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Show f ntinel THE TOOEI.E COUNTrjKEPUBI.ICAN WEEKLY. VOI-- . IV. .MAY STOCKTON. UTAH, SA' jUItUAY, Bteektoa PUBLISHED AT Subscriptions: .......... .......i "wonth T . Mr. Jam month W. N. Oundry T. Jkeman ktent of said claims on the surface as Mow to wit: Commencing at post or corner No. 1, ting ths northeast corner of the said Mterprlse lode mining claim, and Iden-swith corner No. 1 Centennial lode this survey, from which point . L B. 1 M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. M Min. west 2778.2 feet distant; thence sunning from said corner No, i south 6 dag- - 38 min. west 15uo feet, magnetic rlation 17 deg. caul, to corner No. 2. Which la identical with corner No. 4 Okntennlal lode of this survey; thence north 64 deg. 4a min. west UO feet magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner 3b. I; thence north 6 deg. IS min. east 1 60 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. St, to corner No. 4; thence south 64 v g.' 43 min. east 600 feet, iiuiunetlc v rlatlon 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1, ti i place of beginning. 3cginiilng at poet or corner No. 1, 1' Ing (he northeast corner of the said 1' ilerprise No. 2 lode mining claim, t im which point U. S. L il. No. 11 1 irs north 8 deg. 66 inln. eaat 2743.1 f !t; corner No. 4 Enterprise lode of tl a survey bears north I deg. 40 min. v, .it 181.8 feet; thence running from sad corner No. 1 south 7 drg. .06 min. 1284.1 Wft feet, magnetic variation 18 dT. east, to corner No.' 2; thence north 16 min. west 600 feet, magnetlc STLdeg. v gelation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 8 thence north 7 deg. .08 min. eaet UB4.8 feet, magnetic variation 17 drg. east, to corner No. 4; thence aouth 83 dgg. 16 min. eaat (00 feet, variation 18 d4g. eaat, to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Beginning at post or corner No. 1, bang the northwent corner of the paid Cmtennlul lode mining cliilin, and identical with corner No. 1 Enterprise loie of this survey, from which point U.J5. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. .08 mb- - west 2778.2 feet distant; thence rt.aning from said corner No. 1 south 85 deg. .03 min. east 600 feet to corner N'4 2, from whence corner No. 1 survey Ni 4382 Cosmopolitan lode and corner N 2 same survey Yellow Hammer lode amended bears south 51 deg.42 min.eaet 1413 feet; thence south 6 ileg. 38 min. 1300 fet to corner No. 3. thence ncrth S3 deg. .03 min. west COO feet to cosier No. 4, identical with corner No. 2 lode of this survey; thenee north 6 deg. 38 min. east 1300 feet to cover No. 1, the place of beginning. Variation to all corners of the Centen-nl- il lode 17 deg. east. fetid lode mining claims are located on insurveyed land, which would tie in towpshlp 8 south, range 18 west, if the prefrnt system of land survey were ex- TRIBUTE TO FRATERNITY. who, by the practice of hie profession for twenty-eigyear In this State, has won a high standing at the bar and STOCKTON SENTINEL. ht "Secret orders general are a blessing ot humanliy. Many a widow's tears are dried, many an orphan's woes appeased, by the beneficence of these institutions. What does, what can. the church do for the widows when they become beroft cf their supports? At best it can give them but a scanty tempnray aid, but the lodge aids them so that the help Is permanent. They see to their members during sickness: they attend to their wants during distress, and mil: lions upon millions of dollars are annually distributed among these loved ones that are left here when the and fathers aro gone to the llf$ beyond. Why should ministers cf religious organizations array themselves against secret societies, every one of whleh is a re lgious institution in the strictest sense of the word? Why should ministers support their arguments against secret societies by such evidence as a traitor can furnish them, when men of sterling Integrity and strictest honesty are assailed who belong to societies? Rabbi Welsa. In an enviable reputation with all clarets of people. He has been an active Reoe publican, has never held office, and recognition by his party. It ... 