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Show The fact Is you see, Hamilton asid I was to furnish this place as ixm as possible. He thought it would let better, and I knew nobody here, and a chap hardly likes to undertake that sort of thing without advice. 1're got nothing iu yet. I'm putting up at the Nag'a Head for the If if you could see your present. way to giving me any sugges- LOOKING UPWARD. something beloved. I am aaj Fading my leva Iran pure tlian it should ba For littla thought of nelf .leal Bomtumn beta can thin Unas and (lie light. O, thare aught mure mcml In thy m eight Than my warn woman love, I'd giva It O. alU-nll- y thee; Silence, or sacrifice, or ernaay Of myall? ronieiiiplatitiu'a holy flight. ta there aoine purer name than hove, that ao My aoul may call the In her aecrel 1 do not care. I be aa it dear would fb that forego. Bui I ahould cull lliee Love again. I know, Feeling thy klaaea on my face and hair! Ulna Barker, In Llpplncott'a. P said Molly Page. Two think dismounted from had girls when I their bicycles, and stood staring at a cottage. The long, low. hedge inclosing Its garden was dotted with wild roses, and the air was alive with sounds of summer. Then did old Mr. Harvey tell you hed leave it to you? asked the other girl sympathetically. "Why, many a time! He took a great fancy to me because I used to go and read to him when he was In Westbourne Square, and he was always talking about his cottage in the country. Then he died awfully suddenly, you know, and there was no will; and It's gone, with everything else, to a Philistine of a nephew in Australia. I know hell want to level It and sow the ground with bush or something! Those clodhopping farmers always take it as a personal Insult If there's anything between them end the sky line! I suppose its empty now? I wish we could see over It, don't you? said Mary Fordham. There's a man working In the garden. We might ask, perhaps," said Molly doubtfully. They propped up their bicycles and walked toward the gate. Molly hesiback tatingly accosted a which bent over a rosebud. Do you happen to know If there'll be any objection to our seeing over the cottage? I knew the late owner very well." The back straightened Itself inIndistantly, and a bronsed, vidual faced the questioner. Not the slightest. he said. His voice was pleasant and cultured, and the crimson rushed Into Molly's cheeks. "I beg your pardon, she faltered, " I thought The giant's brown eyes twinkled. He perfectly understood the workings of the mind of this pretty young worn an. who was blushing so becomingly. I have the key in my pocket, he Im well well, gardener and Wald, caretaker, and hired man, and everything else till Mr. Hamilton arrives. I the fact is, I worked under him in Australia, and I've come over to see to some of his affairs, and get things a bit straight for him. I'm trying to reduce this place to something like order." He strode to the end of the garden picked up a loose short coat from the grass, and thrust bis long arm into its sleeves. Then, with an easy At your son ice," he led the way toward Mu bouse. It was a house calculated to delight any woman's heart a house with long, low rooms, and quaint, uni-ppeted corners and r. cesses suggesting delightful .osl!dl!ties in the mailer of furnishing. Oh! she g.sped, as tliry stood in a small hare, sunlit npartmciit of par clod oak with i diamond Jraned windows, "hi v could Mr. hi a to let t!ii? "Well, you s c the whol thing'' a !)il cranked to a man who's I;"f t wciiy to an ixi'iie-- i uej miles or so, said Wratcly : the Easter of each year ap- (i words, wait eipectanily while a lest separates himself from the the saying a e e e that all roads lead to Rome growa (i hers, and, bowing first to one side t en to tho other, stands alone be-- f Molly," aald Aunt Harriet Page, Into a literal truth; and over the passre a great book lying open on the looking up from her