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Show a roas--1 AS YET UNKNOWN TO FAME. army that would sweep Ilka a besom gr How can yOtf latollforwhat a ploca of onablo of destruction through the fertile reprleo 1 Jawolry or silver, unloaa you gions of Georgia and the Carolloss, Can Any One Place This Quotation sea what our prleaa araT Our in ruins the wake ita with leaving from Philosopher? resources that had hitherto upheld goods ara abaolutaly guaranteed. them, dwindling lower and lower, Louie Jones of tho Grand opera BY" An Romance of trie while their credit waa utterly a thing house had the blues. Hie brother, a Life Strenuous of the paat, It waa evident to every colored man, usually In good humor, S) thinking man that the Confederate had em, too. Neither knew Just why Annoe rZxJX5te7UM232-fir- CHAPTER I. cause waa lost, even before the last he had em, but they had 'em Just the It was night. The great mansion decisive campaign bad been fully start- earns. They talked of the weather, cQfnaarnzD jtxsvjrjaaaTCJsear waa dimly lighted by a single gaa Jet, ed. the times and a dozen other gloomy-aubjectturned low la honor of the financial Colonel John was doing hia duty. waa There sunny CHAPTER XXIV. Continued. Immenothing of with the promise Inspired At that moment the sound He much received bis stringency. from praise or a barber. a of In the soul The Confederate chieftain had not diate relief, the Federal defenders of patron an electric of motor waa heard, and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH dewho knew he could commander, dreamed that Sherman, after taking Altoona Pass would not yield under Finally both sighed In conoert and a almost no matter the Immediately afterwards the what pend upon hlin, PLANTS, NEKUM. SmoMulk. alienee fell over the shop yes. over a Atlanta, would think of turning back any conditions. doorbell be. riMetiilci. rang. Some one waa at the lutm'l Kanwitast emergency might was man to go to the auiatance of bla general. A grave danger now menaced the 1 barber shop. The colored Wo a tod. unt, Com. door! Wasting no time In Idle specuIn all probability. If he eared for the first to apeak- - After several mohost that of being Indeed, the enemy had taken all Confederate aa lations It or who whom to a lived few months menta of alienee be gave vent to anand might 80ME INTERESTING INFORMAto keep Corae caught between two fires, the upper advancement, poaaible precaution be, the mistress of the house, Mrs. longer Colonel John would bear the In- other elgh and aald: from Bonding a measenger to hla com- and the nether millstone. TION X. to a of moved Croeaua, Cyrus signia general. regally mander. It required considerable military "Well, as de old phlloaopah says: the He deserved it. magnificent bronze doors and How thia had been done the men of skill to withdraw the Confederate host ' ain't got nothin, nows ytf f yo ExposiRegarding the Alaskan-YukoHla heart waa wholly wrapped np In opened them. the sl.-nfrom the scene of battle without a corpa could doulitleaa tell. Urns.'" Bo Held at 8eattle, to tion cause was and he underto the Mother!" ready At auy rate Sherman knew hia Jones le still wondering who tha gineral engagement. During 1909. to undertake any "My child!" waa needed, and Indeed, he waa. Indiana polla Newa. The eager columns of Sherman go any privation, philosopher so mission be If A bill for the participation of the auch mother. dangerous I've by had And doing "Tea, had figured on thia beforehand, and pressed on, hot for battle, and ready United States at the exposition has dreadful I luck. raise could $12." only would have aent reinforcement back to coop their enemies up In some puss could serve hla country, and haati-for bleased fortune a It may be introduced in congress, and will evim If newa had not reached hla eara. where reirent would he entirely out the happy day when the sword would Socrates that Xantippe didnt keep a Her frail shoulders shook convulsively been The soon come up for consideration. lie beaten Into the pruning hook, and and out sobs alill on her the rang Again they traversed the trail of Hie question. 2,000 years after to be A clause is contained published is diary bill beonce unique. on more hla descend peace night air. marked by acenea of deaperate valor Knowing the wild country full well, In It which states that the her death. on both aldea where men lu gray the leader of the Southern army was loved hut distracted country. exposition will not ask, exwent his toward Often out thoughts II. CHAPTER met the furloua onslaught of the or accept any loan of funds from not to he caught so easily, and had Mollie. pect PURE FOOD. A week later Mrs. Mansfield ds Cour-cein blue, and only gave way, prepared means of giving his enemies tbs United States government, nor He scut her a few Ilnea occasionJlmlson was giving tha first grand will It ask. expect or accept from the slowly and aullenly, before the ad- the slip. of State Commissioner Food No Any and heard from her in return. hall of the season. A great crowd was government any appropriation other vance of overwhelming uunibera. All t hut rcmulncd now was to give ally Haa Ever Attacked the Absolute That she waa wen, sufficed. How present, It being cheaper to come than than the appropriation which the govreviewed these Sherman aa much trouble as possible memory Grape-Nutof There