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Show THE WEEKLY SENTINEL MANY LIVES AIIE LOST RUMORS OF TERRIFIC ENGAGEMENT IN FAR EAST. iHMhkM tnrs WOGITOH uni Old ik la an Infirmity in the sense that youth ia an indiscretion. It depends. Japanese Said to Have Lest Ten Thousand Men, While the Russian Lobs Was Seven Thousand. A rumor Is current In Kt. Petersburg eminent English doctor aaya that a second tattle lias been fought corsets cause cancer. But what 'a a at Klu Lien Cheng, in which thu Ruscancer to a slim waist? sian loss was 7,ooii, the Japanese loss The annual largest wild cat ever 10,000 men, and which resulted in the killed" has again fallen victim to a Japanese being driven back in diaor-der- . No ronflrmatinu of this report is womans rifle in Colorado. obtainable up to the present time. Of course. New York's subway caught There are persistent rumors in St. Are. What else could they expect of Petersburg of a naval engagement bea subway under New York? tween the Vladivostok aud Vice Admiral Kamlmura's squadrons. There Toledo man baa a pocketbook are also rutnors, which cannot be which he aaya was made In 1466. traced to a responsible source, that the Theres nothing In it, however. Russian troops in northwestern Korea If Rnssla ia to use automobiles In have swooped down uHn the Japanese the war the Japs might retaliate by below the Yalu river, winning a big equipping themselves with trolley victory. ears. It ia ofllrlally announced at Tokio that a Japanese forqe began landing Spain now has an ambassador at on the Liao Tung peninsula on the 6th. Havana. Instead of looting Cuba he The place where the landing Is occurwill get his pay envelope from across ring and the number of men being the sea. landed, la withheld. Of course the proper salute for an American girl to make when she sees PORT ARTHUR CUT OFF FROM OUTSIDE WORLD an American flag waving Is to wave back to It Russian 8tronghold at Mercy of Japanese, Who Have Cut TeleA Boston company for the manugraph Wires. facture and sale of a nerve remedy A dispatch received in St. Petrsburg has failed. Probably It did not take Its own medicine. says that Port Arthur la cut off from all communication by land, the JapanIf the chemically prepared paper ese having debarked In Ita rear, occuwith which you test your milk turns pied rear and cut tlie telegraph. bine, show It to the milkman and see Vice Admiral Shyrd.ofT, who la en If he will turn red. route to Port Arthur to take command Whats the use of getting a trans- of the naval furces in the far east, will parent umbrella? Its usually hard be unable to reach his dealfnatlon. A dispatch from Antung says It la enough to see any place around when you need it as it Is. rumored that the Japanese raptured Feng Wtuig Cheng May 4, after fierce Mr. J. P. Morgan evidently recogand that the louses on both fighting nizes the fact that he's no prize aides were very heavy. the hates He photographers beauty. worse than original sin. TORNADO IN TEXAS. A Columbus man has secured a diDeath and Desolation Mark Path of vorce because his wife didnt prepare the 8torm. good breakfasts for him. A decree on A tornado In northwest Texas, It were. coffee grounds, as Thursday night, killed Mrs. Mary Wag-leher daughter, Anna, and George Among the New York bricklayers the lowest wage la (26.20 a week, and Anthony at Moran. A dozen persons the highest Is mine than 50. Many were severely but not fatally Injifred. authors do not make as much. At Putnam one man was killed, and one woman was Injured. Their names We learn with regret that the Chihave not yet been learned. A negro cago Business Womans club has gone Into the hands of an assignee. Appar- - cabin was swept into the Brsxos river live miles above the Texas ft ently It wasnt run on business princi- ur Pad nr ral.ruad rrAssing and three negroes were drowned. A wreck train was blown frem the Suppose Irish lace is mostly made In France? , Dont the United 8tates railroad track near Crescent and Gen. I In its dyspeptic recklessness produce Sommers and William Apple, negro thousands of Welsh rabibta every were drowned. Twenty laborers, year? houses were wrecked at Moran and Now that "The Star Spangled Ban- half a dozen at Putnam. Hundreds of ner" la to be our national anthem, It bead of livestock are reported killed behooves every patriotic citizens to In Sharklcford and adjoining counties. set bravely to