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Show ROGUES HAVE A GALLERY. Diamond "Fences Collect Pictures of Government Officials. A recent visitor to Antwerp, which A city la bow tha chief market in Europe for stoles Jewels, ass taken by a friend "in the know lo n house used as an ofllre by Illicit diamond buyers, in one room he saw a large collection of photographs, the first to catch bla eye being that of Major William! of tha United States Treasury Department, at Pari. An Inquiry revealed the fart that all persons of an official character who are considered dangerous by the gang ara honored by haring their photographs placed in the collection. Should the original of tho photograph set foot in Antwerp he would be shadowed by secret service police employed by the receivers of the stolen goods. The letter of Miss Merkley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that CHANGE AND LOSS OF HAIR. thousands of cases of inflammation of the ovaries and womb Causa Is Similar in Both Man and Beast. are annually cured by the use of Although wo are told that tha leoLydia & Pinkhamg Vegetable pard can not change his spots. It Is certain that tba markings on tho fur Compound. of some animals do change. Especi"Dsab Uu PmxHAir: Gradual ally la this true where the animal has loan of itmifth and nerve force told me something mi radically wrong1 with me. I had eevere shooting paina through the pelvle organa, erampa and extreme irritation compelled me to eeek medical advice. The doctor aaid that 1 had ovarian trouble and uieera 1 tion, and advised an operation. strongly objected to thia and decided to try Lydia E. Plnlihamg Vegetable CompomnL I aoon found that my judgment wae correct, and that all the good things said about thia medicine were true, and day by day I felt leaa pain and increased appetite. The uleeration aoon healed, and the' other eompllcatlona disappeared, and in eleven week a I waa once more strong and vigorous and perfectly welL 15000 fbrftn If trlfiisal of obooo Mtsr Looking for a Home? Than why not kaap In vlawr tha fact that tna farming lands of ara soffdrut to iupporl a pnanlatioa of Si.am.0n (ml Tha immicnuiun lur toa put us raan has bsaa phauouMraaL lit Winslow's Soothing Mr ba par l.nd Cotnpsnicw. Tba from Railway and graia aad iraring lands of Warrtcni Canada ara tha bast eo tha continent, ptodarina tha hott (rain, aad eatlla ifed OD graia atonal raady for market. Harfcata, School. Railways and all other eoodJtlons aiaka ffnlrra IkUHla aa aavt-nbl- o spot for tha settler. sffnntlnns ot the trail O. DtALtP FOB THt SLICKER MADE FAMOUS BY A DEPUTATION EXTENDING OVEP MODE THAN, ' HALFACENTUDt garment and hats are mads of the best materials in black or ydlov for all kinds of wet work. MiaMcncms cutsAirao you snaro rofeVa Largest Known Cut Diamond. The largest of known cut diamonds belongs to the Rajah of Mattan, a Bornese prince. it weights 37ti carats. If It were jierfect. it would be worth over two millions sterling. but its quality is not good. , W. L. DOUCLAS ; 84.00, $3.50, 83.00, 82.00 YsADS SHOES hi other Gray's Sweat Powders W.L. Douglas sluics are worn by more men than any other make. Hie reason in, they hold their : I ' longer, and have intrinsic greater value than other shoes. find new Ufa DR.M'LAUGHLINS ! any ' faMfwfyiahrrt. wwaw aaf yrir' I.o.k Awuara Corona I oltakln. whlrlt fa UnrIh ww ary where wiiteotlrd lohrl he lineal 11110111 Or of f a fe'r nJ. Xjoather yet nmltinwl. foAtVri'f'T l aiai(. ahsmhrnMll.Wmt.tra. w. L IMM'tiLAit, llrockloa, Ham f RELIABLE ASSAYS. .74 bold an lUlrr....H ne 74 d. SuiV.Uup'. .. IM Prompt return on mail asm pl- -a Ogden Assay Co. by Ms-- ng ..aV.V.MootoT-Shoppi- 1 I : cr ..r Iclarmusukilii Soellon to huy. Xvrrin- rn.ra.-w,e u eire-iea-ia- l irt- I- men a id purebuem W e fur unman. .No rNsras In (uni pony. Halt I. skllm arm. 'tho rd ty, I lota. it When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Cap-overs- ! e lnler-Mountal- snow-whit- Dr. N. L. McLaughlin : : m.