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Show t meant a whole lot of trouble for htsa., WOMEN'S WOESi. But by the time he had made four i e head of (tears werot trips twenty-threMuch of women's back with their old comrades ln the Duck Bar and McCormick waa more daily woe is due to than n thousand dollars out. The count kidney trouble. Sick had been made, and of course it kidneys cause backwasnt made over. The vent brands ache, languor, bllud dullhadnt been put on the cattle, and no headaches, one could prove that there had been ness, Insomnia and any rustling. urinary troubles. To cure yourself you McCormick moved the herd on in must cure the kida few days, and, so far as I know, he never discovered that hla bunch was neys. Profit ly the abort things were done on such an experience of others who have been eztenalve scale ln those days that a cured. few head in or out didn't make so much difference. The Duck Bar out Mr. William W. fit sent a lot of cattle to Kansas City Brown, professionthat fall, and I happened to be there al nurse, of 18 Jane SL, Paterson, N. I have not only aeon much rufwhen they arrived. I noticed some steers among them. fering and many deaths from kidney I thought you had sold all your trouble, but I have suffered myself. At to McCormick.' I aald. one time 1 thought I could pot live. 'So we did,' said Billy with a My back ached, there were frequent smile. But there la one carload of headaches and dizzy spells, and the them In thla bunch. and that Is Juat kidney secretions were disordered. what McCormick had to pay for that Doana Kidney PUla helped me from of whteky he sent ua laet July. the first, and soon relieved me entireI tMnk this outfit can afford another ly of all the distressing and painful i drink on Itlm. Come and Join us." symptoma. A FREE TRIAL of this great kidNew York Press. ney medicine which cured Mrs. Brown will be mailed on application to any . .MERISA LEADS THE WORLD. i part of the United States. Address Immense Amount of Cepper Mined In FOster-MilburCa, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists; price SO cents this Country. oer box. Copper has become a great neres-cltof modern life In the developCoffee Cultivation in Mexico. ment of mechanics. In the matter of The cultivation of coffee has been supply the Un!ted States leads the attempted In the Mesa de Coronelee, wnrld. The total production of cop- forty miles from Tuxpara. v'exlco, at per lait year was 1,110,000,000 pounds, an elevation cf K00 to 1.000 feet above of which 714,000.000 pounds were the eea level, hut only In rare Inmined in this country. This repre- stances has it lienn satisfactory, sents an Inrreaaed output of shout although the few who have '.uccceded four-folsince 1884. 8palu and Port- claim that It la of superior quality, ugal come next in line na copper pro- and sells from two to three cents a ducers. but they are far behind, their pound more than the grade In other total bo ng hardly more than one-- ' and lower sectlrns rif Mexico. eighth of that of thla country. MexONE DOLLAR WHEmT. ico ranks third, but her yield also la small as compared with that of the Western Canadas Wheat Fields ProUnited States. With the development duce It Magnificent Yields Free of electrical science and the growth Grants of Land to Settlers. of applied electricity, a demand for The returns of the Interior Departtrearose which copper only the most mendous energy has been able to ment show that the movement of meet American skill and enterprise American farmers northward to Canrose to meet the demand, and the ada Is each month affecting larger copper output baa increased by leaps areas of the United t'.iates. Time was, and bounds and la still forging ahead. says the Winnipeg Free Press, when The copper mines In Mexico are be- the Dakotas. L.nneujta and lows furing worked by American capital and nished the Dominion with the main labor, but the output la, of course, ac- bulk of its American contingent Last credited to the country that produces