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Show K I Salt Lake City, Utah, lias made Mining Claim and Washington Nu 6 Mi ill ug Claim; adjoining and conapplication for a United States patflicting claims as shown by plat of ent for the Reciprocity No. 1, Rcei-- , survey aie: Sur. No. 5921, Horn Siprocity No. 3, Reciprocity No. 2. Ac- tter Apex Nu. 5, Horn Silver Apex Nu 2. No. 1, Accrington N't crington r Horn Silver Apex No. 8, Horn U la 'K G Under lli X O T I C 1Z S Afound notices iliiii head will bn all legal authorized (u Im In News. Probate. ami C'ounty Guardianship not ice consult the ('utility Ub-rof Heaver county, Utah, or Hie vsj.etive signers fur further informal ion. in the liav-- pnb-li-du- r Hil-ve- No. 5, Reciprocity, Accrington No. 7, Champion, Ac ririp.lou No. 3, Accrington No. 4, Utah No. 3, Ac- criiigtou No. 6, Drum No. 2, Utah No. 2. Utah No. 1, George Dewey, said lode; Mice la Viler Uteri. grass No. 2, Drum No. 1, Drum, St. . 08 linn. W. (fi'Lyuig No. Thence S. 81 gL 1()uls No 2 Sl lx)uis Stale Engine Office, Kail l.akr feel to corner Nu. 1 of Horn Silver Nu. 3 Kt- n0. 4, Emporia No. 8, City, ('tab, October l!t, 1909. Apea No. 4 lode; No. 7, Emporia No. 9, Eui- Notice in hereby given llikl A. L. Tlience S. 8. leg. 02 min h. 4Mi.2 feel Emporia H,ha No. 10 and Emporia No. 11, lode Pot hert ogham, wiium uMtiiltice ad- to corner No. 2 of said lode; tare in claims consolidated, mining dress its leaver, Cub, ban load ap13. 26C.4 Theme N. 8 dg. (18 min. San Francisco mining district, the rein with accordance the feet tu comer No. 1 of Horn Silver county of Reaver, state of Utah, being plication quirements (if Chapter 108, Session Apex No. 1 lode; No. 5988, and described in the aw laiwa of Utah, 1905, amended by Thence S. 8 deg- - 23 min. W. 755.4 surrey notes field file in this ofthe Session Laws of Utah, 1907, to feet to corner No. 2 of Dully Mack fice, with and plat onvariation at 16 magnetic k i Ui-g- rs No. 2, Horn Silver Apex Nu 1, Horn Silver Apex No. 11, Horn Silver As-- No. 13, Horu Silver Apex Nu 9, llnru Silver As-- No. 7, Horn Silver Apex No. Irt, Horn Silver Apex No. 14, Horn Silver Apex No. 12, Lady FyankJJn Fraction, Sur. No. 5922, Humbug Mine, and Sur. No. 5916, Wash ington No. 2 Mining claim and Wash ington No. 6 Mining claim. direct that mis notice he published in the Beavef County News, published at Millord, Utah. E. D. n. THOMPSON, Register EDWIN W. SENIOR, Balt Lake Ciiy, Utah, Claimant's Attorney. First pnh. October 1, 19U9 Last pub. November 26, 1909 Apex x x located in the unsulxlivided portion 2H H., Range 11 W., K. containing an area of 36.117 acres adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by Plat of Survey is Bur. No. 5985, Bilver Horn lode. 1 direct that this notice lie published in the Beaver County News, published at Milford, Utah, Utah. E. I), it. Thompson, Register, Edwakd W. Skniok. Balt Lake City. Utah, Claimants Attorney. First pub. Sept. 10, 1909. Last pub. Nov. fi, 1909. of Township L. B. & M with the Waterloo, Sur. 4417, Marengo Mine, Bur. 5532, Green Monster, Bur. 5831, Extension Burning Moscow (Ant'd.), Bur. 5412, Anvil Mine, Bur. 5776, and Victory, Lit 47. Net area being 51.325 acres. Each of aaid lodes embraced In said consolidated claim being of record in Ihe ottiee of the county recorder at Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah. The nearest knowu locutions or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims slid tin Elephant lode, lot 43. 