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Show I Court. 'George W. Bartch. Justice. W. M. McCarty. Justice. Charles H. Hart, Judge First District Court. Frank K. Nebeker, Attorney First District. In a ilay or two. Mr. Wee ter lias manf Henry H. Ro'app, Judge Second Dishere who always extend him a trict. Geurge Halverson, Attorney First Discordial welcome. trict. William C. Hall, Judge Third District. Mr. Hugh Wright of the W. Stewart, Judge Third DisSamuel firm of Wright A Sons purchased from trict. Kph Healey and George Myers of Alpine, last Thursday, fourteen head of C. W. Morse, Judge Third District. beef cattle. Mr. Wright Is T. D. Lewis, Judge Third District. tine corn-fe- d District. always looking out fur the best stock, D. C. Klrhnor, Attorney Third District. John E. Booth, Judga Fourth and he gets It. A. C. Hatch, Attorney Fourth District. Thomas Msriuneaux, Judge Fifth DisLEHI. trict. Jushua Greenwood; Attorney Fifth DisAttorney A. J. Evans made a trip to trict. lrovo on legal business Saturday. John 8. Chldester, Judge Sixth District. J. H. Erickson, Attorney Sixth District. William Cutler anil wife are down Jacob Johnson, Judge Eleventh District. from Idaho visiting relativea and W. D. Livingston, Attorney Seventh friends. District. J. Walcott Thompson, Reporter Supreme Miss Zeipha Gray will leave for RayCourt. mond, Alta, Canada, where she will ac- L. P. Palmer, Clerk Supreme Court and cept a position with a mercantile coin-laiiState Librarian. STOCKTON SENTINEL. Stockton PUBLISHED AT Utah Subscription!: On year Six month! 12.00 Mrs. W. N. Gundrjr Editor James T. Jakeman Manager NOTICE: During our absenc any buslnsm transacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry 111 be O. K. The lady will receipt for money due the office, will take srders for Job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. While In conversation with one of the iioKlinnMi-i-s south of Salt Luke the other day I was lull! that many of the I'itiXfiiH of the town were In Vhe habit of limiting their letters on the twrin Instead of at the officii. This PiiiJlf will for opera-hous- kits e each. 310 Prof. Grant Van Hoosc wus a visitor to Zion Saturday. The photographer. C. I,. Joy, haa a good run of business while In Merrur each month. Our district schools are among the Is st in the Stale, be It Mild In the credit Mr. Hen Stelninnn Is doing a rushing business In Ibis end of the county. The reason Is lieu Is a rusher hlinself. Mr. Itonneliurg went down to Bull Lake Sunday, the l.'ith. The gentleman will pmlhildy remain for a week or two longer before returning. J. W. fiddle lias been nut to Tnnopah, Nev. The gen tb limn has no love for William E. Hutchings and family are thnt desert camp, and has mine hark to visiting relatives anil friends In Hlnghani will return to Mlirord onhere. They l'tnh and will locate either Monday or Gold Mountain. evening. Our enterprising barber. Fred Wlt-tlcThe family nf Mr. Don Lnveridge left was a visitor to the metrosills this morning for 8ugar City, Fremont As a tonsnrlnllst our last week. Idaho. local bHi'her ran put many of the best 'fiunty, In town In the shade. Imrls-pThe Ladles' Literary club held Its regular meeting ut the home of Mrs. The cantata Monday night was an- J. Y. Smith, where a very enjoyable other proof of Ihe splendid vnral talent lime was had. we hnve in Merrur. Give our choir the huve bodies some of singer opportunity Freil Merrill has gone to Idaho to and II would he hard to best them In doMr. ihe plastering for the Idaho Sugar this State. company at Its new factory and buildings at Sugar City. AMERICAN FORK. Mr. G. H. Smith has accepted a position with the Idaho Sugar company ami to a Provo last took trip Judge Kelly will go to Sugar City lo tench the fannweek. ers there how to raise sugar beets. Mr. Hen Hennett i turned home SunP. N. Peterson, who has returned day evening after a business trip to the from Manning nrter u Tew days visit capital. with Ills mother, will go down to KimSheriff Harmon Is a busy man these berly