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Show a narcotic. Later he was sleeping quietly; sleep was what he needed. It is too bad it is so stormy,1 he said, and there was an Indescribable kindness la his voice aa he stood beside her at tho window while the darkness was enveloping the world. T ould so like to see the stars from By W. CLARK RUSSELL. your windows, Dolores. Can you see Venus above the mountains when it CwrrilM, ISA, hr r F, Colli or. Copyright. 117. by Dodd. Mni A Co. is clear, and the moon set in the moons arms?" young She lifted her true eyes to his face, CHAPTER VI Continued. The other cabins contained little and a flush was coming into the pure, that was useful or valuable. Pope Pope Instantly saw bow it w fare. pale common-plac- e troublesome collision; went on deck. The weather remained "There are few I can place la the and he delivered these orders in a very dark and quiet Th locked vesheavens," she said, slowly, "but those voice that rang like the notes of a sel rolled softly on the long breathing I know are like friends to me; I have of the sea, with an occasional thump no friends, you know. And my mother bugle through the brig: take some hands and se- or jers that was made soft and harmis near me when the stars are in the cureGrlndal, that fellow by his gibboom. less by fenders. sky. My mother Is dead. You knew Leave play In the The ten armed seamen who had folseizing tor the heave my mother is deadT" of the swell. Let go the tgallant hal- lowed the two captains into the veske answer, made, 'Yes," smiling Man fore and main clew gar- sel, came lurching in twos and threes Into the lifted face so near his own. yards. nets. Starboard fore and mainbraces. on to the quarterdeck, and hung about I would so like you to see my moth-Sweat the yards fore and aft, some the commander and his mate listener, Dolores. You could not fall to hands, out of the road. 'Wheres Mr. ing. Pope did not order them forlove her." P ward. The girl shook her head. There was Crystal "Here, sir," shouted the 'mate, who The crew of this ship," said he to no deepening of the soft coloring of had followed the captain on deck with- Crystal, likewise the woman, must her face, no tremor of the proudly in a few momenta be kept locked up till the horizon's "Mr. Crystal, get an up betwixt us. They'll be boarded and and serve out cutlasses and firearms. released. I'm for having her stuff I mean to board that fellow. He's aboard us and herself well astern bebeen sent to provision us. fore the horizon opens to the sun. and The had been stowed makes a picture of us two vessels for away very conveniently to hand, as half a score of craft close by to wonmay be supposed, in a little division der at. in the afterbold called the lazaretto, You're right, cap'en, shouted one gained by a small hatch in the cabin of the seamen. deck. Thither Crystal and some men "Get these yards braced forward, rushed; the cabin lamp gave them Mr. Crystal, said Pope, "I leave you light They came up with armfuls of in charge here. cutlasses and a number of pistols, and He wert quickly forward Into the the two captains heading about ton bows, listened attentively, but no armed men of their crew, sprang from sound proceeded from the Imprisoned the rail into the stranger's bow, and men below. Than In a leap or two he ran with terrifying shouts along her gained the deck of his own brig. The Two Captains THAT GIRL of JOHNSON S 9y JEA.fimMELATE LWLVM. Amlur FlUiri Aeeordlnc la ifca Otfcca CHAPTER if a Ctrl', tbra.- Mu. In A SaliK la AM at Canaria la Ika Yaar lMO b at tha Libraiioa of Caorraai, at Wukaiioa, D. C. Earnest voices they were and full of a meaning she could not catch. The road was deserted; the men X. Tha Rescue. Tha anno of the men were brawny and atronc; Orecn wu light In weight and litho aa a tiger; the rope ran out akrfj and oteadlly, olid out and down ever the sharp edge of the chaim where the g raises were long and hid the sharp rut into emptiness, making a treacherous foothold. Suddenly the rape stopped running, grew slack, and Oreen's voice came up in a shout. Thus silence reigned again save for the rain and wind. Moments passed; to the girl stand- lug bark motionless the moments seemed like hours. Her eyes did not move from the edge where the rope ran over. Groan called again, and they began to pull the rope. Dolores' eyes widened as she watched them; her lips wore apart, a flash on h"r checks. The mist grew more thick and dense, stealing up and p until It reached the edge of the eh asm. It stole about the men at work at the rope and enveloped them silently: through Its gray folds they looked like specters at work for all eternity, with set faces, pulling the I Gypsy was held to her course af wA hy south and no notice was taken od the ships in clghL Not likely that Pope would plunder in the sight of he(p. He wanted darkness or a lonely sea girdle. In the afteiroon Pope and the other captain walked the deck together and talked over their plans and hopes. The seamen in various parts of tho brig loafed and lounged, and