-ii- " Trial Box and book of Instructions absolutely Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value of 8yr!an Greek Bishopric. New York lias a bishopric of the Syrian Greek orthodox church, nnd is no longer a mere ecclesiastical appendage of the Aleutian islands. Sold Lead is made for you. II la tha best way to use Electricity. It pours a gentle strewn of Ufa into the weak parts continually for hours every night It refreshes tha nerves, expands tits' puwer. enriches the circulation and makes jo. fivl bright, active and vigorous in cue night's 14. You gut stronger each day, and In a few weeks you are a new mun. stronger and younger n the flrrof youth. It Is grand, this method of mine, and jevery man who ha avtr used it Is praising it Your Belt baa proven entirely satisfactory In my cane. Any one wiahlug to know of Us tneru can write me and I wlU gladly recoin-11ud It for tha bunetiu I hava derived from I .ESTER FORDUSH, its use. RoMiisoa, Utah." FREE BOOK Bend for my beautiful Ulus tratod book tolling about my method. 'I send it sealed free. I hava 50JM .cures. Writs today. Send thia ad. A Large Unitarian publications . ELECTRIC BELT FREE to WOMEN t la mlfhlv good F.our.' la what they mil aav Lot us hear from you. If you wont to buy Flour or is 935 Sixteenth Street. Denver, Cola. will bs lest ou sppltcsilos ui BISS A E. HOWARD. 173 Warren Ate.. Baton. Mas a' I touring them. Thtas ars FREE FLOUR ' for Child ran. : "PRESTON j FREE. AddreuA.S.OImsted,LaRuy.N.Y. ; Buapc,UtlxitU:r,wear n-i- eleetiirity as applied while you sleep. Successfully nied by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home m New York, cure Constipation, Keverisboe-s- , Had Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30 K testimonials. At ail druggists 25c. Sa... ' THSMmLrLD. Rear-Admira- .breaking down of your nerves au vitality you win you want creamery prirea do as do, use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR. CAH uiidi-istiim- FIRE other sign of WM. .the creameries r br.-.ini- ! pains in your hock and shouldaraf Are you growing old too soon! If you have these symptoms or any If vTOWtR'5 s "ome-and-g- o - U?mfs Git and strength of youthf Hava 70a and ' t ( HAVE YOU LOST THE A Nobler Way. To live and learn, to ever think the thought That glira a richness to tha aoul's ideals. Is better far than letting self, when sought. Become supreme In all one thinks and feels. To rise above the sordid quest for gain. And strives to use in nobler ways the soul. Which flnds Its bent. Its true, dlvlnest aim In pressing goal upward, never downward. fnwaids Its post. Rev. James Allison Rarnss. GET WEI! towFi canawa at, nwiii, DONT ASIk YOUfi cob-aleso- Byron. Plao'i Curs Is tha bast med Irina we cm throat and lungs. Wh IS. won Vanburen, Writs to Stiperiatandrnt limuiiratioli, Ottawa. Canada, foradaacriptivc Alia. and othar ilitormarioa, -ortoh.aMtlinrlBaaCanadlanGeraiMaolaMl BKNJ. DAVIES. BOOM a. DUNN lil.OCK. CENMOI TANA TRAL AVENUE. GREAT e. pre-pere- Hr Salt of First Importance. Balt is a npst excellent preventive of disease. Men attending the pans in salt works ara never known to have cholera, smallpox, scarlet fever or influenza. aeeaaaible. ohil. other lands aadlp -- - Role Played by Inorganie Substances. That tha minute traces of metallic substances found In living bodies ara not accidental, but essential to the BY performance of the functions of life, BYEON WILLIAMS is asserted by llerrera. a French biologist. lie goes so far aa to cay that Zoology ard botany ara but How to Live. chapters of mineralogy, so Important Join the IViu't Worry Club. life by Take no msu's wishbone when bo is is tha role played in orsar-Jthese Irorganie substance. down. Steal only within the statutes made For Instance, ail the phenomena of movement in an animal are. ha asend provided. serts, due to oxidation. As to nutriDo no man hut if you do. do him tion, it la Impossible, says, when good. the food is deprived of it mineral He honest when it is the best policy. elements. Dogs fed on substances Barry early for love hut see to It from whlrh the salt and other inorthat you love s girl with s bank acganic matter has been carefully recount. moved die of starvation. At the