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Show $500,000,000 or $1,000,000,000, and cut FINE RECIPE FOR COLDS. It up and parcel the money out in this I and that section of the country. am opposed to any such proposition, Any druggist can supply these Inbecause it not only smells of the gredients or will get them from his pork barrel, but would be a pork wholesale house. "Mix half pint of good whiskey, two barrel. " ounces half ounce of of glycerine; la It. for Sherman, Too, Shake Concentrated compound. pine James S. Sherman use in haa brought to the people of the mid- the bottle well each time and l a dle west the message of the east, dimes of a teasfioonful to tablespoon-fuThis prescripa times four day. promising enthusiastic support of the tion Is said to work wonders. "We eople of waterway program. The Concentrated pine is a special the east depend on your people of the and comes only in half pine we he. said "When west, help you, ounce product each enclosed in an air bottles, we help ourselves, so there is every be sure it is labeled but case, tight reason why we should do all in our Concentrated" in order to get the we realize power for you, as soon as genuine article what you want and why you want it. of and Cannon MAJOR OR MINOR. Secretary Speaker War Dickinson are no less outspoken in their assurances of support, and many senators and representatives, among them Senator Lorimer of Illinois, the father of the deep waterway Vice-Preside- Great River Convention Is Held in New Orleans. PRESIDENT PROJECT FAVORS the Present Administration Support Issuance of Federal Promises Will Bonds If Fourteen-Foo- Pro- t gram Proves Feasible. New Orleans, Nov. 1. Ringing demands for 14 feet through the valley and elaborate argument in support of the program fo:-- the creation of a deep waterway from the lakes to the gulf have marked the great convention of the Deep Waterway association that opened here Saturday. SherPresident Taft, man, Sjieukt-- r Cannon, governors of th Mississippi valley states, innumerable senators and representatives and a mighty throng of private citizens who believe In the big river project are here and all urge that it be undertaken and carried to a speedy conclusion. President Taft Promises Support. President Taft, who arrived in New Orleans escorted by a great flotilla, after an illuminating trip down the Mississippi river from St. Louis, landed from the lighthouse tender Oleander about eight o'clock Saturday mornidg, and was driven to his hotel through streets that were canopied with magnolia branches, palmet-toe-s and southern moss, and everywhere entwined in the decorations were the mottoes "Fourteen Feet Through the Valley" and "River Kate At Regulation la Kate Regulation. the Athenaeum in the afternoon the president aroused a storm of cheers by promising, that if the project proved feasible and advisable, the present administration would favor the Issuance of government bonds to defray the cost. Not for a "Pork Barrel. At the same time Mr. Taft made it plain that he would not stand for any plan to make a "pork barrel" of the He said he opposed any project such general bond issue of $500,000. 000 or $1,000,000,000 for waterways Improvement, the money to be cut up and parceled out to diiferent sections. He declared that the Improvement of waterways had been carried forward in a haphazard fashion in bladder u in-s- t, .mu-inplaiii- wlknU-soiii- e ' - J ; 4S-19- A Clean Man d Secretary of War Dickinson. movement, this afternoon made addresses full of hopeful enthusiasm. lakes-to-the-gu- lf Pin-cho- t, Ingratitude. ::s nearly Missouri farc.-e- i relied to death by a mill" that he Sad rescued from a burning barn. A as a mule may be as ungrateful son. h ss thought Would Enjoy pui-so- 14-fe- A Who j Kavanaugh Opens Convention. William K. Kavanaugh of Missouri, president of the association, called the convention to order Saturday morning and set forth briefly the alms and plana of the organization. He said the deep waterway work Is now In this condition: 1. The sanitary district of Chicago has built the deep waterway, practically to Joliet, nearly 40 miles, and $00,000,000 have been spent thus far on the work. 2. The entire route of the deep waterway from Joliet to New Orleans, through the Des Plaines river, the Illinois river and the Mississippi river, has been surveyed under direction of congress by United States engineers, who have officially reported to congress that the building of the deep waterway Is feasible. 