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Show Fruit Season The fruit season is The Best of Everything in Meats .... mi now here and you JScef, fltorfe, We are prepared to supply you with all kinds of berries and fresh fruits at right prices in case lots. Phone us your orders. We cairy the best and most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in Southern Utah as well as everything in the Green Gro- That is what you get when you deal with us. Our ice plant and cooling refrigerators enable us to furnish our customers with the best of everything in the line of should begin to (ill up your jars and botttes with your winter's supply of preserves. GROCERIES button, jfisb anb Weal, nine cery line the market affords. Phone us your orders and they will have our prompt and careful attention. We are now better prepared than ever before to serve you. We make prompt deliveries and give you courteous treatment. Come to us when you want the BEST. Jeffersons Grocery and Market a pho,nF.,,0 ' IRews TTbc fficavcv County? Published every Friday afternoon by BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Beaver County, Utah. Thia paier wan entered as aeeond class matter June 1, 1MW, at the pout office at Milford, Beaver Couuty, Utah, uivitr the Act of March 3, 1879. Milford la situated in the richeat muiin diatrict iu the great Commonwealth of Utah and la the metropolia of Southern Utah. She la aurrounded by valuable farm landa and la adapted to atock ralaing, fruit growing, etc. Milford la the gateway to the great Dixie fruit district and the famoua Virgin oil flelda. SUBSCRIPTION V. L. are unable to aay, but the fact remains that the old slop hole ia still there and ia a disgrace to the town as well aa a great detriment to the health of the citizens. At this time when various sections of the state are in the throea of a typhoid epidemic, the wonder is that Milford haa escaped, and also that the people have not raised up en maaae to protest against this abominable nuisance. And this ia nut the only spot in town that needs attention; the Main street ia in a very unsanitary condition aa well aa several alleys and private properties. It ia certainly up to the town board to join forces with the health board and see to it tha t the town ia cleaned we THE PEOPLES rAPER One Year Six Month Nice, little, pleasant, gentle, easy, they have failed to atart action in the and sure pills, are Rings Little safe proper manner to abate this nuisance Liver Fills. Sold by Milford Pharmacy RATES: 60c Three Muntha Sample Cupiea aent free on requeat. up. Advertiaing ratea made known on application. $2.00 1.00 I Editor and Manager EL8WICK, Iata all get buay and booat for with our neighboring town it would be a meana of enlivening the buaineaa of thia town. Wake up, Milford a merchant,, and get in the race for The golden opportunillea for worker, are in Beaver 'touOTy, buaineaa. It la youra If you will go after it. but there ia no room fur the idler. Milford. indua-tiiou- f omething ia going to jar looae be 6IVE US AMERICAN Recently we have Milford will be the busand foe long LABOR heard considerable iest place in the country. Keep your complaint about Jap labor in and e ir done to the ground and liaten to around Milford, and it is aaid that the the rumbling, of prosperities wave. Jap ia even given the preference and shown favors over the white man. We can all do romething fur the There are inatancea where the Jap ia town by getting in the harness and paid a higher wage than the white helping to improve the military con- mau and ia given the privilege of putdition; by patronising home Indus-trie- ting in more hours and getting in by inducing capital to come overtime, while the white man gets here for inveatmint and the honeat but nine hours and no opportunity to development of our mining resource,. get in overtime. Of course, persona, There ia eoinething for ua all to do Anna and corporations have the right but it will never be done if we ait to employ whom they ace At, but it atrikea ua aa being foi back and wait fur the other fellow. anyone in thia great nation to show If the Milford Fire Department a preference for Jap or foreign over that of the men who have hopea to niaiuUiu the rcieot and labor to build up this country and aup ort of the c itizeua of the town it heljied ia up to the membera thereof to get make it possible fur the employ era buay and do aomething to build up to revel iu prosperity. The foreign the organiaatiou and make it more laborer leaves but little of his earnproficient in the dutioa devolving ings in this country and never helped upn i it. 1 he Are department, like to