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Show 6E LI CASUS Girl Justly Angry CASK STRONG A at Her rival's Joy Over Ghost Story. a horrid creature Milly Smith la!" said the girl la the blue Vhr.t blou-e- g dog-eare- d Dear Mrs. Pixkitam I am so pleased with the results obtained bom Lydia 13. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, causing an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over mewhicn no amount of medicine, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound founddiet, the weak spot, however, within a few weeks and saved me from an operation 11 7 troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy Y ords fail to describe the real, true, grateful feeling that is and well, ui my heart, and l want to tell every sick and suffering sister, lion's daily with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a different woman in a short time." Mbs. Lavra Eauioxs, Walker-viH- e, ms Oat. Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. Dear Mrs. Pixkiiam: For several years I was troubled with ovarian trouble and a painful and inflamed condition, which kept me in bed part of the time. I did so dread a surgical operation. WI tried different remedies bolting to get better, but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend who bad been cured of ovarian trouble, through the use of your compound, induced me to try it. I took it faithfully for threo months, and at the end of that time was glad to And that I was a well woman. Health is natures best gift to woman, and if you lose it and can have it restored through Lydia R Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I feel that all suffering women should know of this. Mrs. Laura Belie Colr- ( has, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Term. g It is well to rememember such letters as above when some druggist tries to get you to buy something which he says is just as good " That is impossible, ss no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Comiouud ; accept no other and you will be glad. ms Dont hesitate to writo to Sirs. Pinkliam if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness ami lier advice is free. No woman ever regretted writing her and site has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. FORFEIT $5000 Sian U w cannot forthwith prodnea tha orlcfnal tetters and ilgaatarat uouiuouiala, which will mt. Ib-- ir eannlnmem. Ifilla K. rinkluuu AlatUuiu Co, ah-ol-nt at Liu, 'e-ro-- na, . She la." assented the girl la gray, " but how How did I find it out?" said the girl in the blue blouse. "Why, we apent our holiday at the same house! The way I came to grief with her wan this We decided to give a ghost party on, night. You ait in a dark room and tel1 ghost stories In turn. The person that one get, tells the most a prize. Of course the incidents ar, all supposed to have happened to yov persoially, but Why. goodness, how dellghtfullj creepy!" So it la. Of course 1 wanted to create a good Impression, especially as Harry was there that week, ard that Smith girl was fairly haunting hia footsteps. Somehow I couldn't menage to think or to dream of a good one. Finally, the day of the party. I went to see my laundress about my dress we were all to wear white, yon know. To my Joy I found on her manbook of telpiece an old at once it borrowed I stories. ghost and took it home in triumph, and that evening I told one of the stories from myself the It, of course making heroine. It began with my arriving at the country house late at night, you know, and being given a bed in a haunted mom And waking up conscious that something was in the room. I know." Yes. Well, it was a great success, and I felt that the prize was mine, when that Smitli girl stopped talkl-- g to Harry and began to applaud. And what do you think she said? "Something awful, of course." "Clasping her hands, she said: Oh, how delightful! And did it all really I happen to you?' Of course It did, said. How perfectly charming! she cried. My old nurse used to tell me that story when I was a very little girl, and I shall enjoy it so much m.ire now that I know you were the heroine! blood-curdlin- Two severe cases of Ovarian T rouble ' and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 28 Army Generals Send Letters of Endorsement o The Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, King of Confederate Army, Writes: 1 unhesitatingly state that I am convinced IVruna is a medicine tttal will elect all the cures that Is claimed for its use." J. Floyd King, Washington, D.C. Brigadier-Gener- General Butler of South Carolina, "I can rv:.imcnd IVruna fur dyspepsia aid stomach trouble. 