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Show EFFECT OF THE ANTHEM. AN ILLINOIS emewhat Startling Until the Whole Line Waa Sung. It waa a new anthem, composed by the village organist, and this waa Iti affect The soprano started off with tha very laudable, though rather startlOQOGOQOOOOOOOOI ing. announcement "I will wash." Straightway tha alto, not to bo outOld You Ever? done, declared she would wash. And Did you ever know u woman go to a buy iwlr of Mun-the tenor, flndhig It to be the thing, That didnt the rJinpinau that aha warbled forth he would wash. Then wmili-iiuiiilx-- r Iwii" And you've Hn i he wily sorter" over the d baasr., aa though l,1,,lv,,r and Iihxpm muc calling up all his fortitude for tha And rvl.-c- i win. full vnuckle a largo, ilxt-il wide uuinlMir four. plunge, bellowed forth the stem resolve that he would wash. Next a Then this "liinm-pnt- In calico secured llie iinilTc.tvl wat abort Interlude on the organ, strongly And (fuiunriiMil In lake tier artlcs" suggestive of the escaping of steam Pf ,HJ,r grown feet; At the rlvhi of wliivh llie "unrter" eased or splash of the wares, after which luiiuiid In awe uud fright, the choir. Individually and collectiveHUt lo ' senses when sin said, ' lheyra rut her ly, asserted the Arm, unBhaken retlgnt. solve that they would wash. At last Bald 'Ilia fault lay in the linuep" and solved the problem by sUMng they ' mid .T mighty Th1 JJjey illiln t uHiuirtnieuta that that they proposed to wash their trill hroud. junt n ,le hl hoses and before bands In luuocency. Loudon Tit-Uintn."ilaaisel ti-- deep-cheate- kii lint In number which she crushed her foot live. Then bestows upon the "sorter" as he . hp!!' up (lie shoes IB" l,,B man that ever "!,v her twos." nly But hh i)i door behind her swines she does hear the laugh; tor . not her all she asked for by a ?,ul a liuir. -- H. m1?. P. Kvkurt. in Tresa A t!" To Beautify Black Country. The Black country, Eng- land, la to he mole beautiful again by sowing the seeds of trees aver the vast areas of furnace refuse and lion aud cos) wane. Philadelphia Sura Protection. Barton. N. Dak., May 9lh. Many causa aro being published of how dis-- ! eaaea have been cured and lives saved by Dwlds Kidney Pills, but there la a family In thla place who nse this remedy as a protection against the coming on of diseases and with excel- lent results. We have Mr. W. A. Moffet aayo: no very aerloua Illness or complaint tor we always use Dodda Kidney Pills the very momvnt we feel the least symptom of sickness and they soon put us right. If we have a touch of lame back or think the kidneys are not right, we take a few Dodda Kid-- 1 ney Pills and the symptoms are Boon all gone. My brother had diabetes and tha doctor told him he could not live until spring. I got some Dodd's Kidney pills for him, and although that waa aeveral years ago. he baa lived through all the winters and springs since and Is atlll living. Dodd's Kidney Pills are n wonderful medicine." FARMFR WEST- IN ERN CANADA. A recent i.uu of Uie Shulbyrille. Illinois, Democrat contains a lucf, and Interesting letter from Mr. Ellas Kott. formerly a prosperous farmer of that state, who recently emigrated to Western Canada, lading up a claim for himself and for each of his three sous. From Mr. Ku letter, which was written Keb. 2, 1904, we publish the following, believing It will prove of great Interest to those who have contemplated settPng In the Canadian Northwest: I had In August, 19')?. secured a claim for myself, end filed on three quarter sections for my sons. My rolls sontb of the c)al.