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Show T TiTTiiW-- ' V decoy tame pigeons. German Syrup I must say a word as to the efficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most excellent success. I have taken it myself for Throat Troubles, and have derived good results therefrom. I therefore recommend it to my neighbors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T. Durette, Thor-walilae- AN-derae- Tbor-walilse- e, Earlys-vill- Va. Beware of dealers who offer you "something just as good." Always insist on having Boschee's SPECIFIC ijr! tin entire rluniiuUliiK nil 1uWioit frmn the Mnwi. vlwtlier tif scrofulous Of BnUiul origin, this reiitreUon lie unequal. Fnr nmmrMlnic , y that German Syrup. WifiS his work at tha great Chleago ITHEMEN OF DENMARK nnd Exhibition." wslkiug Poor's Manual on railroad af-To Thorvaldsen, Denmark has paid fairs Hhe inherited her father's love THEM no grndging meed of praise. His col- trappers who lure for the railroad business, and is uw ny THORWALD-couipaAND ANDERSEN by detail CAGES. with of the presented lected worka marble, in INTO great every quainted u him-l- f which her father founded. SEN AT THE FAIR. to the stale, stmd in seam in Copenhagen, and are P01, She is well posted, too, on what ether .' Dsprsd11 to all strangers as ihe city's pride. Tsaelila Carriers to FIT Hawk railroad, are doing, and she la eo keen Whoea PI ' u,r "oblort Boos la tba Ub-th- out of a Greed Andersen was long ago given to the in her judgment of railroad securities eks Brid-TrlTborwaldeaa'a oral Arts Hulldlng Boost b U tbs Brooala she haa made a great fortune for who e world and ad pied, Dane to the civilized all Miaa of tbs investment aa was backbone Trafpsra he herself by judicious by nations A stronger proprietary in- n (larrett ie a most entertaining talker. terest is retained in the case of Her voice ia soft and low. Khs has of city Although there is no census not one mannish characteristic, and by the possession of the origu At WPC. bis inals of extant everyone ia she of sues. too, Worlds sculptures for birds Fair Correspond this quite surprising, many the Fair, in addition to the portrait next to the sparrows, and probably haa been a constant traveler the world n, HKISTIANi numof figare statue, over and hna been brought eloaely in many reproductions not far behind them in point of known ures and group. colonies Original drawings small contact with men in a business way. come the the pigeons, throughout objects bers, She spends her lima systematically. in the world aa a poet and are shown and a multitude of artist. of which may he met with To business she devote! a large share! of atoriea, endeared by daily use by the wrlier situations tor ob- - most unexpected these of e eharit-ablcan a are Ia shown many to society very little, but to nnd Bertel mriMM-urwork aha ia ever ready to turn. many years the roof of the the sculpwss patrolled by street, Will in tor, are awarded Taa Karats gs of Married Wiaia a forge body of them as vigilantly as equal honors by the A married woman la not usually of ever were the walls of the Koman ment govern whose THE HAND THAT RULES. supposed to contribute directly to the lteinmark in the capital by the historical geese time and strength her purse, family by from section of capture saved it man la cackling They aay that mighty. in the being sufficiently taxed when aha He govarna lend end m New York Herald the country Gauls, says the and children Be wlelda a mighty swpMr g Artsbuild-ikeeps house, manages Liberal O er leaner power that he: Further uptown, howevor.especially servants, administers carefully the at the Worlds Fair. While Danes But a mightier power end a I ranger, on the east side, one can hardly domestic affairs which lie her within will not admit that whatever of true Haa from hie throne baa burled raise the eyes skyward at any time For tba baud that rurka the cradle province. That the husband shall reatnesa in art and literature the la tba band that rulea Uw world provide means, and the wife attend to and haa produced reached its point of during a pleasant day without espy-in their outlay, saving and economizing culmination in theae two men only, la deep, myaterloua eoarlave, ing a flock circling somewhere ns thriftily aa she can, la the ordinary the outer world, not prone to rate at These 'Hid phliosophlo mlnil.. rapid and graoeful flight Unraveling knotty problem. arrangement, sanctioned by custom, their true value race characteristics, "Antwerps." or Ills native aphora bibb Huda: generally pigeons, our And-rseIdea to of justness ao considers it and agreeable in many Yet all hta lee" and "buns" carriers," are usually in process ac-of and n fair division of labor. To bearen'a four winds ere hurled respeota, was more national in hit and range In