some attended to such trifling Jobs as tho boatswain put them to, and all of them smoked to a man. "1 should like to know " said Crystal, taking Popes cigar from hla hand to light hla pipe afresh with it, If you've got any more fixed and clear ideal as to the division and tho tarn ring, every man, to the plunder his whack; for." he atuttered, snp-pos- e I am to take 'up a thousand pound." "A plague on your modesty," interrupted Pope. Five thousand pound then," cried Crystal, shouting the words with some momentary emotion of excltemenL "How do you propose that I'm to deal with that lump of metal ao aa to bring It off without being challenged, tried and hanged? Pope sat down on the skylight and his square companion seated himself beside Mm. 1 quite agree with you." says Pope, 'that burying schemes ought not to ho entertained. Ill not lightly hazard what It will have kept my neck ta jeopardy to get. But should not tha egg first be laid before wo talk of sitting upon it? "Ay, but consider this," exclaimed Crystal, glanring at the fellow at tha helm, who was trying to overhear them: youre going to cruise in such degrees for a certain ship. She appears on a sudden." Pope rolled np his eyes with a devotional look. We board her: we find as much treasure as will satisfy us. Again Pope looked up to heaven, and the man at tho wheel, catching the word treasure, trained hia neck. "And so you've got your egg," continued Crystal, in a manner of speaking all in a minute. Should not the hatching of it have been settled? Aa soon as we've got what we want yon and meIl wish to had straggled up to Johnson's house when first be was brought home, but as soon as the messenger sent by Green brought the doctors from the town they ordered perfect quiet, and the men were sent away without being allowed to enter. They turned away in silence and went down the road to the tavern with its welcome 1 fire, its cider, and comrades. The women were forced to remain at home; they gossiped with, their daughters or their kinsfolk around the great hearth fires. Their needles were busy, their spinning wheels hummed; arms-chetheir lives were narrow, but there was work to be done aa well as food for gossip. Only Dolores was idle. She stood at window staring with unarms-chesseeing eyes at the storm outside, straining her ears in vain to catch the hum of voices la her father's room. Young Green was there, and two loo tors, and a woman they said was a nurse. What need was there of a nurse she asked herself. She could nurse her father. And what were the doctors doing theref It her father was only exrope In and in. The rope came up steadily and slow hausted from exposure and lack of and sure, then Green spoke from Just food why should he need two doctors? Men had been lost on the mountain below the surface. decks. "Stop; some of you give me a hand I before; they never needed nurses when they were brought horns; their "Drive the crew into the foksle," here. Careful. He In insensible." CHAPTERS VII. bellowed Pope. "Cut down all who reThey obeyed him without a word. A own women cared for them; she could did care for her father. The Black Flag. terror was on Dolores' face; she sist When he was well enough they The pirates worked with a will. By The man who held the lantern on not move; her fingers were twisted -' the quarter deck, who bad shouted daybreak all the cargo was transtightly together; her lips were com- would send for him at the town; they line. red to him were tor a in prove unintelligibly, who was Incased in shipped. It had been a hard nights waiting only straight pressed clothes which swelled him to the di- task, hut the men had tolled with desThe men were slow and careful; It their suspicions. The case had been mensions of a bull, was undoubtedly perate will, so eager were they to get was no light thing to lean over the adjourned; it was a pretty clear case the master of the little ship. Another clear of the plundered craft before edge of the chasm; the treacherous of malice, folks said, but they were man stood beside him, probably the the light of heaven shone upon the edge hidden in sedge might give way waiting for her father to prove it stock-still- , sea. mate. They remained Tha door of the bedroom opened, fins lifted her eyes to hla face. at any moment, but the hands of the go dear." The fog rolled away before the motionless as dead men, men were slow and steady; they and the nurse came out. 8he was an curved red transfixed, As fast as we can storm through no of the Ups, drooping as commands though elderly woman with a grave face. She obeyed Greens It, answered Pope. over the dark eyes. silken lashes brought several parrels from the they were powerless of "Then, sir, we ought to hive our I know nothing about lore," she I They had Johnson up on firm ground town. Young Green bout her a note aid, quietly. I have only my father plans cut and dried now that we era and Green after him; they laid the by the man who went to fetch the doo-torfor the Spaniard's course." books." heading mothers and my and she knew wbat to