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Show nck win-r- .he Kit ith Elizabeth. smiled anil lemnYed his cap. "If ll will nive you he raid, quite imply. She made a Rest u re of assent ami alter a niomt-ut'silence hi? began to Kine. softly at first, then hia voice gradually attained its full compass. 1 have never heard a voice just like Harry Clraliam's so strong and yet so sweet. It had a wonderful depth of tenderness about It, too, and we listened entranced, unwilling to lose a note or u word of his sung, which was quite unfamiliar to me at least. :hp SERIAL STORY s B.yy..yyyy.y. i TBE SMUGGLER j Out of the purple liiMHIlve. liver Hie suratna sea, Ituriie on tile wtiiil nf heaven I'lUiii-ll- i a Voire to me; Kee how the white suit reslelh Iuw oer the tossing spray, rausiiiK awhile le Ilmen IHnir ii la up and away! By ELLA MIDDLETON 8 which out refers to those recently removed hy death. "Don't feel that way about it." said lajnl Wilfrid, roused at last; I atn quite sun we will ItnU it. left's see you sat here with Kiliih, ami (Iraham and Mr. Ulake just below. It might have caught in the fringe of the shawl. Mr. Illake will kindly IVrliaps shake It." Mr. Illake complied without result. I'scless also was the ensuing search of the rocks, although they were gone over iuch by inch, the men lighting matches to examine dark crevices while we scrutinized the most improbable places and tried to peer into the rapidly rising water. At last we gave it tip and prepared to go home, each in turn assuring that when morning ranie sv would surely fin- her ring, but nevertheless secretlv that it was Irrevocably gone. I've had a time, barring the last half hour," said Gordon llennett, us he took my shawl; have yon? "1 don't know what Elizabeth will ever do whout her ring, was my evasive reply. (live her another. The Jewelu your ship is bringing you are fur more valuable " "Can't "Xonsiuse," I Interrupted. you sec that she Is unhappy and we an all worried? Please don't worry," he said; tomorrow morning bright and early I'll have another look at the rocks. I'm r:l'hr a in Kllz-abet- O'er the TYBOUT i waste of waters Where nann ies thousands sleep. sileiu-e- . From the realm of t'oiiii-tThe Votie of the I loop; Hark, lo the ti hlx ring wali-HrliiKiiiK a !in s;n,v in me, "I'liiM of tile resiles Thy destiny wails for I lire." E Where il.e y dim horizon d the si a. Tln-ran I'nkiiown Kliinihnn With lie. Rite i. jar for nn-- ; And, so, like the null. I'm resting Al i he tossim; foam, Jiisi wiiititn:. llsienlna, loiinlmr. the Voire to mil Hie liome. tlutOUrfUl, J ift. JJiUj SYNOPSIS. klpi41MMill Kllriheth, flalirlells and fur I'anaua to the li On Isixri! siai.mer tre. they l were frlRtiteiieil ly an nppan-nitstruiiRer. who. llmling a hug In one of I liem. took enjoyment In s plioto of the trio. KHae s! in red tier sti'tiroom with a Mrs. Graham, also tioniiil for t'aiiuitu. The young wniiien oil H alRl'Iseetna lour nn-- t Mrs. i ii'ali.ini. anxiously iiwatltna tier hiishuiul, wliu luul d a mania for suiting. They wenlo laml Wilfrid Hint l.ndy Kiliih. A wua rciiteil tin; by by t be Klzals-ll- i irin for t lie aiiiniiu-r- . Hint a friend of tier father's was to call. Two men rutted, one of them tieinK the queer-artinstranger on the si earner. Tile girl were "noi at Inline," blit dls bv llie enrds left Hint one of llie men waz ICIixabeili father's friend. The men proved to la Jolin A wisp of ItiHke and Oordon Itennett. sieket yillnw tinir from Mr. Graham fell into the bund of Klise. Mr, ora- l.anl n liair wan Mark. I July Kiliih toll flit1 KirlH of a rnlilnTjr of JiwelH at (Iim own liotrl. Frarlna for the affty of yrnia, he left thim In a mife at th cot- wua Mr. uonion itennett tuge. properly l spi-m- miat-lHiim- li.