1 direct that tills notice tie published in the Beaver County News, at Milford, Beaver County, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. E. D. R. THOMPSON, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Serial No. 0 4860. United Rtates Land Ofllce, , Register. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 11, 1909. G. W. PARKS, BeaNotice la the that hereby given for Applicant. appropriate one hundred and fifty fraction lode; ver Combination Mining Company, a Attorney deg. 45 uiln. east aa follows: First publication, Oct. 15, 1909. (150) cubiu feet per second of water Thence S. 82 deg. 24 min. E. 407.5 Uoumiencing at corner Nu. 1 of Reccorporation, by its agent and attorney Last publication, Dec. 10, 1909. from beaver Kiver, Beaver County, feet to corner No. 1 of said lode; No. 1 lode claim, whence the In tact, J. A. Foley, of Salt Lake City, I'tah. Said water will be diverted by Thence 8. 2 deg. 25 min. E. 145 6 iprocity N w. 27 R. Sec. T. of 8.. 13, Utah, has made application for a means of a dam and a canal at a feet to corner No. 7 of said bale; 13 S. L H. and M., bears N. 50 C HUNTER. M. D United Btates patent for the Gettyspoint which bear north 38 degrees 10 Thence S. 88 deg. 51 min. W. 285.5 deg.W.,49 min. E. 7907.7 feet; burg Mine, Austerlitz, Victory Fracmin n tea east 1145 leet distant from the feet to corner No. 6 of said lode; NOTICE 52 inln. E. 92.6 Thence N. 87 tion and Marengo Fraction lodes conBerial No. 04604 southwest corner of Section 17, townPHTSICitl AID SURGEON Thence 8. 1 deg. 03 min. K. 242.5 feet to corner No.deg. 2 of said lode; solidated mining claim, situate in ihe APPLICATION FOR PATENT ship 87 south, range 10 west, Ball Lake feet to corner No. 5 of said lode; S. 40 52 255.0 miu. E. Thence deg. base and meridian, from where it will Thence S. 24. deg. 54 min. W. 1153.5 Ofllce at Tanner Ilonse United Stales Iand OtHce, Halt Lake Star mining district, Beaver county, Utah, being mineral survey No. 5947, be conveyed for a distance of 73,980 feet to curner No. 5 of Horn Silver feet to corner No. 3 of1 aaid lode, iden10, 1909. Utah, City. September Milfuril No. corner Utah of Reciprocity feet and there used from May 1 to Apex No. 13 lode, identical with corn- tical 3with Notice is hereby given that The and described in the field notes and Milford Mining and Milling Company, plat of the otHcial survey on tile in October 1, inclusive, of each year, to ers Nos. 2 and 1, Emporia Mine and Nu lode; to have If list it yon any tiling sell, Thence 8. 73 deg. 10 min. E. 734.3 a office with magnetic variation at irrigate 80,000 acres of laud embraced Emporia Fraction lodes; corporation, through if authorised ibis Klswick. with 4 to No. feet of corner Nu 16 : 30 as Reciprocity niln. east follows, in Sectiuna 2, 3 4, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 14, '1 hence S. 69 deg. 89 min. E. 600.0 3 agent, Ellen V. Martin, whose post-offic- e lode; address is Milford, Utah, has Commencing at corner No. 1 of the 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 88, 29, 30, feet to corner No. 1 of Einiairia Mine; 11 16.9 32 Thence E. 8. min. deg. made application tor a United States Austerllts lode, from which the cor31, 38, Township 28 south, Range 10 Thence 8. 