embroidery, I've es of the Alps, out of the east and sent a card to Mr. Hamilton for west and south, the people Journey r ading desk. A slight pause, and hla Wednesday. It seems to me that If toward the erstwhile capital of the voice is lifted in a solemn chant: How doth the city sit solitary that we make no advances toward that world, led thither by motives as was full of people? How Is the misheteroIn as varied the character we will have think man he young some feeling with regard to Rose Cot- geneous throng itself curiosity, af- tress of tho nations become as a tage. I always told you, Molly, that fect Ion, devotion, habit, a passive widow; the princess of provinces Surely there you made a great deal too much of lidding to the winds that blow and made the tributary? wbat not. Every nation In Christen-o- never was a strain of music so full an old man's Idle speeches." Is represented In the strec, and of human sadness, and yearning as Molly flushed with annoyance. "I have gut a strong feeling about squares of the city, and by the Tues- this chant with its culminating reRose Coltage. Aunt Harriet; and I day of Holy Week the traveler who frain, "Jerusalem! Jerusalem! be condon't care what Mr. Hamilton thinks. enters Rome without the promise In verted to the Ixird, thy God." black and white of an apartment, Is I don't want to meet him!" The singer at tho desk gives place to another, who takes up the laments "That's simply ridiculous! said liable to fare liadly. 1 credited you Miss Page decisively. Just so must the crowds have gath- tlon where he leaves off. and Is in with more sense. I don't know what's ered, In other days, to witness the turn followed by a third, the changcome over you since that absurd holi- games and triumphs of the empire. ing voices adding new interest to the theme; once, rising strong aud sonorday with Mary Fordham, Molly." Somehow, in spite of her professed ous, lends sternness to the prophet's unwillingness to meet the Philistine words, another, vibrating with deep from Australia, she found, during the feeling, makea of them a well of ten next day or two, that she was quite derness. But the singing stops, the recitation looking forward to Wednesday's At Home. She was engaged upon that of the Psalma Is resumed, and the crowd shifts and is restless again. Conversations are going on all about us. A party of Italian women of the As proaches. time-honore- d I1 In the Public Garden, when the Coliseum was the heart of the magnificent show; but now, for this one week, at least, the splendid monument of a mighty pride la to be left to alienee and neglect, while the thoughts and interest of the baran-- ccrtered In that great barians white dome which, seen far across the city, seems to hang suspended in the misty blue like a cryslallzed inspiration. l.et us Imagine ourselves, If yon will, climbing, on Holy Thursday afternoon, the successive flights of broad stone steps that lead, to the portal of We pause Instinctively, St. Peter's on gahing the top, to look back for a moment over the Immense piazza, across which hundreds of people are hurrying in the one direction, seeming in the wide expanse but a scattered handful. The two fountains are scnillng their spray high into the air to sway this way and that in the faint stirring breeze, and between them the pleader shaft of the obelisk casts its lengthening shadow along the white pavement, the same shadow that has 8ay that again, please! particular afternoon in putting the finishing touches to her toilet when hurried Miss Page, in into her bedroom. she saltf. "Oh, you're "Molly, ready thats right! Go down at once, will you? Hes actually arrived at this hour!" "Who? said Molly. lIfs only half-pathree. Mr. Hamilton. Bay that Im coming in a minute. For a moment a refusal trembled on Molly's lips, but with a petulant she walked little shoulder-shrudownstairs and turned the handle of the drawing-rodoor. "Good