year, however, l.uiy-fou- r states and districts were represented in the ofit Portland Oregonian. ficial statement as to the former resiTwine from Wisconsin Wire Grass. dence of Americans who had homo-steadeWire grass twine la n now product ln Canada. The Dakotas gtlil of the Northwest, which promises to head the Hat, with 4,0u6 entries, Minrelieve tha stringency of the supply nesota being n close second with 3.887, of Manila twine during tha wheat har- but with the exception of Alabama vest season. The wire grass from and Mississippi and Delaware every which the twine Is made la grown ln state in the Union supplied settlers Minnesota and Wisconsin, and other who. In order to secure forma in the products as welt &a twine, are made fertile prairie country of Canada, otttaona ot and took tha oath of from It-- CL W. Crawford of btluipo-- ' lAst Us, explained the nature of the new allegiance to, the Dominion. year no less than 11.841 Americans product: lands In CanFor the last ten years or more," entered for he said, the wheat harvest season ada. From the Gulf to the Boundary, has assumed the aspect of n bugbear to farmers who did not have a large and from ocean to ocean, the trek to Without the Dominion goes on. Not ocly the supply of twine on hand. twine binders cannot run, and without jbeatgrowers ot the central taiesie-a.pp- i binders it la Impossible to harvest valley, hut the ranchers of Texas and New Mexico, and the cultivators wheat The only variety of twine that of the comparatively virgin soil ot could be used ln the past was the Oklahoma, are pouring towards the Manila variety. Imported from the productive vacant lands of the CanaIt Is no tentative, Philippine Islands. The supply of that dian Northwest. d departure for an alien always gave out before the harvest ended, and the lack of It often occa- country that is manifested in this sioned great loss. The new wire exodus; It has become almost a rush grass has proved to be equal. If not to secure poxecsfcion of laud which tt superior to Manila twine, and ths la feared by those imperfectly acfarmers may rest easy now. quainted with the vaat area of Canada's vacant lands, may all be acquired before they arrive. There la no Education. Compulsory Willie Moran Is only twelve years element of spi'culttiou or experiment of age, but as bright and shrewd ns In the migration. The settlers have a boy many years hla senior. He la full Information respecting the soil, naturally a good boy, but will not go wealth, the forming methods, the to school. It waa his hatred for laws, taxation and system of governeverything that looks like a hook that ment of the country to which they canned him to be hauled before Judge are moving, and they realize that the Muraaky during a session of the Ju- opportunities offered in Canada aro tn respect better and greater than venile Court The judge had a long evr-rtalk with him and hla mother, and thoso they havn enjoyed in the land then called n truant officer to him, they are leaving. Canada can well afford to welcome gave him some whispered instructions and dismissed Willie. Out In the cordially every t.merican former comThere Is no corridor Willie met a number of his ing to the Uusuinkia. chums. Say, Willie," they asked Question but that these Immigrants him, what did der Judge do ter yer? make the mot desirable sei tiers obDid be send you to der home?" tainable for the development of the "Naw." answered the gamin, with a prairie portion ot the Dominion. Full look of disgust. Worse dan dat He information can be had from any auwot told der Mg cop arrested me to thorized Canadian government agent call at me mothers house every morn- whose address will be found elsewhere In this paper. San Franing to take me to school cisco Call. Feather for Salvationists. ! ! An Atnlstie Spouse. am net I trust; like tt see i athletic: nrver could car fur the lanaureea air itf the ma id wno would ttuae aa catholic MvL-aiaitic v f it 1 muai. rot ilia vrleva:i i reel. Devotion tu aporl t a r.ttia bit ahort trr the perfe-- t reuug hauarwife'a ideal. I nu'ra a eapltvl tcflrr. it's clear if one iruul rieee you hook it; 'lit Hil.