20 deg. 21 min. W. 3040 to corner No. 3 of aaid bide; GREENWOOD mtent for the Last I 'bailee Lode ner to Sections 19, 24, 25 and 30, GEO. west; and Bectlons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, feet to corner Xu 2 of Independence feet 841.6 E. 89 Thence N. 11 28 12 deg. 35 min. and 8., W., Township Ranges in situate 1H, Township 27 south, Range 10 west; Nu 1 lode; the North Claim, dining feet to corner Nu 2 of Accrington Nu Star M., bears N. 5 deg. 48 inln. Kections 30, 31, 32, 33,34 ana 35, Townmining disi rict, county of Beaver, S. L. 11. Thence X. 69 deg. 39 inln. W. 6P0 2 lode; ATTORN EY-A- T LAW fir of Utah, being mineral survey E. 482.4 feet; thence running from 10 25 Balt ate west, south, Range ship feet to corner No. 3 of said lode, IdenLicensed 605.6 Abstracter S. 9 07 Thence W. min. 1 42 17 No. deg. aid corner W 8. min. No. 6987 and descrilied in the field Lake base and meridian. In addition tical with corner Nu 4 of Independeg. and Notary Public feet to corner Nu 4 of said lode, iden- notea and plat on file in this office, 1441.2 feet to corner No. 2 of the A us to the quantity of water above men- dence No. 3 lode; 4 with corner tical of Nu Law 26 N. Accrington Investments 84 terlltx min 30 16 thence with lode; variation at deg. tioned, the applicant intends to apmagnetic 600 W. 08 87 deg. min. Thence 8. deg. 5 lode; W. 496.9 feet to intersection with line min. east, as follows: Real Eestata Insurance Fire propriate twenty thousand (20,(JUU) feet to corner No. 8 of Independence No.Thence 620.7 8. 39 deg. 39 min. W. acre feet of water whicii is to be Nu 3 lode; at corner No. 1 of 1 2 of the Gettysburg Mine lode, Commencing T1TI-A1IHTHACTH OK feet to corner Nu 3 of Accrington Nu Last Chance lode claim, whence the (hence 8. 22 deg. 55 min. W. 481.8 stored whenever available from Octo21 min. E. 3000 Thence N. 20 5 lode; corner to sections 18 and 19, T 28 8., feet to corner No. 2 of the Gettysburg Qualified under rules of land departber 1 of each year until June 15, in- feet to corner No.deg. 4 of Emporia FracThence S. 89 deg. 35 min. W. 1500.0 range 11 W., and sectiuna 13 and 24, Mine lode, thence N. 69 deg. 54 niln. ment to certify abstracts in patent clusive, of the year following, in a tion lode; reservoir embraced in bectlons 17, 18, Thence 8. 87 deg. 08 min. W. 176.2 feet to corner Nu 2 of aaid lode. Iden- T 28 8., range 12 VM of the Halt Lake W. 600 feet to corner No. 3 of the proceedings. 20, 28, 29, 32 and 33, Township 27 feet to corner No. 1 ol Lady Franklin tical with corner No. 3 of Reciprocity Base and Meridian, bears south 73 Gettysburg Mine lode, thence X. 27 OffloM I Bank Building, Milford, Utah lode: Tolton Blocki Heaver, fcuh deg. 34 min., 30 sec. west, 1704.73 feet; deg. 03 min. K. 318.8 feet to inter south, Range 10 west, Balt Lake base Fraction lode; Thence N. 89 deg. 40 min. W. 338.7 Thence north fi9 deg. 17 min. east, section with line and meridian. The water so stored of the Marengo Thence 8. 47 deg. 19 min. W. 905. feet to corner Nu 4 of Reciprocity lfiOO.O feet to corner No. 2; will be released from said reservoir feet to corner Nu 2 of said lode; Fraction lode; thence K. 44 deg. 54 rorner Nu 2 of Thence south 47 deg. 62 min. east, min. W. 44S.2 feet to coiuer Nu. 1 of from June 16 until Octu er 1, inclu8. 87 deg. 08 min. V. 495.1 iode, identical with Thence 027.92 feet to corner No. 3; Accrington Nu 3 lode; the Victory Fraction lode, from which sive, oi each year, and conveyed tu feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; Thence S. 55 deg. 48 min. W. 219.7 Thence south 59 deg. 17 miu. west, the aforesaid section corner bears N, the above described tract of land Thence N. "5 (leg. 58 min. E. 743.9 Nu 1500.0 feet to corner No. 4 ; 52 deg. 53 min. E. 2387.3; where it Mill be used for .irrigation feet to corner No. 4 ol Lady Franklin feet to corner No. 2 of Notary Public thence Thence north 47 deg. 52 miu. west, 3. 