value, For tba hand that ie be the cradle training now is Thorwakl-seIt nnd feeling than quite usual, however, for la tba bend that rules the world. their breeding, from f 1 to to married women to supplement the In- thought cording AXDKRSEX. come the of BKIJC OF Behold tbs bravo commander $50 apiece. The latter followed the classical family by the exercise of N launch 'mid the raruega stand. some gift or accomplishment. They traditions and, because of the direct In the spring the young birds are the artist's pistol, Behold the guidon dying Jocta, pipe, Including write, or teach, or lecture, or paint appeal of carved and mou ded forma razor stron, and even bot hooka The set in a forge cage in some open With tba eolu re la ala hand. Brave men they be yet rreven pictures; they embroider, or make to the artistic sense of all men, was In booth is paved with tiles, on which place or on top of a roof, and after a When the banner la unfurled tickles and preserves. With a deiight-- ! touch with the higher minds of all have been acFOr the hud that rock, the or. die photographed groups and few days, when they hare become ul feeling of independence, and the climes. Andersen was favored, in la the hand that rulea the world of the their with surroundings, sculptor figures quainted unselfish-neamost generous and tender that his literary style was of such Thorwaldsen mas born in 1170 in the door Is opened and they are alOrest statesmen govern nations, wives who earn money Iqr some and died in 1M4 in the lowed to walk about outside. After Copenhagen King mold a people's late. effort of this kind spend it for family But the uuneen hud of velvet a birth. Bis lifo had been h of eity uses. It goes to pay school bills and a while they are taken in the hand In Theae glams regulate: long and his career honorable, re- a The Iran arm of fortune urchsae Wherever ia a shoes there waa he lii.'irt, in peculiar manner and "flied," that Rome from With woman charm la purled eficiency, the supplementary earnFor tba hud that rucks the cradle ceived at Copenhagen with honor a is, thrown up into the air, when they so fit In ings or the wife la the head that rules the world make a short circle and alight on king might nave envied. He repo-e- l William Kora Wallace n in so easily an-timely in the museum erected to contain hia the cage again. For several days manner that both husband and wife worka. Of Thorwaldsen hia biographer they are thus thrown up and at short Tba Curaat Usastloa. count on tnls added source of income "To sons like Thorwaldsen a intervals driven from the roof and aya: To corset or not to corset is a ques- as if it were in the anticipated order owes its right to exist little country tion that la troubling many a woman. of mado to fly about These flights graduthings Often n style of living aa a nation. For practical purposes Mothers who never naked the question rather more exuenaive than would be the with ally increases in distance and duration co le lit mtry cannot keep np for themselves, being content to do ae practicable on the husband's salary or nations; neither in power nor in until the birds are well acquainted great the rest did, are asking it now for on the profits from his business ia riches can it cor.pnre with foreign with the Immediate neighborhood, Ltelr growing daughter. They "do because of the wifes earnstates. Still, men like Thorwaldsen, some grains of seed or cracked corn not believe in tight lacing, of course, adopted n larger rent is undertaken, or Usna Christian Andersen, H. C Or- being given them at the end of each bnt is there any harm in a moderately ings; the living of the family ia on a broader ated and Niels Gade made such a councorset?" know there that nug They It ia not usual for a wife to try both powerful and rich These flight aoufetiiui. but "aren't scale. or are anti-comThe next step is to put them in a invest her earnings separhoard are the auma the little state haa to theae people cranks? Isnt this rage and carry them a quarter of a basket into common the world. the market of the go contribute t ately; they against comets a fad, pure and simple, purse, and are spent either for luxumile or so away, from which point I. poor country,' ia Denmark emit a uat aa the crusade acruinat birds' ries or for the benefit of the children. poet once wrote Certainly he wua they are tossed into the air to fly wlnge in hats is a fad? 1 reasonable When Will gets into a very tight not thinking of Thorn aldaeu when he back to the cage. corsets believe to that people pretend place, said, one day, a woman who The length of the basket trip is penned that line." AXIIKMKX. rilKISTIAX are an evil?" BANS wields a pen, I ait down and then further increusod until finally on Ae thie la a matter of some impor- write twoready that not three stories