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Show at hla relentless pursuers. they were on the ground. n lfldVentOre. I ptack a f In a second She Funny "Frenzied beyond description at s" Ing their prey securely plastered to t' mescal stock, they dashed frantic, against the great green bayonets beli . in the hope of overturning his vantage pole, until one by one they became Impaled on the terrible points and could ouly twist their tails and squeal in helpless rage. The triumphant Hubert descended, drew forth bis glistening barlow and cut their throats with painful deliberation. That is, it was painful to the Javlllnos. There were Just eight of them, and I helped him take them home and dress them, since which bappy hour we have bad milt and liver and heart and spareribs and roast pig till we squeal every time one touches us. Hereafter Bobby proposes to wear a pair of these linemen's boot hook attachments." Phoenix (Aria.) Republican. j WWWtWWWMWMWWMMl SAVED BUFFALO BILLS DOME. bravery of the Co.ly woman wu never better O illustrated than during the Ji fierce and deatrnctire prairie 'MOW fire which swept the open range of North Platte front the West Wednesday night. Miles beyoud the dry grass and weeds of the prairie became ignited from the sparks of a passing train, and a stiff wind soon fanned the flames into a conflagration and carried fiery waves toward the east at the rate of thirty miles an hour. The skraf of wind waa not so very widst else the destruction to the country west of North Flatte would have reached greater proportion! than it did. As it was, everything in the path of the Are was burned, and when the last embers had died out there was a black atrip hundreds of yards wide extending across the prairie as far as the eye could reach. The big Cody ranch, belonging to Mrs. W. F. Cody, wife of "Buffalo Blli." was directly in the path of the Are. lira. Cody had seen the red flames from her home in the darkening twilight a long distance away, and ahe knew that unless the wind shifted the flames wonld soon descend upon her broad acres. Mrs. Cody mounted a fleet horse, and taking a powerful pair of field glasses rode to the fur western boundary of the ranch to better watch the progress of the fire that was so swiftly and surely eating its gray towards her home. Only once, and then only for a few moments, did the wind veer, but in a few minutes Boreas had chauged his mind, and again fanned the flames Into greater fury, and drove them with Increased speed toward the East. It was then that Mrs. Cody realised that the big ranch and its expensive buildings must surely fall prey to the flnv She turned the horse's head for home, and applied the lash with such vigor to the flanks and sides of the animal that it broke into a terrific galVlien the ranch home was lop. reached both rider and horse were almost In a state of collapse. She gate orders to the employes to prepare to fight the flames, which lmd now reached the western outskirts of the ranch, and were rapidly eating their way towurd the farm buildings. Men were sent bark to check the flames with water and earth. Flows were hastily rigged and attached to four and six horse teams, and wide furrows turned across the path of the fire. But all these measures served to hold the flames iu control for a short time only, and when the wind suddenly increased the Are drove the brave men and women back and continued its onward sweep. By this time townspeople of North Flatte began to arrive in answer to the summons for help. They came on foot, on horseback, on bicycles. In buggies, in automobiles, and Id wagons. Each squad Joined the tire fighters, all of whom performed y coma a service under the personal direction of Mrs. iT of UTide RENEWED UlLCUHTI. Oilcloth that is beginning to show s'gus of wear should be biuMicd over, after washing end dry It g, with clear siul l, Small, nihi-vcin dry A little slip of s girl. varnish; but It mu- -t A smooth banana peel. before anyafterward very thoroughly did curl. Light ia her way And it caused when it touched her heel one steps on It. A little flip of a girl. Ntw Orleans A VALUABLE HINT.. Few persons except trained nurses ON TIIE RIALTO. know that a resile patient is made Sue Brette "Are you behind miiih more comfortab'e if the corners your board?" of the under sheet are carefully pinned Knight