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Show iTflt HkltiL SURE OF A WRECK OIACJARANTLlI it meant a great deal to you to buy your jewelry of a reliable house. The buainets it baaed on confidence and t our years of square dealing have placed us at tna head of the re--: WHEN THE RAILROAD MEN WAITED FOR DISASTER. UJMEOM? forty-eigh- liability class. Everything in diamonds, watches, silver tableware, clocks and optical goods. One of the Most Trying Experiences of His Life, Says Rslater, Was tha Feeling That Nothing Could Bo Done. EXAMPLE OF TRUE BRAVERY. With Collision Inevitable, Man at the Throttle Succeeded in Preventing Heavy Loss of Life. A few sturdy fellows were seated In the drivers' den" in West Detroit tlie other day and the discussion turned to some of tliffdeed of drivers, says the Detroit Free Press. Not many years ago, said one of the group, "a man named Osborne, If And Ma Fainted. Why did she refuse you? she asked her son, with fine scorn. Well," the boy replied between his Milis, "she objects to our lamlly. Sha lays pit's a loafer, that you're too fat ind that everybody laughs at liayse she's a fool and talks Mayme About limbing but the greatness of tier family. (Cbatinecy threw water in his mother's face, but at three dock this afternoon she was still In a swoon, with four doctors working Atchison (Kan.) Globe. in her.) Kenosha. Wig. After the stormiest week In the history of the city peace I have seen your paper git ing an I remember correctly, waa an enreigns supreme in Kenosha. The dep- areount of s wreck and relating "that on one of the eastern roads gineer 170 IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA. uties were nearly all withdrawn from -tlie official of llic in n for 2rt year at least, worked with alt uhk cat Utah the X. K. Allen's Sons' plant, and the .Monon system do faultless faithfulness, lie was oure regular force of watchmen took their hot t Link a wreck delayed by snow on the track for Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding, Humor pluce. Every department waa workHoped Death Torturing i'll ever occurred several hour, lie finally received Would End Fearful Suffering, ing with a full force when the plant under like cfrcuin-Mnnee- s explicit orders from the 'super' to go shut down for the night. The manager before." An ahead us tlie road was clear-n- o other of tlie tannery asked that all men In Despair; Cured by Cuticura. of my train was on the track. After satisexperience arrested in connection with the strike own limy lie inter- fying lilnmclf that Ids orders had he released from jail and no charges "Words cannot describe the terrible esting. at least to been understood he left the summit eczema I filed against them. suffered with. It broke out This was done, I lint railof army of a hill on a steep down-gradunder on my heud and SALT LAKE CITY and the men who had been imprisoned kept spreading until road men of whom full head of steam. In rounding a whole body. covered I returned to work. The men claim that my was alad once to have been u memassharp curve lie came uMn a train sores from mass as of a solid it is a victory for them oil account of ber, writes a almost Inof tlie correspondent cending the same grade, also under head to foot. 1 looked more like a the fact that Beveral of the depart- dianapolis News. BOARDIKG AHD DAY good siieed. In au instant he whistled piece of raw beef than a human bements received a small advance in As you will see, the train dispatcher down brnkrs and reversed his engine. wages. and at least two operators in my story The noble steel monster, under the ing. The pain and agony endured SCHOOL FOR BOYS teemed more than 1 could bear. Blood elabMass. A Lynn, were certain that there would he a plan lias been as If fully aware of tlie peril, and pug oozed from the great sore on orated whereby an end can at once wreck. Tlie case I refer to was the strain, back my Bcalp, from under my finger nails, be put to all labor disputes, if such wreck near Weirs, N. H., of two obeyed instantly and threw itself to avert the danger. and nearly all over my body. My As set freight trains on ilie Boston and plan be generally adopted. "Meanwhile the oilier engineer had cars were an crusted and swollen I Clau Wfies Wedandsy, Septmkar 8. forth, it contemplates the organiza- Maine railroad. While Mountains di- done the same thing to his engine, was afraid they would break off. tion of a fraternal body In which both vision, In Clamcal, Scientific and Cnwncrcial September, 19imi or 1901. It but It was impossible to modify the Every hair In my head fell ouL I the shoe workers and the shoe arranged. cmtms. rarne about in this way: An extra shock. Special departwant far little rushed these two could not sit down, for my