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Show The fiuit season We cairy the best is now here and you should begin to fill up your jars and bottles with your k is Beef, winters supply of preserves. We are prepared to supply you with all kinds of berries and fresh fruits at right prices in case lots. Phone us your orders. and most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in Southern Utah as well as everything in the Green Grocery line the market affords. Phone us your orders and they will have our prompt and careful attention. what you get when you deal with us. Our ice plant and cooling refrigerators enable us to furnish our customers with the best of everything in the line of That flborfe, button, Deal, jfish a nb 3ame We are now better prepared than ever before to serve you. We make prompt deliveries and give you courteous treatment. Come to us when you want the BE1ST. Jeffersons Grocery and Market t'ie improvement of the property and pen months ago, and ray that The the general equipment of the school, News stands for the eople of Milford and we .must not censure tho lir.ard and Reaver county independently too severely because of a shortage of and without favoritism; it stands ttbc fficavcr Count? IRcws THE PEOPLES rAPER J ,& forlj Jx the upbuilding and advancement ol the town and the development of the varied resources of the fumiuiidin BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Reaver County, Utah. country. Every citizen will be given '12 fair treatment by this paper and out This BNr was entered as second clans mutter June 1, 1H0H, at the postj columns are cocn for the diHriuuioi hum ere lid ,of 1,ih H,andanloltlc at Milford, Reaver (oiinty, Utah, uiidtr the Act of March 8, 1S7. of or vulgar iangnage used ou Hie play public mat ters by tho citizens is! Political and sectarian matters, per Milford is situated in the richest mnin district in the great Common- - grounds or in the school; neither on obscene liters writing any wealth of Utah and is the metropolis of Southern Utah. She is surrounded thejsoiuil alt acts on others, written in found is at stock as is etc. to lands and farm valuable the; any citizen will be treated by us as adHptod usually raising, fruitgrowing, by buildings, Milfonl is the gateway to the great Dixie fruit district and the famous N(.hciobi throughout the country. advertising matter and will he eharg Virgin oil Helds. ed fur at regular rates. Our adverAltogether Milford lias one of the best schools in the state, and any tising space is our stock in trade on citizen may point with pride to our which we expect to realize a pn.flt. RATES: SUBSCRIPTION facilities. educational All articles for publication, other OOe One Year $2.00 Three Months.. 1.00 Sample Copies sent free on request. Six Months than those written by the editor, WHERE WE STAND Advertising rates made known on application. must lie acconqiauied by the signaAt the beginning of the publication ture of the writer. 'I XV. L. F.LSWKK, Editor and Manager 'of the Reaver County News some Take advantage of our now suli-- ; ... j eighteen month ago it was plainlyion offer. this stated script that is oflieials Push it along; we need it a good, road paper, regardless there little doubt but beliefs sud of the personal feelings live commercial eluh. it would be given due consideration The Cough Syrup that and possibly result in the establish- of the editor, would lie alssilute-l- y -rldy the eystem of a cold rs 4 Keep boosting and talking for the ment of and) a hospital under the control of no man, clique howele is organization of. a commercial Hub tor Milfonl. Its a good tiling. corporation. It was further stated, Fay, hoys, tl.e man who has been elected to succeed E. II. llarriman In! however, that at all time, the paper Narrow minded people can never would reserve the right to offer a the rnilroI(1 worM WM of Pub,ic offlcla1"' tr good boosters. Re a booster ; down ln ToxiIl. At the age iU use influence and aiullet year thoughts be broad and of to flrtn a lank ontub.reil boy .'corporations liberal. toward the advancement and upbuildleaning over the plow haud'ea on a stricken farm. The only ing of the town of Milford and the The establishment of a garbage poverty of Reaver. thing he had ever seen in all hla early county wagou is a mat ter that should be this paper has ben acRecently, years, outside of the farm and tils given early consideration by the town cused of allowing favoritism, and, humble home, was the big railroad Imanl. Ho long as the town is untrain that passed by oree In awhile. plainly speaking, working againat the able to put in a good sewerage sysWhen Robert H. Lovett first saw the best Interest of the town. What we Dees is the original lazativa cough sjrrnp, moves the tem the next tiest tiling should be aa-d cootains no opiates, gently bave Affording such big train, boy although lin was, lie bowels, carrying the cold off through the a our in ami considered, opinion Guaranteed to give lM,n,on or PoraonB niakiug natural channels, to heroine a railroad man. jon satisfaction or money refunded. garbage wagon is the next best tiling so are aH,b atateinent wrapped up lua long, hard struggle lie made for the improvement of the uanilary Milfonl Pharmacy Milford. Ttsh. M own selfishness and uarrow heir liar-found but lie llarriman, good. condition of the town. riman had first found him. The rest dndedne that they are unable to was easy. The life of this man is ail api'late the broad mlmlnd efforts Tie statement to the effect tliut a newspaper, and to every American I my who the new town Jail cost the people example is one more for the lietter-men- t that doing . wants to make