lo engage In the mercantile business. days. He was In town again last Friand day Salurdny. The following gentlemen have reJohn C. Puller of Salt Lake Pity wns ceived lettersFox-an-fmtn Hox B: Fred MerElisha peck. Jr. a visitor here Friday evening. He rill. Robert Miss Zora Smith entertained a numstopied at the New Grant hotel. ber of her friends ut sn Ice cream party Messrs. George mid Francis Tyng re- on Saturday evening. turned to the Kalnnmsun ndne last II. J. Whipple had a narrow escape week after a very pleasant sojourn In from ilciilh on Saturday. While woik-In- g local society. on the roof nf a porch at the resiMr. Frank Hoffmeyer, he Improvements are still going on at dence of the New Grant hotrl, the sample rooms slipped and fell tn the ground. Injuring being equipped with rvery convenience his buck very severely. Dr. Stonkey was culled immediately, but found no that commercial men can need. huneH broken. As It Is. however. Mr. C L. Joy. the artistic photographer, Whipple will be confined to the house has returned from Merrur, where he for some time. Ssnt the iNisl week, lie reports a CON. MERCUR EARNINGS. flourishing business at his gallery at that plnre. the Tribune. A baby girl gladdened the From The February record at the Con. Mercur. home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Gardner while nul to be I'liinpared wllh those that last Wednesday morning. The happy characterized period In Its father received the fellcltat Ions' of Ills cureer. levi iilcl,an it earlier Is said, net earnings friends with becoming modesty. eimriiler.'ililv in excess of those of Ihe previous month, while, with the dimes plant The regular monthly conjoint meeting In commission, the record for March should show a very material gain. Indeed, of the Young Men and Young Ladles M. I. associations was held on Sunday it is sulil of the tailings that recent have that tlietr aurifernight In Science hall. A fine programme ous contents aradivulged greater than hae been diswas efficiently rendered, as usuhI. closed by lire assays, and that the revenues to be derived fron that source art A Rio Grande aperlal was run here to afford another source of astonishment Of from Bingham on Monday, bringing a In the cureer of the olil what this discovery consists was large and Jolly crowd to the Apollo, Just the reveuleil. Is slimiB on but relied plant where the finest dancing In the State to emphasise the Importance of it. It Is wns Indulged In and an excellent social understood that the of the mines, output time had. n with the recent developments In the Gate amend, la to be Increased to 600 Mlsa Laura Holey, who la In the tons . dally without incurring any additional and that the ores are maintaining Southern Staten on a mission. Is rejoinaverage than at any period in ed to be progressing splendidly In the a better moons. muny great work, although it Is by no means merely pastime. She Is, however, enSTOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. joying her labors. TRUSTEES George Brando, presiA1 Herg. foreman of Tom Chipman's sheep herd, came Into town Inst week. dent; W. H. Booth, Chariot Denton, The herd Is In the Deep Creek country, where Mr. Herg says the range In finer Henry Thomas, James Kelley. CLERK A, G. Fraxer. than It has been for yrars. The sheep are also In good condition generally. TREASURER James O. Brown. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Mr. A. R. Werter. the poiiuhtr and NOTARY Bichard Gundry. entirprlslng lumber merchant of Hark nf Mrs. M. J. LamCity, and bert of the New Grant hotel of this UTAHS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1903-190n plane, was here couple of do ye lns( week. He expects to return on business United States Senator, Thomas Kearns. Term expires Marrh 4. 1905. Fl.b r (Inrh s L. Anderson nf the stake United Stntf-- Senator. Reed Smoot. Term expires March 4, 1909. president. The affair was conceived In the mind Representative, Joseph Howell. Term of the lllshnp and materialised by his cnim-cllexpires Marrh 4. 