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Show INI HRS SOUTH PACIFIC PROSECUTED WILL BE GUARD nt Bddyville, Ky. Night riders 300 strong visited Eddyvllle at 1 oclock Sunday morning and whipped ten men, four of them white and six negroes. The white men, who are suffering from sore backs as the result of a severe chastisement with switches, are: Police Judge C. W. Rucker, Lesel Woods, former city marshal; Press Frallck, who occasionally acted as deputy city marshal, and Grace Robertson, a saloon porter. The connection between the whipping of the white men and the negroes and the tobacco war In western Kentucky is not apparent and no one has been able to offer any explanation. None of the victims was known to be either active or influential in opposition to the farmers' pooling movement No attempt was made at destroying stored tobacco. After the whipping had been administered the mob awakened County Judge W. L. Crumbaugh and warned him that his immunity from similar punishment hereafter depended entirely upon the friendship he was expected to, show the tobacco "growers He was told that his organization. gray hairs alone were responsible for his being spared this time. The only tobacco man visited was J. M. Bradshaw, who Is a tobacco prlzer for one Mr. of the growers' associations. Bradshaw was ordered to close up a billiard hall which he owns. HINTS AT SECRET TREATY. Would Indicate That Gerla Creating Trouble in Europe. from Cablegrams Washington. London and SL Petersburg recently published in American newspapers on the Balkan situation and the North sea treaty, questioning Germanys sincerity with regard to her announced policies regarding these matters, were called to the attention of Baron Sternberg, the German ambassador at Washington, on Sunday. The ambassador declared the published statements made it appear as If Germany Is creating trouble in Europe by refusing to adhere to the rules ot reform In Macedonia laid down by the Muerzesteger programme," and even hinted, he added, at the existence of a secret treaty between GerThese many, Austria and Turkey. statements, he declared, are absolutely false and unfounded. Dispatches many Hitchcock Resigns to Manage the Taft Presidential Campaign. Washington. Frank H. Hitchcock, first assistant postmaster general, concluded his service with the government Saturduy, and on Monday handed his resignation to the president In a short time he will take up the work of managing the Taft presidential campaign In earnest Mr. Hitchcock will take a few days vacation before he enters upon his political work. He will make his headquarters in this city. Mr. Hitchcock will be succeeded by Dr. Charles M. Grand-fielnow chief clerk In that office. Banker Sent to Jail. San Francisco. R. E. Raglan 1, president of the Citizens State bank, which recently suspended, was on Saturday sentenced by Police Judge Con-la- n to six months' imprisonment for exhibiting a revolver in a rude and threatening manner" to J. Pomansky, a depositor In the bank, who sought to recover his money. An additional sentence of three months imprisonment waa Imposed on the banker for parrying a concealed weapon. Ragland's attorneys gave notice of an appeal. Must Worry Utahs Surveyor-GenerAlong on Same Old Salary. Washington. An unsuccessful effort was made in the house on Saturday when the legislation, execution and judicial bill was under consideration to amend it, increasing the salThe aries of surveyor-generalincrease would have given the surveyor-genera- l of Itah $3,000 Instead of $2,000. Representative Howell made a speech in favor of the Increase, In which he chided his fellow members for increasing their own salaries and denying the increase to al s. Prosecutions are to be instituted by the government against the Southern Pacific company and against certain officials of that railway organisation on allegation that they paid rebates to shippers. Information which is to be a basis for these prosecutions waa obtained by Franklin K. Lane, of the Interstate commerce commission, last autumn In the course of an extensive Inquiry made by him into the affairs of the Southern Pacific company. By direction of the Interstate commerce commission. Commissioner Lane visited the Pacific coast and for several weeks conducted his inquiries Into the alleged charges of rebating which had reached the commission. Commissioner report of his investigation, Including a transcript ot the testimony taken by him in a for mal hearing aa an interstate commerce commissioner, was made public on Saturday. The report has been approved by the