-t- lo.j Thne girls Klise- - far-awa- Tuiiehi-- 3 l ihim-iit-e- - was a ery of Irrepressible suffering. apparently wrung from her against her will ln:m-tl'K-i- ra ' ant was filled with genuine solicitude. vim're cold" lie continued awfully cold, your lips a n? quite mid iremounb. ThlK niislit stir J1111' naa been too much for you, as you feared. I'm sorry I urged you to come, but I thought you would enjoy It. ous doings of s year tiefnre connected She clung to him, oblivious of our with Hie cottas. Exploring t lie cellar, one of the girls found a sphinx presence. the exact counterpart of which both Take me home. I must go home." Conlcn llennett and luuly Kdltli were And so you Bliall. found to posHcss, alxn. Klise. ulone. explored llie cellar, overhearing a converHe spuke gently, as one calms a sation there Mary Anne and a man. 11 proved to is- her son. charged frightened child, and still retaining CHAPTER X.. Continued Edith rested her chin on her hand nnd thought a while. Mr. Illake and Mr. Graham gazed at the lovely face grown suddenly serious as she pondered the question, and I knew that Gordon Bennett forgot my very existence as he leaned forward awaiting her reply. It la hard for me to realize, she never having been said aiowly, tempted. How can any one know what he would do until the time comes?" Interrupted Mr. Graham, as to yielding to an Impulse well, why are we given Impulses If not to obey them? Isn't that rather a dangerouB theory? Edith laughed aa she spoke. lnit there was a note of anxiety In her voice, and she glanced Involuntarily at her brother, who still maintained his sulky silence. A very dangerous theory," rebut to return marked Mr. llennett; to our d'seusslon. Smuggling is a Kilith, and It hazardous business, requires some courage, too. for one rraetically lakes his lift In especially stormy nights when the sea Mrs. Graham is a hit strung, she's not strong, you know; evening. j a I.-- dy his-hand- runs ejaculated Mrs. My Ring! It Is Gone Graham; yes! said her hits- "Oh. I dont know, One hand, "it lias its compensations. lives, you know lives. Think of a xiirJit. out there, with the waves mountains high a stilt wind, and raining, Hlack sky. black water, black everything, and the uncertainty a.iout landing your cargo safely. Then the sail hack again triumphant s ntiil exulting you alone together. Cant you taste the salt spray? Cant you feel the boat cut through the water? Cant you . "Harry!" He paused his mlfe. abruptly and turned to 'I beg your pardon. Juliet," he said very gently, "I quie forgot your aversion to the water or I wouldn't let myself go. As Elizabeth often Insisted, there were nice tilings about Mr. Graham alter all. Ills patlenre with his wife's vagaries were certainly most commendable. yet I found myself reaching out after her hand as though I understood and sympathized with her strange attitude which I certainly did not. Meanwhile the little boat sailed on. and whether it carried a smuggler siolla or my treaswith his ures from the I .and of Dreams we never knew, for It slipped away into the darkness as quietly as It had emerged. I felt as though I had lost something very valuable as I looked out over the empty water and the ensuing silence brought me no vaguely hllssrul dreams, but rather a sense of uneasiness and Impending danger. Our fire had burned itself away into a bed of embers, where charred bits of wood occasionally sent forth feeble flames as the night wind brought them renewed life. The moon climbed high In the heavens us we sat listening to the waves wash over the rooks, while the emlics plowed and paled and glowed again in Indignant pretest against their relegation to the ashes of the past. Edith turned to Presently Graham. "Sing, she said. And Harry Graltm obeyed demur looking up al he his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.. All Counterfeits, Imitations and are hut Experiments that trifle with . and endanger th3 health cf Infants and Children Experience against Experiments. 11 K,t a do. Hut 1 1nRa,n' lf Just-as-go- od Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher: u 8pe . 