clothes Together Col. At hold International the Denver, may memberships, freight train which, by tlie wu.v, has panting and reluctant giants, their Wyi, nadcr tka can af a trained would stick to the raw and bleeding convention of machinist!, to be held the grand lodge or supreme body bar absolutely no tucker. Cyuisn aad Military Drill rights over regular joint weight not les than CO tons, flesh, making me cry out from the In this city In September, an effort lng Jurisdiction over all questions on trains, received orders to meet ut a with the gathered moiiieiituiii of their aadrrtke direction of (pedal iastractara. pain. My family doctor did all he will be made to change the present which there may be disagreement be- certain Far tenas aad iaferaatiaa, apply ta point a regular freight train following trains. They ruse like two could, but I got worse and worse. My tween employers and employed. Thin method of selecting the ruuning in the opposite direction. furious animals In mortal combat, condition waa awful. I did not think The projxised amendment pro- grand lodge to be formed from the va- Later on, before the order was exeon end, and in a trice the could live, and wanted death to ' vides that there shall be a board of rious local lodges, which are to be cuted, It was found advisable in annul standing machines were a mass come and end my frightful sufferings. two splendid made a of selected each from and up the manufacturers the first order and to direct the trains of torn and twisted Junk. The cars Very Rev. J. J. Guinan, S. M., In thia condition my mother-in-lag geographical district, and to be placed several branches of the to meet at a point one station nearer, behind them were also crushed. OsPresident beggpd me to try the Cutleura Remin charge of It during his term. The crafts, taking the place of the pres- the extra train. Now, orders are in borne did not leap from his cab. but, edies. I said 1 would, but had no hope claim is made in behalf of the pro- ent local unions. force until fulfilled, superseded or an- never moving his hands from the sf recovery. But oh, what blessed reposed change that a man from his London, England. The Miners con- nulled. Order No. I was superseded throttle which controlled It, lie stood lief I experienced after applying Cutiown district knows the needs there federation of Great Britain after a proNo. 2 and then No. 2 was annulled aa resolute as a rock at his post till cura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding HARRY ROBINSON better than one who does not know longed meeting has decided In favor of by by No. 3, so thia extra train had abso- the shuck came, and then, quick aa and itching flesh and brought me the ATTORNKY AT LAW anything about the territory and the balloting to decide whether its mil- lutely no rights against regular trains his valves to allow first real sleep I had had in weeks. It thought, adjusted 304-80- 8 in the of it. machinists lion Lake lodges members shall go on national and the regular train, being then an the steam to City Judge Building, Balt escape and thus prevent- was as as ice to a burning New York. Under the new law per- strike in support of the Scottish hour extra should have ed an explosion. Be went to his fate tongue. grateful the overdue, I would bathe with warm the erection of tuberculosis miners, who are resisting a wage re- remained at the mitting station where it re- with his engine. Our wars can fur- water and Cuticura Soap, then apply Gems of Thought Lost Forever. sanatoria at certain points . within duction of sixpence a day. The pres- ceived order No. 3. Mr. Jingle suddenly turned back bis just referred to, nish no cleurer evidence of the finer the Ointment freely. I also took CutiNew York which was passed by ent feeling seeniB to be in favor of the until all trains then due I regular courage than tliut. cuff and wrote upon It It happened the recent state, In a cura Resolvent for the blood. at at Albauy legislature stoppage of all mines, a condition trains) had passed that point. Then In an Interval of the passing the short time the sores sloped running, the behest of the organized workers which would practically paralyze Brit- the extra bemight have proceeded, GERMAN ROADS COST LITTLE. the flesh began to heal, and I knew I champagne. the state, the Central ish Industry. In view of the conse- cause it had what we railroad men "Do you often take notes in that throughout was to get well agqin. Then the hair union of Manhattan has made a quent expected shortage in the coal call running orders that gave a Topography of Country Made It Easy on my head began to grow, and In a way?" asked a woman who set by him. move esto toward looking permission supply many factories have much Interested. run, but gave