1.26 deserves to know that In. his home ... .76 is gratifying county and in Summit and Tooele counties he is receiving strong and enEditor support. We believe he will Manager thusiastic be nominated and elected District Attorney. ,.UUh NOTICE: During our absence any business transacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry will be O. K. The lady wlU for money due the office, will take order for Job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe esse pt of piles causing 21 tumors. After doctors sed all remedies fulled, Bucklm'a Arnica Salve quickly arrested further liiflamiiiHtlon and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c at all druggist i. STOCKTON TOWN .OFFICIALS. TRUSTEES George Brands, presiW. A. Kraiiey is building a large addent; W. H. Booth, Charles Dsn ton, dition to his saloon. Henry Thomas, James Kelley. CLEBK A. G. Frazer. Mrs. R. M. Edmunds was a visitor TREASURER James G. Brown. to the metropolis this week. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTART Richard Gundry. R. H. Gundry and family have moved into their new residence on Main street. hue-hand- EDITORIAL 1 old nl s the A Startling Test. Knights of Labor lot. There has To save a life. Dr. T. O. Merritt, of heen great demand for livery rigs of No. Mclionpany, Pa., made a startling late. test resulting In a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with Sego Lily lodge No. 10 initiated violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceraention of thp stoinuch. T had often found Iwo members last Wednesday. An for acute joyable time was spent, after which Electric Bitters excellent tmublea so I prestomach ani the lodge adjourned. scribed them. The patient gained from first, and baa not had an attack In An ordinance has been passed regu- the 14 months." Electric Bitters are a use water of and fixing lating the guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indi tax of $1 per month and $10 for every grstTonT Constipation ami kidney made with the main lines. Imps. Try them. Only EOc at all drug- gists. A Sure Thing. j It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxi a. but tint is not alto- aether true. Ur. King's New Discovery From Mercur Miner, for Consumption la a sure cure for nil November elections will Boon be lung anil throat troubles. Thousands here, H. Van can testify to that. Mrs. C. Metre of Plnpherdtown, IV. Va.. says of Bronchitis and "I had a severs for a year tried everything I heard of. hut got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured ire absolutely." Il's infallible for Croup. Whooping Cough. Grip, Pneumonia and The farmers of Russia own 55,000,-oo- o Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed acres out cf 207, 000,000 BcreB. by all druggists. A livery stable ia being built on and Local DEPARTMENT. r If those having frii tula or relative in the missionary In any part of the United States will giv us their aildieas we will be plewid to send a copy of tills to them during their absence. paii If (he mlsxinnaiy la In lands, the ftumc proposition win hold maid, with exception or extra foreign po.Muge. rniiiiili-mentar- porl-tivf- y. for-eig- ly j , THE THREE GATES. god. Three narrow gates First, Is it true?" Then, Is It needful?" In your mind Give truthful answer. And the next Is last and narrowest "Is it kind?" And if to reach your lips at last It passes through these gateways three, Then you may tell the tale, nor fear What the result of Speech may be. Banker's Review. Mrs. J. W. McFarlane went to Salt I ake City last Monday, where she will reside in the future. Mr. McFarlane will remain here, where he is employed by the Storkton Gold Mining ft Milling company. of a? of , crookedness Allegations n w I msuT.entcflfP.fl: IDry rwmmn) J mii.iy arrest" ' l'hli'ls me first of a series of brief to Salt Lake City Thursday. Mrs, salt (rust. But did you ever see a articles that will be written for this Lane has heen Hi. and it was thrught trout that wasnt crooked? paper by the editor during the re- best to take her where she could reOf course people don't know It, .'out mainder of May and the lint week of ceive the beat medical aid possible. J spring is here at last. June. The reason for this is that we to A. J. been An has are going to the "International Press given PLEASANT GROVE PICKINGS. option Parliament at St. Louis and will Pettles. aa representative of a corporDr. Vance was a visitor to Sait Lake make a short tour of some of the prin- ation. by the stockholders of the 15c and Saturday. for cities of northwest while per company, the Mining Friday cipal shire. As the company is incorporated gone. Born To the wife at Jim Paulson, Upon our return we shall Inaugur- - for 400.000 