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Show STOCKTON SENTINEL. Published Every Wednesday. Tha Sentinel Printing and Publiahing Company. Entered an second-clas- s matter at the postofflee at Stockton, Utah. Office of publication. Main Street, Stockton, Utah. One year, 91.60; eix month, 11.00; three month, 75 cents. FRANK L. CONNOR.. Local Manager Violin ae a Hair Restorer. It la now a scientifically proved fad that music exercises a great Influence on the growth of the hair. It I with good reason that great musicians, such aa Paganini, Mats and Paderewski, are represented with a growth of hair which Absalom might have envied. Science has proved that stringed Instruments have a favorable Influence on the growth of the hair, while brass instruments ad In the opposite direction. Every one baa probably observed that a bald violinist Is as rare as a bald horn player Is common. Wood instruments, such as the flute, seem to have no pronounced Influence either way. Valuable Dwarf Palm Fiber. The fiber of the dwarf palm a tree until lately regarded aa worthless or harmful Is developing an Important Industry In Algeria. Factories are multiplying, and to these the natives bring the palm leaves, which are transformed into vegetable fiber by a steam carding machine, and then spun and braided. The material has the advantage over horsehair of being proof against moths and Insects. It Is being used for mattresses, woven products, harness and carriage work, military bedding, various tissues, and even bats. -- o Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough grows In favor dully. Mothers should keep It on hand for children. It Is prompt relief to croup. It la gently laxative, driving the poison and phlegm from the system. It gives Immediate relief. Guaranteed. Sold by Stockton Drug and News Ca o THE STOCKTON LIVERY STABLE and at Rigs and Saddle Horses, Reasonable Chaiges. GEORGE YOUNG. Prop. Phone No. 59-- To atop that pain In the back, that stiffness of the Joints and muaclea, take PI neules. They are guaranteed. Don't Buffer from rheum at lam, backache, kidney trouble, when you get 30 days treatment for $1.00. A single dose at bed time proves their merit. Get them today. Sold by Stockton Dnig and News Co. W. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of Silver Coin, thence S. 80 deg. 51 min. W. 385 feet to comer No. 3 of Clayton, thence X. 9 deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of Clayton, thence S. 80 deg. 51 min. W 1300 feet to corner No. of Saturn, thence S. 89 deg. 47 min. W. CIKI feet to corner No. 1 of Saturn, thence 8. 9 deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feet to place of beginning, survey of exterior boundaries of the consolidated claims, containing a net area of acres, all of which Is hereby claimed and applied for. The areas In conflict with Centennial Survey No. 5151, and Cosmopolitan, Yellow Hammer Amended and Survey No. 4382 lode claims are expresaly excepted and excluded. From corner No. 1 of Clayton, Identical with corner No. 4 of Gold King U. S. location monument No. II bears N. 86 deg. 50 min. W. 1175.6 feet; from corner No.'l of Paragon, Identical with comer No. 2 of Venus, said monument bears N. 29 deg. 05 min. W. 2707 feet, and from corner No. 1 of Silver Coin aald monument beara N. 50 deg. 24 min. V. 2328.7 feet distant. The presumed course and length of earh vein or lode line la as shown upon the plat of sire vey. Bald lode claims form a portion at unsurveyed Tp. 8 8., H. 18 W., S. L. B. and M., Utah. Said lodes locations mining claims being of record In the office of the county recorder at Tooele City In Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Rex lode Survey No. 6701. 