bring. One insensible man on the ground with said, burying a dark-endea Crystal darkened His eyes suddenly, Costa tor pillows; they forced some or two of these she opened and preof forefinger in the howl of hla tump tenderness came over the fair, cider between his teeth and chafed pared beef and broth. She spoke strange face. to the side to spit into and going pipe kindly his brawny hands tenderly as a wo- quietly and pleasantly to Dolores, but the sea. a is about After all. sadness there man would. Two of them cut down a she found her own way about the xope smiled at his square vigorous love; perhaps it Is as well, Dolores." couple of saplings and lopped off the house and seemed to fit into every-thingfigure, and on his returning said, and from He turned her, swiftly branches, making the body smooth; The scheme I'm disposed to fix upon the room lighted only by the A sudden fear took possession of crossing these they bound together with two is this: We shall doubtless fall in in defined his fire, figure flickering cross pieces; they crossed the rope Dolores. It was sharp and appalling, with a small vessel of handy size, altshapes upon the walls, ho la a network back and forth. No and she straightened up under it as grotesque er we have looted the Spaniard. Yon her room entered the beyond, leaving in words were uttered; they worked though shs had received a blow. It motionless at the darkened window, will take charge, and I will man her silence with a grimness that was al- was no exhaustion from want of food with a few of the best of our people. him. her eyes following most terrible to the watching girl. and shelter that ailod her father; some-thinWe will sail in company tin we eon so1 window left the she Presently Th'tf'fsln"was7AinhV steadily bow', more than that brought this to the place that's agreed upon by ail to a the shelf at other crossing and dripped through the branches, woman and the doctors, caused this and, hands; we will then transfer our share book down had he took last the end. of the booty to your vessel, and I shall falling on Johnsons face. His hands hush of voice and footsteps, shot her brought her and opened it to her he from her father's presence. She spoke, moved gropingly a moment; surrender the brig and the mens favorite reading of the fables of the hare of plunder remaining In her, to opened his eyes and looked vacantly and her voice was low. The woman stars. ' Her eyes bent over the pages about him; they were hollow eyes and turned quietly toward the girl. What d'ye say?" asked Pope, them. were luminous, her cheeks flushed "You spoke, Miss Johnson?" with a twinkle In his eye that was Uko hungry; he recognised no one. Dolowas her out narrowed of She softly. res came up shyly, offering no word "What alls my father?" a raindrop trembling in a breeze. life with the Infinite range of tho of sympathy, and with a moan John"He will be better by and by. We heavens spread before her; the millCrystal's face worked with tho son closed his eyes again. could not expect him to recover at ions and millions of miles of space chewing of the cud of.thoughL Ho "We must get him home as soon as once. Do not be alarmed." aid, When I take charge of the other carried her mind with tho thoughts Dolores repeated her question in tho far. far above tho shut-i- n life of her vessel all the plunders to be left same low yet perfectly distinct voice; mountain home and tho stolid settle aboard here? 'Till we come to an agreed place, her eyes looked steadily at the wom- moot that had no life but the tavern "Drive the crew Into the f6k,sleln It is a scheme." an. answered Pope. and the gossip. with In a What alls my father?" said he and seeing disaffecthe came shrug, the east, crew wane storming splendor breaking tho bedAs young Green entered the piratic sea opened fair and blue. The Prus- tion In the square man's countenance. The nurse was annoyed. She did room the nurse was setting things to to the quarterdeck. not like to be questioned so pointed"Forward with ye," yelled Pope, sian brig lay lashed alongside, but "I'm jot sailing right away for tha rights for the night; she smiled at ly; she had studied to keep her own him as he entered; the two doctors flourishing his sword about the ears with fenders between. When the ves- coast of Cumberland and smuggling counsel and use few words. sels were released the Gypsy elided my money ashore. We may make anwere talking together In aa under of the fat captain. "Your father had a heavy fall, Miss tone. off to the impulse of the faint air that other Oak job of It, and the risks "Away with ye." bawled Crystal, stirred her jibs and topsails. And that," he added, tossing his hud to Johnson; only the ledge saved him. "Take good care of her, Mrs. Allen," the mate a thump between when she had floated a distance of ten nsp his finger. was broken striking above His right leg the he said, earnestly; "and see that she "And where will this brig go?" knee; the doctors have set that now; sleeps. 