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Show ntinel THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. No. 36. Stockton, Utah, Wednesday. March 19. 1904. Vol. IV. it Is a common, fallacy to suppose that overlooked, or has hoped to hold withthe men who lived uion the puhlic out pluNtrring a Government claim uplands knew best how they should b on It. This condition was recognised handled from a hgislative point of by Uongies in the national lirigation (Continued From Our Lust.) view. The then Secretary went on to bill, which was enacted into law two urs ago. for that measure Is practiHOMKSTEAD I .AW PROVISIONS. xplaiii that the Kartern numbers of men cally an amended homestead law, and Western had the allowed iVagrees The Lomestend law oh me nearer to to frame the laws for the disposal of so far uh is possible the land to lie rRiiraaenling the ideas of those who be- the public land, and in so doing had irrigated la safeguarded from speculalieved that the public land slioulJ be afforded an opportunity for stilish and tive raids. given to the ooile. It required five xer.nl interests to accomplish tin Ir (Continued Next Week.) years' residence and evidence of good lutcntlon in the n .alter of cultivation Times. At the rate that the public lands From the Tri-Cibefore tiie title paaiud from thi On Thursday Game Warden O. A. now being disposed of, there will The land are to the .settler. not be an available location for a Sl.ule made a trip to Salt Lake City to schemers, i.owever, soon became dis- hi. mt stead r within less than throe officially notify the canal comiiaiile to satisfied with this and bad the law years, unless it might be some nook pliu-- screens at the heud of the Jordan amended, so that after sis n.oiithr' res- or i ninny between the foothills which river, to prevent the destruction of fish idence the seu.er could obtain title by the adventurous livestock man has by the pump inacre for the land, paying (1.25 an llVed on If it he free it stead of getting for live yeais. "The timber culture law war pass d suuuuiiuiiuuiiuuuuuuiiioiiiiiaiiuimiiuaiiiiuiiiiiiauiiuiiiiiiaiiuauuuuu in Uft, and this gave the eettler th? opportunity of aoiuiriiiK another Idt) lures R. M. EDMUNDS, PROS. t planting a certain number of trees. sat"Sti.l the land grabbers were not isfied. A big ranch company in California found it necessary to secure title to about 3UU.U00 acres of land, which it desired to use for pasLuraRe; so this First-Clacompuny agitated tr.e enactment of a fart. 99999 Bast ia this Section. desert law, which enabled it to secure title to the land, ostensibly at least, by i STOCKTON. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. furnishing that land with an artificial S watvr supply. This scheme worked ro imrmrmTTnnpiinnnnnnnTTTTTfTTTTnnnnRnnnnnnnnnnffntTnnnnnYmnnn successfully that the demand for such a desert law became general, and in as UTS Congress periled what Is known the desert land ad. This law si, II idc-t- t stands and that any inun can take up :IV0 acres of land and se'ine title thereto by creating un urtiiicial HATS the matter with ERATHS STORBi & water supply, rufiicient for irrigatiun, within four years from the date of the all the time? it is filled to original tiling. AI.AHM IN CONGRESS. Why, the reason is plain, he keeps the best m "Congress became alarmed in 191 at selected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his the Inrniuiti which were being trade s, ui,on the public domain, not o but by grcai corpora tinns and m treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by individual lend graitberr, who weie alL and His business is constantly addins to their ilo.nain by vs dishonest use of ill-- . various land privipromises to do so ad lib. leges, which were liiron-ii- . nly iir.rn.l-eonly to bs exeri'ied by citixenK of m the llnilcd Staii s rivking a pemvinrnL vs horns for then selves end their families vs xxcre nnue to c.i-eSlicnun.iB there w liolrx tie lard frauds. for, unier vs the iuxi's as they stood, a citlsen could sri'ii"e ") acres of lanil at comvs paratively rinati x'list to hilileif and vs o: witiiout com: icir-i- xxltli the pui e tliat of resld. nee vs the xxholi m and cultiv.iti'in. vt ''Agilntlon over this ninth r mid in tho repeal of me t vs timber culture laxvs on March 1!, imi. UNDER THE HOMESTEAD LAW. Is superior to ttie Royal and Has oo of the hum lead "From the pfis-'.g- e law, in 1X62, to the i nil of the lust fiscal equal !u this county. year in the land office, there have been about 1,300. 