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Show DIED1 EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN. HOW GRESHAM'S FATHER afterward directions Fmtlsar sad I'sisswrisw thaj UtliM to lha ll - rl hr e BeOIH too mui-corn to the nigs. Cluver the most profound of the band had Mar Svrarai l'Saau Taavr. ArmtTi ) Mhum II. has proposed to I lie rest that they should HIVES AND THEIR RELATION Is butter than Cura. My pigs get Much has len said about the difLouisville, of Major .Mully, all contribute to a dish and that h i I am ready to been BEE harvest. ii corn THii TO little uni intimate whereby a woman vocations i cshuiu's ferent ''cry Secretary wife should cook it, but iliu others In to a fu'tcn. addition to comfortable living, and begin father's earn a cun f.'iend for were full of culinary pride It wav year, 'j he little corn ami iasture 1 feud ground of the twomany me a SM tbit IluAiHMd for Lmtf Nm-I- Hui men were neighbors is w ith others, piano tuning i J10 decided that each should br-noats aud like f jodi, to make the mus- Harrison the Now York 1 had said a single iu ft Wilhatf j dish, for when county, Indiana, and the enumerated, says I cle strong. I'pi.n every 2 VI pound elder Mulky men I lover 9M MU Anuu ti (araiu ikut dish 1 had not speci lied whether from three Times. of was one ? eaeh of you or 'from you a I together.' rirui u.(4 eiuil Motor limine hog in Norcuibi-- r 1 mean to make who arrested the murderer of ec roThis occupation is not the easy "1 had finished an interview with cent fair under ol fifty per profit, one that many imagine. It requires tary Gresham's father. 'The story tha tawu ofliriul and was mtirg when upon the grain fed. that tragic event was related by an accurate ear, a strong arm and mid 1 waa informed' 'Siiii, your luiieh is Some men feed away a good deal of woman Mulky to a New York Sun much practice. A young "Which hive had 1 beet use In orcoming.1 their profits by feeding too much Major wield the ham-"-1 to man is as follows: who ia.-gwere or learning to soldiers secure twelve der a approach"My yield honey corn from tho start A hog should had no idea it was so The first name of the desjierado mer as ing, each with an enormous dials, Is a question often asked me, fr.tten upon fourteen to sixteen who killed Sheriff Gresham 1 do not hard.says, Twelve dishes to eat on that hot Jnly though the honey crop was just entirely A German, a professor of music, day, with a terrible torrid sirocco dependent upon the hive used, while bushels of eorn, with a little ground reculL His name was Sipes, and 1 oats. This is ail the cost that the have would that destroyed a when she told him what she was blowing had he recollect that an will hour's with talk distinctly beginner the appetite of a glutton. Twelve feeder is really hound to take cognisYou will never learn, Levis brother doing, said: i.pvL ABRAHAM LINCOLN. dishes exactly alike, cooked after a show that many seem to think that ance of. for while pasture, milk and brother named It is beeu In a very ugly scrape, you will never learn, I say. had enol are just largo no had been doubt which yields honey owing recipe time spent in the care of the swine, and had shot, but not killed, a eon- - like music; it takes a lifetime to learn I Man la I, Icjaad. Untnrv. to of hive the but down handed used, from remote style W ages. tirely rit m ntne uppeitr Ouuul of Holy value of course.' it la a kind stable who tried to arrest him. As it. She is disproving that, though. Twelve mutton stews, swimming in this is not so, says Mr. loolittle in represent bOKOOilk iby fcoly form ih ipa of value that outs but little figure. XfcrMM Mid die. iby ylory febull not wmmi. Greshams father was then for- she is making rapid progrese, rancid dresaed with oil, Bee Judge Journal. Hires have dry raisins, American HourciM Hvt not kelfcruwued upon t Hogs are profitable whenever any- sheriff it devolved upon him to ar-- . and, although she has been studying and peas aa hard as buileta something to do with the yield of "1 did my dutv. 1 tasted of tha And on im Tlbor. Mtlon nick with fain thing in Farmers Voice. rest Sipes, who was known as a only two years, will, in all of as but course, honey, nothing Hvo kulldod niton to tkrs drvuvbed wits twelve dishes ami swallowed twelve character. To help him. bility, soon be able to "fine tune, U'kaaf. tonvn a with Frsdiue thorough knowledge mouthfuls of milk, and informed each compared Aad sswbiac wlta a kfcstomb oI slain. We have heard of some who al- he summoned my father, the