1 direct that this notice be publish--d In the Stockton Sentinel at Stock-ton- , Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claims, for the period of nine weeks. E. I). R. THOMPSON, Register. R. E. ROSE, Claimant's Attorney. First publication, Feb. 12, 1908. taat publication dated April 8, 1908. 120-01- 5 CopiM-ropoll- a APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 4286. United States Land Office, Sait Lake City, Utah, Feb. 7, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Lucy L. kilning and Milling Company, by Us agent and attorney In fact, Frank L. Wilson, of Suit Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States putent for the Lucie L. No. 1, Copper Flat, Lucie L No. 2, Lucie L. No. 3, Copper Mountain, Lucie L. No. 4, and Copper Mountain Na 2 lodo mining claims consolidated, situate In Clirton mining district, Tooele county, Utah, consisting or 150(1, 1500. 878.5, 1383.2, 1383.2, 1373.3 and 873.9 linear reet, respectively of said lodes and surf nee ground, as Bhown upon the plat of survey, living Survey No. 5702, and described lu the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office, with magentlc variation at 16 deg. 45 min. K., as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1 of Lucie L. No. 1 claim, whence U. S. L. M. No. 11 bears 8. 34 deg. 00 min. W. 1201:4 feet, and running thence S. G2 deg. 38 min. B. 61 feet to corner No. 2 of Icicle L. Na 1, thence N. 8 deg. 30 min. E. 10G2.2 feet to comer No. 1 of Copper Flat, thence S. 77 deg. 17 scribed in the field notes and plat of survey on file In this cjffii-with magnetic variation at 1G deg. 45 min. east as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1 of the Rex claim, whence U. 8. L. M. No. 11 hears N. 34 deg. 00 min. W. 3595.1 feet, and running thence 8. 7 deg. 07 min. W. 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of Rex, thence 8. 80 deg. 51 min. V. 297.8 feet to comer No. 1 of Regent, thence 8. 30 deg. 35 min. E. 2993.8 ieet to corner Na 2 or thence S. 45 deg, 35 min. E. GOO feet to comer No. 2 of Gold Link, thence N. 44 deg. 25 min. E. 1500 feet to comer Na 3 of Gold Link, thence N. 45 deg. 2b ln. W. GOO feet to corner No. 4 of Gold Link, thence 8. 44 deg. 25 min. W. 879 feet to Intersect line 4 of Litre be, thence N. 30 deg. 35 mln. W. 1097.6 feet to comer No. 4 or thence N. 80 deg. 51 min. E. 644.4 feet to corner No. 3 of Treasire, thence N. 30 deg. 35 mln. W. G48.G feet to intersect line 3 of Gold Coin, thence S. 73 deg. 02 mln. E. GT8.4 feet to corner No. 3 of Gold Coin, thence N. 4 deg. 28 mln. W. G44.4 feet to corner No. 4 of Gold Coin, Uitsce N. 73 deg. 02 min. W. 1359.1 feet to Intersect line 4 of Rex, thence N. 7 deg. 07 min. E. 1344.4 feet to corner No. 4 of Rex, thence S. 80 leg. 51 mln. W. 600 feet to place of beginning, containing a net area of 108339 acres hereby claimed and applied for. The areas In conflict with Alluny and Kaffir survey No. 3354, Mlaita-nom- a survey No. 4393, Copperopnlls survey No. 4382 and Paragon surrey No. 5703 are expressly excepted tnd excluded. From comer No. 4 of Regent, Identical with corner Na 1 of Treasure, U. S. location monument No. 11 bears N. 25 deg. 05 mln. W. 4877.9 feet; from comer No. 1 of Gold Link, Identical with comer Na 2 of Latrobe, aald monument bears N. 22 deg. 36 mln. W. 7G88.2 feet, ind from comer No. 1 of Gold Coin We said monument bears N. 2i deg. 65 mln. W. 4759.3 feet distant. The piMiimed course and length of each vein or lode line is na shewn npnn the map of survey. Said lode claims form a portion of unaurveyed Tp. 8 S., R. 18 W 8. L. B. and M.. Utah. Bald lodes locations mining claims being of record in the office of the ccnnly recorder at Tooele City, In Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations helng the aforesaid conflicting claims. I direct that this notice' be published In the Stockton Sentinel, at Stock-toUtah, the newspaper published enarest the said mining claims, for period of nine weeks. E. I). R. THOMPSON, Register. R. E. ROSS. Claimant's Attorney. First publication, Feb. 12, 1908. Last publication, April 8, 1908. : official 3-- ta-trob- 2-- 3-- -- n, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 4283.