Stands No; I'm ahead. The to the under s'de of the mattress with landlady la behind." Chicago Jour- safety plus. Draw the sheet tight nal. and pin It securely. It will be a relief to you aud the suffering patient. SOFT. I think one "Yea, he declared, BIG TERVING 'a HAY. grows to bo like the things he eats." A housewife who doca her own "You mutt have been brought np on work" baa herself with a big equipped Chimarahmellowa," alto inggested. serving tray, such as waiters In holds cago Record-Heraluse. When she Is gel ting a meal ready ahe sets this upon the kitchen table, PHILADELPHIA SLOWNESS. and as fast aa the dishes for the table A Philadelphia doctor says that lift are ready, she places them upon It may be restored by massaging the bread, butler, pickles, celery, etc. Then heart after It baa ceased to beat she carries In everything at one trip, But why wait until the beating baa thus her head save her making ceased?" Cleveland Plain-Deale-r. heels." When the meal la over she carries out the dead, as they rah it NO SENTIMENT. In the restaurants. In tha same way. My husband cares only for money. He baa no finer sentiments whatever." MADE FROM HANDKERCHIEFS. Nor There Je such a fad for making all Not one. Why, I can cry for honra manner of pretty and useful articles without getting a cent out of him." from handkerchiefs that manufacturJudge. ers have vied with each in THE FALL. She passed siting the stm-- t Amid tiie limy ami smrL '! nt other GETTING LIGHTER. The Cook Pvt found a sign spring." Woman of the House' "The fifty pounds of Ice the man leaves is getting day." Cleveland lighter day by Leader. FACTS IN THE CASH. "And are you still keeping boarders?" asked Mrs. Flatleigli. I've No, replied Mrs. Hashem. got it down to a point where the boarders are keeping me." Cincinnati Enquirer. ANOTHER KIND OF JAM. naakell What'a Bobby crying forr Mrs. Haskell Ob, the poor boy caught hla finger in the psntry door. Ilaakell Hm! He evidently didn't get the jam he waa looking for that time. Tit-BitIIIS FAULT. FIGHT A MOUNTAIN LION. On tiie impulse of the moKodd While A. C. Marklein and Mr. Mcment the other night 1 told my wife Carthy. New York oil prospectors, an awfnl lie and got caught were ridiug along B&sby Kane1 Creek, Serves yon right. Every lie Todd Ivy, they were attacked by a mouu a man tells his wife ought to be pretain lion. The beast sprang on the Life. meditated. horse ridden by MarkloJu and bore him to the ground. Marklein's leg A PUBLIC READER. was canght under the horse. McCarChurch 'That young man Is a public thy drew a revolver and fired, the bullet striking the liou and stunning him. reader. Gotham He doesn't look lt. The lion fell from the horse ou Mark"Well, be is. just the same; be goes lein's body and buried Its teeth in Marklein's breast and shoulders, tear- around and reads the gas meters montb.-Yonkers Statesman. ing the flesh. McCarthy continued to every shoot at the animal, and. after empty& TRUE SPORT. ing his revolver, got a club and beat the brute, which waa weakening from loss of blood. Mnrkleiu waa mortally hurt, while McCarthy's clothing was torn to shreds and his body severely scratched. s. KILLS WILDCAT. Killing a wildcat weighing 100 pounds and nearly six feet from tip to tip, is the feat credited to Mrs. M. J. Warden, of Pueblo, Colo. The animal was killed by taro bullets from a revolver after it had pounced upon her brother, who bad gone to the barn to see why the family horse was so restless. When be opened the door the Tost huge animal sprang at him. throwing him to the ground. Hla yells for help reached Mrs. Warden, who seised a reADVENTURE OF A BOY. volver and rushed to the barnyard and This is a Co hi sc County communicaHulls golf in"It's too mu., tion to the Republican from Frank tired at the beast. Two shots, one en- terferes with his biuincNs." the h"nd and the other the Aley, wbo bolds a medal for veracity tering So lie will give it up, eh?" The awarded to him by the Chicago World's nliiiuliler. ended Its existence. he gives up bis business (.'mainly; not were serious. Fair management. He wears another boy's injuries New York American. bestowed by the Buffalo Exposition. and he is now training for the truthHEROIC SCHOOL TEACHER. WAR'S HORRORS. fulness competition st the Louisiana Plur-g'.iithe into River. Mrs. lUgiimore- - "Isn't war a