shares, this means $60 ate a season of active work on the oon fur the properties. The option ex-j- a baby girl. Monday, May 2nd. Mother an' fl'ilil doing well. paper, and hope to ao Improve all our pires June 1st. conditions as to be able to meet the at the A hoimrlnq T. ba .y Too Great a Risk. apprnval and merit the undivided aup-- ! P ,,f some-- 1 m almost In we of Ighlxirhood ev.ry the ,rpurport to, community port nn uttnek of colic nr feriday night. A1 doing nicely. one fnm In our represent enterprise. before medicine! Wishlnr nur friends well and ask- - cholera norbu often FroMrc7 or a phyFiclim rtim.; The dance given In Clark's Hall ing their kindly forbearance fer the ninnf(1 A reliable remedy for th, re fiMiredav night was largely attended, next four weeks or ao, we sign should tie kipt at hi.r.d. The!T;10 niH'sc was extra good, and ad to selves. take. I) too great for anyonerisk ami seemed to thoroughly enjoy Choltrn The Servants of the People. Chamberlains Colic, Diarrhoea Ibrnuly line umioiiblidly selves. THE PUBLISHERS saved the live of mure people and re. Wednesday, Mny 4th. was the day jlleved more pain and suffirlr.g than ai.y TOOELE'S CLAIMS.' .other n fdlclre in use. it cun always fee, sol aside fur the examinations of the The examinations grades. depended iipmi. For sab- by .Mtrcur eighth Tone e eouety has some claims on ' Drug Co.. Mercur, 1111 d M K. Biowii.I W(ip. 1,01-Fcrk. and at American the state of Utah, and this year she Stockton. most all the pupils passed a Ballsfac- , which entitles them proposes to liquidate the debt the re-Sis grand lodge oflleers cf the I. O. lorya examination, ,f the commonwealth of i.f knowledge. All bra,.!r,.i bibber i.i state owes her by presenting the ht'r-- lastituiml an e.ieinipmont ledge uhmld take steps towards that end. i last ' Saturday, with a charter name of ono of her worthy sons for memberahip of twenty members. A re-of Pleasant stato auditor. Dramatic'' The 'Home Vr. R. V. Watt, postmaster of res was tailed at 11 oc rck and the Grove gave a fine program Monday her great gold officers ami members were served evi aing. The hand rendered several Utah's Johannesburg has served ';ili :: Kiimpturis repit. nfter which .flections. liesMei soles given by the Mr. Watt Mercur. camp and be lunini's of the lodge was con- f'ifiercr.t members. The second part comniisslLner. as twice his coimiy bis services wore considered "of the cluded. of the program wn a play entitled A'l taking pnrt best kind. The gentleman is a scholar Down cn the Farm. GREATLY ALARMiU The proceeds and a scribe of no small ability. He (1,.j f.Xccp!i( nnlv well. , Pemri-a but latent Pfrr Cough, fur the new writes a good, legible band, and the, By paying t,lW3r(s Cured by Chamberlains nently rerord3 of the state under his admin-nrum0nts tliat the band has recent-istratioCough Remedy. will ,ose none of their pres-- . nurch.asod. a student nt law. ont value In point of beauty, although " Mr. II. P. Bur-wgrne '"fi of them Auditor Tinge?' has made four Minn., aft. f having rpcr.t over I2.n with of the most attractive. In that respect, .for Ir'iiihle. the lict doctoin for rtruniu-I in the slate. to fear that jme. enuring mt d by hi ilrug- was adyiv-without rcli.f, cnnein-pilun.of ctnec . , , We mny have more to say of Mr. ith a, it jjr , nrd'iivf r Watt in the future, and shall-- always Uurbage, hnvlng seen Chair.bfrlnln'r to woi Ort for co;o Con. Tie total and net arena of said lode as follows: Tot area Enterprise No. 2 19.205 acres 'JTfe,, minfog claims is Lee 4 dies In conflict with lode of this Frtfrprlse 0.421 y s Enterprise --? Minin-l-company- survey No. 6085, and described in (aid field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 min. east, as follow to wil: Commencing at corner No. 1 of said claim, from which the corner of Sections 3 and townships 10 and 8 aouth, range 12 west. Salt Lake meridian, bears south 45 deg 15 min. east 648.7 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 aouth 68 deg. .02 min. west 642 feet to corner No. 2; thence running front said corner No. 2 north 44 deg. 68 min. west 12(8.0 feet to corner No. 3; thence north (6 deg. .02 tnin. east 414.8 feet to corner Nix 4; thence aouth 62 deg. 64 min. east 1365.9 fed to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. 