-I- i y,.u have landed yvur ttaS sins. o, lu nk you. my dear, you eeald I I dan-eal- I , . (vk . it? rvi-t bear your tlaa quite the American cut on; 1, I A a, Hla you able to dice for the cut alt a shoulder of mutton? ya: four muH-leare firmer than steel If you Hity Juat one it hurls: Ji cun rat, u'a nut tapwrung lu tw ueeltby end at rang, rut car you saw buttona on ahlrta? So tviiat I say. for I feel tht trutn it were folly to shirk lint I wan' for my wife a helpmeet thruugb life. And 1 want e Terrible Turk. London sketch e h-- ar three-year-ol- d three-yearold- a ! n "When it comes to exacting ample revenue for real or fancied injury give ms ths cow man, and I'll how you a fellow who doesn't forgive sr forget," said Bob Howard, who for the last fifteen years has been foreman of the I. D. brand in tlte Crow reservation in Montana. "I know one man that paid about $1,200 few a bottle of whisky simply because he failed to pay e little beL Maybe It wasn't hie fault that he didnt make good, but Juat the same he was held at fault and bad to foot the bill. His name ie Paul McCormick, and he lives out in BUlinga. He ia a rich man now, said fo be a millionaire, end he hasn't missed the 11,200. In fact, up to the present time ha doesnt know how much he paid for a quart of rod eye.' This little incident happened about a dozen years ago. Cattle were cheap The price, had dropped with great i and McCormick had contracted to purchase 800 bead of tho Dick Bar brand on eight months dnlivery. By the time for the fulfillment of the contract had arrived he found himself facing loss on account of tha drop In values. He didn't want the cattle, eo I have always understood, but the owner of the Duck Bar was obdurate end McCormick had to .take the tears. The 800 were cut out of the main herd and swum across the Btg Horn to the cast aide. The river la very swift at this point, as it la Just where it emerges from the mountains under the tumbledown abode walla of old Fort C. F. Smith. It was July, and the melting enow from the mountains caused the river to run baukftil. "McCormick didn't aocept the oattle with particular good humor, and he didnt take tha Jokes of tha Duck Bar foreman with the gracious spirit that the West demands from the man who gets the worn of a bargain. The' foreman waa a big muscular chap named Billy Carter, now a good citizen out at Great Falla One day Billy was looking across at McCormicks steers on the othor aide of the Big Horn. The cattle ewam the river ln pretty good shape, Paul,' he said. Yes, snapped McCormick, a good deal better then come men I lmow could turn the trick. Are you hinting around that I couldn't swim it? asked Billy. I'll cover your pile that you cant do It. replied McCormick. " There's just forty in my belt that aaya I can do It both ways, said tha cowboy. "Well, they put up the money and The water was icy Billy stripped. He rested for about an hour end tba beat of the July sun soon took the out of hlx body. He borrowed some clothes from some of McCormick's tuna on tnc other aide, got a horse end rode about two miles up stream. Then be took tor the water again and landed about where he bed atarted, tired but buoyed up by the thought that he had won hie beL McCormick didn't look particularly comfortable over the loea. for I believe he thought Billy would back out of the return swim. He made a little old-tim- e To Prove what the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Roo- t, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of this paper May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall. ' Weak and nnlianllhy kidneys are responsible for more sickness and tiiiflerlnc than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and need attention first. If you are sick or ftel badly," begin taking Ir. Kilmer's Swaiiipltoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Tha mild and immediate effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t, the great kidney and bladder remedy, ia Boon realized.' It Unde the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Rowill set tout whole system right, and the hast proof of this is a trial. 