commission and a transcript of the report and of the evidence adduced at the hearing has been transmitted to the department of lustice for such prosecutions under the law as may be warranted. Washington. pro-liose- d others. . TRAIN HITS STREET CAR. Motorman ! EXPLOSION WHILE Accident In Richest Asphaltum Mins In the United States Causes Two Deaths and $100,000 Damage. Windstorm Strikes Mississippi and Texts, Ten Beinf Killed tnd Grand Junction, Colo. In an explosion of dust in the mine of the Gilson Asphaltum Mix company at Dragon, Utah, morning, two Wednesday Greeks were Instantly killed, and the mins, one of the richest of Its kind In tbs United States, was damaged to tbe extent of $100,000. The explosion was caused, it is believed, by one of the Greek miners dropping a match on the floor and igniting the gUeonlte dust. The bodies of the two men have not been recovered, and it is not believed that they will ever be, as they are probably cremated. Water thrown on the flames seem to add to the fury of the fire, and there is no hope of saving the mins in that way. More than 100 men are now. working, trying to smother the flames, bnt are meeting with indifferent success. There are 200 men employed in the mine. The night shift of 103 med had just got out of the mine, and the last of them were but 100 yards distant when an explosion occurred. The miners rushed to the entrance, and there were two more explosions, more violent than the first. Windows in the cabins about the mine were broken, and there was consternation in the camp. Is Outcome of Demand for Highor Wages and Shorter Hours, and Attempt to Operate Minea Independently of Western Federation. of the Washington. on president. Acting Secretary Oliver inof a ordered company Thursday fantry from Fort Gibbon, in Alaska, to Fairbanks, in that territory, to pro serve order during the mining strike in that section. Telegrams from Fair banka to the attorney general stated that open air mass meeting! are being held by the striking miners, and that threats of violence have been made. The distance from Fort Gibbon to Fairbanks is 155 milea, and the troops will be carried by sleds over the route, which is said to be a very good one. If there Is urgent necessity for the presence of the soldiers at Fairbanks they can get there In four or five days. But under ordinary conditions the trip takes six or seven days. Fairbanks is in the center of a mining country, with a population of or 8,000. Persona in Washington familiar with the conditions existing at Fairbanks say the trouble ia the outcome of a strike a year or more rgo for higher wages and shorter hours for miners. This the operators, however, refused, and their determination to ojierate their mines independently of the Western Federation of Miners may, it is feared, lead to trouble. By direction Many Injured. Districts Visited by Disastrous Twister Were Bpareeiy Settled or the Lose of Life Would Havo Been Much Heavier, Meridian, Min. Three small Mississippi towns were practically demolished by a tornado on Friday. Reporta of the number killed range from klx to ten, with the smaller number probably correct. Mossville, (Service and Sovo are the towns destroyed. They are all in Jones county, and all are very small, being merely a handful of scattered dwellings. The tornado struck them about noon, and In most Instances Is reported to have carried the buildings In Its path completely off the lots on which they stood. Nearby fields were covered with wreckage, and the branches of trees were littered with small household articles. 7,-0- s, ' jrt d 4-- Lectures Club Women. York. Mrs. Cora F. Trow caused consternation in a meeting of the West End Womens club Friday by stating that until women had learned bow to hold legal elections in their own clubs they had no right to demand the b.illot. She said that women voted for the ofli'-erol their clubs because they liked the way a candidate dressed lu-- r hair, or because they disliked the woman who placed the opposition candidate in Women should nomination. study (ivies, she said, and become qualified to vote intelligently. New e x J : i CAN'T Interstats 8U8PENO LAW. Commerce ' , Commlasion An- swer! Query of Railroads. anImportant Washington.