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Show tie h ik vttl or-c.'j-ap SAVED SILVER COMMUNITY at Park's Jewlory Store, tho hen a f fino ailvsr. This wars in knives, fork, sgeen. and fancy pieces ia guaranteedt- toa back tear twenty-fiv- e yaaro and guarantee. Co.nparajla only with the beat Is found FROM AN ai Sterling. Lent St CifX UlAli PATENTS By Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound la palrel- - Advice a rtrh ail Jncrptioa M Hairy J. Kabiiuaa, Atlurary si Pataata, 304-- S ai your invention. at Lau and Solicitor Judge B.JJiag, Salt LcLa City For the Season of Long There are no Imii-lIn the homes Companion ia a wh--,- wn-U- there variety lx: no Idle m-t-i- l Louisville, Ky. Lydia E. rink-ham-s Vegetable Comjround lias certainly done me a world of good and I cannot praise it enough, I suffered Iromirregulai'itics, dizziness, nervousness, and a severe female trouble. Evening!. wiu-t-- i hi- - Voirh's iNltur, and holes. Tut" of tin paiur's couii-iii.- t to every m.inbi-- r of tha Iikiihh-hoione Issue Is and the mxt Is walilnx at the pcstofitce. IhirliiK the winter The Compantou prints nearly a hunstories of ronslderalile dred compb-lilength, In'S il s the absorbing some twenty-livartieles liv men and women of renown, and about twice aa many ' short r'laraoler and humorous akeichcB as there aiv win- Lilia E.rinkhams Vegetable Compound has restored me to perfect health and kept me from the operating table. 1 will never bo without this medicine in the house. Mrs. Sami, I.vv, &23 .Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. t I Another Operation Avoided. untold I suffered and Adrian, Ga. my misery from female troubles, doctor said nn oieration was- my only chance, and I arcaded it almost as much as death! Lydia E. linkhams Vegetable Compound completely cured Lena V. me without an operation. Henry, 1L F. D. 3. Thirty years of unparalleled auo. cess ci;; if rms the power of Lydia E. rinkhr.iris Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The great vol isolicited testimony constant-im pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. linkhams Vegetable Isa remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which go many women suffer. - ter nights. Send your subscript '.on (JV7r.) at once so as to receive fret all ihe of The Coiiriunlon for Cie remaining weeks of limit, as w.'il as The Companion's yeuetlan" calendar for HMD. IlihoKiaphed In thirteen colors and gold. The i out Its roiiipiiulon. Companion llmldlnK. Host on. Mass. s oC-.- u y Com-roun- d Military Piety. During the Civil war the late Colonel (la be Houck organized a regiment which be controlled as a dic- tator. Two of a Kind. Mrs. Hoggs 1 hate to have a man always complaining about some little thing. Now, my husband ia continually harping on the lace curtains. Mrs. Woggs Yes, and my husband has keen kicking on our front door every morning at three o'clock for the last 20 years. Puck. "I am a bumble servant of the Ijord, said an Itinerant evangelist who had wandered Into ramp one day, 'endeavoring to save Ihe souls I have Just left or the unfortunate, the ramp of the th MussaeUuseiij where I wna instrumental In leading eight men Into the paths of righteousness, Colonel "Ail jut ant, thundered Houck, alter a moments pause, "detail ten men fur baptism, mo d d Massachusetts regiment shall boat Success Magazine. mine for piety. ARK er. ceuKe!" thousands of Americana go yearly to Mount Vernon to pay a visit to the repository of a dead man's bones, but the number la something enormous. A Melodrama of Modern Finance. If Washington never bad A fantastic melodrama of modern lived George at Mount Vernon, never had visfinance succinctly and correctly de- ited a new had there, never Inhad died there, and scribes The Cash Intrigue, been burled the antipodes there novel by Cteorge Randolph Chester, would be excuse for the visits enough of Hobby to the author of The Making of seventy times seven place HurnlL" It Is a tale of tronendous the number of the pilgrims who go strife for wealth and powei with a yearly down the rotomac to stand on In the domestic drama entwined the towering hill apd to look off down working out of the plot that makes the valley. the atoj;y all the more Interesting. It It Is with an utter ahame that It may aptly be termed sensational, but la mnfesAtf that after four years' chroniIs It a clever enchanting. residence In Washington one man cling of the efforts of a young man American barn and with some lurkto avengo the ruin of a father by In hia makeing pride of getting control of nil' the cash In c'r up never untilpatriotism went to the recently in tho and campaign culatlon, where the father of his counplnce mapped nut by h!:n. one is bron::ni try and the exponent of the American to a realization of tl.e hold tho great school teacher Ideal of truth Ilea tlmniclers hnve upon the people of buried. "The this great country of ours. Mount Vernon la the ultimate obCash Intrigue" should at once Jump Into popular favor, for tl has every- ject of the voyage down the Potomac. There are other objects every paddle-whee- l thing to commend