1905. and a few representative men nf the town. Including the stak Executive Officers. y. served severul parties doing the name thing heie. Upon inquiry It wan ascertained that tills ol ee la a fiiurth-elHKoffice, und the puMliniiHier depends wholly on the cancellations to get remuneration nerfurineil. The handling of the Incoming ins. ilt. being no reinunrratlon wliativer, uiul It haM all got lo lie dune and dune promptly and eurefully. Tlmue who ihmiI their letters on the IralnM rtiiiii the iKistmastcr In he an courteous mnl prompt In their service as In the service of those who do their business In u legitimate way, while they steal his substance liv this hough or pernieloiis praetlee. 1 truMt eveiyboily reading this will take it In the spirit It Is Intended. It Is only fair that the postmaster get the benefit of all the business of the town In the way of eaneellutlons of stamps, anil those who keen the business fin m I lie office are doing a great Injustice. 11 M 1 SUNDAY-SCHOO- ORGANIZED. L On Sunday, March 6th, at 2 p. in. Horace Cummins and W. A. Morton of Halt Isikc, represenlutlveH of the L. I. S. Sunday-schoUnion, acconipanii d by lion. Win. Spry ami Killer John son of (1 rants ville, superliitendenl and sssislaiit suiierliitmdent of Sunday schools of the Tooele stake, held a meeting In Stockton for the puriKisc of organising a Sunday-schoo- l. There whs a gisiil attendance and many non Mormons were piesent. Charles Stillman was selected as superintendent uiul Mrs. Ida Hickman as aHsislunl. Elisabeth Thomas wus selected as secretary and Myrtle ilreen and Elisabeth Theinas as teachers. On the lilh a seeulid meeting was held and the organisation eompleted. J. W. lire or halt Luke of the School hoard, am! J. W. Tate of Tooele were present Then was an enrollment of fifty iiynies. The I'.lhle will be the only hook used and Ihe teachings will be wholly un (lenninimiliiiiiul. in order lo accommodate all the rliildren of the community. H will lie a good place for the little folks to spend an hour Sunday, and should tie successful. ol A PKKTTY WEDDING. IjAsL Wednesday Miss Elisabeth Thomas, daughter of Henry Thomas, was wedded, at Tooele, to Thou. Edwards. In the evening the young couple were serenaded by the Stockton brass band with tin cans and cowbells, whose music wns highly enjoyable (?) Mr. and Mrs. Edwards will reside In one of the new residences recently creeled by Richard Gundry on Main street. The heat wishes of a host (if friends are extended to them for their future happiness and prosperity. Rumor says R. W. Watt, Commissioner for Tooele County, and a resident of Merrur. will be a candidate for State Auditor In the coming Republican convention. ty HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN. The oltlsens of our town are rejoicing a plenteous supply of once more In good water. h, i il nine-pou- bread-winne- r. Gol-il-- exis-nse- Stats Boards. ItliONS Governor, Attorney General. Three Supreme Judges. EXAMINERS Governor. Secretary of State, Attorney General. COMMISSIONERS Governor. LOAN Secretary of State. Attorney General. INSANITY Heber M. Wells, Governor; C. S. Tingey, Auditor; John De Grey Dixon, Treasurer. M. Wells. Heber CORRECTIONS Fisher Harris, Charles Read, Ellas A. PA Smith. LAND COMMISSIONERS Heber M. Wills, Hyron Groo, T. D. Rees, Hers-chHullen. Jsmes A. Melville. EDUCATION Joseph T. Kingsbury, A. C. Nelson, William J. Kerr, William S. Marks, William Allison, (Ogden.) C. Robert Lund. EQUALIZATION John J. Thomas, Thomas D. Dee Swen O. Nellsrn. el REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Josejih T. Kingsbury, Emma J. Frank Pierce, William W. Moses Titter. Waldemar Van Gott, Thatcher. A. H. Lund, James Sharp, Hr berm E. Little. Tilt 'STUBS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE W. S. McCornick. George C. Whitmore, Mrs. Emily S. Richards, lifirenxn Hanson, Mrs. J. E. Hnglty, Evan R. Owens, John A. McAllister. TRUSTEES STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Angus T. Wright, N. C, Flygare, Richard T. Hume. FOR DEAF TRUSTEES