late1. of my hosts that h:e dish was good, of the location we are in, and an unJames Mulky, and James Spencer O Cbrial of Fieedom, no hlvh alien fum very good, superior, delicious, agree- derstanding of how to apply that lowed their fowls to have free access and James Far lam, but Inrlr Di lie tnara anil Mood, Gibb. It is a little curito so bees tl secure to and wheat the have the knnwledgo garners, The pun, aeent aloud u( Iby ua marlynloia. able, exquisite, superfine, fragraut, ous the firt names of all that of at on or the carelessness delectable such Aad lean at mm 'led riel eud araliliuie the time, that succulent savory, spoken against yield right From i ha drk millloua by luy pea l free, Sipes was at They were much pleased, and de- honey may be gathered to the best account of the waste of grain, but these was James Lad Irum weir 1ud tielhaeuaue by I bee clared that wlieuever I visited liurgun advantage when it comes. a few miles west of Corydon, ) excellent, as far aa it can be; still, dance a now Is would so wheat Ueuteaaot that trine. Ha K. it L. Flnl cheap Capiala they should entertain ine. MlaaaaMa Heavy Artillery of maximum number seen that there might he sume ex- but the party went first to the house to become a practical piano tuner it The "I have been there since, but I in- of beessecuring of his father. Their inquiries 1 essential that one should be where 1'roaa time the honey cuse for this, and the worst at Bad the Haelaty. Ortala of Iba just vented a way to my s'omncii harvest is at its best, counts more to it now would be theobjection alarmed Levi Sipes and he tied at the instruments are Miaa llara liartuu, ao famuiiH aa the and avoid put together, so fowling 1 their feelings. once to give his brother warning. as to be able to acquire an accurate clana all of toward else tiie and than the head of the lied (runs society in thia arranged anhurting wheat, crop paying (fouling) order of precedence for country, began her career aluiuat by them according to their military rank, combined In apiculture, and explains ger of the fowls becoming too fat He found him dancing and had juat knowledge of the details At the outbreak of the civil the number of chip-th- e chance. The beginning is called bad beeu In why one colony in the yard will give It matters not how cheap the feed time to tell him what was up when years war Miaa Burton waa a copying clerk tiie service and theirthey sheriff and his posse arrived. ping, that is, tuning the wires after At everv a large yield of honey while many may be. It should be used judiciously age in the patent ofliee at Wuahingtoc. visit 1 state positively that I shall ae- - of the othur which we supposed were to produce the best results. There is Sipes swaggered out into tha yard, the case ha been strung and before She did not anticipate env aeriou dif- cept luncheon from some oue of them, better than this, no contradicting the fact that wheat and when the sheriff attempted to; is put in its proper place In the little, give very ficulty between the North end Kouth. aud I thus resist the seductions of the is the best of all grains as a regular execute his warrant the desperado j pUoo frame. Often that "chipping Again, the manipulation of hive however, end even after Fort Sumpter other kdii preserve my ilitreslion. food, and now that it is so cheap we drew a pistol and fired. Ills aim was has to be done two or three times. imagined that a comiiroiniae would be though 1 am in than the hives themselves, for no know oi no better way of disposing good and the wound inflicted was because the case, not being in a firm Hut on the lUth of April, kiudneaa and devotion." effected. i matter how good the hive is. if the of it than to use it a chicken feedtand fatal. The sheriff did not stop, how- position, the wires slip and falL Rough 1M1, a regiment from her own atate, i com In are never touched His oisaiiiiitr. MaaaacliuartU, waa panalug through or surplus were we raising fowls and had plenty ever, and Sipes, drawing a big dirk, tuning follows and after some repetiJialliuiore and waa aaaailed bv a mob The fortunes of war carried us close ' room put on at the right timo, all of wheat, we would use it in this sprang upon him and stabbed him to tions the finishing or lino tuning of disaffected penuina and a number to Henry Jacob's home and he prompt- may count for naught to the would-b- o way rather than sell it at so low a the heart, killing him instantly. He puts the Instrument in a suitable killed. Miaa Barton, in apeaking re- ly put in