afternoon. Miss Page," said a cheerful, familiar voice. "I hoped if 1 arrived early that the fates " might You?" faltered Molly. The room to swim for a moment. "Oh, how do you do? 1 beg your pardon, hut I was told Mr. Hamilton was here." "Well er yes." Gerald Whately rammed his hands nervously into his You see. the fact trouser pockets. is er I'm Hamilion myself. I didn't say so at Lelham. be" cause What?" crlul Molly. She sat bolt iprig'it in lirr chair, surveying him with a sudden angry light iu her eyes. "Say that again, please!" The visitor said it again. He was manifestly l.appy. "I won't believe it!" cried Molly. Her quick mind hud IlinOu-to her ir.it ineitinu with the Yon von couldn't he!" v.oikm.m. "iVil!, I am. really Gerald Wliate-'- y Hamilton, you I.imiw. Mb: a Ford-iafound me out the last night at ' idham caught, sight of one of my 'hecks only I made her swear not to " ay a wortl until unci "You deliberately deceived me! st CSftlcs a Complete LitiscI G73CERIES AND MEATS urn" : jTifflf middle class, with handkerchiefs thrown over their heads and tired children clinging to their skirla, are discussing family affairs In an animated stage whisper Just behind us, and near by a young Frerch girl with a face like a flower is gesticulating vehemently to emphasize lue story she Is telling to an elderly woman beside her, all the sparkle of her bright eyes, however, beirg drecied toward yonder officer In blue and silver, who lease contentedly against the wall, watching her with his dark eyes. As the servlet proceeds, broken now and again, by the recurring chant, the sunbeams, which have been traveling higher and higher alorg the marble and mosaic of the walls, disappear, and the warm radiance of a sunset sky fills all tho air, but Is sooi chilled and driven back before the creeping shadows. This Is the only day of the year on which St Peter's la open after sundown, and thousands cotne to sen Its hugeness magnified by the darkness and to hear the papal choir sing the dosing part of the tenebrae, ao that, aa the twilight deepens, the throng, quiet uew under the spell of the place and presses closer and closer, till Hi hojir, fl.l'OO people are standing shoulder tc shcjulder; the black mass reaching ib b only half way up the church. The great dome above becomes U thing of mystery, and seems to be vi gathering Into Itself all tho darkness of the right. In the balconies at the lif fnnr angles, candles are lighted, and ill others twinkle like stars at Intervals Hi along the nave, that reaches away and away till only our thought can Hi follow its extent. And uow, amid ib absolute stillness, the choir, conceal el behind s screen, begins Hu? Itone-dletu- s Hi Blessed be the Lord, Gcd Hi of Israel, because He hath visited and ib wrought the redemption of His peo- Hi Solemn, and exquisitely beauti- ple. ' Hi Hi ii Ytg -- ' ' r W,-- , ill 'll '' Not the slightest." he said. with a smile. "I!y tk- way," ho add r.M Hardy ed, you said you fci:-pretty well?" Yp." sM.I Molly, "vi rv veil. I ::fr "Queer thing his tin was rather I. it i IV Kfit t:.oi:r:ii housekeop.i r eo;;,. l:o'i. ji:- -t Square louie-T- vc ! i a there had :o.: y.i' I11''"'il. I i whom tin's li ia i'." hoped thir w.:s Mi lly we- - i ii "iy IT ml cord v. i'h. ' " i she !! - i::li-t.i- !c. --- - ct With'1''! il invir il.iv Th.p i V. t'"'e ; c'-t-- I say 'll. I v. ' '! wender if ' f i! : -- ' I r ill a!: i p't pl I :it tomorrow. STORE OF K ERROR to to to to WE ARE SELLING- - to to Clothing, to Dry to to to to Goods & Shoes "Zvarz-T- i to to CHEAP AS ANY CATALOGUE AS IN I to to to to to to HE CuUNIJ.Y. h liii Mail and Telephone Filled the Same Day as Kcs ccivcd. h ih Hi Hi Interlor Church San Clementl. j ! I f fallen on the revels and processions of Caligula and on all the Joys and woes of Rome, from that day to this. Turning, wc enter the vestibule, and. lifting the heavy leather curtain that hangs before the door, find ourselves