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Show T I WARS ON POTATO PARASITES. MODESTY MAROONS 6IRL Edith Patch, an Expert, Seeks Pest Which Hurts Maine's Chief Crop. acts gentlyyet promptly onthe bowels, cleanses to system ejftactually assisi one in overcoming habitual constipation permanently. To get its oene- - icial effects buy the genuine. f anujacturedibytne flaSniupCo. SOLO CY LEADING DRUCaSTS-50- 4 HIS ONLY OPPORTUNITY. Me. Miss Edith Marlon Orono, Patch, entomologist for the state experiment station. Is now engaged in special work at Cornell university in connection with her researches to Identify the vegetable parasites, which are under Investigation by the Maine experiment station. Director Woods of the station Is concentrating the efforts of his Investigators on three central lines, the potato, apple and poultry. d It Is In connection with the product of such great importance to Maine's county of Aroostook, that Miss Patch, who Is at the same time working out her degree of Ph. D. at Cornell, Is doing her work at Ithaca. A year ago she took a similar line of research at Cornell that proved, upon her return, to fit In exactly with the work being done by the Maine station, and It is believed that her investigations will be of great value. The most important of the potato and plant insects now being considered at the station Is a very small parasite that has been working havoc in Maine this pant year, and while It Is not definitely Identified has all the characteristics of the pea pest. Director Wood and his associates believe that they have practically solved the Identity of this member of the family of aphids," as these little Vegetable parasites are called. first-name- AIL DAY ON BRID6E SPENDS TWELVE HOURS ON OPEN DRAW RATHER THAN RISK SHOWING ANKLE8. Bridgeport, Conn. Firmly convinced that a score of horrid, horrid men, who offered to rescue her from her embarrassing position, were only anxious to get a peek at her trim lavender encased ankles. Miss Annie Neeley, a corset model of this city, stood for 12 hours In a biting wind on the oien drawbridge over the Pequon-noc- k river. Miss Neeley was marooned when the draw was opened to permit the Iron workers to mako repairs. The bridge tejider found it impossible to close the bridge and she had to stay WANT TO BE 1G0T WEAR CORSET. Foreigner, 60 Years Young, Comes to Assist American Men. New York. Sixty years Mme. Cecile Jacques, now a young, "Does yonr wife talk In her Bleep, major "No, I talk In her Bleep Its the only chance I get." r SHE COULD NOT WALK Tor Months Burning Humor on Ankles Opiates Alone Brought Sleep Eczema Yielded to Cuticura. I had eczema for over two years. I had two physicians, but they only gave me relief for a short time and I cannot enumerate the ointments and lotions I used to no purpose. My ankles were one mass of sores. The Itching and burning were so Intense that I could not sleep. I could not walk for nearly four months. One day my husband said I had better try the Cuticura Remedies. After using them three times I had the best night's rest In months unless V took an opiate. I used one set of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and my ankles healed In a short time. It is now a year since I used Cuticura, and there has been no return of the eczema. Mrs. David Brown, Locke, Ark., May 18 and July FATHER OF 21 AT 59. Mother Is 58 and 18 of the Children Are Living, One a Baby. there while scores of people watched her from either bank. Climb down the ladder Into the boat, said a passing waterman, "and Ill row you ashore. "Never, never, never will I go down that ladder! was the emphatic response. "Its a rickety old ladder and the boat keeps moving and, besides well, I Just won't do it" Even when the men tied handkerchiefs over their eyes and offered their services she refused to fatherdesert the draw. Kind-facely old fellowa told her she would catch her death of cold In the unprotected place. I don't care what I catch, but I won't be caught on that ladder, waa the spirited answer. Some of Then they gave it up. the. men offered to share their lunches with her, but were Informed that she wasn't hungry. It was dark before the bridge waa repaired sufficiently to allow the tender to close it. Then Miss Neeley while the crowd sped homeward cheered. d, DROPS 18, 1907." Scranton. Pa. Robert McGuire ol MAN. ANOTHER NARROW-MINDENorth Scranton Is the father of 21 children, of whom 18 are living. The latest comer, a boy, appeared a few days ago. The