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Show RESTORED TO HEALTH. Mauy weak, sufr furl ug wouieu do mu know that their kidneys are sick, backache tells of sick kidneys, and so do urinary disorSick kidders. bad make neys bad and blood, blood makes bad heart digestion, dlxsy palpitation, headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, sciatica, rheumatic pains and constant depression. Can't be restored to health until the kidneys are cured. Read bow ona sroman was restored by using Doan's Kidney Pills: Mrs. H. A. Var Sickle. SU 6th Ave, B. W. Roanoke. Va.. says: Kidney trouble wps hereditary in our family and 1 had been so continually afflicted with the disease that 1 Legan to despair of even temporary relief. Sometimes I entered so severely .hat I was eonflnd to my bed. Tne aching In my back was Interne and the kidney disorder caused an excess of uric acid In my blood which Impaired my digestion. I was compelled to deny myself ef many of the little delicacies o diet The doctors diagnosed my case as 1 had congestion of the kidneys. about given up hope when 1 began 1 aslng Doan's Kidney Pills, but took few n curative when dome their only powers were proven to my eatlsfaa tlon. I have never been without them In the house since. Doan's Kldi.ey Hlis are sold by nil dealers; price 6u cents; or mailed on rseelpt of price by Foster-MllburCo., Buffalo, N, Y. Write fur toe trlaL Training of the Sight CANADA, Explanation for Capt Gibbons' Luxuriant Hirsute Growth. CapL Gibbons had a habit of wear-lochin whiskers. I had always thought this was due to the fact that they were more becoming, but I learned the reason to be otherwise. It seems that his chin and throat were scarred and these scars are thus explained: On one of the ships which he commanded there was a mutiny of the crew one morning on the high seas, which he promptly started to quelL The sailors were too many for him. however, as he was unarmed, and they soon had him down on the deck, bound and gagged with a long knife across his mouth. It was this knife whose Hint produced tbe wounds cars the captain carried the remainder of his life concealed beneath the heard. While thus bound and gagged a lady passenger came to blm and cutting the bonds handed him a loaded revolver. With this wearon he soon had the crew at his feet and the ringleaders were placed In irons. Lewis- Ranch Baron is Passing lit-tl- low-grad- e c Corn low-grad- e I l MRf.-i.L- . First The in Whicn Gmail Birds S come Enmeshed. In the mountains of Ceylon and India there is a spider six Inches Ions that spins a web Ilka bright yellowish ilk, the central net of which le live feet in diameter, while the supporting lines or guys measure sometimes ten feet or twelve feeL Riding quickly In the early morning you may dash right Into it, the stout threads twisting around your face like a lace veil while as the creature that has woven It takes up its position in the middle It generally catcbea you right on the nose and, though It seldom bite ot atlngs, tbe contact of Ita large body and long legs la anything but plean ant If you try to catch it. bit It will and, though not venomous, its Jaws are as powerful as a birds beak, and you are not likely to forget the en counter. The bodies of these spiders are very handsomely decorated, being bright gold or scarlet underneath, while the upper part la covered with the most delicate fur. Be strong are the webs that blrda the else of larks are frequently caught la them and even the small but power ful scaly lizard falls a victim. tp4i Webs its Grain Fields. ness Is not s radical defect of vision at all. but a lack of training in attention and recognition, and could have bei-t- i avoided by any form of with simple half play, half lesson, adored halls or skeins of silk in early childhood. Matching colors la ing of this gift. an excellent game lesson. It can be The trouble Is that the great major- carried on with silks, wools, paper, ity of people regard tlie capacity of or any other material In which it Is the eyes as soim-lhinfixed at birth, possible to get many shades with very and not to he Intcrfi-rrer- i with. If small gradations of color among them. they would think a llitle they would Certain of the educational supply recognise that it Is, after all, largely houses furnish colored papers for this a matter of and practice. very purpose. An element of comThey know that the power of the