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Show 1 8 y M Cedar City, Utah M The Branch Normal School offers the following Courses to the Young People of Southern Utah 1 2. A General High School Course 1. A Four Year Normal Course 3. An Engineering Cora 5. A Domestic Science Course 4. A Literary Course The Library facilities are ample, the Laboratories are equipped with the most modern stock of lathes, forges, motors, fan exapparatus', the Shops are supplied with a new haust, shaper, milling machine and all the modern machinery for the modern shop. The Domestic Science is fitted with all modem conveniences. V: This is the School for the Youth of Southern Utah G. W. DECKER, Principal Class work Registration of students Thursday, and Friday, the 16th and 17 th of September. Monday, September 20th, at the Branch Normal school at Cedar City, Utah. .on ir l'm-rres- Kdea ASSAYERS and chemists ill Hindi We are now prepared to give prompt attention to U. S. Dipity Miunl Samyors for Utah s, -- Ingols & Taylor engineers, haa flint In thin ofltae lints of Units, arlerted by will he foreclosed for the amount due NOTICE. APPLICATION FOR PATENT the said State. under seetlou nf the Art of which said amount villi inSerial No. 4243 Serial No. 0 approved July 18, I MM, ns Indemnity thereon tired to August. Ulh, 19t)t , Is terest Lake lit Land Salt Hchool lands, v: United States Office, APPLICATION FOR PATENT of 1239.91. and the chattessum HE 1900. HW. t'te K. half quarter Hrc. suirlfr N hslf City. Utah, July 80, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE descrilmd being the iroU. T, 27 8.. R. Ill W Heriul WIU7. hereinafter Notice fa hereby given that Thomas 1909. Lake Salt 28, Utah, July City, in said niortgageuiH said Mid fur to of so ss relate trilted they Copies lists, Kearns and David Keith of Salt Lake Notice is hereby that Pea- tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been auction to the highgiven, made have public Utah, office application in City, for insiiection cock Copper Consolidated Mining conspicutmsly posted Ibis cash at the nt.rrall of fcr bidder est and interested the for a United States patent for the company, isibllc by person by any a corporation, through its lly. Thomas B,ast field on the Billy Nig, Triumphant No's. 2 and 3 authorised agent, Cura M. Holderman, During the iieriis! of iiubliration of this notice, Stoddard Htrunt and Sixth Avenue iu lode mining claims, situate in the whose postotilce thereafter, and betore Anal apiiroval address is Salt Lake or any time I tan, comcert i Aral inn, under deimrtmentai regula- Milford, Ht wvwr County, San Francisco mining district, Beaver fur and made has tlie Utah, in application City, 1SU7. or contests of ?otfock tions at agsiiist protests allernijtin connty, Utah, being mineral survey a United Statea patent for the Hum- the claimAprils, of the Htsle to any of the trails nr mencing .Vhe SMh day of No. 5566 and described in the field No. 1, Sunbeam subdivisions hereinbefore dcscrilieri, on the of Monday sold is so he Mine, Humbug bug to notes and plat of the official aurvey that the same Is more valuable for 19M; said pi ierV No. 1 and Sunbeam Mine lode ground mineral than for agricultural isiriumes. will be as follows: on file in this office with magnetic Mie claims consolidated, situate in received awl noted fur ivimrt to the general (hie d Farieg spring variation at 16 deg. east as follows, mining Failure mi to Hie San Francisco mining district, lain) office at Washington. I). or contest, within the lime aivriflrd, wagon; one Mpauldiug lW i protest of of State Utah, Beaver, will he considered sufficient evidence of the canopy top luggy-Commencing at corner No. 1 of the County character of the tracts and the selections being Survey No. 5922 and described Billy Nig lode from which the north iu the field uotea and plat on file in thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will canvas top Stu detaker side spring rubber tired sui.wy; ope east corner of section 13, township 27 this office, with variation be approved toK. the. Htate. K. THOMPSON. K fainter. runabout buggy; one rfrgle phaeton , south, range 13 west Salt Lake Base at 17 deg. 53 min. magnetic East as follows: at, IMA. First one Michigan but RTS oevshfudebaker July pub. and Mereuiau bears S. 22 deg. 30 ndp. three-inc- h Commencing at comer No. 1 of land pub. Aug. 27. IM. mountain spring wagoof E. 4880.6 feet, thence running front Mine lode claim, whence the one wire and Schuller wagon; said corner No. 1, N. 88 deg. 13 min. Humbug U. S. Mineral Monument No. 3 bears lf inch Schuller wagon; ,o W W. 1500 feet to comer No. 2, of the N. 13 SALE. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE deg. 31 min. W. 2077.1 feet; inch Stiidebaker 17 26 N. three and thence deg. Billy Nig lode, 1255.4 E. 33 min. 60 S. Thence inelx deg. min. W. 585.5 teet to comer No. 1 of feet to corner No. Notice In hereby given that a cer- wagon; one three and 2 of said lode; the Triumphant No. 2 lode from which Thence S. 43 deg. 02 inin. W. 542.5 tain Chattel Mortgage, dated, Febru- Cooler wagon; one old irdil axle and the aforesaid section corner bears S. feet to corner No. 3 of said lode ; ary 1st, 19(18, recorded in the office wagon; one three one three and inch ore Recorder of Beaver 35 deg. 31 min. E. 6241.8 feet, thence wagon; of the County 05 min. V. 1270.2 Thence N. 63 with low Michell B wagon, inch Book ChatN. 