father Is quoted as saying that 23 is the limit. Mr. McGuire is 69 years old and bis wife is one year younger. They were married in Glasgow, Scotland, when Mr. McGuire was 18, and soon afterward came to this country. McGuire went to work in the mines. The children followed in quick succession Of the 18 living 11 are sons and seven daughters. Six sons and three daughters are married and have families. The grandchildren number 14. The home life of the McGuires is Ideal. They own the house De Quiz What do you call good In which live, the purchase price they winter weatber? A rebeing earned In the mines. De Wblz Weather cold enough to union Is held each Mr. Mcyear. make a man's wife think her own fire- Guire thinks children are a blessing side a better place than a matinee. and a big family a delight. On Diminutives. OBEY ONLY UNIFORMED MEN. The Sphinx was asking a riddle. Why does a man in love always Woe to Culprit That Runs from New want to call a maiden bis d Officers. York's Tittle girir With one acord they gave it up. New York. The three Belgian Is It not sheer madness to live poor hounds which hare been for some to die rich? Juvenal. time undergoing training In the dutlec of policemen have about finished theli OXI.Y ONF IIKOMO Ol'lMMT That I. LAXATIVE HltO.VO OUlxi.SK. took fnr education and within a few days they the denature of K. W. UHOYK. Uwd the World will be put on post In the outlying liter to Cent a Cold In Une tor. Ec. districts. They will be the first dog The fox may lose his hair, but not ever used ly the New York police. his cunning. Dutch. They have been taught to obey Im plicitly any man In a police uniform but to have nothing to do with an un uniformed man. They will answer a po 1ce whistle, will go to the aid of a policeman attacked and run down any man who attempts to run away from a policeman. They have been taught to seize the man whom they chase by the legs, throw him and keep guard over hint until a uniformed policeman arrives. The department is much iu-- ; tercslcd in the experiment, dogs hav-- j ing proved valuable In police work in Eiirne&n cities. two-stor- y 200-poun- d Four-Foote- ROLE OF MAN TO WED. yk-Mv- , ! Sacramento, Cal. After masquerading for over a year in coat, vest and trousers. Misa Anna Mary Egger, a clerk In a delicatessen store In this Frank known as city, otherwise Egger, waa regarded by her acquaint ancea as a rather youth, but no one, except the woman who gave her the first suit of men's clothes, knew of her disguise, or even susjiected that the beardless clerk was a woman. She became engaged two years ago in this city to Ernest F. Brunner while sbe was working in a local hotel. She was then every whit a woman, but when her fiance went away to Truckee, Mrs. M. Dlepenbrock of this city, whom she had nursed during a long lllneas, suggested that for her better protection and convenience she don male attire. Misa Egger succeeded in keeping her fiance In Ignorance of the change she had made In her appearance. When he saw her the other day for the first time In two years, clad for all the world like a man, he was at first angry, but was pacified when shb promised to again put on the dress of her sex. "It's groat to be a man, the bride said. I do not think men are half as wicked as women. I've actually hud two women proiwso to me. and I bad the hardest time In the world shaking them. I am nearly 35 years old and I knew my husband when we were I both children in Switzerland. dressed like a man because I could get better wages as a man affd because I felt that I was better protected In trousers than In skirts." mild-manner- In Grasp of Devil Fish. Long Beach, Cal. Out for a stroll John M. Young of Terre Haute, Ind. went over to Dead Man's Island, and seeing a devil fish on the rocks, pro ceeded to pry It loose. He was succeeding fairly well, when, with the suddenness of a whiplash, one of the tentacles was thrown around hla right leg. Young made equally quick uh of a sharp knife he carried, and severed the tentacle between his leg and the creature's body, and then, by u more cautious advance, killed the oc topua, whose greatest length was eight feet. He brought his prize back with him to Long Beach. 