-la one-hal- f Edmonton and I.ake St. Acne trail. "Coming so late In the season we had little opportunity to break and to prepare ground for a first years crop, itili we raised over Wfl bushels of very fine potatoes, and sowed a few arres of barley, hut the season was Howtoo far advanced for the ever, we secured good feed from It, and on rented ground 18 miles east of us, raided a fire crop of oat, so that . , , 7, "S1 W?'ut bout ,umu ,'Bve ' T? bV h"y " ,1 told, ahoni 210 am--s of hay meadow, which wuuld yield the past year over three tons to the sere, an l In aa or-dlnary season the meadow would fur tilsh 600 tons or hay. The graaa la A Horae 28 Years Old at Work. There la a horse In the town of j Boydton, Va., known aa Morgan, nutritious, and cattle on the j very which la older than moat of Its InbabI-tent' become very fat without be- rarpes He was foaled In the month of a pound of grain. fed In? j April, In the year 1876, in the county 'Gn the upland the grata grows of Mecklenburg. 1rom right to ten inches tall. This la Morgan baa no claims to arlatoo failed range grass, nml Is suitable for In the winter racy, and Ma pedigree la not recorded j stock at ar.y time, even In the books, but for more than twen-t- y Is not covered too i when the ground ! years he has been a faithful coldeep with auow. Horses subsist on It lector of taxes, hla master bring the alone, at all times, provided they are treasurer of the county to the lat of native stock. The grass In the hay ' meadows here la called red-toand January last. Though Morgan la 28 yean of age, grows from five to aix foet in length, he has until now performed all the and when cut at the proper time duties of any horse, lie lias received yields an abundant crop of nutritious uo favora because of age, and baa met bay- Our cattle have not coat us n cent every engagement In the time, and when not engaged In collcctir.g taxes since we came on our homestead, only he waa the fsvorllo driving hone of the small outlay for salt and labor in ' the ladles and children of tha family, putting np hay and shelter. All cattle and In addition hauled his own bedbare been doing well thla winter, and ding and wood for the winter. fending up to thn first of January was ilr. Wells, Morgans master, thinks unnecessary, aa there waa good range hla horses long lire and Illness for i up to that time. All the snows np to that date were service la due to methodical attention JOHN CHINAMAN TOO LITERAL. followed by winds from the northand treatment; that he discovered the exact quantity of food, particular-l- y Celestial Learned His Lesson Alto- west that melts It very rapidly; these winds are called Chinook winds, and grain, necessary to keep him In the gether Too Wall. bent condition. Richmond When the Andersens went to Cali- are always warm. In one night n fornia they rented a small furnished Chinook wind may take away three or four Inches of snow. house and engaged a Chinese We have built on our claim n comname Handless Fiddler. of Wing. by the Frank Clawson la the name of a When they were settled the neigh- fortable house ofone-ha-hewn logs, 80x21 stories In singular fiddler of Atlanta, who la bors began to call, and It was then feet, onewithand cellar. n During the good height, without bands. Many years ago he that tha facj waa discovered that was caught In a bllxxard and Ma arms Wing was absolutely devoid of any latter part of June we rafted logs about frosen so badly that both hands were Ideas aa to the ushering In or out down the Sturgeon to n sawmill,secured miles away, and thus amputated at the wrists. For a long of guests. So one morning the In- eight which was time the violin was silent and he sup- dia determined to Instruct him. Pro 6,000 feet of good lumberLater In the for the house. needed Andern Miss him with tray. posed that hie fiddling days wore riding aix! located mill n season shingle was went out and rang the bell, over. He decided, however, to experi- son ' mlla away. To thla we hauled logs waited and Into shown tha parlor n ment, and, being mechanical genius, to shingles cut for the roof- he made a contrivance of heavy wire while the Chinaman carried her card an abundance of wild fruit had We Mrs. Andorson. which would enable him to wiold the to Thla waa repeated aeveral tlmea, the past season, consisting