8he is completely worn out tho shoulders which set him running. times her own length they brought And amid cries and execrations, and her to a stand. The crew must settle that" boat was lowered it will bo better soon." 1th this strain. I leave it with yon "Will those yon give me for a comLike young Green, she would not to see that she is Interested in things the stamp of feet, and the laughter of and Captain Crystal and five pirates tell the full truth. How could she outside of this room. I will stop at men alorg the rsl of the Gypsy, the went on board the plundered ship to pany like to be separated from their with the Immerse leave her In such trim as would not morpy : tell the girl the extent of the injuries the tavern and be up early in whole of the crew, them, were excite the suspicion of the among welled captain and the possible end? That one of his the morning. Everything all right, They may take It," says Pope. passing and tumbled into the Mariner, unless he came forward be wept have to would (To he continued.) close amputated: legs very Harry?" forecastle through the little scuttle and hailed her. that his whole system was so shat(To be continued.) and battened down. l'hen the five rogues and their mate. tered it would he a miracle if he lived, Col. Ingersoll Outdone. A few of the men were left on deck. Crystal, entered their beat and rowed and though he should lire he would The Franklin Inn Club of PhiladelREADY WITH H. ANSWER. The ethers followed Captain Pope and toward the Gypsy, which lay athwart phia Is an organization composed exbe a cripple always? She dared not say this; she dared not look at the How Sir Harry Keppel Staggered the Capl n Crystal down the companion with her head at scuth. clusively of literary men. At tha hatch into tho strangers l!rlng room. i'nere was a single cabin window in quaint clubhouse there aroze, one day girl at first Governor of Algiers, A lamp of several tints of glass the stern of the snow, and when they a discussion shout drunkenness, and Trescntly Dolores spoke again, and There are not many men in the burned under the little skylight Un- had got it in view they saw It was about various bsnuy and her voice was perfectly even British navy who were promoted more der the slow. lamp, at a square table, per- open a heavy glazed frame and the quickly than Sir Harry KeppAL He fectly visible In the white luster that woman stood In the middle of it like descriptions of the state of inebriety "How long before he will be well? Laid him on the Ground, Some one cited Col. Ingersoll's epiwas a commodore at twenty-four- , and streamed downward, sat a stout woma picture. Impossible to tell, the woman re- at this shout a man so drunk that he gram possible," Green said, gravely. his to was the sent gov early age .feather i'ope was looking throngh hla glass lay on his back In a field and felt up on the fere of the girl standing plied gravely. "Such cases are uncer- ernor of Algiers to demand an apol- an In a hat with a large Immensetwo and at the woman In the window. tain." trembling round It He iu the air for the grass. John Luther silently beside her father. ogy from that monarch for aa insult ly thick lengths of hair pale as hay But he will get well?" window did notice In not that T been without food since the day beher Long, novelist, said: to the British flag. lying in braids like sennit upon her cabin, said he to Crystal while the Why not? We will take good rare "But I hare heard of s man drunker fore yesterday. He lost his way. and braid of the the gold Naturally back. She held her fat hands dssped men were hoisting the boat. "What evn than fell In the night when he was trying of him. Irgersoil's. This rhap, after to fired deeds commodore the youth Do you think. Dolores' eyes grew upon her lap, and some flne rings does she say?" for a long time one night to find his way hock after hunting the trying vainly a bit little of and, perhaps, heed daring, took them. Pope "if I was a Prussian I could tell yer. to open his door with a latch key, mutcow. He has been lying there on that dark as night, do you think they will of side," and the high tone which flashed upon of this. He made her one of his lofty Pope. answered Crystal. for him before he can go? They tered to himself with a hiccough' ledge ever since too weak to make send for him to go to the town ho arrogated to himself upset his bows and exclaimed. Good evening, are waiting himself save to effort thereby 'Some ore must have stolen tho "Our afloat and that any to aa leaving extent of such ship Algiers majesty madame. do you speak English?" for him to go to pron hole.' doubtless caving hie life, for the ledge in to the be her rescued and key people cried out that dusky potentate She stared at him motionless. He I know, the women said, quietly, that would stand little motion. to tell their story proves. Jonathan tho tho insolence of British French tried and of words few against a over the muscles knew He did not a'rtd that Johnson had with perfect control we are new to our trade." says Napoleon and Victoria. queen for sending a "beardless bey her with that torgue. She continued