botSave money perhaps others will tom of our vital processes, asserts this let you save theirs. are former tat ion and oxidaEat plenty but beware of poor writer, or their analogues; and these detion, relatives! t f certain minpend on the ss a eral bodies inpresence Sleep kirg and on the tissues. Even the babe. Don't let your conscience IrriDid Weil to Corneal Identity. role of pepsin in digestion seems to tate your slumber! on the presence of Iron, in A depend waa sportsman i If you smoke smoke your friends' short, the organic substances on asked one morning by n fellow socigars! which life deperds are. he says, d journer tn a small hotel on the shores Never gamble except when you In Irorganie with of latch Onrron, in Scotland, what workshops have the other fellow skinned In the mineral reagents"; and thus a living sport ha had had. Just seen a seal." preamble! Is practically a member of the Tie said; "shot at it three times and being Go to church and gouge the dea- mineral kingdom missed It earh time. At dinner, aa cons on oil stock! hour later, he sat neat to a man with If you arc s member of the town Rheumatism In Utah. a bandage round bia head. "Accicminrll. remember the laird helps Frisco, Utah. May 2nd. There is a dent?' be Inquired. "Accident! was those who help themselves! deal of Rheumatism In this and the indignant great response; "attempted Honor your fatner and your mother neighboring states, and this painful murder, you mean. I waa having a because it keeps the neighbors from disease baa crippled many a strong bath about an hour ago when soma man and woman among an otherwise lunatic fired at me three talking! times from Buy your headstone when forty healthy people. the shore and shot part of my ear off." baa been there years of age and have cut thereon the Recently, however, "Wonder who It could have been," words: Introduced into Utah a remedy for murmured the sportsman, and changed Rheumatism which bids fair to stamp tha conversation. tsoooosoo1 out this awfully painful complaint : He Did His Dost. Tha name of thia new remedy la : Human Adverb. i Angela Could Dodd's Kidney lUla, and it has al; DO NO MOKE. Tba lata Robert G. ingersoll was a , wesessooooooooo oosso- ready wrought some wonderful cures. conspicuous figure one night at a gathRight here In Frisco there is a rase ering in honor of a rising Western c of a Mr. Grace who had Rheumatism politician. This man, who bad just John L. Sullivan, wrecked, on s sick so bad In his feet that lie could hardly been appointed to a high salaried p bed in Msaschusetts. from whlrlt he walk. He tried many remeulea in sit ion, had also Just hem made a may graduate Into a coffin, and ''dead vain, but Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured thirty-third degree Mason, and on this broke," lies and philosophizes on him. occasion his political folparticular championships, lie held the licit for His wife says: "We both bad Kid- lowers had given him an elatiorate many a day, did John I... hut what he ney Trouble, and my husband had tho banquet, at which he wan presented put under it so copiously finally de- Rheumatism so bad that he could with a massive gold watch. livered him the knockout blow! hardly walk. We used Dodd'a KidIngersoll, in speaking, said: "Mr. ney Dills with much benefit. We have Maloney is truly a human adverb, for . tried many remedies, but none hava yon now see in lilm expressed time, Beautiful, Beautiful World. done ua so milch good as Dodd's Kid- place, degree and marna."- Ftrotlcd n Inver nml n mind Where the siiiTnatliiii- - vunlixht played ney Pills." On the rippling rlw-i-'Similar reporta come from all over Drink Fills Asylum. On the rubln's crlnuMiii the The ravages of drink In Edinburgh stale, and It would seem aa if Ft rolled the malii-- u. alnillcd the man Rheumatism had at last been con- have, it appears, reached the worst Where the buds the zephyrs fan; Inin the joyous wisnl: leop quered. proportion ever known In the expeWsndiirvd fse and of the Edinburgh Lunelle Asyrience HIS ENGLISH CAME BACK. Rweet tha flowers' petals fed lum. Incense from tlielr mellow bill! Carolled birds among the irees, Queer Freak of Memory of Japaneai How Tyson Cama Home. 1 ironing, softly, bussed the. bees I l. William li. Rldclnga new novel, But the luver saw nor heard On one occasion, says World'! Ituds or song ot bird! "How Came Home," will he Tyaon I n lier ehi eks were rows Work, when Rear Admiral Eaouye met l Fairer than I he woodland bred! an old Annapolis classmate In Japan published simultaneously In England he forgot ail the English he ever and America by John Lane, early next ia-.