of goose-unti- l bow. The fingering was more dimcult the ladles were quite satisfied berries, strawberries, raspberries, eye,t but by long practice he trained the was perfect In his role. berries, blueberries, cherries and that Wing hla of left hand to make the tump at 8:3d the brll rang, katoons. The latter are a fine looking evening necessary shifts from one string to to the ahuflled majestically to, the door berry, red, and quite pleasant another and Me varying positions. Wing in to desired be much not hut taste, With the violin held In place by his while mother end daughter stood strawberries are the The cookery. to of at stairs the breathless the top chin and knees and with the help of nn as those that grow wild In 1111 hla fingerless arms, Clawaon manages watch developments. nolsRaspberries are red in color. e They bard a gentlemans voice ask to play hla selections with an( equal to ary of the tame If saw were ladles the home. at They nearly ns much skill ns he formerly so are the goMcbemes. and varieties, a Wing present his tray and receive did. card, and then they saw him draw a i The cranberries consist of the high j "! trailing varieties. The latter are card from his slecvo. Odd Carving. ' most sought and contiguous to the Mine!" gasped Miss Anderson A newly Imported statuette of a g The ground Is literally one j swamps. the lesson." we used for the priest carved In one piece of Ivory as wlih a red carpet them erw w'th two the carefully, compared ahows how remarkable the Japnucso - but the best and most sought is the are and what a wonderful patience and, returning the one w hich the callblueberry, so called by the Indians, er had handed he remarked, him, just they have. The priest la bearing In blandly: IT1 is the famous 'huckleberry' his right hand a staff, to which I of the Blue Ridge (whortleberry) No no come. Tickee ran good. bound a lotus bulb, while In the open The door In the face Mour tains In Fcrnsylvanla, and can-o- f and shut calmly palm of the left hard ho holds a f,r excellence by any Ham's not b8 the astonished guo-- L miniature figure of himself, exact as fruit cultivated. It Is found here both Horn, to detail. j on the pralr'c v.ul In the Umber in Im- rs tecs. Bsvis Every hair of hla bead and every mrnse qinnMtleu. A wc man died In Ft. Leonards, Eng- detail of the body and dra'pery nro I very plentiful so. far as perfect The flowing robes are aa land, recently of ss lfildctoriii., as she priilrft chicVov.s. p'lf'.'ismts, (livks of A wui-cstbln aa paper. One can almost see disliked dccii-rsi.t the in- - ij P'd. nM,I p.1!1'' are ronrt.-rTe.l-. under the finger nails; the arms sl ow qucet tcitl.ird th;t dt c.''IlJ had been vi hive tni;.'n nearly C;,0 chickens as far as the elbow, Inside of tho Pm e kaoun to t.'.I.i1, Li i)n ti.:n Ju:-- bo- - ar,i pT.cno-'.ntsal.--o a great many sleeves, evidencing the wonder ul fcrc going to hid, r.l.ie coniioir.nl ducks, skill of the carver and bow rarefully rhubarb filli, sc.ci'.il iiil.'.tin'cs, four, An pcres'cnnl deer is seen, but ore he must have done Ms work lo pre- ta'jltv-i'o- i i.i ;:ls uf scni'.a, tkiva Ui.p-- noi piouti'ul. only one having been vent the delicate Ivory from breaking aroouiuM r.f trad a quantity taken during the scaion in this settle- i to pleecs under hla tools. of men. Fish nre very plentiful at all sra- IN AN CLD TRUNK. Freak Coose. sons of the year. Fhh waenns and In the museum at Paris may ha sleds nre pissing almost dally along aeon a very curious specimen of the Csby Finds a Ba'le of Carbolic Acid the trail with heavy Mads of Osh, .desand Crir.ka It. palmiped family. It Is a goose which tined fur St. Albert ard Edmonton. While the mo: her wa unpacking From the letter point they are S lipped has four feet, two of which arc atrophied and placed on the right aide. n old trunk a Utile 18 mo::ths old south cn the O'llg'iry and E lmunton She often lays eggs, but they are baby got bold of a