44 deg. 36 min. W. 1335.8 feet to purposes. This application is desig- Fraction , Identical with corner lode; All kinds of legal blanks, location Thence 8. 7 deg. 33 min. E. 429.0 027.92 feet to corner No. 1, the place corner No. 2 of Victory Fraction lode; nated in the Suite Engine rs ofllce No. 4 of Horn Silver Apex No. J3 feet to corner No. 3 of said lode, iden- of lieginning and locuted in the un- thence N. 28 deg. 54 min. W. 60.7 feet notices, proofs of labor, etc., always as No. 2312. mile; with coiner No. 1 of Utah Nu subdivided portion of township 28 to corner No. 3 of the Victory Frac- on hand. Notary work promptly and All protests against the granting Thrace N. 21 deg. 51 luin. E. 501.3 tical hxM application, ela'irg south, range 11 west. 8. L. B. and M., tion lode; thence N. 35 deg. 28 min. E accurately attended to. reusoi. tu corner No. 3 of Horn Bilver lode; 25 inln. E. 1200.0 containing an area ot 20.664 seres ex- 723 feet to corner No. 4 of the VicThence 8. 80 Uicrtlor, must lie uncle by afliun vil Apex Nu. 13 lode; clusive of conflicts with mineral sur- tory Fraction lode; thence N. 32 deg in duplicate and til'd in this office Tocnce 8. 87 deg. 08 min. W. 7.7 feel (o corner No. 2 of Utah No. within thirty (30) days after Ihe com- feel to corner No. vey No. 5666 lode claim Molises; ad- 19 min. K. 621.5 feet to Intersection 3 of Horn Silver lisle; Thence N. 8 deg. 02 min. W. 315.5 orning and conflicting claims as with line 2 3 of the Marengo Fract. pletion ot the publication of this Apex No. 12 lode; No. 2 of George Dewey shown by plat of survey are survey ion- lode; thence N. 44 deg. 54 inln. C'ai jB Tanner, notice. Thence- N. 8 deg. 23 inln. E. 1906.2 feet to corner Molisss lode. No. Ht&te Engineer. 6666, VV. lode; 583.7 feet, to corner No. 3 of the to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver I direct that this notice be publishThence 8. 80 deg. 20 min. E. 600.0 Date of first publication, November feet No. 1 lode. Identical with rorner Marengo Fraction lode; thence N. 56 Apex 1 in News feet of to corner Nu said lode, idea ed the Beaver County pubfi, 1909, dale of completion of publica25 uiin. E. 310.8 feet to corner No. No. 3 of Horn Silver Apex No. 2 lode; with corner No. 1 of Congress lished at Milford, Utah. tion December 6, 1909. I of the Marengo Fraction lodr Thence N. 75 dg. 15 min. W. 1044.1 tical 2 bide; E. D. U. Thompson, hence 8. 65 deg. 54 min. E. 699.8 feet feet 10 corner Nu 4 of Horn Silver No.Thence 8. 76 deg. 31 min. E. 600.0 E. W. Senior Register. (o corner No. 5 of (he Marengo Frac NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Aiex No. 2 lode; Milford Utah Balt- Lake City, Utah, 2 tion lode; thence fi. 44 deg 54 niln. E Thence N. 8 deg. 02 min. W. 1720.9 2feet to corner No. of Congress No Claimants State Engineer's Ofllce, lode; 451.3 feet to Intersection with lines Attorney Salt. Lake City, Utah, Sept. 30, 1909. feet to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver First pub. Kept. 17, 1909. 3 4 of the Gettysburg Mine lode; Thence 8. 8 deg. 02 min. E. 1720.9 Notice is hereby given that Joseph Apex No. 3 lode, identical with cornLast pub. Nov. 12, 1909. 