5J Correas St., Kslwms. Mass. Dsaa Bias frequently night and day, amarting n irritation in passing, bricltdust or sediment in the urine, headache, backache, lams back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervousness heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, akin eruptions hum bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes bloating, irritabil- ot ity, woruout feeling, lack of ambition, lose of Utah, sal low complexion, or Bright's disease. Jan. llih, 1W. "Emr tinea I was In tha Amir. I had more or lees kidner trouble. and within the Pt.t year it became to severe end complicated Hint 1 luBniad evMjrtbins sad was much elermrd-m- r etrrnxth ad power was feet laavint mo. I saw an silver daemon! of Swimp-Koo- t and wrote ukinc fat advice. I betas tha hm of tha medicine end noted a decided improvimunl afiar takios Swamp-koenly a ahort lima. 1 eootinuad ill nia and am thankful to ear that I am antiralr eurad and atronf. la enter to be vary mro about this, 1 bad a doctor cumins aotno ot mr water ha praaounead it all riihl and la eplandid condition. 1 knew that pear Swamp-Roo- t is petal, Wa sad doaa net .cantata an, harmlul dnita for Tbsnklns jea Bt, eomptete zaeovar, and Bwsap-Reo- t to ell auSanrs, 1 am. Var, trul, voon. If your water, when allowed to remain undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty-fou- r hours, forms a sediment or settling at has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need immediate attention. ia the great discovery ol Swamp-RoDr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use it with wonderful success in both slight and severs cases. Doctors recommend it to their patients and use it in their own families because they recognize in Swamp-Rotha greatest and most successful remedy. 1. C. RICHARDSON." is pleasant to take and is Swamp-Roo- t .. You may hare a sampla bottle of tfaie for sale at drug stores the world over ia famous kidney remedy, Swamp-lfoo- t, sent bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty free by mail, postpaid, by which you may cents and one dollar. Fntumbrr the last ita virtues for such disorders as kidney, name , Swamf-Aoot- , Dr. Kilmers Madder and uric acid disease poor digesSwamf-Xoo- i, and tie address, Jiinf-hamtotion. being obliged to pasa your water If. V., M every bottle. ot nntr ot . EDITORIAL NOTICE. If yon COUPON. have the slightest symptoms of ktdhey or Plana wrlta or Gil Hi thlm coo pen with mr -. and Dr. Kilmer A Co. will name and ait.lrrland bladder trouble or if there is a trace of it a Free Semple Rattle of tmep-ltithe in vour family history, send at once to Dr. ' Kidney Kenedy. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send yon by mail, immediately, witheeete t(NM laoeeweeeeeesaaerieaeeOte eeeeeew out octet to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Roand a book containing many of the St. end No. eeeatst taeeaeeekeoeeeeooeo MM mss ISM thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. CttyarTswe eesa ease tinea ssssetlsssas ssmss MSS In writing, bo sure to say that you read I SSISIIMSK ... la SSSISSSSMMSMS Cits generous offer in this paper. Mention this paper. at ot - our catalog you may Throughfrom the largest stock of choose BASEBALL GOODS Between Chicago and Francisco. - San --- o. FREE .F." Every-ihm- d 3ES9B95SS3 For Every Sae-- I ia BROWNING BROS. CO. SDaS.M- Every Xceeon - HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY .NCVFRFAII?. iaiLv PON TH1 MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS San Netden-Judso- General Agents, Drug Ca n PON SALE BY ALL DNUORISTS AND QbNtNAL DTORfid Salt Lake City, Utah. WE TBEBT liED CUBE Nme inti Tfanui lmu-fclliMtNhisiiiMl IC)ad KitrliKPiwn. umieicb. Urer mmS t.iuni'y 1 nuibiMs As'lmm m -lljirNM!' lilafirier THi.bu'i frVu;a WomniAiilChi d Chronic plaint. 