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Show Shoes for Men UTAH STATK NEWS. NEWS SUMMARY. NORTHWEST NOTES. Much of the fruit crop at Toquap Fills baa been killed by frost. During ths past week nlna tew esaei of ama.lpox were reported la Salt Lake City. OoTerninent lurrevura hava commenced active work surveying the Utah lake reservoir site. Thirty-onmen have signed the roll for ths organization of s company of the National Guard in Ogden. The dog population of Salt Lake City la expected to reach 1.G00 this year. Taxes were paid on 1,488 last year. Ths county fish and game warden ha placed 60,000 young brook trout In the American Fork canyon stream. The week's business on tbe Salt Lke mining exchange was conBned to 98,623 shares of stock, that brought The bakers' strike la Chicago has been settled, both sides making Ths Curtis theater at Denver was destroyed by firs on the 7th, ths loss being estimated at $55,000. Bonnie Price, s negro dub leader of Butte, Mont, Is dead from ths effects of three bullet wounds inflicted by Cordells Mason, also known as Daisy Price. Severe snow storms have prevailed In the vicinity of Leadvllle, Colo., for several days. There Is about three feet of snow n tbe hills, but no danger has resulted from the storm. John Jackson, a typhoid patient tn a hospital at Anaconda, Mont., escaped from that Institution while delirious, wandered upon the railroad track and was killed by a freight train, his body being horribly mangled. During the past week five robberies and an attempted assassination have occurred in Reno, Nevada, and the people of that town are talking ot establishing a vigilance committee In order to rid the town of objectionable characters. A range malady, spotted fever, which has baffled the skill of physicians since its appearance several years ago, has broken out at Victor, Mont., the daughter of John Cleary being in a precarious condition from tho disease. Agents of the Great Northern railway have been working for some time In the east to indure colonists to come to Montana, where they were Informed that cheap lands could be had. The plan has been successful and the railroad company has purchased 11,000 acres ot land north from Great Falls, where It wLI locate its fine big colony. In an interview at Pueblo President William Howeds of district No. 15, Mine Workers of America, who has just returned from Indlanapclis, stated that reports to the effect that the strike had been declared off In Colorado were untrue. Tho strike, he stated, la still In force and will continue so until some sort of settlement which will benefit the strikers can be obtained. A mutiny of considerable magnitude occurred last week at the Oregon penitentiary. About 40 rcnvlcts employed In the stove foundry, being dissatisfied with their rations, threw down their tools and refused to work. The prison warden then placed guards armed with rifles over the prisoners and gave them the choice of returning to work or being placed In close confinement. i The men returned to work. Major James McLaughlin of the Indian bureau Is preparing hla report on the treaty recently negotiated by him between the United States and 1,650 Shoshone and Arapahoe Indiana occupying the Wiud River reservation in Wyoming, whereby 1,480,000 acres will The be thrown open to settlement Indians agree to retire from one million and a half acres and take up their domiciles upon an area covering about It is said that civilians at Port Arthur are now esperlenclng difficulty ta securing food. Three persons were killed and probably 100 Injured in labor riots at Buenos Ayres. Seventeen business places and tea dwellings were destroyed by fire that wined out half of Utica, Mien., on Sunday. William R. Hearst swept the field In the Iowa state Democratic convention, lie had a majority of over 150 la ths convention. Mrs. Mtry A. Powell was convicted at Dover, Dels., of the murder of Estelle Albln, the Jury fixing the punishment at life Imprisonment 8.90. MMl Four bandits, convicted of mnrder, There ere still nearly 6,000 piles to were garroted at Santiago de Cuba on be driven south of Callentes before the the 4th. it was the first legal execuroad will be In first-clas-s shape for reg- tion since the Spanish regime. ular trafilc. The threatened street car strike In James Sharp, a pioneer of thi? late, San Francisco has been averted," tha of Salt Lake City, and a for- men accepting tbe proposition made by mer member of the legislature, is dead the company through Mayor Schmitz. after a brief Illness. While walking on the railroad track Civil Engineer Junes, qt Mcapa, ac- near Monterey. Cal.. Seth