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Show J ' )U i (f K; 'j (n ( ''- ?-i V s. v . K i - , " .! xv I TV i wch- i r:r BEAVER COUNTY ,CjTAH. -- : VOL 2. NO 27 MILFORD. til - ; ,v,l FUSION CITIZENS TOWN D0IN6S LOCAL AND PERSONAL TICKET ELECTED I BOARD PASS- ES ORDINANCES ! 1909 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 5. (r SCHOOL NOTES BEAVER The Ninth grade has been re vie wexamination. ing and The school yard has been cleaned being leveled down by the I $2.00 PER YEAR COUNTY MINING New dishes are added daily to the bill of fare at Hotel Atkin. Live, Interesting Mining News Gathered from the Various The Entire Ticket Elected by Matbeaun, the tailor, has just re- New Jail Accepted and Bills ceived a handsome line of all wool flCinlng Districts of Beaoer County. Handsome Majorities BeaSettled- - Revised Ordman- fall and winter samples and can fit The Eighth grade has had a bard A rdf ver Has Big Democratic you out with an elegant suit. Call written examination this week which ces to Become Effective and see them. shows improvement in every study. connect with the old workings, from Landslide lapronsi in Ten Days The fire laddies turned out Sunday which heavy production was made in of Fond the The Frisco school boys sent a chalManager afternoon tor a practice and to Invisited a the few to the sUaieuts local days UiH early daya. The raise Is up 235 property for a ball lenge The municipal flection (or the spect the hydrants and apparatus. feet and it is estimated that 125 feet and feels met in ago trustees of be town The board Herevery pleased greatly Tua-daFrisco. ui at game y played town of Milford vn held last Everything was found to be in very more will take it to tbs lowest level and conditions Presiwith the tofore such documents as formal encouraged regular session last night with at which time more intereat wan good working order. as he found of the old workings. It Is being drivthem there. all the and dent have challenges Bardsley presiding passed back and shown by the votera than at any Mr. is Pond en in the first ora shoot that was enof minutes The forth withoui. gratified members especially results. The present. Abner Tanner, who had bis finger apparent municipal election. During the e with the of and countered sine east of the shaft on the 700 read Milford crowd claims that it means a deposits last few daya of the campaign much cut off while running a saw at the the previous meeting were ores in Talisman old work In progress is be the The level up opened sven if they have to game this year hard and effective work was done by hops Inst week, returned from Salt approved. ft walk to Frisco. of This hieh a to the view of getting the done with ore, the bills workings. Ing The samples against following both parties. Up until the last of the Lake Tuesday morning, where he had of 49 per cent, and car- mine in the best itosslbie form for returns were give and ordered allowed paid: aides both ballots to the of attended been to at hare the hand The new fountain arrived the other load lots of which counting Amusement Theater rent. .....$ 7.60 average 44 per production when the new mill is pro claimed the victory, but when the the hospital. Milford has an energetic and day. cent, Las been opened up in three vided. Beaver County News election Hinoke of the battle had cleared away school board. Instead of different 29.00 progressive places, showing at some supplies it waa found that the Citizens Fusion There is nothing so good for all the children esn now cups unsanitary a width and thickness of five 10.00 fcrvicesl P. points The long tunnel which la being J. May, legal ticket had been entirely elected by kidney troubles as Pineulus, the new driuk from a sparkling drinking fouu feet. The Pond Mr. 4.00 C. election deposit, J. driven Mclntlre, by the Indian Queen Mining uya, judge.. a big majority. kidney remedy. Fineules act prompttain. Milford has the finest water in Iu the light for president of the ly In relieving backache, weak bark, C. J. Mclntlre, building booths 6.75 Utah, which should demand the best has been merely opened up, and has company has just cut through a big town board. Win. Armstrong won pain iu the bladder and all urinal dis- D. A. Tanner ( election judge... 