were no terms of endearment Purity to send regrets. The splendid palace ernment may make for Its participaacenea; they could point out the very with regard to attacks upon his supbetween them. with candles and the perfumed tion. This policy on the part of the shows spot where they were charging when ply trains. undertaken glowed Every analysis Is meeting It bad not come to that. management a concealed battery opened upon them throbbed air with the strains of a pi- exposition While the Confederates were withof Wheat this food to be made strictly of congressmen, with the Still, as he sat In hla tent of an and aproval with ita raking lire, plowing great fur- drawing from the region, there were Barley, treated by our processes anola. The dance was on. Brilliantly and the peorows through their ranks; hut It waa of course numerous small engage- evening, or about the bivouac fire, the to partially transform the starch dressed queens of the social world public officials, the press ple of the country. sad of soldier times many thought her, with a thrill of proml satisfaction they ments. cams in gorgeous pageant walking The bill that has been introduced part Into a form of Sugar, and therethat she belonged to him also remembered that even this hailIn many instances detachments of the fact waa down the street and swept Into file In congress requests an appropriation fore much easier to digest. colonel hla the she that gave wife, storm of shot and shell failed to rival cavalry would route Into close Our claim that It la a "Food for great entresol. A butler opened the of $1,175,000 and provides for the repthe most Intense satisfaction. their enthusiasm, and that quarters. quern-Brain and Nerve Centres" la based door, took their , wraps, announced resentation of the United States govHe taw nothing more of Major WorHat tie was seldom if ever refused, pushing on wiih Indomitable pluck, territory, their names and then busied himself ernment, the headed by Colonel John, they had car- for on both sides they were fierce den, though once In battle he believed upon the fact that certain partecon-of with the collation that waa to be and the fisheries Industry, as follows: we and Wheat a of made a (which that had Barley use) he figure glimpse ried the hill, seized the builery, and fighters, and their blood ran riotously Exhibit Installer served early, so that the guests could tain Nature'! brain and him think of hia enemy. tion and turned ila guns upon their late own-era- . at sight of each other. catch the home. car last This man was the only one who gave Ingredients, via.; Phosphate of PotTotal maintenance Colonel John and hla command saw Building Purpose Mrs. Cyrus X. Croesus!" him cause for anxiety. ash, and the way wj prepare the food How the recollection of such glori- much of this warfare. Governmt $200,000 $350,000 $ 550,000 Croesus!" K. "Miss Patricia Knowing that. Worden still enter- makes It easy to dlgeBt and assimilate. ... 100,000 200,000 800,000 ous deeds aroused the martial ardor of Their business was to defend the The great assemblage turned eager- Alaska tained a passion for Mollie, he had Dr. Geo. W. Carey la hie book on 75.000 125,000 Hawaii ... 50,000 the men who hurried over bill and railroad at a certain point. some way the Con- "The Blochemle System of Medicine" ly as these names were announced. Philippines 150,000 75,000 75,000 vale to the relief at the penernl surThere were tlmea when all seemed vague fears lest In as even The far whole United States, 50,000 federate major, sinking all hia gentleFisnerles .. 50,000 ays: rounded by Johnston's army. quit I along the line, and trains ran "When the medical profession fully west as Pittsburg, was ringing with And when In the far distance they without any trouble, bringing Immense manly traits, might endeavor to get Total .!. $475,000 $700,000 $1,175,000 possession of the planters daughter, understands the nature and range of the name of the young woman who caught the dull throbbing of heavy nnumnts of supplies to Sherman at rumor said was to marry the Duke bis out bad Included In cost of general governhe carried even before the of Insane phosphate potassium. guns, like the pulsations of nature's ment exhibit. Manana por la Manana. Four hundred threat to make her a colonels widow. asylums will no longer be needed. Thi n the enemy would become heart, how eageily they presse.; on. of eyes gazed with absorbed Inhe had certain vague fears Thus Indications pairs point to the eariy pas"The matter of Is the brain Colonel like hounds held in the leash. gray Ridgeactive, and communicaThe president of the at each bill. terest of of the fair the the which young gel. sage receipt controlled entirely by the Inorganic Weariness was forgotten. way and bis command would have United States commended the exposito ward tion from Mollie served to allay for cell-salThe danger and dlfHcnltiea that con- their hands full potassium phosphate. tion to the careful consideration of the time being. CHAPTER III. "This salt unites with albumen, and olf blows. fronted them looked Lilliputian now. the congress in his official message time for the waited He moment Impatiently for The the conservatory Forward! There was much hard riding In those by the addition of oxygen creates nerve-fluidelivered on December 4, 1906, and would begin Sherman when come to or the gray matter