3. The people of the state of Illinois have adopted a constitutional amendment providing for a bond Issue of $20,000,000, the money to be spent in constructing the deep water way southward from Joliet 4. A bill Introduced by United States Representative Richard Bartholdt of Missouri Is now pending In congress, providing for the issuance by the United States goveriftnent of bonds to the amount of $500,000,000, the money to be spent In constructing this deep waterway from the lakes to the gulf and other meritorious projected river Improvements. 5. It is intended to ask the Sixty-firs- t congress to pass a bill providing definitely that the United States government undertake the construction of the deep waterway from the point where the Illinois work will end, to the Gulf of Mexico. In the afternoon, following the address of President Taft, Clifford head of the government forestry department, made an address on the conservation of the nations natural resources. In the evening the delegates to the President Taft convention were entertained at a stag the past, and that a new method smoker by the Progressive union of New Orleans. This evening all the should be adopted. I believe in the deep waterway, delegates and the ladles accompanyI am for it, and ing them were the guests of the Prosaid the president. gressive union at the New Orleans I shall use all the power that I possess in doing what may be accom- Opera house, where La Julve was plished to give you citizens of this given by the French Opera Comgreat valley what you so earnestly de- pany. sire. It is all a part of a still greater movement Inaugurated by TheoHis Politics at Home. dore lloosevelt, and properly called A political canvasser called at a by him the conservation of our na- home the other day and inquired as tional resources. to the political affiliations of the man The projects for irrigation and for of the house. the improvement of waterways in the "Oh, well," said the housewife, future are not to be for the purpose "he's everything. He's nice when he's of distributing 'pork' to every part of away, and he's not so nice at other the country. Kvery measure is to be times. Out about politics," said the canadopted on the ground that it will he useful to the whole country. Is he a Democrat or a ReThey vasser. are not to he adopted for sending publican ?" certain congressmen buck to Wash"Well, it depends on who he Is ington or for making certain parts of with, said the lady. "If it's policy the country profitable during the ex- to be a Democrat when he's with Democrats. he's a Democrat, and when penditure of the money. We should take up every comprehes with Republicans he's a Repubhensive project on its merits and de- lican. "I understand ," persisted the cantermine whether the country where the project Is to be carried out has so vasser, "but between ourselves, what far deevloped as to Justify the enor- is he at home? mous expenditure of money and if it "Oh, at home hes a perfect terror." will be useful when done. When we Birth of Biblical Art. decide in favor of a project, I believe The first Biblical Illustrative art in issuing bonds to carry It to completion as rapidly as possible. It has consisted in the symbolic frescoes o i been priiosed that we issue bonds for the Catacombs. The Russian Dynasty. The present dynasty of Russia Is the house of Romanoff, founded by Romanoff, t'zar Michael H13. who sseended the throne in The Romanoffs are descended from Andrew Koh.vla, who came from Frus-lito Moscow in 1314 Alt The Rare Gift of Courtesy. Courtesy includes not merely social How Relief from Distressing Kidney kindness, graces of speech, absence of Trouble Was Found. tudeness, but honorable treatment of business associates and of all the felMrs. Elizabeth Wolf, 388 W. Morgan low citizens with whom a man of af good with its blessings, must may bave business to transact, St, Tipton, Mo., says: "Inflammation lairs that it involves the it is not American to keep one citi-veof the with all tlie terra of living right bequestion reached ita climax waiting all day at the door last spring and 1 suf- - cause he la poor, and to grant an- implies. Willi pnqs'r knowledge of what fered terribly. My other citizen an interview becuuse it ii each lioiir of n creation, of enjoyback ached and' is believed he is rich. Wisdom is not ment, of and f effort may pained so I could confined in a purse, and frequently be made to contribute to living aright. hardly get around much wisdom may be learned froui a Then tin use of medicines may lie disand the secretions poor man. r were scanty, frepensed witli to advantage, lull tiiuk-- orinstances in conditions Why He Bought It. a quent of passage ' many dinary aren't you old Bay! and painful. I was ' Conductor invalutie remedy may simple, tired all the time and very nervous. 