- , knew, but. showed his pleasure by re- month. It ie properly railed "an Ita actloo move for tnrnational story." peatedly erahrarlng the American, from fashionable London and a wearing hi affection In the purest delightful country house In the Isle Satsuma dialmit, all tba while singles of Wight to the marvelous mean noaa-tr- y old Academy songs, which, strangeof the aouthweat, where it bae a ly enough, he seemed to remember background of military posts, Indian perfectly, though he had forgotten the pueblos and a bonanza mine. In one meaning of the words. Enouye opened respect It la unique; it has two heroa bottle of wine In the robin of his ines. but no hero one a beautiful and ship, the Naniwan, where he exhibited spontaneous girl of the far west, and with much pride and Joy M old Acad- the other an Intelligent and serines, colemy raincoat, with Y. Krouye alen-die- hut charming type of an English himon It. Possibly to convey to the lege girl. Though no hero Tyson new mind of hla guit his purpose in show- self Is said to he an essentially In fiction. character ing this coal, though the weather waa Other hook by the same author: hot and elpnr, he rtiahed out on the "The Captured Cnnanler," "A Little quarter-decand shouted, in excellent Upstart, "A Saddle in Wild West." "Rain-coat- ! English: Stray Momenta With "Alpenstock. Over-shoand Ipgina!" the aston- Thackeray." ished Japacese officer and crew looking at him a if they thought he had The Meeting of the National Irrigation suddenly gone mml. Knout e hsd sudCongress. denly remembered (he order for To be held at El Paso, Texas, thia fall, miry day dress at Annapolis. promises to he of great interest to dwellers In country, 81UKLDING llKTt FIIDM IIAHM. Japanese Will Grow Taller. and addresses will lie made by Ames e Sweet within her throat It Is predirtd that In a generation Iran and foreign irrigation authorities. Dwell a soil, melodious note! Deeply lildilen in her eyes or two the Japanese will be as tall aa An Inicrestiug program, Including a Wus a glimpse of Paradise! the average European or Auieriean. genu i nc Mexican hull fight, will be Round about her waist his arm The Japanero spine is as long as ours. givcu by th citizens. For further inShielded her f rum wooiliaed harm! The short in ss of leg Is dun to tho formation regarding date of above lutes from flower to flower slips-But 'twaa henvii that he eip-d- ! now abandoned halui of Kitting upon meeting, railroad fares, etc., address C. F. Warren, room No. 411. Dooly 'V hen a lover and a the ankle, by which the arteries block. Sill I .like City, Utah. Klrnll beneath the kick'-dahade, were nnd bones the growing Nature is hut flimsy wlinn--Sb- e is all the mold to him' deprived of proper nuuri: him nL Dress of Korean Nobleman. Korean nobh men when In attend-arcSOAKED IN COFFEE. Fashion Hint. at (he palace wear dark blue Yes, Curly Kicks, it will. Soak coats, with hells which are far too Until Too Stiff to Bend Over. the typewriter rlbbun In a quart of large and form a sort of hoop In I often had "When I drank water for four days. Then wash the front of the porxuii. An embroidered Blcl headaches, and hair thoroughly In the concoction, if breastplate la worn over the chest x niii':h of i,e time but aliout repres. ilte integument does not take on a 2 riling a stork for civil office I west to vixit a friend ago years rich, raven black, you hove pniliHhl.v and a tiger fur military rank. The in Dobuliii of and lhe drinking msde s mistake and used a purpic stum. got headdress Is a kind of hat woven of ribbon. Next time he more