of the brain. waa deserted. All the guests were also In his message delivered on DeTheir comrades were sorely beset days. "Of course, there Is a trace of other crowding In the magnificent salle a cember 3, 1907, the latter mention beIt could not he otherwise, when men tearing up and destroying the railroad, and In need of assistance. alta and other organic matter In manger, where sandwiches were soon ing in the following terms: Not anticipating the coming of the were sent whirling down the valley at thus cutting adrift from the North, depending on what nerve-fluiThe courage and enterprise of the but potassium phosphate to be Issued. relief column, the Confederates were a minute's notice, to meet a column of and henceforth and what hla army Is had he stores A allm, girlish figure glided into the citizens of the far northwest In their the chief factor, and has the power hardly In a position to lay a trap for it. Confederates deliberately engaged In could secure en route. expoIn the half light projected within itself to attract, by ita own law dim conservatory. They bad been sorely tried in the tearing up the railroad. Alas! for the poor Southland. It could be seen that she had been sition, to be held In 1909, should remanuall to of needed affinity, things It was In the throes. encouragement This exfacture the elixir of life. Therefore, weeping. Glancing about her, she soon ceive liberal Is not sentimental in its conNever did a rich country suffer when nervous position symptoms arise, due to perceived a rare old chair In a se- ception, but seeks to exploit the natmore from the horrors of Invasion. sank cluded and d spot wearily, though ural resources of Alaska and to prothe fact that the nerve-fluihas been Knowing that Sherman expected to exhausted from cause, the phos- gracefully, Into it any mote the commerce, trade and Indusmeasure some In foragupon depend murIs the only true of will If I she wonder he come," potassium phate try of the Pacific states with their of stern the would be the duty ing, It because nothing else .can mured. neighboring states and with our InsuConfederate army to destroy every- remedy, As though In answer the tall form lar possessions, and the neighboring the deficiency. supply possibly value of be that might thing possible "The Ills arising from too rapidly of her lover strode out from behind countries of the Pacific. The exposito him. the gray matter of the a palm and clasped her In his arms tion asks no loan from the congress, . consuming With this going on in front. and. cannot This being done, tie then looked deep but seeks appropriation for national be overestimated. br(1n Sherman leaving devastation In hla exhibits and exhibits of the western d of to Potash, is my Into her eyes and whisPhosphate of the general governrear, what an awful trail the march mind, the most wonderful curative pered with words vibrant with tense dependencies ment. The state of Washington and serosa fair Georgia must become. and ever discovered emotion: man, by gent the city of Seattle have shown the In war drastic treatment must be "How much have ycu raised?" characteristic western enterprise In resorted to, since heroic measure! are the blessings It has already conferred on the race are many. But what "0, duke! How can I break the large donations for the conduct of this often necessary In order to save the hall the harvest be when physicians news to you?" exposition, In which other states are patient's life. understand the darkened. face His everywhere fully part tending generous assistance. The surgeon removes a limb, but sha "I have raised only $112, During the past year honorary comsaves his ease, whereas a little de- this wonderful salt, plays in the missioners qf the exposition visited processes of life? It will do as much sobbed. lay must have brought about mortificaGreat Britain, France, Germany, Holto as can be done he Cheer answered, physiology bravely. through up," tion and death. land, Russia, China, Japan, Italy, Noron a make heaven earth. can "You try again. Those who suffered most during this Sweden, Austria, Canada, Mex"Let the overworked business man "And then we shall be married?" way, and the Central and South Amergreat military march were bound to ico, she asked, tenderly. admit that It waa a necessity on the take It and go home ican states, and have received assurnerves Let she weary wife, unstrung Yes, beloved, as soon as you get ances from prominent manufacturers, part of the enemy, and a brilliant from attending to alck children or en- the money. shippers aud commercial associations policy destined to bring the disastrous You are so brave, my hero," she rhat the interest In the alms and purtertaining company, take It and note civil war to a speedy termination. how quickly the equilibrium will be sighed, gazing affectionately Into his poses of the exposition In those coun(To be continued.) restored and calm and reason assert patrician features, dimmed here and tries Is sufficient to Justify that measXVTZir 7?XX&ff75 her throne. Ne provings' are required there by a luxuriant outburst of beard. ure of participation on their part aa Married, Life of Snails. of here. We find thia potassium salt certifi- will be in keeping with the scope Don't take clearing-hous- e Then would come a hot little en"Snails in wedlock, as you might our exposition as we have determined