4.00 of everything to be in keeping with not by any means been developed to fissure which is highly mineralized, ita full extent. A winze has been and conditions in the property are R. H. Pitchforth, election judge 4.00 out over P. I). McKeon by a majority orders. bold by Milford Pharmacy. it. , lnsteso of chipped and rusty sent down on the 9.00 and much more encouraging than they ore, James Forgie, registry agent... of SO. The Fueiou ticket for trustees i the children may uow drink is in the formation to a however, of forty have ever been before, according to Are you interested in California, W. L. Elswick, steuog. work.. 2.60 cups from this depth w elected over the Peoples party fountain without feet. freely Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it are now being di- David Evans, who arived in the city ' by majorities ranging from 40 to 100. would tie wise to write for full infor- Harry Bird, jail work contamination of any na rected Operations nSr to getting nnder the body from a few M 10 The vote for pri aiuent of (lie hoard mation about the shortest line and Bert Carter, water service daya ago, after having visited the aide of the old Cedar mine, and the mines of which he is manager. 14.40 'tore. Die best service from your point hi B. R. P. Co. wiring jail was aa follows: In the civil government class Wed- when the necessary connections are 191 those sections via the SALT LAKE B. R. P. Co. lamp f ir hose house IJU The tunnel is in now a distance of Win. Armstrong, fusion road l.iiO nesday a student asked the teacher, made, the ore will be mined and .1,7.r0 most, Kl)CTK. I'lalis popular Peter water service.... Fulton, luti B. 1. McKeon, peoples feet, and it bus attained a verwhat lias the town board to do wiiii placed on Die market. The product tical was instructed to lsaiio Tlie clerk The vole for trustees waa an foldepth from tlie surface of about Sunday services at First Church ot certificates of election next Another student very easily taken out, being in 1,150 feet. It has about 1,000 foet Monday tlie schools? iowa: Christ Scientist of Milford are held as 1 know, Mr Mr. Fond further to ran to cut the to the successful candidates in the swei-ed- , easy picking. Armstrong is a reallty 173 follows: Eh Tanner, fusion Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. states trustee of was the that tlie conterms and he elected election. by mayor. 174 contact at the base nf tbe great Chealey Barton, fusion morning service at 11 oclock, even- municipal tract under is ore is which The also sold the the chairman tlie of Hollis bill T. C. for of The $13.95; mayor K. F. Minch, fusion ..194 mountain which is a dis8 at services oclock. quartzite Wednesday was laid on the table for future action. school board. ing Olliers said, "tills is company will realize $28 a ton from tinctive 171 of the geological sitW, J. Smith, fualon.. feature evening experience meeting at h The clerk was instructed to huiue a.1j not lovestiga- - the product. always necessary. 135 oclock. (4. L. Shoemaker, people's uation of that region. warrant in payment of the balanc.; lion found that cue of the fuudameu-o- f On tlie Cedar side of the property a The IIS Charles Nichols, jieoples country between the present winze sent down from the 400 Arrangements are being made for contract price on town jail. " principles of our government is 94 jtal tunnel and the contact Is face the Jimeph liickinan, peoples Milford in held a big race meet to be The Revised Ordinances werawp that schools and politics must not lie level has uncovered three feet of a the most 113 W. J. Forgie, peoples of all, Mr. Evans interesting Several on Thanksgiving day. large for action and were vnanlmnualyit! mixed. Religion, politics and educa-- j very good grade of ore, ays, It la strongly fissured and highIt waa put up to the votera to de- purses will lie up for this occa passed by, the board. The clerk wai twin must lie kept separate when and this is also being developed as ly mineralized on tlie surface a forckle which men should represent ion and with hung the several matched instructed the work goes on. Workmen