an appli- utlou for leave to and the flowers bloom price, and, in fact, we consider it turned and fled, but was pursued by condition for the player. New York the fur to writer a see and his cently go family but the enemy in vain as far as any profit to u is cheaper feed at seventy-fiv- e A great amount f work it seems, to Mulky, Gibbs and Spencer, who bun of thcae old duve, aaid: waa advancing to attack us with three ' cents pev bushel than finally captured him near Fredonla, and it is a fact that it requires much "I waa greatly moved, and, going limes our force and, every mail conut- - concerned. In order that other eighty-fiv- e into the street, found everywhere ing, this permission was Vefuscd until fchold ot Ket the idea that the hive anything else. You who have been then the county seat of Crawford practice to become a successful piano ! ,8od ilL our nd waa recommended best of by Washington We forebodings had chosen feeding so much coi n, sell the corn county, on the banks of the Ohiu tuner. after the engagement. full of the partiaaua of the South, und our position near a spring, but this ' And most suceessful apiarists would and try the wheat this year; you will This occurred in the winter of lHBsf-Bof holding the The peculiarity there were meuy exclumatioua of joy gave out early In the dav, und the ; give them thousands of pounds of find that your fowls will be less lia- and I distinctly recollect that there hammer, the thumb down with the over the Incident et Baltimore. Ex- men were forced to that old expedient honey without work, I have often ble to disease, and will lay much bet- was snow on the ground, by the aid little finger over the end of the hancited, alarmed and acarcely knowing for allaying thirst chewing a bullet i said that If any one could not spend ter than when fed on corn. of which I helped track Sipes. He dle, is an intense strain on the hand where 1 went, I fell into the current That night llcnry turned up at the i lha time on the bees which was tried in 1833, and, escaping and arm, and the they pin (around which and waa swept away along to the Hint lion to which the wounded hud been good luck, got a the wires are fastened), being placed hanging keep out of Baltimore and Ohio depoL There I carried and demanded to see the aur- - A lnjd they had tone of the piano improves twenty-on- e by great sentence. The . I do not 'H08year eaw forty men covered with blood, geon. That gentleman cum hurry- - u? firmly in position, need much when the instrument is moved from remember how know it was that he got off to very to hive with which a tho meny of them faint and helpless, ing out "Now. then, my man what ' to turn them. Then, again, strength of wall room. the ! un can secure large results by aim- landed from tha car and borne away is it? Quick!" easily. He staved in prison until the ear must be exceedingly true to A soft is a new, brush for ahelter and treatment was 1 he which his hand 1837, and " Doctor, want a certificate of die- j ply folding par- detect the They good paint during year lotting the variation in the found a renting place et what waa abiiitv. " bees work. Such is not the economy thing to dust carved furniture with, doned by the governor. I don't re- sound; threeslightest form one note, strings then the infirmary on Judiciary Why. what fir? Yon look strong j of nature, and in order to succeed in a the bristles will penetrate the member who tho governor was, but consequently they must harmonise square, and I followed them. I did and well. j he was either Noah Noble or any calling in life we mud put eu- - crevice. in tone, and the necessary adjustment what I could for their relief, end wee bu bul,et ; tosley." Wallace. into One and persoverence Sipesreturned loIiarrlpound of sulphate of xino diseivy, iniUHtry ao deeply interented that 1 went egein ' h.TC USked tb docUr' very de)icata The ear becomes i our work If we would a harvest solved iu two pailfuls of warm water son county Immediately after his the next day end the next, And on hmvB"U.t trajnei by practice, so much me see the wound st ToP work from and thrown into the offensive cess- pardon. For a while he pursued the that a tuner will orth th glthoplnK. many subsequent days. On Sunday notice the wave in a same desperate life, and was a terror note that to one the Hat I went to the capital, where pool will deodorise it Henry drew a little back from the tW8,v to ixteu bour a uneducated, even 1 wan la to citizens for months. the took labor is not all that the regiment A little