boille of carbolic railroad to poin's e.hing the line, and always malformed and the shell Is sc acid while playing on the floor and also to Asslrihota. on thn Canadian brittle that It breaks If touched ever Lis stnmarh wra so hiuly burned it rarlfic railroad." s was feared he would not live for he so gently. Efforts have been For further Information apply to preserve some of the egga, but in could not eat ordinary fools. The any authorized Caradian Govcrraient vain. The goose enjoys the best ot mother says In telling of the esse: Apit whose address appears elseIt was all two doctors could do to where in this pip -- r. health and. In spite of Its deformltiea seems likely to live for some time. save him as It burnt Ms throat and Strength cf a Lion. stin ach so had that for two months of a lior.a raw t, the The strckq Star Photography. after he took the pid.-orohlcg third fore? tn the atlmal i most Ms sto on of each. one ilrnrg.M would la the Finally Star photography Iiy st ts thn Mow of a tedious operations krown. In some took Mm Into the country ai d tried jtorld. T1 o cases the exposure of the plale must new milk ard thet was ro better for wh"" tail, the tccuiid tbe kick of a last for several hours. During all thla him. Ills Rraudma f.mlly suggrst'il tirade. time, both the plate and tbe tPlesropc OripeNiils and I am tl.anV fill I adopt-c- l $!D0 Reward, $:00. r ifci. i.!..-- .I1 i iiVw.i t the food for he commenced to get T!i must be moved so that the imngt trrs on th bailor right away and would not eat VT of tbe star will be stationary "'r.r u u.f ,i.1( P..j ,vl m plate. The exposure for a itnr ol am thing elsi. He commerced to get iir.i. iiu; like red roses the 16th magnitude Is two hours, and fie hy ard Ms 1! ill'll .Up!i? 1i n.il in iirii:u itp ucti in only the Image of oro at a time cat ln' N' r i .n tni.Vv.Xi'i.u: ii,S0. ,L. 0l ihthose unless adjolninf y be secured, yf t J'.imm'-"V,1size. same we to to went ,. and every place stay happen to be of the eat he called for Gripe Nuts and 1 r would have to explain how he came on utn..oi im ;i. r uc Privileges of Korean Royalty. eur Only the king of Korea may rea: i to call for It as It was his main food. A l v ' .1 I I)'.i ' I I A. (..J,, T. . a B'i hrii h :.V. "The names of the physicians who goats, or have round columns ant fur Ui k uin..y of square rafter to his honxe. or wrnr attended tho baby are Dr. Kd-lJews Live cn a coal of brilliant red. Only the king this town nr.d lr. Geo. Gale of NewAn cxria: nt'.on f ihe rivvicnt help port, O.. and any one can write to may lock upon the f:c? ' f iN in t:.what Grape-- : glng letters rer.-.- ei hundreds of atterdart ladles, or hnv me or to tliei.i snd c.uu;ry which t ore Nuts fun.'! wl" do Mr children and from Jews in 1i'e-linU glu.-by any building outsl.ll of I'e-i' ''vf Nime given by. Ir. Sciah Mern'.'. fvr.uorly 1'i.ited aro wire than th1" gniwiMi! s tii." .'de-n- , Ftales consul at treason, and ri'stiim Co., l:atle Creek, Mich. who wyS iteps would bo high Look In caeh pk;. for the famous t that the large itiaj r.iy of Jemma , would cost their owrer a iriitur I UtUe book, Tbe Road to WellvUle." Jews live entirely upon charity. s. , I . ! ! i Thnes-Dis-patc- lt , . sat-Tha- old-tim- cov-Win- Lc-tc- j t I , ra.-cai- fl-- r . -r . , - ACTOR FEARED A MIX-UI BE WARNEDI Heed Natures warnings! Pain talla of lurking Backache U kidney ofpain a kidney warning Ilia. Urinary troubles, too, come to tell you the kldneya are sick. Constant haa weariness, dlxxy spells, days of pain, nights of unreal are dan"Senator. Mr. ger signals warnplayed In Washing yon to cure the ington, and waa kldneya. Use Doan's royally received Kidney Pills, which have made thouat the White sands of permanent cures. House, tbe Capitol Frank D. Overbaugh, cattle-buye- r and the duba. While at one of tha and farmer, CatsklU. N. Y say a: a latter gentleman who had enjoyed Doctors told ma ten years ago that the actor's performance