20 Years with Poultry need mil Ul afraid to tell Mrs. link-Laiat Lynn, Mass., the thing ou could not explain to. the doctor. our letter will W held in the strictest confidence. From her vast correspond-encwitli sick women, during the past thirty yearn she may have rained tho very knowledge that will ! lclpyourcase. Siu-- Idle re as the following, from grateful women, establish beyond a doubt tho power of n, o LYDIA E.PINKHARTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female diseases. Allen-towMrs. Norman IL Uarndt, of That la What Proves True Merit. Doan'a Kidney Pills bring the quickest of relief from backache and kid ney troubles. Is that relief lasting? Let Mrs. James M. Long, of 113 Augusta 81., Staunton, Va., toll you. On January 31st. Mrs. 1903, Long - lld.j.onuum-- r Ever siuce I was sixteen years of ape 1 had suffered from an nrgauio derangement and female weakuuKs; in consequence I had dreadful headaelu-and was extremely nervous. My physician said I must go through an operation to get well. A friend tulil ms Lydia E. Pinkhums Vegeta? Is Compound, and I took Stand wrote you for advice, following your direcliona carefully, and thanks to you I am today a well woman, and I am telling all my friends of my experience." al-u- FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty, years Lydia E. Iink. Oomjxmnd, made from roots and herlw, lias been the standard remedy for female ills, and has jiositively cured thousands or women who have been troubled witli displacements, inflammation, .ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic tains, backache, that -down feeling, flatulency, prostration. hams Vegetable 1 tearing- us SICK HEADACHE CARTEft They also relieve . IMe-I- n 1 dlavalhiD aud Too Hearty Kalina. A perfect ne-cd-y fur Dlulneee, Tull In tbe Mimth, Bad Coat- ed Ton irno. Pain In the Side, TOHP1D LIVER. They regelate tbe Jiowcle. Pnrely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. or I'niUudlng i'ilM In Ate. rcluudod. Genuine Must Bear Fsc-Simi- Mn. Winslow's Huothlna Ryrap. For rhlliUr. ufti'u. III. gum, iwluro. mol wo, allay, prta, car wind ewbi. Zte.buUla. Signature le REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. a man dresses so he Is esteemed. Danish. Aa wrote: Doan's Kidney Pills have cured mo" (of pain lu the Positively cored by these Little Pills. w frog TTypopnin, Taking care of money la almost aa hard work as earning It -- n, 1il, writes: d uf llrblnH. Cold Water Starch DEFIANCE makes laundry work a pieaHuie. os. yks. lua. HI STIFF, YES? back, urinary trou-olebearing down sensations, etc.) f On June 20th, 1907, four and years Ister, she said: I haven't hail 1 repeat my kidney trouble since. testimony." Sold by all dealers. 60 rents s box. Foster-MllburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. s, WET AND DAMP CAUSE COLD IN THE JOINTS one-hal- n The Simple Life. Abe, a light muiutto, called upon TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE.REMOVESTHE STIFF-NES- a S. minister for whom be bad formerly worked. Yo know, boss, I'se gwlne be married nex' week, he admitted haltingly, according to Lipplncott's Magazine. I'se gwlne to marry Miss May Felicity Johnson, an' May she nay she wants ter be married Jus' like All right, Abe, I'll white folks. marry you If you want, the minister How niurh you gwlne replied. charge?" It will cost you $5 to bo married like white folks," Abe scratched his head. 'Guess we'll hub ter be married like colored folks, then." he said. You see, boss, we's gnln' to housekeepin', an I ain't got but $8 Ptiri or Ohio, Cut nr Lnr.i Corrr. Toledo, I PREVENTS BRUISES, SPRAINS SOnENESS. Price llALL-- a IIAVK . Pause HAVE YOIr KEAfi IT? I lit S ftHtlmi.or Kv lira Ifenilim of Prim. ir ii m litr atl'i1! ITM Aki-h- rtm;iiit atlvan! iiiikir in imiumM. r.i J in hr wth tjli nuikinir Tinm i.r-h- nr n llirir itnl tfrl and not a dull llna Hi r :W rnti nr tiny, fur nd Ulii'Jr.iUti hMpo'tukbiiil lfirruttlofib. I X'iTAKT . YtH M Cl-b- - UtUrrta Cara 1 takn JiiurusMy mriac dlrrcilf i iba blond mod Hull- world Kmi&hiliiMMl Wan Nut In Hinn'P." tlUit.iiji'iJ ImlAHli 4 nm V im Lnttii;i( i ivi iiuiitb.J (A NmtinI i ImhnIp.j i; .yuiriauii I n .in. rv wiilt A nil ul tf n Jiiri'nI of Tim Thin? J h;il A r in. Nm1, I'r.r-tftK T ms T!ii wi.rk tnhiiiHl! ul i.u J'ruju-a- i itiMit'ul Aivtiunl uf Tk Crt aiitin, ni Aral), Ui& and f 1. a nih Si lA'ililtf'1 iuruhin. fch- Kloi.ilK K.MFKTIIAI Illv-M-INIPHI A Vi:i HU A Am 1.13 k .Ills V I It ll l AM) Kxillltll i ik Amihi m: ui Kims. Am! llama' i im aiif rt'11'hul l.i i lei r am ve.iis in. I. incnMy tolcr.it rd fa'anra util tlwri il lu think wlmiil, A mntriM-- t lu nilcfii Ni:nkir li mii uniiiiy (n lotp. A fo olwy, lira limuIrMlIon fo riiMihnti. Ti.p .m "1o Iiiiip mill to lioltl" ara Hit iprm r tarter hiHl mi!. 4t.? .v.i hi n woiitfit w prr anlil from tlra hhMk fiiH ruftir'rcri t Hi I. mill of infoMora. TIh new err-loon- y reason of the world. Now ii lirart VKTOH LEO SCOTT A. W.liLK.VSOX, i and S'ic. Shall the a Before Daring thought ti.LMT? TUIXLVVUOK. .. FRANK J. fHKSF.r. il in Biy prcacinf Sewn to hefur im anil ulw-r!