are to post the copies of the' rdioola are run at public exjieuse. them and the decision waa most mation whidii affords every facility races wnich will lie pulled off this ordinances for ton to and deliver getting under this deposit from tlie tor the daya There la certainly no room An of the investigation purported making of large bodies of ore. to.be a' moat interesting the original ; to the printer foripubli-catl- o level, and there is still 60 for complaint of the decision and the promises of was liooks week made this v is It tbe iqytage country for which tbo Indian meet... feet to go before the connection will W town will no doubt be well handled tjecffeiMi of the effort of politicians to were aiming when they Queen people be made. A raise is also sent during tip,, neat two yean, aa ltrhaa schools Into polities. It no wAth a view to. further being started the tunnel, which has just been during the past two j ears. waafocaithat buV; twe books were the ore formation,' ' and developing reached the zone tn which ore discovmaking it trip rates $511, good returning atx j Lake a eouplw or days this'Wcek. an4-tb- se (hereto-foreases two needed eries of importance might he exconvenient to handle. Ex. There was quite a lively campaign months. All Information about hote'sj If you want tlie best remedy for fully exposed) were in the first pected. on over at Beaver between the demo resorts, ocean beaches and motor .onr insist upon Bees Laxative grade. Tlie two stndenta have had Gcttiag In At hr Oparafim. Tbe King David company is centercrataud republican parties, which roadscaniie obtained of K.O. Kerr, coughctd, laxative; books nearly all the time, hut when The property of Newhouse Mines A ing all of its energies In tbe sinking Ryrup. Through-itresulted in a democratic landslide. D. P. A., Hall Lake Route Halt Lake principle, it gratis moves the bowebJall wm in use their lessons have Smelter was purchra d f r $50,000, at of Its shaft, it baring been found more D. 1. Frazer, democrat, was elected City. and in that way drives tlie cold from j iixm written out and given to them foreclosure, by the Trust Co. of Amer- economical than to attempt to drift mayor, oyer John M, Murdock, rethe system. Sold by Milfonl Phartn- - to take home. Tlie reason no books ica, which was trustee under the mort- when Hallowe'en sorial The .(he given by was in maprogress. The sinking publican, by an overwhelming were ordered is that a new text book gage. Next step toward placing the shaft Is 650 feet deep, and it Is the InLadies' Aid society at the homo of' oy. jority. will soon he mdmtituled, the one used property in commission aa a pro- tention to Mrs. W. P. Cottrell l:isl Friday night Now it the time for excursions to put It down to 800 feet beof the ducer will be tlie completing of incor- fore short In Salt I.ake the elccliou waa an was a most pleasant and successful the onIy portion drifting will be undertaken. glorious laud of sunshine, Round school of the South Utah Minea & hut one and resulted affair. Games and music were the year. poration exceedingly six rates $50, good returning trip Smelter Co. with total capitalization in a victory for the American party. features of the evening, alter which months. All information about hotels 0 of $4,300,000. Of that amout $1,300,-oo- o by a luncheon of doughnuts, coffee and resorts, ocean beaches and motor Mayor Bradford waa The big pump, the installation of will be six per cent income bonds which completes the splendid equip9,00U majority and all the American trait was served. roads can I hi obtained of K. C. Kerr, ST. MARYS IS LOOKING GOOD convertible into stock at cou ncilmen were elected except two. r, $6. ment of the Harrington Hickory propWhile playing with a gun which D. P. A. Sait Lake Route, Salt Lake There will be UU0,0u0 shares of stock, of erty, baa arrived and is being installCirclevilla. City. at Smallpox had beeu carelessly left standing in which 200,000 shares will he reserved ed this week. The Preparing (or Extensive Majestic coiuiwny The following is taken from the the house, the. to care for the bond cou version. boy of - Wednesday morning when we met has been accomplishing splendid reLone Cedar and