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Show University c A The Week! VoL VII. AND a MINERAL DECISIONS. ruary, which he thinks Is novel enough, If not altogether new. Because of Its rather parched surrounding territory, Chattanooga has been dubbed "Booaanooga, but Isnt at all sure the name will atlck for any length of time. King Alfonso is reported to be a consumptive, but If he Is eating nine meals a day, as One Writer asserts. It must be consumption of food that is wearing him out "Georgia Is taking her medicine, asserts the Florida Times Union. Yes; just like Kansas, and out of the same kind of bottles. How about the foundations of the British empire with the Sacred London Times in the hands of s frivolous Chat-anoog- a Residence Occupation through a tenaht la not the maintenance or ear tabliabment of residence requisite under the public laud law. Settlement The failure of a settler to assert his right within the statutory period, and consequent loss of priority as against an Intervening en try, does not preclude the assertion nf his right as against a subsequent entryman, where said settler remains cn the land and the Intervening entry editor. Is canceled. Rell iquisbmenb A relinquishment when filed operates EX) INSTANT1 to release the land from the entry. Practice Papers presented for filing, but refused by the Local Office on account of press of business, should be filed of the date when presented. Mining Claim The right to purchase mineral land Is restricted to citizens of the United States, or those who have declared their Intention to become such. Mineral Land The mineral value of a vein Is not established by an ordinary essay certificate. Coal Land An entry of coal land attacked by subaequent homeBtead claimant, may be canceled as to the legal subdivisions that are not valuable for coal. L. W. D. HARLAN, Land Attorney. Washington, D. C. THE CITY CHAIN GANG. Salt Lake Argus. Quite recently we saw a trio of prisoners being marched to the city halL This often happens, but these three men were handcuffed to each other. They were In effect three links of a At best It Is a sad sight to see men in darkness and In chains. But to parade the moral perverts, the criminal unfortunates, through the streets of the capital of the commonwealth. Is dlescred table. It Invites Jibes and sneers, scoff and scorn. It tends to familiarize the public with vice. It tends to harden the heart of the limrcTpnT-bu-gegagHness, toy cnecx tne biusn or shame that mounts to his cheek. It crushes the last spark of manhood In him. It kindles within him the fire of revenge. It does him no good. It does the city no good. It does the state no good to parade the chain-ganalong the public streets. It tends to demoralization and degradation. It arouses the evil passions of the wickedly Inclined. Its tendency Is to the bad. It leaves a bad Impression on the mind of the young. More than thirty years ago In the city of Richmond, Va., the writer saw a gang of prisoners, white and black, woridng' under guard, dragging the It left & bad impression. Two years ago we again visited that city, now enlarged, beautified and modernized. But the impression Is ever present when the mind reverts to Richmond. Thousands and tens of thousands of people from all sections of the country pass through this city every year. Ours is perhaps the best advertised It stands us city on the continent. well In hand to make a favorable Imchain-gan- entinel STOCKTON. UTAH. WEDNCSOT. FEBRUARY 19. 1908. E EDITORIALS. LAND J i g. 1 prls-vm- n. a If r days last week with Mr. Hans PeMfson and family. M ' & Nows lte-n- o Jl Jl ' K?S- - John Painter and daughter returned honurilast Tuesday, after beTHE CITY FATHERS BABY STOCKTON SUNDRIES ing away for a week. ' A Jl . COACHES. and Mrs. James G. Brown enter Mr. McLeod has got a touch o( ... tabled a few friends at a card party "The Argus Salt Lake. lead. Between the city department and last' Saturday evening. ' the contractors, one gang of workmen A A 8. M. DeBolt made the capital a - t)' Mrs. Reynolds and daughter Clara and another gang, for this purpose visit last Tuesday. leQ for Zion last Tuesday, after spend gnd that purpose, and the whole supplemented by the elements, east Fifth Mr. William Murdock has been quite Inra few days in Stockton, South street has been kept al.' ' A A sick the past week. ML Alex Msse and William Utley Impassable. If the city mothers couii ji Mr. James Mllwardj and wife visited of Stockton made a business trip to force the city fathers