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Show ' (. ' ; i VOL 2. MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. AUGUST 20. 1909 NO 16 MILFORD TOWN LOCAL AND PERSONAL D0IN6S DADSGET BUSY Ralph Pitchforth went to Halt Lake last night for a couple of days visit. Contract For the Ejection of New Miss Helen Sherwood went to Beaver yeaterday for a few daya visit Town Jail Awarded to Jos. . Miss Anna Hansen returned FAIR SEATTLE wai Be from Salt Lake where ahe haa been for the fria Inhaling Deadly YEAR Fiats. Corydou W. Higgins, associate edi j tor of the Halt Lake Mining Review, waa instantly killed Tuesday by in- haling poisonous fumes I rum a that a as being disinfected at his SLfS.'Si! One ( the KggeS D.y. North Temple body of Higgins wu found lying on the floor of (he room at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. There was no one with Higgins at the time of his death, but it is presumed that, not knowing that the ruom was Lei g fumig. te', Higgi ppened the door and e. te.ed and that he wu immediately overcome by the fumes, lie probably entered the room shortly after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. When the body wu found two hours later, there wu no sign of life. i At 3:30 oclock in the afternoon when Mr. Rice arrived to open the windows to air the ruom he found the body of Mr. Higgins lying Just inside tiie door. He brought the body out to tiie hall as quickly possible and at the Exhibition Tabernacle Choir Will Be In Attend- with frienda. Matthews at $2290.90 Din UTAH DAY AT $2.00 PER BEAVER COUNTY MINES AND MINING Live, Interesting Mining News Qalhered from the Various , tXCining Districts of Beaoer County. other workings veloped through The production that is being made which will be connected with the new shaft. The force will be sufficiently A. J. Ingolls is over in the Indian by the Moscow mine, in Beaver Health Officer is Instructed to work Peak country this week doing some county itself the beat possible evi- increased that tiie development will other of the at mineral surveying. property portions ore Immediately Enforce dence tli the bodies at are opening The Pueblo building of I'tah at the not be held up while sinking the new on and richer lower tiie will levels Exhibition Bealarger A. B. Blainey came over from Regulations marks the property as one of the shaft. The Hub ia one of the active ver j esterday and left on tne evening be a busy place on August 26, which in the Star district and a Utah day at the Fair. It will be big ones of that region, said a min- properties train for Salt Lake. of rich ore already abundance the The board of trustees got busy decorated in Utah colors ing man who hu had opjiortunity to e especially Mr. Mrs. Fennemore and blocked is of an assurance that this out session. a sod held last bight learn what is going on there. lengthy and will be turned into a huge recepbe one of the leading mines of were in Milford yesterday and will All members were present and many From Moscow the is tion hall fur the visitors. being shipped Beaver county. matters of importance were discussed. left this morning for Beaver. One of the largest delegations regularly, he continued, eight and The minutes of the last meeting were ten carloads a month' of ora which The Milord school building has which hu attended the expositions Knikt laprtsud Witk lin Difri. read and approved. been repainted and otherwise fixed on any state day will arrive from brings from (1,200 to (1,600 a carload. After having last week made his The Justice court docket for July up for tne opening of school. The significant feature of thie lies in Utah on a special train. A program' to the properties of tiie first visit net The was audited and approved. the fact that when shipping wu first Mrs. J. P. May returned thia morn- in which the Tabernacle choir will and Indian Queen mining David King was lines for mouth from two the about amwill be given In the natural receipts begun, years ago, tiie ore ing from an extended visit with her sing attempted to revive tiie man. It wu that wu sent out brought only (400 companies, in Beaver county, of which 9146.00. The moon. in aft the phitheater in the Dixie country. conThe clerks monthly report was read parents address of welcome will be given evident, however, that tiie young and (600 a carload. As to the rela- he and David Evans own large man had been dead for some time. Jesse Uncle trol, expressed Knight and accepted. tive in know I Kodak Finishing Films developed either by President J. E. Chillberg of that quantity sight. Jerald. The following bills were audited and prints made. You press the but- the exposition, or Director-Generthe ore bodies are opening up larger unqualified approval of everything ' Deceased was quite well known in than ever wherever work is that had been done in the way of deand allowed: ton and have Elawick do the rest. I. A. Nadeau. being this section of the country, to the done in the veloping those properties, and deCrane and Co., pipe, hydrants, mine. A subscription hu been raised in Owen numerclared Grover he made returned that he was moat favorably men, 9171.23 etc Wednesday Utah to send the having school cadets mining ous visits to the