dreadI'sp!i:ie ' Purchase Exposition. .Miss l.oiiiie ui. n sclm-tful teacher, tiling?" i I'm-lI was down to Dave WiJifnnit,' of Maywood, a suburb of l. hire. go, Mrs. C.ixwcll It's perfectly horrid. shack in tiie Solomon Spring district l onof her pupil, the little The papers arc so full of it tlii morn1 day lieforp yesterday, uml never had nirli i of S:iniiil Kline, af'.er ing thiit I l.r-- only had room fur five filch a fresh pork feed since 1 attended tin- - iinithcr of tl:e i'd had fa iii led or six lines iiln-uiny puny laat tiie Inst hug kill'ng in Missouri Jnst .ind two ilOjs xv'o had liii-ngo Tribune. night." before the fire in the woods, nail it Imp - ki;orhd the I:. : one into till river pened this wuy. Hobby Rutler nt out had mu away. Unaided. Mls .Tack-mu- i li IS BRIGHT IDEA. ulmnt s quarter of a mile rmm tin- ' fought her way through the swift was luiii ling tiie Pyramid. Cheops shack prospecting for fuel to R of the Dcplaines. which Is at That was a bright idea uf my own." the Imans simmering, when he Jinin.i d ; thnn fl,r year. he i,i!:vr explained. "I was bound to put up a linneh of JavilinoK. or wild p g. if'cr site bad slipped some biiiiniry murk on a thing they ,inv and he had no sooner jumped them up iiack into tiie river from the couldn't liinnule." than they jumped him. too. No.v, ill. bank several tiim Hint the ernmliiing young wo-ln- . With a rueful glance at his eiiffs. be jurilluo is alsiiit twenty high. in brought the little girl safely fell lie bad outwitted Ids mortal foe. two Inches thick, ami about three ashore.' Judge. feet long, the length liemg absorbed In equal proportion by tiie Isnly and tiie TIIE RED FLAG. PRINCESS KILLS BEAR. snout. He is railed a jarllino because can Now, boys. said the learner, At a hui, ling party at Gatshlna. Rns. he resembles a javelin, lie i equally s:a. given by the Grand Duke and you tell me wlial it is that follows the well adapted to eultivoting greasi-wooand boring wells. His hair I like por- - t Grand Duchess Vladimir recently, the flag?" I can," said one of the bright ones. rapine quills, slid he has tiie nastiest Grand Duchess, who is a famous shot, Well, Tommy, what is it that fola narrow had She one killed ever discovered. teniNr escape. "He. will light anything from a pet liear and thru shot at another, wound- lows the Aug? An auction, ma'am. Yonkers poodle to a railroad oomimny. anil ing it. The enraged animal struck Mr. Butler, lodtig perfectly familiar one of the ticatera. ripping the rlothJng ft talesman. with his reputation, flew, lie had from his hark and tearing bit shoulMUST HAVE BEEN DETAINED. made alumt three jumps when lie was der. Then, rising to his fnll Ifsfght. I dont suppose you ever remained confronted hy a giant mescal, the same over six feet, tiie hear rush) upof tbs which grows to s height of about thirty Grand Duchess. In spite of her dan- lu one place for a week! said the exfeet on those flats. Holdiy gave one gerous situation, she retained her pies, asperated lady to the girl who was grand leap, went over the bayonets cnee of mind, calmly shook 'off a fur tearing. whieh surround the base of the idg coat which Impeded her free moveIndeed, I whs Id my last place four mescal stork and glued himself to the ment, raised her gun and fired, put- mouths, replied the girl. What hospital were you ia, pray!" Iforeasid slock, and wrapping bis legs ting a bullet directly between the eye Yonkers Statesunu. irorrad It, looked coMiplaeeuUy down of the animal. WOMAN thirty-elght-callb- fifteen-year-ol- d i j j , vpti-uoi- - t j -C- - r j , Itu-Iip- . ; d u. d ai i. MONUMENTAL HAIRDRESSING. j to Women have always dr. and decorate toelr lien. is. Al- - i though Holy Writ do;s not tell how Eve wore her hair, it Is qniie certain that Kte's near descendant. the women of Babylon, Nineveh aud ancient Egypt, were never happier tliau when their beads were surmounted by towering pyramids of stiff little curls. When these formidable architectural structures biased with gold and jewels they must have presented a striking appearance. The Egyptians were a highly civilised race, with a taste monumental as for luilrdresslug s their taste iu architecture, .rid ou many an obelisk and slab there art carvlrgs to show a later generation the degree of fussy skill which they had attained iu this direction. Even their wigs have survived