to help him simplicity and direct ne or a eloudy day they are taken acrosa tance to the health of the coming out." even ths translators could detract NEW PREFECT OF POLICE. the river and released. After this generation, the Chicago Times thinks Sometimes a woman haa impecuni- from the merits of his worka It is it may be just as well to answer some ous relatives whom she very much national, bat the flavor is as de- fla Is a Mas of Long Kxperianre sad la-- t journey the birds are counted of their questions candidly. Don't you wishes to assist, while she does not lightful to foreigners as to native upon to reach homo from a distance Great Energy and Uslermlaalloa. see, you questioning mothers, that the feel in taxing her husband's palates. of fifty miles or more. Promising justified all la not at be to hs stid Although On the r'ght aide of the main envery fact that you are asking the ques- resources for the purpose. I have birds that return quickly are shipped the wilh laria municipal popular tion! proves that your reason and dear old auntie who to the Danish section stands depends on me trance councilor there ia no doubt of the by rail to still more distant points common aenae have answered them for the butter for her The Andersen. of fa of atatue e, the rebread," eminent qualifications of M. Lepine, and there released, some being eent for yon? If yon did not know thut marked such a person. little in- noble lines, bnt simple, kindly expresthe corset was harmful you would not come is only enough for bread; in sion, finds its way to the heart of the new prefect of pdice, for hia office. as far as New Orleans. He a man of extraordinary energy lifn are The enterprising conductors of this any andi determination try so hard to get some one to tell you other words, for bure necessities An and haa had long it was not It la useless to argue tlmt occasional little outing, a new book, a objects of familiar ns during tha lifo and traffic begin with a few birds, which in valuable police experience it never did you any harm. Do you small Indulgence of any kind, ia be- of the writer. Manuscript in whole work. they train in the regular way, and are more think that glrla of y her means; but I have the great- or in part of his atoriea nnd poem are .11. yond keep circling about in their immemde Lepine robust than the girls of thirty or forty est pleasure in brightening her lot exhibited. Ilia hat, hi spectacle, hia h'a administrative diate vioinity from early morning ven hi are and will seal and watch years ago, merely because it is the through what I make myself. Haruntil dark, merely for the purpose of of prop- debut in 177 aa fashion to be robust? Fashion is The latter shown. disposes Bazar. pers at La had no need attracting the birds of others that powerful, but not omnipotent She erty worth but (1,000. He then he cannot conquer nature. of money. He was a welcome gnest Palisae, Breed Alwajl Frrak. pass over the neighborhood. Some waa at Montpri on, as many as eight or ten strays" The opposition to the malformation An ingenious and seemingly valu- at every household in. the land, nnd so, days Fonof growing glrla is not a fad, but sim- able Invention that of a German baker as the poor were not eo well received, Langrea and will he captured, and these, sold at whence tainebleau, ply common aenae as preached by all fora new method of keeping bread he gave to them and looked to hia he waa transferred cents and up, make from seventy-fiv- e A fresh for a long period. It consists in friends in time of need. He waa fond respectable medical authorities. work a fair to Chateauroux the days very pecuniarily for in hia leisure hours of cutting out pict- as "moderately snug corset" and if it is mixing ordinary flour with the powthe snarer. Whether it is fair in any prefect of the to mold the figure It must he iminod pasting them on wonderful der of hazelnuts The invention will, ures and which L'lndre. other sense depends greatly on the he presented to hia erately snug not only can injure a it is said, prove of great value when screens, One of these ia shown in the Be left that officii point of view growing girl, but it cant help injur-n- g used in storing np any kind of flour or friends her. It Inevitably cramps ihe kindred substances, and also baked exhibit Of hie Ufe, the following ia to go to Iaria aa Early in the morning the snarer n. kkpixe. general secretary growing vital organs, and lays the goods, such as rusks or biscuits used from a pamphlet that haa iwen pre- of the prefecture of police operations by letting out his begins in foundation for troubles that may make in the army or navy. In preparing pared for the Danish government: and he is usually assisted by birds, office held which until he IBM, name has gained her an invalid for lifo. the hazel