petition cm he introduced, and the muscles is capuble of almost Indefipower of the vision can be trained at nite training, but they fall to apply the same time, with that esthetic the principle to the eyes. All forms Bense which Is its greatest reward. of exercise are called upon to InRapidity of vision can be enorcrease and strengthen the muscular mously developed. Most persona system of growing children, and the know the story of the conjuror whose wisdom of this, always granting reafathrr made him while a email boy sonable moderation. Is never ques- play the game of naming the objects tioned, but the child with the weak, in some shop window passed at a undeveloped visual faculty, with the qii'rk walk. If one will try this he ton Journal untrained color sense, with the carry- will be astounded at the way the numing capacity of tin sight limited to ber of ohjpcts seen In the glimpse This Is Miraculous. a tew feet. Is called stupid, and his will grow with practice. Kans., March 14. One Manhattan, best hope is that ho may be fitted As for other forms of exercise, that of the cases that has ever strangest with glasses before he is rallied and of the eye should be taken only un- been heard of In Riley Co. is that of scolded Into real stupidity. A tired, worn-ou- t der proper conditions the three year-oldaughter of Mr. The sight can be educated and exeye, shoaid not oe forced to new Jonas Brubaker of this place. ercised Just as truly as the hear- tasks any more than a tired worn-ou- t Some time ago the little girl took ing, the sense of touch, or even the body. This is why the process whooping cough, which was followed leg and arm muscles can; and the can not be started too soon, that the by pneumonia. When the pneumonia work, which can be easily converted ey may be insensibly trained to good left her, she was taken down with play, should be begun very early habits of perception. Youth's Com- malaria fever with at times symptoms fe. Much colorblind panion. of Spinal Meningitis. The family doctor brought her safely through these troubles, but after the fever Brights Disease set In and the doctors gave her up. Her father tells the rest of the story: We began to give her Dodd's KidIn Electricity Egypt. Pills and after ahe bad taken ney The boron of cattle western will be the taken the however, places, by Nearly every city In the Interior of three and a half boxes, she was about of limited plains la rapidly becoming extinct. farmer and stockman Egypt Is now 11fM4 hv electricity. cured. Now she Is well as Like the Indian, he Is disappearing be- means, who is content with develop- entirely child, any running and playing as if his small to herds energies raising fore the onward march of sealers upon ing ever been the matter bad nothing the public domain. There are no of cattle. HP The passing of the cattle baron In with her. The doctors said she was longer vast tracts of territory lie can the north went marks reach of medicine. Dodd's the transition beyond the 'j Pills certainly saved our appropriate to his own uses, for the era from Kidney e to higlicr-gralland la being mild to farmers from live stock that is destined to evolu-- t girls life, when she was so far the chronic stage of Bright's the east and. from Kurope. The ionize and revolutionise the cattle-raisin-- ; into Dlsc-isthat we thought nothing could ranchur is cither going out of busineaa industry. The displacement of rve her." or preparing to go. the cnttle baron, with a vaBt area of German Wines. The cau.'.f for this impending land devoted solely to the grazing and change is the contraction of the range breeding of According tq. the Moniteur Vlnlcole, cattle, will give and the invasion of the small cattleway to Diversified farming that will Germany holds the eighth place In the man. 11w The farmers have taken up Insure sheltered cattle feeding In the list of nations. It Is Up vwII to pra fk 4mm biff i imi prwlito. urlf) the land along the streams where the winter seasons, fewer losses of lire claimed, however, by wine connois- k niter's Breff mi viMip Mu tom ffMMi IKullirr. wr.ter is I'ouiui, and while there are stock and better quality of cattle for seurs that German wines, as far as to Util Im leri mum to m biirltr to jii?, that m j lpU4 thousands of acres of dry range land the stock market. The Impending flavor until bouquet are concerned, are t ttwptoi bmlia toMHlfnl torn tor ito iiMhy N4Msnr, Noiito. which