wonif and learn the Crops wore badly injured by the wind, ' words. rain and hail. A tornado near Star Mountain, In Mills county, destroyed And now the Cuban women are ask- live bouses, killing George Mason, and ing for the right of suffrage. Such an biowing away one of his children. The' Idea would never have occurred to them wnen Cuba was controlled by child is not expected to live. C. EL Behookers house was blown away and Spain. one child killed and other members of A man In Oregon tried to kill himhla family injured. The house of Mr. self because he was too old to saw Rayburn was destroyed, Injuring four wood. Yet, as he was worth half of the family. a million, he must have kept at It At Holliday station the storm demolfairly well ished the school house and many other llorton, teacher of the It la reported that Ellen Terry will buildings, Samwss school, public fatally Injured, and season. next Sir Henry Irving rejoin suffered a broken arm. After people get past fifty or sixty it Henry Rlgga Is pretty hard to wean them thoroughTWISTER VISITS IOWA. ly of old habits. Cloudburst Follows the Wind and The Imdon lancet rays love la a Much Damage is Done. disease. The fact that frequently It A tornado which passed through makes a young man ill at ease may Cherokee on Thursday, Iowa, county, view out as this be regarded bearing destroyed several houses end liam In to a certain extent Jhe vicinity of Meriden. The buildA society woman in Philadelphia ings were totally demolished, but no haa laid her dead dog out In her par- lives were lost. A severe wind blew lor. What place of greater honor or at tbe town of Cherokee during the distinction haa she reserved for the progress of the storm that did the damage at Meriden, which is six miles other members of her family? north of Cherokee: but no damage was vicinity. The oldest locomotive engineer In done in the Immediate storm a small Following the the world Is getting his name in the cloudburst struck north of Cherokee, papers. By the way, who is the oldest doing considerable damage. Mason In the world now, and why la the oldest Yale graduate keeping so Strength of Port Arthur Garrison. quiet? It ia miMirtnl In St. f'ctcraburg that the Japanese ships bombarded Port A Washington chemist announces that blue vitriol 411 remove typhoid Arthur .May 6 and succeeded In closing germn Dora water. Now, If soma one the entrance, but no official confirmawill only show how the blue vitriol tion of the blocking report can he obcan be removed the remedy will be tained. The exact hour at which communication with the Knssian strongperfect. hold ceased lias not tieen established. Dr. Mary Walker screamed and The strength of the garrison at Port at the Arthur ia not revealed bv the authorl- - j fainted when the e White House shouted and threw ties, who will only say that It la for defensive purposes. It is not things at her. Thna ia tha world con- beloved that the force there exceeds vinced anew that clothes do not make lit.tnHi aoldicrK. the man. Russians Accept the Inevitable. Sir Henry Irving deplores the fact troupa awartulng across the for of art no art's love Japanese that there la Sir Henry narrow neck of the Liao Tung peninsake" In this country. knows, because he came to this con- sula. the railroad and telegraph comclusion after a diligent study of his mit n lent Unix cut and Port Arthur iao-l- a statistics. American ted and left to its own resources, are conditions which the Ktisalana seem A dispatch from 8L Petersburg auya to accept with great stoicism. These that Russia cannot permit Great have been anticipated since the events Britain to become mistress of the Thibetan capital, as she would thus outbreak of the war. and the authoriappear to be relieved now that the acquire a preponderating lnfluenrt ties over the Russian Mongrels. Isn't this blow has fallen. They assert that the la impregnable and amply progroan libel on a very numerous and fortress net wholly unpopular variety of dog? visioned to stand a siege for a year. An - . , t w - r egg-roller- s ade-(mat- box-ofllc- e i HAVE BLOCKED PORT ARTHUR. Reported That Japanese Have at Last Been Successful. The opinion gains ground in London that the Japanese have at last effectually blocked Port Arthur. No official Japanese reports have been received, but the Tokio correspondents are very positive regarding the matter and describe the determlaa-tlo- n