Athenian and Neman swells, the men hurrah. is used by the mahouts senOf this vast amount about Mtatea brain a If you repeat a hell from root to top about town, inaugurated the fashion and attendants on tho baggage 6846.000.- 000 was upon municipalities tence to Maier, no matter how long The Arabs and camel in olephants. of carrying one such more Once with filling my lungs and 6134,01X1,000 upon counties. It it may be, after hearing it once he hand and another in the glrdlo, drivers of Egypt, Palestine and the I undnr dived the air directly light sentence commence and write the has been frequently said that Ohio will an open- but these were never used as we use Turkey encourage their animals to and I heads the list of the states in the verbatim, starting at the last letter Then reached up I felt Thu ancients renewed effort by crlos of ar-r- e, stuck this my hood pocket handkerchiefs. Through amount of local Indebtedness. The of the last word and finishing it ing. for The Spanish Moors use had a Then one arm. was absolutely ar-rand respect profound breathing census figures of lX'JO do not confirm through the first letter of the first of air. I clean noses, but only children and something of tho same expression. was for there easy, plenty this assertion. The county arfli mu- word. nobody of my secret and chuckled old persons were allowed to blew In France the sportsman excites the It seems to be natural to him to told nicipal indebtedness of Ohio in the of my wood par-io- n tbolr noses in public. For a gentle- hounds by his shouts of Haro, census year was a little more than invert his mind in his work, for he every time I thoughtI took with me man to do so would have been con- hare! and wagoners turn their next The day 666.000.- 000, of which 650,000,000 never falters or stops to think, but an axe and cut out the Irish till it sidered a breach of good manners, horses by crying llarbauh'. ojtening Pennrested upon municipalities. llur-riswrites as rapidly aa a person writing was shout Scottish in and for a to and lady even for appear a man. public enough I acquired Thenlarge sylvania hod 601,000,000 of local In an ordinary way. The cattle. was to for tholr sufficient with s hurrlsh! a handkerchief called cut little I (I sold them debts, Massachusetts 609, 000,000. and this in a peculiar manner, to forfeit all claim to respecta- exclamation is thought to be a corher sides tbe through peoers) New York 6244,000,000. If the local Maier. While I was clerk in a Husbands could divorce ruption of the old . Norse battlo cry see any one approach- bility. I bonded indebtedness of the various grocery store in Saxony I was an so that could to use a Tur-aie- " were who wives (Thoraid.) The when became compelled it really day states was disappearing as rapidly as ambitious sort of a boy and always ing. handkerchief. I on was the at retreat pocket bank sitting the debt of the United States, there wanted to do everything differently a Klsetneity la Faria Work. favorite spot, debating whether from every person else. When the thewas wquld be ample cause for congratulAn interesting examplo of A Irosd Fat liar. in too and late the it year ation. But it has been fast increas- customers came to me for their bill as applied to farm work is Forrester What's the matter with whether the water was too cold for now ing for many years, and in the pro- I would place the bill head in an in to He nevor Jones? a operation at a Scotch farm. alspeaks body taking a farewell plunge, I had ceedings of the legislatures that inverted position in front of me most Tho whole of the usual farm machinnow. to mind not in made my np go last adjourned there was nothing and make the bill out backward, os I when a rifle shot came Lancaster Of course not Their ery, Buch as threshing, sowing, corn booming to show that the reckless disposition have written for you. now threshing and tho like, are here baby weighed fifteen pounds The was lake. shot across the still for heaping up local burdens has I came very nearly being prosedriven by, an electric motor. The Life. tree above the among tops echoing abated. cuted for practicing witchcraft me electricity is generated by water wben a white man dashed down Many people assigned this power to to the shore and ran If Mil Altered. Tbilisi power, the lurbino wheel which Huttarmllk lor Minslrgks. beach. tho along Wife I thought I wu the only drives the dynamo being about 1,000 If used moderately instead of the witches Then the Spiritualists At hit heels came a band of Indiana came to me and told me 1 was conyards from tho farm. Tha electric now and then I could see one woman you ever loved. water, beer, or any other stimulant, wonderful mind. Every by a Husband That's what I told you, current is conveyed by underground buttermilk will ever prove a preven- trolled bow and let fly an arrow. his raise tive of sunstroke or heat