-Unlte- d States Land Ofllce, Salt Lake aa shown upon the plat of aurvey, being Survey No. 5700, and described in the field notes and plat of the official aurvey on file in this office, with variation at 1G deg. 28 magnetic mln. east, as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1 of Midnight lode, and running thence N. 33 deg. 25 mln. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of Midnight, thence N. 47 deg. min. E. 1500 feet to comer Na 2 of New Year, thence S. 43 deg. 28 mln. E. 600 feet to comer No. 3 of New Year, thence S. 47 deg. 22 min. W. 1500 feet to comer No. 4 of New Year, thence 8. 33 deg. 25 min. W. 1500 feet to comer Na 4 of Midnight, thence N. 42 deg. 38 min. W. 600 feet to place of beginning, containing total and net area of 40.713 acres, all of which la hereby claimed for, there helng no conflicts. From comer No. 1 of New Year lode, identical with comer Na 2 of Midnight lode, the N. W. corner of Section 5, Tp. 9 8.. R. 17 W., beara S. 3G deg. 20 min. W. 3750.1 feet dis- tant. The presumed couise and length of each vein or lode line is aa shown by the plat of survey. Said cialmi form a portion of Tp. 8 S., R. 17 W., S. L. B and M., Utah. Said lodes locations mining cn.na being of record in the office of the county recorder at Tooele City, in Tooele county, Utah. There are no known near locations as shown upon the plat of survey. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stock-tonUtah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claims, for the period of nine weeks. E. I). R. THOMPSON, Register. R. E. ROSS, Claimants' Attorney. Last publication, April 8, 1908. First publication, Feb. 12, 1908. , APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 4274. United States Land Office, Salt take City, Utah, Jan. 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given that G. whose postofllce address Sait Luke City, Utah, together with his Joseph L. Lundeen have male application for a United States patent for the Admiral lode mining claim, situate in the Dugway Milling District, County of Tooele-Slate of Utah, being Survey No. 5712 and described in the field notes and plat on file In this office, with magnetic variation at 1 7deg. 15 min, east, as follows: Commencing at comer No. 1 of Admiral lo.le claim, whence the S. W cor. of See. 35, T. 9 8., R. 12 W.. of the Salt I.ake aBse and Meridian bears X. 8 7deg. 12 min. west 1137.2 feet; theme north 48 deg. 19 inin, east G83.27 feet to comer No. 2 of salil claim; thence south 13 deg. 0G mln. east 1240.0 feet to corner No. 3 of said claim; thence south 43 deg, ID min. west G83.27 feet to corner No. 4 of said claim; thence north 13 deg. 06 mln. west 1240.0 feet to comer No. 1 of said claim, the place of beginning. and located on Unsurveyed Township 10 South, Range 12 West, and Section 35, Township 9 Bouth, Range 12 west, 8. I B. ft M., containing an area of 17.080 oerea, adjiiiwing claims as shown by plat of survey are Survey No. 4319, Bryan No. 1 and Hidden Treasure lodes. I direct that this notice be published in the Weekly Sentinel, published .it Stockton. Utah. E. D. R. THOMPSON. Register. E. W. Senior, Salt Lake City, Utah, Claimants Attorney. First pub., Jan. 15. 