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Show FATE OF AN EXPLORER. A VALUABLE PREPARATION," PE-RU-N- Mad the Skin and Scalp Speedily Cured by Baths with Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is but one of thousands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Dear cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle, gentle applications of CUTICURA Ointment to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and mild doses of CUTICURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. but One Dollar, often sufficient to enre the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, eczema., rashes, itch-tng- a, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy toage, wheu all elae fails, A single SET, costing k DAN DALY AND THE EDITOR. Comedian Had Rather th Best of Short Controversy. Dan Daly in his younger days essayed to write fiction, and went to the editor of a Boston paper with hie first effusion. The editor criticised the work sovereiy and advised the future comedian to study Nathaniol Hawthorne. Tbe vein of humor peculiar to Daly had developed even at that early date. He said reflectively: "If my story were printed it would measure about half a column, would Pinkham: I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinlcams Vegetable Compound too highly, for it is the only nuulicine 1 ever tried which cured me. I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times I could not pursue my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish. 1 had headaches backaches and sinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. It notr In fact, I was sick all over. About that. replied the editor, Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, we were ad- wondering what thnt hnd to do with vised to giat Lydia It Pinkliams Vegetable Compound, and I am IL teased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change Tour rate of payment Is 5 per or the belter took place, and in a short time I was in perfect health. I column, I believe? pursued the felt buoyant, full cf life, and found all work a pastime. I am indeed young man. glad to tell my experience with Lydia 12. Pinkhams Vegetable Tea." "Good day. 1 like to he pleasant Compound, for it made a different girl of me. Yours very truly. Miss M. Cahtledoe, 533 Whitehall St, Atlanta, Ga. ad and popular with everyAt such a time, the grandest aid to nature Is Lydia E. Pink-ham- s body;agreeable I am even willing to dethrone Vegetable Compound. It prepares tbe young system for to please an editor but the neoessary changes, and is the sorest and most reliable cure Hawthorne for womans ills of every nature. Mrs. Plnklmm invites all not for $3, not for $2. young women who aro ill to write her for free advice. Address, NdvrThereupon he casually departed. Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. York Times. Bias, ilrs. Estes, Mbs. of New York City, says: Pixkhau : I writ to you because I belters Compromised With the RaL who maintains a j summer cottage on the cape has during the past winter exercised a hit aM Swmftmut 11m writ. CMlnm tax Sx. OM of diplomacy that achieved the de1 Hawl-aMe. f CIms Mm lla MS, Ml rf (Me ate. mv vtal mi Mi. iwyui sired result nicely. During last fall Mk wm i Parte. I Rue 4m to Mi i Bmnb. 197 ViiHm a large rat made its appearance 1hmm, Cm.. M yiMMtitkiBfc Ate. fdrthr shout the cottage that defied all efforts to trap or exterminate IL and the aggressive campaign was abend oned in despair But it would not do to leave the rodent in full and free BAILEY A SONS M E. Xaeaad Swift IL. Salt Uk Cltr possession of the premises, as the sr ksadooartrra tor the Ml quality Alfalfa a record of female troubles cured. Sold by drngtrista everywhere. mischief it might Inflict on the furalso UnM ami Kxrtn Mda. Uraln toll; Kefuso an substitutions, llemembcr every woman is cordially in- nishings during the winter would be Mail Bay. ata. la arod butnm yean. araars glvea sprelal auonltna. vited to write to Sirs. Pinkham, if there Is anything aliout her considerable. The owner concluded Mrs. Plnthains address is to try an expedient that suggested ItSENT NEW PENSION LAWS FREE not forthwith aradnsatba original Mtm ui llpilan Sf self to him, and, as before stated, tho FORFEIT It v eon whiah will pro their nbiolnl eenuin-im- i. how plan proved an emphatic success. At 14 V M Andy to NATHAN HICKFOKU, Lffi K. ITaktiau Sri.Ce.I4w, El Washlagtuu, U. C. least once a week the cottage has been visited and a quantity of food Hindoo Professional Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for left in the cellar. This arrangement Stunts for a Genealogist was at once ratified by the rodent, In the last census paper from India A Bamorville genealogist received Your Reception at SL Louis, During which has abstained from depredaanswers some are under from a a there letter queer recently lady who the Fair, Free. tions in consideration for the bounty waste to Join th Colonial Dame. It the heed of " Profession. One Hinif to the 1 ouislana upon which It has waxed sleek. intend you going I andoo I to write as ha ask says leaner, "eye assist your began: Purchase Exposition. SL Louis. Mis- Kennebec Journal. other a tale bearer from house to souri. ance in looking up my posterity. opened by President Roosevelt Another gives bis source of Borne time ago he received a letter house. 