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Show st, we will give with each one dollar cash purchase one ticket Beginning Monday morning, November entitling the holder thereof to a chance on one of the following seven prizes to be given away at our store 1 AT 8 O'CLOCK ON XMAS EVE. $15.00 Second prize FIRST PRIZE 7.50 Third prize Fifth prize Sixth prize Seventh prize $30.00 7.50 Fourth prize 5.00 5.00 5.00 TICKETS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME DRAWING TAKES PLACE Do not fail to take advantage of this unparalleled opportunity. plete, our qualities the highest and our prices the lowest.' Remember that our assortments are com- Company DeWolfe-SicKa- y WHOLESALE LOCAL AND PERSONAL For HAPPENINGS Oysters Oysters. Any style at Hold Atkin. Our line of ('oat mid Hnita U dill complete. Uom and choose now before they are picked over. 8. D. Atkin. For Rale Two choice lota, embracing 100 by US feet, in desirable location with east and south frontage. A map if taken at oner. Enquire of W. I.. Kin wick. i lot, good location. Bale-T- wo font frontage and one GO foot A bargain for frontage facing cant. YV. L. Klawiclc. any purdiaser Special Saturday, Monday or:il Tuemlay: Mena fancy tica in individual boxca. llegnlur 00e and 7&c values, 3 for $1.00. H. H. Atkin. For Bale F.it her one or two line aaddle home, medium sized ; broken to harness. Enquire of V. L. One News ofllce. Bee window for worth regular $1.25. . J4. charge of the mine. Harry I.okery, Bam Foil and a at. miner from Montana have Henry F.merson left yesterday for work for the Nevada Heady Fay h; home at Beaver. Mining company for seme time aMt. Hendrickson ol Ray Taj lor liaa lieeu ou the nick Hnperintendent lint the laat few days. Scolleld, returned to camp and j.iil Mr. YYalters of the Revenue mine five min era to work on hia group ni at Flue drove viaited Frisco thin claims adjoining (lie Rluckiiinl proi FRISCO NOTES SO Kls-wlc- RETAIL Banking Business In-e- n ! VI ky Ly - service. week. k, become one. YV. L. Haehtcll of the Nevadi Oro. t Murdock liaa retum- inBii ahirta I Supt. Hfler a harried visit with hia rami-- 1 witli Balt Lake Route oflieiala in re 1. Alkln. ,y at Q.avera j gard to putting in a awitch to tin Uflle Emerson, Claire Griflilha and property. Jessie Hupklna rede to. Newborn iRunilay afternoon and report a dandy Runday dinner at Hotel Atkin, time. They must have had. for they j ,fm Qjl,e haH BU ,tUwk uf tvplu,i( returned home Mouday morning, semi-annuall- Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay eed Grain We Sell for Gish Only and can save you money. lO'yt off on our fresh meats. yc OFF ON OUR GROCERIES 11. y. MILFORD, UTAH Bea- Mian YVinnie Bingham, who baa ver thia week. been in Ogden and Southern Idaho Sunday dinners at Hotel Atkin confor Home time, haa been visiting with to draw a crowd. tinue her slater, Mm. Buehanan, for several Air. and Mm. Bainoy of Beaver arc days. She left yesterday to visit with her mother, Mm. Bingham, of Miu-- I visitors in Milford today. ersvillo. All kinds of fish and oysters at Hotel Atkin day and night. M. of the C. Morris, superintendent j Horn Silver mines has been in town Filina developed and pictures printthe last few days. Hia presence is ed and finished at home by Elswick. j much enjoyed as it is reported that Dr. and Mm. Fennemore of New-- 1 die mine will be running two aliifta house were Milford visitor the first soon, which will be a glad truth to j of the week. the town. t Y H. DeWolfe returned Tuesday j The younger ret joined in a Hallowmorning from a two weeks' business ' een party at Mm. II. U. Backelta In the east. trip Saturday evening. All report a moat v jolly lime, and the appearance of the The best, most pleasant, easiest witch and ghost 'gave the party a gen- and safest pill is Rings Little IJvei uine Hallowe'en air. After fortunes Fill. Sold by Milford Fliannacy. were lolil and witchery games play ed Films Kodak Finishing developed j Lite a delicious lunch was served, Yon and made. the lint-- 1 press prints ot main feature being tlie mysteries do aud tnu rest. have Elswick the Dip J -- I FALL and WINTER MILLINERY ' Every lady wants to feel that she ia wearing the most and popular design hat that the fashion creators can produce. A visit to my store will convince you that I carry tho most complete line of up-to-d- .... Popular Shapes and Designs I also