111 vnllr good t Aperfert Remedy rorCnKflpa-tto, Sour SionarltUlanlDa VnrnuJT(m'ulskmsJcvensii ness mid Loss Sleep. We murmured polite, if slightly incoherent. regrets and tried to look as though nothing surprising had happened, but I think we were all relieved when the Grahams finally departed, As we watched their retreating fig- tires gradually grow smaller in the fli(ltanrei ciabriolle voiced the question that trembled on my lips. "Why shouldn't he sing?" Nobody was ready wlih an appropriate reply, for It really did seem as though one endowed with so enviable a gift should he permitted to use it at will. I shivered a little, for the embers no longer sent out any heat, and the wind front the ocean had suddenly Edit It grown damp and chill. also shivered and drew her cloak closely about her. I think we, too, must go. she said; "1 ant sorry ihe evening has ended. It has been very delightful, and I shall always remember It. I should suppose Mrs. Graham would remember it also." remarked but I don't believe she Gabrielle. thought it delightful. We were gathering up our wraps preparatory to going home as site spoke, and Mr. Hlake had just taken possession of the shawl spread uixm the rock where Elizabeth had been sil- when she uttered an exclamation. It is gone my ruby "My ring! r,n" ftcSin Trivial Signature NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ft Exact Copy of Wrapper. supper? Incident Led to Three dred Yeara of Fighting. Do you T MB NNTWIN OOMMttV, Her Intentions. think your sister will mar A Certain Cure ry nn? if you keep coinin. "Have you board her say anything about it? I hoard her tell nta (lint if you didn't stop coinin here so ollcii she'd make things unideusnut for you. In pnaiNR i8 MITCHELLS 25 Cents. Diwbfs. tiik nr.sr Ftimir w, Mri Wtnetorfi Nunthlnc W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Prrn. For rfiiltlrMi toeitilnir nitir fn AmnuiUue. al t) iiaic . eurei wtiul colic, tttoitljotu. Time will tell unless beat it under the wire. Canton Plows llie gossips TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR TCITTLI Ps'M excel. ny dentifri. Vlip I Ufa I fab 1 11 in cleuuing, whiteninf ana removing luUi from the teth, batde. dflinpN Hun- .11 germ, of decay wid tooth The Success Sulky Plow You rnu maku two mistake In bnyinv one is to buy an Inferior Rhlmtr liH It in orteffl cheap. mjl llie pin ruliiiir plow other U to hi y n tiit'h uiciiiuiu prhel when Ih1 bUCCESS, flu work. better vill plow, Successful Plowing Samos as a Birthplace. Samos. the autonomous Greek land under Turkish suzerainty has once more been Hie scene f , rouble, is one of the few lucky rf)IIg ()n earth that have no national jB aj,0 one few pareR n that part or the world at which lomer was not born. lint as a dace Samos nevertheless ranks high s the homo of the first triremes i: was the originator of sea power "hence came the lit at bold Greek mar-uii-who sailed out through tho bruits of Gibraltar Into tho Atlantic .hove ail, it was the birthplace oi ytVagoras, of whom Kamos is very rend to ihls day. Its great college ho I'yiliflRoreiim, Is attended by pi ,iils from Crete and other ii'auds, an inis been called by a faniian write a lighthouse, spreading its light fa and wide in the Levant" . SICK HEADACHE In i lct cr)itr. f Thrjr alw roller ) In from I inn Mini T N Hearty I'.fiiiitir. A )Hvfvt remKu:h edy lur Jnd M's, lirifWH&iiOHN, p in t he Mouth, Coat mI Ton '!!, J'ain In tue Bidr, TulUJU I.IVKtl. rat Veio-iuMa- nl wav It Positively cured by these Little Pills. rcgulat. the Hovel. Purely innlrr ell eir m i Ii flit bucccftft Flow. is .i ir.iiiifit'sH p'mw tluii m tiiM a life litnc. ll liari in hitcii, lh belt land-in- ff dcvira, !i hekt rolling cutter, nml the best bittern vut on l(ii:i!ir I'Jiiwm. bt;1 tlicy ffivellic it Im iiii s IM" of H.'IIM r.llll'i' ill ailjllr-- tlietllN Hri pSo tui'H1 in four Iftfi'H, H is iii'ii vi r lin but fwir iuris, ini j inor in i Ii ctimi'Jiiii?'!, Ihiifi othi Kini-hnli wiic KtmrcH for Alfalfa PiiiwiiiirtWlnn trtlrnil. TdHt vhy it Jh strong, simple and durable. 'i lirii's wliv call It the Success." th liiriucr wlio ow ii on he knows. 67 Yc r of Knowing How" Hammered lido Every One of Them. Wi'ii hraulifully Illustrated Pamph. let No 3" iitcresi lo every farmer, and u P. k O, Caiaios, vthicta will be uaiied free. PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO. Canton. Illinois. t'tah Imp'rifiMif Vfhii.ja , ftai fakenty.Utah. It. i inii iirit i'o.a'irftiii. tali. (nn . SMALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. : r. - A- -k rr ! Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Fac-Simi- Signature le re-tin- REFUSE SUZSTITUTES. pTTTif KliiLe I: l wt.