the wreck of empires, and the boxes lu which they kept them little toilet aceessor-le- s with which that Phaorab's daughter who fished lUlle Moses ont of the bulrushes was perfectly familiar in all probability. An Egyi tlnn wig in the British Museum contains no fewer than 1100 little braided pigtails, Tuuct-Demoera- half-nake- The wind crowded the fiamee steadily forward, driving the half suffocated and now exhausted lire fighters toward the ranch buildings. Here a last determined stand was made, but all to no avail. Mrs. Cody continued to direct operations, and it was due to her unerring judgment that the losses entailed were not greater. She was calm and collected throughout the trying ordeal, and it was not until the flames had caused all the damage they eould did her woman's nature assert Itself. Then she fainted. The Cody home was saved, lint two immense buildings, one contained UK) tons of bay and the other all of the farm Implements, were destroyed, cansing a loss of fully $10,000. Denver AFFA!RS Life . MONEY TO BURN." Not long ago the passengers on' a steamer lying in the harbor of Marseilles were Interested to see forty sacks of bank notes taken belew and fed to the furnaces when the engineer got up steam to leave part. d The stokers poking trillions of franca into the furnaces as If they ha 2 been handling slut rings were. Indeed, a curious sight, and even wfceu It was explained that the novel kindling was composed of cancelled notes on the Bank of Algiers, some of the passengers still felt as if they bad been witnesses of a distressing spectacle. In the Bank of England a tullllon-dolla- r tire la not at all an nuuaual event No Bank of England note which gets back to the bank ia ever put iu circulation again, but la laid away in a special place for future incineration. When a sufficient number of notes have been accumulated they are put In a furnace and bunted up. Once in so long pedestrians In the street near the bank stop and gaxe np at a littla chimney rising above the structure from which a volume of black smoke is pouring; And the impecunious man heaves a sigh as he thinks of the millions of pounds which that smoke represents. Another spectacle of wealth which is not wealth at all ia afforded by a real-deof London who has a room papered With Government bonds and paper currency. As the bonds and bills are those of a defunct South American government, the wall paper is not so valuable as it appears at first, but It represents a fortune which the owner's misguided father invested In these "securities" in tha days when they had market value. New York Press. Oody. HpUSLtiOLD SPREAD." Every popular college girl has lira exclusive little salon, be it ouly nine by twelve, where she is the centre of clntilatlng sallies and spontaneous Possessing a genuine merrymaking. love uf fun and a wholesome craving for the ailments essential to good living, despite all charnc of animalism In oilier respect, the college girl lias from r first freshman days reveied In larks" and spreads" and sprees." lawks and spreads and sprees-tbr- ee lUMciou words, the true Inwardness (fake it literally if jui; like? of whose meaning oniy Hie Initiated ean appreciate. Spread? The world at large repeals the word with mii indifferent, rising hi .lection and with almost a great a lack uf comprehension ns whs. displayed on the msuiayod eoiMi.cii-nnee of a German huuei.i d In a eol- lege dormitory when nil unwittingly she .tumbled Into the n.ldst of a mid- night frolic or at least 'twns at an hour supposed to he sucred to a school girl's beauty sleep. A spret (spyeiull? qnled Bnbetts. But, moreover, I tot s spret was BonpUing you put on a bet." It ia, roared the girls in chorus; "that's Just what it issomelhiug you put on a bed!" And there you have the definition In a iiuisheil, for a tablu of any slxa Is unknown in the den of the average college girl, t'halrs there are a few. a window seat, of eourse, the lino" siways. Mis true Iiiii tiie btl. that Is the dns ex uinchliis, Hlliiouyh It may be wholly unable to perform any mar- veliois mect'snicHi nietsmotjiliosis. such as changing Into an upright pinna at one minute's notice and into an clock the next. In its primitive and absolutely uneducated state this article of fcrniure can. varied however, serve remarkably purposes, from mere sitting neeoinmo-dnlion- s