hare a trimmer in this department who can make your old hats look as good as new. T.j bo obtained in any ciLy. first-clas- s ! j ASSAYER S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Utah led Nevada are now prepared to give prompt attention to YY Kate Recce is over from J J. A. INGOLS MIBI ER6IMEER, Miaa is Stale Bank of Beaver County fever "rather late." WHOLESALE AND RETIAL OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT calculated to serve all classes; the old gnd the young, the poor and rhe rich. It receives deposits from $ I up to $5000 and allows four per cent, interest, compounded ! Schow & Fotheringham Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case vou know something of our But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for you to T j : witchs cake. Ree our splendid line of ginghsms, calicoes, dress patterns, trimmings, notions, ladies and childrens shoes Mrs. G. 0. Forgie , Dr. Henderson, the dentist, went to Beaver today wncre he will look after patients tor a couple of weeks. When you want wedding announce- menu or anything in the line ol fancy statiouery, come to The News. A letter from Clias. C. Kiser, for- merly or Milford, announces Ids mar-- j riage recently to a Miss Bertha Cost-tot ot Oklahoma Cily. Mrs. R. G. McXIece, mother of li w in McNiecu, returned to Salt Lake Tuesday night, alter baring visited ' here for a couplo of weeks. j j From : Lost, Strayed or Stolen Frisco, Utah, on Sunday morning, Octolicr 31st, three Frisco lielles. j When last seen they were going down each one Slate street on horse-bacof the to the horn saddles, clinging j showing that they were not use to tiiat mode of travel. It may be possible they either got thrown off, or eloped. 1 f any one should hear of their whereabouts and leave such information at the postofllce, the informant will lie suitably rewarded and no questions asked. , k, IF ITS THERE WELL FIND IT llionr Ofllce amt l.ahratory opjawite Opera House Milford, Y'tali lit t HARDWARE I i j t t t In addition to our large stock of startle and fancy groceries we have one of Ine best lines of Shelf and Heavy Hatdware in Southern Utah and can fill your orders for Anything From a Stove Belt to a Gasoline Engine We also have a large stock of wire fencing Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in and chicken wire, MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor none too laige for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN & SONS ! , j j 1 j j Morgan Rhnmway, a brother of ! Mrs. Xeedhain, arrived YVedneaday j .morning from Eaton, Coin., and ix- to make Milford Ids home. l)r. Fennemnre and wife returned peeta t A friend in need is Finesalve Cai-- ! from Salt Lake City yesterday. bolized. Never bo without it. Fine-salv- o The shaft at the King David, ha Carbolized is good for cuts,! j reached the 6C0 foot level this week. bums, bruises and seratohe. Sold by Mr. Clark uf the Columbia Univer- Milford Fharinaev. sity of New York, is a visiter in the For (2 cash you can get the Beaver camp. County News from now until Januarj' j The new gold camp of Atlanta, 1, Util, and we will alo give you a: .west of the YVali Wall range, is a set of those elegant knives. Don't; luiNller. borrow your ncighlmr's pnjicr when ; i Manager LnnquUt of the Cactus you ran geL a bargain like Ihi. mine is spending the week in Salt There isn't anything so annoying; Lake City. or so painful nor i there anything! j ' quite so hard to get rid of as piles, RnMrintendciit Morris of Salt In is camp looking alter the Cupric ManZan, the great pile remedy, i the j lied you can use, for it directly rea- company's interest. dies the seat of the trouble and at The tunnel at the Indian Queen i once relieves and soothes pain. It is now in uIniiiI 3750 feet and Is running liv mean of a tnhe with nozzle applied i a highly mir.cruli.cd !iuic. attached. Sold hv Milford l'harmacv The Michigan Mining company 'pirtlng in a California whim i t its RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS! shaft. Rnckv Mountain Johnson has H.i.... ind.iio and siumacii troubias . . L. GRIFFITHS Carries the best and most complete stock of everything in Groceries, Dry Goods, Miners Supplies and All Kinds of FRESH and CURED MEATS If (hero is anything j'ou w anl, we have it, and can supply you at right prices. FRISCO, UTAH NEWHOUSE NOTES X j ! i I j t t o-- i. i ft |