1 have al General Blgclo Writes: been u.diig your ii.chcii.i- - for a short period and 1 feel very uiiii h relieved. It is indeed a wonderful uieiiieine besides a good tonic." M. C. 1 Sutler. recommendation. Rob- Gen. Powell, flecker Post No. 44J, Writes: "After using one bottle of IVGeneral Abbott, of Washington, D. C., runa I boeume convinecd of its euralive I am fully convinced that your qualities, uml continued its use to date. Writes; remedy IVruna Is an excellent tonic. All symptoms of catarrh have disapMany of my friends bare used it with peared, yet 1 continue Its moderate use as the most beneficial results fur coughs, a preventive, ar.d an old liuiu's lonle." odds ami catarrhui trouble. Ira C. W. II. Powell, Belleville, 11L Abbott, Pul M. SL, X. , Washington, U way, Washington, D. sults. W. U. Yarm-ll2a.3 Lincoln E., Washington, D. C. : street, , tun, D. C. ry 21. General McBride of U. S. A., Writes: "I have uo hesitation In recommending IVruna to all persons who are afiliclcd with catarrhal troubles. J. D. M.'ITride, 450 Pennsylvania Avs., CL Gen. Chase, Asa't AdJ. Gen!, O. A. R Writes: "The excellence of IVruna as a cure or relief for catarrhal disturbance la well established. Many of my friends have been benrfllod by its use." B. M Chase, 28 Harrison St., Anaoostia, IX O General S. S. Yoder of Ohio, Writes; "I have found IVruna to he wonderful remedy. I only used U for a short time and am thoroughly satisfied us to its merit. S. S. Yodor, Washing C. Captain Yarnell, of Washington, D.C., Writes: Your medicine, IVruna, I believe to bo the bust nudirlue for catarrh on the market. I have taken only a small amount, and can see very benett .al re- Cured. Gen. O'Belme of Washington, D.C- -, Writes: "As many of my friends aai acquaintances have successfully used your l'eruna as a catarrh cure, 1 fesi that it is au effective remedy, and I zee oinmcnd It as such to those suffering fhna that disease as a most hopeful source of relief." James 1L OBolrne, 990 Broad General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C., Brigadier-Gener- al Kirby Writes: I have used IVruna for ca- Writes: I run nvutmuctid l'eruna to all tarrhal trouble and find it beueiieial and who are ufilietcJ wilheatarrh." Gouerul to be all that it promises, and freely give IX T. Kirby, Washington, D C. It my unqualified ert Smalls. w Gen. J. ti. Bigelow, 151 G &L, XV. W Washington, I). U., writes: , leruna bus made me well and it hat given me more than ordinary strength and spirit for work." TM General O'Connor of U. V. Legions, Writes: "if you are Buffering from e tnn-or physical debility, Immediately commence the use of IVruna. It has base of tho greatest benefit and sorrios Is many of my friends." Dunnis O'Oonnon T:s Ifchid St., N. W., Washington, IX O Lk N. W., Washington, D. C. Gen.Wrlght of tho Confederate Army, Writes: "I lake pleasure In recommending IVruna. It is a ruuiarkable meitM General Longstreet of the Confederate Army, Writes: I can testify to tha merits of and should be used by persons who are la Peruna, both as a tonic and a catarrh need of a gnud touio and by sufferers frost IVruna iho remedy. enjoys greatest repu- Gen. ol the Confederate Army, catarrh. Wright, 1794 Comma Sebring tation as a catarrh remedy of any mediIX O. "1 can Writes: St., recommend Washington, cheerfully cine yet devised. "James Longstreet, your valuublo remedy IVruna as a very Gen. Ilawlcy of Washington, D. Gainesville, Ga. excel ent tonic, and also good for coughs, Writes: "I have used IYruua and find It colds, catarrh, and general debility." General N'oske of O. V. U., very beneficial for kidney trouble and espn Kcbi-iug- , 153 W. 4th SL, JacksonW. II. Writes: I commend IVruna to those daily good for coughs, colds aud catarrhal who are troubled with colds producing ville, Flu. troubles." A. F. llswley. catarrh as a most citlcarloua euro and as General Lumax of D. C., Gen. Urcll of Washington, E good general tonic." Clias. F. Xoske, Spanish War Veteran, Writes: "I cun cheerfully rocommoud Writes: of my friends have