nut flour, the kernels are a "No Danish port's aU ia a number 18bL this of young time worrita of It during over the world higher reputation In one of the many congresses that first removed from the shell and then directed the somebody's life who aid him In many than that of Usna Christian Andersen. that he actuallythe bookmaker hava been held at the art institute a are ground or reduced to powder. and waya, carrying the baskets of Mrds against His lifo throughout was like a wonder- campaignthe spanker said: I"belong to the glorious Only the white substance of the lloulangiata M. Lepine to be released at a distance against was of a born He tale: ful very "The of fairy cranks early in glorious kernel army ia ground. The powder or army displayed a great deal of zeal, actually the season, and, later on, little market-towof cranks" strange phrase that, but flour thus produced ia added to that poor family in the keeping a himself to the sometimes proceeding 1(10.1. in Being possessed lookout for "strays" and mana true one. The members of which is to be preserved in a propor- of Odense nor of knowledge he arrest of the persona mentioned aa dis- sharp societies may mostly belong to that tion varying between the itring of the trap: five and twenty neither of money is the euvering of This turber peace. public to the metropolis, presently pro- In As soon as a stray is sighted in the "glorious army," for it makes five per cent, care being taken that came the with character of the keeping as died and powerful friends, Itself prominent in most good works, the mixture ix as as possible, curedvenerated idol of his nation at man who, a few days after having oc- air the company is at once all combut the bulk of physicians would aa it is important thorough that the fatty ele- the No wonder, cupied hia new office of prefect, went motion, and in the height of expecin Copenhagen not claim ment of the powderized nuts shall per- therefore that the 175. membership. probably Danish nation hon- himself among the groups whieh at- tation that ensues the strictest obA writer says on the same subject: vade the whole substance. in the Latin qnai ter on the server of memory of this remarkable tempted "meum and tuum" can "Reasonable people not only preThe flour so mixed acquires a prop-t- y ors the in every way it tries to latest national holiday of July 14 lo hardly fall to find himself aroused to and that man, tend to believe but do believe and which enables the bread or other hand down to a to lira stand and to set newspaper traditions posterity the know that corsets are an evil to glrla goods made of it to keep much seven days' riots, the sup- an interest In the operations quit of hi original and characteristic indi- renew the whose forma have not reached their than similar goods of ordinary longer of which cost his predecessor, foreign to moral rectitude and a reflour. viduality. pression time the lifo his During full development. Necessarily a par- The fatty or oily element prevents Danish M. Loe. the loss of the poll, e pre- gard for the property of others. gave a visible expression ent has great power over a child too the absorption of moisture to a great to theirpeople The company immediately cram admiration of the Icing of fecture. cases in the child! for Th unpopularity of M. Lepine with all aorta of combinations many great extent, and consequently the formatales. A national anhseription of lingers fairy the She delicate can maltreat tion of mold, mildew or similar was arranged, and the subscribed cap- the municipal couucil results from the into their months and set good. up a shrill he displayed aa secretary genorgans of the body with corsets, growths. In addition to this the al- ital waa energy monuerect a to employed eral. The council haaalwavsbeen op- whistling to attract the attention of although if she cramped the feet in bumen and fat in the hazelnut en- ment to the poet" no the Chinese fashion the authorities hance the value of the flour, becan ae to the Intrusion of the prefect- the stray while it is still a long way 11110.7 presents figure par- posed In the citys affair. off; the decoy birds are swept into ure of their nutritive qualities might interfere. Christian liana to of allel that M. Lepine was horn at Lyonain 134ff. the air with the rod and then "The cause of the partiality of ao without family and the Unaided Anderson. hi the to women fact corsets Tsllur-Mamany tirlal own all the He la of middle height with lynxs company scatter and make themaa hi he ties, adopted emancitlieir obtrude that those who eye rnd gray mustache, though the selves inconspicuous. As the According to one of the authorities stray hair on hia head haa retained its dark come pation from them are also emanci- the period of monrnlng for a father-in-lawofrom color. He