8a!d claim being located in unaurveyed part of township 9 south, range 12 weal, Sait Lake meridian, and containa 14.361 acres: aaid ktcation being recorded in Hook N," istge 640, of records of APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Totwle County, Utah. Adjoining claims M. A. No. 3783. on this lode are survey No. 4336, j United Stales Land Office, Salt survey No. 4336, Cloudy." on the southwest, and survey No. 4319. City, March 14. 1904. Notice Is hereby given that A. K. Iennant.1 on the northeast, and Gonsurvey No. 4366. Tiernan, whose place of busineis and dola." 1 direct that this notice be published poMtofflce address are Salt lathe City, Utah, has made application for a Unit- in the Stockton Sentinel, a newsimpcr at Stockton. Utah, for the ed States patent for the Red Metal published lode mining claim, situate In the Dug-wa- period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOURS, Register. Mining Diatrlct, Tooele County, Utuh. consisting of 1268 linear feet on Alexander McMaster. Attorney for the lode, and aurfuce ground aa aliowu Applicant. In the fit Id notes and plat of the offifelrst pub., March II; last, May 14, cial survey filed herein, being mineral 1(04. , 2-- 34-3- 6. "Cop-pei-opol- l;" y THE STOCKTON CLUB $ Flnt-elai- Billiard Boob ia Counsel!os. nl the Sioekloe C3sb. e i Everybody Baoolvoa Good Treatment Main Street. Stockton. I tended. Upon Mr. Jakeman's return from St. I.i.uls be will possibly bring his family to Mercur again. With the millions at his command it seems queer that Dnwie should stlli be bounding his follower for the few. dimes they have left. , .4 H. A. I.ane. superintendent of , EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. premise or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, platted and applied fur, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law, and the regulatione thereunder, within sixty days from dale of publication of notice hereof, with the Register of the IT. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City in the State of Utah, they will be barred In virtue of the provision! of said statute. I hereby direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, Tooele county, Utah, the newspaper published nearest ths said milling claim, fur a period of nine week FRANK D. 1IORU8, Register. First publication April 23, List publication June IS. wt i If you are tempted to reveal A tale some one to you has told A lion t another, let It pass, Before you speak, three gatea of NO. 44 14. 11HI1 No. 2 .. .18.774 mr C.lsborn 19.462 and net area Ceuten- - iJ ...20.660 acres ft tii ft acres vi acre W acres 0 ft vi UNION PACIFIC 68.896 ; an-ive- of Clifton mining district. Utah, as follows: The Enterprise lode In Book I. page 238; Enterprise No. 2 in Book P, page 67; Centennial lode In Book I, page 262, also In the office of the Recorder of Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations are the Yellow Hammer (amended) survey Nn. 4282. and the Cosmopolitan survey No. m Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode m 43S2. - : oil w vi w Vi RAILROAD, viif Is the short fast route to 8t. Louis. tie-in- gf Cy-cir- vi Are you going to the World'a Fair? ..If ao, you undoubtedly want to get there ao quickly aa poasibla. THETTREGUN 'feHCfctr In connection with the acres W id lode locations mining claims (I of record In the office ot the t area claimed vfc m AND ALL POINTS EAST. Aak cial 9) Short Line Agents about Excursion Rate m spe- T. M. Schumacher, Traffic Mgr. D. E. Burley, G. P & T. A. D 8. Spencer, A. G. P. & T. A Salt Lake City W m 9 to w to in w - TIME TABLE. P. A. M. I U 9 !5 Leave Salt Lake Oily, Ar. Tihih.i- L'.5 li " i 11.19 11.23 11:1) " " - Stockton " Tintic Jum-tMaminmli Juuvt. Kur k:i . 4:d " " MmiiuriLli . i J. L MOOR . laii:(i: tenL Commercial Agent I r, w KL- A CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT TORNET. - S : & ZXZSHA c.nt w.n.V.T.L-S;was yormarertly cured." Fold by Drug Co.. MtrM. E. Brown. Ftocktnn. cur. and AT- - elz.-- ty-fl- ve , After the Civil war the people of thin with In-country took pride inthe-rewarding roldlers who! Governor Winfield T Durbin of iioHiical preferment with Secretary of Slate Daniel raved tlipjdlana. Ricrificaml their by . Union. They tinted Grunt, Garfield E. Storms. Attorney General Charles h and W Miller. Wm. E. Alexander and and McKIr.ley to the PruddencyGover-nDoderlchs came out to camp Sun-l:.made hundreds of old rnldicre in 9, Sfriwior?1 ami luj'ifi'nl.illvcs and spent that day and Monday their Kimif'19 CuniiTfi a ml In honorirR morning Inspecting the properties of s. they honored themaelv)the Third Judicial the Hlaok Uiam nd Mining company, of The Republicans all repoits the inspection Kiinui..i l'rt.m district, imbraiing Fait Lake, Katisfact.