1 enough to know that you can't ride able if talu-- at the propT lime anti th on a ticket? child's Doan's and began using Kidney Pills, Co. liohls that it ie California I Hut l'ig Syrup Bure Filklns Silas le. only alter taking a few boxes was cured (lie subject and have been well ever since." ylstidily Samanthy sed I wuz giftin' t' alike iinpirtant to an so Remember the nnine Douu'b. Sold lie childish-like- , though! truthfully and to supply tlic one perfect ' Imlf-furby all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster- - mcbtic y'd let me ride laxative to those desiring it. Milbura Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Consequently, tlie Companys Syrup of Rough on Rnl fools the nits nnd mice, bill never louls ihe buicr. Tin- - Mvrcl is, Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general SHOWED HIS HERO WORSHIP' m Mint the nuLer) do tin; mixing, Tube satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects n s him. do jour own mixing; pay Jnr then you gel results, it's the only, tiny the genuine, manufactured by the 6urely Nothing Wrong Could Go Forth exteriiiiiiiitnr. Don't die in the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale from Lips That Were His house. 10c, 2Zv, im.Veneration. by all leading druggists. Mr. Lunnon I suppose I may adWhy He Won. dress you as major, sir! Every man Abnu Ben Adhcm sot forth his Allen has a strong admiration for in these southern states seems to be PRETTY KIMONOS li'fcftiliun 'maifriBl roMs claim. Mo seldom misses a military soldiers. a colonel or a major. Fm pun. II. Hi to 11.16. Mi.ip for Imly lied a never aliout what "I so and his childish fancy lias good hauipUr. Uerr Uitf.Cun2sUbliiiuiiitittieiMnvtryL Texas Bill I'i.i no major; I'm a parade 1 on my vacation, he cried. idea.lrcd the boys in bine that lie time had miner. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. considers them little short of perfecAnd, lo, etc. The Best Food for Workers. tion. Not long ago bis mother look him to The best food for those who work frl"ud of Ihtm a sweet-laced- , with hand or brain is never high see mi silver-hairewoman, aim is ibe priced. The best example of this Is found In widow of a veteran of the civil war. Outside cleanliness ia leas than half the Settle. A man may Quaker Oats. It stands at the top Before arriving at the house Mrs. Parscrub himkdf a dozen times a day, and alill ha unclean. Good among foods that supply nourishment ker told Allen this bit of her friend's health means cleanliness not only outside, hut ituide. It meana and vigor, without taxing the diges- history, and consequently the boy acclean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, n clean liver, and tion, and yet it is the least expensive corded this beautiful womau the most new, clean, heuithy tixxuci. Tlie man who is clean in this way food one can eat. will look it and act it. Ho will work with energy and think , reverent attention. This great food value and low cost clean, clear, healthy thoughts. suba In current certain discussing make it an Ideal food for families who He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood womof two Interest the literary want to get the greatest good from ject disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean suma en had mild difference of opinion, wliat they eat. achs. Blood disease ere found where there ia unclean Hood. Laborers, factory or farm hands, fed and Allen's regard for brass buttons Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. plentifully on Quaker Oats will work would not long permit him to listen better and with less fatigue than if in silence. fed on almost any other kind of food. Mamma, he asked In gently reAil of these facts were proved and tones after he had fidgeted I proachful prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean very interesting information about a moment in his chair, "dont you nd healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure, human foods were gathered by Proclean blood, nnd dean, healthy flesh. fessor Fisher of Yale University in think a soldier's wife ought to know ?'' From the Housekeeper. 1908. In addition to the regular packIt restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion end age Quaker Oats is packed in large g It contains no alcoliul or prostration. drugs. or sized family packages either with RASH ALL OVER BOYS BODY. is the most unclean unclennliness. Dr. lic roes Pleasant PalConstipation 8 without china dishes. lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. Awful, Crusted, Weeping Eczema on Labor Unions Fight Tuberculosis. Little Sufferer A Score of Treat Ten fraternal and benefit organizaments Provo Dismal Failures. tions, with a membership of nearly 4,000,090, and three International laCure Achieved by Cuticura. bor unions with a membership of over 100,000 have Joined the ranks of the "My little boy had an awful rash all fighters against consumption within the last year, according to a state- over hla body and the doctor said It LADY ment of the National Association for was eczema. It was terrible, and used to water water the the Study and Prevention of Tubercuawfully. Any place There are no other shoes at popular prices losis. 