remarked: I had Disease, and aid they Well Crane, I want to make yon could Bright's do nothing to save me. My n present Im going to give you a back ached ao I could not stand it to dog." even drive about, and passages of the What breed?" aaked the actor. kidney secretions were so frequent sa A Russian wolfhound," waa tha to annoy me greatly. I was growing worse all the time, but Doana Kidreply. but 1 ney Pills cured me, and I have been Sorry," said Mr. Crane, well ever since. can't accept a Russian wolfhound." A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney Why?" asked the friend In surmedicine which cured Mr. Overbaugh prise. on application to any "I have Japanese valet," answer- will be mailedUnited States. Address ed the actor, and na for myaelf. I'm pgri ol the Foctor VUli'im Co., Buffalo. N. Y. For neutral." New York Times. sale by all dealers; price 50 cents par box Found Gold In a Hen Coop. Two boys, W. O. and C. P. Daniel- SARCASM OF ORCHARD OWNER. son of Medford, Ore., In March. 1894, while cleaning out an old chicken German Aaks Only That Thievea house for a family by the name of Spare Part of Product. Roberta, found burled under the surThere U a tone of gentle irony In face $7,000 in coin. The Roberts fam- thla advertisement from a German ily claimed the money and the boys newspaper: To those kind friends turned It over to them. Afterwards who during 1903 have showt such .Inthe boys brought n suit In court .to re terest in the contents of my humble cover the money, ou the ground thn garden. Take notloe that la future they had found it and were eurlth-tthe keys can always bo had on appliIt, aa against all the world, exetv cation. even during the nigkt, and that the owner. The Roberta family clair. to enter by the gate is much leas daneu that one of their number had bn: gerous than climbing over tbe walL led the money there, and that tn I shall be further deeply grateful If la money was not lost. The case I. future you wuuld be ao generous na to now before the supreme court of On. leave a little ot the produce for my gon aa to who la entitled to tl.i needs. Tlie trees tn tbe orchard, money. Tbe Interesting informatlo; from present appearances, seem to waa developed at the trial that the promise a fine crop, but when gather Roberta family gave to each of tbe ing tbe fruit I should be obliged If in five and cents, expressed boys future you could do so without findthat tho Lord would blesa them. ing It necessary to pull the trees down. It would also insure you a An Illuminating Crab. selection In time to come. For larger One of the marine curiosities flahi-- i the same reason I beg you to carry a some tlmo ago from the bottom of th'1 lantern, ao that you do not destroy Indian ocean was a mammoth sea tbe greater part of the vegetables In crab which continually emitted a walking over the beds. Thanking yon bright white light, similar to that aeon warmly In advance. H. Spengler." in the spasmodic flashes of phosphorTHE CAT AND IT8 PEDIGREE. escent luminosity emitted by tbe common glow-worThe crab waa captured In the daytime and placed In a Ornament That Duly Impressad Little Marjory. large tank containing specimens of A pedigree undoubtedly adds to tha fish, nothing peculiar except Ita Immense size being noticeable in the value of an animal, but all pedigrees broad glare of the tropical sun. At are not ao much In evidence aa the nlglit, however, when all waa pitchy one herein described. When little darkness, the crab lit up the tank so Marjory heard that the Maddens bad that the other creatures in It could be an Angora cat with n splendid pedigree, the chllil was naturally desirplainly seen. ous of beholding a quadruped with such an unusual attachment; she had Whole Alphabet Here. known and loved many kittens, but never one with a pedigree. At last her curiosity was satisfied, she saw tha favored animal In the flesh and returned home in a great state of excitement. You