looking down the marble vista of the nave. Into which the sunlight Is falling In a hundred golden streams. People In groups of two and three are Btmlllng about, looking Into aide chapels, appearing and disappearing between the massive pillars that separate the nave from the side aisles, but farther down there seems to be a crowd and out of the distance somewhere comes a confused murmur as f many pcpl talking at once. The sound. PS we follow if, grows In volume until, os wc thread our way the crowd under Hie dome, It rises into a babel of voices which we row discover to be Issuing from the Iribune where are assembled cardl-ralbishops, nrchblsbnps. priests and monks, who. divided into two sides, nr? inciting a! ornate verses of the Psalms. Suddenly Ih.ero Is silence, and the who have ui p.ni-!-paying no to Ihn monotonous outpouring s. h-'- ful, the melody floats over the heads of the listening multitude, and from the perfect unison of male voices onu voice separates Itself, a high soprano, clear and bell-llkbut with a certain strange quality In It that precludes the possibility of its coming from a woman's throat; and wo know we are listening to the wonderful hoy whom the people have calbd The Angel of Rome. All too soon the singing stops, ami with a penitential psalm, murmured low, the service cIom's. The dense crowd breaks, but moves slowly and In sib'nce, awed by the vaMm-su::-majesty of the building, wl ieh r i dari.ress reveals us no s!u n.i light can. s . . Aje Has Net Stlcd This Men. Mirhael Kelly Mi n birthday In Toledo r, c i ii it during the Jubilation ; it i . mrr.t with a r.c!g',!i. i his Junior. It ! : n t . off tv lift tl:e nrigblu r. : li" up fn? his :''rent t Hie'. ccb-br?t-- , !:-- 1 bnr!i--"d- ." TV: . .: : . vi, : i w Orders Hi ' f C93DS WMhT T3 ill "Dont j?rf ? '; ' CRY LEADING 'J 1 U.J ! n l!if broad--hriul.lcrc- 1 L i!i 1 want would would have to take me along with the dace." said Gerald Hamilton, daringly. 'i've pot so fond of It. Molly's face drooped. "It's rent fre." raid the anxious landlord. Si i' DRY GOODS COMPANY.... v "The tenant into the of a smile. "Thi'iv's there's In something ' ut." she admitted. rd H.eu the chtlhnpidng farmer f'.l on: W crus. TI vjo Chat. m m m i ill 'Ft el m !i Molly. .d. m ih Iduc-shirte- d Sli'.l no reply. that furniture yon think vottld he awfully wasted on anybody Molly?" Molly raised a hot face which dim-.d- 0'o2o,'2'3' 'fio3''ov'2'5'3o? Hi i don't tee what I've got to do with "at. - 5cS Qttd Largest Meat JTooclo County BEEF, HUTTOS, PORK, VEAL! S i '.go." I Stocks Street, Hi "Well, remember what the alterna-ir- e I consider would have meant! I had every excuse. Molly's blushes deepened. continued Oerald "Very r.non." I began to Hamilton, unhcen'i.gly, '.nd that well, that it Just mattered .11 the world to me whether you nked 'due chintz or pink, and all that. Only I wasn't pdng to tell you so till I tot my affiilr quite settled some of hem were In a bit of a muddle and ill I came to your aunt's housn in my i. in name. And now ' "Well." raid Molly unyieldingly, still want a tenant for Rosa Cot-- - I Vi, Ylib S Hi -- rjaJ?!-- 3 dr 1 .".a-lt- ia this Seclioa. Best NEXT TO POSTOFFICE, blue-shlrte- six-fo- ???? faro. rirat-Claa- a Ob," said Molly, we we should be very glad to give you any well theoretical help in our power should n't we. Mary?" prayer? or Friend, or aught "Rose Cottage, Hbc filMtcbcncr Tboitsc. tions Bnitlu-r- . That's It 1 could cry It ought to be mine! MME HOLY WEEK TiiLEPPONHa 24 L 25 to rity us. , to to to to ih ill to to Hi GET THE HABIT Hi ih ih to to AND TIUDE AT INMAN Of i w2 4 4V l" saw m a ' w.' its -, m i to Sft o For the Cheipest Line of GnoJ o GENTS' ri!!?Mlll(iS, II MS AM) SllOES o o AT" o o o GILDED G3TE BUSH STORE. o o r. o V.n. EILLIDjS, Fr;p. o Main Sir::!, o Z Ci LL XIBim'In' ( IntMii1 Inin,' O COOOOC O V V v h4 .i.iilNt 4sb 0 I Ovpra'lit le. 0O O - 0000 o o o o o o o o o o o |