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Show CURE ABOUT TYRANT MAN ONE REBELS AT CRITICISM MADE BY CLUBWOMAN. Editorials and Otherwise. i Sundries i Best Method of Obtaining Sound and Refreshing Sleep. ( O Address all communications relat- last reports the property Is luoking ing to Legal advertising and legal fine. matters and al advertising contracts, The new tunnel at the Signal Peak Mr. Gillipan Reapon-albl- a mine la now in 1,400 feet. From all etc., outside of Utah, to for the Controvaray. JAB. T. JAKEMAN. Indications a strike Is due at any Managing Editor time. bl.i men "I suppose that tyrant got Salt Lake City. The committee of experts which has good and plenty?" ventured the clubbcccn for some time Investigating the NEWS. woman's huaband, aa bla apouae drew MINING MARYSVALE Seller mine will be rady with thir reoff her long glovea and removed her In a short time. Upon the report port The contractor who la running the of these men depends the Immediate hat I wish you wouldnt talk slang, new tunnel on lira ground of the Gol- taie of the property. The committee my dear," said hie wire. "You know den Treasure Mining company, near are very reticent as to what their conabout half of clusions will be, but Kimberly perfectly well that It always offends Kimberly, has completed are Btrong have no fear for the results. people there his work. Already 1L Mrs. me, yet you persist In doing and copat mineral of the face, signs O' Gllllpen made a very eloquent adare found all through the stains per what la I dress. you vein matter. The tunnel Is being run presume that Pared and Baked Apples. are aaklng about. You always sueer to catch the big contact vein which Peel and core, large, firm applet. at everything she says, I know." passes through the property. From "I beg your pardon, my dear. I all appearances this will be encount-Junctur- e Put In a baking pan, fill the centera with sugar, put a bit of butter in the wouldnt sneer at her for worlds. Uut with the main contact, the she does may I say hammer' us? management think that a large body center of the sugar, pour a cui(ul of boiling water about the apples, cover Well, she bits us rather bard, doesn't of ore will lie uncovered. The Southern Boy property on Gold and bake until tender, basting occashe?" "Don't you think she la justified Hill Is Idle at the present time. The sionally II the fruit seems dry. Uncompany Is comimsed mostly of Okla- cover and' brown slightly. Transfer In hitting you? homa people. From communications to a dish, put the pan of Juice on the "Why?" ivcelved here a short tie ago It Is un- top of the atove, odd to It a little gran"Do you think we ought to submit til the early spring. ulated sugar and a dash of cinnamon on never to be and meekly trampled The Annie Laurie people have in- and boil up once, then over the Do strike a blow In our own defense? creased the force at the mine to forty applet, Set away until jiour cool, then put you think a woman ought to be sut lu- men. Almoat all of these are engaged right on tl e Ice. Serve very cold lled to be a slave and a puppet and upon development work. cream. not make the slightest effort to burst Work Is being pushed at the Key- with the trammels that your sex haa boen stone. It Is expected that the foree o winding about her from the beginning will lie Increased during the coming Relic from Jerusalem. of time?" month, and that before the season Is tar advanced that the mine will enter St. James' Episcopal church, of "Did she say that?" South Bend, Ind.. haa secured a "You know It's true, whoever said the list of the shippers. A small foree of men are small A ono piece of marble aa a relic from woman's Is employed life it perpetual ut the Annie Laurie Extension. From the tomb of SL James, In Jerusalem. sacrifice to the wishes or caprices of the man she marries. That's not so bad," said the man. "Is your lire a sacrifice to me?" "You know I wouldn't like to hurt Here Is your chance your feelings, my desr. For a Chicken Ranch. Well, Is It?" "I think every woman's la," How about a man's life being a perpetual sacrifice to the whims and wishes of the woman he marries?" water-Igh-t. Including first-clas- s which alone la worth 3G3.00 per "Is yours?" share. On Fourteenth South mid Fourth West Streets. Four-t eon III South is Macadamized and Electric Lighted. "Every man's la" I like that, said the clubwoman. UNIMPROVED FARM LANDS. "Will you tell me a single instance Twelve miles south of Salt lmke, specially of your sacrifice?" adapted to Also Dry Farming. Prlcea 19.00 and 115.00 an acre. "Well, look at me now, sitting here One-thir- d Cash Balance to Suit. with my feet on the rug." 0 ACRES FINE FARM LANDS, "I think by the look of them that you might have wiped them a little Three Miles Southwest of Ogden. more carefully when you came in. . $2.500 TERMS. "I did wipe them," said the man. Other Improved Farm Lands. "I don't see what Is the use of brooms and carpet sweepers