SCHOOL ANT) DU MR Maud May Babcock Mrs. A. I). Corey, Fred John Watson, W. Chambers. M. L. Ritchie. HORTICULTURE-Thom- as Judd, Mona Peterson, J. H. Tarry. HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS F. S. liascnm. T. B. Heatty. Martha II. Cannon, A. F. Doremus, Frank B. Steele. Willard Y. Crnxall. S. II. Allen. PHARMACY C. II. McCoy, James L. Frail ken. W. W. Cook, (Frisco); T. H. Carr. It. F. Rlter. ' MEDICAL EXAMINERS D. C. Budge, A. 8. Condon, P.riant Strlngham. A. C. Ewing. F.lins S. Wright, J. C. Handset t, It. W. Fisher. DENTAL EXAMINERS W. G. W. H. Bucher. Harry W. Dnvis, George E. Ellerbeck, A. S. Chapman. LABOR, CONCILIATION AND ARBI-- f TRATION John Nicholson, J. S. Ia viler, E. A. Wnll. D. A. A M. SOCIETY, Directors of Nelson A. Empey, James G. McDonald, John C. Cutler, Mrs. Ruth M. Fox, M. K. Parsons, J. S. Bransford, Mrs. Simon Bamberger. Wiley C. Cragun, T. H. Smith, George Adams, John H. Seeley. UTAH SILK COMMISSION Mra Margaret A. Caine, Mrs. Ann C. Woodbury, Mrs. Elisabeth Packard. Mrs. Rachel Siegel, Mlsa Marla E. Zundel. UTAH ART INSTITUTE H. L. A. Culmer. 8. T. Whitaker, Mra. Edna W. Sloan, Mrs. Alice M. Horne, Lewis Ramsey, Allan L. Lovey. George M. Ottlnger. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 1779. United States Land Office. Balt Lake City, Utah, January 16, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that George H. Rogers of Boise City, Idaho, by bis agent and attorney In fact, E. J. Dalr of Balt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United State patent for the Gray Hound Amended lode mining claim, situate In the Rush Valley Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, consisting of 1247 linear feet of the lode end surface ground 474.5 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 5016. and described In the Held notee and plat of the official aurvey on (lie in thie office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 min. east, aa follows, to wit: Commencing at post No. 1. a corner of the claim from which the e. K corner, section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west, Balt Lake base and meridian, bears n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 318.5 feet from said cordistant; thence running ner No. 1. n. 41 deg. 08 min. e. 474.8 feet to corner No. 2; thence n. 59 deg. 18 min. w. 1347 feet to corner No. 3; theme south 41 deg. 08 min. w. 474.8 feet to corner No. 4; thence south 59 deg. 16 min. e. 1347 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Bald claim being located in the nw. 14 and sw. 14 of eection 19, township 4 south, range 4 weet, and ne. 14 and se. 14 of section 24. township 4 south, range 6 west, Balt Lake base and meridian, and containing a total area of 14.439 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area In conflict with the Bullion No. 3, lot 44, Randwlrh and Parrot, mr. 4748; Gulch Weet Extension, sur. 4982, end Black Diamond, lot 135. Such excluded area containing 3.178 acres. Net area claimed and applied for being 11.260 scree. Bald Gray Hound Amended lode location mining claim being of record in the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele County, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims. I direct that this notice be published In the Sentinel at 8tockton. county of Tooele. Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. G. W. Parke. Attorney for Applicant. First publication dated Jan. 23. Last publication, March 19. Gen. Hunch, newly appointed P. M. UislKiin (Dry Canyon), l'tnh, visited the metropolis Tuesday, returning to at his duties Friday. daughter of Ed Dalton, who rcnntly underwent an op (THttnn for apis ndiiltW. Is rapidly and will MtM)n be able In leave the hospital. Miss Men da Iiallnn, who has been confined I to his for smile time, went to Sail Lake City Frldav in hopes the change might be of In indit to Ititn. l J. Walljcc. Ih-i- Fraser. Town Clerk, was called to the deathbed of 7t!s father at Iteaver last Monday. He did not active In time. Iiow : wr, in m e his fathii alive. The fnii t:. I was hi bl iy. Mr. Alex NOTICE. Dnl-rymp- non-miner- al 26. 