Oh, mother!" she cried. should see the Maddena cat It has a pure white pedigree that measures six Inches around and looks exactly like the ostrich plume on your SunIn this ingenious monogram every day hat!" Chicago Record-Heralletter of the alphabet can he made Vegetation on the Moon. out Whether or not there really la vegetation on the moons surface la Small Claims Paid by Government a matter of some dispute. Prof. PickThere have been several lcent ering believes tbat there la. basing claims against the United States gov- his belief upon observations of what ernment. One was by the Southern he has called variable spots" por-- 1 Pacific, which submitted a bill of $5.29 tiona which exhibit a rapid darkening, for hauling government freight It beginning shortly after sunrise, folwas a bond-aideof road, only part lowed by an its bills against the government being toward sunset, equally rapid fadinga accompanied by paid In cash, the rest going to the diminution in size aa they darken, ou In bonds. the credit railroad's this From tbe peculiar characler of tbe case its credit w as $5.28 and its cash variation observed, Prof. Pickering 1 cent Another government obliga- concludes that life rescmlilirg organic In was favor of vegetation Is the tion of a nipple cent si viplo cxplanar only a chemical company, which, for some tlon of the changes which he has obunexplained reason, agreed (n a public served. Coiis;L(',ii:g the long lunar competition to supply 111. 892 pounds day as a mlnaiure turre-tria- l year, of ethyl ether for 1 cent. The offer tbo theory of such life becoa.is color-ablwaa accepted. There were nine signaThe vegetation, if tbere be l, on any, shoots up. flourishes and dies In tures, one that of a the paper, relating to the establish- a lunar day jurt as it grows and ment of this claim and the warrant withers on tha earth in a terrestrial for payment had to be signed by sev- year. eral persona. Japanese Valet and hound Not a Good William II. Crane, as many friends In an Ohio politician. Tha lawmakers have never forgotten hla favorite play of some seasons ago, and he la always called Crane recently Ruaslan WolfCombination. tbe actor, baa Washington as BE A MAN AMONG MEN dia-eas- Are You the MaaYoa Ought to BaF Are You aa Strong aa You Look? Or Hava You Woak Nerve, Fafflogor Loal Vital Power, Waste of Strength, Varicocele, Poor Memory, Dull and Stupid Feeling?, Lost Ambition, Weak Bach and a General Breaking Down of Your Health? Hava yon doe torad without benefit? la stomach ruined from drugs und your vustedr AN you Ural of uytaf ueelora iem dira? Theu come to me. I have a post tiro sad oortula aura for you in DR.ULAliGKLINS ELECTRIC BELT. You put it on when yon re loVd und Sw peacefully under the Influence of Ita wartolna vital Ulus power. You wu! full of nmhltlon with s healthy desire to tackle yeur day's work. Each day you sain new Ufa from it und wee begin to feel yourself a mint emeus men. EacB symptom of your trouble andeally disappear straacth take the pluee of weakness, and your life Is mode happy by the mtsratioa of yotu old health aad vicor. "Yonr annd Electric Belt has given ma aad will give to any other man or woman the sticuyth aad visor of youth. OAKIBL FREE BOOKr-Wr- ito today forrny beautiful Uhmratod book. Bunt Mealed, free. lfuUAUf.-WanShlp.pKa- Dr. N. L. McLaughlin $31 Sixteenth Street, Dearer, Cold. to WOMEN FREE A Large Trial Box and book of instructions absolutely Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value of fai-th- PaxfineToilet Antiseptic Paxtino is In form wat-- r to powder dissolve la aad tar to liquid oottaepik-containing alcohol which irritates Inflamed surfaces, and have no properties. The content! of every box makco more Antiseptic Solution la u longer gore farther ha more mice in the family and doei more good thanany antUrptie preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physkbiv and used with great sucresias a Vagins! Wash, for