-rcrli:-,'!)- ' anil the p and Tooele counties, "ill on tl.e Hi'h of May next meet in lonvcntion toa 'liriber ib-- olnpmcnt of the pnipertles nominate four Dirtiivt Judge ii:n, Ibfc is nMircd. The governor anil rtaff DiKtrl.t Attorney A riimiidulni for a v,t-ia- n '.ft fur the cast Tuorday. Mr. Alexany porition of Diriilit Attorn. fol. tcir.ain In Salt T.nke City to -- 1. M. der wi of the Civil h.n!; after the interests of the Indiana Kiinihn of Fult Lake t'iiy. a pen. A Farmer Straightened Out. iicic r.,.11' a on Ian:, A iran living Made Young Again. ,y cane in n el.orl Hire ucc copI V..p t: cd hup of Ir. King's. Xew Life Iille ciuilil.-- up "ith rh iiinriilrni. I ut inc ."in .cli liiclt fer two wi k hu hlT h lottle .f I'l.unibtil.iit TX II. Tumu-y I'iciiiv renin" writ t I and t.i'.l him to uj,- it In Tin y"ic tl.e t'oi it lup-- ' i iewn. l.i. oft)! Uri'ig pr t s.ti.-lifl.lc r. Sti iu.: b ai ' !' 1!'- - !r. tin uurld rot pay n .nt for li." my li vg, tcldr. Xivirg'ip'!cr. .f 1iit!) 'i.lv N. i. "A - i my :Int. t n'l drmrgit. dv- - luli-- r l.i- w.'.lked m.--into ) H'1- lore When you 'lulil u lciKil t pliy-- Ic )""') n.i- - : elTi'iiht nr a i"t:r.r "h:i:i l il dr.V Stoium r :,rd Liter Tab n.e elnlUr myiue. V.lv ' Th j ar t:iy to iikc and ph t or riruiihf il iir.'e Pain Balm. I wn- -t n For ralr t,y Vir.ur Drug in U'-it In Ihe lour, nil t Fioik- ')., Miriur, and M. E. I'y Mercur Inug ' , p,." For 'Oil. Mi nur, ur.rt M. E- - Diown, Siocl.tui. ! constlpntif n. give thip Tnblit a trinl, and you are certain to be more than plrnred with the rewill. For rale sit 25 rent per ltox by Mi'rrur Drug Co., Mer-cu- r, and M. E. Brown. Stockton. 1 Jc-cp- ot i w.-.r- 1 . i - f 1 fr r- - I - - I i. o-- :u-r- , APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 3S10. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 21. 1904. Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of the act of Congress, approved May 10, 1872, To promote the development of the mining resources of the United States, Marcus E. Jones, whriFe portoffire address is Salt Lake Allen City, Utah, and his iiabcock, whose postoffice addrere la MHsrena.New York, claiming 1500 linear fci-- t of the Enterprise. 1394.3 linear feet of the Enterprise No. 2 and 1300 linear Tcct of the Centennial vein lodes or mineral deposits, bearing gold, sliver, lend and other valuable minerals, with sui face ground of eat h claim 300 feet in width, lying, being and situate within the Clifton Mining district, of To.u-le- , State of Utah, have County -cide dpi FcnCon to the United 8tates for a p.:t.-n- t fur the said mining claim whu-lire more fully deecrihed aa to ii etc and bounds by the official plat i.'r.-uitposted, and by the field notea i hereon, survey No. Slal.now of in llu- - oftire of the Itcjlsler of th. District of Lands subject to sale at -it I nke City, Utah, whleh field notes of survey describe the boundaries and 'b-r- -'.- -- 2:t" 2.-- 2 -- 3 , i 2. 41 Tislns at Silt Lake ; tlynred M 5:35 4 .:) 2..- Ar. Silver i:uy. makv dlievl cun Bool Ion for all points north and e.irt. 27. W. (iii.I VlT. 1 ( I 8 ! Through Service E. DRAKE, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. G. A. U'li West Second South, Salt City, Utah. I ake -- CHAS. B. SLOAT, j ST. LOUIS EAST BIBLE, T. P. A. Gen'l Agt Denver, CoIol AND THE VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY SAFETY o 4) trnir are .xnminr-- at every M , is. at Inti rvale of a I u:,i:t, 'i ii Iks nr so. VI.n you biur tbe hummer ring or lie !1 it.- of thet toi'ihee, you know v. hut Is pluc-ydur ttiiiii is "loi U'il mir." All lion--Un- it f THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE and MISSOURI 1 KANSAS i!i of exuimning ffUi,-ti- . iitul tlioinmUily-t- li Ihir'iiii-tnis. p.rliaps, a litib- - iioie than liny otbe-- luilrou i. The syri.ri uiiit.usim ife-- lT PAYS. In lit i, 'Utter fruiuet-tl- PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric lights, electric t Fans. To f.m.iliu nnd tTiliMgo, b'.ive Denver in i. in.; to K.ip.s-l'. ;v pi. i.lty i ' ' p. m. mill Reclining Chair cars (seats rest), in. j,. m. O Day Couches. For lertks. Tickcta, Folders, itc iHrtss R. F. 79 NESLEN. General Agent. West Second South Street, Sait Lake City. oen N, C.TOWNSCNO, Min ui twut hmi. n. 2Z2L I 4) 4) 4) 41 4) 4) |