no rights over to Build and Buelness Interests short time I was completely cured. tablish on its site, at Medford, Suf- served notice to their already of the right to trains. other employes "Often," the poet returned, but the folk I wish I could tell everybody who has Are Well Served. a hospital of such descrip- termination of contracts. county, The extra train received its copy of trouble of It is that when I read It tion. The Mrs. Wm. eczema to use Cuticura. as now outproposition New York. Not for years have the order No. 3 at 11:59 p. in., one minover the nest day I can't for the life N. J-- . Thomas 135 un German Newark, SL, tlie railroads, Hunt, Although comprehends a hospital costing clothing trades in Greater New York ute before The trainmen like the French system, were not conof me make out what the notes are lined, midnight. 1908." 28, Sept. to be won such a notable $100,000, the amount that I meant to take. Then the shirt around victory aa that left the telegraph office and went out ceived and built as a whole, and per- Potter Pros Cksm. Carr Bole Props, on. raised by contributions from the vari- achieved a Into an on and off the end wash the by theres pants workers and to the train and set the train goes because of thdr lack of cohesion, ous local unions. haps knee pants workers after a desperate aiding, that a passenger train might of it Whats the use, anyway?" ae Aid Fight Against Tuberculosis. which haa enabled them to avoid For refuaing to Join contest of seven weeks duration. At pass. Then, instead of waiting for the the waiter again passed the tall glass in Milwaukee, the rereiit meeting of the NaAt a centralized faults of of some the the strike St. Mary's hospital, the commencement of the strike the folof champagne into his outstretched where It wasat was which Association of Bill Fosters, held tional train, freight regular to secured the unimporn and alleged band. pants makers were practically unor- lowing the passenger train about 20 system in Atlanta, Ga., It was decided to doefficient sn benefit of towns the tant workmen were Plumbthe ganized, but the 7,000 who minutes behind, the extra pulled out "True," the woman assented, quiet- ers' union wasemployed, nate to the campaign against tubercuis y refined $100 came out to battle are marching un- and proceeded, every one of the train service, the German system of publicity. ly. "Whats the use?" complete and responds very well losis $1,200,000 worth very cently by the Federated Trades der the union banner. The results of fact to the business necessities of the re- - The bill posters In all parts of the the overlooking crew, evidently, council. the of the the Strlko re: An increase In price that .they had no ..rser. im Upon -wtrHI RU mm MiBttV1 Slang. Ml VHll Slang words and phrases are 'pio- organized plumbers to pay the fine, from 20 to 25 tier cent.; that the op- pulled out of the station where I waa to the the vacant spaces on their 3,5uu bill and labor Thanks to cheap neers of the language to be. Some of the union was expelled from the erators be paid in cash, instead of located at about 12:07 a. in., and was fact that the country for the most boards with large posters illustrating and cure conto these pioneers die on the plains, not Building Trades section. If the plumb- checks and the formal recognition of too far away for me to reach in any part Is level, so that It was possible the ways Theprevent Printers assolrlle enough to cross the centuries, and ers persist in their refusal to pay the the union. Poster I knew I saw Ita sumption. build in . The first thing way. avoid to extraordinary outlay the purists rot with them. The really fine the union may be expelled from Ijifayette, I rd. The Brotherhood rear markers" disappearing around ing, this lack of unity In the construe ciation has also granted $200,000 of printing and paper for thia apt slang words inherit the earth, the the Wisconsin State Federation of of Painters and Decorators, whose the curve out of all reach. tion of German railroads has not had worth' Iibor. , headquarters are here, recently der id people and the dictionaries. onre advised the train dis- the Influence It might have had on work. Tills entire campaign of billI at St. Paul. Minn. From now on It is cd to reduce the number of local unwill be conducted unThey are horn on the athletic field patcher of the fact and he asked me the cost of the establishment. Be- board publicity Asor in the stress of crowded life, where the intention of the officers of the ions in Brooklyn, N. Y., from ten to again I were sure they had pulled tween the Hook of Holland and Ber- der the direction of the National if ahort cut speech is a necessity. You Minnesota State Federation of I,abur four, with an extra one In the