W. Fitch was cidentally shot himself by the careless struck by an engine and Instantly handling of hli gun. The wound la kl.lud. Being deaf, he did not hear the not be.leved to be serious. approaching train. The week in the Salt Lake ore and Henry Judge, Doe Delp and John bullion market closed on settlements Evans were hanged at Winchester. amounting to $120,100, compared with Term., on the Cth fur tbe murder last August of Simon Durher and his wife. $473,900 for the previous one. were atolld to the last. They Ogden City baa property assets valWhile his fiancee and another young ued at nearly $500,000. The real estate includes tbe three city parks, tha woman vainly tried to lift the heavy H. S. Rlngl of Chicago was gravel pit, cemetery and several other vehicle, crushed to death in the mire of a ditch tracts. beneath his overturned automobile. The state will socn have a fish hatchA threc-stor- y house collapsed at ery for which $25,000 has been appro- 8L Etienne, France, Sunday morning, priated, but no decision baa been at least twelve deaths. It Is reached aa to tbe point it will be lo- causing believed more corpses are under tha cated. ruins. Mauy persens were injured. Salt William Saley, a While resisting an attempt of two Lake boy, has been arrested on a highwaymen to rob him, CapUln Carl charge cf horse stealing. It is alleged Uphoven of the steamship Alps of the the lad atole the horse and traded it United Fruit company lines was murfor another animal. dered on tha levee In New Orleans. , "Mother Jones has left Salt Lake Robert Kearney, a prominent and City tor San Francisco with the well-to-d-o liveryman, grandson of ths avowed mission of raising funds for famous General Phil Kearney, Is in the striking minors of Colorado and jail at Joplin, Mo., under arrest on a Carbon county, Utah. charge of leading a gang of highwaymen. of E. A. Hunslcker, a bricklayer, Frank Smith, a stock yards employee Salt Lake City, was slashed across the South Omaha, shot anfi killed vfa at back of the neck with a razor in the son and wife and elghteen-mcnths-ol- d and hands of G. W. Thomas, a negro, then fired a bullet through his own la in a serious condition. brain. Domestic trouble Is assigned Bessie, the daughter of as ths cause. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Phillips of Kaya-vlllTha farm house of Peter Schmitt, while playing on the banks of a twenty-fiv- e miles north of Hobart, small creek near the house, fell Into Oklahoma, was struck by lightning the water and was drowned. and four children, aged 8, 6, 4 and 2 A special from Kanab says that tbe years, were killed. The children were recent frosta did not kill all the fruit, asleep upstairs. A Paris dispatch says the result of as at first supposed, but the supply, if to the the market not the municipal elections has transglut any, will ferred the majority In tho council to extent of annihilating prices. with forty-thre- e J. M. Shockley, convicted of the the ministerialists, thirty-fiv- e nationalists and against , murder of Carmen Gleason and Bright-on- two Independents. a hold to up while endeavoring The legislature of Meridta, Yucatan, street car in Salt Lake City, has been has conceded to tho immigration sosentenced to be executed on June 24. ciety for a term of five years a preWith approximately 60 per cent of mium of $25 to every family that the Utah wool clip already marketed, comes to the state for the purpose of buyers claim that the total will be engaging In. agriculture. about the same as last year, despite During a popular demonstration at the heavy losses during the winter of Tohlo In honor of tbe victories by tha 1902-2- . , poep.s Japanese forces, twenty-onState Superintendent A. C. Nelson were killed and forty Injured. They la mailing circular letters to ail proswere raught agelnst a gate and pective graduates from the eighth crushod by the throng. grade In the public schols. urging them Mary Gray Lyon Is dead at Keokuk, to continue their study Into the high- Lows. On April 23, 1879, Shakeer branches. speare's birthday, she caused much exCallentes at row citement drunken by firing two shuts at Edwin a During on the night of the Cth two men were Booth in McVicker's theater, Chicago, the play. "Richard the Third." shot, nelthor being fatally Injured. during a of President was result the Candamante, of Peru, who The shooting and seme time at Areqalpa, ill has for been Austrian between fight Is dead. The president's death lx deepItalian laborers. foreman of ly regreted as all political eleThe body of O. J. a construction gang in the employ of ments regarded him as an honorable