afford g.sui grazing for part of charge does not augur disaster to the surpassed only by those of France. fieri art phm to ito yirtli ntr MHvMrt fc4 to toil Mra III Mull the year, they are removed In.m state. On the contrary, It will be a 1.T to. era Mr. Window's Soothing Syrnp. water and the of supply are harbinger of more substantial pros- Fnrrhlldren Bv r tiling, "fun Ihe nura, mliie 1W .1 Min, mm wtnil tiollu. ZjlluUlb f cut off liy the small farmer, who is perity. lj H IMto m The subdivision cf tbe great cattle utilizing it. This is by no means an ALL MUST SUFFER. WHAT . IM to. 9r arn. untnixed evil or even the forerunner ranges Into stock farms will be folV. ValW, UbvM Oh, to subIn of a increase decline of marked the lowed the by Impending MrK tMto.tof Common Lot of Every to UmM Mtrtobm, Ofaaav industry. It simply signi- stantial wealth and population, which Drudgery the OfcsMkb. Grade of Society. canto fies and from are harons that will the cattle grow year year slowly IldMHPMM) "Oh, It is such drudgery! said a finding themselves short of territory not fall to give the highest developIt is the on wlilcb to range their stock. Their ment to the resources of the state. bousekeper the other day. same old thing, over and over, from morning till night, from day to day, week to week, until months roll Into yotrs. and no nope of an end of It until the grave yawns. "Oh, It Is such drudgery, says the And God Himself blew hard In hla eyes: carpenter, as he takes up bis tools for Mark and Hew were the sons of God, them burn till tliey smoulder another In the earlier earth than now; day of hard work. down! One at lilac right lmnd. one at hla left "Such drudgery!" exclaims the merTo nlicjp as he yiught them how. Anil "Tln-re!said Haek. 'and There P as he plods down to business chant, Hew. thnivht And Hark was blind, and tlew was dumb, We'll rest, fur our toll la dime." after day. day i'-liut both hart tlie wild, wild henri: Muster Workman said, "Nay." :il was their burning Bui,For Anil find's calm "Such drudgery!" sighs the lawyer, your (oil Is Just begun. will. as ho turns over Blackstone; the endAnd tbe gist or their toll was art God vo as me old serve "And who of j less wearing of there courts. Hhall me anew as man. the dream that is In my They made the moon and the belled stare, Till I Such drudgery ! cries the preachheart. They sol the sun In ride: And perfect the vaster plan." one theme year after year, with They liaised the girdle and veil of the er; RCA never a change." j And The wind and the purple tide. still the urnftrman over his craft. t In the vague white of dawn. Such drudgery! yells the editor Both flower and beast beneath their With Cods culm will for his burning wilL with a groan, as he slumps down upon While the mounting day comes on. hnnds his stool of torture and grasps his To Iwauly and speed outgrew t, indolent, wild, ; Yearning The furious, tumbling hand of Hack, old stump. What in the name of Tulls with i.mxo shadowy two And the ginning h.mrt of Hew. ! - ! Oh, what! what! what! The faltering, listless Im-- d of Hack, And thu hand of Hew Then. Are nnrt rl.iy. they fashioned a man editor. the Death always skips Carman. Illlss And painted l.lin rosy brown; Such drudgery!" Mrs. Marabout cries, as she rings for her maid to change for the lourth time her costly Oh. tl e drudgery of the eterdress. nal round of fashion!" And so the cry goes up and down the scale of human life. Drudgery at A missionary who has Just returned Fort Wrangle and paddled In for the bottom, drudgery at the top all Is ed from Alaska recently told an amus- shore. They cam if within fifty yards drudgery that we must do, whether it ing story of huv an Indian medicine of the lunk, and the canoe seemed to be th task of earning our daily bread, mans curse affected two Americana. stick fast. The water was still five or tolling In the endless, weary round BAILEY A SONS They were prusiiectnrs coming feet liiep, so tlie two men plied their of society. M E. Sscssd Ssulh SL. Silt Lake CR ckiwn the Styko-i- i River," he said. paddles dcsperaicly. Still the eanuo Alfalfa ere headiiusrters for (be quality THIN DIET. On the morning of the day on which made no headway. Weed.: slhO (inias sail iinril--eedn, Oram W years. Mail tic In ieMl Suddenly they ceased paddling. they expected to reach Fort Wrangle order riven special aiteni-.t-ii- . No Nourishment in It. they camped on a sand