- i IblaMh day of Oecember, A. 11.. I L . AND Vehily CHKXKY CArABBB ITS FINE FOR RETURN, TOO. f nnikra oih that Ini li milor Brin of F. J. CUKKltv A In., rt .lnf of tbs fiail.ior la Iba Oiuuly a:il hu'i City nf Tole-lo- . f.ini-vand that ulil Brin will par thu uni "f ONE llUMJKKD DOl.LAlt fur rub .ml n- -r rnm uf Uatimb Ih.i cuuut lia cured by the uw u( J. IVlLIC. k aluf au tLa Cupid Drove Golf Ball. rateui. head fur icwiai uUl fre. New Haven, Conn. Invitations have r.J.rtlKNKYftCO.'TulmU O Mold til DrumhiP. tic. been issued for the wedding of Burnllall'a family FTI fur rousllpill. la side Winslow of Philadelphia, captain of the Yale baseball team for two Gloomy Outlook. years, and Misa Helen Carrington of Long Winded Orator (lowering hla this city, formerly national women's voice to an impresaire whiiqii-r- ) The marriage will be Have you ever, O. my friend, al ieUi.kiodyoaMuiri. champion. golf eeeiie gCCIId yred on. ('ouiueia rets.' the outcome of an accident on the lowed yourselves to wonder where you J.J. S. tow 1 lee. Mnsiwa Mi New Haven golf links. When Captain will le and what you will he doing If Mneatod In peeltry, Write for eer new hoekM Winslow was a Yale freshman he was when another century aliall have rolled struck and stunned by a golf ball around? llleetietrd. Hrinfel of forte ami np-t-o date Ideee fee hit by Mias Carrington. Explanations Wearied Auditor (in an equally are Great those that thoughts gr the edeeered puultry reteer. rare l SSK B. us ML, dawks. lr. followed, and the couple became whisper) "Yea we'll will deep enough to take root and bear - . Chicago Tribune. be here waiting for you to finish your in fruit llv.W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 7, 1908. speech! GREGORYS You wont tell your family doctor the whole story about your private illness Vi :t are too modest You health-giving- BU- Woman Masquerades in Mala Attire Over Year, Then Becomes Bride. HELPFUL y pan-trie- resident of Paris and London, although bom in San Francisco, has come to America to tearh the men of this country the ease to be had by wearing corsets. Mme. Jacques does not mind the public's knowledge of her age, for her youthful figure, she says, is a living demonstration that her contentions in the manner of dress are right. Having made over many women abroad, she now purposes the same for the American man, who, she says, is Inclined to obesity. Although she defines the corset for mere man as a "belt, It is the same tbat she prescribes for women, with the exception that the top Is cut off. Dressed In white flsnnels, with a long coat of the same material, she appeared on the deck of the liner as the feminine exponent of Mark Twains sartorial Idea. "Men can live to be 100 years old If they discard their braces suspenders, I believe you term them and put on the belt I want to Introduce to Americans, sbe said. Mme. Jacques purposes to tell in a private lecture to be given to a few persons who wlJJ see her in men's attire of the manner In which men should dress. Millions In Oats and Barlsy. Nothing will nay you better for 19i8 uin to sow s plenty of big yielding otlt Clean Walls Are en Essential to and barley with oats at 4tie to 50c a liu. I Saber's new Emiwror William Oats by- Sanitary Cooking. eraged 60 bu. per acre inure than any variety in 1007) would pay iimnriue-It Is not only important to know other while Saber'a Silver King Harley winch how to cook, but it la equally impor- proved itarlf the biggeat r at the tant to know where to cook. Cook- W'vcueiin Aznrulluial Station during would 50 acre had 1907 ing In a dirty kitchen can never pro- have if you ou in 19J7 ju.l $3,500 00 on 5o ) duce good food. The Men Is aim ply scree. given It i an enormous yieUlcr. preposterous, yet kitchen walla are' Jl'ST SEND THIS NOTICE AND 10c left for months sometimes for years to the John A. Salrr Feed Co, U Crowe, Wia.. and we will mail you the without cleansing. original need catalog jiublikhed in In the first place the kitchen wall only America with of Einiierur Wilshould have a light tint that the mer- liam Oat. Sliverumpire King Barley, liillion Hol est fleck of dirt can be aeen; that the lar Gram which proilueea 12 ton per acre. the dry soil luxuriator, etc., etc., sheerest