properties here in with the outlook for both. from California where he wu called from the state fairhigh J. , A. Ingolls, drawing blue impressed for that day, and 10.0b on account of the illness of hia father. Mr. the interest of tiie Review. prints accompanied by GenKnight, Mining Diririirt Ntiud With tk GiMci Reef. the success of the undertaking is how The news Beaver County News, publishing was occupied of his untimely death will eral Willard Pehrson, Thomas Fauntin three Manager Evans, the estates of 3.90 Mrs. J. Sargent left Wednesday assured. call for bids be regretted by everyone who knew examining daya The cadeta will go into encamp- him. and Andrew Roms of Eiihrism, all dl the two Beaver County, collecting taxes 6.90 night for Salt Lake City and will also companies and their suron ment near the rectors of the Golden Reef property a cells Exposition grounds for to & Iowa short; Cidar steel T. Barnum E. Co., go Rapids, Silver 280.77 visit. the athletic stadium. They will give Arrangements are being made for near Frisco, have relumed home roundings, including the Horn was he and fixtures mine. Particularly impressed an exhibition drill in the stadium of the establishment of a school at after an inspection of tiie property Communications from T. B. Birley with tiie unusual surface showings on The postofflee at Moscow hu been the state day. and H. M. Fennemore were read, and feel very well pleased with the this fall. Thera are Shauutie miners are and discontinued the King David ground, where are outagain Much interest has been exhibited enough p ipils at Shauntie to considered and ordered filed. require fine showing that is being made. crops of the fine mineral fully thirty come to their to Milford for forced in Utah over the Alaska-The bids for the erection of the " the district to furnish school facilities, They say the stockholders have every feet wide. His examination waa mail. . exhibition and this state hu new Jail were opened and acted upon. reason to feel encouraged over the a in The and the every respect, and he thorough Mrs. Walt Muir went to Beaver erected one of the most novel and Thera were three bids in but only two outlook. came mines both made fully of the enaway partaking heavy A abaft ia of them were considered owing to the Wednesday morning where she will attractive buildings at the exposition. being sunk which ia down thusiasm of his associates over the of ore and week this from shipments 180 feet and at the fact that the one failed to be accom- visit for a week with relatives and of the region. present indications these properties nearly waa run into the property, possibilities in Uie a drift level A CitizM Winti Is Krm panied by the required certified check. friends. shaft The soon will be King David ia the among regular ship- where a flue The building is to be solid cement body of ore waa disclos- down 480 feet. It would be considerA couple of children of Mr. and hss now been more than a month pers... It ed. The assays being made run (30 walls and heavy steel ban spanning Mrs. Dan Ferguson have been on the since the 4th of July celebration am) ably deeper than that had it not enthe floor and the ceiling. The bids sick list thia week threatened with an there hu been no report published by The Ladies Aid society of the M. F. in gold to the ton. countered a stratum of very hard, Two shifts of men are at work, one for this were: C. P. Anderson of attack of tonsilitis. committee yet. pt'Vitizeiii gave church met at the home of Mrs. the which has made digging slow. afternoon. It wae In the drift and one in the shaft. The rock, yesterday Beaver, (2935.66; Jos. 'Matthews ot to fund a this nleAMy .This freely cel, decided at thia meeting to comment size of the ore body has not rock, Mr. Evans says, Is Identibeen cal with tiie MilforiTlZee. The bid of Jos'. Misa My r Je Cottrell,' who hu been bration. It wu noted- -' At in former yet casing rock which has Hickman for (2600.00 was not con- visiting frienda at Huntington, Ora., celebrations the Vl not been doing sewing again after the first i f discovered. of the ore bodies encountall enclosed return r will the three for months, put sidered owing to there being no check An assessment of o per share hss ered iu accounted tor, thorntl rtthere wu no September. that district. It is splattered been levied, which ia to be paid to the accompanying it. The contract was home next Monday. 11. H. Pitchforth of the Milford reason to believe that tiey bad been with lead, which has apthroughout fully awarded to Jos. Matthews he Mrs. Robert Clymer left last night appropriated except Lumber Co., left yesterday morning secretary, Willard Pehrsen, and will peared in increasing quantities as yet designed; for Salt Lake for a visit with friends. the people asked for a report and for a ten days trip to the Dixie become delinquent after Aug. 16. being the lowest bidder. depth has been gained. A .station ia Considerable discussion was had in She will also visit in several Montana with this the funds for country and will also visit several to be cut at the understanding point, and regard to the unsanitary conditions towns before returning. Will Sink lev Skill it tki Hub. our most successful celetiration were