careful in horse ba!r. with a wing at each aide "I have never touched coffee since curved forward, aa if to catch evert your selection. I and the result has been that have word uttered by royalty. Nobles and been entirely cun-- of all uiy stomach wear on the hat band. Just office,! The esteemed Chicago News says and rervous trouble. hacn of the ears, buttons of various i hat "Chills are often ihe result of "My inntl er wsh just the same way, of gold or Jade, which In aljls made while mil of we all drink Dodurn now and have diente jieuple talking I ho degree of the wearer s doora Just after leaving the room full never had any other coffee in the of hot air. Theatergoers who discuss bon.se for two years and we ara all rank. nnd laugh over tin piny on their way well. Necessity for Discipline. home are inviting illness." Now we "A neigh bor of mire a great eolfec Apropos of ihe modern methods ol know why women are more subject in drinker, wax troubled with pains in children, a writer ie ths training 'olds than men cant keep their her xlde for years and was an invalid. F'lciurijl remarks that, alLadys mouths shut! She was not able tn do her work and though she believes la ths thoroughly could not even inend clothes or do Influence of love and patience, ths at all would where have she anything modern child Is not a brilliant examA Baltimore dorm stir used kernsi in to bend toward. If she tried to do ple of the new method. It is too often In the laundry. Her present addr----ia little hard work she would get such pert. blase, unknown. It Is presimn-il- , however, pains that she would hate to llo down and no resiiecicr of persons. It Is nonwhen-Fhhat she has gone to a plur-ifor the rest of I lie day. sense to maintain that a young, uncannot give mil ice at a:3fl p. in "I persuaded her at last to stop disciplined. mentally and physically and quit at 5:31 p. ni.! drinking coffee ard try Dostum Food unformed rrcniure can he treated like VWt Coffee and she did so and she baa a grown-up- . Everything young, whethon nil minfours thirty Walking nsed Dostum ever since; the result er it be a child, a puppy, a colt nr utes a day will prevent append iritishas been that she can now do her tree, wants discipline and diarlpllns but if the neighbor? catch you at it. work, can alt for a whole day and Is not to be maintained by theories." vou will undoubtedly land In the "foolmend and can sew- on the machine and ish house"! Motherhood. aba never feels the least bit of pain In her side, In fact ahe has got well and Growing children will keep any Somehow those ideal Inlands wlu-rit shows erffee was tha causa of tba proper woman young In spirit and In one can live for ll.fiu a month ami whole trouble. mind, will retard the development save money are always beyond walk "I could also tell you about aeveral of that sour yet complacent cynicism inc distance! other neighbors who hae been cured which curses old age both for ona'a by quitting coffee and using Postum self and for those about one. Tha A New York faahionalile hotel for in Its plsce. Name given by Postum woman the rich sort of woman women has a bar in connection. Never who has children drinks every day Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. mind, Emily, it's only a clothes-ha- r look in each pkg. for tha famous a deep draught at tha fountain ol in the laundry! eternal youth. Exchange. little hook, The Road to WellvUIa." Important short-sighte- KATE TAYLOR. Mrs. Kate Taylor, m graduated none of promlnonce, gives ter experience with Peru tut la aa ppea letter. position la society aad professional standing combine to give apodal prominence to tor utterances. Tor childres tarthlag, softra tha grnaa, radon t n.. KcabuUla. f Hcmasitad Lands How to Keop Houso. With all tha luxuries and pleaouaa of this lifo. its big injoymenta and its smaller comforts, there la an offset er antithesis which we have to oontaod with in the form of acheo and pains. In some way and by some means every one has a touch of them ia Trifling aa aonie form at some some of them may be. tha risk la that they will grow to something greater