to the interests of the the Western Union Telegraph com-pnn- man. devoted was found near Murray on Tues- country. C. J. Ingram, station agent at day of last week, with a bullet wound a Northern Pacific station near revolver a and lying In the head north of Seattle, was shot In the a be to first at was thought It by. rase at suicide, but the officers now mouth by a highwayman, because he refused to open the safe. Ingram suspect foul play. As the result of the bursting of the recognized tho bandit, and he will be big reservoir in Burch crock east of captured. A sensational killing occurred at Ogden, a wall of water frur feet high rushed down Into the city on the I.ullng, Texas, eighty miles southeast morning of the 7th, causing damage of Austin. S. L. Nixon, a member of to the amount of $15,000. Cellars the state Democratic committee and a were filled and lawns washed away, wealthy planter, shot and killed R. W. and those In the path of the flood had Malone and Colonel Vossy, two prominent citizens of I.ultng. the scare of their lives. Mrs. Mary Well. 37 yrnra old. comAs the result of a collision In the union depot yards at Ogden. Engineer mitted si'.ieidn at Mount Vernon, N, Y arid. Pc pendency J. C. Van Why of the Southern Pacific by taking carlH-liwas killed and Dr. Tavener of Salt over Illness Is supposed to have been A few months ago Mrs. lAke City Injured. Tho engineer's the mu'- -. was Well fell r to jm. cm to hor by body was cut half In two and he horribly scalded by the escaping steam. an anr.t In San Franrlsro. A powder rail, near Nowp-r- t, June 9 Is the date selected by tho Ind., Democratic state convention, which Is Mew up i.n tbe 4th. Tour m- -n were to elect delegates to the national con- killed and two were injured. Ten vention at St. Louts. The state con- thousand pounds of powder eminded vention will be held in the Salt Lake and the bndi-- s of two of tho victims There will be were Id- wn Inin en-- h a all pie-theater In Salt that u 1.1 net he pirl.c-- l up. 521 delegates. they After n lire i;n.l ha i.l Ktni-;- ie N. J. Dawes, sn employee of tbe the RcpuM-canUnion Pacific at Strawberry station, lenders of t'.' Lily i:ts!y-ip,'- l about twenty miles east of Ogden, was of i el seriously injured while repairing a bal- nsalpri tin rr :w. i.r-- 11 w:,s r reed Into last car, a switch engine running a fo'H w.:i- - lc'n the car while he vas underneath, drag- to Me tu i c and In- acme distance crushing him ging Structcd fur I'nviloi't him badly about tho breast e Bradley Metcalf & Company - WI3. WLWAUKKt. MU PON BY Cul Ooldaa Gate Wmiam BDling OFFENS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO 6T. LOUIS. The Frisco System traverses THE FOUOWI NS STATES: Illinois Indiana Kisslssippl Kansas Arkansas Tennessca Alabama Kisscurl Oklahoma Indian Ter. Texas. THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, LmvIbk Kanina City at S.SO , m. will taka you to SprlngOnlil, jfllJi MampliU, lllrmlBKham. Atlanta, aarkMtnvilla tuul ail poiuta la tha SauthaaiU Eunllant iwnta to all Worth, East. South. fcoulltaastpoints aad South. Vw detailed Islsrsullsa, S. W. MARTIN, apply a ta SKMKSM. Aa.NT, DKNViR. Cat. Bitr. bias's Aotar, Salt Lari City, Utah. JOHN, SpNiBAk Astar, E. DRAKE, T. A. Sum, MOBTANA. Illinois Central Railway. ; STTmCirNTLT SERVES A TABS VERRIITOKT By through aarvlco Is sad (rots ths followlnt eltlea: Omaha, Nth. Chicago, 111. BL Paul, Kina. St Louie, Ea Minneapolis, Xlnn Taorla, Kanaaa City, Ka Evansville, Ind. Memphis, Tenn. Eaahrllla, Tana. Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta, Qa. Cteulavillo, Xy. Jacksonville Bit Vaw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Kiss Weekly through oorrlco hotwaos Chi sags and batwcoa Cincinnati lit Aad tha Pacific Coast and Hostess Territory. ' Oonnoetlona st Ihssa termlsala tar Cho e ERST, SOUTH, WEST AND HOB.TH. Fart and Steam Bullet-Librar- Heated Handsomely y Equipped Trains Pining Cara Cara Sleeping Care Free Reclining Chair Cara. Aek ticket agents for tlcketo Tin tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, OP Apply to T W. Snd So. BL. J. A. FOLBT, Salt Laka Cits, free-Tor-a- ll y. Sno-qualml- Sark M UNIQUE! baths ta Us us anti Blaaral ENJOYABIEI water, heals. aniiacs. aa. HEALTHFUL! Oa ptaaed wtlhla raaab af all 1 I , ai the SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS l:i-I- Sanitarium CV.USNik spy DAlilJ test T") TO Salt Laka Cky ta YFrt hi fWwl Butane Osasitao wr aaa aa. aaaaaw Ball a ntlHlew hr loot at water aarraa ehiwnch the pasta aah ter. r hns He, SuMar Baiba la Pawabla end Ma Ttw Nna Plata Paals Sa. Lsigs Swhaala. Ttaltla. Lia Opaa rtqr Uw OCn fcOw --r three baths whaa Caw bias w- os la Halt alshh I 1 3 1 r.i-.