1904. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 379.1. United Stall s Land Office, Salt Lak-Cit- y, March 14. 11MM. Notice Is hereby given that A. K. Tiernan. whose place of business ami postofflee address are Salt Lake Uity. Utah, hns made npplieution for a United Staten patent for the Red Metal lode mining claim, situate In the I)ug-wn- y Mining District. Tooele 'minty. Utah, consisting of 1264 linear feet on lnd". Ihe and surface ground as shnu'n In the field notes and plat nf the official survey Pled herein, being mineral lurx'ey No. 5043, and described In rail dd nous nnd plat on file in this o prosidem y. ll eo. ivlth magnetic variation nt IB ib g. M. Will. Governor. , ii The Jolly company, headed by lo u'it: A. C. Nrlnn, Superintendent of Public 20 min. east, as fnllon-Spry or the stake Sand.-iv-slinn, at form r No. 1 of sahl (Viminenelng Instruction. filed tn line and. amid Ihe surprise an h the corner of SecT. Hammond, Sirretary of State. claim, from wbb i of pleasure, fl.e In sieged Tame :, 3. 10 and 3 ami tion piiions S. State Auditor. Tituvy, f oully gie.-tr.th- - ili vino:! friend a 9 mitll. range 12 ivet. Salt Lake Do G. John Dixon. Ftnte Treasurer. tiny took imssieodiin of the lui'i.e. The l.eai south (7 deg 1.1 min. eit iiowd was will supplied with picnic M. A. Breeden, Attorney Gonerll. -e fiet il'stani; nitinir.g fim i ;i.7 am; i !ihe after the exchang.. of oin-- I Governors Staff. aid ein'ii"!' No. 1 oi:th iV. dig. .2 niiu. llnients ill . th-- ' cn'npiny wa eoxily I"l.n I). BI2 f- Cl to Me.--t Ifipirr No. 2: i Sp'iirr, Aide do Can-pel it. ml il: :ii 'ip'll li the .Ii.hi Q. r.inrr.r.. Rrigadler General. N. liiri'lng frni said rmnera N 2 nn'lli ivli' V in i xtiin; nr.' pm isme w is 14 il'ir. min. iii- -l l"f fiat to m"-iv- r ft. D. ''Pll'Teil. eill .'i'.'t ing of oil IS, In I 'i Chur:. No. 3; thiiu no'ih 6: it g. in n. m S Burton. Aujut.irt nl. no i.iei-mill i h it. io ehig n'T wi:li 4M ! fi th. ic to 1: ii- r No. ast " Un,'1'!'n' ::n legant luiili'on w'lh ' 0 f" i ut Ii S3 deg. M 'u n. Ieri'i Th ii 'lit el. nu- - tn fiiiiii- i m ut Hi" , ,, 10 lorwr No. 1. i.nf I,. i'1."; "V .I ), ui, i: .ier Ami. i 'n in ui.Mirv. y. d ilaim n ,,;,rjr li- -I i ' V til.' licnM of hi lii .'ilnvn 3 o ii'i. lar.g" 12 iv.- t S,n,t', J,,'!K- - Advocate C. n. nart cf toMi'shiii I k..n l I.,.- - in il,. and mi. .""j Salt T.ake : li.in, ar.i' n:' :i : n H.'J;t n tin rhurih. to which i.'iilz .tin". aeres: said loi alien ' .': ! I inf t t i he I'. Appointive. ii, nil null I took I,'. "N. rag ria. of n n il file :l llli'llll. '' nf A. K I xireimis. State Engineer. Toofle rncnly. Utah. Adjoining The i losing of a Itir-ilavs' Gnmer Thoni.i. Goiil Mini on this loiio are survi y N". 4",r.fi. tor. i'irr.iv:ii neiuriid mi Fridaj I'Veniiig "Cliv.idy." survey No. Th" affair Mas In Id in the Grand Ope, a Walter J. Hentie, Rank Examiner. on the southwest, and survey No. 4. 111. , I Hiitu-rMniniii FihiiI and Dairy hoiii'e. ginning Wednesday night. on the nnrtheast. ami "Pennant." Among the Ninihir ladies nf Grantx-vill- e survey No. 4.'..7fi. Mis Myrtle Wrathall Mas eleeteil Charles Di Moisey. Commissioner Ru-- r. I direct that this notice be publi-he- d au of III" Ststistli's. nf c.iriiixal. there being eight .iieen In the Stockton Sentinel, a newspaper i nii'lit Sharp. Fish and Game Cin.mla-- s published nt Slot ktnn. Utah, for the lilni. M ho lei tile m Inner j John loner. r.ire. pretty iieriod of nine consecutive week. The cro ning of the queen on the Morris I.. Rltehle, Inpertnr General, FRANK I). HOBBS, sivnuil night m:in a most impiming nf- - (George A. Seaman. General Inspector of Alexander Attorney for fair. The queen xiitli her malda of Target Practice. Applicant. F.il wa S. rd honor being led un Ihe throne hy Mr. Ferry. Aide de Camp. First pub., March 19; Inst, May II, I. F. House, mIio iniroiliieeil her .in 1904. Judicial. Owen of the Carnlxal." The maid of M.ir Khniiera. Einin:i It. N. Baskin. Chief Justice Supreme honor Stixiwlnrg. Ethel Wimpey anil Magda-lin- e wnlcroii-'foi- ir little maid than M'lmin none arc succicr and Mho did DR. F. M. DAVIS. full honor lo the neia-lo- APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. NO. 3777. IN THE UNITED STATES Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. s nr TL-he- WII-lim- i 1 l ih-m- 1 . - rn.