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Show The STOCKTON. UTAH, SATURDAY, MAY 7. count of the suspension of work at the April 25th, to November 20th, incluOptiir mine afd mill, owned and oper- sive. Continuous passage in each direction. Final return limit 00 daya ated by Senator W. A. Clark of from date of sale, bat not later than Dec. 15th, 1904. The genial countenance of Mr. C. E. Ball will be missed by all those with SPECIAL LAND BUYERS' EXCURwhom he was associated. Mr. B. left SIONS for pastures new last Sunday and the Will run to the new lands of Greer beet wishes of the Sentinel and his county, Okla., and other eectlone of the many friends for his future success great Southwest In November and Deand prosperity go with him. His posi- cember, via the Frisco system. Are you looking for rich and fertile tion as timekeeper for the Honorlne th tonne-farmin- g can buy for f:om nns-foyou B. L. Russell. company is now filled by lands in the Southwest which North? They produce as much sera for There are many cases of whooping acre. Here is a chance to better your cough In town and there is talk of condition and add a liberal amonnt to placing quarantine on infected houses. your pocket book. For full particular! and special railThis should have been done, if at all, R. 8. when the disease first appeared In road rates apply at once to ImmiFrisco Lemon, System secretary town. would now the It be locking St. Louis, Mo. the stable after the horse is stolen, gration Bureau, as every child in town has been directly or Indirectly exposed to the Tourist cars to Chicago through scenic disease. It was brought to our village Colorado and over the Burlington every Rate per berth, Salt Lake City by children from Salt Lake City, who day. to Chicago, $4; Denver to Chicago. $3.50. had contracted It there. Not one case These are Pullman tourist cars, wide here has yet proved fatal. vestibules, rattan upholstering, clean linen and bedding, comfortable toilet rooms The Mining Review aays: The at each end. 'brilliantly lighted, and very Mining Review la pained to record comfortable care. If you are going the death, in San Francisco on the East I can tell you the best and cheap4 ill way to make the trip. See me or Inst., of J. W. Cairns, Jr., who est me. write In been that city for the past year has taking a course at the Van der Kaildcn School of Mines, his sudden death having been caused by an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Cairns Is a son of J. V. Cairns, of this city, manager of the Erie mine at Bingham. He was a young man of sterling qualifications. :'.mMtious and of a happy, cheerful disposition. He Is quite well known in TIME TABLE. Salt Lake City, and has many friends ReStockton. The and at here Mining view has the greatest sympathy for bis i,ere'ived famPy. to whom his death Is a great shock. STOCKTON SENTINEL PUBLISHED AT Stockton ine .Utah Subscriptions: year "wnihi Th. h months ................ Bra. W. N. Gundrjr Jama T. Jakeman ...... (2.00 1.25 iS Editor Manager Mage. & EDITORIAL os unsurveyed land, which township I south, range IS K3 M acrid Local DEPARTMENT. STOCKTON LOCALS. ii mines are working full blast" wetr and p'.enty of work for al1 who want il. Mrs. K. M. Edmunds has returned to her home here after quite an extended sojourn in Salt Lake. Mrs. W. N. Gundry la again at her GREATLY ALARMED post of duly and Miss Rosa Brown By a Persistent Cough, but Permahas returned to her home in Salt Lake nently Cured by Chamberlain's City. Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Buronge, a student at law. When you want a pleasant physic try In Greenville, S. C., had been troubl'd Chan'.bt-rlaln'-s Stomach and Liver Tub-let- for four nr five year with a continuous They are easy to take and pleas- cough which he says, greatly alarmed ant In effect. For sale by Alercur Drug me, causing me to fear that I was In Co.. Mercur, and M. E. Biowr.. Sunk-tothe last stages of conwi nipt Ion." Mr. Burbage, having seen Chambtrl:ilns Remedy advertised, concluded Cough Old residents of the town feel al- to try 11. Now read what he eaya of most strangers on our streets nowa- It: I soon felt a remaikable change after using two bottles of the twenty-days there are so many strange fares mid five ernt slxe, was permanently met thereon. cured." Sold by Mercur Drug Co., Mer-cu- r, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. Mrs. X. A. Scribner, who has been spending several days at the ranch, THE PRINTERS LOVE LETTER. left for her home in the capital city last Wedcnsday. s. n. are located would be In west. If the fc Net area Enterprise No. 2 lode . . ...... . .19.774 acres Total and area Enterprise lode 19. 462 acres Total and net area Centen20.6G0 acres nial lode ttet area claimed ' acres Said lode locations mining clalma being of record in the office of the recorder of Clifton mining district, lituh, as follows: The Enterprise lode In 1tuok I. page 253; Enterprise No. 2 in Book P.'page 67; Centennial lode In Rook I, page 253. also In the office of the Recorder of Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations are the Yellow Hammer (amended). survey No. 43 and the Cosmopolitan survey No. 58.896 Atiy and all persona claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode premises, or any portion thereof so described. surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby notified that unless their adverse clalma are duly filed to law, and the regulation! thereunder, within sixty days from dale of publication of notice hereof, wl the Register of the U. 8. Land d at Salt Lake City In the 8tate of Utb. they will be barred In virtue of theiprovlHiona of said statute. Ii. hereby direct that this notice be published in the 8tockton Sentinel, at Btoakton, Tooele county, Utah, the neyfcpaper published nearest the said mltttng claim, for a period of nine FRANK D. IIOHHS, Register. publication April 23. Inst pulili-Jun- e Of-fle- St 18. on the old Rush lake bottom, west of Th. town, which duefc hunters are wishing 0no day he tho1,ght the tlme vculd be permanent. To show his heart. I s. w. uiM vrr. leant. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. .A. No. 3810. United States Land Office, Balt Lake City, Utah, April 21, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the art of Congress, approved May 10, 1872, To promote the development of the "mining resources of tne United 8 tales, Marcus EL Jones, whose postofflee address la Salt-LatAllen City, Utah, and hla Grand lodge officers of the I. O. 0. F. will organize an encampment de-gree here Saturday. May 7th. with a charter membership of 18. ! 1 I d btlcr wri gu,!R In black and whit- eniyself Pe;1.are : efrBut I n eo busy I can t think Mr. Cairns wes quite weil known I fit It down with pen and ink, On my machine I'll set or." here aP'l at Gisbuni (Dev Canynr.) i w bis lather v.as at tm Cme mi- this way the letter Dear Maud peri.'f-ndcn- t Min- :f the Errnka-OpSii- r ran i:. Id like to ask you If you can The Mining Review for April ern- Become my qncen? talus a shou articiu ar.d cut of the I love you like agenthbngyhsee con- - Pn!! flow sheet of the new Hoiim-imtree rating mill, which will be nf In-- , tereat to many hnrcalimitn. Dnhtnghamnthla machine!! raW 1 ! i i.-- . Mrs. J. P. Mitchcner came out on Excuse mistakes I'm in a hurry and to visit relatives Imre Jove you. dear, so dont you worry-l- ast This I mean. Monday, returning to her home in: Salt Lake City Wednesday. The :i love you like Rphnma; thghfworse, health nf Mr. M. Is somewhat im- - Thangutmnm thepthnabethen alitcuree proved, though not fully restored . This machine! biu-lues- a j Thr ? a;1l The maiden at once understood, Assembly held in Halt Lake any j)rj,tpr'R loved one would, 10. 