1 he fraternal orders and unions went It would form another sore and It in any way compare with these classy, that A score or now in the fight against tuberculosis would become crusted. good-fittin- g shoes. They are made fashionable, disare the Modern Woodmen of America, more physicians failed utterly and on utmost comfort, yet lasts the Insure that Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Or mally In their efforts to remove the feet and that trim give your stylish look. was use to told Then trouble. I the der of Eagles, Improved Ordnr,.. of Red Men. Knights of Pythias, Royal Cuticura Remedies. I got a cake of Arcanum, Workmen's Circle, Knights Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointof Columbus, Royal League, Independ- ment and a bottle of Cuticura Reent Order of Odd Fellows, and Forest- solvent, and before we had used half shoes combine atyle and wearing qualities to a degree that ers of America, the International the Resolvent I could see a change In easily makes them the moat popular, dressy end serviceable Union of North Amer- him. In about two months he was enladies fine shoes obtainable, at a coat no greater than ordinica, Lie International Printing Fress-me- n tirely well. George F. Lambert, 139 ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us. and Assistants union, the Inter- West Centro St., Mahanoy City, Pa 7 ( sure poo fef Iht LEADING LADY, look of th Moyer Trade Mark on the tola. national Boot and Shoe Workers' Sept. 28 and Nov. 4, 1907.- union, and the International Typo- hUo I'm a Cbem. Corp Sola Prop, Bodes. FRER If you will send na the name of a dealer who dees , at handle Leniiar Lady Shoes, we will send you tree, graphical union. SUFFERED TERRIBLY. Appreciation. "I was strongly tempted when we were In the conservatory alone to take you In my arms and kiss you. Would you have been very angry with me If I had done so?" "Ves very. Hut thunk you tor the compliment." Fortune's Whims. "Where did you git de hand full o' change?" asked Meandering Mike. "It was forced on me. answered Plodding Ie e. "A lady up de road sicked de dog on me. I had to steal de pup an' sell 'im In '' Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery habit-formin- LEADING SHOES Photo-Engr- avers' f pout-paid- A Long-Pante- r. Mary, aged 14, was found one day by an older sister sobbing and crying. "What is the mutter? she asked, with great concern. Three boys have asked me to go to the dance was the unexpected reply. "Well, my dear child, certainly that is not such a terrible misfortune. Yes; but I told the first one I would go with him, and the lust one " was a Harpers. How to Care for the Child. Perplexed mother wrilea: "My child has sneezing fits after the morning sponge bath. What would you adSome mothers give their vise? babies a hypodermic of morphine for But we have always felt sneezing. that this was too harah a remedy. Give the baby about three tablespoon-fulof Old Tom gin with a little sugar and a pinch of lemon peel. The sugar makes this remedy more grateful to ihe child. Be sure to keep this prophylactic away from father. s long-panter- $100 Reward, $100. Tin leaden of this paper will be pleated to ban that Him a at leant out drraiii-- iHmum! that menra Snake Story. haa been able to run ta all lU BOuira. ami thm a "Before he went flshin' said the Catarrh. Ilatra Catarrh Cura a the only pneitlvo - now known In I ha nalnl tralmiliy. I ilarrh town story tiller, "he swallowed runbi:: a ronrtltuuonal imulna a ronmtu-tkinHntTa treatment. Cure U Caiarrti takm 'bout a pint an' a half of snakebite arting dlrrrtiy upon tie- - bkaal and murina remedy, an' of course you know wliat airfanu of llm ayntrra, thereby ihMniylnn the the and nlvlnu the patk-n- t that is. Well, after the snake hit him tuuwhifknby ofbulklina up the conation Inn ard law-toIta work. Ihe pmprk-innhare the reptile cut all sorts o capers, kazo u nature In doitur (altb tn Ita curative power that they nflrr the remedy went straight to its head. Onenail Hundred ltollara for any cane that It fada lo smd tor IM of tmMntnnlala Last thing It tried to do wuz to swal-Ic- r aure. Aiklnta