- - An nouncement was miido on Tuesday by commission tbe Intorelato coinmei-erespecting lls attitude toward the request recently made by the operating vice presidents of the railroads of the nine-hoUnited States that the to the employment law, relating of tVatn dispatchers, telegraph operators nml tower men, he suspended by commission temporarily. The the commission holds, in brief, that It has no authority to extend the time nr suspend the operation of the law, except in a particular mho or rases In which a hearing has been held and good cause shown for the extension asked. o d Convict Woman of Murder. Chicago. Mrs. Dora McDonald, who has been on trial here since January 20 on the charge of murdering Webster Guerin, was acquitted by a jury in the crlmnal court on Tuesday. The verdict was reached after six and one-ha- ir liours of deliberation, the Jury having retired at 1 o'clock. The defendant. who is the widow of Michael (.'. McDonald, tlie former millionaire gambling king and political leader in Chicago, received the verdlet without appurent emotion. During the trial she had frequently collapsed. Jury Failed to Robbers Loot Missouri Bank. Willard, Ma The Bank of Willard was looted of $10,000 by five robbers early Tuesday morning, after the safe bud been blown open with The explosion aroused the cilixens and a street battle followed, but the robbers, amid a fusillade of shots, made their way to a hand caf d and escaped by rail. A- isissc of business men and another headed by the sheriff and composed of deputies quickly formed and started In imrsulL No citizens were shot during the battle. nltro-gly-ccrin- com-ixiKe- Saved the Cows and Left 8on in Burning Barn. While his son was bePa. Ozford, ing cremated In a burning barn at i ieasant Grove, the father and a number of neighbors were risking their lives to save horses ami cows which -i.uid not get out of the stable. The boy, Joel I Pusey, eight years old. had kindled a fire in the barn. The hay caught fire and the lad want soon surrounded by flames. The father and the catneighbors hurried to res-itle. Not until the flanes had been xtlnguishcd was the boy missed. Denies Immunity Contract. Insurance Company on the Rocks. That there was not New York. Attorney General Wll-jaa single allegation of fart in the af-- i S. Jackson announced Friday fidavit of Abraham Ruef with rcler-- Hint he had derided to ask lor the apwith the pointment or a receiver Tor the Mu-luence to his Reserve Life Insiir, Hire prosecution for immunity, was the declaration of Assistant District AtThe legality of liens torney Francis J. Ileney on Wednes- !iinscd upon po'lcics has been quesday after Henry Ach, conns' I for tioned by the authoriti s. Attorney Ruef, had- - occupied tnc entire morn- General Jackson said his decision to ing with argument and the citation of ask for a receiver was bnsed on ths of State Superintendent of In-- , authorities In support of his .notion -itrancc Kelsey, who contended that for a vacation of liners arralgnm-n- t on the United Railrt ads' troll y frani'c company is insolvent, with a do j cit of $1,717,114. chise indictments. Kill Robins for Food. Orleans. The announcement hut about one million robins have killed by hunters this winter in f (misliiiia, is made by Frank M. Mil-T- . president, of the Louisiana Audu-.(- n society. Following this announcement George E. iiotell, a government ' pert here to Investigate the habits t tire robins, said that the government may prove that the eastward movement of the boll weevil had been tnrilltuted by the reckless tloslruc-tloof the robins. The birds are .'lied fur food. j i Tucson, Aris. An attempt to kill every American at the Santa Rosa mine, in Sonora, twenty miles south of Douglas, was made recently, when Mexican employes placed sticks of dynamite under a boarding house, the company afore and the foreman's and The residences. superintended' fuses attached to the dynamite were timed for tbe explosions to follow The each other in quick succession. hour selected waa during the evening meal, when all the American miners were in the boarding bouse and the foreman and the suiicrlntendent in residences. their resia-ctivThe til'd expulou was at the boarding bouse. It was demolished. Fifteen men eating, were blown through the roof, sustaining broken legs and arms, but there were no faTbe store was completely talities. demolished. - Tom Fuglu, the foreman, and his wife were in tbelr borne, but the dynumlte failed to Ignite. Tbe superintendent's office was demolished, but be was out of the building and escaped. Governor Torres ban been notified and rurales under Commander are already on the scene. Eighteen Mexicans are under arrest at the mine. The attempt to destroy the Americans is believed to bo the work of sympathizers with the revolutionists under airest at Los Angeles, who believe the prisoners are being perso-eute- d by Americans. There had been no trouble at the mine previously, and