15. an.l 17. were mr. ely Ci'y Apr'l diln. Th) ri'cr.ilnd hy represriiiativos of the var- A case oflangage she knew, I trow. pi" ious IndgOK of this order, and a very it; this maiden now rl 'us.iit and lustruclive sessiou was Deciphered Makes pie for him! ti:n. Damon Ilunyan. I I.c-mka- , Mr. .1. C. Reynolds, who has been ill A Farmer Straightened Out. for several weeks, returned last A n. nu livir.g rn a farm r.iar here to his he me here frctu Salt came In n rfiort time ago completely Lake City where be has been receiving doubled up with rheumatism. 1 handed medical aid. After a short sojourn him n buttle rf Chiimbf rlnln'e P- In and wi'h his family he returned to the me- llulm and ti!d him to nee It Itfreely hr- - need If rot ..titird nflir using tropolis. r. Ray-dot ot pay a cent for it." eaya C. P. A few Y. N. Mills. ns nf Putti Tim 8 nekton Brut ft News (Jo., F. later he walked Into the More as M. Davis. G. H. Hammond. Props.. days rs a fUrlr.K lii-- handed me a week, and dollar raying, give me another bottle (.!! ijonrp,- business Tain Relm. I wnrt it Ibc n!:i Inti: fnr success of same Is of re. The host wishes of a host hi the Inure all the ti.ne for It cured pme." Fnr rule by Mercur Dmg Co.. of friends are extend. I to those Mercur, and M. E. Biown, Htcckton. In their undortaklng. STOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. The unusual happened here this TRUSTEES George Brande, presiweek an almost continuous rainfall W. E. Booth, Charles Denton. for throe days and nights. The mur- dent; Thomas. James Kelley. Henry muring of many housewives who had CLERK A. G. Frazer. finished, or expected to begin spring TREASURER James G. Brown. did not resemble much JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND the patter of the rain drops. NOTARY Richard Gundry. Wed-ttai!a- - - ii house-cleanin- g, The baskct-hal- l given In I. O. O. F. hall Friday, April 29th. was a decided success, financially and otherwise. It was given as a heneflt to J. B. Robertson, who has been confined to his bed many weeks. Between ICO .and $70 wss realized from the sale of tickets and baskets. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. MrFarlane came ;i. vn from OpMr last Tuesday, and will make Storkton tiurir home for a while. Many of the Inhabitants rf Op'.ilr an leaving that camp on arPomlnvl'li of Still water. M. Minn., after hating sp'i t over Sl'H'd xvitli elimuiili tronblr. th'- - liest doi'tois iiil Without rilirf, iiy his si box of Mr. A), x Rlt hard. tiy ! t'iiamli'i Icins Str.niiih cr. s. lie d:l m. i:iiI Is a I'..r wish li,il:2es'inn. If ti ruli'i-k t i'li in th- mouth, ho H 'Ml er l'1'l. t :' : i it: i. site thw" T.'t M- Jn.-vp- h fi-- w.-t- n '.ru-J-,!- ? t- - I.iv '! er! .i f:f i!:.'rd w!h . 1 - r s I r hr.x hy M .'it-.-- I M. !;. io "ill. in Bowl.. - t .1 : T.'-1- 1 Frc.r : i Mu. liion. 1c n t Jier-cu- '. Too Great a Bisk. In almnrt evrry neighborhood someone h'ia died fiom an attack of rollc nr cholera n.orbue, often before medicine could he procure I or s pb.yrlcfsin r A leliabie remedy fnr diaeaur--s should he kept at hand. The rlak 1' too great- - fnr anyone to tak-- . Chnirbrilnin'r Cnlic. ('holm and i l!aiThota lb mly undoubtedly saved the live of more people and relic v (1 n ore imin and suffering than any other tredlflr.e In use. It always be drjiendcd uron. For sale by Mercur mug Co., Mercur. and M. K. Brown, Stockton. th-r- h-- Worlds Fair Rates Via R. G. W. Ry. For the above occasion tickets will he sold ns follows, to St. Isiuls, Mo., and return: Season tickets. $150.00 for the round trip. Sell tickets dally from April 15th to November 15th. g:xiv day ticket: $50.00 for the in ol. inchr ivp, ennllpn'Ui'i "ph (lirccfir-n- . with final return lim- feet of of the feet of the Centennial veins lodes or mineral deposits, bearing gold, silver, lead and other valuable minerals, with surface ground of each claim 300 feet in width, lying, being and situate within the Clifton Mining district, County of Tooele, Bute of