2Civre Ik i run. Ilctrl Oum. HlCAtts. iKb. rilin' Troub.n. HrlAliCM end HnUiiiniitn. I'l- ttfcln I Pllm. Ol lb nwf.t. Flii and Hit 1 Ttoub M. luir lor bin unit. Iilcd I !niwi. ClTiRRH-fVifnF- M. lini. - JlfMcn. Kp:Lpy. Ji7 Krr,Strruus and ihirure Tap VtiHiu. litMMimlih, aid.. and nil UimiiMa. Uihuo Treatment I'nrea. Writs for fnc ajruipliHik Ilf! If sol rtuinoi raJL Coiouliilimi Frid, dr. a.j. euouzs. IT Muted by talk fa bate pnnea Wa Staeaiu-- Milt it aae aitdreasea. earins CltUnMIC nuint voluulary aivlns aaieaa. plaiuraa a t cant rrni.iH oi k h bbs IN PUItAIKIilM.Ak won ut bouaf Oi,utitqo.. Ilsosi vc have tooruve our ki!i In ihU data vl lnwMa la her way lba Hour plan: and Hffn DS. w. aMORBIa a UKAtfc'XAULV ea;i lisitcnd upoa tudonwd oi p r TO I UK VlU l.h lb rtla huw. .u nui demand a a 1int uua crhaudtiic ibcl . .o-.iFaK hii: ii TIi.n apiiiies Ijoii Maa-bim- d. uniiin WmiIichs, sirmiaiorrhors. Yarl IriMtiMM of iliu l,nh(iuiAe and. I n natural Iaami, i oiiirmtijf i rdra H rismn, u. Coa tacuiua UaOod loiaua, anil all WBdatftifcddBd of KKlfi o ar enr aklll by pablithlaii ihe Tnim Iwma iwuple. a Fay r jo find aikI rir ah(o yoa mwocird. uf tba waaknawaa er i- ioo or eoniacvkitv nllp fUiuton w waar iKimram-e- . tonivu ana tug tu U. When Cured Weak Men roa.slfar trial nil. Un Ask Vim a b.i piu. Hi lUMiiid M K WA.N aein i , I T a. m. ko p. a. Cvaalaffa. OlTICK HOl'M. los: Nuudays. lu a m. in U. w. aaeowo south ar. SHORES & SHORES. Stccislists. alT LANS CITY. UTAH. RKTSKtSS UUGH AID GROW FAT a larva paaea. kr.ayear; a yaarua iHai lur Zaau j iiwiitonw. akeKbai awnae, nlvaatura. atu i W.N. U.. Salt luj rj IL-l- . i:,.t :t tu: t. Lake-N- o. (., Tj.- 19, .KJfw,. I. 1904-- la p,;j . if g AWrUNANENT CHS, res MUNKBIhUp Asorsuc ABHK.TIONS -. fKuur jTiTUTr.r J17 if. Mil UK1 CUT. , ah-.-i- UtArt s'-o- n. I 'Xrilttnjson's Eys Water "'Are you hlnt'n arcund that I couldn't swim It?" asked Billy. cold, for it wasn't more than a dozc-- t hours from mellicg snow, and St hadnt bad a chance to rise in temperature to such an extent that it wouldnt send a chill through your system every time you took a drink of 1L Moreover, the current vna like a mlllrace and was powerful enough to turn the wheels of all N'tw England. Billy took the plunge amid the cheers of the cow punchers In m both outfits. The instant he hit I he water he was whirled around like a (1:: and waa carried under the suciurc the frothing eddiij. Bui he citu- - . the top end struck out again, i1.,; ti hla head Vohb.rg up an.! judil-il.e wa p.inj f.,r hla powerful stro'-.i-a srlm across t!i .!!r.ut!" iu Mo winter sca.on. Ho ciTieS t 'u-- t n mile down t:n.e i landint where tl r I"-- tv.i.;, a bend alout half n n" - iw iow tht fert I r y d fl He came to the top end struck out again.' proposition as. to the disposal of the money that put It up to Billy eo that he couldnt get the coin and preserve hla standing In that community. '"Billy, he said, of course this money ie yours, but what do you say to taking the whole eighty and getting n little etuft for the boys? They look pretty dry, and I don't believe this will get any more then they can carry in good shape. All right, said Billy. Count me ln. I'll do It If you will furnish a buckboard and n man to go down to the post trader's at Fort Custer.' McCormick agreed to this. Fort Custer la down at the mouth of the Little Big Horn, about forty miles from where we were. The man lit out with the buckboard that very evening, and did not get back till the next afternoon. He had stopped at McCormicks camp, about four mllea below that of the Duck Bar outfit, and when he arrived at the latter ftlace there waa one bottle of ginger ale and n quart bottle of whisky. He didnt give any explanations as to what had become of the rest, and he wasn't asked for any. Just the same. Billy Carter expressed a little surprise that hie $80 hadnt purchased more whisky for his own outfit. He voiced bis astonishment mildly for a cowboy, but the