88 deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to feet to comer deg. in of Utah, No. 4 of said lode, County, one comer No. 2 of the Triumphant No. 2 identical with comer No. 2 of Humtel Mortgages, Page 423, and duly wheels; three mens saddles; harto law by affidavit, side saddle; four sets of driving lode which is identical with comer renewed according 1 No lode; said ness; four sets of heavy work harness ; No. 1 of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, bug Thence N. 81 deg. 26 min. W. 1500.0 filed in thewassame office, which W. eight Livery horne; eight work Jort. executed from which the aforesaid section cor- feet to corner No. by 1 mortgage No. 3 of Humbug mortand McCarrell Thomas ner bears S. 44 deg. 59 min. E. 7249.8 lode, identical with comer horses; also miscellaneous lot of ham Moore, No. 2 of and wagon fixtures and harness parts. Kimball in of favor Brothers, feet, thence S. 58 deg. 27 min. V. Sunlieam Mine No. 1 lode; gagors Lawrence Kimball. of 1500 feet to comer No. 2 of the Trildiwrence a consisting partnership, Thence B. 70 deg. 19 min. W. 677.3 28 N. T. 3 Robert T. Kimball, No. of thence and Kimball Kimball Robert deg. lode, umphant feet to comer No. 3 of said lode; Geo. B. Greenwood, 17 min. W. 602.5 feet to comer No. 3 88 deg. 09 min. W. 650. C Park City, Utah, mortgagees to secure Thence S. of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence feet to comer No. 4 of said lode; Milford, Utah the total sunt of $2UOO.UO and interest for Mortgagees. in said chattel N. 58 deg. 27 min. E. 1500 feet to coras stated mortgage Attorney 600.0 43 02 E. min. N. Thence deg. ner No. 4 ot the Triumphant No. 3 feet to comer No. 5 ot said lode; lode, thence S. 88 deg. 13 min. . Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min, E. 50 feet 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of the Trito comer No. 2 of Sunbeam Mine 26 2 S. No. thence lode, deg. umphant 17 min. E. 525.9 feet to corner No. 3 lode; Thence N. 18 deg. 38 min. W. oil the Billy Nig lode, thence S. W 14S6.0 feet to comer No. 3 of said . corner 1500 to 13 feet min. deg. lisle ; No. 4 of the Billy Nig lode, thence S. Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min. E. 565.2 26 deg. 17 min. E. 602.1 feeL to the feet to comer No. 4 of said lode; place ot beginning of deacriptiun of 64 min. E. 1496.4 Thence S. 19 exterior boundaries of aaid consoli- feet to comer deg. No. 1 of said lode, dated claim. identical with comer No. 6 of SunSaid claim being located in beam Mine No. 1 lode; 13 K. 27 S. of township part Thence N. 70 deg. 19 min E. 677.3 a M. W. 8. L. B. and and containing feel to corner No. 7. of Sunbeam total area of 59.085 acres, excluding Mine No. 1 lode, identical with corhowever, theretrom the area in con- ner No. 4 of Humbug No. 1 lisle; flict with the Burlington Mining 26 min. E. 15U0.0 Thence S. 81 Claim Nua 1 and 4 and Burlington feet to comer deg. Wholesale awl Retail Dealera iu No. 1 of Humbug No. No. 8 mine lodes, survey No. M91. 1 of No. corner identical with juj,, j Net area applied for being 47. 721 11 ii m bug Mine lode, the place of beacres. and located in unsurveyed ginning said in Each of said lodes embraced ot 27 H. Range 13 W., part Township consolidated claim being of record in S. I.. B. & M., Lumber, Mouldings, Doors and Windows an area of containing the office of the county recorder at 62.667 acres exclusive nf etuillii-- l with Beaver City, Beaver county, Utah. Lot No. 67 lode claim Niagara; adjoinThe Dearest known locations or and conflicting claim as shown ing aforesaid the claims being mining by I'lat of Survey is U. S. Lot No. 67, No's. 3, claims and Selma conflicting lode; Mining Timbers anil all kinds nf Building Material 4, 6, 6, Wabash Mining Claim and Niagara I direct that this notice be publishWabash. No. 4 Mining Claim survey ed in the Beaver County News at No 5391 and Regulator No. 2, our. No. Milford, Utah. 4769. E. I). R. Thompson, I direct that this notice he publinh-eRegister. in the Beaver County News at Springs Milford, Utah, fur the jwriixl of nine Firt publication July 30, 19on. Last publication Sept. 24, 1909. consecutive weeks. E. . R. Thompson, Edwin W. Senior, Salt Lake City, Utah, Register. G. W. Parks, Claimant's Attorney Attorney for Applicant. First pub. Aug. A, IHott. Second pub. Oct. 1, 1909. NOTICE. I'nllvit fuii i Land l).litv. Salt lake (111, Utah. nt. lam. sen-e- ra two-seate- to-w- it: al IF ITS THERE WELL FIND IT two-seat- ed one-ha- Office and Labratory opposite Opera House' Milford. Utah 48 Phone one-ha- lf one-hJ- ir three-four- th one-four-th SEE EARLE THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF House and Sign Painting unsur-veye- d FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND UP-TO-DA- 1 44444 WALL 4 R. T. Green Bert Lockhart LOCKHART & GREEN Have opened Bowmans shop and are now prepared to do all kinds of Ceneral Blacksmithlng, Wheelrlghllng and Horseshoeing At Reasonable Prices The Best Wptk Guaranteed At rear of flank Building L Milford, Utah IlMlforb Xumbei Go. t d Rock t t - CTl L4"no Pinesalve mssoMni buuu Carbolizea S1L1BVSI July Tn WIiihii It May C jncero : Nutnc la Ivriiby anemlal the Slat and Castle Gate Coal t t nf I'fab |