spit near the One of them jumpi-- up and shouted: " 'Wove gut :i:i Indian curse on us' camp of an Indian tribe." not easy to ket-Its up who.) cofOne of the tribes medicine men For heaven's sake nunc out and lit-lfee has so rufm-i- l the stomach that came down and asked for a seat in us!' FRESH AND RELIABLE food wont digest. The men on shore stared and soma the canon as far as Wrangle. The I hail been FOR A Mo. wumun says: OAIALOOUI. HND Then came a silence. Pres- an ihvalld for two yours from stomach white men refused, sating that the laucln-il- . SCHWARZ & HEINECKE canoe wax ten small. The Indian In- ently it was broken by an old minor, trouble caused by oofft-o- , gut so bad I OONO SOUTH 6T. 4 and there was a warm argu- who shouted; couldnt digest (nod and for quite a SALT LAKE CITY sisted, riLiFnom sob. ment. The two whites finally shoved Say you two thickheaded Jays, while I lived un unlit and lime water Indid ye liapcii to know yer anchor off into midstream, leaving the nothing but that a glass of milk Mi ne is hnucin' overboard?' dian on the bank. ami lime water six times a day. In The crowd burst Into a roar of this way 1 managed to live, but of You never come shore again, he shouted. laughter ns the two course did not gain. The white men laughed, and pad-die- xhccpLI'.! pulled In their anchor and It was about, o months ago 1 beon. Toward evening they reach pad.lhd ashore." using Pustuin Food Coffee; I did gan BEST QGCEXS .not need the rn'.ik and lime water AMD after that, for I gained rapidly and I I meal and drink can now eat a PHOEKIX KI2H PATENT from 1 to 3 cups of Postum each meal and feel fine. MADE BY "I would not go back to coffee for of the reasonable pay. I like Postum Lucinda's lifes ,t peaceful one, apart Tils vcl- r is like I1tVe s any C6DEN HILLING & ELEVATOR Cu. ! On. it H'litiiia-u- t : than coffee now and make ius-tubetter V t o. ith in l,.tat Hire No pntt'.i-.ijvia" come to mar her OGDEN, UTAH. dlrcctiniis cm box and it is by I : o'ir I hiquid ni.. - .i.t unu d wn, no He's R.ir.ien gate hJs ,iNo tiny eager up just fine; never found a better way to f;il.(1 ,iOW. di.iii-ic. rt'.y Vn:!l lir bran' an.l coyly make it Hum on box. Now this is nil 'Nil." Are clu'.iiiii'v m lor Hirers where ahe true and you can easily proe it. siis in tl iiilort luiids. th-- re Tl.e !r 'i- -r Nun. - given by Pusi-ito.. Buttle ;; the nln; .T.n:g she mIk iiiuie. there In In h.idov Mlc'i. Crock. -i : l.ucli!hoo lur oiiivt nl. IV.-mo t i ii. coiue before lur j a brew front fluid gpain.Nay. not n. .tii t'er a. lii-rcn-In l r pi- in Willi nil Iho ninirishi.iCi.t left in. It bRusKESNUfi rcr . ls a ahe u r."E on ci And Ll palm, h'W AH' IlC'J.'i ADDICTIONS A n makes red blood parsir-- ; a v hishe dri-ii of ' i. um. In fi r.i out the A Tie I or I'Oiiu-.- - I It. fYitiiv Nsyitl'tl:-- : v; ". vli- - r- - ciiTico I: ns done vdl uluriy 111.0. LAKE COT. UIAfl lung the happiness and success of life depends upon the seeing capacity that It is both a wonder and a pily that more attention Is not paid by parents In the home and by Instructors in the schools to the perfectSo nmrh of Who Toiled '' ; , : Ir.-li- Ranching Lands. Dairying Resources. The Editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist, who was one of a party of editors of agricultural papers who took a trip through Canada during the past spring, writes to his paper in the following strain. The reason of his visiting Canada was to satisfy himself that the reports coming to his paper regarding the wonderful resources of that country were accurate. In view of the wonderful settlement that was going on there, many from this country crossing the line in eearcb of permanent homes and In view of what he had heard In regard to conditions' of soil, water, climate. topography, fuel, grasses, rainfall, markets, etc., and also the Influence which these have had on the present and future of agriculture, he deemed It necessary to make an extended trip through all of the above territory. slate-colore- In speaking of the Province of Mint toba. he says: The province of Manitoba comprises within Its limits the valleys of the Ass!nt-boln- e and Red rivers. Although called the Prairie Province of Canada, Manitoba has large areas of forests, numerous rivers and vast water expansions. "The soil Is a rich, deep, mould, or loam, resting on a deep day subeoiL It is well adapted to giving a bountiful yield of the finest quality, known