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Show THE WEEKLY SENTINEL BMAR, NUklM ITtl TOCKTON. NOKTHWEST NOTES. Willis George Emerson, the father of Grand Encampment, Wyo., has decided to go to I.oB Angeles aa manager of a Mr irrigation enterprise. A acvere windstorm strurk Plnche, Nevada, on the loth, a houao being blown down and the front of another building blown out. one-stor- Senator Warrona bill appropriating a public building to be need for a court house and poatolllce at Sheridan, Wyo., baa passed the senate. The committee appointed by the Denver city council to Investigate charges of padding registration rolls has made Its report In which prominent politicians are accused of fraud. Among the passengers who arrived at New York City on the ISth on the steamer Trinidad from Ilermiida was Senator W. A. Clark of Montana, who Is convalescent from a recent operas tloa for mastoiditis. After a heated discussion the Portassociation has land Ministerial adopted a resolution In which the ministers refuse to marry any person divorced on any grounds save those of desertion and adultery. All cases against the Cripple Creek, Cola, union miners charged with different train deralllngs, the Vindicator mine disaster and other offenses, have been nolled on the request of District before Judge Attorney Trowbridge, Lewis. Oil Last week the Callfornla-lTtacompanys rig near Green River was sold by Constable Fullmer to W. F. Reeder of that place for $80, on account of delinquent taxes, which amounted, together with costs, to about $20. B. D. Field, connected with a prominent family In New York, and a nephew of Cyrus W. Field, who laid the Atlantic cable, committed suicide at Pueblo, Colo., by drinking poison. Is asDespondency over signed as the cause. In the superior court at Seattle the state law providing for regulating the business of plumbing was declared to The law was be unconstitutional. passed by the legislature of 1901 and requires plumbers to pass an examina- $100,000 for h ? FIOIIT A NOTH YM DUEL DIABOLICAL DEEDS OF DEMONS. Horriblt Treatment of German SetRU88IANS AND JAPS STILL SPAR8UPREME COURT DECIDES IN tlers by Africans. RING AT PORT ARTHUR. FAVOR OF GOVERNMENT. Letters from German South Africa have arrived in Berlin giving detiiH In Engagement the Russian Cruiser of the ghastly treatment of Cernau Northern Security Railroad Merger Is Diana is Baly Damaged Report Held to Be In Violation of tho settlers, 113 of whom were killed out That Port Arthur Had Fallen Laws of United States. disor to death in tortured the right Proves to be Erroneous. trict of Okabandja alone. Women outIn the United Statce supreme court and with raged and dismembered The report that Port Arthur had pieces of their bddies nailed to the Monday an opinion was delivered in fallen Is now conceded to have been doors of houses, and bodies mutilated the merger case of the Northern SeIt doubtless arose over and left to die slowly were frequent curities company va. United States, In premature. the fact that the Japanese and Rus- spectacles. The expeditionary columns favor of the governments contention sian fleets had another engagement off on coming In sight of a farmers house that the merger waa Illegal. The Port Arthur on Sunday. The dis- would see the heads of Its occupants opinion of the court was handed down fastened to the roof. These sights appatches contain few details of the According to the story of pear to have excited the rage of the a refugee who reached Tien Tain Mon- soldiers. The letters express longing day night, the Russian ahlpa engaged for revenge and a determination, as a portion of Togo's squad ran, the Rus- one writer says, to kill everything Anti-Tru- sian protected cruiser Diana being badly damaged. About twenty ahota from the heavy guns of the ships were exchanged. According to a corresixindent of the London Dally Mall at Newchwang, General Kuropatkln has wired Lieutenant Ccueial SlucBscI that he must hold Port Arthur with the present garrison. The Daily Express corrcsitondent at Berlin gives an alleged official intimation from the Russian ambassador. Count Oaten-Sackcthat Makaroff has mined all the coast of the peninsula at Fort Arthur, the situation of the mines extending three miles seaward. A correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Yinkow says the Japanese again attacked lort Arthur March 12 as a challenge for Vice Admiral Makaroff to come out and fight. During the heavy bombardment, the correspondent says tho Japanese were In a position of safely from the fortress. The Russian casualties amounted to 300 killed and wounded. Vice-Admir- MEN DRIVEN FROM HOME. REFORMS IN MACEDONIA. Austria Threatens to Resort to Extreme Meaeuree. The Vienna correspondent of a Farts paper says that Count the Austrian minister of foreign