cobweb can be brushed Sainfoin and if you send 14c we add a package of away: that the tiniest water hug can new farm seeds never before even by you. be discerned. It la all folly expecting clean food In a kitchen with dirty IN BUG HOLLOW. walla. Never put a wall coating on a kitchen wall that la mixed with hot water or that has glue In it, or sour milk In It if mixed with cold water. Glue walla made from hones' hoofs colored up with cheap colorings do not Indicate good housekeeping. The glue is constantly flecking off, falling into the food and the idea of food flavored with glue made from horses' Dr. Moth' Whats tbe matter? hoofs Is not appetising. Artie Ant I think I must have Kitchen walla to be thoroughly sattoo many marshmallows over at eaten the alabastlned should be isfactory same as every other wall In the the swamp party. house. They should be coated reguThe First Advertiser. larly In the aprlng and fall of each The author looked up from the year with a light tint The care of the pantry requires first chapter of his mammoth history constant attention. The walls should of advertising. . who "I wonder," he murmured, be brushed over every year, the dishes removed from tho shelves could have been the first manufacturer which should be thoroughly wiped to advertise? It Is an Item that would with hot water. If there are ant fit lu well here." s holes or any other Insects In tho There la no extant data on tbe suba thick putty of the wall coat- ject. said tho farmer, but I have ing can be made and all tho ant holes, every reason to believe that the hen even small mice hales can bo filled Is tho person you are looking for. with It which will protect the pantry from the incursions of disagreeablo Important to Mothore. Examine can-mllevery bottle of Insects and mice. CAbTOKIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, aud see that it WOES OF THE QUERY EDITOR. Bears the Little Wonder the Poor Men la Gray Signature of Before Hie Time. In lTae For Over HO Years. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought The Answers to Correspondents man, feverishly rumpling the hair that Took Two to Beat Her, hla duties had too soon mado gray, Tlmklna Your wife seems to be tossed a letter on the table. a fluent talker. An of 30, he groaned, quite Fimkins You bet she ia I never says she loves her second husband knew her to be outtalked but once. better than her first She wants to Timklns Indeed! know If this Is wicked or Simklna Yes: anil then It took two women to do iL other He sneered and ripped open another letter. Then he sold: When Your Throat Feela Sore "A Methodist minister has too large a 25c box of Brown's Bronchial get a nose. What Is he to do? What, In- Troches. They-giv- e Immediate relief. deed?" Contain nothing injurious. He read a third letter. "Here's a girl, he said, who wants Making things appear to prove what to know In what winter resort hotel we want them to prove, la one way; he will meet the largest number of having them prove what they do eligible bachelors.1 prove Is another way. me the "Reggie, he went on, asks best way to avoid the effects of heavy The very wisest .advice: .aka Garfield drinking. I'll tell him, X suppose, to Tea whenever a laxative is indicated! Pleat-ant to the teste, simple, pure, mild, avoid heavy drinking. . Made of llerhe Is it possible,. Charles Inquires, potent and nut drugs. 'to tell when a black man blushes? So the questions go, ten or twelve The beat swimmer Is the first to of them a day. Ia It any wonder I am drown himself. Italian. before gray my time? 1II.Kfl rrRKD IN 6 TO 14 DAIS PAZO OINTMENT I. .tlaranlm-- to ran any oaiw THE TIME TEST. Wind. CARE OP THE KITCHEN. tr In It. Prlcw, rwntl sonntN fop Aaaiilf rus-li- i illflnir aiurw. Agrtiiawantrtf avurfwbohb SOUTHWESTERN SUPPLY CO. Box 711. San Antonio, Texas wcawnn M. mTjr SHOES t. AT ALL FOR EVERY gyHIC MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOVS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. W. L Boagtaa wta and ge.7 iwe WEa Kja ntonaSS.SO, $3.00 mud 98.5ft aiwe . . than any otiiar manufacturer In fAw WitrlJ, hacauam thay held f5gb-Uf- i ahapm. tit battar, rnanr fonffw, and Af rWvr maZZt!rrmJXdiV2S. tar L W. Dougin I gxrtuMwfe. Gilt Shoei Cannot Ba Equalled Al Any Price W. Is. na nd prlra la rtampad wi bo4 tow. Tube We RehMIlwte. uf lie world. Illn . . flea larienr to any io-- i drfllrh rverfrviNCfc $4 ini $5 rTAl'TIOV, ty hr PiUl bImmi fssr Un Ctulwc frac lu any addiMt W. VULULAN. UrwlM, Aiaate |