If a little dirt Isn't going to be brought into the Owner. house once in a while. But the point 402 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City. I was trying to make is that several times since I have been sitting- - here I have felt a strong inclination to put my feet on the table." Huaband and Wifaa Argument on Sacrifice Finally Enda in a Stand-Of- f . Acre Lots $300. frult-ralslu- Ae Le "James! Oh, I know, I know you object to It That's the only reason I'm not putting them where they would feel I sacrifice my comfort comfortable. to your wishes. I consider your prejudices. "You call that a prejudice, do you?" "I don't know what else you would call it After a while, if we go to that fool concert, I suppose I shall have to put on a dress suit and a collar that chokes me. I can't do anything that I really want to do half the time. Isn't all that sacrifice?" "You didn't seem to object to wearing a dress suit or going. to concerts with mo before we were married," said his wife. And I am sure I never saw you put your feet on the table. If I bad Im quite sure I never would bave married you. "I know, said the man. "Thats why I sacrificed myself to your whims." "You weren't obliged to. If It was such a sacrifice you needn't have mar ried me. Well, said the man, "I guess you weren't clubbed and dragged to the altar and neither was Mrs. Gllllpen, If I know her husband. I guess If you come right down to it. it's about a stand-off.- " Chicago Daily News. Coffee as Remedy for Asthma. Coffee Is a very excellent remedy for asthma, according to a writer in the Family Doctor. Those who do not know how to cut short their attacks and have not tried coffee should do so by all means. It often succeeds admirably when almost everything else has failed. There are oue or two little puluts to be attended to in taking coffee for asthma. In the first place, it should be very strong In fact, perfectly black. Weak coffee docs inure harm than good. If made very strung much of It need not lie taken; a large quantity is a positive disadvantage, for it Is less rapidly absorbed and only distends the stomach. Then It should be given without sugar or milk, pure "cafe noir." It should be given on an empty stomach, for when taken on a full stomach It often does harm by putting a atop to the process of digestion. g. SCitt) m TALKING MACHINE Bean- ABSOLUTELY FREE! WITH A GUARANTEE. - 3 Big discount allowed to who wtsh to use them as merchants, premiums. Agents wanted everywhere. "lotits assured. The only This Machine Dandyis Talking absolutely the best value ever offered, and the only reul talk-machi- ma- high-price- cablnot ever given E lven away. Plays Standaway. ard, Columbia or cylinder Edison, records. Is superior to many machines, both In and reproduc.ppodiauce tion of tone. Free from dust ind mounted on a beautirul reversible cabinet. Send no money In advance, but write today and of agree to sell thirty-nin- e mr easy selling, attractive inveltles at 10 cents each; i ml when sold, send us $3.90. ml we will send on a "Dandy Motor Talking Machine exactly is Illustrated and described ihove. It costs you nothing to ry, aw we take back nil articles , nil are unable to sell B'id give nu n premium of equal value, ns to tlinjiniount you send us. Write today to New York 21 Chicago Supply Co SUITE 519 SECURITY TRUST BLDG. chine high-price- FATIGUE. FOR MUSCULAR Beal fatigue may he divided Into the mental and muscular varieties. The latter fa decidedly the nlmpler of llie two. Where one haa so overworked physically that one cannot sleep, the first thing to do is to learn to relax. In such a case the first thing to do Is to take a warm hath. Into which a little rock salt has been dropped to counteract the weakening effect of hot water. Then shut out every ray of light from your bedroom and lie flat on your back. Do not close your eyes and think desperately of going to Bleep. Instead, devote yourself entirely to the subject of keeping your eyes open. If they close, open them; If necessary, even prop them open with your lingers; whatever you do, continue to Into the darkness, and stare wide-eyemost Important of all, think of that one question only. In about five minutes you will be so sleepy that no willpower on earth could keep you awake. The one cure for fatigue Is rest, and after prolonged physical effort, the paramount Issue is to get to sleep Immediately, and to aleep as long as possible. w d "o: FOR FEARED Peculiar I FUTURE. NIECES Bent of Child's Mind mayed Uncle. hate to think It, Dis- grimly said but I am Uncle Tlmrod Totten, mightily afraid my little niece, Luella, la going to cause a great deal of worry and unhappiness In the world when she gorws up." What makes ye think so?" asked old Squire Belcher, who had come over to borrow a whiffletree. She seems to be a real child nice, thoughtful, now." Well," was the explanation, t'other day, our gray gander got tangled up In a discussion with the shepherd pup, and