and rack the system with constant torture. There Is nothing, therefore, of this kind that- we have a right to trifle with. Taken In tuna, the worst forms of pains and achea are easily subdued air! cured by the fre- - use of St. Jacobs Oil. No well regulated household ought to be without a bottle of this great remedy lor pain. It ia the spcriUc virtue ot penetration In SL Jacobs Oil that carries it right to tba pain spot and effects a prompt cure even in the most painful cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica. You want it also la the house at all tlmea for hurts, cuts and wounda, and the house that always ban it keepa up a sort of insurance againfcr pain. TO LIFE li-n- MEN, WAKE UP ar ESSENTIAL GRASS ' "--- jm lag fmtimattt com V eoeneuooS, 1 na ILK, 2T Monroe SL As CHICAGO. have observed 1eruna is the finest louio any man or woman can nse who is weak from tba after effects of say serious illness. I have seen it used In a number of cases, and have seen several other toulcs used, but I found that those used who Feruna hsd tho quickest relief. Peruna aeema to restore vitality. Building a Homs. Increase bodily vigor and renew health Tha building of a home calls for and strength In a wonderfully shoe! KA TB TA YLOR. good business mind and business pur- time. In view of the greet multitude of women pose. The partnership must be In suffering from some form of female disease good faith; there must be an absorband yet unable to find any cure, Dr. Hartwill sentiment that ing continually man. the renowned specialist on female wiil feel its interests, a courage that catarrhal diseases, has announced his not quail before the effort that must willingness to direct the treatment of as as make application to him be made to sustain It, a cheerfulness many cases the summer months, without during not that does falter before the monot charge. Address Tha Ieruna Madldae onous round of duties that must be Co., Columbus, Ohio. kept up year after year to establish it; a harmony that seeks the united interest and a courtesy that ever obeys the Golden Rule. We believe there is ton much complaint entered against the exacting duties of home building. IS YOUR BACK WEAK? From "Laying the Foundations.'' by HAVE YOU DRAGGING PAINBT lulls Sherman Upton, In National ARE YOU EASILY TtrtED? HAVE YOU VARICOCELE? Magazine. heartiest thanks are sent to you lor the great good you have done me," Sincerely yours, Mm Mat abet IfnxLBT, 275 Third St, Milwaukee, FREE Is a Nurse Says: Tonic of Efficiency. Pe-ru-- TICKLE MRS. a distinctive winter coat This change has been studied by Barrett Hamilton, a British naturalist, who is of tha opinion that whitening of the fur generally accompanies development of fqtty tissue, which la a manifestation of Insufficient oxidation and hence of atrophy, which shows Itself In a whitening of the hnlr. In some animals man, for instance this atrophy la manifested by baldness. That fat men are often bald Is thus something more than a coincidence. Success. My Wis. MINERALB HOSPITAL SECRETS. cu PaxtineToi!ct Antiseptic Paetlne le la to dlmilie to wat'V and tar superior to liquid antiseptics cantata-in-i alcohol which Irritates form I i In llsmed surfaces, ard have no cleansing prop- erties. The coplente of every box makes more Antheptk Solution tails longer more goto further-h- as uacs In the family nnd tfora mare gaud tha nnny nntlacpttc prcpsrathHS you can bay. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great mkccaa as a Vagina! Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat Sore Eyu, Cuts, and ail soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Iaxlineis inraliuliio. LkH s s Vaginal M h no challenge tho omM tn prrvtuce llo equal for tliorouglinew. J 1 is a revelation in nnd lioali.-i- power; It kills all gnraid which cause liiHaniinatiim and disclurge. All s.ingiirugsfala k pPaxtine; price, rV. a bii ; II iri .lur, nut, send to iwfur iL Jmnt take a there isnothiug like Pas If no. Writ- - tor t lie Fr lioa of Iaiflna B. PAXTON CO., Pope Bldg., Berios. Haas tit iri-cl- y clo-n.-- i-g s self-wille- to-da-y. - - Vt I |