-t.- s ,r-id- i s-- r-1 uiim-at-iarr- e VVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVV4VVVVV: PhcBnix well-know- 800,000 acres. i Indemnity Company, OP AMERICA. Insure yourielf ngnlnit aickneit and accident!. ... Alio Life Inanranee. Yon pay a Installment Plan. little each month. SOS FURVMBR IN FORMATION WRITS H. A. COO, i TO, NELSON, Gsmral tn, tst 9Marat Raws , XXXXXX Ageit, SALT LAKE CITY, OTAR. BMf. TH2 8CENIO LINE TO 11111 11 Oltnwood Spring, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Lonls, Chicago, " and all points east " 111 stt Csrhm11r el Ogden Unite Dspot all leetture Fulfil ssd Orofios ttori Use Traiaa. - Tbs self TrauoutlasataJ Lias yastlnfi directly threagb Salt Labe Clt ruxoioLT FAST TRAMS DAILY Via TIN. sgvirrn BETWEEN ODDER AND DENVER end Utallaat SaaMa IwiIm. Swum Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Oar to Denver, Omaha, Kansaa City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. PTee reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Oars, service a la Carte on all through trains. ta Utaaemed boaklM ow., iaqaliw ot yone For Mae, Mdam w aaaiaatiiakatacaDVapaaUioaUialUaOraadarattK L A. BENTON, a Ai P, D SALT LAKE CITY REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE Line Short Oregon r i RAILROAD Dl E. BVRLEY. B TO HMCT C0MQCT10N SPENCER. a AA.G.P.MT.A. WITH THS UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROOTS to rcruAR which b couaiaNo IT noun to au rarna sasv $ $ SPEED com FORT SAFETY A Northwestern The Colorado railroad has been sold under forecio on ure for $100,000 to Colonel S. B. Dick of Pennsylvania, one of the largest stockholders and bondholders In the company. The read has been conMAIN SL structed from Boulder to Ward, a disrogressivb tance of nineteen miles, and Colonel SAIT LAKE OTT, Dick has announced his Intention to VTAN. (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) extend it to Eldora, where It will connect with the new Denver-Sal- t Lake road which D. II. Mofiat Is building. from every Important Delegates stock raising point west of the Missouri river attended the recent stock-men- s convention, held in Denver at tho call of the cattle growers of Texas. STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS.. It Is proposed to establish a permanent men of stock live in tbe organization A faU Ilaa ot Rutin, A faH lino of Nouon Tha btceeat and heal Mock territory west of the Missouri river, inor CvuicttiWMrr la Mar- tl.ara. ToKanrua ery All tha Wullcj National Live Slock of the Bmokari' Ouola raooe Msssswt dependent periodicals. M.tM M.a association, to be composed cf tores room o lirOllfi iraxT Agency Trey Staem Laund.y, delegates from each State Live Stock I) J Uil, orut avtix. InL association. Advices received In But to from Washington are to the effect that within a short time the Elkhorn forest rewithserve, which was temporarily drawn from entry about four years ago. pending an investigation, will be made permanent. BALT LAKE A MERCUR TIMECARD 100.... Vnnntog ....93 Montana officers have been Informed 0:35.... Fairfield ....114 Arrive West East. J. O. JACOBS, Gen, kauaLr. that the notorious bandit and train rob- Arrive 10:45 9:10 Leave Mercur Balt Lake City. ber, Kid Currie, has been seen In the Leave 10 M... .Summit region about Harlem, Mont., and an attempt will be mode to run him down. Curry la accused of several murders and train robberies. Employes of the Union Pacific shops are leaving Cheyenne in large numbers to take the places of the striking machinists on the Santa Fe. The men are among those who took the places of the Union Pacific strikers at Cheyenne two years ago. Joseph Lethlean committed suicide at Radcnsburg, Mont., by cue of the most terrible methods Imaginable. Lethlean, grown despondent by hard drinking, placed a stick of dynamite in his mouth and lighted it. blowing his head completely off the body. As tbe result of a car jumping the track near Toano, Nevada, a Mexican tramp was killed, his bead being severed and his body frightful. y iuanglc.1. H6 was on his way to San Francisco to claim a legary of $2fi,0'M) left hv a relative when tbo accident recurred. Desprndent because ef licny losses at gambling, II. W. Gowell of Seattle, one of the most prominent advertising men of tbe Pacific Northwest, committed suicide In a ema I room in a lodging house In Portland by turning on tho gae before be retired at night. ram 201 TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled 1 ROBERT E. PICKLE ui Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad ' |