prostration. Although I couldnt explain it by Book Into the woods the floet white darling, before 1 married you; and it wires to the bouse and barn, in each of which a storage battery is plaood. was true then. Truth. As additional evidence other than any other theory than that it was a man darted, taking my direction, concentration of my mind, I at last Them supply the oloctrio current for few minutes and they might be upon my many years of personal knowlthem that there was me. and motive purposes when Home Tela. lighting as smiled I of I But edge. 1 refer to nn incident at Des penuaded the thought In it I am The is not working. does What the machinery Tony your Moines, Iowa, years ago, when some nothing supernatural not able to perform the feats I used tree and quickly threw off my clothes weigh? whole of tho mansion is Illuminated fasa I bundle and which tied into twenty or more oases of sunstroke to when I was younger. I am get- tened about by electric light, and an electric mooccurred in one day, most of whom Hackney Two eighty. my waist for too tor is provided for pumping tha ting old and my memory is not aa thats Oh, were mechanics and day laborers, weighty Pony Then ear to I laid my the gronnd used to be. My eyesight is pretty water for domestic purposes. me. teamsters, eta Bo many were pros- it listened. came and Tramp, tramp trated in one day that an infallible near gone. I cant see very much. the dull sound of running feet growHast as aa Addin-.-" In looking at you I see that it Is a STUFF AND NONSENSfe. ? and dearer. I hesitated clearer preventive buttermilk was recom- form ing know The and that you are a human no expression quoted in the headmended by the aged agricultural edlonger, but plunged In and soon simulfired is because from the lsalms of David, to line French but Four me, being, you sponk sportsmen CL F. itor of tbe Iowa State llegister, Tho had my eyes to the peepers see I could not fourth and fifth Cbrsos,) if but a did it lviii., I at rabbit, escaped: (Psalm my writing Clarkson. water had scarcely dried on my flesh taneously asked all Immediately requisition It seems to be when, then they together: I won- whore it appears in the following was made on the rural districts for not use a blue pencil. undertho crashing through the only color I can see. Their poison is like the form: der who missed that time? the lacteal fluid, and all the drinkbrush, came tho hunted man. The of IIow do to serpents: they are like the poison Landlord, you guest ing resorts were supplied with the terrible spurt of speed by which he Tha Nina and tha Mina. sir? Guest Splen- i deaf adder that stoppeth her ear; the like i articlb. I personally samlandscape, had his left pursuers It is a remarkable coincidence that behindmomentarily which will not hearken to the voice pled the had told on him, and now did. Best I over saw. Landlord goods, business having the ever so of charmers, charming figure 0 is intimately connected of note a that make landscape, cidlod me to the city, with the merJohn, with every great mining excitement breathless, pale and ready to fall, he SO. Bruce. Wakoman, Stirling, wisely. cury at 108 degrees and over, and of tree. He leaned the had against the present century. The great and other East Indian travelers tell and ten, I his rifle In the race, though over three-scor- e Burglar Where do you keep yonr us thrown that there is a widely prevailing Algerian gold excitement came in but nowaway in Er the was on tbe streets without an umits he drew his revolver, and, money? Biggsby 18u9. 1879 came the Mantazan In in the East to tho effect supposition dress. 4 brella from 10 a m. until p. m., Burglar, hiding behind the tree, prepared pocket of my wifes with no dinner and only five glassea mountain mining croze, where, it to meet arrow with ballot His head to pal Come on. Iete, we aint on no that both the viper and the asp stop was reported, that gold nuggets as their oars when the charmer is utterof the buttermilk, which I drank was only a few inches from my Stanley explorin' expedition. as flower his incantations or playing his barrels had been big ing at interval a It quenches found. The I cried to him to dive un slowly, Father, after long search. Well, music, California fever came mouth astree by turning one ear to tho one I wonder thirst, strengthen nerves, quiets the In 1849, and the and come the why The ia always here der it ia cry and twisting the point of the like's Peak boom in so near him ground one last the in pulse and invigorates the man. St 1859. hia to finds a thing place only added fright, In 1869 the lead strike that into the other. tail Louis Itepublic. made Virginia City a place of im- and hia revolver nearly fell from his hunts for it? Bright Boy I guess its hand. 