Utah, have made application to the United States for a patent for the said mining claims, which are more fully described as to metes and bounds by the official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes of survey, thereon, survey No. GISl.now ti in the office of the Register of the District of Lands subject to sale at Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claln'i Salt Lake City, Utah, which field notea on thla lode are survey No. 4.156. ('op- of survey describe the boundaries and peropolls;" survey No. 4356. "I'lnndy." extent of sold claims on the surface as rn the southwest, anil survey Nn. 4319. "Pennant, on the northeast, and Gonfollows, to wit: Commencing at post or comer No. 1, dola." survey No. 4356. being the northeast corner of the said In I direct that this notice be puhlblu-the Stockton Sentinel, a netvspap.'r Enterprise lode mining claim, and identical with corner No. 1 Centennial lode published at Stockton. Utah, . for the of this survey, from which point period of nine consecutive wn-ksFRANK D. HOBBS. Register. U. 8. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. Alexander McMnster, Attorcry (or .09 min. west 2778.2 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 routh 5 Applicant. First pub., March 19; last. May It. deg. 38 min. west 1500 feet, magnetic 1904. variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 2, which la Identical with corner No. 4 Centennial 'lode of this survey; thence north 64 dog. 45 min. west 600 feet magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 3; thence north 5 deg. 38 mln. east 1500 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 4: thence south 64 TO deg. 45 min. east 600 feet, magnetic variation 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1, the plate of beginning. AND THE Beginning at post or corner No. 1, being the northeast corner of the said 2 No. lode mining claim. Enterprise from which point U. 8. I M. No. 11 VIA heart north 8 deg. 56 min. east 2745.1 feet; corner No. 4 Enterprise lode of this survey bears north 3 deg. 40 min. west 191.9 feet; thence running from said .comer No. 1 south 7 deg. .06 min. west 1394.3 , magnetic variation 18 (?' deg. east, to corner No. 2; thence north RAILWAY S3 deg. 16 mln. west 600 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 3; thence north 7 deg. .06 min. east THROUGH SCENIC 1394.3 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. 4: thence south K3 deg. 1G min. east 600 feet, variation 18 deg. east, to comer No. 1, the place of K beginning. Beginning at post or corner No. 1, MNSftSM MISSOURI being the northwest corner of the said J. PULLM A N Centennial lode mining claim, and Identical with corner No. 1 Enterprise SLEEPING CARS, lode of thl survey. fro)n which point OBSERVATION U. 8. L. M. No. 11 bears north 2 deg. .09 DINING CARS. mln. west 2779.2 feet distant; thence Electric Lights, running from said corner No. 1 south Electric Fans. 85 deg. .03 mln. east 690 feet to corner ! No. 2, from whence corner No. 1 survey cars J, Reclining chair free).-- . No. 4382 Cosmopolitan lode and corner DAT COACHU. No. 2 same survey Yellow Hammer lode amended bears south 51 deg. 42 min.eart f r 144.2 feet; thence south 5 deg. 38 mln. fl) " lOftw, Ucuil, FtHifl, ItC., liOlB west 1500 feet to corner No. 3. thence north 85 deg. .03 min. west 600 feet to ' corner No. 4, Identical with corner No. 2 Enterprise lode of this survey; thenre H. C. TOWNSEND, north 5 deg. 38 mln. east 1500 feet to i corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Variation to all cornera of the Centen- - , IVrec-ih- ru'.ml trip. r 15,i, 3001. S!l tickets d!ly from THE ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM But TRAIN To The flyer leaven Colorado Spring and Denver 2:15 p. m. today and arrivea Kansas City ut 9:35 a. m. tomorrow. Supur and breiikfnK are served in the Diner. Kansas City. i? are made for all fxiints 'Connection HHithrast and etnH at the Kanaus City Union statfon. Night train for Kansas City leave Denver 9 p. in. ROCK ISLAND E. DRAKE, Diet Pass. Agent. GEO. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agent. Salt Lake City, Utah. CHA8. B. BLOAT, Gen. Agent, Denver, Colo. SYSTEM. o o o o o o o o o o o DOES SAFETY 0 0 0 0 0 0 All trains are examined at evrry division station that la, at interval or a hundred miles or so. When you hear the hammer ring or see the flare of the torches, you know what Is taking place your train Is lining looked over." In this mutter of examining equip-n- n nt fr(iuently and tlioioughly-t- he a little more Burlington la. pei-hup- systematic Ihnn uny other railroad. The reason I IT PAYS. Tn Omaha 4:15 p. in. and ('lilcngo, and and 8t. luiuls leave llenver in.; to Kansas City m. p. and 10:35 p. in. 10.35 p. 2 :o R. F. NESLEN, General 79 West Second Agent 8outh Street, Salt Lake City. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r'r t THE STOCKTON CLUB m." 0 0 0 0 Through Service ' I ST. LOUBS EAST Missouri Pacific fc-et- COLORADO (CSJHea o Complete Lltifi cj GROCERIES AND MEATS 1 j Ola : Street, Stockier j I I Up-to-d- (inn . I Tits and Largest Meat ' (Tooele County. j R. .Fresh Meats. II. EDMUND8. Prop. tEbe fllMtcbcner Ibousc. First-Clas- s Fare. Best in this Section. a-- it Via offl-uWe- y the Enterprise, 1394.1 linear feel Enterprise No. 2 and 1500 linear waa r,pe THE COLORADO FLYER NO RAILROAD M. A. No. 3795. United States Land Office, Salt City, March 14, 1904. hiottce is hereby given that A. K. Ttefcfian. whose place of biislnees nnl po jjbfflrx address are Salt Lake City. UtK has made application for a United States patent for the Red Metal lodtanlnlng claim, situnte In the Dug waf'Mlnlng Dlrtrlrt, Tooele County Utait, Consisting of 1368 linear feet on le. and surface ground as shown field notes and plat of the filed herein, being mlnerni y No. E0S&, and described In ial'l iiotcs and plat on file In this magnetic variation at 16 deg. n. east, as follows, to wit: fencing at corner No 1 of said luh ,1U. finry.r., M. townships Iff and 9 apith.- range 12 west. Halt Lake meridian. bears south 45 deg 15 mln. east 548. J feet distant; thence running from aid' corner No. 1 south 66 dig. .92 mln. weM 642 feet to corner No. 2; thence running from said corner No. 2 north (4 deg. 58 min. west 1268. 0 feet to corner No. 3; thence north 66 deg. .02 min. mat 414.9 feet to corner No. 4; (hence touth 53 deg. 54 mln. east i:'65.9 feet to corner No. 1. the plare of beginning. Said claim being located In unsurveyed j part of township 9 south, range 12 . Salt Lake meridian, and contains 14.361 acres; said loentlon being record'd In -- i An Airship APPLICATION FOR PATENT. 1: 4. action for all points north and east. General Posit: gt J. L. MOOR E, Commercial Agent Might Run Falter Than 43 . wr NO. 43 11)04 present system of land survey were extended. The total and net areas of said lode mining claims le as follows: Total area Enterprlee No. 2 19.205 acres .lode Leas area In conflict with Enterprise lode of this 0.431 acres purvey ui th-n- Ei-- idal lode IT deg. east. Said lode mining claims - -- NOTICE: During our absence any business transacted with Mrs. W. N. Oundry will be O. K. The lady wUl receipt for n:oney due the office, will take erdere for job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. If :hoi having friends or re'atlve in the in any part of the United States will give us their add tens we will bo .H i.'il to send a copy of this pa,-- i i to during th.lr absence, cinnpll-tnoni- -. If the mislnnary I In foreign . iiue, the Cdroe proposition will hold imi'1. with exception of extra for- i crr THE TOOEI.E COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. IV. VOI ntinel NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. : , PORK, M! STOCKTON. fnTmT.TimTmwwimwrmnmnivmmrTminnnTmnmnimnnmmnfmrnnTm w UC'bwP'-iOv- ; isr |