when the fracus was over there was skurcely a feather left on the fowl. And little Luella took and dyked him out In a pair ot draw pantaloons and a chim slip, I mean of white cloth sewed by her own fair hands. And, somehow, I cant help fearlug that when she attains s an appropriate age she will wear and and several double-chingo crusading against all the common and unimportant Indelicacies that human flesh la heir to." Exchange. Practically applied in and cure of all disease and correction or bad habits by Prof. Geo. Hamden and Wife, Graduates of the Welt-me-r School of Magnetic Healing, at Nevada, Missouri, the largest Institution of its kind In the world. Every known disease cured without drugs or Rheumatism the use of the knife. relieved as If by Magic. Female diseases POSITIVELY cured. Appendicitis and all kindred diseases cured In from one to ten days. Asthma and all Bronchial troubles yield quickly . to our treatment ktuwu that to cureahle can positively be heat unease Every ed by our methods. DON'T BE A SKEPTIC. But Investigate, Missouri, for we are here to I'm fro and then vou won't can show a frJer11perc?tJf School show you The Weltmer institution other of permanet cures than any world. Come aud see us. Cunvultatlon free. GEORGE HARNDEN AND WIFE, 8B- Board of Trade,Boo UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, 1 nf Utah Lumber Co. Everything in the Building Line. Send Us Your Orders. 255 West South Temple Street, Salt Lake City. . d nose-glasse- J. H. Hill 2408 Washington Ave., s, - o Cla Fritters. Make a batter of two beaten eggs, a cup of milk, a gill of clam liquor and a pint of flour that has been well sifted with a teaspoonful of baking powder. Stir In two dozen chopped clams and drop, by the spoonful, In deep, boiling faL Cook until brown, drain In a colander, then on tisane. paper, and serve hot. Ogden, Utah. Bargains in Real Estate. Good Investments! WewillKZS A NOTICE. The smallest GRINDING AND SAW FILING SHOP on Earth has moved from 160 to 351 80. STATE ST. Call and get your dull tools sharpened and repaired while you wait Razors and scissors a apecialty. All work guaranteed. PHIL. BUTLER, Prop. Tell your friends. Stoves Ranges, New & THE KEELEY CURL Second-Han- Drunkenness Cured. IIITOOTIXgMffgggStSgXSglOTCTDj I CYRUS O. GATRELL I d. GUARANTEED. A positive and permanent ours tor drunkenness and the opium d eases. There la no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as privately aa at their owa homes. Ths Keeler Institute, 334 W. So. Tam-p- t BiU Lake City, Utah. d MAIL rjr Safes. ORDERS SOLICITED WESTERN FURNITURE CO., 3 So. State SL, 242-254.2- 56 Salt Lake City, Utah. Attorney A Counselor. 419 D. F. Walker BuIMlng, Salt Lake City. METAL SIGNS & METAL RAISED LETTERS. Salt Lake City, Utah. Main Office, New York City. .JtRIMIMWWRFr sm. i fikRSIMllllill'A rsrr; yssv.M ar r.vrrsiswtstits(e- - ""(MwiiniMnny. EYES IN OU1 HANDS. PLACE YOUR gwsmmuas.smw Wi Ars Stop Those Head- . He-- aches. I Times Those Year flkMBfifliWllMll4ll-4il- 4 Alexander-Dibbl-e ISM1-- Dizzy Spalls That Eys Strain. Co. Formerly Alexander Upncl Co. Atlas Slock, 6a!t Lake City. Coth Phones 4444. wrwrnw!ir::irrr!'! No Need of Cotton Famine. The cotton spinners of the world are needlessly alarmed lest the ability of the south to increase her cotton production will not keep pace with the increasing number of spindles and looms. Gov. Hoke Smith of Georgia in a recent article or Interview ku that his state alone, If necessary .ciudd produce as much cotton as is now tiling produced by the entire aouib. The same Is true of Mississippi and nwro than doubly true of Texas. The lab r supply Is absolutely the only ilinieiiiiy that prevents the expansion of toiio.; production In the south to almost j i; limit that might be desired. S.m'.l ei i Farm Magazine. Magnetic Healing the treatment AT CLUB RATES. I will take your subscription for any Magazine, Newspaper or Periodical published and save you money, time and trouble. dwmisrjwjw Curious Compound Capsules combine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K, Santal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a box. Mall orders promptly attended to. Doull Drug Co Distributors, 333 Main St Balt Lake City. Nona genuine without the trade mark ths Curious D. fPP 10 woman for colled names and sailing novelties, wa give 'iilums send your name today new pin of big profits with vork. Write today. Addresi -JSELEY, Premium Departm 2ird Street, New York City. Growing Rapidly." ) r UTAH f BUSINESS COLLEGE. 4 4 4 Now to the time td enter and aecu re uxineaa School in the West. 9 9 a Business Training In 4 4 4 the Best New quarters, most central lncntron. experienced faculty, commodious room, couraea.IxniYIDUAL INSTRUCTION. Business Shorthand. English and Penmanship Courses. th-.paper. Write for terms, etc., mention Address UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE, 21 Jennings Moo., Sait I,s:.r City. West First South Strvet. |