1908. pub., 'March 11, 1908. , of 1497 linear feet of the lode and surface ground aa shown upon the plat of aurvey, being Survey Na 5677 and described in the field notes and plat of the official aurvey on file in this office, with magnetic variations at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, aa follows: Beginning at Comer Na 1 of the claim, whence the quarter corner between sections 31 and 6, Townships 8 and 9 8.. R. 17 W. bears X. 12 deg. 53 min. E. 3461 feet, thence S. 9 deg 02 mln. W. 1497 feet, to comer No. 2, thence N. 80 deg. 12 min. W. 600 reet to comer Nq. 3, thence N. 9 deg. 02 mln. E. 1497 feet to comer No. 4, thence 8. 80 deg. 13 min. B. 600 feet to beginning, containing a total and net area of 20.618 acres, all of which la hereby claimed and applied for. there being no conflicts. The presumed course and length of the vein or lode line Is as shown up on the plat of Survey. Said Utah No. 1 lode forma a portion of the S. W. quarter of section 6, Tp. 9 S. R. 17 W., Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah. Said lode location mining claim being of record in the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, in Tooele County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the Midas, and Lucky May lodes Survey No. 4334. ' I direct that this notice be published In the Stockton Sentinel, published at Stockton, Utah, the newspaper published nearest said claim, for a period ot nine consecutive weeks. E. D. R. THOMPSON, Register. R. E Ross, Attorney for Claimant First publication dated Dec. 13, 1907. Last publication, Feb. 9, 1907. - APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 4263. United Statea Land Offllce, Salt take City, Utah, December 9, 1907. Notice la hereby given that Proctor H. Robison of Callao, Juab county, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Mountain Waif, Hancock, and Albert lode mining claims, situate in Clifton mining district, Tooele county, Utah, consisting of the 1324.6, 1425.8 and 1500 linear feet, respectively, of said lodes and surface ground as shown upon the plat of survey, being Survey Na 5690, and described In the field notea and plat of the official survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, aa fol- lows: Beginning at corner Na 1 of the Mountain Waif, whence the N. W. corner Section 5, T. 9 S.. R 17 W., beans N. 87 deg. .06 min. 50 sec. W. 3712.7 feet; thence S. 33 deg. 04 min. E. 801.3 ft to comer Na 2 of Mountain Waif thense N. 12 deg 25 min. E. 1324.6 ft to comer No. 3 of Mountain Waif; thence N 44 deg. 04 mln. EL 1425.8 ft to comer Na 3 of Hancock; thence N. 71 deg. 56 min. E. 1500 ft to comer Na S of Albert; thence N. 33 deg. 04 mln. W. 600 ft to comer No. 4 of Albert; thence S. 71 deg. 66 mln. W. 1500 ft to comer Na 1 of Albert; thence S. 44 deg. 04 mln. W. 1425.8 ft. to comer No. 1 of Hancok; thence S. 19 deg. 30 mln. W. 1192.5 ft to beginning, containing a total area of 54.838 acres, from which the area of 0.191 acres In conflict with Francis Na 2 lode Survey No. 4874 is epressly excepted and excluded, leaving a net area of 54.147 acres hereby claimed and applied for. From comer No. 1 of Hancok lode the N. W. corner Section 5, Tp. 9 S.. R. 17 W. hears S. 77 deg. 08 min. 40 sec. W. 4211.8 ft, and from comer Na 1 of Albert aald Section comer beara S. 68 deg. 57 mln. 10 sea W. 5462.2 ft. distant. . The presumed course and length of each vein or lode line is as shown by the plat of survey. Said lode locations form a portion of Section 5, Tp. S., R. 17 W.. and a portion of unsurveyed Tp. 8 S., R. 17 W., 8. L. B. and M., Utah. Said lodes, locations, mining claims being of record In the office of the county recorder at Tooele, In Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations being the aforesaid conflicting claims. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton. tUah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claims, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. E. D. R. THOMPSON. Register. R. E. ROSS, Claimant's Attorney. First publication dated Dec. 13, 1907. Last publication, Feb. 9, 1907. . &3St58t23t58:5S&22tgggS5d2S!Sgg J. W. LAWRENCE City. Utah, Feb. 7, 1908. Notice la hereby given that the Seminole Copper Company, by Its o agent and attorney In fact, Frank I Wilson, whose postofllce address Is A Lottery At Beet at Salt Lake City, Utah, has made . IL min. U9.f to No.And ' S oC corner (jpet those who marry for love are for-United States patent Just as apt to bump up agalnat dis- Copper Flat, thence N. 1G deg. 27 min. tor the Spanish 1500 E. Seminole, Seminole to corner feet No. 3 of Copper as those who appointment No. 2 and Seminole No. 3 lode claims marry for Flat, thence N. 77 17 min. W. GOO deg. money. fret to comer No. 4 of Copper Flat, consolidated, situate In Clifton minthence 8. 1G deg. 27 min. W. 184 feet ing district Tooele county, Utah, conof 1500, 1418.8, 1500 and i500 It will be unnecessary to go through to corner No. 3 of ,ucle L. Na 2, sisting linear feet respectively, and surface a painful, expensive operation for thence N. G2 deg. 38 min. W. Gil feet ground as shown upon the plat of sup Plies it you use ManZan. Put up in to comer Na 4 of Lucie L. No. a collapsible tube with nozzle, ready thence N. 05 deg. 51 mn. IV. 873.. vey, being Survey Na 5G99 and. deIK in the field notes and pfat of to apply. For any form of Piles, feet to corner Na 4 of Copper Moan scribed price the official 60c. Sold by Stockton Drug and New tain No. 2. thence S. 1G survey on file In this office deg. 27 min. IK Co. W. 678.6 feet to corner No. 1 of Cop- with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 38 per Mountain No. 2. thence N. 85 mln. east aa follows: NOTICE. deg. 29 min. W. 488.G feet to corner ishBeginning at comer No. 1 of SpanM. A. No. 4275. whence The Cough Syrup that No. 4 or tade L Na 4. thence lode, the N. W. comer 1G S. APPLICATION FOR PATENT, ridi the lystem of col deg. 27 min. W. GOO feet to corner No, 8Section 5. Tp. 9 S., R. 17 W. beam 8. United States Land Office, Salt 22 mln. E. G34U.8 feet, thence deg. 1 of Lucie L. No. 4, thence S. 85 deg by acting aa a cathartic on the 29 Lake City, Utah, January 8, 1908. , min. E. 170.5 feet to corner No. 4 N. 49 deg. 12 mln. E. 1500 feet to corbowel la Notice la hereby given, that G. La-or Copper Mountain, thence S. 8 deg. ner No. 2 of Spanish, thence N. 63 30 min. W. 1383.2 feet to comer No. deg. 52 mln. E. 2918.8 ft. to cor. No. vagnlno, whose postofllce address Salt Lake City, Utah, together with 1 of Copper Mountain, thence S. 85 2 of Seminole No. 2, thence S. 2G deg. his 08 GOO feet to E. Joseph L. Lundeen, mln. corner No. 3 of deg. 29 min. E 1202.8 ft. to comer No. Seminole No. 2, thence S. G3 deg. 52 have made application for a United 2 or Lucie L. Na 3, thence S. 8 Statea patent for the Bingham ana deg mln. W. 750 iiO min. W. 1 10.8 feet to place of be- Seminole Na feet to comer No. 4 of Bingham No. 3 lode mining claims 2G thence 3, 8. 08 a deg. total and not ginning. containing situate in the Dugway area of 117.447 acres, all of which Is mln. E. GOO feet to comer Na 3 of consolidated, Mining District, County of Tooele, Seminole No. 3. thence S. 63 deg: 52 hereby claimed and applied for, there mln. W. 1500 feet to corner Na 2 of State of Utah, being Survey No. 5713, being no conflicts. and described in the field notea an Fooni comer No. 1 of Copper Flat Seminole No. 3, thence X. 26 deg. 08 plat on file In this office, with magU. S. L. M. No. 11 beara S. 35 deg. 37 mln. W. GOO feet to comer Na 1 of netic variation at 17 deg. 20 min. DEALER IN 8emlnoIe Na 3, thence S. 63 deg. 52 min. IV. 5292.9 feet from comer No. as follows: east, GG8.8 W. mln. to feet corner of Lucte L. No. 2, identical with corNa 4 of Commencing at corner No. 1 of ner No. 3 of Lucie 1 No. 3, and cor- Seminole, thence S. 49 deg. 12 m(n W. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of Span- Bingham lode claim, whence the SW. ner No. 2 of Lucie L. No. 4. aald locaFINE WINES, AND CIGARS LIQUORS thence N. 26 deg. 08 mln. W. GOO cor. of Sec. 35, Tp. 9 8., R. 12 W. ish, tion monument S. hears 2G 27 Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, deg. of the Salt Base Lake and Meridian, feet to contains no opiates, gently moves tha min. W. GG52.3 feet; from corner No. anil netbeginning. Containing a total beara S. 43 deg. 18 mln. east 1062.7 area of 80.853 aeres, all of of Copper Mountain said monument bowels, carrying the cold oil through tha feet; which Is natural channels, Guaranteed to give bears 8. 17 deg. 47 min. W. 3931.L for. there hereby claimed and applied Thence north 63 43 mln. west being no conflicts. From 590.9 feet to comerdeg. satisfaction or money refunded. feet, and from corner No. 1 of Copper corner 2 of said Na 2 of Seminole, Identical claim, identical with No. The Beer You Uke Always Sold by Stockton Drug end News Ca Mountain No. 2 said monument beara corner No. 1 of S. 18 deg. 29 rain. W. 59G9.4 feet dis- with corner No. 1 of Seminole Na 2, Bingham No. 2 lode claim; the X. W. comer of Sec. 5. Tp. 9 tant. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. 8, Thence north 61 32 mln. west Kept on Draught The presumed course and length of R. 17 W.. beam 8. 10 deg. 41 mln. W. 142.6 feet to comer deg. 2 of Bingham Na 8017.2 feet, and from comer No. 1 of No. 2 lode Notice No. 4287. each vein or lode line is as shown by claim; Unitpd States tand Office, Salt the plat of aurvey. Said lode claims 8emlnn!e No. 3 aald X. W. comer Thence north 42 deg. 00 min. east BILLIARD MIL IN CONNECTON Lake City, Utah. Feb. 7. 1908. form a portion of unsurveyed Tp. 8 S. hears 8. 8 deg. 44 mln. W. 7091.6 feet 1449.6 feet to corner No. 3 of aald SMtiii, UDt distant. Notice Is hcrehy given that Clifton R. 18 W., S. L. B. and M.. Utah. claim; The course Said lodes locations mining claims presumed and length or Copper Belt Mining Company, by ita Thence south 61 32 mln. east v agent and attorney In fact, Frank 1 being of record In the office of the earh vein or lode line Is as shown 279.7 feet to cornerdeg. No. 4 of said Wilson, whose postofllce address is county recorder at Tooele City, in tion the plat of survey. 3 ot No. identical with corner claim, Said claim Torm a portion or unsur-veyeSalt take City, Utah, has made appli- Tooele county, Utah. lode claim; cation for a United Statea patent for Tp. 8 S.. R. 17 W.. 8. L. B. and Bingham The nearest known locations being Thence south 63 deg. 43 min. east M.. Utah. the Copper Coin. Saturn. Gold King the Frankie Lot Na G3 and Nominee 608.9 feet to comer No. 4 of Bingham Said lodes locations mining claims Clayton. Venus, Pagagon, and Silver and Cryptogram Survey No. 5450 lode ode claim; Coin lode mining claims consolidated, claims. being of record in the office of the Thence south 47 deg. 47 mln. west I direct that this notice be publishcounty recorder at Tooele (Hr in 1494.2 feet to comer dtuate In Clirton mining district, TooNo. 1 of said ele county, Utah, consisting of 1500, ed in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stock-ton- . Tooele rounty. Utah. claim, the place of beginning, ard There no are known near locations located In the SW. 1C(I0, 1500, 1500, 793.9, 901.9, and 1500 Utah, the newspaper published of Section 35 linear feet restectively of aald lodee nearest the said mining claim, fru- - the as shown upon the plat of survey. and unaurveyed part of Township 9 I direct that this notice be publishand surface ground, as shown upon Ifrlod of nine weeks. 