with whlrh the enterprise wai undertaken. Tbe Daily Telegraph's correspondent deciarea that the entrance to Port Arthur la absolutely sealed," and ndda tbat tbe Japanese Beet In effecting ita purpose steamed Into the entrance at full speed, and that the naval officers who made tbe two previous .attempts begged permission to carry out tbe next attempt by daylight, that being easier, and their request was granted. "So determined were they to adds the correspondent, "that they decided. If necessary, to lose half their men. The number of cnaualtlea sustained by tbe Japanese haa not yet been announced." In favor of tbe supposition of Japanese success In blocking Port Arthur It la pointed out that the previous attempts had left the channel so narrow that a couple of vessels aunk In the fair way would probably suffice to seal up the entrance, while there le a noticeable evasion and in the Russian denial of the enemy's success. MILLIONS FOIt UTAH 4 GOVERNMENT WILL 6PEND VAST 8UM IN IRRIGATION PROJECT. Utah Lake Proposition Will Be Undertaken at Once, Other Projects in the General Schama of Reclamation to Follow. A special from Washington contains the following interesting information to the people of Utah regarding the great government project of reclaiming the arid lands of tbe west: Judge Richards, who left for Salt Lake Monday evening, said that he was greatly encouraged at the prospects for adoption by the reclamation service of the various Utah Irrigation projects. During hla stay here be haa bad several conferences with Chief Engineer A DOUBLE sue-ceed- Newell, who is taking great Iw.ereet In the proposed Utah projects and who ia inclined to be very liberal in dealing with the Utah propositions. It haa been decided that the Utah lake proposition, Involving the expenditure of upwards of 11,000,000, will be undertaken without delay, the project to form part of a general reclamation scheme affecting the entire Salt Lake valley, and that other projects In the genera scheme will be taken up m arrangements with the land owners under them are consummated. The service wil, send Ita Washington attorney, Morris Bean, to Utah during the present month to make a personal study of legal questions com nested with the proposed projects with a view to an harmonious arrangement between the government and the city of Salt Lake and other owners of land and water In Salt Lake valley. APPEAL. Men HAVE SAID TO PERUVIANS CROSSED FRONTIER. Both Countries Claim a Strip of Rich Territory, and Brazil is Mobilizing Troops to Protect Her Rights. It is rumored In Rio Janeiro that orders have been issued for the mobilization of Brazilian troops and for the ooneentratiqn of all Uio forces in the First military district at points on the frontier where Peruvian troops are reported to have crossed into Brazil. Disquieting incidents, it was announced from Rio Janeiro, April 21, were reoprted to have occurred on tbe western frontier of Brasil, where the Peruvian troops, in spite of repeated demands had refused to evacuate territory regarded aa belonging to Brazil. The territory ' In dispute includes Jurua and Purus valleys. The governor of tha province of Amazonaa, la October' of last year, notified skippers going to the upper Jurua. that they should not submit their papers to the Peruvian consuls, as Brasil' did not recognise the sovereignty of Peru over that part of the country. JAPS AGAIN ATTEMPT TO BOTTLE UP RUSSIAN FLEET. RU8SIAN8 SIMPLY MOWED DOWN Lost Two Thousand BRAZIL EXPECTS WAR and Forty Encounter With Japanese. The Russian losses at tbe battle of Officers In Klu Lien Cheng were 2,000 men and far greater than preforty officer viously reported, says a SL Petersburg dispatch. This le the official estimate of Major General Kaahtalin-ky- , who directly commanded the division that suffered the brunt of the attack, and whose report waa received Wednesday by the emperor. Many are inclined to place the Russian losses even, higher. General Kashtallnsky mentions also that more than 700 wounded had arrived at Feng Wang Cheng and these may not be included In hla calculations. He made no attempt to estimate the Japanese losses, merely stating that legislation of tbe people governed by THE CHRI8TIAN PARTY. they must have been colossal. tbe Golden Rule, regardless of ses, Tbe magnitude of the Russian Candidates to Be Nominated In the creed or color." losses had an almost