kerosene oil rubbed .Suddenly though he may have a good ear, quartered. over him. j mere physical eager hands that were briskly with me five negroes, carrying bankets ami stammered out, going Well, sir, I required, either, as many assort by over the spots on dark clothing will his manner changed. To the aston- would seem to accord. of provisions, which I dintriliuted swallowed it!" The surgeon's com- - their actions. If not by words; hut The remark of a tuner that it brighten the garments and remove ishment of everyone he became a eoldieru. Some the men of the among ments gave hnn no leisure to hear the must If an energy and push the stains. Tiie kerosene will evapo- quiet citizen. Ho remained a year or would be were from my own town and greeted explanation that the ball slipped j there impossible for him to tune two with In sufficient and to grapplo then disappeared. longer rate quickly and leave no stain. me with the feeling that they had down his throat while hn waa chew- - j mentally, week in and all in day tu 0f the unsolved problems which It is said that insects about the 1848, while on a visit to Ottumwa, week out, as aitfactory, found u friend, before I left the men It. and dodging from a shell. make would certainly I i the way of our success. If house can be all gathered around and 1 aumd on with hot Jowa, met Sipes, and by invitation him crazy (piano tuners are said to destroyed He no . is dinner . ell him. combined took with are was a there there led , vice ,, . to the the etepa that presi- Culinary ceupetuiuns in iiassise Arasy. j alum, i'ut in hot water and let it will not give boil until it 40d dent,' chair and read them the newsritta. In the Itussian army a culinary com- - , foo-o- n why .i the alum is dissolved. and valuable farm. His home paper accounts of their journey and petition lakes place every year in con- - I good results for what Is expended hot with a brush.and all creep- large sounds discouraging, but the aasault at Baltimore." was comfortable and had every ap-- ! unction with the regiments of guards, i upon it as any other calling in life, Apply are ing ! waa in things instantly destroyed thia apontaneoua way that The object is to keep the it everything, not of so is saw I even never it pearance supposed by without danger to llio or military though prosperity. Clara burton's work began. She had cooks up to their duties. injury to or heard of him A special the majority ol the world, was and piano tuning is not "the excepand it again, no special training for the hospital, commix don Is appointed by the olfiecr j tion to prove the rule, and for any j iHb to leave the impression on property. Tho important points in oanning only Judge Greshams visit here that one but her heurt waa full of pltv und tbu in command, and prises are giveq to . reader having tiie three requisites menmlnd recalled occurrence tiie the to mind.' my tk, thstaiarge are to have the fruit In perfect shape need was great. Washington waa the iuictBrnl competitor. The com- u- -. a good ear, plenty of phystioned, C j aoon surrounded by camps and the alck hony was exUblbhed by lTInce r,:!,d8 and quality, the syrup clear, rightly NOT A GOOD REASON. ical strength and a willingness to are largo numbers of and wounded were brought there from petition tbr Petroviteh of Oldenburg, at the time ; proportioned and boiling hot; tho practice laboriously, there is no reathe front before long Miaa barton he was In commend of the guard. h6 b)r honey harvest. jars hot and filled to overflowing, A Man's Fovmtjr Should Kot son why it should i.ot be conquered resigned her position in the patent of- The competition this year took place ; ud Ihe securing of the boos at that and e Pnlille fills naira. scaled and thoroughly, as other difficult occupations have fice and gave herself up entirely to the at Krasnuo-Seiunder the orden of time is tha secret of success. If I that no air quickly Yes,said a congressman at Wash- been. be left inside Have I work. She asm realised that the the Grand Duke Vladimir. more cblonies In many all utensils may or had Arriving forty of favor Brown's in all "were ington, in order and at hand, great necessity waa for immediate at- In an open carriage the grand duke good hives of the present day. I A member of the firm in whose tention to the wounded, and, full of saluted the cooks end that there may he no needless delay. appointment to the consulate. I passing along some the woman referred to is before should time hesitate factory "Are his qualifications especially thought, she