12 West, 8. L. B. ft M., ed in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stock-to- South, Range the plat of surrey, helng Survey No. ED.. R. THOMPSON. Register. containing an area of 25.978 acres, Utah, the newspaper publhihed adjoining R. E. ROSS, Claimants' Attorney, 5703, and described in the field notes claims as shown by plat of EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE BATH ROOM IN CONNECTION nearest the said mining claims, for the survey are Survey No. 4319 and plat of the official survey on file hirst publication. Feb. 12. 1908. Penant in this office, with magnetic variation Last publication, April 8, 1908. period of nine weeks. Lode. at 1G deg. 45 min. east, au follows: E. D. R. THOMPSON. Register. I direct that this notice d he R. E. ROSS. Claimant's Stockton, Utah APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Beginning at corner No. I of Copper in the Weekly Sentinel, pubAttorney. First publication. Feb. 1J, 1908. Coin, Identical with corner No. 2 of lished at Stockton, Utah. Last publication, April 8. 1908. Notice No. 4285. S. Saturn, whence u. location E. D. R. THOMPSON. monument Na 11 hears N. 7 deg. 41 United 8t:ites I .amt Office, Salt take Register. min. W. 1658.1 feet, and running City. Utah, Feb. 7. 1908. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. E. W. SENIOR. Salt Lake City, Notice is hereby given that the thence S. 0 deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feet Utah, Claimant's Attorney. to corner No. 2 or Copper Coin, thence Seminole Copper Company, by Its Notice No. 4284. First pub., Jan. 15. 19t8. United States. Land Office. Salt take X. S9 deg. 47 min. E. GOO feet to cor- agent and attorney In fact, Frank I Last pub.. March 11. 1908. ner No. 3 of Copper Coin, thence N. Wilson, whose postofllce address Is City. Utah. Fob. 7. 1908. Notice is hereby given that the deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to corner No. Salt Lake City, Utah, has made apAPPLICATION FOR PATENT. 4 of Copper Coin, thence N. 80 Notice No. 4263. deg. plication for a United States patent Seminole Copper Company, by its 51 min. E. 385 feet to corner No. 1 for the Rex. Regent, Treasure, emt and attorney In fact. Frank I United States tand Office. Salt Lake of Venua. thence 8. 8 deg. 1G min. E.i Gold Link and Gold Coin lode Wilson, whose postofllce address is City. Utah. December 5, 1907. 1G95.8 feet to comer No. 2 of Paragon, milling claims consolidated, situate in Salt Lake City. Utah, has made appliNotice Is hereby given that Ellxa-etthence N. 80 deg 51 min E. GUO feet Clifton mining district, Tooele coun- cation for a United States patent for T. Crimson, whose por office adto corner No. 3 of Paragon, thence N. ty. Utah, consisting of 1500, 1500. 1500 the Midnight and New Year lisle min- dress is Salt take City, Utah, has Till place to set a clean, cnootti Mali Street 8 deg. 16 min. W. 195.G feet to comer 1493.8. 150U and 1500 linear feet re- ing claims consolidated, situate in made application for a United States shave eed hair cot 'Ilfton 2 of N. 80 said lodes and surface Na of 8!lrer Coin, thence mining district. Tooele county, Patent for the Utah Na 1 lode mining deg. spectively stocktoe, Utah 51 min. E. GUO feet to corner No. 3 of ground, as shown upon the plat of sire Utah, consisting of 1500 linear feet claim, situate In Clifton Mining DisSilver Gain, thence N. 8 deg. 1G min. vey. being Survey No. 5701 , and de- -' cach of said lodes and surface ground, trict, Tooele County, Utah, constating - a S I Deader in GENERAL MERCHANDISE I Stockton, Utah W. A. FRAILEY LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP ! u u - ! d W. H. HENNEFER Licensed Barber 4 pub-ishe- R.. H. GUNDRY I.a-trob- h TONSORIAL ARTIST n? ve $ 1 I t). ft I ) |