000 ho.ncMnid flllugs. nvc about 170,000,000 acres of land. Up to the present tine there have b?en (00,000 patents Issued, covering more than 80,000,000 aero. res Ail. ended thg hpipeweatt tner same wiwmwrsr two culture law was rm'nd-- d. thus sl owing tlm homesteader, after he had lived six months oil (he nd. tn pay ().2 an acre and receive tliie. This is call'd a cominutatd hum stead, and is onkel R. M. EDMUNDS, Proprietor upon by drove n o:t fimil'ir with the working o( the lu'ul laws as n most of land and rnth.-- r It la an curious fact to nnl? that the Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for rs upof pat'-niNsui1 to ttl on u hulil good Fur th last twnty Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. long term of isyears about 21.(00 tlll-- f h ive sued c'icIi year by the Government to homestead Flnt-e- l Billiard Room la Coanecttna. rUHLIU LAND STILL LEFT. Everybody Racolvaa Good Tiaoimaat at tha block loo Clak. "Thnre are miw left In the hands of Ihe Goxeiiiirrut nearly au!Miei.in nine-o- f laud. Tiiia can b muuhlv d vi.l u into 2CU.0CQ.unfl acres of maxim; P m! SO.OuO.OOO 70. a 'll Hites of fnri-t-t- , for si acri'n of wiin-- land otln-- th-CiOOO.OUO in res of and TO.lMPi 0 ) wlinh cun be iiriaap'il and t liu UNCLE SAM LAND BBOKEE. Phoenix rERSONN WANTED FFVKTIAL of character and good reputation In each State (one In this county required) to renreaent and advertise old antab-lishe- d wealthy business house of aoltd financial standing. Salary (21.00 weakly with expenaea additional, all payable in caah each Wednesday direct from head officea Jloiae and rarrlago furnished hen necessary. Keferencam Enclose envebipe. Pol nial Co, (24 Dearborn at, Chicago. Indemnity Company, OP AMERICA. tr-ds- . el Ininre yourself against sickness and ty Gov-ernma- nt accidents. Also Life Insurance. ... Installment Plan. little each month. FOR FURTHIfl INFORMATION K. A. tOS, 211, Ton pay a ... XXXXXX WRITS TO NELSON, General 232 Dawrai Nawl Bllg Agent, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Woe (IMtcbener tbouee. ss pi-o- $ wSfflM i orerflo wing increasing daily X X X X X d $ k cfT-nt- i th-.-- ...FRANK ERflTHS BREAD... . a . pissed wllhla reach of SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, ; and all points east r"T ' '3 3 Hit U- BENTON, a Ai P. D,j Irono-i'li-ad- s-- s XX tht-mia- Main Street. Stockton. pi o.i t ixi of fir Eviry SnrtaryLastor tiie lid.rixr e the riial ytm I md laxxs excel t the one by utj-flv- REUBMBBR. wmfwowMwwdy Through Service stTlolis sT.AfOffliglX EAST IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE live i m-x- . ' Sirictiiry Trior 'Not 73: 1 he si emi i Bk Dx. 1- i'.i-- . - f'.-ir- o iri-iii- l i : of il or Si ' g.ir.M-K- ! li'ii - : f t i ha- - t. i Tip ;s w WHICH B THI OUUiNiNC xxllii - lom-i.-- i nf 1 i n xxl.n T TNION IT. J un NEXCELLED PACIFIC JL ROGRESSIVE . i 5t. PauI Ry. THROUGH LINE tliii' o ii:t-mii- y rain street. ilvAu:iee 6bicigo, a i r'.j-r- ireie ii.in the nt.il "Th- - ar.-- !hs ruin fa!: lait-.- rnre I it-- . !nx. t . t),-- - suti.tt'.x'r thm: StoclfOR t al :i!l - trir. :i f55 gc fr? and Largest Meat v. Qfooele County - i..-. F. A S.- - !..iy i txx-- at. it iffx-i- t r.o Belter Seivice From Kansas City, Saint Louis and east anil Southwest. ; The Southeastern Limited j Leaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Ueta-- ; phis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all pointa in the Southeast il.nt CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, Commcrdal Salt Like .or.