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Show We have just received a MCE ASSORTMENT OF Call and Inspect Them DeWolfe-clCa- y , Compariiy RETAIL WHOLESALE Are you interested in California MsnZan ia good for ary kind of water, and behold the bottom thereof did fall out wilh a loud noise like Arizona and Old Mexico, if not so, it Piles. It stops inflammation, creates unto the roar of a mighty wind, and would be wise to write for full infor- a normal circulation, thus reducing did rush forth from the mation about the shortest line and the Piles, and heals the parte affected. Mrs. Oeo. Ellison hae been quite the waters ManZan may be conveniently and sick for the past week but is reported lake within the cloud, and fell upon the best service from your point to easily applied as the tube in which the earth, and upon the city, and those section via the SALT LAKE it is put up has a small, patent nosel some better at this time. attached. Sold by Milfora Pharmacy. upon the inhabitants thereof, and ROUTE, Utah moat popular route. Milton James is visiting relatives upon the millg and the environments T Have more or less of it. is with it us. Possibly here for a few days for a change and thereof. And it came to pass that V Such being the case you know something of our rest before beginning school duties. they that workelh in wood, and he service. But if not a patron wouldn't itbe well for you to handleth chained lightning, and that Miss Millie Ellison will soon be become one. OUR SAVING'S DEPARTMENT is in iron and steel, and he the workers us skies of for the leaving sunny calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor California. She intends to spend the that wieldeth the brush, the same and rhe rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $5000 and winter at Long Beach and will attend who did cover the pillars of the mill Carries the beat and moat complete s with flue tar, and the and school there. allows four per cent, interest, compounded atock of everything in cover did thereof also with he stays Owing to the smelter conditions flue'tar. Also one Ruener, the capabout 86 men were laid the tain of one Groceries , Goods fifty, and all they who Horn Silver mine last week by Man- were workers of and of silver copper, ager Morris. This leaves about 41 and of fine gold, all did come forth and All Kinds of FRESH and men employed. the mill with staves, and wilh billets CURED MEATS MILFORD, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. and of wood, wilh crow-barand with and with shovels and Mrs. Sackett and several others reIf there ia anything you want, we have It, and can supply you at right prices. turned Tuesday from their trip to the with picks, and with all manner ol FRISCO, UTAH U. A. R. reunion and report having implements, and the captain of fifty did eay with a load voice to hie folhad a most enjoyable lime. The installation of the new machin- lowers and urge them against the breasts of the waters, and they did ery at the Crusoe mine is pregressing attend valiantly, every man shoulder rapidly and will noon be in readiness to Wm. Emerson, Proprietor and they did change the shoulder, for active operations. This will add If you want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and of the mighty river caused by I course of best the to another live property to the group . The right place get down-pou- r from the cloud aud it the Best Service when in Frisco, stop at the known as the Frisco Consolidated. everything in liquid refreshments did flow thither into the valley of the Mrs. Robinson returned to her hotel Wah Wah. duties Monday feeling much refreshNow there was one known as Cigars... ed after her little sojourn in the city. Fisher, the Milkman who dwelt in D. W. JAMES, Proprietor Her daughter Belle, in company with a tent aud who did daily go about the T Wp try to please our patrons by giving courteous treatment. Miss Violet Sharp and milk. and down Yea, city vending are expected here next Wednesday. to the river did he go, and fora measMaiu Street We are prepared to give the public the Frisco, Utah of milk he received a shovel ol Wedding bells will peal for Mr. and ure best accommodations at reasonable rates Mrs. Ivan Jensen on their return from silver. Now it was so that the milk Salt Lake City. Invitations are now vender had cattle which roamed in FEED STABLE IN CONNECTION Frisco, Utah out fur a reception on Wednesday the valley of the Wah Wah, and