-- d.swtar a hfcr t: tnh inr!rv. Mkl.o i'T stiwl I. ijENTS WANTED Tiih- - tiiijhHiik. Inin iimniuljli lmri Uuklnbil, Lai- lib rvee blbw AIT. nnil vA Anil TUP URGE a. . ml SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. BOSTON. MABOL Is Your Health Worth 18c? That's wliat it costs to pet a week treatusent of CASCARETS. They do more for you than any medicine on Kurlh. Sickness generally shows and starts first in the Bowels nml Liver; CASCARETS cure these ills. It's so easy lo try why not start tonight anil have help in the tuorningV CASCARETS roc a bn for a wrrk'a BUI Ii raiment, alldrnrgivt. Hiper at arllrr in the wurkL Uilliun bozo a mouth. DAISY FLY KHJLERSKA.BTRS KNOWN TIIK WORLD nt riVMT, 0T.H nl. FI; (ni'iil, NIvat, r i im'. eiiveloticN and lull prifi llbf mhi op iMp!bin1iii. I.hUvUIi. ('nnimi nr.fi umplro work nollriTifl. CuL ltoluNMH, UrtHMlIfll lidllulinl ltiilrk. HMrlimn Hllvir. 7 .Vs pl will or Hi nf Ml liiaiwntml rlfw llvis lifiliiiiimi ffrilfflfVMiWfHF NanldN HOWARD E. BURTON, ASMAY I wash dinofert. the sxnik- nd throat, purifie. the breath, and kill, the grra. which collec: in the mouth, ciuiing wre thio had teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much lirhnww when inflamed, tired, ncha I and burn, may ba in.indy relieved and itmigthrned by Pxxline. Paxline will deriroy tha strmn 11 that cauae catarrh, heal Inn I Rammation and Mop the dacharge. It ii remedy fur uterine catarrh. Paxtiae i. a harmlem yet powerful and deodorizer. Kmicide,diuifedant odor, and leave, the body anliMptically clean. FOR BALE ST ORUa 8 VORE8.BOC. ON POSTPAID 6V MAIL. all fU. Hnod rucnUn ru Llnuuivii which oldinMy clMndirMiuvoui, raHirniMii.rliMk IjsIisIU 1 1 direr O'Mper. fl JSKl (inld mil ltlrer r Wrie f r free rim line uielm. ini iMirlit N irpvFtj- t ta.iU. OuMhIs': hilrer, H.U.: HH'itM Vr I'.. NO STPiOITING riiuM ASSAYS luxmii IO.. ulill.ivt j Co Stiave Yourself NO HONING Md ind e lurjr.atit rrwth. to ftntore Hrej Full fiwv Hair to HI Youthful Color. Coilb H.lll IiiiMrnnnt ifi pXH.ttrtS HAM BALSAM tfus laelr. riAfti-- I'nmviM r VI dwee putpinliaz cuiut do. THE MOUTH They . Eyesl SALVE MAKES THE USE OF DRUGS UNNECESSARY; Price, Wise is the man who closes his face before he Bays too iniu-h- . ror and aversion. To obey the injunc- tions of his bishops, Louis VII. of France cropped hia hair a la pompadour and shaved off his luxuriant whiskers. Eleanor of Aqiiitane, his consort, found him with this uncommon appearance very ridiculous and She revenged hervery contemptible. self by becoming sunudhlng more limn a coquette. The king obtained a divorce. She then married the count of njoti, who shortly afterward ascended the French throne, and gave him is her marriage dower the rich prov-'nee- s of Poitou and Guicnnc; and hls was the origin of ihose wars which for Sou years ravaged France slid which cost the French nation :i,0'iO,(iij(i men. All of which, probably, bad never taken place if Iuis VII. bad not been so rash as to shave oil bis whiskers, by which he made himself so disgusting to the fair Eleanor. . VOM for Sore, Weak ft Inflamed .. j NSW wnli uu lining ni ilu !nnriX miuianil Im tail in He l:.irrhr;i, i ranijiK ibrcauM', Likt: Pmuklllcr itYriy j. imiall WJimicvcr Viiii MIMMV STRUT For ages beards were the delight of ancient beauties. The sight of shaved chin excited sentiments of hor-..- i ALWAYS Sijnslureaf LONG WARS DUE TO WHISKERS. was Elizabeths dearest! and llie pride of her he:nt. It was a marquise, formed of seven rubies surrounded by diamonds, and as ull of the Etni.cs were unusiiolly L'ood it wits really very valunhb. We at the caiustniphe and were h.iifiied 10 help her look for It. It can't lie gone, exclaimed Gnbri-elle- , t it ruing over slicks and slune:? suspiciously ; "it must lie here." It was too loose; I should not have worn it. 1 must have rolled Into the vaer and I shall nevr Fee It nvain." Elizabeth spoke Hi tho hushed lone ThlB ring CASTORIA hears tho of GENUINE of We told her about Elizabeth's loss and she listened In silence. (llut her ruddy face grew serious and her jaw dropped, as we described our search aiming the rocks and our theory that the ring had dropiied into the sea. iAtst, is it? she said at last; don't you fret. Miss Elizabeth, dear. I know Jhem rocks inch by inch, and I'll ave a look nicself, so I will. Jest go to sleep and rest easy now." We were glad to follow this sensible advice, lint 1 think we all