game at this point again and again nerve-fluiIn as his largely predominates cates," he murmured, gently, IL 'had they buffeted the billows, hurling gagement, and finally the flight of the suppose, live tranquilly," said a na- and d that a deficiency produces manly face glowed with the love that .'themselves against the barriers that foe, after having done all the damage ture student. "They are not petulant In addition to Washington, which symptoms. The beginning and thrilled his being. Corse had raised, but up to this time that waa poaaible. and fiery, not appropriated $1,000,000 for its repreThey end of the matter Is to the supply sentation at the exposition, the foltheir desperate assaults had been deFollowing the battle the troopers be- quarrel little. lacking principle, and In molecular CHAPTER IV. lowing states have made provision to I have made a study of snails In feated, although each engagement so came track layers, and the damage form, exactly as nature furnishes It In California, Oregon, Radiantly happy, with cheeks flushed participate: depleted the strength and resources wss repaired aa best could le done wedlock, and I have found them sinfruits and grain. To sup- with Nebraska, Missouri and reaout of the waa under circumstances. the joy of life, Patricia burst Into Pennsylvania, of the Federals that It gularly affectionate. Their eyea are vegetables, Utah. Assurances have been given No one sighed now for excitement. son to suppose they could hold but at the tips of their horns. When they ply deficiencies this is the only law her mother's boudoir. that fifteen other states will also parexclaimed her much longer. mother, They had all they wished. meet they draw In liieir horns, bring- of cure." dear, O, my Please observe that Phosphate of 'after ascertaining who it was. "Good ticipate. on Indeed, every day brought new ing their eyes close together, so that Thus, when the enemy after endurthe grounds is In an adWork p drug-shonot of the Potash is and they had to hold them- they may exchange a tender look. properly news, I see." She laid down the stock- vanced stage. The avenues, circles, ing auch hardships and heavy losses, srenrs, In selves readineas to meet emergenvariety but la best prepared by ing she was darning and patted her plazas, and courts have been graded Snails in wedlock put their heads began to see the fruition of their hopes Old Mother Nature and stored In daughter's hand with affectionate in- and the building sites cleared. The near by, it was hard Indeed to learn cies aa fast as they arose. together In a manner suggestive of It ass quite an enigma to decide in kissing. I hare of'en seen a snail the grains ready for use by mankind. terest. administration building has been octhat the column from Atlanta had force for' have been helped tobetter would find husband Yes, mother, I've sold the cow and cupied by the executive carrying dainty bits of green Those who the pierced the mountains and was near the morning where they are our lot in the cemetery, and have bor- ninny months. The manufactures use of Grape-Nut- s health by themselves when the sun sank behind to his wife a good provider. at hand. the audirowed enough to make up the full building Is well under way; are modest. legion. Snail sweetheart This newa caused another assault to the mountains. machinand arts fine palace, torium, Reason." a In of Colonel the midst such "There's danger amount the duke charges. There Is be made. They do not make love openly. If a structures, permanent building, ery BRAIN POWER It was more desperate than any of John bore himself, as might have been third snail approaches, they go and nothing now to prevent our being hap- have been started. The agriculture expected, with hU customary bravery. hide under a dead leaf " Los Angeles those that hnd preceded It. pily wedded. Isn't It perfectly splen- building and several minor structures His men Idolized him. Times. did?" Increased by Proper Feeding. The Confederates knew their all was are beginning to rise. Oregon and He was so kind and gentle to the Yes. my dear, 1 knew It would come California have their plans in preparStaked upon this last throw. stern A lady writer who not only has done out this way In the end. And you will ation, and will soon start construcAfter the Club. If they could carry the fort they sick and wounded, and yet so could fama and brave in fare of anger, they reared but and work, column good literary Sherman's meet be might proud duchess of Manana por la tion. The other night, when one of the estinot help loving him. the ideal food Manana. A conservative preliminary ily, found In Grape-Nut- s O. I wish Uncle Ezra could defy It. Camn of Fire came Club members the No man believed he would send his mate of the probable paid admissions for brain work and to develop healthy see you then! Those who defended the place did from one of of the the children. She writes: home banquets at the exposition Is made at 2,500,000. not at first understand what It meant. men where he dared not go himself. club, he found his wife waiting for of their adorawas This will be larger than the attendof That secret the reclaimer am an "I enthusiastic men. but p brave like They fought CHAPTER V. him with (hat grim look on her face Grape-Nut- s ance at any previous exposition eveil forI tion. a as diet regular without much hope, since