-istt- r -- MINES AND MINERS. Mr. Karl Dunahee visited our town on the HerIhia week. Mr. Dunshee ald staff. 1 J. J. Trenam. tmmaei'r of the Stock-to- n - , 1 - - - m-r- 'I; : i Gon-dola- ." mi-i- ili.iseiii. ii'.i m:i beau- tifully lii'cnrated for the iiee.isinn. ihih danee-hal- SMYSIO'AM AM l 19i 4. . sunaaoN Stockton, - . - - A Chocago Money Saver. There Is un advantage In leaving Denver on the Burlington's No. 2, at 10:35 p. m. It lands you In Chicago 7 20 a. m., ready for business. You save the hotel bill; the man who arrived the night before dors not. And the service on the s' s train to Chicago Is in every respect diners, and all that. Utah. TIME TABLE. The in Name. iic c.n; .' " I .'I .1 M. .111 ic,.' ,: ' I M Ar. '.'y Stcckion T old "mill dump" will oin be of the past, a 'tis In :nu h.iai I lo tin llnin'iine mill. Ihio'.gii it will lie run. 1 .a Ue S.ii . - .1 I ,1 1 t.ii ' nh y Trains st Silt Lake 1111 Great relit i dm- the chaii 111 in, J QUEEN CARNIVAL REIGNS. II Chirk, and the in nectlon for all toinls north and east, E. V. GILLUTT, eral fur ihe suci-- s aUcndlng th-- ir ef- Granlavillc, March 14. The most G nersl Passenger Agir.t, 11 nd in lh fulls. The sum ol fp'M Mas re.ilied. pleasing It way of surprise parties took place InG Midi 'iiiiniiiit 'vdl he apidii'd to liqiii-- i I J. L. MOORE, Commercial Agent. of dale ihe debt un the building. Saturday evening at Hie icNidi-nc- m-n- i , ; I I f jt JZ 111. -- os.. Dr. Samuel H. Allen, eSST SISST MOMTN, SALT LSNS OITT, UTSN. Islpn. p Honrs Suailay by sptw'nlmeDl. Oltl-- Office, 309-31- 1 G) 11, Deseret News B!d. tram to one-i.fgl- it R" Iix r it I I two-night- Iran. 1 4) 4) first-clas- In-i- Hip iing ev.:iy V nil'll 26. 1 :" - t ; APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. Notice No. 3783. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 22, 1904. Notice la hereby given that Plomo Mining and Milling company, by Its agent and attorney In fact, M. T. Giaborn. whose postofflee address Is Salt Lake for a City, Utah, hat made application No. 6. United Slates patent for Plomo No. 8, Plomo No. 8. Plomo No. 7. Plomo No. 10. Plomo Plomo No. 9. Plomo No. No. IS Plomo No. and 11. Plomo tialma, 17, Consolidated lode mining In Rush situate Mining Valley Tooele Utah, county, district, 1410.5. 1410.1, 1497. 1497, of consisting 1410.5, 1499. 1499, 1499 and 1499 linear feet respectively of said lodes and surface ground, aa shown upon the plat of survey, being Survey No. 5072. and described In the field notes and pint of the official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation at 15 degrees 45 minutes east, as follows: Beginning at corner of No. 1 of Plomo No. 5 Lode claim, from which the S. W. corner of1 section 7, Tp. 4 8.. R. 4 W., bears N. degree 38 minutes, E. 1195.2 feet, and running thence N. 0 degree 36 minutes. W. 597 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 6. thence S. 87 degrees 24 minutes. K. 45 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7. thence N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 1410.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Plotno No. 7, thence S 87 degrees 24 minutes E. 1448.3 feet to corner No. 1 of l'lomo No. f. thence N. 0 degrees 38 minutes W. 293.1 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 10. thence S. 87 degrees 53 minutes K. 1200 feet to corner No. 3 of Flmno No. It. thence 8. 0 degrees 34 minutes E. 1499 feet to corner No. 4 of llomo No. 11. thence S. 0 degrees 36 minutes E. 1499 feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 16, thence N. 87 degrees 53 minutes W. 1198.8 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 17. thence N. 0 degrees 36 minutes W. 100 feet to corner No. 3 of riomo No. 5, thence N. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 6. thence N. 0 degrees 26 minutes W. 598.5 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 6, the place of beginning survey of outside boundaries of the consolidated claims, containing a total area of 170.335 acres, from which the area of 1.253 acres, In conflict with NEU of section 13. Tp. 4 S., R. 5 W., la expressly excepted and excluded, leaving a net area of 169.082 acres hereby claimed and applied for. The presumed course and length of each vein or lode Is aa shown upon the plat of survey. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 6 the 8. W. corner of section 7. Tp. 4 S R. 4 W.. hears N. 3 degrees 61 minutes East 599.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7 said section corner bears N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.8 feet. From corner No. 1 of riomo No. 8 said section corner bears N 22 degree 59 minutes W. 654 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 9. said section corner bears N. 53 degrees 22 minutes W. 1070.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 10 Identical with corner No. 1 of llomo No. 17. said section rorner bears N. 72 degrees 21 minutes W. 1521.7 feet, and from corner No. 1 of riomo No. 11 Identical with corner No. 1 of llomo No. 15, said section corner bears N. 76 degrees 44 minutes W. 2109 feet. Said consolidated claim are situated In and form a portion each of sections 7 and IS. Tp. 4 H R. 4 W., and section 13, Tp. 4 8., R. 6 W.. S. I Base and Meridian. Utah, said lodes locations mining clsln.a being of record in the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City. In Tooele county, Utah, In Bonk "M" of st page 4S3. 4S1. 485. 4x0, 4X7, 4VS. 4x9. 494 and 495, records of said conn tv. There nr r.o known near locations as xhoMii hv th pl.t of survey. I direct that thin r.otlep be published tn th Stockton Sentlti1, Sto. klon, I 'tali, the n'oirjat'iT pui.l'rbed nearest tl. s ii.l i.ifnitig l.i Ini. fur tl'.c "'ri''d of FRANK It. HOURS. , nine wer-kti-. Register. Claim-nit'H E. Rn. Attorney. Fir-- t rub., Jan. 50; lost pub., Mar. I the InMitli m ere arranged around the l of large hall, eonl.iining tin Several mining di .il of more or le of tin- eoininiinily imjiortiinco will be ininlc hen. In tie: :h- lady ineinl.ei redecorative hazar. iui:si'ilin. bear future. If all report are true. alt, re,iin!cd In 111. Operation hove Hid million mine, under the nl..n.lK',-sm-iof E. J. Dair, who Ik Interest. ii-- 1 1 Tile Gold Mining and Milling Uiiinp iny, wan down on the Pith Inst. i- 1 1 Notice Is hereby given that the Galena King Mining company, by Duncan MrVk'hle, its manager and authorized agent, u'hose postofflee address Is Snlt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Galena King lode mining rlnlm. situate In Rush Valley mining fllstrlct. Toole county, Utah, consisting of 1487.3 linear feet nf said lode and surface ground as shown by the plat of survey. bing survey No. 4947. and described In the field notes and plat of the official survey on file In tt;l office, magnetic variation at 17 deg.. east, as folloMs: Commencing at rorrer No. 1, whence the section comer on the east boundary of ec. 19. T. 4 S.. R. 4 W., bears S. 87 deg. 35 min. K. 146.6 fe-- t thence N. 67 deg. 51 nan. W. 555.9 t 10 rnrniT No. 2; thence S. S7 dog. 5 tn W. 970.2 feet to corner No. 3: tlieni e S. 15 deg. 30 min. W. 275.8 feet to cruet No. 4: thence S. 73 deg. 12 n.in. E. 954.4 let to corner No. 5: theme N. M deg. 28 min. E. 5.15.3 feet to core- - No. 6; thence N. 15 deg. 30 min. E. 340.3 feet . G-- 1 12. one-four- th 1 imr-iou- f The hnll :iml supiier given under the auspices of the Min is1 union in I. t). O. F. hall Thursday night was a mid slit ci h. both hoel.illy financially. Many of ll.e participants "tripped the :ghl fantastic" to the strains of An- .7 derson's or. lu stra (Granlsvil'.c) until a. m. Friday. A delicious supper was served by Mrs. It. M. Edmunds, at the Mltchener House, to which all forty-nin- e couples did ample Justice. Twas one of the most enjoyable affairs ever held In Stockton. Holh Merrur and Ophlr unions were represented. The a trove mentioned band should hold recitals for a similar performance la the near future. Inu-mbi- i 31-- LAND Jan. 1904. 