3 of St. Louis No. 2 No. to corner feet 03 uiiu. K. 547.6 feet (lienee N. 27 3 is Aiex Nos. S. Crow, whose post olflee address and 2, Horn Silver ers 1 ol No. identical with corner lode, 9 (n corner No. 4 of the Gettysburg Salt Lake City. Utah, has made a) (pl- No. 5 and Horn Silver Apex No. St. Louis Nu. 3 lode; Mine lode; thence 8. 69 deg. 54 min ication In accordance with Ihe requireNOTICE. Thence 8. 75 deg. 15 inln. K. 1044.1 K. 303 feel to Intersection with line Thence N. 76 deg. 31 min. W. 600 ments of the Compiled Laws of Utah, Serial No. 0 4017 reel to corner No. 2 of St. Louis No. 4 of the Austerlitz lode; thence N. 19ii7, as amended by the Session Luwm feet to cor. No. 3 of Horn KDver Apex APPLICATION FOR PATENT 17 deg. 44 min. E. 423.9 feet to corner of Utah, 1909, to appropriate one It I No. 9 lode, Identical with rorner No. lode; LAND STATES OFFICE UNITED 8 Thence 8. No. 4 of the Austerlitz deg. 23 inln. W. 1500.0 thence 8. Fruits cubic loot per second of water from 2 of Horn Bilver Aiex No. 7 bide; Balt Lake City, Utah, Kept. 13, 1909. 84 deg. 26 min. E. 598.5 lode; to corner No. 3 of aaid lode, Idcn to place of feet the South Kurk or Atchison Creek, Thence N. 80 deg. 2u min. W. 338.4 feet Notice la hereby given, that King tical with corner No. 6 of Emporia of adverof description of exterior Reaver County, Utah. Said water will feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; 11 lode; David Mining company, a corpora- beginning iKiiindaries of aaid consolidated claim. Thence 8. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 301 No.Thence be diverted by means of a flume and 8. 6 deg. 58 inln. W. 304.8 tion, through its authorised agent, tising in this Snid claim being located In unsur a pipe line, at a point which bears feet to corner No. 2 of Horn Sliver feet to corner No. 5 of Kuqiorla No. Cora M. Holderman, whose postoflice of T. 28 8., It. 12 W., 8. L north 48 degrees west 5,500 feet from Apex Nu 10 lisle; veyed part address is Balt Lake City, Utah, has 11. A M., and paper will give a total area Thence N. 80 deg. 25 min. W. 1500 II lode; Fremont Hill Mineral Monument No. 24 deg. 54 min. W. 501.3 made application for a United Btates of 6U02 acres.containing 8. Thence Rea3 No. said of corner to feet bale; 2, Washington Mining District, you a pleasanter surpatent for the Horn Bilver Fraction in addition to Thence N. 13 deg. 29 min. E. 601.0 feet to corner No. 4 of aaid lode; ver County, Utah, from where iL will Excluding therefrom, In Ban the Thence 8. 16 deg- - 26 min. W. 693.7 ode mining claim, situate prise than when She said Yes. (lie exclusion made between the lodes le conveyed for a distance of 2JKIU1 feet to corner No. 4 of said lode, iden- feet Francisco mining district, County of of to corner No. 3 of aaid bsle; thla survey, the area In conflict t tical wiili coiner No. 3 of Horn Bilver and there used from January Thence N. 75 deg. 15 inln. W. 810.5 Beaver, Btate of Utah, being Burvej ((.bjriiIH. IJUA lr W. X. to December 31, inclusive, of each Apex No.'ll lode; to corner No. 4 of Einixirla No. 10 No. 5989, and described in the field feet 9.2 E. 13 29 N. min. the In said Thence at district deg. year. mining notes and plat on file in this office, Rostoii group of mines, tor the pur- feet to rorner No. 2 of Horn Silver lisle; 8 deg. 23 min. K. 220.8 with magnetic variation at 17 deg. N. Thence 14 No. lode; pose or concentrating the ores of lead, Apex uu inln. East as follows: Thence N. 88 deg. 47 min. E. 1547.2 feel to corner