stunning effect Name of Jesus. War la opposed by the party and on the authorities and aroused genThe national committee and the del- mob violence condemned. Government eral grief, mitigated only by satisfacegates to the national convention of ownership of coal mines and public tion at the bravery displayed - ot the utUitlaa 1 . favored.. Th platform, Christian-partRusalaa troops. United States, which Is to nominate after declaring against government a ticket for the next presidential elec- revenue from the manufacture and PERISH IN STORM. ale of intoxicating llquora aa a bevertion, la In session In St Louis. Texans Lose Lives While Trying to The platform, entitled "In Jeans' age. concludes: "We are opposed to Ford Streams. Name," waa adopted after much dis- ail trusts and combines contrary to A Houston, Texas, dispatch aaya cussion. It declares that "the plat- the welfare of the common people and the heavy rainfall of Tuesday and form ai4 purpose of the Christian declare tbat Christian government direct legislation of the peoWednosday was accompanied by loss1 party is and shall be to work and through will regulate the trusts and labor of Ufa In southern Texas. Will Haw-kin- a stand for union in his name for tbe ple problems according to the Golden waa drowned white trying to ford fulfillment of God's law through direct Rule." a creek near Franklin; Dr. Holland, living four miles from Bryan, was MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF P0TIN8A, WHERE JAPANESE TROOPS truck by lightning and . Instantly MAY EFFECT A LANDING. killed; Mrs. Mitchell, living at El Campo, waa killed by lightning. Three persona are reported to have been IOTV0L-TUdrowned near Tayinr. At Austin, Gen. ) Smith and Roland J. Foster were YW-Tdrowned In a swollen stream. At El of Campo Mlsa Annie 8chnmaker Shiner was killed by lightning. T2U-3M ( tte-KsUas- - Their Flreehipc Are Discovered and Sunk by Torpedo Beate and Land Batteries. to advices from St According Admiral Vice Togo made Petersburg, another desperate attempt to block the entrance to Port Arthur Monday night but failed. Viceroy Alexleff reported offlcl&Jly tbat the Japanese sent eight fire ships to block the entrance, but they were all sunk by the Russian torpedo boats and tbe fire from the land batteries, leaving tbe channel clear. The viceroy also reported that the Russians sank two Japanese torpedo boats. The fire ships were discovered by searchlight of the batteries and guard shipa, creeping toward Port Arthur from the east and southeast, shortly afsr midnight. The torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyers were ordered out, but none of the Admiral Alexleff larger warships. himself went on board the coast vessel OtvaahnL The guard ships at the entrance of the harbor and the forts opened a fierce fire on the fire boats, which lasted until 5 oclock in the morning, when the last Ore ship went down. jThe official report does not specify the exact spot where ' the stesmw were snnk, hut it ia plain that tbe Japanese attempt to cork the entrance to Port Arthur haa again failed. The Steamers were armed with Hotchkiss nd Maxim guns and responded hotly to the Russian fire. The Rusxlana succeeded in raving a few members of the Are ships, including two officers. o FIGHT ON THE YALU. Japanese Still Driving Russian Army Before Them. The fighting continued on the Yalu Monday. The Japanese pursued the Russians, who resisted stubbornly. The Japaneee had about 200 more eae-aaltie- s. N At MANCHURI -- PANAMA CANAL IS OURS. 1 tung-yuan-- w - Work Will Henceforth be Under Direction of an Army Engineer. The United States canal commission on Wednesday took formal possession of the canal route and of tbe proiierty of the Panama Canal company. From now on the canal work will be under the direction of Major Mark Brooke, of the engineer corps of the United States army, who represented the canal commission at the ceremony of the transfer. Immediately after the transfer the United States flag was belated over the legation and over the canal offices In the cathedral plaza. nwtPONAft xw CMIffTOKHMb s i A PEST OF RATS. 3NCAMPO of Rodents Take Possession of Three Counties In Illinois. Millions of rats have suddenly made their appearance in Mercer, Rock Island and a portion of White-aid- e counties, in Illinois, and are doing great damage to stock and grain. Where the invaders came from la a mystery