Leucorrhaa, Pcivie Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtlne is invaluable- - Used as a Vaginal Wanh we challenge the world to produce its equal fot thoroughness. It U a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Poxtinq, pitos.EOa Bbox; If yours does not, send to ns for It. Dont tokos substitute there is nothing like Fax tin Write for the Fine Box of Paxtino toay. K. FAXTOff CO., 5 Pope Bldg., Boston. Has tin-hop- 50,000 AMERICANS WERI WELCOMED TO Western Canada DURING LAST YEAR. They ora Milled snd settlinc oo the Grata an Grozins Lands, and are praepsroaa and smiafiad. Sir Wilfred Laurler recently said: "A uaw slat bos risen aa tha horizon, and it is toward it that ovary iiauiizrsiit who leaves the bind of his saner tor to coma and seek a linma for himsaif new Cur us his sasa" Canada. Thera is Room for Millions. FREE Haaiesteuda given away. Bchoola Churrhrs. Hallways, Markets, Cllraata, nverything to lie desired. Fi r a descriptive Atlas and other Informed epplr to Superintendent linnilurnlinn. Ottawa. Canada, er suilioi irmt Cannlimi limeinmn I Ac-- nl BLN I. DAVlbS. ROOM (ID'. NN llI.OCK. CEN. TKAL AVt.NlE, GREAT I ALLS. MONTANA d ' o. rear-admira- j A Long Sleep. An agricultural laborer in Russia la reported to have slept for seven . A POSITIVE months. He dropped off" while at mdkjiiunent waa In the fields, work carried home, CBK PM DXIMKENNUfi AND MUG ADDICTIONS and remained slumbering for the nctruY iKsnruTLjiasarjiTss.tir""" period mentioned, watched from time 17 WSOkTlMPU SC WT LAKE CITY. U1AIL to time by physicians. Curiously enough.he lost so little flesh that no Demand the Utah Hand Made Horae attempt was made to feed him. When Collar from he awoke he was as weak as an Inyour dealar fant, but after a fortnights nursing Superior was strong enough to return to hla to tha machine made work. ifijRO vv -- Provisions. Jtocks.Bonqs STOP KS BOVGHT GIN OR AND SOLD ON MAR- FOR CAS- H.- al W hove a for buying sad Balling Stk-kBond and for immediate delivery. Investor and bankers will save tune and mnnrv bv giving us Ibrlr order In that lino. . . 1 sp-cl- s OOBUkMPOHDXNUX SOLICITED. W offer apeclsl Indiierments and liberal romailaabin to out town of corrnspon-irntROur book of infoim mon How To Speculate," mailed fra, uiae . DISTSKl'l fhuhs M. MtaDsrs Salt Lake Mining Exehangs headquarter offices rooms D.f. WALKER BLK. I 3 never lake city UTAN. hold with trouble tma have Dinner Invitation. Depew's Chauncey M. Depcw was accosted by n beggar who had seen better R. H. OFFICER Sc CO., The man days." ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS wanted five cents. 5,006 COPIES lamp'd bv mmi me v prom pc LI: LaU City, ULk The senator rhook and carciut rftttthn his head and passR.KLUDLC ASSAYS. IO COPIE8 SI.OO. Srad ed on. for I But th .Ti Isold am PI!vfv....lJI aim wud pisvipc dlrrrt fmm far man followed him. Gold.. ia hh f. M.T r,(?p' ,, iil forful A biz poring to y la rlnivlr H rile i mrr fra maLigua ard Pnniii rcmrtai uo :! biu ptai "1 lease glvo me prlrr. Ham Una. Guitar, Hiring and I'ltllug. 17 Ts AOAfANOa five Co. I've cents; THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIO CO. Ogden Assay OIMVBII, IOli I ad no dinner," he E2B3 Waahlngton Ave. Ogdon, uti Y ou will , 20-21- 2 alt yggQ y pe'-flstc- Neither have 1," replied tho sena-- 1 Aajrer And Chtmlii lindnifii pried, GnMilvsr, liwd.lt: Hold Ttesutrid nr; Xlue nr OHir II ' 7Dlri r. f ill irlr 1!bi nmit on MbIMik piiv:"! onim. ti n1 1mplr wnrk ollid. LmU-vlll- r. Coin. lieViSnn, Cir!'nM Sit'l Hunk. Ml-T- tr. RppU-nitl- hortlv. Wry well, then. SiM? KS said the fellow, Shopping by Mail JS bn 7. Vprr (Lnrnc?7r of In Kedlon suddenly ssciimlng an air of patron- - IntprnrtiHisI: niido br ipM4inr, na tnd G DIF ten. and we'll dine to-- ; purclutM Wil'd fur finr herlir.rffetnriiAtnmnrii. age, mal e Mull 1 klisuftlrt La luiHUBUf. Lsks KruiBrs. githc:.'- '- Ne- York TItpr. f - 'Coxiarn .pomaj a snores |