procured u pass from Sur- the line of esmp kitchens he entered Kice water is recommended in geon General Hammond und, loading the mess room of the Nicholas regi- made a change, trying first to see if which to waih challle. Boll one high? the congressman waa asked. learning pronounces her progress a railroad car with supplies, went to ment, and the It excellent considering the short time "Qualifications! he replied, with their a thorough knowledge regarding pound of rice in five quarts of water. she has been at it, and does not heswhich and this was contents were asueepana their Culpeper courthouse, manipulation of matter a adapting isn't The qualificationa brought Cool it to the tepid point, then put crowded with Union soldiers from the in. Each of theseimmediately was to my field, would not give aucces numfact is. Brown is so hard up itate to predict her complete success saucepans simple in the and wash well, using good kettle of Cellar Mountain, August b, bered, but in such a way that the If it should prove that the hive was after a longer novitiate. the rice as soap. Four off the water, that nobody on earth knows what will 1)013. Next she loaded an army wagon tasters could not tell to which - j not at all adapted to my locality, parhim of become doesn't if he this get with supplies und joined Tr oe Thalr Own Root. ticular regiment each one belonged, j then of course 1 would make a change; leaving the rice sediment. Hub the office." challle well in this, rinsing in the army in Maryland. She arrived on The jury, composed of xergeant-ma- j hut to The Idea that m order to get good hives time Mr. every change Whether Brown obtained the tha eve of the battle of Anlletam und jorx, solemnly went round end tasted Use water. no f poured-ofrinsing early the next morning she took her tiie food, inscribing on a printed form something new comes along, with water, but hang the materials to dry appointment or not is not reported, varieties of fruit we must hud or but all thinking readers will agree graft from existing trees that are wagon to the shelter of u hern and the number of points given to each the thought that with this I should direct from the rice water. there remained all day caring for cook for the that the reason given why he should known to he such, prevails so exof his prepara- succeed, is not the proper thing to da quality the wounded und living, tarsi Boies. by night tions. The first prize, a silver watch be named for it was no reason at all, tensively that no 6ther system of I UK Wool. Carol. her faco waa ao blackened by gun- and chain, wan awarded to the cook The daily use of ripe fruit saves says the Youths Companion. propagation can be said to be in genWe make will flockraasters always powder that she conld acarcely be of the horse guards. eral practice Yet it is true of the doctor billa A be of indeed considerable however the may fleece, person very poor recognised from one of her own con! Groen and immature cattle should and in much need of money, and most of our fruits that the best ao may be said about our paying After the close of the war trabands. Lot Iks Marino to swim. still be the proper person to apjioint well as the poorest of the varieties Miaa baiton was ao exhausted that U'Btlon to mutton. It is wise to not be sent to market. The seeming strange suggestion is office. A mans poverty we have originated as seedlings. Not aha finally, in 1 Krill, sailed for Europe. made and strongly &o fleece must end If it milk feed to the grow you pigs, give to public pressed in England Then earns the Franco-Frusaia- n should not be counted a few of our fruit growers are suswur, that the men who man the uavy will always be a product that will be It to them before it sours certainly und Miaa barton became e minister- should be taught how to swim. Or-- worth something. If we can make him in considering his name pecting that tho practice of budding against are If cared for proporly they ing angel in Germany and France aa dinsry sailors are Instructed and ex- - ! the meat pay a profit the fleece will will hogs not need much, if any medicine. for an appointment; hut neither and grafting has a tendency to deahie had been in America. The pin pwted to qualify in swimming, but dd to tho should it be counted tor him. generation and is at least a case us Then is for it profit she wears, the red cross of Geneva in the marines firemen and The successful farmer, as a The unworthy view of thq public equally potent with climate changes engineers are grow. just as much wool ,,and. just combines stock growing with rule, gold circle, waa given her by the not and it is a fact that a large pop-grain service that it is a proper place of and soil exhaustion for loss of W vigor T01 grand ducheaa of baden. The tier-ma- n tion of the latter large body of men ! raising. refuge for those who cannot obtain a and the want of a power to resist ungrow good wool, and etill emperor also conferred on her who serve on warships cannot swim, j d ou The must vessels be milking kept in any other occupation is held favorable influences, in which the several decorations. Imter came the It is said that mauy more men would ! thor e details that must bo strictly clean or the milk cannot be living Johnstown flood, where Mine barton have been saved The sheop must be kept perfectly from the Victoria observed. by far too many people "Its a fruit trees of the olden time were first-clas- s. led the work of rescue, and, last of but for this fact; also that many in good health and in good condition government office for me ortho superior to tho e of the present all, she haa turned her pitying sailors who were good swimmers were all the time. If a large limb of a tree is badly That grafting or budding on stalks If the flock is negand at exclaim, may they thoughts toward Kiberia. She u often undoubtedly dragged down by the lected at any period of the the injured by the winds better remove once their friends set about obtaining and roots is the only certain method year to Florence compared Nightingale, men who were noL The matter h ie of reproducing exactly the the government office if possible will not be good. It should be It at once. but unlike her, Mina bartons sympa- been taken up in parliament, end it Is wool variety There is nothing discreditable in we wish to perpetuate Is freely The kind of ' horses commanding adthies do not turn in one direction only, probable that swimming will tie in- an invariably observed rule to feed ambition to hold a public office. mitted but may it not also be true bhe la full of sympathy for all who sisted on ss part of the of well, to provide good pasture all the good prices are those that combine Such an office training suffer. time that it le possible to furnish style with large size. assuredly should he an that the practice should become every man serving atoard ship It is claimed that it is dangerous honorable thing, and its possession a more general of raising fruit trees dry yards and to protect from the A Urn t.aach. Rabssartae Hoots, storms. A good many of us are care to cows or other cattle to turn them demonstration of the holder's honesty from selected trees? Incase of the Ceutain Bordler, now a civil ofilecr Naval science seems to be going lew about doing eoof up, and as sure into second of character and capability. peach we may fairly In trees crop sorghum. at Maktar, Tunis, gives an amusing ahead about as fast as the romancers I But the public service will not from seeds of the bestexpect uve we have to pay for this Mwa account of an experience with some can Of man who wants crurse the varieties to to 1 m in their he get imaginings. j with of it such an Thefleece when honorable possess many of the good qualities of of his oil Tunisian soldiers in the French, for raise calves for the dairy should not carry are doing with j done negligence. Ynutlia Companion. Some time after submarine instance, guarantee unless th se who hold it tho parent stock, and if the vigor, up should have the fibre as use males of the beef breed. boats almost more than he had left the army and had assumed are known to be indeed honest and productiveness and freedom from dls-efiction writers have managed to olosely packed as when they are on It le bad policy to get in such a office at Maktar lie met at the town of their of old time orchards can to the animal, and should have a smooth, capable, and not mere pensioners, for A new subinto their book. get in the that any planting any crop hurry bargun twelve soldiers of the com- marine boat has on the public bounty. reason, white appearand It is considerable the any been launched extent be regained, i s dirty just of the soil le proper preparation pany which he had once commanded. and sent sculling about under water, looking. flceco the that worth Irregular for. certainly He whb instantly recognised and surtrying Matrimonial It an. contains a cew of twelve men. buyer hates to see. The wool should neglected. That we can originate a rounded. "They all talked at once,' which An old orchardist and gardener