the world over as No. 1 hard wheat. During the past ten years the growth of wheat and other grains has steadily Increased, until now the production, by 35,000 farmers, reaches over 100,000,000 bushels. Of the 23.000,000 arable acres In Maniof it Is toba, probably not one-hal- f Cultivated grasses yield about two tons per acre and native grasses a ton and a half. "There can be no question but that dairying will become a great Industry throughout the Northwest, and espeas the climate Is cially cheese-makinfavorable and similar to that of Onfar-fame- d grain-growin- SHATTERING OF and Rosy Dream. For several minutes the young man did not speak. His heart was too fuH. It was enough for him to know that this glorious creature loved him; tht she had promised to share bis fata. With a new and delighted sense at ownership he feasted hie eyes once more upon her Leatuy, and as he realized that henceforth It would be hie privilege to provide for her welfare and happinese, he could have almost Hie good fortune wept with Joy. seemed lncred.ble. Finally he whispered, tenderly: How did It ever happen, darling, that such a bright, shining angel as yourself fell in love with a dull stupid fellow like m:? "Goodness knows!" she murmured, absently; I must have a screw loose somewhere. Crops grown are wheat, barley, oats, flax, rye, peas, corn for fodder, brome. potatoes, roots, etc. The soil is very fertile and moisture ample. The climate is good and the growing season, while not quite so long as In Wisconsin, matures crops as the sun shines much longer, rising about 4 oclock and shines until about 9 at night. One can easily read a newspaper at 10 p. m. The long days make growth fast and push crops to maturity ahead of frost. "The ranching, the and the mixed farming belts all cross over Asslnibola. The yield and the quality of wheat raised along the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway, at such places as Indian Head and Its allied districts, have become famous. Its possibilities are shown by the averages of tests made at the experimental farm in 1902, when eleven varieties of the most suitable wheat, sown on April the 19th, were cut In 130 days and yielded 4 314 ponnds of straw and 43 bushels ard 2 pounds of grain per acre. Us mixed farming area Is excellent, its range cattle, horses and sheep are the equals of any seen in the North west, and its treeless portion is underlaid with coal. The town of Medicine Hat Is heated and illuminated with natural gas. There are abundant deposits of brick, pottery and fire clays. Agents of the Canadian Government will be pleased to mall an Atlas to any one interested and also all other Information to -- rates, etc. wheat-growin- SO Bo. Haramnt Wheat Per A. Introduced by thu IT. R. Dept, of Art. , It Is a tremendous yielding In good laud xo !u. per ariv, and on dry, arid lands, sui li as are found In Mont., Idaho, the Dukoias, Colo., etc.. It will yield from 40 to 60 Im. This Wheat and Rpeltz and Hanna Harley rnrt IJromiUl Inemiis anil Hlllion Dullir Grass, makes It pox.iible to grow and fatten soil Is found. hogs and cattle croi-i-er- wln-iow- to the John A. R.ilzcr Co., La Kill send you Crosse, Win., and tli-free a sample of this Wh'-a- t and other with their great farm reeds, tog'-the- r catalog, slone worth $100.00 to any wide-awafarmer. iY. N. U.) g ke Circular Barns. g A remarkable novelty In Is reported from Lapel, Indiana. barn-buildin- The walls, or rather wall, of the barn are 25 feet, high and 65 feet In diameter, the roof running to a cone. There le no such thing as a post or pillar in the barn. In order to prevent the weight of the roof from spreading, three heavy steel hoops encircle the building. The barn la cyclone proof, for wind has no chance to get a hold on the structure. The stalls for horses and cattle are arranged in a circle, there Is a big feeding room In the center and a silo extends from the ground to the roofa cone. The storage capacity Is stated to be far greater than would be the case in a building of the ordinary iyp- ilii.-le.--s ItenfiiiM I m - - i- . ! m 1 - - 1 i - r : itMIltiLi.i, r J E. Burton. Kl (If Pir. ".it' - o i i C. t V U'l1 ion r i vi in-- 7 I. ji- . I t :i l.i'lllitOMf. !. vi i''.j" . She 7 lci vi' I'.llil'M.I-t- io ?J; ,i i. i "ii"! , i lin-'1 i It M M- tei s .ni-hi- ! II She i: I H "fV li.illk. An v.erinjj Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. - Hut : i JJ7W4a swe-ti- -r vc-i- e r.I'l r ! hl.;-:- vis tor long ego. A V- - i' i- cordon tin- - : . . y i'i.:.;r of K ite niipre the .i.' other noun.! !ow-- A Lock ajiinn fiom isfv I. Th is sim!. I"- - t i 'A.:-- x! belli vtilt liri-o- - l Tin-!