herders could tell from the snap of his eyes that he waa doing a little thinking, too. In fact, he was so mild about it that the rest of us thought he was going to let the matter drop. But he hadn't the slightest intention of passing up the matter. He went over the Crow reservation the very next day and bought the beet swimming horse he could find. There was nothing unusual in such an action and no comment was passed except upon the swimming qualities of the horse. That night he brought the Duck Bar cattle down to the west bank of the Big Horn and bedded them down In Bight of the steers sold to McCormick, and then on the other side of the river. McCormicks main outfit was. as I have said, about four miles below, on the east side of the big Horn, but the cattle bought from the Duck Bar were tn charge of half a dozen men, who split up the watches for night herding duty. McCormick was a rigid disciplinarian and Insisted that close watch he kept over his cattle, for although there wasn't so much danger of n stampede, there waa always fear of rattle thieves. But I don't think any of the men on night herd had ary frars from the other aide of the Dig Horn. But that Is Just where they were mistaken. For two n'rhtv Billy Carter made ncroi the river. He two trips a ri'-stealthily cut out five or t lx head at a time nnd s"c.m them o the othor of business. side. It wa1! n rl. Isy wore He Vnnw MKVr.T'l 'Vn is di.-- covered It j watchful, end If In ht nli-c- ! v-- half-hearte- - Evil of Through tfcn agency of the 8alvat!on army a man who had been missing for twenty-threyears has been found In Australia and reconciled to hla wife and family. the Tenement House. The worst phase of city life Is found lu the tenement houses, where whole families are crowded together ln single rooms, and the moat ordinary decency ia Impossible. Think of nine persons sleeping, eating and preparing food ln n room eight feet by twelve, and scarcely high enough to allow Ita occupants to stand erect! Imagine the conditions of life where fourteen persons of both sexes and of ages varying from nine years to adult manhood and womanhood, herd together In a cellar without divisions or partition! of any kind. Hundreds of people are found living In ten ment rooms with an average of six persons to a room. Exchange. e Ask Tour neater Tag Allan's Fnnt-KnsA powder. It reus the feet. Bunioe, Swollen, Sore. Hot.CslIoui, Aching Sweating Fret and I ngrowinx Nads. Allen's e tnaknf nrwor tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 rents. Aocept no substitute. Sample mailed Fata. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. st Cure-tCoro- Foot-E.t-- Employment of Russians. Leas than 3.000,000 of Russia's 131,. OfO.COO inhabitants are employed lu manufactures and the greater part of their work is on government orders. W offer On The Journey. There waa danger enough. Clod wofc Treneheroua rath and pit. fog to blur the way to her Gray Where never a star was lit. Mu i'f How's This? Hundred Dollar Rrrfl for Bf Ire cured br UhIIi AUfTh ibftt caoiM! 'urrti Cure. F. J. CHFAET A CO., Trirdo O We. the umtovixurnl, ime F J Cbirr ferUiMtit 13 Tetr.nd Unlit him frfrrtlj lure kin-w- orebl In All TttiuisM unnrual1 ms ihI fliiNw.tftllv cbi w eAftj otu say uMitisiit'iw nude bjr hv Gnu Walpikii, K15V4 A Harm Wiiniasai Uni rUu. Tnidn, O flairs CAttrrh Cura U Ukn cciInc struggle and slip and strive a hundred deaths and mure: unknown where 1 went alone To lay my heart at her door. And the welcome, the clasp, the kiss. And the Wpn.tc-f- 'i Joy thereof tha foe They on'y km who have Anil have fought f way to love. Tt wa Through Oer the trail npuii tbr blod and 1rH:nnnliM mh frn Irk Tt Rod I'jr ail Dni uUi, lafct lUUa KftiuUv 1iiU urconstlimshia. y'nn. Mill. I tha muc"juirf cuU trer Christian Enucuvortre m irda. Is claimed that the I'hrh t.;n Dn-- ; detivor niovruxiu te u l mors value to young Chri-.Ual.,e in India than It baa lu America. it Theodos'p fiarrteoiA. Phones In New York. New York has l?0,ti0fi telephones. (. |