'cause after folk'a finds it they stops Aa Klactrla Stain They KMid It. portance, and 1879 the Leadvllle Dont be afraid, lam inside the hunting. for a fort on a hill near Lont, carbonates wore discovered the to gardener-poeSpace be Alphonse Karr, IIow do you like yonr new music don is being cleared of tree stumps' Of course, the connection tree. Join me and you are safe. was present at a banquet given by valuable. I leaned over the opening and ex- master? "Be is a very nice, polite by an electric root grubber or stump the followers of llahnomann. the of the figure 9 ia only a coincidence, tended a helping hand into the water. young man. When I made a mistake puller. The dynamo for supplying Toasts but it is none the less curious St founder of homeopathy. There was a splash and in a second I he said, 'Pray, madem- the current is about two miles from Louis were given to the health of one medihad fast hold of a buckskin clothed yesterday whv do you take so much tho hiiL The current is taken by oiselle, cal celebrity after another by differA Relative la Hoad. arm and I drew him up into the tree, overhead wires on telegraph pole to to improve upon Beethoven?" ent members of the company, till at with the bath and pains he Half a aub-jocshivering when ago, century M. been on this road twenty the motor on the grubber carriage. remarked: I have last the president I hod only time to get were bought by the surgeons awful fuar. 1 Karr, you have not proposed the years, and know what am talking By means of boiling and suitable poor man, writes James Psyn, fell back to my peepers when the about, said the I. C. A IX B. railway gearing tbe motor drives a capstan health of any one." The poet rose adead in Meet street Without a mo- bloodthirsty troop camo bounding on I propose to the passenger who com- upon which are coiled a few turns of and replied, modestly: ments a young fellow his track. His sudden disappear-anc- e guard of slow time. Twenty years! ! wire rope. A heavy chain is attached of tho sick. tho health Argonaut who washesitation, threw plained Down on their stunned them. himself on passing What station did you get un at?" i to the tree roots, and as tbe ropo ex-- ; his knees beside the corpse, exclaim- knoes they went, examining every How to Bo lloppy, Thiiugh Living, erts its force tho roots come up gasped the passenger. ing: My father, my door father! A detail of hia footprints. Sonic loaned Ever quarrel with your wife? before on quietly ono after the other. A brought being vagrant, I could have tree and crowd gathered round, their sym- against the as evoke Nope. to so bitterly the beak, wept Karina anil pathy was excited, and money was whispered in their ears To the very the Have any trouble with servant!? syinpntliy of the worthy magissubscribed to enable the pious youth pot from which be hod dived they Tho anil telephone lines telegraph llavo Nope. inquired: to take away his father's body in a tracked him and then they waited. trate, who kindly of Switzerland are owimd and 0urated Children worry you? time?'' work fora of out long been He you will swim the lake, they thought, hackney coach. He did so, and took the government There are 1,411 Nope. my P'sr mother died;" by to a surgeon, who gave him a hun-- i and we will watch for him. When "Ever since were offices and 1 2..V.I5 telophono 111116? telegraph Groat Cirsar, man: how's that? it at the you How old no head appeared above the water offices. Tho profits derived from Ain't married, and live by myself. " dred dollars for it Eighteen months, your worship." the braves foil into a dispute aliout them amount to more than 65'0U(j felHarper's Barer. for old I am A KpfHnuR of It the trail, and finally, after an hour sorry Banks you. yearly. yon ..Only One." Johnny Papa, what is a glitter- of waiting, disappeared in tho forest low. It see nn. to liavu strnek u I urky for lllm It Warni't Twin. exWhere do 1 hard. We two tho tree rernainnd in and until saw the good One Shopiuir Oh. ing generality? just Turvcr Mrs. Kiplry lias a terrible year to get rid of it?" Johnny's Pa, who has too many dark. lie told mo how ho was car- pect to go this loveliest, swoetest baby a minute to in ter. uneollectablo accounts It Is a glit- rying messages from the military Iiivcrs. who h i dropped a thousand This Masson IIow terrihlo? ho in stumbled had whon two or pork. What? whon camp I)o upon son, Other The tering generality, my Shopper Turvcr The ollu--r dny she got isn't liny fever, Banks. It's the Indian band and how they had you mean to tell me that stupid debtor of long standing says he will k'eliou! only a -- k'cliou! only a ' angry and threw the baby at hot nurse has dared to bring my little pay up in a few days Chicago sought to search him. He hail killed I husband. on hands him laid the that first olio cold!" lieronL this! as a such out day darling on. - ki r, OkNt-run- inte- re 6999,-0X1,0- 00 !" e! h, eye-hole- eleo-trlci- ld Globe-Democr- ts j Tali-grap- ! ; ! i ; I kit-rlio- o Tali-pbou- ty |