tells of a serious epi- Mr. and Mn. Mortison, at the Har- the new mayor, Wm. Armstrong, and Machinery BeThe number of shares of Newhouse sults of late In the way of equipping demic of smallpox at Circlevllle. It rington Hickory minp, was shot in asked how he felt ov er the result of Mines & Smelter actually turned in for their TrniH-rtInstalled with necessary maing also makes some comments that are the foot a few days ago. Tlie little election, he said: You can say for exchange into stock of the corporal ion chinery, and of swinging the mine worth reading: fellow is getting along nicely and no me that I feel doubly pleased this was 683,332. Bonds In Die sum of Into a point of development where II. E. Smith of Duluth, Minn., was "There are about thirty cases of serious results are anticipated. beautiful morning, and also feel thankwere also deposited. big production will be possible, and for over to here the the in Circlevllle. week, in Owing past, looking smallpox FOR SALE. I have for sale cheap ful to my friends who voted for me A streak of good ore which this new pump is placed and has after in he St. which Kanab the travel from to the feel property, I this thankful Marya election. heavy freight of sheets, pillow cases, quantity in efficient working order the Just the face of the into east gets appeared is Mr. Smith is for whether they down the Sevier, it Is morally certain deeply interested. towels, sheet blankets, blankets, com- Peoples Party also, drift to leads belief the extensive (lie that third operations for which much tlie and well witli will be brought pleased appearance are aware of it or not, they tried to that the smallpox forters, wash bowls, pitchers, bridal ore shout is being entered in that di- preparation has been made, will be comcondition Tlie of the no I save have me of Into Kane county by some careless property. trouble. a lot combinettes, etc. rection from the shaft, aays Manager started. enemies to buck and will endeavor pany has purchased the person. E. C. BAXTER, Grant Snyder, who came up from the and the to the utmost to give a clean and gasoline engine hoisting plant When this happens, the people of First door north of Dr. Burtons. Beaver Carbonate companys mine a uow is Erie and this of the hustace are company, to the business administration that there the county should Call in and look over our lines of Tew days ago. Drifting is being conHt. installed at the proof Marys care town being of Milford. the take doto boards alcohol While sn health ling lamp in using Every garment guaranteed clothing. Considerable work is being tinued both east and west from the and union make. We lead in this disease. ing some dental work Wednesday San Francisco Leis, a Mexican who perty. done by tills company in the way of shaft and good progress Is being made line of "Letting these contagious diseases morning, Dr. H nderson accidentally has lieen employed near Clear Lake, goods. Come in and let us a shaft and driving a tunnel. in the raise from the 700 level to how conto of which soon on over 8. D. Atkin. run for lack knocked the lamp 'gumption' you. was brought to Milford Wednesday sinking trol them is very expensive in the had the carpet, curtains and other morning on tlie Limited, in every A shaft, 6x7 including the 3x6 manon what tlie company t trail the long run. It also brings to some furnishings alriazo. Presence of mind serious condition as the result of a way, Mars Copper vein, is now down to a homes endless sorrow. Ignorance of and quick action averted what might gunshot wmiud of tlie abdomen. Nnth-l.t- g of 30 feet with a good copper , have been a serious Hro. depth Is s the bettor ways misfortune; could be learned of the shooting, SU showing. Ou (lie SI. Marys a tunuel difference, s crime. Either one places Through the turmoil of the municipal either from the dying man or the two u Mag driven on a good RiVer-le.