4. . one-four- th one-four- th Ublt'd States Land Office, Salt Lake CUy Utah. Jan. 18. 1904. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the State of Utah has flled In tills office a list. No. 51. ol lands selected by the said State for the establishment and maintenance of a r.01 trial school under section 12 of the set of f ongrese approved July 16, 1894. The following tracts embraced In said selection list are in a township containing mineral claims of record, via: Ne(4 nr!4 Sec. 21, T. 5 S.. R. 6 W.. 8. I. M(r. A copy of said list, so far as It relatei to said tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, has been conspicuously posted In this office for Inspection by any person Interested, and by the public generally. Within the next sixty daya following mental instructions of November 27, 1896 (23 L. D., 459), protests or contests against the claim of the State to anye tracts or subdivisions heretnbedescribed, on the ground that the same le more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Fa.hue so to protest or contest wllhln th tim specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from COLDS ARE DANGEROUS. objection, will be recommended for apFRANK D. HORKS. How often you hear It remarked: proval. Register. "It's only a cold," and a few daya later GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. learn that the man Is on his back with First Pub., Jan. 30; last pub.. Mar. son-in-la- w Renovations are bring made on the premises of some of our townsmen which add greatly to the appearance of the town. to corner No. L tbs pines of beginning. containing a net area of 8.235 acres, expressly excepting and excluding the following conflicts: Lot No. 45, Silver King No. 2 West Extension lode of 1.891 acres; lot No. 61, Silver King No. 2 West Extension B. lode of .210 acres; lot No. 16, Theresa lode of 1.139 seres; lot No. 71. Silver King No. 2 lode of 2.624 acres; lot No. 84, Cygnet lode of .915 acres; lot No. 69, Leonora lode of .106 acres; lot No. 117, Julia lode of .211 acres. The presumed course and length of the vein or lode la shown Bald Galena upon tbs official plat. King lode la located In tbs N. E. sec. of and tbs A E. 19. T. 4 8., R. 4 W Salt Lake meridian. office of in the Bald claim Is of record tbs County Recorder of Tooele county. Utah, In Book G. at page 250. The adjoining and conflicting claims, aa shown by the plat of aurvey, are as follows: Lot No. 121, Blanche; lot No. Ill, Tip Top; lot No. 46, Silver King No. 2 West Extension; lot No. 42. First Extension West of Silver King No. 2; lot No. 14, Cygnet; lot No. 122, St. Loula No. 2; lot No. 126. Silver Prince; lot No. 68, Leonore; lot No, 71, Silver King No. 2; lot No. 61, Silver King No. 2 Weal Extension B.; lot No. 123. Prize; lot No. 117, Julia; lot No. 128, Stockton; lot No. US. Blue Bell No. 2; lot No. 86. Theresa. I direct that this notice be published In The Sentinel, at Stockton. Tooele county, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said claim, for a period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. L. R. Rogers and Willard Hanson, for Applicant. Attorneys First pub., Jen. IS: last pub., Mar. 12. frli-nd- s Mr. Oiblle sold the of the principal an rxKAiit practice. that MERC UK LOCAL ITEMS. 1.2G 76 Thro months pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however alight, should not be disregarded. Uhamber-luln'- s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It alMays cures and is pleasant to take. Bold by the Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, and U. E. Brown, Stockton. ).:: Ic sii'.ij i' l r It p. HI. I! .I i. in IS I'ily Ciilc.iL'.i a l.ird Two good i.i.d sji Rviils i 11. R. F. NESLEN, General 79 West Second South Salt Lake City. Agent Street, |