-- . ri. . ygrrs Aia j-- To Core a Cold in One Day Laxative Bromo Quinhia Taifeti. Suvma MSSen ho.- x- sold In put 13 nontha. )yxS'3vxo2''3'5'22'SNSSN2'2o Is 1108, 17th St. DENVER, COLO. Agent B6 V. Second South St, fcntojis iij Tc&e .f -- '.-- h is ;ik f.w i! !. it xxas if tiie MILLER, Chieega . - truth whii Ws than, J G. W. MARTIN .Ffesh Meats. . v.: II:. liv. This xx.is r:ira a::n. and hr ti-nir or..- 'f l.l' iiniiil-ii a raixMlc, gave lit I. re Iiil.-rio- . GENERAL WESTERN AGENT Canaral Puicngtr Agent i y.i-:xx:.-- j? Memphis to points in tha South, Southr & r T.'l.r ST. For detailed information apply . !s . ss wn.t.i ii: in AACNT, & titlr-i'Ixji- e the TFT (TUB OVERLAND ROUTE) The Union Paclflo and Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Sleepers, Tourist Hallways are now running first-claOars Chair and Free through to Bleepers Reclining Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further information, apply to - xxi:i-n!i- - t AbO . Uoioc Pacific ii)d c2) GROCERIES AND MEATS St.-it'- li.-- PASSENtirS Than that via tha tl.v lii.nn-saikar.ii KOltlir xxmiM Ini inai Umi'i'-r- . Thi Iain! vial rtinaii.i! g the I ri lira alir.nn vrly of ti.t- Vlitfi! of lhi- lloi kv irnui.taiiiK. entirely There la atill tlovti him i.t lai.i! in the Routhirn but tl.ia it nwamjiy or ofIi mii 1. (l.arai'tir an to! make It Valin re even tn iho wivy tn u s i.fli ri 'i by the (iitx- - , Thi- I in J xx I'li h is xnlu- kIiIo am! xxl.b-fur nt-ll- i is availal-li- ' tinli ir ti at Licit will nut iii in lit- ran.v.x xalby- xxli.h uli .it ir foi.thil s of the it oiii.t .irs xx ite.,affria H. C.TOWNBCNB, HI 1: am! to i!t.-i- u - IMiMiliun coacHia. Fir lertU,Tkkfts, Foldert. S'lpi , ,M-i- lean, ic (stars rsat), Theres ln-- IniiK-liii- Electric Lights, electric Fans. Reclining chair cars (S1 int- iniain: Icu.ii fr.r liom. makii.g l.av. auch it i. latam ar Ibfliffoit tn xv rm id i ln-- i k tl.i ir nf via'i-.ai.(i to tii.n, Mi- h ac tht- pm- Hfiuro ni'w po.x-i- l C COMPORT SAFETY VTJUL tin i.r. ixticr that: uri'ii.p. - !i tiai.rfi rn d to 1.. Lhi ROUTS TO ALL KXNT1 SPEED SALT LAIE CITT. (Cafrlos o Complets Line . illI.-- rorUAI - Hire ., I OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Cox-ri-i:i- - a- ex-.- . Ii.-.-- I',ii. r to PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS, ' . ii : i: t : ai-- UlSISMi MISSOURI THE OVERLAND ROUTE i iI-u- The COLORADO UNION PACIFIC AG.r.ST.1 - - ( B THB mSCT CQftNBCTlON WITH IMS C. BVM.ET. C.F.KT.A. B. SrENCtR. MAIN xe.od to 11- vapul II" f..'- :'i- is tn rious t an- fhnply hi laus of ll.i lend gral.lais niiirx xxh..t !.-- efl (f c: i t e ill. Pi- 'i .ic :.y nclip i it Morn! of r., ;. as is- ue-.- -i THROUGH SCENIC RAILROAD 201 le sol! fijr ir.i-l- or prn ov.! by wkiih the S RAILWAY ir should ni-it- m i ip.' 'I - In Missouri Pacific Oregon Short Line oiricra ofK seiure title tn laud ! n on thn rid. tunic. o-- wfe VIA i width a man Ve Mdwlabhhatalisdlli. ACn fcUU THE STOCKTON CLUB s Ox OnsMao bosllfe sod pleoesro to vtstusg thass both obaa IsboU Lk Opea day and akti apaaHytaif lha BiaOraada routs, or hIiIiwm . ss He Toto, PSns Pfcoxcm sod Lsige Swhoelng Fe Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Vat raw. Mdara. troa IllutnM booklata, aw iaqnlr of your 1 RwH b BuMiie aM Oneriog war tar am Ilslf a siUUoa gsh loss of water puses lthl tbs pools eoob aoy. Through P oilman and Ordinary Sleeping Can to Denver, Chaha, Kaniai City, St. Lonlt and Chicago without change. lie reclining chair oars. Personally Oondnoted Excursions. . Sanitarium Baths Uil FhS CoRtweUai ai Ofdan Ualaa Dapoi with all Southara Pialfla and Dragon Shari Lina Trains. Tha anly TrantoaflilaatiUI Lina putlng dlraolly through Salt Laka City. ' M see lha malthfu u all e me THE 8CENI0 LINE TO honie-SRek'ir- X $) SM UNIQUE 1 ENJQY ABLE! Th Eign&ttire, Curas Crip Days, b Two cn every box. 25c. |