- d us on the plane of filthy savages." & campaign last week we overlooked fellow Mexicans who accompanied showing and is now in a distance of fa We him here It is lielieved, however, 400 feet. In former three important jiapper.logN. yean some good su failed to mention thn arrival of an that a fight waa had in which Leis ore has been taken out ot this Tping Erf? property If so ask Salt Lake Route Agent eleven pound lmy at tlie home of Mr. sustained his death wound. Tlie man anil it is the iulenltun of the company shout Loa Argclea Limited saving a and Mm, Steve Fotlieringham ; a girl died about five oclock Wednesday to get under this old ore body with Si! of Mr. and Mrs. Klllem evening. Tbe ahooting occurred iu the uew Mr. Smith said fi) day to Chicago and Ht. Ixwis. Aak at the home workings. Si! officials there rite to K. (1. Kerr, I). and a girl at the home of Mr. and Millard couuty and the that there was splendid indications of My agent or the will to be called sy Clarence Woodbury upon investigate P. A. Halt. Lake City. the Ht. Marys becoming an important 'SS (ROGERS BROS. 1847) man who ' case and SS! arrest the iMmsibly mine in the Star district. Tlie "Hard Times" dunce given at A party of investors consisting of tl,e sI,ooUn& SI! rink by tbe llubekah lodge j1,d Messrs. Know, Melville and Clay ol the skating What ! was a Every Country Editor Knows. very pleasant Kail. Lake came down Bat unlay morn- Monday night I A large crowd was in attend the event. During S! eljRit years worked in ing and li ft on the automobile for anre to a country newaisiper o.tlc.- - had amsi! rnjny the evening. Prizes Huake valley . Tin se gent lenu-- were The Amusement ple time In study and Theater the daily must aptirnpri-aiwere for the awarded The out on an irrigation project. Si! Incidents in the life and - rk of a costume of gentleman ami lady first thing these gentlemen asked for editor. I Milfonl Opera House a c: hln for country Si! on arriving in Milford was the com- and these were awarded tn Mrs. K. C. ty that a man to qualify fur siirti sy position mint be a machinist, a mercial club. They were informed Baxter and Mr. Davis. Picture Show Sunday and Mona ticlan. sy a h financier, no and ad nrganlza-tMilforil nidi diplomat that Mr. A. E. Hubbard was pleasantly and Thutsday prlnii-r- , betide hsilng a s.iiaHcrlny SS! day, Wednesday ji. ail of surprised at bis borne Saturday evc-Ik versa must lie ' Niht. eacli wrtk. S! tlln, forgiving, surprise birthday arly wss given nlng by a number of tiis friends who, probi,. mlrn. SJ! in all at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 'dropped in to enjoy a few social linurw. temperate things and v.lilml, must hare excellent t health and Cut troll Tuesday evening in honor of C'ajxls were tlie chief sy abundant physical strength and a head t'ie sixtei-ntl- i birthday of their daugh-- ; the evening was a must enjoyable sy with filed concrete knowledge of hs'He Miss Myrtle. Then Were sixteen .one. Tlie house was beautifully At the Skating Rink SS! the the !J2 village, country, fr'onds present and they were orated with Hallowe'en ornaments, wealth and all of it nation things andjU) Si! Skating every Friday and Saturfill refreshments were served Sweet Sixteen WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH" given plenty of international moment and Importance. Music at the Skating night. day Hie evenSi! of a as starter Mr. at were: The t chewing gum from the guests methods ut treating the Kink every Saturday night, I1. Brandt , Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. and Various In and I.. games Brahmas Si! revpip light the IS latest lug's enjoyment. olntiomiry disturbances In the imisio look ni tlie greater part of the O. A. Browning, Mr. and Mrs. (. L. sy POPULAR PRICES Don Cameron Shafer in (lie evening after which delirious refresh- Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bohemlau. were served. 'iiy. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hubbard. f f qffl vfi tf I ri i f'l i Miifiwi 68 riHi wfiwf wt m twi riir aW tit 1 Ctdar-Tilis- ui -A i AND MINES -I Cedar-Talisma- n f pre-io- ne high-grad- . Herald-Republica- ; an--- is lime-quartz-i- ta I 80-fo- lead-silv- i er . J -- , 600-fo- ot drajv e - I I fr Herald-Republica- ed Opera-tions-.Ne- w three-year-ol-d y se 1 Jn-- ai , ! SILVERWARE Cut Glass aht-ur- e & Jewelry 1 J A , proft-salon- ly auiiim-men- dec-youn- Milford Pharmacy g ! i '? Ih-lig- mid-nigh- t. ta-x- -w t- - Ken-men- u ir i ' w 'M'RWBF |