affairs, haa authorized the pub lieatlon of the following declaration, which he made officially to the French, British and Italian ambassadors: The Austrian entente on the subject of Macedonia la firmer than ever. A perfect understanding exists on the subject of the modus vivendl in Macedonia and of Turkeys application of the reforms proposed by the two powers and accepted by tho aultan. Russia and Austria are determined to ase all their luflueuce, and even to resorl to extreme measures, to obtain the fulfillment of the sultans promises They Insist that full powers shall be accorded the heads of the international gendarmerie. The rumors that Austria is Is mobilizing troops wholly unfounded. Oolu-rhowsk- Citizens Alliance at Tellurida, Colo., Deport Striking Miners. One hundred members of the Alliance, after a meeting at Colo., armed with Winchesters and revolvers, scoured the town and took Into custody between seventy and eighty union men and sympathisers. In some Instances doors to dwelling houses were forced and broken open. The men were heided in a vacant store room until 2 a. m., and when all those desired had len raptured they were marched to the depot and loaded Into two coaches. As the special train departed the Citizens' Alliance fired ISJSgJBUmjPl ghQtj.Ja.thejLir, Cltl-xun- s' Tel-liirld- e, n ft n sub-jert- . Ter.-iinry- . :., t i j : n'-x- st by Justice Harlan, and It upheld the decree of the circuit court for the district of Minnesota In every particular. Four of the Justices dissented from the five constituting the majority. The division in the court was due to a difference of opinion as to the right of federal control of state corporations. The majority opinion proceeded on the theory that congress has a right under the constitution to control interstate commerce, no matter by whom conducted, while the minority, or dissenting opinion, was based on the theory that in the present case the effort to regulate the ownership Is not Interstate traffic. black. Russians Bound foe Korea. The Paris Temps correspondent at St. Petersburg asserts that a Russian army corps Is descending front Vladivostok toward Korea. He adds that Port Arthur has a garrison of 30JH0 men and is provisioned for a year. The Russian ministry of marine, the Temps correspondent further asserts, claims that Japans losses since the opening of the war are four cruisers and five torpedo boat destroy!, and the machinery of a 12,000-tobattleship seriously Injured. The correspondent concludes Jils a spatewjth .asserting that, the MUeiiWUWWM Vni.-Wcentration of Russian troops at Mbk-de- n can follow their trade lu the large Kuropatkln Rushing to tho Front cities. and Harbin Is considered ss terGeneral to minating the Kuropatkln expects Three hundred and fifty union mindanger from a Japanese ers working In the Midget and Modoc reach Mukden March 2Gth, and every-thin- g landing In the northern part of the will be aidetracked In order to bay of Korea. mines and on various leaned properto the front on schedule time. him get ties In the Cripple Creek, Cola, disThe bears an autograph letter Timber and Stone Act to be Repealed. general trict, went on strike on the 12th. The from The senate committee on public tho emperor to Viceroy Alexleff, strike was ordered because of shipments of ore to mills and smelters to whom be will report It la under- lands, after a contest extending over that have been declared "unfair" for stood that the viceroy will then turn two years, in which an attempt was ' failure to grant an eight-hou- r day. over the entire direction of the land made to repeal all of the general land H. W. Holland and A. C. Cox aro operations to General Kuropatkln. laws of the country, has authorized a will who transmit his reporta to the favorable dead and six others Injured as the report on 8enator Quarles the viceroy, but emperor through result of a snowsllde at the Queen of practically this is the only point on hill to repeal the timlicr and stone the West mine, sixty miles from which Viceroy Alexleff will maintain act. As reported the bill has a proBaker City, Orp. The slide caught the superiority. vision authorizing the secretary of the bunk house and swept It Into the Interior to sell at public sale or othbottom of the canyon, hundrod of Slayer of Editor Gonzalea to Run for erwise the right to cut timber on govfeet below, t: e dead and injured being Congress. , ernment lands. The bill was amendrecovered with great difficulty from Governor James II. ed to the debris. provide that the moneys derived Tillman, recently acquitted of murder from the sale of these A terrific dynamite explosion at Serights should for the killing of Editor N. O. Gonzales be covered Into the reclamation fund In attle resulted the instant death of of Columbia. 