to a refrigerator or buffet substitute. It will hold seven or eight guests comfortably, besides m 11 ibe dishes, cracker Imxes. olive 1 Kiltie, jelly Jars, paper lings mid oilier banqueting (nr, more appropriately speaking, sprcadingl paraphernalia Incident to a well ordered and properly conducted feast. Woman's Home Comiuinion. position and aspect toward the world. Dnt you d scover these things luck dentally wble yon play society a pretty pastime of slinging violets. Yon have to be cheerful to play that game. People won't play with yon U you're not. Yon simply have to giva the world that thoroughfare by which to approach you, or be left a hermit all yonr days. Cheerfulness does for a woman's A COLLKGRGIUL'8 the production of artistic effects lu printed, embroidered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs, especially for purposes of fancy work. The handkerchief fad baa unnumbered followers, for the reason that It affords occupation of a simple and tnsy character, and the results are always of some use. Pillow shauis and cushion covers, alike, are lovely when made of fine lace trimmed handkerchief or finely embroidered ones. There arc so many sixes of these that one has only to use file smallest tise for cn.diion covers and the largest fur pillow Mm in. For the centre n pretty idea is to have a single handkerchief with a very deep border, and then embroider the initial la the centre of the square. Handkerchiefs make charming raffles and frills for underwear, a the f inters are so decorative and can be Joihed or left separate at will. A dainty scarf for a dressing table is made of eight lace trimmed handkerchiefs. joined together at the points of the lace or with a narrow lace beading. Ribbon Is run through the open spaces of the point, or heading. and bows are tied at the of the handkerchiefs. Six of these are sufficient for a small dressing table, aud tbree men's handkerchiefs are sufficient for a scarf, where large ones are used. They are joined by lace beading, run through with baby ribbon, and have a frill of lace on the edges. Embroidered handkerchiefs wear better than lace ones do, end are almost as effective. When plain are need It is pretty to dot or featherstitch the hems with colored silk of the tint of the ha by rlldmn used lu the trimming. New York News. Inter-sectio- hand-kerehle- oUSEtfo recipes: lA-- j.mle 1K)U of hits chins violet plants iu full bloom are and dinner M,,.u ult i,y a ia;,n nut j;, drawing rooms, lum-hoo- roMal im.lm1oa thirty-fir- . iu which women are cm pli.yril lu the postal service, lu England the beginning was made iu 1S7U; uow there are a 1.000 women thus employed In the United Kingdom. A unique break fust given during ths present season to Mim Woolley, ITmS-deuf Mount Holyoke College, by the cliciiilsls of the faculty, was cooked on the gua burners lu the laboratory, and served In lalioralory utensils. A society fans been formed sad the word has gone forth that beuccforward coslunierle for Viennese women shall be made nowhere else but Iu klenna. tha j The Arehdiicheas Maria Jooefa aud ITlncess of Croy are at the bead of the movement, and au ex! 'it1ou Is now being held iu support of it An Atchison man admired a girt end became engaged to ber. They wars both fond of going to tbs theatre, and before I heir engagement went good deaL He told her they would altbnr have to give up the theatre to save tor getting married, or else put off getting married, and gave ber tiie choice; aba chose the theatre. What possible harm could there bo in any girl learning to make her own list? There are hundr.:l of young women who are in comfortable enough circumstances so they do not need to earn money wbo could save a great WOMAN'S WINNING CARD. deal, using the materials that roller from season to season, and producing A woman's winning card is cheerand face. j lists to salt their last fulness. She may be capable of countless infinite tenderness, anil enillesx resources of wisdom, but if O these very excellent possin clunk session under a garb of melancholy sin may almost as well not have them, an fur a tie ordinary world with Large metal heads are utilised fat which sin ro:ncx In daily ronlsct is the newest long chain. Shirt waist sets fur 1!MM see mars bura man tlmf n Te'.l lie- - .ivci-'g- r. I Ilian I heir predecessor. oriinte nwnv flown r'siit