Bronx, out and 1 replied that they had done lin the railroad docs not pass through sociation for tlie Study and Prevenfind them first in the yellow journals to make every effort to bring about local No. Kill, known as the Hebrew so. He had Just that minute, almost, of Tuberculosis in a sirglc tunnel (there Is In fact not a tion . peaceful settlements of all labor dis- local, refused to abide by the dec! received a and the mouths of babes. stathe National Bill Posters' wilh second the of from whole In the tunnel report railway ion of the brotherhood, however, and If you are responsible for any of the putes where such a thing Is possible. other nor docs it pass tion down the line that the babes you have to be a purist pro tern. Whenever any controversy comes up has taken steps to sue out a writ of train had left there and he said to north Germany), a single deep cutting or along through to once will officials these at memberSevers. proceed Dont fret too hard! You are merely Injunction restraining the me: Well, the extra will meet No. a single high embankment. Bridges Samuel Gompers was talking in tha bearing language in the making. Ten the seat of war and will use every ship from putting into effect the new 205 on a single iron, to which I re- ami viaducts across rivers are the smnkeroorn of the Baltic about a reyears settles a word in the dictionary honorable means so to arrange mat- order. We both set to 1 know it." only engineering works of special ini cent newspaiicr attack on a rich cop ters that a settlement may be arrived The annual con plied, South Bend, im or In oblivion. From the Nautilus one the IKirtance that had to le undertaken at by conference or arbitration should vention of the Indiana Federation of work to try to renchtwoWeirs, Just referred the In 1899 the total emit of all the Oer poratlon. this means fail. His Life Wae Too Monotonous. which will be held in South station between "It was a cruel attack, Mr. Gomto stop one or mini lines, now amounting lo almost an effort make to to, the said Is A phyYork. on movement foot New You need a change," Bend September 28. 29 and 30, will be, on tlie tele- r.ii.iimi kilometers, was staled at 12 pers chuckled. "It was as cruel as for the organization of'a wireless tel- ucording of Information furnished by both train. We tried sician. Clarion's paragraph and oil the telegraph wires, but 403,0:18.875 marks, or an average cost the Jonesville Hiram Ludlow. "In what way, Doc?" Deacon egraph operators' union. The follow othcfals of the organization, now in phone old about or no more than 233,61;) marks a kiloar- to no avail. "Your life is altogether too monoto lng official statement was circulated: the city completing preliminary "This parsgruph headed the Clap There had been a baggageman there meter. Moody's Magazine. "President Konenkauip of the Com- rangement for the meeting, the bignous. ion's obituary column. It said: passenmercial Telegraphers' union says gest convention ever held by the body. to attend to the needs of the "You surprise me. Deacon Hiram Ludlow of Friable teleSchools. could Railroad who Signal train gone Its true. Any man who desnt that within the next few weeks he ex- Arrangements have been made to care ger a just but he bad gone home Tlie Pennsylvania railroad has es- township, aged 82, passed peacefully little, get into bed until morning and then pects to have all wireless operators for 50U delegates and as many more graph We tablished signal schools on the dl awny on Thursday lust from sing!? before. minutes three two or is In the country and on ocean steamleading visitors. The convention will mark gets up in the morning, too, matrimonial bliss after called and called, but nothing could visions of it line east of I'itlBburg to blessed ness to ers in a new branch of the union, to the twenty-fifttoo monotonous a life. severe attack by Maria hut a anniversary of the be done. of short service Tor the signal train n n be known as the wireless department. federation. a blooming widow of 37 sum(he Higgins, This is says due, One of Lifes Sad Facts. my in chair, put I down aat (he my It is expected that COO persons will Pa- .