- ! s ru; t out the A - I v :tie 11, S. in New Yi-i- V ; re a n. Get tl'.o liTii) honk, "The KoaJ U WcllviJle hi each pkg. Iiisi-liiii- il-- e ! i Fpl'-ii-ii- ! rn-i'i- i.M-- ii J.i-- ! DRUMffiSS Y, I. CMKNhV I gi-o- d um-fro- in . IVfni i r:-- t Pfm i l d - I e B. SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS i mucoun Itiilrigc t (U, Totodft, O. Looking at Clcck at Night Sign of Age. Do you wake up in the night end wonder what lime it is. sml get up. and make a light to see? That la a j WOMEN CCLD BY AUCTION. sign of ago. What difference does It make what time it is? None whatHow Damselj of Babylon Were Once ever, but as you get older this insane to know wlrit tune It is atDispcsed cf. An auction of unmarried ladies used tacks you every few hi.tirs. The light after night la to take place annually In Babylon. In flickering in u some barefooted nn a usually carri-- d every district they certain day of every jear all the vir- old man who is on his way to peer gins of marriageable age. The most Into the face ef the clock. The old are mil mi wak-fu- l, remarkaine was first put up, and tbe wotix-having a man who bid the largest sum of good deal of sleep to make up which children were money gained possession of her. they lost when The second In personal sppearanre fol- little. Atchisr n Globe. lowed, and the bidders graritied themselves with bandsoir.o wives accord10,000 riniit for IDs. Is a offer the John ing to the depth of their purses. But A.This Bulxer 11., .a Ciosm--, Wia., alas! it seems that there were in make. They will yuu their big Babylon some Indies for whom no plant and sued cm.'ilci;, together with sve-was to be to money offered, yet enough likely glow l.Uiiu tin-- , solid Cabbages. these also were disposed of so provi2.800 iViiclnus Carrots. dent were tbe Babylonians. When all 2.ii0 bliiiuliiiig. nutty Olery. the beautiful virgins were sold, the 2. riih, luiiti-i-- I lettuce. i iiiiuus. crier ordered the most deforr.e-- who rsr--- . Itii'lishes. would marry her with a small sum, dowers. she was at length adjudgi-i- l to tbe This great is inuib- - in order to man who would be sailsficd with the induce you to try tlu-iseeds winitited tor win-1least, and In ihlo manner tin; money you once plant them you no oilier, nn-- l arising from the sale of tbe handsome will grow AU, XuU BIT Ilk; served as a portion to tliore who were this notice, providing yon will !i or t: at ami cither of d:sa::re-nif you will si n l thoiu "l-- in poxt-Hg- ", had any other Iniiji-riI ticn. This cusad. will filinvs a puck-in-- i!n they tom prevailed about ovU jc&rs leTorc of ib- f.iii.oua r CJiiiillowcr. (V. N. L) Christ. n ; i , my life three yearn aso. Mrs. Thos. R biuxs, Sis pie Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17. 1UU hu-in- -- the Shadow Lands . . I am sure Pino's Cure for Consumption saved ALFALFA SEED In It u tl oial mueoiM. and that tv ciiibPil hy an liitlnmed roodtil'in if the .f the Tube. When tbit a nii'ibllnir Round or ! tube In fiiiain?d v u I hearliu.aiirt whcti Ii I 'Dtlrrly (lined. Itoaf-O1 Tie the renult.iiiul union tbe indumumttiin can t! taken om and thia tui rtMnnti tun norm! emdi li u. Ittarlnff will hi iliir yrd ulna canet nui if tfit an cnu-iby utarrh. bich iBiunMac f tin !iinc"U' surface. but an iaflau:cd mruim-alii ph-- One llumlrc'i IMiaix for any can of ranted by t;urrtn thai cannot be cured by llaU'l Catarrh Cur. S"iil f irilhutmu.free, drafu-M- . tewilif Oi iiulluns OD ftD069 SOfl garnienrn It HO lunger 00116 DJ band In modern factories. There Is a machine that sews 5.30 buttons on garments In nine hours or more tlisu eight expert sewers amid possibly do In the same lime. This machine requires no expert operator. A boy or girl inns it. TnC The Medicine Mans Curse FLOUR . - Deafness Cannot Be Cured tncul ppllt,all"nB, tliey eHuimt reach tb Alto If cum il Portia nf tlie ear. There imwljr use mar la i . r JI'RT FKXD 10c AXtl THIS XOTICS "v , A ROMANCE. Girls Answer Ended Loves Yeung tario. I , d g wheat-growin- wind-swif- SPIDERS OF INDIA. GIGANTIC AGRICULTURE IN WESTERN CHIN WHISKERS HID SCARS, i iii tti'iiijci-Lftr- j dam cr! - n'-- wps k on envi-'- t!- i of ! p-- rn London Chroblrio. |