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Show Shoes for Men Blitk UTAH STATIC NEWS. Ths Darts county acbooli aro title r $2.50 Shoe NEWS SUMMARY. NORTHWEST .NOTES. Spain has decided to reeogalu tbs an exhibit for tho St. Loals republic of panama. exposition. The Japaaezo continue to eross tbs Tha smallpox patients at Layton are Tain river la small squads. recovering. The dleeaee haa been Postmaster General Payns has returned to his desk st the postofilcs deNine Utah mines distributed divi- partment. j; dends durlnh the month of April toThe sentence of Mrs. Cordelia pot-kitaling $209,000. for the murder of Mrs. J. P. GunIt la reported from the southern ning hr' been postponed until May 8 part of the atata that the fruit was The town of Illlg. on the coast of damaged by the recent cold weather. Somaliland, haa been bombarded by The Annie Laurie Mining company the British. The sultan of Illlg waa at Kimberly la now running two captured. shifts at mine and mill, with 110 men Polish agiArrests of employed. tators In all parte of European RusInches la sia Indicate tbs extent of tho revoluTwenty-onand one-hal- f tha total rise in the waters of the tionary movement. Great Salt lake since they comThe May day relebratlons by Somenced to come up. cialists throughout France. were lew Charles Bruce, while attempting to numerous than usual, and were not a board s freight train at Lebl, fell un- tended by disturbances. der the cars and was fatally Injured, Dr. Spellmeyer Is of the opinion his skull being crushed. that from 10,000 to 20,000 persons will Mrs. Hanna Webb, one of Lehl's arrive In Los Angeles during the confirst settlers. Is dead at the age of 72. ference of the Methodists. She passed through many trying or Carl Myer of Pueblo, Colo., suicided deals in the early history of Lehl. near Santa Fe, N. M., by throwing Dan McFarland of Wilson was In- himself under a train. His last will jured in a runaway accident last and testament was found on hla body. week, hla team having run Into an The latest Japanese naval moveIrrigating canal, upsetting the vehicle. ment against Vladivostok failed of sucAbout 100 teachers were present cess because of the dense fogs which at the Joint county teachers' institute prevailed In the vicinity of that port between Sanpete and Sovler counties, About 200 bouses of the townof held at Richfield on Friday and Sat- Buczscz, Austria, were destroyed by urday. fire which broke out early In the During tha month of April the sales morning. Some 3,000 lnhabltanta,,are on tha Salt Lake mining exchange homeless. aggregated 345,307 shares, the total J. C. May, an Indian trader at payment! for which reached Fort Wingate, N. M., shot himself through the heart, a pistol dropping Frank Kellner, whose parents live out of his hand accidentally and beIn Grand Raplda, Mich, aulcided In ing discharged. Salt Lake City Saturday night, taking Miners of the Tuscarawas, Ohio, strychnine. He left a note saying he district, about 3,000 In number, have waa tlrad of llfa quit work until an agreement Is Legal proceedings are to be Jnatl-tute- reached on the scale. The trouble la against a Salt Lake woman, over the machine rate. who la accused of punishing her stepSamuel Parks, the former walking daughters by compelling them to delegate of the Structural Iron Work-er- a wallow cayenne pepper. union In New York, la dying at George Robertson of Spiingvllle the hospital at Sing Sing. He is sufwaa struck on the head by a large fering from consumption. rock while working In a rock quarry A message received at Halifax, N. on Thursday of last week, sustaining S.. states that the schooner Orono, Injuries which proved fatal. bound from West India for Halifax, The mines of the atate produced with molasses, Is wrecked at Herring luring the past month precious met- Cove, and all on board lost. als worth in the neighborhood of The caving in of a coal mine at The copper production alone Toaclnl. Spain, burled many miners. reached a , grand total of 4,300,000 Fifty bodies have been recovered. pounds. Ten of the miners were rescued, but Several fine lead claims have been all of them are badly Injured. located this week eighteen miles King Oscar, of Sweden baa signer s north from Callentea, from which as- decree declaring strict neutrality besays of 20 per cent lead and $0 gold tween Japan and Russia,, during