No. 2 of Enqsirla No. 9 silver, copimr and gold. 1arL of said Commencing at corner No. 1 of lode; water will be used for the generation feet to corner No. 1 of aaid lode, idenBilver Fraction lode claim Horn 31 76 Thence N. W. 600.0 min. deg. of steam and as much aa may be nec- tical with corner Nu 4 of Horn Silver to corner Nu 2 of aaid lode, Idnn whence the southeast rorner section feet 7 No. of lode; domestic the Apex purposes essary for 27 south, range 13 west, 13, Thence S. 80 deg. 20 min. K. 238.1 tical with corner Nu 3 of Emporia Balttownship the employees of said mines and mill. Lake Base and Meridian bears No. 7 lode; in 811ver 1 of Horn corner to Nu It la not the Intention of the applicant feet Thence N. 80 deg. 20 min. W. 600.0 north 69 deg. 62 min. east, 7462.6 feet; to use any water that flows into the Apex No. 7 lode; 41 13 min. Thence south east, deg. Thence N. 13 deg. 29 min. E. 600 feet to corner No. 4 of Emporia No. South Fork of Atchison Creek above 701.9 feet to corner No. 2; a point which bean north 39 degrees feet to corner No. 4 of Horn Silver lode: 17 82 min. wrst, Thence north deg. Thence 8. 8 deg. 23 min. W. 220.! west 1,210 feet from the mineral mon- Ajiex Nu 9 lode; 220.0 feet to comer No. 3; to No. 8 of Emporia No. corner feet 31 2100 S. 76 E. min. Thence above deg. described. This applies ument Thence north 3 deg. 33 min. east, tlon la designated in the State Engi- feet to corner No. 1 of Horn Silver lode; 655.3 feet to Corner No. 4; 80 Thence 25 W. N. 600. min. deg. corner with Identical Extension lode. neer's office as No. 2364. Thence sontli 82 (leg. 17 min. east, feet to corner at No. 4 of aaid lode; All protests against the granting of No. 2 of Little Dick lode; 11.4 feet to corner No. 1, the place of 8 1498.! Thence 23 N. min. E. deg. Thence N. 87 deg. 51 min. E. 890.6 aid application, and located in iinsnrveyed tating.tbe reasons feet to corner Nu 1 of lode, iden beginning 27 8. Range 13 W ot therefor, must be made by affidavit In feet to corner Nu 1 of Little Dick tical with corners Nos. said Township part 2 and 3, Drum S. L. B. & an area of duplicate and filed In this ofllce within lode; M., containing 1 lodes; Thence 8. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 292.S and Drum Nu 0.3!) i acres exclusive of conflict with thirty (30 days after the completion N. 80 Thence Large and commodious accommodations 25 W. 600, min. deg. 6 of No. corner to said lode; feet of the publication of this notice. No. 38 A lode claim Horn Silver, 4 to No. corner feet No. Drum of 186.9 26 58 W. min. Thence 8. for the convenience of tourists and traveling CALEB TANNEll. deg. 48, Lulu lode, and Lot No. 61, SUte Engineer. feet to corner No. 4 of aaid lode, iden- lode; and Co. iode; adjoinGrampian Ledge 8 371.! 23 Thence X. E. min. deg. men. All the latest magazines and papers Date of first publication, October 15, tical with corner No. 1 of SL Stephen ing and conflicting claims as shown feet to corner No. 3 of Drum No. . 19u9. Date of completion of publics No. 2 lode; of Survey are Lot No. 70, Plat by are in our reading room. Thence 8. 13 deg. 29 min. W. 279 1 lode; America lode, Lot No. 38 A, tion, November 15, 19n9. Thence 8. 81 deg.-5min. W. 603. Young Teet to corner No. 2 of Absalom lode; Horn Bilver lode, Lot No. 48, Lulu Thence 8. 