looks somewhat like a cav-al- server pearer in his flight the obeverything pated, at a rule, lx twelve months, ten months comes under the influence of officer. He wax decorated with manly and attractive. They are black, two months half mourning; the military medal in 1871, af er hav- an excitement fairly emulating the guys without corsets, bnt then they crape is seldom worn, though the would be equally guys with them. ing served in the army during the gambler's, the huntsmans and the period was formerly six months. Franco-PmaaiaWomen of taste can equip their daugh- crape war, and it was whili sportsman's elements of uncertainty For a the period is the same as waa prefect of the Loire that he had now crop up rapidly for the he ters with closely fitting waists that above. parent next ten few The longest period to superintend tha trial and ezeeution or fifteen minutes Will the answer every legitimate purposo of brother ia zix months, five months stray ffii the famous anarchist ltavachoL the corset without deforming the black, one month "take notice?" Will he mix?" and half mourning; figure and impairing the health. XV ith the crape period waa formerly if he does mix" and joins the three a little thought and skill an air of months It ia now almost discarded. of the decoys, will he drop" flight A galoot the I'repli such distinction and individuality can The shortest with Complalata la four months period be given to a costume that the absence black, no half President Young ia having more them? If he does and alights near Tba mourning. period of a corset becomes an inconspicuous of trouble this sea-o- n with the umpires the trap, will he follow them under ia mourning for a father-in-ladetail, lleauty can be attained better often thsn he has had for several ye m. it to food? Even should he get as shortened to six when months by working with natnre than against relatives reside at a considerable disNearly every city in the circuit ha for as this on the wsy to captivity teeth, tance from each other. All of which it Itoutis not necessary to file the in complained against one or more of the the boy with the string may make a the eyebrows, put rings the prompts the remark that the world pull umpires, and he has been kept bus' blunder and in his nervousness be lips, flatten the head, pinch the feet, wonld be nude more cheerful and moving the members of hia sta: too slow or too quick, in which event or cramp the waist in order to be sensible if around to anit all hands Foma of the the ware sails calmly away and "mourning" garments stray are so accustomed to comely. And even If a girl left to her discarded umpires being : altogether. . 'Toasted" that they have long ago be- then it must be a very clear atmosnatnral development should grow up ! and awkward" as aa "thick-waiste- d Even to accustomed come re- phere that is not rendered bluer TXOXWALDSXX RILICS. the it To Hasp Stoat Ian Whale. by the Venus of Milo sho would probabl liable Gaffney baaeome in forcriti th ihower of strong phrase that return fond. In of children th th la Hera ease a whara th proverbial Ones season this find sufficient com pc ns ition for th! eism. Maifo th ear of that bungling Manager stitch in time" saves a great many peopl honored him with veneration, boy. misfortune in her increased enjoyment more ' and esteem. Wright had to protest against hia than "nine:" - Taka your stockin a action of life. Philaat A: Maad postponing game "When sad bsllven says: are when new before grapher ings and, they mourndelphia park at the request of CspL lira Ilelpem Thii is lovely! How Ires Worth Tweotr Mlllleaa. putting them on, "run" them with darsra died there waa general On the day Comiskey of the Cincinnati club, and did you manage to 38 years of soft darning eotton throughout the ing all over tha country. woman about a collect so much been called haa Funry down be other by hi burial aU ahop and all school length of the heel, toe and sola. of age, quite stout and of medium height, entire has twice Men re- money for the cause? cfoba. VS tinyder chnreh ithln th abut down. wen Yon not need ran a but somber nor Mrs Sharpone It was them eloaely, dressed in rich clothing, from Philadelphia at the resimple most yon draw the thread tight noy waa dry, a th coffin, decked movedof pale face, blue eyes and Manager Wright. McLaugh- enough. I threatened to get quest carried to out was with flowers, being a When Jenness wear Miller the yon stockings you will the tones of th funeral march com- lin has been in disgrace at Pittsburg, charity concert and Set all the spectacles anil, the find that this slender reinforcement eirl is hi turn. and Monthly says, you will have a fairly is Accordto having Lynch burial by practicing for it sufficient to keep the lockings from posed for Thorwaldaen' good Idea