- The Pennsylva Detroit Journal. Philadelphia, r. to tlie rnpid growth of mers." feet up on the table, and tipped hack Po'dik-i-Pay days come and pay days go, but join the organization." com-pileltuiirnad has pin Company in use just is which a also along i,,J(-bills go on forever. waited, signalling to wall and the just Philadelphia. About 3.000 motor-mea statement showing that the BAD DREAMS There are some 12,408 and conductors employed by the amount of wages paid on the system did my dispatcher, nfter telling the ' these lines. Caused by Coffee. Pig Errantry. Kignal east of Pittsburg, covering Interstate Railway Company on trac- was $125,043,947, a decrease of $29, The report of the cattle market milcH of road. 2,385 tion lines in eastern Pennsylvania, 471.9C1, aa compared with 1907. The "I have been a coffee drinker, more six committee presented at Colchester appointed The railroad ha New Jersey and Delaware were noti- number of employes was 24.000 less of less, ever since I can remember, unwill lie trainei town council the other day contained who apprentices signal 1 more an item as to a pig starring, followed fied that after August there would than in the previous year, when 199, as engineer to direct and plan signal til a few months ago I became a be of of the were The men rate ni0 resumption nervous more and and employed. end Irritable, clerk town installations. by Resolved, That the Apprentices in these wage rate from which a reduc- pnv. however, was as high in 1908 as enurm finally I could not sleep at night for communicate with the offender, warnserve a three-yearwill schools tion of one and one-hal- f cents was in 1907. when it was increased over I wax horribly disturbed by dreai.'.n ing him against committing any of- made a The first year will lie givtn to The had that of ISmuJ about 10 per cent. ago. year company to It was touching and of all sorts and a species of distressfense In future. tin with work repair Washington. The boot trades con-- , bear that penitent animal giving its promised an increase as soon as busiconsliiK Hon gang, tlie second year ing nightmare. ness would in New Zealand has pasted a warrant. ei.tluu or the "Finally, after hearing the experiword of honor that noshing in (he office of the kii will find tlii-Copenhagen. A hill to empower lesoliitiou urging the abolition of the our switchboard sort should occur again. London of signal, and the third ence of numbers of friends who had a ml at the scene of were drinking Postuni, municipalities to grant unemployed existing duties on imported hoots, as Globe. wreck. Ve all then knew that the y,,ar wjll be devoted lo outside work quit coffee and relief, which is not to he treated as the country is being taxed to support the of the great benefits they and learning elect the Fur and electric come had (m together. True Love. poor law lelief, to members of unions an industry which could not give re- trains had derived, I concluded coffee must Himi-e- . 48 hour there wu lot to lie There is but ui.o mate for each man arid societies wl:o have exhausted cent conditions of employment. The be tlie cause of my trouble, so I got The wreck. tlie in done clearing and woman in the world and until their riglil to draw relief, tint are union also urged the government to Postuni and had it made strictly Star Great Bonn! Map. n lb" a precipice trains had met at they recognise the fact and learn with still nut of work, was passed by the start stale boot factories and offers The compilation of the great map according to directions. not was a whole ilere of lake, edge J the to lend $10,000 for that purpose. j;iinii- r K parliament recently, I was nstonislied at the flavour and patience to await the note of absolute of the sky under the auspices of the for cither in force said act to remain conviction which Is the one infallible Concord. X. II. A lodge of tlie one instant's vviirnfngwere be-t- and it purls observatory will be a colossal taste. It entirely took the place of cofuntil Tnn-lives ' Hrmlierhnod of Railroad Ciciks lias guide to happiness, marriages will fail April, mn. worst Irelght wrecks task. Seven ' ecu observatoiii's those fee, and to my very great satisfaction, as they fall now and the church will London. England. The Society of been instituted here to be ki.own a was one of the I began to sleep peacefully and sweetof Greenwich. Rome, Catania, Helsingthat that the division bad evir bad.and al- fors. Potsdam, Oxford. Bordeaux, Tou- ly. My nerves Improved, and I wish Amalgamated Toolmakers, Engineer Mtii'umick lodge. It Is expert'-igive Its empty blessing to those While writing this idler, v.can every man, woman and pairs whom God forever auil Macbini.