na other cause is conceivable. engagement at the Mctropi iitun or the Manhattan opera house, will lie deported. This action was decided upon by the immigration authorities on Friday. The singer hud twice been admitted to this country, lint when she arrived for a third visit, two veeks ago, slu- - was sent to Kills island and an investigation of her ease ordered. Ban Francisco. j Mexican Miners Attempt to Kill Every Rosa Mine, . American at the Santa In Sonora. Old Mexico. ss y Bomb Placed for King. Lisbon. It has been learned tbat h bomb was found under the landing stage where King Carlos landed on the day of the assassination. It bad failed to explode because of a defect In the fuse. A number of persons have called at the late home of Bulca, one of the dead assassins, to give for the money to hts mother-in-lasupport of his children. The proprietor of a department store has opened a subscription for them with $1,00-1- , also giving them free use of their house. EATING fortress. Involving expenditures if about $G, OliO.OOO. Completion of the work within three years Is held to be .mpcrutlvc in order that Russia may r :iot be caught nnpping us at Port in esse of future trouble with 'ajtan. Russian strategy in any lull re war with Japan will depend upon the ability of Vladivostok to hold out !or a year without assist mice. - Stockmen in Conference at Washington. Representatives of Washington. western livestock associations held a meeting Saturday afternoon to discuss pending legislation regulating grazing on public lands. No conclusion was reached, but It was the sentiment of the meeting that no legislation coul.l Among be passed at this session. those, who attended were Nudo McKenzie. A. E. Desicqules of Colorado, J. C. Underwood or Wyoming, S. H. Cowan of Texas, Messrs. Plnchot, Potter and Byrnes of the forest service. 1 MEN Opera Singer to be Departed. Won't Be Caught Napping Again. a New York. Miss J. Trabellini, 8t. Petersburg. The ministry of inger from the I. a Srala grand opera war is preparing plans for the speedy house in Milan, Italy, who, she said, conversion of Vladivostok into a first-clamine to this country hoping to secure I Could Add Millions to Texas. Fort Worth, Tex. B. F. Yoakum, head of the Rock Island railroad lines, addressed the State Association of Commercial Soclcilt-- here on Saturday. His speech discussed problems of development which the country faces. He declared there is but one pnsitlun or demand for which he will give up his present work, and that is to be governor, so that he could develop the state. He said he could bring five million people to Texas in four years If he was governor of the itBte. ROUSES Kos-terlls- Four Killed at Tyler. Tyler, Tex. A tornado swept over the principal residence portion of Tyler at 4 oclock Friday monilng, causing tbe death of four persons. The WANTS UNCLE SAM TO LEAD. dead are: C. A. Francis, aged 28; hia child. Mose Member of English Parliament Advo- wife and 80. Francis was a l.oe, aged negro, Use cates of Silver Bullion. for the Dallas News. His dead upon! Frewen of Washington. Morton body was found 100 yards from his England, member of parliament, wrecked home, and tin- - body of bis spoke before the house committee on child was found in the street. Mrs. banking and currency on Weduesday, Francis body was in the wreckage of in explanation of the old Goshen sysBix persons were sort-- ! the building. tem which provides a reserve of silinjured. They are Irwin Frunk-- ! ver bullion to he held ns security i.usly Mrs. Franklin nml four Franklin lin, against trade silver paper, Issued In children. One of the children Is ex- denominations of $2.50 up to $10, not to die. They were caught in redeemable in gold, but in Bllver. Mr. peeled the wreckage of llu-i- r home. Twelve Frewen said lint all hope of interna- buildings were wrecked. The tornado tional bimetallism had disappeared, came up from the southwest and torn and that the Goshen plan could be al- ii path through Tyler 10 feet wide. lied in this country without disruptWELCOMED BY CHILEANS. ing the present ruircncy system. Ha declared that it would be more applicable here than in England now than American Fleet Passes Valparalro, Is Saluted by Entire Chilean Navy. it would have been years ago. His idea was to have the United States Valparaiso.1 Tiie great American adopt it first, and then let England fleet of sixteen bnillcHhlps, under the take it up. rnmm&nil of Hear Aflmlral Evuns, afternoon Pacific Fleet to Search for Milling passed Valparaiso Friday nud continued on Ha voyage northMan. ward to