It. Published by stroke of the way, for the hills Indianthe ltobhs .Merrill company, on either side are bills of rare beauty apolis. rrowned with trees that saw the revolution and that In the fall are wearLogical Conclusion. "Yon loos sweet enough to kit's." ing the raiment which belongs In the kings of the forest. says the Impressed young man. On the boat going down there was "So many genllLMiicn tell ine that.' young German gentleman, who had coyiy answers the fair gin. Ah! That should make you married an American wire. He was much more Interested in the beauty happy.' ltut they merely iy that," she re- or the Potomac's banks and In the They hi rely te. nie tae history of the couutry beyond the pines. farts In the rase and never prove banks and in the lire history of George Washington thyn was she. their statements." tafe. The German asked hla American wire Diamonds by Mall. If George Washington was born at With s flash of humor, a dash of Mount Vernon. She answered that love, a greater portion of mystery, he was; which he wasn't, not by a little jv.thi-- and much eominerelal many miles. He asked her many shrewdness. It would snm that The oilier questions. In each and every one of which, but with unerilng Diamond Master," by Jacques Inaccuracy .he Is a story that Is bound to be made answers. This was a traieied American It nil cniue lrl. There Is a fairly Success labeled belief (hat reshe met and captivated her Germ,,,, about by live different personu husband ceiving a diamond through the mail, while she was doing Europe In an automobile or made la was reader the Ihe time on the Rhine. rhapsodizing and from Some day. perhaps vedy likely, in tact she acquainted with this mysterious dla trt but ton of gems, th:re Is not a will go back to her husband's land und will chapter at the end of which one feels listen to his telling of hla Amorirnn trip, and in like laying aside tho book until one the enthusiasm of the nature wiii t, he made Published manifest on the Potomac he will has rescued the end. Ml the company, Inthe Hobbs-Merrltruths" concerning George Washington by which he learned from hfs American wire. dianapolis. It may be that some of the Germans who Awaekncd. know something or the life of the American genunrest In "Th'-r- e Is said to re eral win was the friend and fellow aoldler of Cuba." Steuben will come to think, as some Americans When 1 was then the Ht range. have come lo think before this, that a little but want to seemed noilrng people AiinTic...i history might be inrhuled In the course rest. Philad.'!)1 la Public Ledger. .,f study or the average Amerltan girl, and that not a dollar sin:, ilil be spent on her passage Mere Hum.in Nature. r h, Envoi e until she knows without stopiiiimry Said men nor:!i pub ping to think whether it was George Washington To the ot:irr in the u.i'ue: .,r Abraham l.lneolu who crossed the Delaware, "Ifs you lor ihe Annum Ob mid wlio. nitm-ihfntlater, forced tlu surreuder tame.1 And m.! for the ball tu :,f t'ornwallia at Yorktown. This may seem to be u matter that is beside the mark, but. while An Instructive Stoy. llte listener had none too thorough a kitow1eil-.- i A boy's book along new lines Is of American history, there were su-ntimers Kurve S. I . Hie Wi'h Ihe Hoy r.M'irVIn" snld on the boat plying down the Po'imiac that by Francis Jo school-botVs if they hud been said by an eight to the hue's love of to have brought him a tingling. ought adven the tlfllllng story aesertbes Mount Vernon bus been written about by turn of m tubers of the V. S. tier woven nearly everybody who has seen the piaee. pretty graphically logical Survey, hasn't (alien to the lot of everybody to see It pleases and Instructs. Among Hi It Into a stirring narrative test both In the full. It le a noble place, a fitting resting ground for th first American. places described are th Orand Pn Vji-saIt eeldom falls to man's lot to see such heyou of tho (iolorado. .no Heath hern Texas find Alisha. roic trees. There Is a giant oak which stands Lee A sentinel over th first burial place of Washing- Published by the Ivolhn-p- , Huston. Co , Hhepard e I'lsi-mrro- : e .; t. u I.HSINO FLESH When the end of your work is out of sight, look aloft De Legseps. Mrs. Winder-- . Rootfalng Sjmp. teething, ottrni tha gura,, reduce ta--I il,i..ll.y.p.;,.iimmlr,JhL Xtj.utUls, Poreblhlra . The patriotism of he office, seeker ' is the greatest ever. Dr. PlMve'i Pellet, (mall, nr.r-eo.tetake a candy, rrrnlnle end Invigorate liver and buweU uni cure eunali palion. reT M Sunatk Some family skeletons are padded beyond recognition. word Sentimental." Th wonder was, and the pool light waa responsible for ita remain Ing a wonder, If the father of hit rountry had not In hia quiet hour? been reading A Sentimental Jour If the gentle Martha had ney. peeped Into the pages and had re proved George because of what sh saw there one can Imagine his read) answer that the book waa written b) a I nly priest of her own chosen rhi reh. The man with the megaphone ox rubberneck" wag the Washington on tells hia audience of passenger, as tl.ey roll by the Metropolitan dut Iiocm.: "This Is the