30th. 1904, It will be very much April A Criminal Parsdlee. from a lady out West, who wrote income ae "buying ltoin relation. to your advantage to correspond with that she had been Informed that ehe Mr. F. H. Worsley. No. 411 Dooley criminal settlement in the Bpalua P1ms Our eeunot he coe highly spoken of as block. Salt I.ake City, Utah. waa descended from Sir Walter Zafarina Islands Is said to be quite a Third W. newish em3. Am, O'Buu, 82 Mr. Worsley has arranged to have all paradise of convicts. Their r, Raleigh, who came over in tho liberty is his parties met at the St. Louis depot restricted and asked him to trace the 3L. MftnenpoUft lilaft. Jan. A am so far that they must only which and escorted to their lodgings, not leave tha Islands and must return complete Mne of descent. Somerville Electricity ana Magnetism. will be reserved in advance. (Mass.) Journal. at night to prison unless they obtain It can be said with reasonable cerInformation relative to passenger leave of absence for the night. At 6 tainty that electric!: j and magnetism rates, stop-overhctel ticket limits, How to Clean Laces. are stales of disturbances in the uni rates and all other necessary Informa- o'clock In the morning tbe convicts To eVeaa delict. te lace, taka Urge gUa versal ether, although the exact kind tion asked for will be cheerfully given leave the prison. Some do a little cover with old cotton sod spread tha Jar, This win especially work, but the majority go straight to Woe carefully on it. Set the bottle in warm of disturbance can nut yet be .defined free of charge. for an hour. If partly because tbe inerhanUm of the he of benefit to those desiring to travel the various wineshops and hostleries. Ivory Bonp sods and leave oteins ore difficult to remove plane in tha ether itself must be sufficiently known with Utah parties or In parties of four wbers they pass the day drinking, sun and they will disappear. Rinas by in order to differential its disturbed or live. School teachers will also singing and occaskmally breaking the app-- g tho bottle in clenr water. conditions from its normal conditions hear something to tbnlr Interests by monotony of life with a little knifing ELEANOR R. PARKER. above writing party. - for each respectable prisoner carMr. Wlmdnwh See thine Syrup. ries his faca (knTe) day and night FhreUMm netiitne. aofiaaa lb gar, ml ft Whitaker Wright in Was. Coral Reefs. .aUaga gala, earn wladcaUs. irrahtnl with him. This idyllic state of things Mrs. Maybrirks figure in wax. Tbeeorsl reefs are made up entirely which has been for many years hi Solitude and Society, of th skeletons of animals and algae appears less strsnga If one considers Mme. Taasand's exhibition in London, fiolltnde Is very often a good deal is proved by borings to a depth of thst the prison warders the cara-tre- " ere the liquor sellers of the withdrawn. Whitaker been has lees solitary than the. society which more than 1,000 feet In tbe Pacific Islands, and thst a good deal of illicit la forced upon os. Wright'e has taken its plsre. Island of Funafuti. trading is carried on In those places of resort, tbe prisoners buying revolvers, ammunition. housebreakers' tools and similar articles. Chicago News. Tbe never ending cures of ALFALFA SEED all' young girls Dsab ought to know how much good your medicine will do them. 1 did dressmaking for year before 1 was married, and if it had not been for Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, I do not believe I could have stood the strain. There is no other work that Is such a strain on the system. Oh, how my back used to ache from the bending over I would feel as though I would have to scream out from the pain, and the sitting still made me so terribly tired and weak, and my head throbbed like an engine. I never could eat after work, I was so worn out. Then I was irregular, and had such and frightful cramps every month they would simply double me up withjwio, I would have to give up working and lie down. But Lydia I?. Pink-ham- 's Vegetable Compound changed me into a strong, well woman. Your very truly, Mb. Mabtua Estes, 513 West 115th SL, N. Y. City. No other female medicine in tjie world lias received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No oilier medicine has such A Fort land man WRITES DR. KEMBALL. A, inflicted Ill last Journey w to th North, Into the strange countries that In- - I eio the Himalaya. anJ when they j found. him again, he was like that eiln Colin pointed to the portrait at the stricken mans eon. He was liko that only worse far worse! He had set out young, vigorous, alert; he came buck bowed a If with ago, hi hair wfclto, hi face sunken and furrowed. Mi mind disordered, and peculiarly horrible must have been the expression of his rye. For the lid had been slit across the middle, and were now but half healed. He I nald to have tottered Into the station ijwlthout knowing it for what it was; as though he bad been led to a point In the road and left to take his chanre. Thus he returned again, and no one knew where he had been or what great trials bad so changed him: for he bad no answer to the questions thev put, and he was slons; he knew nothing, Ms memory and with It his whole pait seemed lost to him, nor did he even recognize the friends Into whose rare he had come. They sent him homo after a while, to this house; and here he was won back to some semblance of life by the devoted woman, whom. later on, he married the mother of his son. Ha lived here quietly for a number of yean, he and his wife and the boy, and then one night he blew his brains out Metropolitan Magazine. Of To An Idiot By Torture By Tibetan. 