8. C., has announced his for Irrigation A purposes, and Is now Terence Scott, a boy. candidacy for congress in an inter- Identical with one Introduced two large quantity of the explosive was view in the Augusta Chronicle. He months ago hy Senator Hansbrough, placed In a kettle to thaw and left will stand for the seat made vacant by chairman of the committee. near an open fire. Five minutes after the death of Congressman O. W. Croft ward. Just as young Scott drew near The dead conPardon for Filipinos. the fire, the explosion came. The of South Carolina. gressman was at one time law The boya mangled body was hurled thirty partner of Mr. Tillman and the president has granted pardona waa hli feet through the air. to two Filipinos, Arturo E. Chester leading counsel In the murder trial. and Elias Forty American nurses In charge of convicted before Senate Fortifications Bill. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, president a military courtmartial of the murder of the Spanish-Amerlcawar nurses, The senate passed the fortification of a native corporal of police. The sailed from Seattle last week on the hill Tuesday, after a patriot) is granted on the recommenappropriation lyo Maru for Japan. Upon arrival In Japan they expect to he assigned to three hours' discussion of the amend- dation of the Filipino civil authorities, duty with one of the divisions of the ment authorizing the purchase of an Iho judge advocate general of the Japanese army. experimental torpedo boat and the army and the secretary of war, beTraveling men who have been mak- provision for the purchase of sites in cause the offense grow out of the works in the and would have been ining Colorado towns all report that defense Hawaiian business In that state Is In a bad islands. The Hawaiian provision, cluded in tlu? president's amncsfy condition. The labor troubles which which had hern eliminated by the proclamation of July 4. l!n. except have been rampant have kept everything quiet In trade and business, al- commit tec. was restored and the sum for the lin t that the cases hud though they have made enough nolsn increased from $2oii.nnnt as fixed by to final trial. in other ways. the house, to $r2ti.lim. Claims Protection of Great Britain. The supreme court of Colorado has Three Killed by Toy Pistol Caps. Mrs. Stcwait Forbes, wife of tho handed down a decision In which the Three persons, two of them being secretary treasurer nf the Tolluride revenue law, passed by an extra session of the legislature In 1902, Is de- loys. were killed and eight other em(Uolo.l Minors' union, who wa declared constitutional. In the rase In ployes were Injured in ('nfeago Tues- ported by the Citizens' alliance, has which the decision wss rendered thn o( ley pistol caps, taken up the matter or her husband's day hy an special Ilcenae required for the aale of which completely doniniishc,! the i we- banishment with II. V. IVarcp. vice liquor was attacked. st ory brick manufacturing plant or consul of the British consulate at Jack Clifford of Bntte and Perry the Chicago Toy Novelty company. Denver. Should Mr. learce fa.i to Queenan of Seattle have agreed to The wrecked befire Ima decision to building guarantee pruteiiiou to Mr. Forbes caught rounds light twenty fore the Salt Lake Athletic club. The mediately after the explosion, and the upon his return to Teiluride. she will exact date is not settled, hut probably bodies of the dead were so badly appeal to the Finish ambassador at will be March 2fi. The men have burned and mangled that it was . Vushiiigtuii. Forbes is a British bouts, each fought two twenty-rounto recognize them except by a In draw. remnants of clothing. resulting A petition for divorce filed in the Colombian Legat-oClosed. At Work on Sttehocd Bills. district court of Rig Horn county The Colombian lega'p-iin Was.m.g-to- n Colonel The statehood picMcm has been Wya, January 9th last, by HID lias been elosed uml Hr. Tomas has taken up William F. Cody (Buffalo liy the of the llerran, who for a long time has b.i-just been made public. The complaint house on territories, reon that and alleges acting as chat go d'affaires, w ill charges cruelty, to li.nf: statehood for his funner homo in Mcrii-i,nDecember 215. 19ini. Mrs. Cody at- cently Fubills for Ari.n.ia uml ,Yw Mexico and ture eiuniiiuiiieaiiriis I.. tempted to poison the plaintiff. n t, iitiii-iiloiiiliian Oklahoma and the Indian :ii:.; h. u. got The Utah Construction company of The bill pHI'lmcM Mill be mmle.r-i.