club of the nobs. In another minute, as the big sight seeing bus passes another clubboust the megaphone man says: "And thh la the club of the cranka." "The club of the cranks," aa thli In formation howler calls It, ia the Cos mos club, and a moat Interesting or ganlzatlon It la. Its membership Is com posed of ecientlste, some physldam and clergymen, a few lawyers and two or three newspaper men. The adentiste art in (he great majority. It costa a pretty penny to Join the Metro poll tar dub. and to pay the dues and to live the life ol the organization. Tbe Initiation fee at the Cosmoi club is rather small, and the dues are light, bul there are scores of members of the Metropolitan club, "the club of the nobs," who willingly would pay twice or thrice the Metropolitan's initiation fee and the Metropolitans dues if the expenditure could gain them admission to the dub where tbe cranks" foregather. Every Monday night Is called social night" at the Cosmos club. Of course the clubhouse Is open at all times, but on Monday evening the member! make a special effort to be present and there ie always a larue gathering In the great, sweeping rooms uf the house where once lived Dolly Madison. - Put-reli- ll YOIT tttmmrh ft ritchiiiif eouuh that you cuiinot nrerati ChtH'kr A buttle m Allan's Lnrf( HalKiiu will cun Uw tnmblft ftwl faulp you buck lo health. The body was removed from th baa of about 75 years ago. It never should have been removed. It la said that Washington selected the place where his body now lies and left Instructions that one day the change of sepulcher should be uiude. The oaU which guarded the first grave must have been standing for three centuries. The view from the place ia inspiring enough to ei. kimlle the eyes of a dead man. The view from the new toinb la line In It way, but It Is as nothing to the grand sweep of river, hilltops and forests which moves before the eye from the place where Washington slept for 30 years. Hundreds of visitors go to Mount Vernon daily. They peer into the tomb and then straightway go to the house. There Is an interest. of course, which must attach to any of the be'.m pings of Washington, but it seems to be a IiTitimate matter of regret that of the thousands wl o rn lo Mount Vcrnoii (he interest In the mirror which Washington used when he shaved and in the spoou with which' he ale his porridge, If l: nie porridge, is far gifrater than In the forest ;rc. miller wl.fclt hi walked and In the garden w!.:-.of fitnalfut were planted with ton. the oak . s hand. nt Mount Vernon eferythii.g Is dead; outdoors evt ryihing is alive. The (west and garden are Init,mt with Washington; the el the house nre as dust. There Is a nal interest, however, in tl.e library of tbe old koine. In the main the books are simply cup'.ca of those which were on the shelves in Was). melon's time. The originals, as I understand It. are In several libraries of the his rv.- -t lndi-or- s con-tcii- country. There are two originals, t. however, which nre oren at the title page, so that if the light be good, one may read Washington's name written In his own hand and the title of the book SICK HEADAGHE Positively cured bp these Little Pills. CARTER'S They el no relieve Die treee from Dype pole. Ini digestion end Too Heart) Eating. A perfect resv edy fur Dlnineaa, Nam aea, Drowdnean, Bad Taste la the Month, Cost, od Tongue, Pain la th. Side, TORPID LIVES, They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear CARTERS BSlTTlE Jys8 Fae-Simi- le Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. usted Iff any a man goes broke in He alt!) then wealth. Blames hjs mind-s- ays don't work right; but all the time ita his bowels. They dont work It liver dead sod the whole system get) clogged with poison. Nothing kills brain action like congood, clean-cu- t CASCAI1ET3 will relieve stipation. Tlty don't intrude shop" upon you In the Bad cure. Try it now. m Cosmos club. The members are a genial body ol lOe CAPCARETS men i.i.d they nave many guests front all parts ol r box for r week's treatnirnt. AUdrug-;lt- . Itigsurt Miter (he world. They find out what the guest likes tc In the world. Million boxes a month. talk about ami liter, some one who knows the sub is promptly tntroilui-- i .1 to him. There are subjects upon wl.lch you cannot get an expert opinion in the ('nemos club. The members, of course, have their hobbies and they ritle them. In one corner of a room there will be on astronomical group, and there will be another corner with a fish group and another corner with a bird group and unuther corner with, It may be, a mushroom group. It Isn't all science, KST KWOK TOl however. In the Cosmos club. The membere play Will iiut.ntly relieve your aching billiards and pool and bridge, and they have a fine throat. Thera ia nothing like it for time of it generally and at no great expense, foi Asthma, Bronchitis end long It Is one of the hard facts of earth that men detrouble. Contains no opiates. voted to science have little money. Learnins Very pleasant to lake. doesnt bring high pay in the market All Drurgiatn. SS eeata. ji-c- few-worl- Dont Cough! Use m CURE i |