75 deg. 54 min. E. 28.3 feet to corner No. 2 of said lode; APPLICATION FOR PATENT. lode, and I Jit No. 61, Grampian Ledge 9 N. 51 Thence 1276, min. E. 4 David deg. of King feet to corner No. and Go. lode. M. A. No. 04887 to intersect line 3 Accrington I direct that this notice lie publish United State Land Office, Salt Lake lode. Identical with corner No.-- 1 of feet No. 6 lode; ed in the Beaver County News at City, Utah, October 13, 1909. Absalom lode; Thence N. 79 deg. 00 min. W. 330 Thence S. 89 deg. 26 min. E. 277.9 Utah. Notice is hereby given, that King to corner Nu 2 of Accrington No. Milford, E. II. R. Thompson, David Mining Company, a Corpora- feet to corner Nu 5 of King David feet 6 No. 2 lode. with corner Identical lode tion. through its authorised agent Register, 4 Nu 275.1 E. lode; 13 Accrington 62 niln. Thence 8. deg. Edwin W. Senior, C'ora M. Holderman, whose postoffice 850. 55 8. Thence 48 W. min. 1 Balt Lake City, Utah, address is Salt Lake City, Utah, has feet to corner No. of said lode, the feet to corner No.deg. 4 of Accrington No CUimauts Attorney made application for a United States place of beginning and lodnted In un I Ideal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement lode; surveyed part of Township 27 South, FIrt Rcpt. 17, 1909. publication patent for the King David, Absalom, 11 deg. 00 min. E. 835.! N. Thence M conB. S. and L. 13 1909. Old Nov. Last West, 12, j Range Little Dirk, St. Stephen No. 2, publication to corner Nu 3 of Champion lode; taining an area of 358.376 acres ex- feet Warrior. Horn Silver Apex No. 83 Thence 1219.1 54 8. W. min. SurMineral deg. conflicts with Horn Silver Extension, Horn Silver clusive of NOTICE. Dick Tay-'o- feet to corner Nu 4 of Accrington No Apex No. 5, Horn Silver Apex No. 3, vey Nu 3399, (aide I Claim Bur. Nu 3401. July Washington 7 lode; Berial No. 0 4561 Horn Silver Apex No. 8, Horn Silver Thence X. 11 deg. 00 min. E. 1488.6 Franklin A PPU CATION FOR PATENT. Apex No. 2, Horn Bilver Apex No. 9, lode; Sur.No.No. 3400, Lady to corner No. 1 of said lode; feet and Tift 51, Silver Lodge Grampian Stales Land Ofllce, Halt. Lakn No. Uuitel 'ml: 7, Hem lnrn Silver Apex Thrace N. 83 deg. 54 min. K. 1181.4 Utah, Sept. 7, 1909. City, Apex No. 14 Horn Si'ver Apex No. HI, Co. iikIp, and Lot No. (91. Jay Hawker feet, to corner No. 5 of Champion bsle, Notice is hereby given, that The H un Stiver Apex No. 1, Horn Silver lodu: adjoining and conflicting claims WhnlMsIe and Retail Deafen in 'A.fx No. 11. (hilly Mark Fraction, aa shown by plat of survey are Lot Identical with corner No. 4 of Ac Milford Mining ami Milling Company, Hawker lisle; Lot No. 49.. a corporation through Its authorized Hoi Silvr Apex No. 12. Horn Bilver iXo. 00, Jay lode N'. Thence E. 48 804.5 55 min. Lot. deg. number 63,' ; Ellen V. Martin, whose postBonanza Apex No. 13, Luly Franklin Fraction. feet to corner No. 3 of Accrington agent, oflice address is Milford, Utah, has Uinpoiia Mine,. Emporia Fraction, In-- Dives Isle; Lot- number M, Nris. 2 made application for a United Staten 1. Iiiilcpcmlenco No. lipiaii I'dgp and Co. bales mil lode, Jdenl leal with corners 1 and Reel pat-oufor the Horn Silver and La and Nineteen limulrcd L'rte Minirg number 39 A, Horn Silver lode; Lot and 1, Accrington No. Lumber, Mouldings, Doors and Windows No. pmclly lodea; Plata lode mining claims con wlidated Cl.'iiiiiH situate in 1L No. 70, Voting America lode cnnrtoiiduteil, N. 46 28 Thence 794.3 W. Mark min. 61. No. disin deg. Dolly the North Ktar mining situate San Francisco Mining Phurlct, (min- 48. Lulu lode; Lit Sur. No. 3400, Lady Franklin feet to corner No. I