9&- Most o! tha AHmesta Peculiar to the Female Sex are Dae to Catarrh of the Pelvic Organs. Rachael J. RemVall, M. D., 334 4 i Virginia St., l.n.falo, N. Y., llaf--f aj of the llnivrrxity of T graduate Ota in been clan and has fulo, practico of medici no in that city ha writes as follows: .since then. supported by ex- -, Is a valuable Peralta that pcricnce. preparation for all catarrhal Elite lions. 1 hate taUrn one bottle of! rPcruna rxcif and ubt trel fire. I j Rachael 4 shall continue to talc it. ! Kemball, M. D, My conviction, I j. lVrnna has cured tlioiibn.nl of esses female, weakness. As a rule, however, before IVruna is resorb-- to several utln-- remedies have Ueu trii-- in vain. A greet many of the linve taken local treatment, hii limit l thcniNclveN to surgical operations, and taken all sorts of doe tor's stulT, without any result. The reason of so nianj failures is the fact that dlscfiNes peculiar to the female sex are not common I r recognized as Wing caused by eatsrrh. These or- mucous membranes. lined are by guns Any mucous membrane is subject to catarrh. Catarrh of one organ is exactly the same aa catarrh of any other organ. What will cure catarrh of the head w ill also cure catarrh of the pelvic organa 1 em na cures these cases simply because it eures the catarrh. Most of the women afflicted with pel- - of d r jtal'.i-nt- s tl'iMviM's have no idea that then trouble is due tocntarrli. Tha majority of the people think Unit catarrh la via discuse t- - m line. I to the head eion. This is not true, ('atari'll is liable v attack any organ of tho body; throat bronchial' tubes, lungs, stomaeb, kld neys aud especially the clrUi organa Many a woman hits msde thin dlsoow ery alter a long siege of uaeleen treat me nt.. She 1ms made the discovery that her diseaiie is catarrh, andI that Fa ran lie relied upon to cure estarzh 1 wherever located. If yon do not derive prompt and sett factory rriiilts from tfie use of Peruna, write at once to Hr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and hj will be pleased to giro you his vahwhle advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President 4 The Hartman Sanitarium, Colombo Ohio. 1 .$5000 T May-Bowe- Sprains and St Jacobs Oil Bruises' His Package. sot a ChrlRlma package. It waa S cnaliy sift; Indeed, that ('tiriairr.as package 11 that I could lift. ft 1 did not get that pnekag All st alnglc atnrc; That package 1 mllM-icAt fifteen shops or mors. 1 curried home thst And rang the front parka . door Vy wife beheld that package, But did not greet It well. fihe eased upon that parkag And Icily ahe said "Whar did you get that package? Too monster, go to bed. Noma News Luncheons For Dainty n nssr ddlrmss ss;i I ibby's Pscrlsss Drisa bwl, PKtsd Tb- - Libbys in Libby McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U.S.A. wet mm c CODECS when out in the horded storm. YOUARE SURE OP TbUt if YOU Y.TAB y MADE WATERPROOF OaOCN, UTAH. UAC OR YXLISW BACKO EY O'JR GUAANTCI A I TOWlt TO hf YTk -- lAih U) 0 U'M iJ.enAj Ultin AAK YOUN &F&AI.&LK. IN - j fhr ait BY OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR Cu. HLED CLOTH iT( HAH! BEST AND PKOfltiX HIGH PITcHT tf if he fi Hill cMh'umm tto . SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. -- i Ht ati laeceasart Wantiek Phats tuapb Os SICLUStVS S500 pvtlraim and Given Awav H "I 4 HI AtabiMtlii aaiuyla frw Ut Ml: Mi fur dfilrr rinl oi l'fis Sanitaryn Wall Cmtiur IrlH-at- s NntsdlMUM-bnKiilsg.as- hol-wt,- Pketograpbie PON CATAIOAUI OOUTH AND MAIN. BALT (l-- 1 SKESSiS Kalin WRIT! 9no LAM OtTV r,.r.l,FAS rsltor, SUFFERING WOMEN 3citea&Vw.e lwliur4iissM.-nsad voruls. itovrr Married Women. Vos raa apply IV Ulls will, ran, ur rifeot Hoatiirsl lb wbila sad raid nlw. By far the greater part of the ceni tlsia. i r tenarian who died in 1902 were womprsysratlno. Bui llalmstlnn Is MS. vuragsa. prarly an, and nearly all of th-i- u were maravn ollrd.or p.lDl. hardwsrt and dru lllnia oa inrnn'lai," and onr Anl.u ried. One of these specimens of londoaafrra. Ililinuift, m a.vra.l-1- . gevity had not slept out of Ixmdon for sixty years, which fact tbs ladys Pictorial takes ss a proof of tha parity and Invigorating power of Lon-de- e UD6H HD GROW FIT 0 taWblaaa Sara. flsraraan a ir. forttw yaaria Vaasy laWdaau, tkaubax atoria. adr aatar. ata. d FLOUR There la no satisfaction keener .than bens dry and comfortable I Long-Live- Drilled Haw Slid Food Products (Nstsrsi Flavor) css ba served tai WblJwods. Srad lor oar bonk. " How to Hak Good Thisgv to Eai. x stamps Libby's Atlas of (bo World scat postpaid lor Fuataatly and Bnal.y iiir all au auSBr. By mall I'M Urns. A t o.. Jfnwjr City, X. J. toft oa most. CUosiar rm ILS -- b When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention Thl Paper. w. H. U.. Balt Lake-N- o. 20. 1904. KMPISO S CURE FOR eUktfiia-klte- itremtu. l JL M |