Ime'.y Klatirnn Imas are the mot niodutO .bin M in irii'erjiro'nnl cave, n nl In time ivi't care eioucli or and enine hi ;n leathers and sixes to at '.. Rut 'own tin A new id nt e Mvcutcr lias au adjust let lie led it- - Imidy up .ib V .1 r which nilliOU Of countrie : Cheese Custards Grate three ounces of American cheese: Ik at three level tablespnonfnle of butter to a cream; mix cheese and butter together; then add the hentcu egg and one tablespoonfu! or milk; heat thoroughly; pour into a buttered dish mid bake in a quick oven; crv immediately. Esca Hoped Cabbage Cook he cab, bage the same as for erenmed using a generous cupful of tn'.lk. Turn the cooked mixture inio mi es callop dish, and sprinkle over it it nint of grated breadcrumb end one table spoonful of grain! Permes'in ci.'-cHike for half an knur, as soon as it come from tin . I Oatmeal Yiati.i tun c:v I a If i! o.. cups parii::):v iv.u ipo i x i::V mi '.! :y ' ii i, n neck. toiispooiifuls biikiv" yr The lie .'v nn l lie e Vl il'i I'l.ii Beat one se.mt ia!!. jm .G i! ..f Lu ;!:-witHU While ..li'e Hlielrat refillitillg. in ee p aie nrey sure to :;l ii !x 1. one cop su.iia hiuck organdy frock, ll ag.I tm a Ion. sere. will' I'li Ilrllten efcge and tuti lundi:ei- - .in iiiscrliiiii ir t lie frill '!" :i s ekeerl'nin-Pic rim! of . cull ills. Add tl:e m: si: r.id M.r A clianinlii; hat i of black lulls Ii ay l.o ill in heart nil r xvitli inclined Iiivp very sciii.j I as;.ii.ri:l txvit of Saxo d i. n mt iidn a minrv on a tin allot thri Ilyin apart ami bn! it lu n mi. u- i! .it in. mid then tht n:-- i file" .ii.l nio.i-.ebefore words hake in a rather qiiVL oxen. "bole In: I, v. li.eli is of ineilinin etas, xvi!l pay the nUeidl'Ui pi if . floft MoIhkm Cookie i Ii forget me nnls In Mire line erpfnl ( civil This sunny ns'iect t'wvsrd tin world of molasses, half a tcaspooni'id .f :ili. shade Is tiie iijily fcHil'aig iqinn ivli'a-vinegnr and ginger, quarter rap of ianl New iii'gmi.lii has-- d. Some one lias ready for mnny or bntt r. quarter cup of cold water, intercourse can lie clinic aie titled with ribimn girdle a j qiio'cd society saying: wived in one teiivjxomifnl of Imf water Come, let it gather up violets nnd 'ud ahe la unusual combination sad flour tp make a soft dough; to ; f fuie. A pink flowered gatizs bat 1 will on u floured lioanl. roll out rat Iot make them Into hulls. Then toss them nr you and you will toss ' a deep draped girdle of pink and soft thick and rat with n round cm ter: them at me." yellow. Roth colors form a soft css' pisec on grraacd pans uml taike in a cade of !mw and loops the length of Foolish? fill. no. For while we moderate oven twelve minutes. figurative violets buck and forth we ' ihe long sasli ends, Fish Timbales Pnt half a cupful "re all making each other's To wear with the shirt waist with acquaint- of milk ia a pan with two tablespoou-fu!- "nee amt laying tiie gronmlxxork over; the sloping shoulder there is a saw nf grated bread crumb, one which we may walk up to sm-t- i closer cellar and cliff set known as tbs Prls-- : of lemon Juice, one relatloiisiiiiii as Hie Lite has dcs- It Is made of white butcher of minced pjrulcy, salt and fined Cor us; and meanwhile the air j linen and the spHk has two broad tab-- ; pepper to sea sou. a few- drops of onion is made fragrant for everybody. ! shaped ends in front which are mad Juice and one cupfui of any cold boiled Whereas. If we sit with sour fae, irfih eyelets sin! laceil together with whits flub, mashed very flue; when neorniug to toss violets, why. then, either silk cord nr narrow ribbons boiling poor over the yolks of two well we are Just left out nf the game and The deep cuffs are gauntlet shape, will beaten eggs; mix well ami add the all Its conseqiieiM-es- . when it is too ihIm also which are laced lu th same whites beaten stiff; fill well greased late. fashion. msuidz two thirds full; stand the You can't walk ap to a man and moulds in a pan of hot water ml bake straightway ask 1dm his cl mini The first rtetrlc laterurbau Milway until firm (about fifteen mlnntes); stances. Iila fandly. hl opinion, or. projected In (Tibs is one from Oo what Is more lo the point, hi dl lew with HoltandalM fanes. foegos, thirty tn:le, to Crwoa. CADS 0 fFANCIESl r:i!i-bge- ! enm-raned- . ln-'- ''. f:-i- - lii-.- li - s 1 tli'T-(uglily- -- et i ' j I j ts J s ; j ( - |