P. J. CO.. Toledo, a its tail, an' it got itself in the form Snhl by all I mica tala. 7te. lor ronatliaiUoa. itte UaU'o Jrandiy of a Jinop an' I'm a liar ef the children didn't roll it around all day!" Two Items. "I suppose with all thiH modern THE DIFFERENCE prison philanthropy, abolishing stripes Coffee Usually Means Sickness, But ami convict uniforms generally, they Postum Always Means Health. will soon introduce dress suits for tlie in our penal Those who bave never tried the ex- Institutions." prisoners periment of leaving off coffee and Well, you know, they already give drinking Postom in Its place and in convicts watches and chains. this way regaining health and happiness can learn much from the experiImportant to Mothers. ence of others who have made the Examine carefully every bottle af trial. CASTOIUA, a safe and sure remedy for One who knows says: "I drank cof- infanta and children, and see that it fee for breakfast every morning until Bears the I had terrible attacks of indigestion of Signature producing days of discomfort and Use In Over HO Years. For of I to tried nights sleeplessness. give The Kind You Have Always Bought up the use of coffee entirely, but found It hard to go irom hot coffee to a in all Cnntentedness glass of water. Then I tried Postum. of spirit, and is peace brings great "It was good and the effect was so in tempor pleasant that I soon learned to love al I cl nnd only Instrument icily. Jeremy Taylor. it and have used it for several years. I Improved immediately after I left people would drown with a life off coffee and took on Postum and at band. They are the kind am now entirely cured of ray Indiges- thm suffer from Khetimali.m and Nemnl- Wizard tion and other troubles all of which jci alien they can get were due lo coffee. I am now well KI, the lnak' of r ail pain and contented and all because I Tin.-- first time a girl is disappointed changed from coffee to Postum. in love she imagines she Iils unth- "Postum is much easier to muke im; left to live fur. right every time than coffee, for it is 1FRRV Il.tVIS I'AINKII.t.F It so even and always reliable. We NulMti nmi. nr No nflw'r p'liit!) Im never use coffee now in our family. his firrrhtMiiTmllsin.liinihiitto.RtiniH'hti.mriiRi'ij.ft We use Postum, and are always well. ui iwloranr Mirt. inlupiniM?l.'Utaiiii:iiic botvich. "There's a reason and it Is proved Anything a woman won't talk about worth mentioning. by trial. in pkgs for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road to Weilville Ever re ml he ahnve let ter f A wew nae appear frinn lime tn time. The re aeaalar, true, aad (all a( kiata Color brighter snd filler colors thin in dan-an- , e i CHl-lNh- s beautiful picture of Martha Washington, sin IS SU. Wa also make Ilonorbllt Shoes tor men, Martha Waoh-inrton Ccmfort Hlion, Verm Cushion blues, Bpeclul T:s- - Merit Scluol Shoes and Work Slues. A F. Llayer Boot & Shoe SaismgT emperature depends upon the heater how constructed whether it gets all or only some of it. the If the heater is a fuel-ener- gy PERFECTION Heater Oil (Equipped with Smokeless Device) the raising of the temperature is certain. Turn the wick as high or low as it will go theres no danger, no smoke, no smell just an emphatic raising of temperature. The Automatic Smokeless Device is a permanent cheek upon carelessness, making the heater safe in the hands of a child. Bums nine hours with one filling, heats all parts of a room quickly. Oil imlicator tells amount of oil in the font. Damper top. Cool handle. Aluminum window frame. Cleaned in a minute. Finished. in Nickel or Japan. Various slylu tnd finiblics. all-bra- ss Every Dealer Everywhere. Ui jirc-t-rv- rr I lh-i- 't iufrrrat. If NiX al Ynim, Write for Deacripfive Circular heard Agency ui the the CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY e i Co-- . Milwaukee, Win (Incorporated) BDQBSSSSSESSESSZSStSRSESSZiSSSSISSEIZSZZEIBIBSOS 23XSXZ fnr pttoi raphe lOtnftO ell ui hnmn, V rt f.r zcr.ic finr iionw fhf ynu tn thin Raw Fi': ITh-- wl Jwpert. Hjipj'inrflruw, nrcl Lh4. oatfcu to blKtitour HUNTERS&TRAPPERQGUIDE 1ir tli'cs tvp 44 (a.i'R. In i I l Unix , qjunttu on riiI'IirI V! Fur Art'iiiai. Ail I.' Me mi. irVru In it, r iiim ivfei f J.Ilwairi y.iiii4M..,!f..fe l.ip h nG. lnMi'it ini ilv ; 'tvAliwtA vii xi I'efiJJeigle 11 YiiiiiHiihl It wiflwthuLtihkiMiCM, MlW Fit !l Impiv-- etvftil trsMHT. rrti, TV, v, 1 s rwii'-e- l,n vi N I I Ki-'i- n 1 4. Vi t i H ! UV PUTNAM FADELESS DYES other dro. Ono 10c Mckiea eiriore all Rbori. The dro in cold natre bitter than any outer dm Vaa nilheut operas asart, Mnio for boa booklet-H- ow lo Dro. BJeack and ki Colon. MOHR3C DRUG CO , GrAojr, MHnatm. I caste, |