-i!i;m:. h a rtaie of the tlrt n.ik:"g Consul Geiieini .!t:ire : j 1(t " Ogden has secured another Mg rail- tAo l ai'ic I :x uu tii illy road contract. Involving frinn.fton. on The dttliliitr of adjusting the t;in. New York. Tin tii li is (lie dire. I n ei int i bn: ;;e--- i. and i t !i ns wlln regard the San Pedm road. The mnl-nc- t ciiiiiii- -' in (! :i e ti to adu.i ott el mil and t It cludes fifty mile of grade from the : t tl.. !; .i ' f i i li... .j llic'dm Tertiti.j as a are t ruiian.il rami: l!i..' present terminus of the road wet. to be talo n tip y AGAINST THE MERGER r . . NEWS SUMMARY. There warn a slight earthquake in Guatemala City Thursday ef last week, but la caused no damage. A rear end collision between two trolley can in Los Angeles resalted In the serious injury of seven passengers. King Alfonso has signed decrees ratifying the arbitration convention between Spain and Great Britain and Spain and France. A St. Petersburg dispatch declares that the emperor will assume command of the troops In the far east after the first Important engagement A shooting, the result of a political row, occurred at Kansas City, Martin Martin being fatally wounded hy Cash Welch, a deputy sheriff and ward worker. Mrs. Eliza Welsche, the wife of Samuel Welsche, a Slavish miner, residing near Bradenville, Pa., last week gave birth to quadruplets. They are all boys. According to a dispatch from SL Petersburg dated February 23, General Sakhnroff had been appointed to act as minister of war In the absence of General Kuropatkln. Serious rioting between 700 Germans and 200 Cxaech students occurred In Vienna. Forty atudent were wounded. The police had difficulty In restoring order. President Roosevelt has fixed the salaries of the is'hmfan canal commissioners at $12,000 per year, and in addition thereto $15 per day while they are on the Isthmus. Colonel Wiliam Griffith, the Angeles millionaire who last September shot his wife in the eye, has been sentenced to two years in tho penitentiary and to pay a fine of $5,000. About seventy-fiv- e prominent Iowa Democrats held a conference at Dee a Moines last week and launched boom for General Nelson A. Miles for the Democratic nomination for presi- ls In Cavalry tha Russians Have Greatly the better or the Japanese Forces. ANOTHER COLORADO Masked Men Beat Mine ficial With OUTRAGE. Workers' Risked Life for a Small 8unv A special from 8an Bernardino, Cal., says: A. E. Wilson, a young man Of- from Ogden, Utah, this afternoon Trinidad, Colo., says: leaped from the top of a Chris Evans was beaten by three at Needles for a wager of $3.60, pole and, masked men with Monplunging through the canvas net held day on board the Colorado A Southern for him by twelve citizens, landed on his feet and shattered both his hips, passenger train bound for Pueblo, and besides sustaining serious Internal inwas taken off the train at Walsenburg Wilson had just reached juries. In a critical condition with five bad Needles from Ogden, and, to turn A special from fifty-fo- scalp wounds. The masked metAjoard-e- d the train at the Santa Fe crossing, a mile east of Trinidad, and, after beating Evans, Jumped from the train. Evans Is financial manager of the United Mine Workers of America, and was sent to Colorado by President Jfhn Mitch el j. Michael Calabrace, a striker, was killed by guards Monday at Pryor. Calabrace Is said to have fired four shots at a negro and then barricaded himself In his house. The guards burst open the front door, and as ran out the back way they shot him. Cnl-abra- some easy money, collected a crowd of citizens about the pole, saying ho would make the leap to tho ground. He then passed his hat, securing a small sum. Twelve men volunteered to hold the canvas net. On reaching the top. of the pole he hesitated a minute and then leaped off. As his body hot through the net and struck ths ground, a cry of horror arose from 20( the mishap people who witnessed Wilson wap unconscious when picked up. His bones were protruding throngt the flesh, making a sickening sight The lower part of his spine was alsq Injured, making it almost impossible for him to recover. Official Map of Harbor of Vladivostok, Showing Location of Batteries and French and English at Outa. Trouble la feared between the French and English garrisons at Shan Ifai Kwan. The soldiers of the two nations stationed In that fortified city are constantly on the verge of a serious conflict. Insults continuously are handled between the men and perassaults are frequent. The sonal Sikhs, who constitute the greater part of the British force, are drilled five hour every day. and all the British troops in North China are asserted to be resting under marching orders. Moro Camp Raided. The following comes from Manila: "Major General Leonard Wood reports an a yack upon a ruconolterlng force east cf Cottahao by a strong party ol Moros made hostile by the passage of the law. The Moros' position was shelled and the Moms dunked and the outworks taken. They were strong and well constructed. Cannon old captured, twenty-onalso Spanish, thirty-threlarge quantity of amunition and supplies. No casualties on our side.' Fort. anti-slaver- y