the have been taken from a two and war. The decree la similar in terms lodge. to that Issued by the Danish govern-' Lee Kenner of Mantl, last week suc- ment ceeded In capturing a mountain lion May day was celebrated In Vienna which had been feeding on hla sheep by an unusual concourse of workmen The animal In the west of the city. Prater, a park and forest on weighed 125 pounda and waa about the east side of the city. It Is esti7 feet In length. mated that 20,000 men marched lu tbs At the celebration of the fiftieth an- procession. niversary of the settlement of Eph-raBrigadier General Joseph Dickinson, over 1,600 people were ban- the last of the adjutant! general of queted and lu the evening a ball was the army of the Potomac and chief given at which 200 couples tripped of staff under Generals Hooker and the light fantastic. Meade during the civil war. Is dead, The Indian office haa detailed Spe- aged 73 years cial Agent Thomas Downs to make a The collapse of a cage In the Rob general inspection of the Panguitrh lnson mine at Johannesburg preclpV Indian school for the purpose of ob- tated forty-threnatives down 1,000 taining Information for use lu erect- feet to the bottom. A11 were killed. ing the proposed new school buildings. The bottom of tho shaft la d quagmire President Harrlman, after a visit of human remains. cut-of- f last week, to tho Ogden-LuclS. Mehuola, clerk of the Hawaiian admitted that a sink waa found In house of representatives, has been but that the officials were found guilty by a jury of the federal the cut-ofnot discouraged on this account and court of destroying certain vouchers had no thought of abandoning the for expenses of the house Incurred project during the I art regular session. While attempting to board a movAs the mother was In the act of ing freight train near Woods Cross laying her baby In bed, Fleming F roon the Oregon Short Line, a team- man of Dallas Mills, Ala., shot his ster named Hull waa thrown under wife, followed her xs she ran Into the the wheels and received Injuries that yard, cut her throat, killing her, and necessitated the amputation of hla then indicted fatal wounds upon himright foot self. The body of Samuel Stewart who The Spanish steamer Zazpirak Bat had been a miner and railroad la- was sunk off the Sicily Islands In a borer, waa found In a aback In Salt collision with the British steamer Lake City In a badly dccompcsed con- Cresyl, bound from Cardiff fur Buenos dition. He had been dead for at least members of the Ayres. Thirteen two weeks when the body waa discov- crew of the Bat were Zazpirak ered. Death was due to natural causes. drowned. pro-parin- g n n e MfrCALr Company MILWAUKEE - WIS. Bradley & FOR BALE BY Bnifoxa. Oelden Gate CUB WnilAia tor. THE Yorlds Fair Route OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. The FRISCO SYSTEM TRAVERSES THE FOLLOW! NQ STATES: Indiana Illinois $109,-880.3- Mississippi Kansas Arkansas Tennessea Alabama Oklahoma Missouri Indian Ter. Texas. d THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, Ktiu IiMTtai ntjr at 6,30 a, m. dally, will laka you to SprlnRHolil, Momphla. Ulrmlnithani. Atlanta, laekaonaUla mud all points in tbo Soullioaat. Eaorllsnt rooto to nil points Worth, Kast, Mouth, boulhoaut nnd South-wor- t. IS htilld latornulloa, apply I S. IS. MARTIN, SKHMAk Aotar, DiNvca, Cot. E. DRAKE, DiST. Rasa1. SatDT, SALT LMI CITY, UTAH. T. A. JOHN, atNCRSk SUTTL Hut, MOHTSNS. Illinois Central Railway. BTTFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAB1 TERRIITOHT By through service to and from tha following cltlea: Omaha, Neb. Chicago, 111. Bt Paul, Kina. St. Louis, X Xlnneapolla, Xinn Peoria, XU. Xanaaa City, Xa Eranarllla, Ind. Xamphia, Tenn. h'aahyllls, Tana. Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta, Oa. (Louie vllle, Ky. Jacksonville, Fit Vaw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Xlaa Weekly through a art lea between Chi-aaand between Cincinnati co And tha Pacific Coast and Xontans Territory. Connectlona tha at thee, terminate far EAST, sotrrxx, e west and north. Fast and Handaomely Equipped Steam Heated Trains Dining Cars BuRet-XJbrar- y Cara Bleeping Cars Free Reclining Chair Cara. Aik ticket agente for tlcketa via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, M apply to t W. 2nd So. J. A. POLST, Cltfk St, Salt Laka bnlhslnttenah enjoyable! V.STS HEALTHFUL! wHhtoreseb at all a the SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium D ATUO no DAI E2 W. H South Salt Laka Cltr Is As WM BuMwy Osisrisp srsr oss sn4 oeoqear Ur Km Half s wllUoo pah tool of water pasaos thrsagh tks pools earh say. Hot Sulphur Balk, n f, The telephone line connecting Modena with St George and Intermediate points and Cedar City, which haa been under construction for several months and which waa expected to be In operation about a month ago, will probably be completed this week. UNIQUE! Fkw one-half-fo- fai Famlabi and Maw lis Tuhrn Prfaau PhuMiaa sat Laiya Solnunini PM ww OemMee brallk and by Yialllap thoas Iw.lha vh- - i IkUalt v Laka. Opsa day ! QCl I ece ceecEmceeieceece j A few days ago Dry creek overflowed Its bank where it empties Into Utah lake, near the head of Jordnn river, and thousands of carp were washed out on the grass lands. About two tons of the fish were gathered up and distributed among the citizens of Ihi. The records of the county clerk of Salt Lake county chow that during the month of April the county clerk Issued 122 marriage licenses, and in combis office were filed twenty-twplaints for divu'ce. which gives a ratio between divorces and marriages of 1 to 5.54. Canned goods of the value of from $800,000 to $1 ouo.ono w!i: be p need on sale during ilila sosu n In ()rlin by t1! Itali F.'iili' ; & Stor-ag- e tho ap'Mits which Is the general organization of the cnniliir.el canning fined to the two Ikukos that were first o . factories. Bandmaster Innes, while leaving hla hotel for the World's fair grounds to lead the massed bands of the musie program at the opening ceremonies, waa painfully Injured by a trolley car. The carriage in which he waa riding was wrecked. Rev. Victor Garak, director of the Polish Catholic church at Snowshoe, Pa., haa been rented charged with having caused the death of Andrew boy, by beating Sosko, a lC yee.r-oIhim with a club because he refused to attend church. It has been decided to send a military attache to Hayti and Santo Domingo. and for this duty Captain Charles Young, Ninth cavalry, haa been selected. He Is a negro, a graduate of the military academy and poetesses a fine record. Rusrix Iks rilled the attention cf to reports re-the Pekin:; f.'iiM t.m Hu. : military ' !r:;; that l; Kray officers r.i'-'- r are way through V,m . ti.'t ilnriiln w.ih pili.i to t!'the intention ol ihvtruying IL d t:-1- . - ru;.y Governor 8 parks of Nevada has sued a proclamation declaring is- quarantine the y ninety-da- against a Phffinix Indemnity Company, sheep of Utah and Idaho. OF AMERICA. John Peters, who. It Is slleged, killed Alexander Brown during a disInsure yourself against sickness and pute over grazing lands, has suraccidents. ... Abo Life Insurance. rendered to Sheriff Thompson st MisInstallment Plan. ... Yon pay a soula, Mont. little each month. P. McArdle, a c'garmiker. attempted to commit suicide at his room In Cheyenne, Sunday night. He slsehed H. A. NELSON, 6eoiral Agent, himself with a dull pocket knife, hut no arteries were serered. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 201, 211. 232 Dsaaral Nsws Bldg. The salcon of Tripp A Melley, at Gardiner, Mont., was raided by bandits Saturday night, $1,500 being secured. The proprietors had forgotten to lock the safe. The robbers escaped. Marie, the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Milne, of Chugwater, Wyo., ate a quantity of cornmeal that had been saturated with strychnine to catch mice, and had a narrow escape from death. A. W. Rogers, known aa "Diamond Billy," attempted suicide at Rawllna by shooting himself through the breast Rogers has been a gambler for many years and Is well known STHE SCENIO LINE TO throughout Wyoming. Hte- recovery Is doubtful. Qlenwood Springi, Aspen, Leadrille, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, A. W. Phillips, who owns n controllDenver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, ing Interest In the gas fields near ir i TrirTunir BIUl all pOUltS BBSt fi r Douglas, Wyo., has applied for n franchise to pipe the natural gaa to CoiuwellRg si Ojdr-- i Uslos Depst with all Swllwra Faslfls mi Oregon Short Uni for and the supply Tm soly TraniMallaental List yauing directly through Sail Lake City Tralat. product Casper light, heating and manufacturing pur4 : poses. rM.NDlOLT JCQOIFFKD FAST DAILY TRAMS OGDEN BETWEEN AND DENVER Because Chores Demolll failed to Via Ttira. Separate and INMIaat toll, ftnia witness as complaining appear with Orests Psgnlnl, against charged being the ringleader of a gang which Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Can to Denver, assaulted the Italian labor leader at Omaha, Kansas City, EL Louis and Chicago without chaugo. Pueblo several weeks ago, the case Free reclining chair can. Personally Conducted Excursion, was dismissed. D. Secretary-Treasure- r William Dining Can, service a la Carta on all through train. Haywood of the Western Federation For ratea, foldera, haa fllourmiaE Soaklata, laqalia of yaar of Miners, who la under arrest on a , or adAiaa saaiarttiuheneeaWepeeUytiMUlBieOreadeiBUMk warrant charging him with desec ratlng the flag, waa allowed to leave tha j J, SALT LAKE CITY BENTON, G. Al P, D. Jail Saturday In charge of a deputy sheriff and take charge of affairs at the federation headquarters In Denver. Had not the Daniela family, who live near Cable, Mont, been awakened by their eon, who Is a somnambulist, the Inmates of the house, numbering seven, would have been killed. The boy, while walking Ha In hte sleep, fell down stairs. awoke and found the lower floor In flames. A special from Trinidad, Cola, says that operations at the mines at Ber-winand Hastings, two of the largest coal producing sections of southern Colorado, have been seriously crippled by the action of about 300 union men In quitting work. The men were dissatisfied with the amount of their time checks. The belief la growing that Bob Taylor, who waa killed in a fight with officers In- the state of Washington last week. Is the missing Taylor of Lena county, Missouri, who after mur-- j dering several persons, for which he was sentenced to be hanged In 189G, escaped, disappeared and for whom heavy rewards were offered, Daniel e Morse, who was accused of having been a leader of a mob that lynched Murderers Walters and Gorman and killed Officer C. E. Price last July, waa discharged at Basin, STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS.... Wyo., last week for lack of evidence A full lino of Notion after the examination of all the witA full line of Station- The blnert end bmt stork end of Cvurcct-aiuirin Her- - Clsrs, cry A 11 the leodiug It Is nesses for the prosecution. .... Binukers Uuole .... ........ ...... .... .... eor ....m.. puriodlrels.. eases mob other the thought that vfxt noon vo UERCOSI. will be nolled. Numerous charges have been filed against Indian Agent Smead of tha Flathead Indian reservation by Missoula parties. Smead is also accused of gambling and drunkenness, with using the reservation for grazing large numbers of his own cattle, with 10:19.... Mannir- - ....fdO bartering Illegally with the Indians, BALT LAKE A KERCUR TIMECARD " 0:23.... Fairfield ....124 Arrive Indians West. East. with selling whisky to the J. O. JACOBS, Gen, Aiunaier. 10:45 2:10 Leave Mercur Arrive Chinese with his connivance through " 10 JO. ...Summit Jet. ...2:35 Salt Lake City. cook, with failure to Impose grazing Leave conIs tax upon parties with whom he nected In farming projects and a cure of minor charges. The recent trial and conviction of Roy Williams fur the theft cf a horse from the Pajarito Stock company at Douglas, Wyoi, developed a pjeuliar situation of affairs. Tom Shrewsbury purchased the stolen horse from Williams, paying $20 fer the animaL At ' the conclusion of the trial Dr. Wilson cf the Pajarito company presented young Shrewsbury with a $00 saddla hone. Williams, the convicted man, ; gave Shrewsbury two horses, and Shrewsbury received $18 from the ' county In witness fees. lie Invested $20 In the sto cn horse and received three hones, worth $140, and $18 in j cash. The special grand Jury Investigating municipal affairs of Pueblo, Colo, re-- : turned nine Indictments,, two of which are against Sheriff J. L. Bear j man and Chief of Police H. M. Shoup, charging failure to properly perform j their duties. Chaunccy Griswold shot and killed j V'0 miles Norton st i William j southeRst of l'ikn, Xrv. Trouble be-tween Unvn nrco over the r'::ht to a sheep- spring. Poih were prurr.lv'-r-.- t on been Griswold men. has ' 10,000 bends. XXXXXX - -- , -- 3 3 ! . d - I-- ROBERT E. PICKLE Tut-erco- Salt Lake and Mercur ; i I j J I |