when of course saw il.e he the that evening, August 25th, in honor of the water had been changed and that it newlyweds, and given by the parents of the brilu Air. and Mrs. J. L. did flow into the valley, lie did re(1. D. Ukynolhh, Fproprletor joice greatly and was exceeding glad Uri filths. because of much water for his cattle F.sclusive Agents for 11UMBOLT EL PAYO Frisco was blessed with a lovely to drink. ..'igars, and we also handle the rain Tucs.lay afternoon. Water ran And thus it was in the e of pool sociable city of in rivers through the streets and in the 8th month aud on the Choicest glaietied the heart of the people 17th day of the month. billiards in who indulged in water fights and the Our liar room is fitted up with good pool and Josephrea, the scribe. billiard tables and also have in connection storing or water in tubs, barrels, etc., for uraxhiiig purposes. The smaller Gsod Advertisini Medina. liAKBKIl SHOP ANT) HATH ROOM. children enjoyed the luxury of wadIf the merchants of this section of ing and had a jolly time while the the do not believe that it pays country raiu lasted. to advertise in the Beaver County Owen Grover, who was summoned News they should have attended the to the bedside if his fatliet last week, special performance at the Rex returned home Wednesday evening. Theater last Saturday evening and I; was not until Mr. Grover arrived Sunday afternoon. In response to Large and commodious accommodations at the home of the father that he the advertisement announcing that for the convenience of tourists and traveling discovered there was an error in the the coupons published iu last weeks him men. All the latest magazines and papers telegram, which hail summoned paper would admit children under 15 to the old home. He arrived there yean of age, the theater was crowdare in our reading room. two hours arter ids father had been ed to its fullest capacity. This but hurried and he had hoped to find him demonatratea that The News is read alive and even improving accord- by almoat every person iu Milford and still PIPER HANGING, CALMING AND 6RAININ6 ing to the telegram. It was indeed a ia consequently the only real adversad blow to Mr. Grover and the symp- tising medium through which the Estimates on FIRST -- CLASS Work Cheerfully Given athy of the entire community is ex- merchants can reach the jieople. We tended to him. have claimed, ever since tiie estabTALL Oil WRITE MILFORD, UTAH lishment of this paper that the merchTbi Epistle sf the Jntphres ta the Mllfordiini. ants can get no better advertising And it came to pass in the days of medium in this part of the country the city of Ncwhuuse, in the eighth than the columns of the News, and Chas. C. Klzer Ixiuis P. Brandt j month of the year, and ou the 17th they certainly cannot place their of the month, at. a Ik) ut the 11th money Lo any beller advantage, if day J hour of the day, there WHOLESALE AND RETAIL appeared in they are anxious aud ready to aid iu the building up t.f Milford. No , the weslern horizon a mighty cloud Kiser & Brandt, Props. J 'Of exceeding blackness. And there can build up wilh any degree of sucwas no wind, neither w as tliete light- cess uii liout a good live newspaper. Billiard and Pool St. Barnard Mission Tables ... ..... Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain ning nor Hi under. And the inhabitant "The Monarch Cushions, the ReHt in the World. J of the city did rest in peace, anil All our giKwl eop!e who went to We have tiie best grade of many did kIiiiiiIkt, aud lo aud behold Salt Lake to take in the G. A. R. AND the mighty cloud did come near unto reunion have relumed home aud are COURTEOUS TREATMENT' TO ALL Commodious and quiet at all times .tliecily. Yea ami it did hover over loud in their praises of the manner iti OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT the city. Now it came to pass that which Zion handled tiie Buchanan Building Milford, Utah the cLud did contain a lake of tresh ally large crcwJ if visitors. rise FRISCO NOTES Banking Business WAT t w GRIFFITHS J. L. semi-annuall- cross-imam- y. o.at State Bank of Beaver County Dry , Miners Supplies s, wheel-barrow- IT O T 32 31i a, BAR t JAMES HOUSE ...Fine Wines, Liquors and Mr.-limeric- k COSMOPOLITAN BAR For a New-hous- of Wines and Liquors game drop or at THE OXFORD R. G. SriSWERT House, Carriage ut Sign Painting Schow, Fotheringham & Co. t COSY CORNER CLUB L-w- X SEGARS, TOBACCOS CANDIES I Iadew 2 i. |