Callao, Peru, the next stopWashington. A man by the nams ping place. All Valparaiso and thouof Jeffs, and whose home is said to sands of persona from every city in have been in. Connecticut, is. bcllexcl CbUawlUnjssod thp,. passing of tbo to be stranded on one of the Galapa- fleet President Montt and the other gos or Tortoise islands situated off high officials of the republic came out the west coast of South America. A from shore to greet the battleships, prominent person from Connecticut and almost the entire Chilean navy Interested in Jeffs case, has written exrhanged salutes with them as they to the department asking that one of r.wung around Curaunillla Point and tbe vessels of Admiral Evans fleet into Valparaiso buy in single file, stop at the ipiands on their way from Headed by the Chilean cruiser Chaco, boat Clalloa, Peru, to Magdalena bay and huco and five Chileun torpedo make a search for him. Tbe request destroyers. will be compiled with. Should Keep Their Moutha Shut and Child is Dead as Result of Eating Obey Orders. Poisoned Candy. West Point, N. Y With plain Kansas City. Ruth Miller, the y words of advice as to their fiiiure duear-ol- d daughter of Charles Miller ties the advantages and hardships of of Kansas City, Kas., is dead from on army career Seerelary of War the eeffets of eating candy from a Taft on Friday presented diplomas to box of cheap bonbons sent through the 1G8 members of tin- graduating the mall to an elder sister, Ella Miller. riasi of the United Slates military The candy hi believed to have con- academy. The secretary Impressed comtained strychnine, and Ruth Miller upon the young men who were in lieutenants as second missioned eat-ing died in agony ten minutes after various branches of the army some of the bonbons. Four other the the military service must ever children of the family were affected that be subordinate to the civil governby the candy, bnt they suffered only ment, and that it was their serious temporary distress. There is Ho known duty to keep their mouths shut and motive for the sending of the candy. obey orders." Disregards Signals, With Disastrous Results. Toledo, O. Seven jiersons were killed and a dozen injured when a Big Four passenger train struck a Toledo St Western electric car at the Michigan Central crossing in West Toledo Saturday night. of the According to an wreck, which occurred shortly after 8 oclock, the conductor stopped at the crossing to flag the ear across. Seeing the train coming, he motioned tc the inmurman to stop, this signal EXPRESS COMPANY IN TROUBLE. was either misunderstood, or not seen or disregarded, for the car came Accused of Carrying Mail in Violation ahead, with sickening results. The of the Postal Laws. motorman was among those killed. All Cincinnati, O. Violation of the posthe ambulances in the city were hast 'mail ily summoned and the Beene of the tal laws by carrying first-clas- s .wreck was soon thronged with excitec matter was charged against the Amerpeople, impeding rather than aidinf ican Express company in a suit filed the work of rescue. In the United Sutea district court here Weduesday by District Attorney BUYS A NOBLEMAN. McPherson. This suit was the first gun In a Daughter of Former Chairman of the campaign which the government proIsthmian Canal Commisaion poses to wage against common carGets a Title. matter rion for carrying first-clas- s New York. Miss Theodora Shunts, contrary to law. In the Information daughter of Theodore P. Shonta, for- which Attorney McPherson filed he the American Express merly chairmaif of the Isthmian canal alleged that on January 6 carried a company waa at married commission, Saturday Belton.-Texato Cincinnati. noon to Manuel Theodorlc Bernard was from Mrs. Will Brown, letter The DAlbert De Luyncs, Duke De of Belton, and In it she ordered from Chaulnea, of Paris. The Duke De a company twelve glove palis of Chaulnes is 29 years old and a memand enclosed an express order gloves ber of one of the most aristocratic for $2.47 In payment. Attorney Mcfamilies of the French nobility. He Pherson claims the letter did rehas a house in Paris and an hereditary late to the biiMlncsB of the express castle In one of the French provinces. company, and that the envelope did Theodore P. Shunts, the bride's fa- not bear a postage stamp, aa required ther, Is now president tif the by law. company, which LIABILITY OF RAIROAD8. ojierates the New York elevated railroads and subway. New Bill Introduced in Congress by Thinks of Valentine for Sitter in Face La Folletto and Sterling. of Death. Washington. A comprehensive emChicago. Stretched