that broken both of bis legs in the fall, of her face. "I have heard. No, they with aurh a message to him. The old The visit of President Ioubet d Pope grimly. a pihim. at Pope, stare though ran until he will him to for go.' send not and doubtless received Internal In after sacking her. would-havLondon was the first act of the kind But young Keppel was prepared; Johnson." must not worry. Mi rate, was not a pickpocket, and finn- wolf, and all ahe contained, living j by a chief of the state In France aince Juries that must prove serious If not You sunk her "wont sensehe "Were and my queen, stlrless replied, mute, the window to back the lady Dolores turned ing on were hie. and fetal Dolores' eyes and dead. But I am determined to Napoleon III. went to Windsor In and silence to take lergth of beard for a test of less with terror, he cast his eyes at he could not tell the whole cf what with no further remark, carry out my scheme." says he, with April, 188!-- , during the Crimean war, have she would seat a and her at wisdom, your fingers, the rings upon fell over the room save for tho womone of his arch looks, "as politely as nt the Invitation of Queen Victoria, might come. a a hushed highness bright gold chain round her neck. He When they had placed Johnson on an's soft movements, and now possible. And you know I've been whose nominal object in seeing her Instantthe hand his rings. upon and put the litter as comfortably as possible, sound from the bedroom praying while you've been sway that imperial ally ws to confer with him an sent woman up Sentiment vs. Fact ly the poor Lodle offered his cost to Dolores in then. we may have the lurk (o fall In with on his project distasteful to her and she remained yet shriek, of advance the That preparation a short word or two and go change of one of Duncan's or Peterson's ships." her mtrlsters, of gnirg out to SebastoIn back fell her she not always conform to seated, though speeches wui CHAPTER XI. face, but the girl shook her head, These had been amorg those whom pol himself to assume command of tho circumstances was made evident due-l- i chair. without speaking, though ebe gave The French emperor and Crystal had served, and Peter allied armies. he tho hurt said to mean don't "I you." aa recent at a flag raising g uptown Tho Nurse's Story. him one of her rare wiles. and on was the man who had made prom- was received with every mark of and Rut her school. grasping The orator captain. had young In puolic remained doctors that The the down path tangled walked steadily see speaking for several wlautoa, wrist be dexterously drew the rings ises of command to Crystal which he honor at Windsor and Invested with m the treacherous bushes, half hidden hushed room tha whole of the long off her fingers, pocketed them, and did not keep. Crystal ground his the Order of the Garter. But tho la mist and rain, with Green at her sight through; the nurse said that they whoa he advanced to tho frost of the with teeth. the lueen paired her point and the emgold whipped agility raised hla head with great draa his platform, did but would not go presently, they burled In thought, though abandoned his intentions of goAll the morning was passed in stowThese peror over the hat her chain things oa tho to the matic gesture flag was ready to reach out for her As darkness settled dowa heavily one to the Crimes. swav and the his ing Into ing pluqder repairing pocket. captain put Basis lance whenever It was needed of them came out and spoke to the above Mm and shouted: out of the afterhold the trifliP g damages aloft. Shortly came Its Crystal "See yon throwing a went fag with into nurse the r.urso. Then the and his tore was almost sweet and the contents. after eight bells (noun) the Prussian One Each Year. bedroom with the doctors, and the lag folds to the breose of freedom 1" of tha main was reported to Hv touch upon it. La Mnntt I have a poem on tho possible gather by brig was on the horizon and a large It was a pretty seattmoaC hut too So far as it door was shut. e candle and the bull's ship was apparently heading for her. Shamrock III. Going to send it to tho Once nr twice young Oreeu came "breeze" didnt bear out the ptotose. the light of the Delores stood listlessly at one of discovered had he cheeses, ham Pope watched them with curiosity; Elite Set wane all aye, which turned The flag.to eyes flhe kitchen windows; she was looking out to speak a pleasant word to her of I a Moyn some casks of what he thought might the large ship passed the brig and Oh. they keep as as turned, Hmp immediately as or a to bang message out at the storm but she did not see encouragement ailed on, and by two o'clock the plun-e- l script two years. Better call It casks of moist Hollands, sugar water prove Philahad been la It if was dipped more he father's condition; her to the ratch were strained her ears was out of sight. The rock Y. asd amny cases of tobsccoi Bound of voices In fathers room. quiet now. tha dorters had gtvoa hisa delphia Frees st ts - self-thoug- d ' g well-know- n d e " ee I; eas kr 1 |