advariety of Mr. Chumly llow are you coming the Hitherto accomthe of number men be in until sold and a kept he says; they hung upon my bridle modated in these dry place apple whloh will reproduce Itself wood hard ashes vises on with underwater You lawsuit? craft using know liberally your one that can be darkened. If you you from the seeds with the same end upon my stirrups; they embraced has seldom if ever five. will send such wool hands; they grasped my boots and the This boat is in the goneofabove to the com- on all garden truck, small fruits and told mo that Sharke had swindled as from its scions Is fish a and trees shapo of orchard out flO,(hHX tails of luy coat you mission houses you will got the best to be expected. It seems scarcely reasonable, " God be jiraised! We have waited it carries a torpedo at its head. How Mr Manygirls Oh. we have mnijt however, to If there are any farm tools lying out believe that by planting it discharges the torpedo forward price for it. for yon so long. Have you been well? without He a has the hitch sun. horses in the married compromise. up my young trees from sends of our Mjr Hue i rtam. coining to grief itself is nut And niadame? And the children? best for that purpose, if neces- eldest daughter. Texas Slftinga 1 breed explained, but this may be n state seapples short distances apart in the hogs to fatten and sell, and specially And our lieutenant?' shelter. them under and cret. on board is worked put sary, Everything marI want rows, and to " 'He was killed lu Ton quin. get them into always leaving them to be Or Sb Woald Think Othrrwln. An exchange says that the paths in in future and then cut out thosetested ket as soon as possible. Not a mo'May God huvii mercy upon him. by electricity. least bin Mrs. Iouscr I don't think there free .Yom Tha forked list. He was a brave man. ment of time do 1 desire to spend in the garden can desirable, we may secure kept of Even to the present day the naval care of a pen of hogs and not a wci-d- s 'And the and grass by pouring over is anything so awfully wicked about excellent fruit and at the orchards same time I horse 'He waa iu Tonquin. and is now a full dress is incomplete without the mouthful of valuable on racing. smls wash hot them mere I want boiling days, prolific and longer lived than grain do Houser Humph! You never heard cocked hat. eud on the continnt them to eat lieutenant and decorated.' after they are ready for putting a handful of salt in each a follow many of the grafted and budded who failed has to '"May God increase hie prosperity.' many functionaries, civil aa well a the market:-anpick the kinds of the present time. Column's it seems to me that bucket of suds. "At last I was able to dismount and military, continue to wear it Our old Ru.-a-l of the National winner swear, then. A correspondent World. the good fellows hurried away, to militia, line and field oifiocr of forty this is a good business policy. If I come back bringing mats and rnga and years ago, used to wear them of can make a hog weigh --J.V pounds, it Stockman suggests that to prevent sh (lira Him Hup. FSre and Finn. cushions that their old captain might immense proportions. The round list, will weigh all I care to have it weigh. apple trees from splitting where they Fred The very first thing she said be comfurtably installed. such aa lien Franklin wore, was taken It is always my aim. too. to get rid ' grow in forks, take a sprout that is She, an heiress What made I when you me on to called her last night love me? I know We may offer you lunch?' to laris from this country by the of as much cold weather as possible growing on ono branch and graft In my face Is plain, me Arthur What branch hope. will was The gave '"Yes. but it is e warm day and one young ofllcent who fought for our in- in tho other. I grow the do not llo, with enthusiasm Perhaps, dear-cat- , proBiss of fattening. dUli will be sufileicnt.' dependence under Kochiiiiibrnu and like to light a battle with Christmas with the tree and become a strong it? Fred She said her little brothas but your figure is most attracwas Truth. They hastened away and I saw lAfayette. It mot with great favor wralhor. if I can asleep tive Brooklyn Lifa help it. Ct"e-- brace- them holding an animated ili.- ussU there. i FA 11 SI AND HOME. quentiy as a general tliln? inv hogs i avoid go to marki-- t in Novciub'-r- . T1IE then they disappeared 1 . - i fir. e si proba-dangero- m-- . ! J r, w ; se , : I J ,!. wd ! thr " i ' ! o ' I 1 poor-hous- e! as ti uni-fortui- ty ; ! - . ri |