the passage The Duke 'Manana por la Manana held in the United States, with tbe exTo such a leader nothing is Impos- with which all married men who rehad no appetite in the morning merly of (line had begun to make them deBufsible. as his men will follow though main out nights are only too familiar. and for 8 years while nursing my four was waiting In the blueroom. He was ception of Philadelphia. Chicago, Tha spair. look of chronic Inertia falo and St. Louis expositions. tried to quietly slir up to his room, He the wearing fires of Hades and itself prethe wiih nourishment Insufficient the had gates children, Hut even while they fought but his wife barred !he way. that fit him like a glove. He was so probable number of visitors from east for them. desperation of despair they saw dis- vail against them. me. thus that he did not of Denver Is estimated at approxidear.'' said Pardon the late my So the colonel roamed up and down "Unable to eat breakfast I felt faint busily engaged tant signals against the sky. like of silken mately 40(1,000. don't "I hear the dainty frou-frotalking the valleys, scattering the bands of camper.' What did they mean? later, and would go to the pantry and site and "Don't let skirts. replied. disto eat cold chops, sausage, cookies, Was help near, or did this signify Confederates that endeavored The World's Miners. bother you at nli. sir. I'll do all Guess who It Is! cried a sweet or anything I happened to some new reinforcements for the en- turb the connect lug link between Sher- tha! of the world employ doughnuts mines The In his ear, as two soft hands them man at Atlanta and his base of sup the talking to night." And she did. find. Being a writer, at times my voice outnumbering emy. already 5,000,000 persons, and more than were to He no over locks his his There were eyes. bedroom, clasped piles. head felt heavy and my brain asleep. many to one? of them are In the British emSo well dii! he do bis work that but before his wife got half through I began thought a moment. I read of Grape-Nut- s "When And while they read who enn ratnt pire. , he made n bolt for the door. Dan "Patricia?" He was right. the sudden transition from despair to best supplies came through very eating It every morning, also gave It I have come for my answer," be and Sherman was daily adding Heard, in Recreation. Nail Wounds. to the children. Including my 10 delirious joy! Ono who has tried It says that the months old baby, who soon grew as whispered tenderly, as he clasped his This, then, wss the beacon of the o tiie lmmonx- amount of stores that Negro Baptists. most successful treatment that he has skies that sent the hot blood bound- would be necessary before he could fat aa a little pig, good natured and hands. Here It Is, she laughed happily, found for nail wounds la horses' loose and cut more than S.noo.onn march are There them and veins through Georgia their gave negro oontented. ing through to the sea. new courage to fight on. Haptists In this country, with fifty "I wrote evenings and feeling the handing him a large sack of gold. feet is to clean out the wound 'and Great events were about to tran- Institutions of learning and forty-fiv- e "Hold the fort 1 am coming Sherneed of sustained brain power, began Hastily counting It over, he found the pour full of hot tallow or lard. This amount correct, and then Impulsively seems to denominational papers. They have a eating a small saucer of Grapo-Xut- s man!" spire. give very little pain, and The man must be obtuse Indeed who national organization, with boards for with milk. Instead of my usual indi- clasped her in bis arms. And when the news wss spread one treatment generally cures few who could not by this time read the hand- missions, home and foreign, educaThey are all new gold pieces," she among the comparatively gestible hot pudding, pie, or cake for were left of that gallant band to whom writing on the wall. proudly murmured. He examined one tion, publication and the joung peo- dessert at night. Cold Day In Billvllle. With Grant hammering at the door ple's societies. history has never done full justice "I grew plump, nerves strong, and and a humorous look came I in his too high for us, saye the le "Coal their shouts of joy carried despair to of Richmond after ontmaneuverlng when I wrote my brain was active and eyes. Another trust busted, see." Billvllle Banner, "and tbe timber truat were married and lived Then Puts Eyes In Boats. tbey the hearts of the foeinen, who bad so I. re and causing him great losses In clear; indeed, the dull head pain never wood out of our reach, hut we The Chinese always paint an eye on returned." happily for a couple of weeks ever puts long endeavored to carry the fort by the summer campaign from the battles a few extra balee of cotton with have afterwards. Chicago Tribune. either side of their junks' bow, so that repeated assaults, for they knew the of the Wlldernesa to Cold Harbor POSTUM CEREAL CO.. Ltd. which we can feed the fire." ac see in Sherman with ran their waa Atlanta, boats lost. gathering the way. day Battle Creek, Mich. x WOOED AND WON llp-to-D- ate EDMDDS-- s. ita n al Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- y -- nerve-buildin- At-lint- e. rudt-avqdn- t, g d, . Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- ic - tear-dimme- well-define- quick-tempere- . fi-- u one-thir- d |