Nevada towns In the interest of the will be driven both ways. crosscuts of the town and this resulted in the lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Arinatrong re- raised. Superintendent John Thompson of Mr. Evaus believes that ore will be board instructing the health officer to turned thia The no committee iu has weeks Hub mine returned from Halt encountered within a short distance a two the from charge morning President Taft will visit Balt LaLe make complaint against Geo. Atkin for doubt acted in good faith, and all on had Lake the first of the week where he from the shaft. where Lake Salt in visit they 27 26 for and and 25, maintaining a nuisance, and to also been to take in the funds can be properly accounted for; thisSeptember Conditions at the Indian Queen are been for several days on company had reunion. big Rente occasion the Lake Salt see that, other nuisances are abated. remains that this care- will sell round still the fact less encouraging. The long Mr. business. that hardly Thompson says tickets to Halt G. M. Temple is spending his vacaThe marshal was instructed to have less manner of public servants has Lake at reduced trip is is tunnel Hub the work at apiroaching the very heart anvery progressing Further rates. the streets cltinxl and otherwise tion in Los Angeles and during his been known to lead to graft and cormineral of the and amount country, and indica.that a large satisfactorily nouncements will be made later. absence J. C. Manuel is iq. charge of placed in a sanitary condition. iu office and it is evident that is outit tions now is new that of ruption nearing ore are as being A permit was grunted to W. B. the railroad affairs at the deprt. There will be a meeting of the Mil- lined. development correct stand in the taken the be desired. The could as is favorable to a being intention It sink the automoan erection of Martin for the on even ford Fire Barton Mrs. will Mr. to and a serve as Friday Department is Cliesley rock lime on new waa and the work beginning safeguard shaft this literally homeyconibed bile garrage in the town. from Beaver Wednesday even- the public in years to come, against ing, Angust. 27th, at which time it is commenced this week. It is the pur- with caves and bugholes, and Mr. It being late the board adjourned with the understanding that a meet- ing aftei having spent ten days in the unscrupulous men who may fill posi- important that all members be in at- pose to send this shaft to the Evans, for Ilia first time since work held next Thuredsy of tendance. order relatives. with ing should be consideration seat of By trust. tions as as visiting level rapidly possible and before began in tiie Indian Queen, declares of the county night for the Pres. K. II. as of are this We, citizens, will be that he would not be surprised to run or proud Rev. C. L. Anderson of Beaver will any drifting revised ordinances. see to and desire it he will This community, the main into an ore body any day. Los Dobson has Harold of M. E. church attempted. Vegas at the occupy the pulpit mainPapular Kilfardians Wed. in Millord next Sunday evening at placed on a high standard and begn spending the past week with his working shaft of the large acreage This morning Bert Lockhart and 8 oclock. All are cordially invited tained at that point. Therefore it'is father, Wm. Dobson, ot Milford. Mr, within the boundaries of the Hub Mina Nessie Skillicorn, in company necessary that such reports be made Dobson and son expect to leave to- companys lines and after the 200 Are you interested in California, of Milford a ill Club Bachelors The and Old Mexico, if so, it U went Des Ilickmau, promptly. with Mr. day for the big fair at Heattle and will level is reached a contract will be let Arizona ball at the skating rink By citizens insisting on the right it be accompanied by W. B. Dobs in, for the sinking to a greater depth. would be wise to write for full inforBeaver where they will procure a give a grand and a moat enjoy- saves our public servants many unlicense and be united in holy bonds tomorrow night cashier of the Lincoln Couuty Bank All the known resources of the terri- mation about the shortest line and who atto all is able time from your point to promised been ot which conditions have Few afternoon. this of wedlock pleasant at Caliente. tory of the Hub can be reached the best service tend. sections via the HALT LAKE those tolerated until they seem to be an shaft when attainthis has it the friends of these popular young through Earl Star stopped in Milford a couwhich are allowed, many Mrs. Roy Baxter will leave Monday ed the depth and at the upper levels ROUTE, Utahs most popular road people were made acquainted with the she for where Ritzville, Wash., well laid, matrimonial plans and the ple of days the first of the week times to exist, when they are an open night are some magnificent ore bodies Films developed and pictures printwill Join her husband who has been there announcement of their wedding will while on his way to California, and violation of right and justice. of copper, lead and silver already de- - ed and finished at home by Elswick. emyloyed there for the past couple cf Citizen be a sort of surprise to many. Both visited