-t- s of Gnat. TV raT : is one lodge will soon be instituted ill when relating the story of.. the louse, Algiers, Ban Fernando, Tacu I could ways This Worcester. the offshoots of and Dover unblessed. of the engileaves Exchange. ( Arminger the unwholesome drug orfrom child do Cordova Chile. comes creeping up my haya, Santiago are will practically complete th orjeal-zallui- i wreck. Hide neering trade. Its hcad'P'firtcr it Town, Sydney dinary coffee. cb-a- r Cat the Perth, to top ). gentina and extending back Pertinent Observation. at Birmingham, rind it Ims 52 brandies on tlie Boston & Maine svs "people really do not appreciate or and il st'iys there and Melbourne have been at work In A law was pn cl of my bead, a chill, I id roil, .Midi. Some men, says Hans, the baker's in all parts of England unff Scutlr 'd. for the past realize what a powerful drug it is and the spheres thdr finished. respective Simply have i lil--r until on der keyhole Its membership is not large, only 3.710 leccntly in MichUnn making It 'ilboy, vas always It 22 years charting the portion (r the what terrible effect it has on the huIlie experience. der back of a clock They vas behiut all told, but the society appears lu be ia wfu! for women and minors to v. b'k ."after effect"I of If they did, hardly a abto wait there, hen veil under tlielr observation, by man system. waa trying. think, time. more than bine hoars a day. held together flrmly. No fewer than pound of it would be sold. I would to trains of mean those photography. for St. Ixmts. Mo. Gov. Hadley ha- Indianapolis. Ind.- - President T. L. solutely helpless, but t "t one of tlie 22,1151 negatives have been lak-and never think of going back to coffee Has Poetry Enough; Want Wood. tlie woman's nine-hou- r Inw. Lewis of the United Mine Workers come together, signed I would almost as soon think now been en- again. have was of them over and Wc hive on hand more poetry than 2,i",u dispatchers three operators The law regulates the employment of Im been in the anthracite districts r knows Just graved on copper. Scientific Ameri- of putting my hand in a fire after 1 iicvi One we can find room for. What we need excited. and women in factories, restau- arousing interest In organization. The really had once been burned. such cin um can. la more wood. It Is true the poetry is girls and othT such plares. Employ- in. ion has n large number of organ- what he will do under one rants A young lady friend of ours had and out it hut doesn't tiling fling We wooden, stances. picture pretty ment is limited to nine hours a day izer in the field. Lost in Shipment. stomach trouble for a long time, and Freight We different. oak and of pine. the warmth to do something entirely Servla. According and prohibits their employment later Belgrade, It is said that the negligence of the could not get well as long ss she used therefore prefer an ordinary load of than 10 p. ci. or earlier than 5 a. m. Paraffin Drinking Cups. figures Just published, there were railroad mniingemciit Is responsible coffee. She finally quit coffee and bewood to a cord of poetry. Adam of the losses Minneapolis. Tlie jurisdiction dis- .",4"4 persons affiliated with the orOn its through truin one of the I r only about one-filtgan the use of Potum and is now per(Ga.) Enterprise. pute between tli Electrical Workers' ganized labor ii moment 111 8rvia at eastern rallrond its installed a sani- of freight in shipment. fectly will. Yours for health." union and the theatrical stage em- the close of 1907. of supplying water to passystem Read "The Road to Wellville, In tary Kissology. Hard Luck. have sengers. In (very car a slot machine New York. The gravedigger ploye as to the right to do certain There's a Reason." pkgs. A girl ran make a young man bezebra cannot bring any "Teddy Aork, will he presented at the next organized a union In New York city. Is installed, which supplies paraffin I br atinvr Iritrrl A new Kvrr mill lieve she doesnt want him to kiss her of the international of the one npiienni frtirn lime ( time. They Worth. Tex. A state bureau of drinking ceps for one cent apiece. hide home with him." Fort meeting when she is almost daffy for fear he ore true, and full ( human "Why not 7" latter oignnization. that Is to be held labor and statistics has been created The passenger uses this paraffin veslalrinL. wont. "Because they are barred." b're in September. sel and tli rov.s it away after use by the Texas legislature. v Hallows College All Pittsburg. The Sons of Vulcan have won their demand from the Inited States Steel Corporation for an increase of wages. This organization is made up of the iron puddlers of the Pittsburg district and is recognized as a rival of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, which Is now fighting so hard at the tin against open shops mills of the steel corporation. Some time since the Sons of Vulcan served notice on the Oliver Iron and Steel Company and the A. M. Myers Company, both Steel Corporation plants here, that they would strike August 1 unless an increase of 12t cents per ton was granted to the The mills declared there puddlers. would be no advance given, but when the puddlers went to draw their pay they found the Increased pay In their envelopes. The old scale had expired June 30, but the men had continued at work until the new scale could be e shoe-workin- J. non-unio- to-da- to-da- asso-rintloii- h ; n s ap-ne- - r. . l i .'i.'n-clieate- ". n |