something iui. of the si.ng sum of ft, 000 is a slight misand advancement of the town Ex. about what you're representation. The jail, complete, and development of surrounding felling, but take a tip, cu-- t the town alont fi.HOO, and country than these narrow minded A WORD ABOUT OUR SCHOOL brother, youll break will of the building ai inspect ion accusers will ever be able to do. of the municipal the heat not pocket ear drums, During readily convince any citizen that the A careful purusal of the columns of some to our reference books. pubcampaign price is nut exorbitant. The jail has Reaver County News, from the a the li'en so ernst meted that at some lic school was made, which in of the first issue until and intime $ 0 measure reflected discredit upon our fiitme time a iccrnd story may be will this convince issue,, any cluding Sane advertising ade.l for a town hail and office pu- institution of learning. The News honest, fair minded man that The feels railed iqon to correct that ulat this rls'" at a cost of alioiil ?1,000. Nows has shown no favoritism to paper makes nienL. In the first place we wish to thinking people buy. any person, corporation or official, Now that the .lection is over and! tat that the standard of excellence a the but has always given people the Milfonl school, morally ai d 5 the people expressed their choice for live newsjNiiier which no citigood, To is equal any and fie next town tmant, lr: us ail put intellectually, zen need be ashamed of, and at the If youre rot in thcjjjM o ir shoulders to the wheel and help superior to many of the graded same time this paper lias been boostof aJ. van, isnt it timejSJC state of The schools Utah. I most fo the Souththo metropolis of lo for everything that ing continually witli best is of school the you took a flyer? equipped ern I'tali. This can heat lx done hy is for the advancement of the inter- ' in educational facilities for purposes the orgaiiiration of a commercial '1 which will help; u'vn up to and Including the chib. Then, are n anv good things! a" fT!' irf Iw aIB the path of progressivencss. to lie accomplished through such an! Ninth grade. The entire faculty Is have our word You and ultimate development, prosperity.; organization and it ran only lesult in! compswl of teachers who are tx. youll never regret it. y- in of branches wmk all the the growth anil advancement of our perienced M ft town ami t onnly. (Set in line and nd tium.ughly competent inti t for tlie rganistinu of a coin-- . struetorz. One important SL he said oft he faculty of the Milford c niercial lu!i for Miironl. " " school which can lie said of but few A matter that should he ealled to the schools in the state, and tliaM", that uite it Ion of the railroad 1 fllcials is everv teacher holds a state certificate. . MRS. G. O. FOROIF., Trop. U an rmci- - winch fact alone assures the patrons of the in want to do 3 our LAUNDRY WORK, nnd an prepariMl to give yon good service Is now fully Is taken to Halt Lake or lie handled tiie school has with the limiie I facilities at hand. SS1 S ich a lim pit tl w ould lie the means f giving the Miffcrcr immediate at- j ties are being overcome hy the school & teutiun aid possibly tiie saving of ' imnnl as rapidly as possible. It must TOUR DONE AT iiiuHAYl WORK HOMEi LAUNDY In? & s as is now it while hours taken consideration that several into the life, Ml man is a to hi to Imard the school time l'cuircl has. the past Iwo'rfg get iviumh- I lt.Mxtir.7i , , :v t,( If thia tuusUlc lAke. Balt rablo at milliT curtt, y monoy fXpemuHl hjiitil was pnqHTly taken up with Uic rail- in tiie enlargement of the building, a few InmiIcm or oLher'aupplif-- . These will all be furnished as soon the Itoard can secure them. As for the morals of the Milford school, we ran honestly say they are Publiidiod every Friday' a fir moon by ! ! j j j a J j I i I I . necessity in every home in Beaver This is a broad assertion but county. nevertheless it is true. Suppose there were none who read papers or books; the race would soon become like the poor, black, naked savage of Africa, with no recollection of the past, no interest in the present, and no liope for the future, lliose who do not read must get their inspiration and uplift from those who do. This paper - I ! f -- non-partisa- n, .jM-cctaiiaq'?- p,! erlU-beco- P1" LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP v accusa-resolve- v TA for truth, for enlightenment, for civilization, for morality, for progress. It believes in the civilized man of today, the more civilized man of tomorrow and the perfect man of bye and bye. It believes in and works for a condition right here on earth among men so transcendantly beautiful and superb as to be entirely incomprehensible to the ordinary mind of today. It toils and struggles through prosperity and through adversity by day and by night 1 V j up-to- at him-self- f$ CREAM ATPEOPIE- m i invl -- ou I In order that all may enjoy the pleasure of reading this home paper and assist in the work of enlightenment, civilization and progress, and that none will be called upon to borrow a copy of the paper from their neighbor we have decided to offer The News from now 21 i .... January 1, 1911 ! I I For $2 Cash J This is stiiitly a cash offer, and as a further -- i 1 1 1 inducement for every citizen of this county liecome to a reader of this great news j 3fotu3te ! 2Launbrvi" 1 i j -- .vnnm . iil we will include in this cash offer a set of kitchen knives free. . Remember that this gives you a set of knives and the 1 News 15 Months for $2.00 and you get all the reliable mining and rid news of the county together with all the local happenings. Subscribe today. 1 & in-d- A |