e e Korea Shall Be Russian. In the course of his conversations in the train while traveling from Moscow, according to a Paris correspondent, General Kuropatkin repeated his desire that peace should be signed only in Toklo. The general laid that took a recess. The committee Is mak- I'rauce, Germany and Austria have ing a detailed study of carh case in agreed with Russia to prevent Great the report. It will first determine Britain Intervening with another Berthose rases In which there appears on lin treaty, adding: We will never the aarfare an indlrat inn of wrong- permit Great Britain to Interfere for doing on the part of members, ir there the purpose of depriving us of tha are any such, before taking the testi- fruits of a dearly-lniugvictory. Komony of witn-sso- a. rea shall he Russian." Star Chamber Session of Houae to Investigate Chargee Made by Bristow. The special committee of the house to investigate the postoffice indictment' of members of congress continued its work behind closed doors for three hours on Monday, and then Miles Admits He is a Candidate. David N. Mct'aloiunt of Franklin, Pa., chtiirnisn of th Venango county lrohltiilion con: mitt eo. is in receipt oi a letter from General Nelson A. Aliici. In which the general antmunres himself Indirectly as a (andidntc for the nomination !' r picsjdcnf. Amir tilin' ago Mr. Mct'almout wrote to (inn-ia- i Miles tLiii'o'iin inn that In- woul I ti. i i,:i i::i r m n didign'' to i li, convert lop. jn, i uskc.l if lie con'd rm have the pioa-nirof sioqmi'tiug b.ui for the nomination. - ! Troubles of a Judge. In the supreme court Monday the gnv-oi-ni- rt of the United States, through Attorney General Knox, applied for a writ i.f mandamus to compel Judg .1. Wing of the United States district ii. nit fur the n 'it I; . i:i district of Ohio, to lake wlmt ill- - depart l f j' c.ii.-maintains is action gal .el) ir. pool to roiuisi C.i;,ee t Iliis is t.i.i tin.e i:i :.il.lMujj oi lie supiv.ii. eo'i:t that nit-ti- i . i i l i I I'l'-.- i l;l ;os 'I l ( I wrt man i.i ii u s iioii'.i t n tcdeiiil Judge. : j. dent Mrs. Rebecca Mayo, aged 90, the urviving widow of a revolutionary war soldier. Is dead at New bent, Va. Mrs. Mayo wns married In 1833 to Captain Stephen Mayo, who was then 76 years old. Shep Griffin, a negro, Is In Jail at Meridian, Miss., having been taken from certain persons In Kemper county, who, it Is charged, held him In There Is much enforced servitude. excitement over the case. A Japanese shipping agent who was arrested Monday on suspicion of supplying Russians with Information, has committed suicide in the military prison at Tien Tain. It Is said several other Japanese are under suspicion. Rather than coutnenance in church membership a man engaged in tho liquor business, the Rev. Edwin M. Martin, assistant pastor of the Lewis church In Avenue Congregational Brooklyn, has handed in his resignation. The report comes from Germany that Colonel Lleutwln, governor of German southwest Africa, has asked for reinforcements to the number of 800 men and two mounted batteries. He has found the Hereros to be more numerous and better armed than he supposed. The second annual report of the United States Steel corporation, dated March 1st, shows the net earnings-fothe year, after deducting expenditures for maintenance and Interest on bonds and fixed charges of subsidiary companies, were $109,171,152, compared with $133,308,763 in 1902. By direction of the president the new military poBt under construction at Haines, Alaska, will be known an Fort William H. Seward, In memory of the services of the secretary of state in negotiating the purchase of Alaska. Abraham Newman, an old and wealthy money lender and diamond dealer, has been found dead in his office on the Bowery, New York City. Robbery had been committed, hut whether or not it followed murder Is a question. Yielding to the pressure of public opinion, the commissioner of police ban prohibited colored persons. Including coolies, from using the sidewalks of Johannesburg. The better class of colored pereoug are exempted from this ruling. A daring and clever feat has been performed by a Japanese woman who escaped from Dalny, by means which are still shrouded In secrecy. It l said she secured official plans of tho harlairs of Dalny and Port Arthur, taking them to Tokin. As an example of the power of the Japanese- - Shtmrosp" powder, a correspondent of the lamdou Standard at Toklo relates that a Russian sailor who was hurt in the naval fight off Chemulpo and taken to Matsuyama, ltin wounds. Japan, The Presbyterian board of foreign missions has received hy rable confirmation of the news of the murder of the Rev. Benjamin W. IaIIarrc, near Klioi, IVrsia. He was the son of the Rev. Hr. Benjamin LaBarre, also a mlsriniiury in 1'orsiu. last hut one |