out on an oper- ployers liability bill waa introduced Union in the Englewood ating board in the senate and house on Thursil:i" hospital Saturday night, where two of by Senator La Follette of Wisconsin off were staff the physicians cutting and Sterling of Illihis lacerated little legs in an en- nois. Representative The bill has authors say deavor to save his life, Hermann Hill, the endorsement of the the Brotherhood ot 9 a newsboy, years old, demanded of Locomotive Engineers, the Brother the doctors: Say, whichever one ol hood of Locomotive Firemen and out nickel go you guys that's got my and the Brotherhood of Railand buy a valentine and send It to my road Trainmen, and Is intended to sister. I promised her one and she it meet the recent decision of the suwaiting for It." The little fellow had preme court by which the employers been run down by a street car while liability act of June 11, 190C, was deselling patters. clared unconstitutional. Says Public Servants 8houtd Not Act BY HOME FROM WATER. DRIVEN Farmers Are the Victims. as Attorneys Against Government. Springfield, O. The Farmers Co Floods Cause Great Damage at PittsSenator Borah of Washington. operating Harvesting company of Idaho created the first spirited debate burg and 20,000 Men Are Thrown America, a corporation organized by In the senate on the bill to revise Out of Work. William Jf. Whltely, known as the and codify the federal laws by offerPittsburg, Pa. Spreading ruin and King, has gone into the bands an amendment making it a penal disaster In Its path, the annual flood Reaper of a receiver.. C. S. Olinger of this ing of small streams this offense for any United States senator of the rivers and has been named in that capacity or to appear in court section bolds Pittsburg in its grasp. city congressman by the court. Tbe concern wns IncorThe record flood of last year, when porated five years ago, following the as an attorney in any ease in which the water reached a stage of thirty-si- organization of the binder tbe government may be interested. and one-hal-f feet, caused damage trust, known as tbe International Har- Borah took care of the debate alone estimated at $10,000,000. but sufficient vester company. Large amounts ot in support of his resolution, whilen McLaurln, Clay, Teller, Hey-burwarning was given this year to save stock were sold by Wbiteiys agents Senators Sutherland opposed it. and over all the United States, principally much property. farmers. among A conservative estimate places the Indian Outwits Posse. number of men thrown out of work by Butte, Mont. Advices from the the fhxjd here at 20,000. This great Fighting Bob Evans in Better Health. state the that increase to the army of unemployed is Washington. The navy department north Mosney, whom the officers expected to result in much suffering. has received the following from Ad- fugitive half-breeFor weeks charitable organiiations miral Simpson of the Chilean navy, on are looking for In connection with the have been soliciting funds for the un- board the cruiser Chacabuco, which murder of Robert Holmes, has comemployed, and now additional ap- piloted Admiral Evans fleet partially pletely outwitted the officers under peals have been made for contribu- through the Strait of Magellan: Sheriff Shoemaker of Helena and has tions to assist the flood victims. 12. AdFeb. "Talcahuano. Chile, effected his getaway. Tlie posse men have families of number A great been compelled to move their house- miral Evans requests me to inform have lost every clew of the Indian outfrom the fleet, at. sea, law, who Is believed to have made his hold goods to upper stories. They gc the department Tuesday, 4 p. m., bound for Callao way into- civilization. Then- - is n susto and fro in skiffs. picion that a man seen riding cm the On the north side of Pittsburg the via '!i,n,nlio: going on well. Ad- cowcatcher or an engine Into t'axrade policemen are patrolfng their beats in miralEverything Evans much better in health. waa Mosnc-skiffs. eye-witne- BUNK DYNAMITE TOWNS WIPED OUT RY TORNADO to Preserve Order at Fairbanks, Alaska, Daring Strike. Trouble FLOOR MINERS Government Will Inatitute Suit, the Exiatence of Extenaive Syatem of Preferential Ratea BeMasked Men Visit Kentucky Town ing Alleged. Company of Infantry Will Attempt County Judge it Warned That Hia Immunity From Similar Punlsh-meDepended Upon Friendship He Was Expected to Show Tobacco Grow- era Organization. ON CAUSED FEARFUL FOR REBATING FLBCjlTIZERS and Chastise Ten of the Residents With Switches. MATCH DROPPED SOLDIERS SET TO com-pan- . Ar-i.i- New ' |