to tbe fanners. Tbe rata appear to be the most numerous In Edglngton township and in Preemption, both in Mercer county. Thousands more have appeared in the rural districts of the other three conn ties. An idea of the magnitude of the pests can be gleaned from the fact that F. N. Momgnraery of in two weeks succeeded In rapturing and killing 3425 of tbe rodenta. using steel traps to rslrh them. In spite of this enormous (daughter, hla farm la still overrun, and there appears to be no diminishing of the number. The rqta attack droves of hogs, biting them and tearing their flesh, which results In blood poisoning. Hundreds of hogs have been killed In this manner. Millions JPKbREAN ''Mi gulf BBSp AN ARMY OF AMAZONS. Ten Per Cent of Japanese Soldiers Said to Be Women. A specie! to the Portland Telegram The map ahowa the location of Pofrom Victoria. B Richard any ttos a, near which place a number of of Chester. Tanegxshlma inland. transports have been aeon, Japanese Japan, a contractor to the Jxptnee apparently with the purpose of effectPotinaa la on the government, ia In this dv en route ing a landing. to the Orient. He states that at loot northern shore of Korea Bay and ten per cent of the .lapwne soldlera about twelve miles east of Takuchan. la fifty miles west of Antung and now In the field are women dlsgn'sed It the same distance south of as men. H sav thit tbe swge both of which places are Japanese woman of th coolie chss lz believed to be held by strong forces as strong, if not stronger, than the f Russians-- Pottos la eonaected by a 'road with Dalny and Port Arthur, being distant from tbe latter Fang-wsngcke- I town ISO uliea. Should tbe landiug be made in force military critics are agreed that it would mean a aerieua menace to Port Artbnr aa well as result in a flanking movement of the present Russian position. Dispatches indicate tbat it is at Fengwangchen that Kouropatklna troops are pre-- j pared to make their first stubbora re-sistance. n men. Socialist Bagged Several Russians. The minster of the Interior at SL The Associated Press correspondent confirms the Warsaw rePetersburg at Rio Janeiro Is assured liy governof April 21. announcing the killport ment officials who are In a position to of two police officers and the ing speak ty authority that while the Bra- wounding of three policemen by a silian and Peruvian armies are Imlng named Mayor, whose bouse the reinforced on the frontier between police raided oe a suspicion of Illicit the two countries, war Is Improbable. printing. Mayor denies complicity in The dlffervnrea over tbe boundary ilne any conspiracy. The arrests were limare the subject of diplomatic negotia- ited to Mayor, an unnamed accomplice tions and will probably result In arbi- and the land lord of tbe house la which tration. There is no excitement here as the people are utterly Indifferent on Mayer lived. The police confiscated a printing preea found U the building. the matter. Brazil and Peruvla Will Arbitrate. It has been learned at 8eoul that after the fighting of Sunday on the Yalu the Japanese, on Monday morning, started to pursue the enemy through the mountains. The Russian forces are Mid to number 10,000 men. They sustained heavy losses. It is now admitted in SL Petersburg that both Generals Zassalltch and Katchallnsky were wounded and that twenty-seve- n guns were captured by the Japanese during the recent fighting on the Yalu river. Threw Her Babe From the Train. Driven crazy, it la supposed, by lack of food and the care or nine children on a journey arroes the continent. Mra. Mary Flglrskl threw her baby through the window of a Great Northern train near Columbia Falla. Want). She tried to follow It, but waa held by passengers. The train barknd np and tiro Infant was found. Apparently It had fallen on ton shrubbery end roiled Into a mud hols and waa practically unharmed. The mother waa brought to Spokane. d Disastrous Storm In California. The storm which swept the southern California coast last Sunday, doing much property damage, and Imperilling life In many instance!, may have caused the death of six who left Avalon bay. Catalina Island. In a yaw during the height of the storm and who have not since been heard from. Tha Tawl waa anchored In Avalon bay Sunday when the form arose, but the force of ths waves caused her to drag anchor, and to avoid being driven ashore, ah waa finally put to sea. 46-fo- |