with his cousin Mrs. Robt. months. Mrs. Baxter will be accom the bride and groom are well known Clymer. panied by her sister Miss Jessie Den to every one in Beaver county and Miss Tobler returned to Beaver Ve Be( Pirdoo. who will also make her home in are highly esteemed by all. The yeaterday morning alter having been The News humbly begs the pardon ny bride is the charming and accomplish- here for ten daya in charge of the of the Caliente Prospector for saying Washington. Earnest and Charley Baxter, wl o es daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard bank during the absence of Chesley that Engineer Waddingham broke some assessment have been Skillicorn and has been a resident of Barton. through the sidewalk in that burg, as work in the doing in Business run out of Star Milford for the put several yean, district, of we aware the are fully fact that Matheson, the tailor, has just rewent a few and She is a favorite with everyone and caps Charley days ago of all wool Caliente is not yet sufficiently over to Shauntie to get a supply, has a large circle of friendH who will ceived a handsome line with blessed be to and stable can fit While on his way back he lust the extend most sincere congratulations, fall and winter samples and an elegant suit. Call any sidewalks. The accident occurout with enteryou was of Milfords one is The groom red at the cabin where Mr. Wadding- caps, the which, the boys say, and see them. and a because to catch he rabbit, and men, young stopped popular prising ham stops when in that bailiwick, and Mr. Craven of the Smoot Lumber instead of ia honored and respected by all who being a sidewalk it was s We do not believe that the citizens know him. The young couple will Co. of Provo, wu a Milford visitor poorly constructed doorstep iu front of Beaver county would object to the return to Milford this evening and Wednesday, lie left yesterday morn- of the cabin. Excuse us Mr. Prospec- commissioners spending a few paltry will be at home to their friends. The in company with H. H. Pitchforth tor, we did not mean to insinuate sheckles for the also serve those publication of the News joins most heartily in extend ing the Dixie for country. Mrs. tax Mr. and The had sidewalks. of the that to board, any you proceedings ing congratulations Lockhart. W. A. Miller has forwarded his pc- payers want to know what is being tition to Washington, D. C. asking If the county commissioners want done by our commissioners and there School Open September Siiib. fur the appointment as postmaster at to do the right thing with the news- ia no other way for them to find out. The Milford school trustees inform Milford in the place ot W. D: Wil- papers of the county they should J. M. Gailey, general foreman of ns that the public schools of this dis- liams, who has resigned. throw some of the county printing to 'the Milford shops, is taking a lay-otrict will o)ea the fall term on few weeks, during which time Co. warehouse them instead of sending it all to Salt' for The DeWolfe-McKa- y 6th and it is hoped .hat all tiie better work nd he is doing the mucking stunt at the one of the Thy c,n canape' faraltv' has best warehouses in Southern Utah, lower prices from the home print1, Nellie property. John says he likes term. A tie doing tlieir duty ss public hin ,pW Job and believes that he stone and is sub- been engaged fur tiie school this year It is built of native officials. could become an expert at tiie muck- in and stantial every way. which gives assurance that it will be in8 business, We are in receipt of the first num- a successful term in every respect. Angus Buchanan came down from here follows: as be are h will The fourth quarterly meeting of tiie Those who will teach her of the Tooele Times whi' is Salt Lake this week and Miss Florence Milford some for who time after for T. P. mining Jakeman, charge of tiie M. E. church J. looking May, principal; published by J. Johnson uf PAivo will have charge of several years made a fruitless attempt! and business interests. It certainly was held last Wednesday evening went; Mias Katlie - to run a piper in Milford. We must looks good to see our friend Angus Rev. Anderson. At lids time the re the primary will track say, however, that the Tooele Times! aruund uii the street ufMilfurd again. ports for the years work were read i uf Reaver Matthew line llie 4tii and 6 li grades; Min Nettie credjt, t,, that thriving smelter Angus says Hall Lake is all right and and allowed a substantial gain along and is certainly worthy uf the is a busy place but that he feels more all linus. Church officers were elect-- j town Sudani oradMiseAgneNul'an'of j at home in Mil fold. ed for tiie eneuilig year. of the people there. irt otli and 7th giades. snjp Halt Lake I Nuisances Are to be Abated and paat ance also the High School Cadets. tevf weeks. Aluka-Yukon-Pacif- lo New-hous- Motels Pridudiu Dearies Large Nine. u al Herald-Itepub-lica- n. n-'- Y ukon-Pe-eif- le Moscow-Bonanz- Cedar-- Talisman 160-fo- Noi-ym-- ' -- fun-?81- , u 600-fo- ot el 200-fo- ot , croaa-cntti- ng Herald-Republica- We are pro-pressi- For Your Health We ff Sep-tenb- ..Popular Drinks.. er - j j j fire-pro- i of j J The Milford Pharmacy : e iy-'tli- j n. |