to stand at the corners and carry the city baby the capital last week. MqTpur last Saturday and Sunday, i coaches safely over the muddy crossS y Miss Annie Glllet left for Tooele ings, possibly the city council would Dont forget the hard times1 ball last- Monday, after spending s few take steps to abate the nuisance. coming EYlday, Feb. 21. days here with her sister, Mrs. Milt j Awaa in St Johns Befunan. Mr. James Brown ODD FELLOWSHIP. ( A jl last Sunday on business. le one of our dtlxens tried to The Argus Ji J Salt Lake. Mr. Charles Farr was In Stockton dog last Tuesduy night, but no Jordan Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F., calast Sunday and Monday. reports that they have lost a lo the front again. nine as yet. Jl J At the regular meeting Monday DJl ji Mr. Dave Lenionda spent a few days lust an Increased attendance evening TJte St. John home talent gave s In the Metropolis last week. noticed. Not only shew at the St. John opera house last yas .I j veterans held down the chairs, but the After show the W. H. Booth says he Is as well as Friday night they young men were there by twos and ever after three years illness. tens. These arc not mere Jt jl but active cainest, ncregeMc young M r. William Harvey was in Zion the put in fellows who lielleve In doing things, , thd-the reaches that Sentinel, on business. first part of the week paper and the veterans are not only willing people and the one that brings hut anxious that they lie advanced Ji J to Do ilts. now. It Dave and Clarence Morgan of Ophlr s front and become the were Stockton visitors last Sunday. ji Ji dance waa given In' the. opera In the order. ji mcn.Mcimra. Pickering, Three j Miss Rosa Brown of Salt Lake Is a hopes last Friday night Quite a Peterson young were Initiated into and Hunt, was attended. number The music visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brown. by the tho of order, the "team mysteries Victor orchestra. A Ji being the same as at the former meetA A Mr. Len Scott was In town on busiten are you going to have your ing except that Bro. W. H. Corrin ness last Wednesday and Thursday. put on the Sentinel mailing list? acted as conductor, and Bro. L. G. Ji ji your name on now and get the Nellson as V. W. Sheriff Evans passed through Stock-toIn their marching and drill the last Saturday on hia way to Ophlr. four magazines as premiums, "boys are getting it down fine I A A ji ji Seven tnltates were obligated in le C. It U. lodge held a meeting Mrs. Thomas Gundry la quite sick, but It Is hoped she will soon recover. Thursday night and reorganized, the first degrees and twelve more applications for membership were prelew president treasurer and A elected and duly Installed. sented. Mr. Hans Peterson, who has been Visitors were present from the AtA A sick for the past week, Is on the Imhe Mills boys report that they lantic to the Pacific. Among theae prove. were: Louis Albrecht, Kansas; J. W. a very fine showing of good j js and a fifteen-incvein of Youlgman, California; O. E. Mr. James Harris and Nells Bracken In sight and still Improving. of Stockton were Mercur visitors last Arkansaa, and Henry Oaterholt, Local Utah State News d chain-gan- g pression on the public mind, then Cut out the chain-ganIf chained they must be, conceal It na much as possible, and give them a free ride In the prison van. By the way, why Is the city Jail or prison so far from the court house? Why not convert a portion of the joint building Into a prison? Ori come to think of it, why not build a jail on the lot by the engine jiouse? Or. well. Cut out the chain-gan- g parade, anyhow. EDITORIAL NEWS BRIEFS. Milford Times. "Although the vice president does not sympathize with many of the advocated by the president, he has not said a word to indicate this, says the Brooklyn Eagle, speaking through the mouth of Its Washington We long suspected correspondents. that some of our Washington correspondents were mind readers. dec-trin- An eastern contemporary "Keep your eye on Hughes, says, while a western editors advice Is "Keep yonr eye on Johnson, and from Pennsylvania comes the word, "Keep your eye on Knox. Now, what Is a man to do when. he has only two eyes? One of the jurors In the Thaw case swears he never before heard of the defendant. We believe public opinion would have sustained the judge If he had Immediately ordered this man back to the farm and his happy es- tate. Senator Tillman Insists upon pronouncing Senator Bacons private secretarys name "Buffalo. His name la "Bolfeuillet, and In Georgia, where everybody knows him. It is pronounced e "Bullyfoot,. from Rabun Gap to light. We merely desire to set the South Carollnalan right about It Solomon expressed an opinion that there was nothing new under the sun, but an Alabama newspaper reporter has discovered that he will be paid off fire times during the forthcoming Feb Ty-he- the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the amendments thereto, concerning annual labor upon mining claims, being the amount required to hold said lode for the period ending on the 81st day of December, 1907. And if, within ninety days after the publication of this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your proposition of such expenditure ns n which amounts to fifty dollars, your Interest In said claim will become the property of the undersigned, your coowner, who has made the required expenditure, by the terms of said Sec! tion. B. H. YOUNG, JR. . Mist publication Feb. 19. 1980. Last publication Mnv 13, 190$. - Mercur Miner. Perhaps after hia successful Mr. Bryan may receive assurances of support from Grover Cleveduck-hunt- land. Minister Wu Ting Faug is needed just now in America to find out the facts about the mlx-uWe suppose that the grumblers we n Krays with us, but the growlers will not be workable arter shall have January 1. If they romluate Taft it will be just like Roosevelt running again. o - The young man who thought' he would have a proposal or two before the middle of January Is now beginning to suspect that there Is something wrong with his looks. TAFT THE MAN OF THE HOU R. EA j j flrqt-clas- a "Georgia says an exchange, "Is fur- Mllward. A J nishing more men to the navy than any other state In the union. They have Mr. and Mrs. Jake Beeman of Ophlr doubtless concluded that a life on the visited with their parents s few days rolling deep Is preferable to the water last week. wagon on dry land. ji Jl Mr. William Jones S One ton of coal will give off 65,000 Farrs families moved feet of gas, so an expert says. That, last Monday. A Jl however, is small compared with the A large number of congress-man- . output of one present at the card party last Tues- Mercur Miner. Mr. Dave Duncan, while driving the water wagon In the Golden Gate mine met with a serious mishap the first of last week. While going down No. 7 Incline at a terrific pace he lost his seat on the water wagon, going violently backward, landing in a tank. While the accident la serious. It Is tint considered fatal. Several nf bis light-weigfriends have stood by him constantly and up to this writing he has almost day evening. Mercur Miner. . gained his usual equilibrium and exji ji The long working tunnel on the Mrs. Rilley Judd siient Saturday pects to resume his seat on the water ground of the Western Pacific Mining and Sunday with her parents wagon at an early date. lie Is also company. Willow Springs district, at Grantavllle.visiting figuring on a contract at Eureka. Deep Creek, is progressing finely. This o A jl Nells Brackmine Is one of the oldest In the Deep Mr. Gean Beaman Creek country, and in the old days en started their lease and Marking Gettysburg. lifst Thursday ou waa considerable of a shipper, the ore the old "Lenor. Over $7,000,000 has been expended In marking the Gettysburg being hauled to the railroad and net battleA Jl ting a nice profit. The present tunnel Tooele visited field. of McKeller Mr. John will tap the ore zone fully 5000 foet below the surface and In the neighborhood of 300 feet below the old workings of the property. The management has been pushing the work conAsk Your Dealer For tinuously during the past season, and a force of men are being constantly kept at work. The Western Pacific ores contain gold, silver, copper, lead, and bismuth, and are us rich aa any In the Deep Creek country. The advent of the rail"MARBLE SPRINGS, road will find this one of the mines The Pure Whiskey. ready to ship Its products. o WHEN THE OTHER MAN IS HIT. ht Others Frequently "I. wonder why it Is, said the melancholy man that, when we hear of misfortunes that don't come very close to ns, there Is usually a feeling well, I won't call It one of superiority of fate, but certainly one of recognition of the fitness of things by which we are not picked out for such evil case. And we are careful to give ourselves all possible credit for exemption. Jones, you hear, has failed. Poor Jones. You know him, and you know that if you had been In his place yea would have seen the signs of disaster and taken