of Miss Mary (larrett of hia work in the first Andersen's gifted friend, the ing to atreports Kul ti more, daughter of the great rail- wearing ia holes SL Louis on Strengthened in composer, Lhighly ao was waa game P. N Hartmann, who Fatur.lay CaleaL road king and sister of the present this way, yonr hose will remain intact was poor that he waa requested to atop Lord Forgivux playing the organ himself. ItDenWhen old head of the Baltimore and Ohio rail- to an honorable and allow and two aside respectable to plavers take t'other side I generally felt that in Andersen ' well i got road system. Miss (larrett makes her fiN- Three new hi men have place. bars been mark had lost one of those son of home in Baltimore, but she spends added to Preeident Young's staff in with the count of Paris contributed to moat had Ysmlsslli that highly nttd keep. New York, Ethel Knox Did they put you st much of her time in the last few days Three are Joe Boil shin of veal in four quart of Univ a Inner on the nation all oi every summer she journeys to Europe water. a Skim liornung. Pierce and Hogriever. Tbi work on the census? And lienmark, world. elvillxed tha It very carefully, then who fori that she owes liana Chris- action means one of two thinge,either with her maid and quite Independently He's Larky Tkat It leo't she travels from one place to another. put in one .onion, one carrot and Anderaen an Immense debt of the league la going to adopt the doable is not cut up, and botl three tian She ta a woman of gentle breeding and turnip, Mrs literary Have you read wnv of umpire system, whieh is hardly possino could better tee gratitude, hours. Add "A two not vermisalt, enpa of only some or cue of possessed of great knowledge, ble, tha old vent to theae feelings than by umpires Father of Mx?" of affairs in this country but in celli and bod an hour and a half eying to are be about released. him Mr. Solium No; but Ive been on partly represented through She speaks half a dozen lan- longer. Remove the bona and vega-tabl- e Europe: f for six year. and serve guages fluently and Is said to be a -- n, renntin I had an P tnopn. I wm sating re on my rtiWlrtaM. focal trenteil ly hurt feutuCwuwd no relief : the sms greuually grew fcH.H..nilwaaBllrely ena. 1 Snalljr tank sored after using a he bottle." G. MuLaaoas, Hsadsrsoa, Th. for sightsee s Treaties on Mood and Skin free. n. d Tna Swtrt Sranric Co, Atlanta, Ga. a, Perfect Baby Health to ought mean glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the yeara to When we see in children tendencies to weakness, we know they art nutting tht lift of food taken. This loss is overcome by come. et Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Ilypophos-phites- , d that builds up a appetite and produces flesh at a rate that appears magical. Almost as palatable as wilt. Rfw'MA Waw.. a V AlUtmcsiW. fat-foo- chanceI GOOD Odell KS Typewriter for III, If eeeh with order la reeotvrd before No, let, INI The fenuwe Odell Typewriter ! need by Lewi re. Mlaletsre, Doctnrs. Merchenu, Kdltora mod Ooreremenl Office re, beeeuse of lie rices roplea No print, elm pi Icily endwillmnmfold do yonr work In ono teuber required It now end uke advent hour prnetioa Order age of ibis eioepUoaally GOOD CHANCE! Address FRANK ROHM. . n 88 W. Jackson St., Chicago. SvSIThompsofl's $75.00 to S250.00 X r. JOHKSOK HAVE Yftt 11 t lir but Dll Watar. Ey CO. aiCHJfUNU TA. A esses release Ibrm end ayeiepIraUaa, wn. mThis rsormvBuiollilljt film iuusuio TO TMTI.D AT 0r pile remedy, N. whlca caw dlresUy ea pane effMKsd, sSrerte Howe eUeye WeKafceCHnr JTO iwmeoine Msesoeriintmteie went BelMkeNbWrtleH rLCO If aay ene daabte Ihm UweMA la MteM M him wrltefer peHMan and tewU. Sere. eer railefclltj. oar Ie Suerlel barking I la I MtMWIaamwii Mlwbfi feu ear Men typhllMcle the .aitllssr a rore-e- ad pmahe tales thel will me peneaaeaUy. P.WHt. proof weliA Sea Coos kisser Co. CUr.no. luT DROPSY iwo-lhli- SCHOOL COMBINATION antt-oor-s- et ds TRRATRn PRKR. Vegetable Ksmsdle: Foeltlrely Cured with its of ee iss Care cent pro Here eared tine named bapolem by baatphfilcleiialrrum InlMl tymptusu disappear: la ion days st least all ayoipiiiaie ramorod. deed be free book teetii alele of mlraraloae eena Taa der? treats free by nil. If yoa ordor trial aead We In au tupeypnafape lin.ll.ll.UnaiN amiNe.Allaeie.ua. If yua order trial retnra thie earertlaemeet to ea OUR to-da- SUIT Hi CAP $3.50. The bam eatsi la the world for arhool w rr n w eclae to at him. or reread the the Velem moeey poede wlU be aeal C.UII If wa eia to be matted eead We aura for 1 CONTINENTAL IMS HOUSE. ClOTHINd end Doaplaa tie.. Onaaa. Nas WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY gold-rimme- " rerSa. r!t eilltnre la U bam thaa 'npeailed. employed, Ed'leaUr qfihT1mss Tjrla Itself - V '. ' , - |