build up any part of the country the town board, haa become ao deep- while on the other hand the Amerily infected with that diaeaae known can laborer invests his money in a, the tired feeling that all meet- homes and otherwise which beueAta ing, and practicea have been dispens-e- l the whole country. It aeema that with. 7 he thing for the depart- thia country ia fast coming to a point ment 1o do ia to get tcgelher and where stringent protection ia needed take aonie intereat in the organiza- for the American laborer. tion, w ork together in harmony and make thia a valuable adjunct to the ABATE THE Several times the town NUISANCE board has issued notices municipality. for the cleaning up of the nuiaaucea There ia one thing we cannot caused by the accumulation of water thoroughly understand and that ia, on Fourth avenue and railroad ground why cur Milford merchanta do not east of Main street. Aa yet that ia as awaken to the realization that a large far aa the matter has gone and each amount of good buaineaa from the time the whole thing waa dropped at Star district mines is taken toMiners-ville- . that point. At the present time there If the Mineraville merchants is a pond of stagnant water on railcan haul their freight from here to road ground which ia huAlcient to Mineraville and then haul the good, cause an epidemic of typhoid fever to the mines and sell them at prices that would wipe the inhabitants of that will juatify the people at the this town off the face of the earth. mines in buying from them ; w hy can- Why it is that the town board of not the Milford merchants meet thia Milford cauuot enforce the health inland competition? I'aralesHiiesa or regulations aa ia dune in oilier towns lack of ambition ou the part of our ia beyond our cuiitprebeuaiun, but merchants causes them to lose sight from general observations it ia apparof the fact that hundreds of dollars ent that the hoard la unable to iope worth of buxines, per nioiit.li is slip with this unaauitary situation. Whethping away from them. If cur mer- er it la that the board hasn't the chants would put wagoua on the road backlwne to carry cut the provis- to the mine every day and compete .ion of the ordinances, or whether s; a - 1 nd around Milford there are numerous mining companies which are capitalized at from $25,000 to $1,000,000 and are in the fluid for the express purpose of developing the ground ' and taking therefrom a sufficient amount df'yich ore to make each stockholder a millionaire. Many of these companies are doing good work iu developing the country and showing to the world the great resources of thia wealth producing district and are contributing their share toward the upbuilding of Beaver county. And on the other hand there are those companies which are only looking for an opportunity to job the stock markets and unload on aome poor unsuspecting cuaaea in the east who have more money than good judgment. These companies are not in the field for the purpose of developing the country and really havent enough ambition in the mining in' duatry to operate an electric fan on a hot day for their own comfort. Until such time aa the companies of thia country get buay and develop their properties to a stage beyond that of a prospect, nothing of any great importance can be expected from our mining propositions. What we need here is a set of good, active men, with capital, who will carry on mining operations in a systematic and practical way and take from these mineralized mountains that wealth which Qod has placed there for the men who will honestly work to obtain it. No country offer, greater inducements and none will pay greater rewards to the honest niiuing men than will Beaver county. Then why not do away with stock jobbers and manipulators and get in the field with an houeHt determination to fully develop our mineral resources. DO NONEST MIHIN6 Stye an exchange: llow dear to my heart ia the steady subscriber, who pays In advance without skipping a a year; who takes out his dollar and offers it gladly, and cast around the office a halo of cheer. Who never I afford cannot it, says slop it, or more each papers day than getting I read, but always says send it, the whole outfit likes in fact we reHow gard it as a business need. welcome he is when he steps in the sanctum, how he makes our hearts throb; bow he makes our hearts dance; we outwardly thank him we inwardly Mesa hint the steady subscriber who pays in advance. I RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS inSt..un ami sumach TrsaMss We have just made arrangements whereby we can give the Beaver County News and McCalls Magazine for one year for $2.UU. Subscribe now and take advantage of this offer. Finesalve, carbolized, soothes (tain. In any cuts, emergency bruises, sores, burns, scratches, etc., Pine-salv- e carbolized, is best. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. Are you interested in California, Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it would be wise to write for full information about the ahortest line and the best service from your point to those sections via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, Utahs most popular road. The proper way and method of treating a cough or cold is to first of This all gently move the bowels. you can most conveniently do by taking a dose or two of Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It fa pleasant to take, acts quickly. Children like it. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. Sunday services at First Church oi Christ Scientist of Milford are held aa follows: Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. TIou x" jlmtr - T t Ettrr (ffmtaftmd - - I TOW much Life Insurance has done and is doing to pre- Homes? and serve Already it has perpetuate American paid more than three billion dollars to the beneficiaries of those who have died, or to those who have attained old age and enjoyed the fruits of their own financial foresight. Ll The Kidneys eliminate poisons by acting aa filters for the blood. When they fail in this respect serious ailments must result. Pineulea for the kidneys are what you should take at the first warning sign of kidney trouble. They assist the kidneys in expelling uric acid poisons. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. POST OFFICE HOURS: On week days from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money orders and regiatery business closes at 8 p. m. sharp. On Sundays office open from 8 until 10 a. m. All mail leaving fur the East and West must be in by 7 :20 u. m. and for Beaver, Newhouse ana Frisco, mail must he in by 8:15 a. ni. QEO. B. GREENWOOD ATTORN T LAW Licensed Abstracter and Notary Public Law Investments Fire Insurance Real Eestate A HMTH ACTS OK TITLK. Qualified under rules of land department to certify abstracts iu patent proceedings. Bank Building, Milford. Utah umcea Tolton Block, Beaver, Utah THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. W. L. JOHN J. KINNEY, ELSMICK, Resident Aoint MILFORD, UTAH fan. Aft.. Scott BUI., Salt Lake City. Utah. 310-1- 1 HARDWARE In addition to out large stock of staple and fancy groceries we nave one of tne best lines of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in Southern Utah and can fill your orders for Anything From a Stove Bolt to o Gasoline Engine We also have a large stock of wire fencing and chicken wire. Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN & SONS MILLINERY ' C HUNTER, ... PHTSICIil Office Milford hi AHD D. te Popular Shapes and Designs To be obtain el in any city. I also have a first-clatrimmer In this department who can make your old hats look as good as new. ss Utah IJARRY FENNEMORE Attomey-at-La- Every lady wants to feel that she is wearing the most and popular design hat that the fashion creators can produce. A visit to iny store will convince you that I carry the most" complete line of SURGEON at Tanner House See our splendid line of ginghams, calicoes, dress patterns, trimmings, notions, ladies and childrens shoes Mrs. G. 0. Forgie w Will practice in all courts of the state Beaver, Utah When you get through figuring with the other fellows go HAS C KIZER Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks, location notices, proofs of labor, etc., always on hand. Notary work promptly and accurately attended to. Oxford bldg. C. . Me In lire Contractor Milford Utah X in this preservation of American homes. In solidity, earning power, and fairness of dealing this is a Model Life Insurance company and stands unexcelled. To hold a policy in the Union Central is to be a member of an association of more than one hundred thousand persons, organized for the protection of a much larger number, who in case of calamity would otherwise be helpless. No man is honest to himself or to his family who fails to carry a good safe insurance policy. The Union Central offers you the. best at the most reasonable rates. EY-A- I j I ocio.: new residence, modern 1 IS A LARGE FACTOR g ay, lot 60x115 feet, beautifully located on Stoddard St. $1276. J. W. Ball, Frisco, Utah. X Sltr lltnmt (Urittml ffiifr morning service at 11 oclock, even-inscjAices at 8 oclock. Wednesda) eveni 1 experience meeting at.b -- A I See llbattbews and get the RIGHT PRICE on your building work. The News Tells it All y I |