warning. Brown's son has made a runaway match. Well, well! That Is tough on the Browns, but It la clear that they didn't understand bringing up a boy. And so It goes. There's a preening of the feathers, an assumption of an air of conscious rectitude. Does it come from Innate selfishness? Or Is it because there has been no personal experience of sorrow along the lines indicated? CITY NOTE8. Salt Lake Argus. So the authorities have Increased the salaries of the city employes! Good for the latter, but what of the army of unemployed who have no salaries to Increase! No doubt there are ten thousand men in the city today who could fill he places of these employe s and would be glad to do so at the old rate. Vet the ruling few prefer to divide along the lino of autos and soup kitchens rather than fair pay and more work. LINdLEY. Distributors. RIEGER APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 4288. United Slates Land Office, Salt Luke City, Utah, Feb. 10, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that R. E. 1 Frymler, whose post office address Is Harrlsvllle, West Virginia, by hla agent and attorney lu fact, Chas. Sandall, or Salt Luke City, Utah, has gray-halremade application for a United Statea Patent for the New Year No. 2, New Year No. 1, New Year No. 3, Fraction. Gumbo No. 1. Gumbo No. 2, Gumbo No 3, and Old Fort lodes mining claims consolidated situate In Dug-wa- y kilning District, Tooele County, burden-bearerUtah, consisting uf 1500, 1500 1500 1121.3, 1500, 1500, 938.5 and 1500 linear foet respectively of Bald lodes the aud surluce ground as shown No. 5707 of Survey being Survey plat and described In the field notes and plat of the official survey on file In this office, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 25 min. east, ns lollows: Beginning at corner No. 1 of New Year No. 2, whence the corner to Soca 2, 3. 34 and 35 Tpa. 10 awl 9 B. H. 12 W. hears S. 70 deg. 15 min. Iff. 2429.2 ft. and running thence S. 64 deg. 02 min. W. 343.3 ft to corner No. 2 of New Year No. 2, thence N. 44 deg. 68 min. W. COO ft. to corner No. 3 of New Year No. 3, thence N. 1!) deg. 25 min. W. 929 fL to corner Bran-ninNo.' 4 of New Year No. 2, thence N. 64 deg. 02 min. E. 20.1 ft to corner Colorado. The broad platform of human fra- Na 1 of Fraction, thence N. 39 deg. 44.8 ft to corner No. 2 ternity make Odd Fellowship a strong 27 min. W. thence N. 44 deg. 29 min. factor in uniting and harmonising the of Fraction, various classes and sections of our K. 1103.2 ft to corner Na 3 of Fraction, thence N. 39 deg. 27 min. W.country and the world. There la 1075.6 ft. to Intersect Jlne 2 of Gumreason why better i rfi jm BiwwwMpwiw disseminated throughout the land and V. 45.1 iLLocornerNo. the various fraternal societies of the No. 3, thence N. 48 deg. 31 min. W. state can do much to spread the truth 938.6 ft. to corner No. 3 of Gumbo and correct the false Impressions Na 3. thence N. 64 deg. 03 min. K. 649 ft. to Intersect line 2 of Old conveyed abroad. This has been done throughout the Fburt, thence N. 48 deg. 31 min. W. south In Dixie. In bringing the peo- 561.5 ft. to corner No. 2 or Old Fourt. ple of the southern states Into closer thence N. 38 deg. 54 min. E. 600.6 relation with the people of the north, ft. to corner No. 3 of Old Fourt, thence In correcting false impressions and S. 48 deg. 31 min. 1. 1500 ft to corner 4 of Old Fourt, thence N. 38 deg. restoring confidence in the govern- No. ment and In society, thus healing the 54 min. E. 11.8 fL to corner No. 3 wide breach made by war and devaat-atlo- of Gumbo No. "2. thence S. 39 deg. Hasten the day when the fair 27 min. K. 1500 ft. to corner Na 4 of name of Utah will no longer be cloud- Gumbo No. 2, thence S. 38 deg. 54 ed by falsehood and misrepresenta- min. W. 612.4 fL to corner No. 1 ot Gumbo No. 2, thence N. 64 deg. 02 tion. min. E. 59.3 ft. to corner No. 4 of AT THE FRANKIE AN IMPORT- New Year No. 3, thence S. 19 deg. 25 min. E. 1500 ft. to corner No. 1 of ANT STRIKE. New Year No. 3, thence S. 64 deg. 02 min. W. 1207.6 ft. to place of beMercur Miner. What Is beyond a doubt one nf the ginning. containing an aggregate area most Important strikes that ever was of 140.634 acre from which the area made in the Deep Creek country, was ot 0.366 acres In conflict with Ensign made in the Frankie mine a short time lode Survey No. 5020 is expressly exago. he property was for a long time cepted und excluded leaving a net from what is known ss the Clifton area of 140.268 acres hereby claimed copper belt, on a zone which paral- and applied for. The presumed course lels the Clifton lielt. A' similar double and length of each vein or lode line is vein to that which has been devel- as shown upon the plat of Survey. oped on the Lucy 1 is found crossing From corner No. 1 of each claim tire the property. This strike proves that comer to Secs 2. 