of Accrington No. trict, county of Beaver, State of Utah, ty or ISBVr, State of Utah, lining Sur- lode; 1 No. 3401, Lady Washington lode; being survey No. fitiss, snd descrilied vey Nos. 4656 and 6921, slid described lode; Sur. Thenro N. 25 deg. 34 niln. K. 587.2 in the field notea and plat on tile in' in the field notes and plat on fib In lode; Bur. No. 3399, Dirk Taylor Me. Mining Timbers and all kinds of Bnilding Material 7 direct that this not lee lx published feel to corner No. 1 of Reciprocity No this office, with magnetic variation this offlei', with mnguetie variation nl 2 ! . 16 30 lisle; Denver In min. as East News, at the follows: published County deg. 16 deg. 45 min. K.tsl, as follows: Thence N. 3 deg. 14 min. K. 19.2 Commencing at corner No. J of, ('(iiiiiuenring at corner No. 1 or nt Milford, Utah, or 2 No. feet to n. corner D. THOMPSON. said E. lode; llnru Silver bxle claim, whence the King David lode claim, whence the Thence fi. 77 deg. 17 inln. E. 1322.9 cor. to Secs. 18 slid 19, T. 28 S., R Register, HK. cornT See. 13, T, 27 fL R. IS W.. 3 to No. feet corner of Reciprocity No 11 W,, Slid Secs 13 and 21, T. 28 H., It. B. I,. M. and M. hears N. 75 deg. 18 EDWIN W. SENIOn. 2 bsle; W. of the Sait. Lake Kasq and Me-Salt Like City, Utah, mill. E.. 7211.2 feet; Thence N. 12 deg. 03 niln. W. 246.4 redian, liesrs K. 59 deg. 39 min, 30 sec. Claimant's Attorney, Thence S. 2 deg. 26 min. V. feet to corner No. 1 of Reciprocity Nu. W.. 6172.8 feet; j j First feet to corner No. 2 of said bxle; publication October 15. 1909 I lisle, ihe place of beginning;, and Thence N. 54 deg. 01 min, K. 600. 01 Tlu-ncN. S9 deg. 26 min. W. 531.1 Last publication Deeemlier 10, 1909 located 111 I be unsurveyed pari ol feet to corner No. j of said bxle; feet to corner No. 3 of said bxlo, iden- T 27 fi.. Range 13 W., fi. L. Thence H, 36 j g. 59 inln. E. 1500.0 Towusbip Absalom 6 of No. corner with lira! II und M., ioulniniiig an area of feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; NOTICE. lode; 169.1)15 acres exclusive of cc.nfltctH Thence H. 51 deg. 01 mill. V. 1049.7 Serial No. 0 4726. Thence S- - 5 deg. 0 niln. E. 144.2 fral with Mineral Surrey No. 5921. bale feet to corner No. 4 of La Plata bxle; APPIJf'ATlON FOR PATENT. to corner No. 5 of .tlwn'oill lode. Idell- ShIi Lake claims, Horn Silver Apex No. 9, Horn Thence N. 35 deg. 69 min. W. 1500.0 tical with corner No. !, Bur. No. 4033 Uniicil Hi ales Lind Office, IDilU. Silver Apex No. 7. Iliilll Silver Apex feet- to corner No. 1 of said bsle; City, Utah, Kept. 25. Nineteen Hundred lisle; I 'Thence N. 51 deg. 01 min. E. 416.7 Notice Is hereby given that King No 10. Horn Silver Apex No. 14, Horn Thence K. Ml deg. 58 min W. IV ' bilver No. 12 Lady to corner No. 2 of agiti lisle, feet Franklin a enrisiration. 5921. David Milling Nu. Company, No. I. Sur. rorner feet to It x authorized agent, Cora M. Fraction, Sur. No 5922. Humbug Mine, identical with corner No. 1 of Horn The News and be happy. through did Warrior bide; and Sur. No. 5946, Washington No. 2 Silver 02 min. E. CO't foe Holderman, whose postnfflee addres (;u pleo of iM'ginning an j Thence S. 8 U d-- to-w- it a 23 Bert nichols lo-le- d-- C. Mclntire Contractor d-- 1 d-- 34 t 1 n For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop at :THE OXFORD Lot-No- . 8 2-- r; UMlfovb lumber Co. 11 Oram-dependen- N-i- !t t 1 Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal C7-'.- ; e 11 : Ax ' d-- lot Subscribe for |