acre some time in getting to sleep. I found myself thinking of Mrs. Graham, rather than the lost ring, and wondering vaguely why she did not like to hear iter husband sing. The puzzle was too much for me, and 1 was just slipping into a blissful state of unconscious ness when I thought I heard a step Ruby Ring." under my window. tT JIK rONTlNFKD.) shouldn't have allowed her to slay 0Jt M) j(mR n tjUJ Ki,t air. And of course I should n't have sung. I j My Dr. T. Gerald Elattncr, of Buffalo, N. says: Your Castoria la good lor iliilJrea and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining tha desired results. Dr. Gustavo A. Elsengraeber, of SL Tbiul, Minn, says: "I bava used your Castoria repratedly in my rrnctice with good results, and can recoin an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children. mend It Dr. H J. Dennis, cf CL Louis, Mo., says: I have used and prescribed your Castoria la my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of yeara and Cad it to be nn excellent remedy for children. Dr. S. A. Buchanan, cf Philadelphia, To., says: I have used your Cas toria la the pace of r.7 own baby and find It pleasant to take, and have obtained excellent results from Us use. Dr. J. U Simpson, cf Chicago, 111., says: I have used your Castoria lfl cases cf colic in children end Lave found It the best medicine of its kind on the market Dr. It H Bshlldson, of Omaha, Neb., says: I And your Castoria to he a standard family remedy. It Is the limit thing fur Infanta and children 1 have ever known and I recommend 1L Dr. L. It Robinson, cf Kansas City, Mo, says: Your Castoria certainly has merit Is not Its age, lts continued uuo hy mothers through all these years, and the many attempts to Imitate It suQdcnt recommendation Y.Tiat can a physician odd? Leave it to tha mothers. Dr. Edwin F. Tardce, of New York City, says: For several years I your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as It ban. invariably produced beneficial results. Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y says: I object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alone knows what ingredients are put lit them, hut I know the formula of your Castoria and advise Its use. 1 i , high."-Yes- .The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has boon in use for over 30 years, has home tho signature cf Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under h suggestions were very cheering and 1 turned to repeat them to Klizahrlh. She was saying good night to ibe Campbells, who had decided to refurn to the hotel along the shore. To my surprise I heard ltdy Edith also suggesting the services of a diver. you "They are quite wonderful, know, she was saying, and all sorts of things have been recovered from the ocean. Yes, added Lord Wilfrid, we will and all have another look if It Is not to be found by daylight I know of an expert diver. However, I'm sure when the tide goes out it will be left among the rocks. So by degrees our guests departed and we returned to the cottage, rather depressed and inclined to consider the evening a failure. Mary Anne met us, holding the door hospitably open and smiling expansively. i Well," she remarked, "and djd you are a good time? And didn't I ave cuff-burto- j Mothers Friend, Thw practical h-- r ; 1 y -v- v-hv . other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Platalency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach, and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho childrens Pamcca Tha what he can don't think we will need him, for when daylight comes it will probably be discovered exactly where she dropped it. Anyway, there Is no use giving tip a thing as lost until every possible means of You won't finding it is exhausted. g with murder. Tin young women agreed lo keep till- - secret. Iady Kdilll tohl a with story of a lost love In connection Henthe sphinx key. Klise and (Jordon UraMr. nett discovered Lady Kdilll and iuini. the latter displaying a marvelous voice. P ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and U Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor gi-o- r Illuitrationi by Ray Walten What is Castoria. IMlNhilbivn. lUGbltB, irirp:Wt;(iold. Kim JE5 1 iNk Thompsoni Eye Wafer. - |