3, 34 and 35 Tps. the same conditions obtain in the two 10 and 9S. It. 12 W. beam as follows. parallel mineral bells and doubles the New Year No. 1 S. 58 deg. 06 min. proved territory of the Clifton dis- Iff. 2053.7 feet New Year No. trict. 3 S. 41 deg. 29 min. E. lhoti.6 ft., Work is being pushed at the mine Frurtlon S. 59 deg. .07 min. E. 3856.8 now that lls value has been demon- ft. GiiiuIhi No. 1 identic.il with Gumstrated. Those acquainted with (he bo No. 2 S. 22 (leg. 37 min E. 5201.3 property are all of the opinion that an ft. and Gumbo No. 3 ....... .cal with oilier bonanza mine has been added in Did Fourl lode S. 34 min. E. tug. tin bonanzas of' tho slate. 4711 ft. distant. Said lode claims form a portion of uiisu, voyed part of Tp. 9 S. It. 12 W. S. U llaiij M. Utah. D gerous Streets. Said lodes local Ions mining claims be! average of eight perThere I ing of record In I lie office of the Counsons Injure'1 in tliu streets of New ty Recorder at Tooele City la Tooele York city each hour in the day, and County, Utah. The neatest known lo one person s killed by such Injury ions being Cloudy and Eureka Survey No. 45.'i6. Red Metal Survey No. every 17 ho--- s. and keynote and Ensign Survey No. 52o lode claims. 1 direct t niit this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel al Stockton. I 'tab, the newspaper published nearSALT LAKE CITY. est the said mining claims, for the HONEST WORK. period of nine weeks. HONEST PRICES. E. I). R. THOMPSON, Painless Extraction of Teeth oi Register. no Pay. All Work Positively Guar R. E. Ross. Claimants Attorney. 1J26-X; antced. Phones: Kell, First publication, Feb. 1,9 1908. Ind. 1126. I asl publication April 15, 1908. 218 South Male. wall-flowe- Mercur Miner. n The people are for Taft because he such an is man, wise as a judge, shrewd In diplomacy, democratic In his disposition, sweet and sunny In his nature, frank and honest secre-wer- e In his talk and life, and embodying a personal experience that fits him better for the great office than any other man of hla day. He knows not only Jig-or-e hia own country, but the whole world, h and all the world knows and honors him. He Is his own "boom. All these Jl Jl accessories. Judiciously conducted, Sunday. was reported around town that A. Ji jl help, but it is many moon too late to Come to the Sentinel office and take (per had scarlet fever In his home, talk of a launching or a discovery. The whole nation Is talking about him, tad a look at the samples. You need the but it was a false report, because has been no sickness In his fam- nine out of ten men one meets are printing. . Jl j for him. Misfortunes of Cause of l p C g No. 30. un 1-- 1-- n. -- J. H. MARSHALL, MANAGER, to 50c, 75c, $1, rs $1.50 GJ c-- Union Dental Co. Anaex WUies Hotel ' EVERY ORE KROVMJJSI P Salt LaKe City. J WATCHES. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. BOWERS, JEWELER, Salt Lake City. & NOW: 73 Main Street iC. C. Clements. 1066 4th 8L W. C. Clements. 830 Palm Ave. CLEMENTS BROTHERS. To Isaac H. Wing, His Helm. AdminUtah jSalt Lake Clt istrators. Executors, and to All Phone Bell 1289 ns. Whom it May Concern: -.PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS You are hereby notified that I have AND DECORATORS. $ one the 1907, year expended during Tinting, Calcamlntng, hundred dollars In labor and Improve- QMnreaoo Wall Faper Cleaning. ments upon the Stewart Ijxle Mining 3 claim, situated In the Clifton Mining district. County or Tooele, State of Fifteen assays or analyses for 3. Utah, the location certificate ot which Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper. Iren, if found of record In Book "K. page Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Mangan10, of laieatlons, of the records of ese. the Clifton Mining district, said recWrite for particulars. ords being now In tl.-- custody of the THE HENRY HANSON CHEMI( onnty Recorder of Tooele CAL RESEARCH CO. County, State of Utah; said expenditure was Analytical and Consulting Chemm:idi In order to hold said claim unists. 64 Railroad Duildlng, der the provisions of Section 2324 of Denver, Colo, U. 8. A. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. . i |