used 03 B SL N. W., Washington, D. "Mauy Just His Luck. your rentody as a permanent and effective IVruna with hcucfleJal results as as I had never had any luck on the cure for catarrh, colds aud to any oue General ErwiVs Recommend. effect! vo remedy for catarrh." M. Emmet races, said Mr. J. H. Jonah, nor in who needs an invigorating tonic' to build numfriends of used have Peruna my "Many Urcll, 813 12th SL, N. W., Washington games of chance. In fact, my their system. L. L. Lumax, HiOQ IDlli D. C. ber Is all wrung one way or another, as a dyspepsia remedy witi, Min most bene- up St., Washington, D. C. Other Army Generals who praise Pa and if anyUniy pioikwen a scheme ficial results. John B. Erwin, WashGen. Payne of Washington, D. C runs are: where Its win or lose you can betsky ington, D.C. Writes: "1 Join with my comrades in that it is little Jimmy Jonah to lose. IMgadlcr-Qenen- t Cook of H'laK Brig.-GeneSchell Benefited. Just now 1 am referring to Tivoli recommending lYrunu to my frioud as an Ington, U. C. indeed a "leruna wonderful is tonic, invigorating tonic to build up the syspool. Ever lay it? In tlml game, you Oeaerol Sypber ot Woahlagtoo, D.C and for coughs and colds I know of tem." Con. know, the table slants and is studEugene 11. iayue, 4U7 4lh SL, General M idtlleioo, Hancock Regk ded with little prongs projecting nothing bettor."-- F. M. Schell, Washing- X. W., Washington, I). C. meat, V, V. Waahlngton, IX C, . IX C. ton, about two inches. There are three General of not derive do Vol. U. S. If Pa., prompt and satisfho yon Talley A., holes, through which, if the bail General Duffield of the Union "Your been used by lory results from tha use of Peruna,writ IVruna has Writes; Army, make to large Writes: "I have used IVruna In drops, you are enabled my fam- mo and my friends as a relief for caturrhal at ouco to Dr. Hartman, giving a fUU scores. The object of the projections ily aud have found it a valuable mcdlciuc, troubles with llie most beueflrial results. statement of your case, and he will b la to embarrass the ball and to pre- and take pleasure In recommending it to I am so couvlnond of the eflicoey of a pleased to givo yon hia valuable advlot holes. vent It from going into tbe alHrho suffer from catarrh of the stomach do not hesltuto to givo it my gratis. I that But there is no need to particularize, or ho a tonic of eftUiuncy." Tho recommendation." Wm. Cooper Talley, Address Dr. llsrtm&n, President of Ths since what I am talking about Is bad Cairo, require D. C. 718 D St.. X. E.. Washington, D. Washington, Hurtuian Sanltarium.Columbus, Ohio. met I up luck. The other evening with three South Side friends and we had several games with Tivoli pool, 25 cents each in the pot, highest score to win. Well, sir, you shoot 131 & LANDS OF six times each during a game, and in W. L. Douglas sixteen games I held the lowest hoes have by loeir score. Then I got mad. I offered to excellent style, g, u n tl go Into a put at a dollar each, winner wearing to be the person who n.ade the lowest superior Hciiioved .OtALtRllir qualities, GRAINS score. They jumped at it. Need 1 the largest sulo of Provisions. yrocKS.BoNQs In the shoes I woald as uny say what happened? Try not to score, I rolled the highest that worlil. An tbe STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. They are Just as good anybody had made In any game that ss those that east you Milliun of ana of mianifirnii Crain anil Grai-iiImni-- . in In- - t.i'l ih evening. Luck? I cant figure it out (t to S3 tho only lra lift, or hr imrrhaaa difference is the price. hum K,il,r Conipaum. Laud Coi solatium, etc. anyway." BOVGHT AND SOLD ON MARSalt Eoartvhtrt. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS GIN OK FOR CASH.' in Look for name and GinmI ful rllnmle, aplendlil ( nii. His Prayer. price on bottom. W bars a apeolal dsparunsnt t l WliiMil erfm-Itoiwlaa oes Connia roililltliins, lur buying and selling Stouhs Chaplain Hale no longer asks Senawhich Is even her ronreilrd to raeeptlmuil rwilnuy mlrnnlngM, and wealth ' and Hund for ImawdlaM delivtors to join with him In repeating the foltskln, ret iimiliieed. anil HlUiieiii-hethe finest Patent ery. Inveauira and bonkers will easily. t t Ca'or Fa ex tef. Nhw h nsll.SAr.rtlrs save lord's prayer at the morning devo- fWrit lime sod money by giving The iNjinilhiiuii i.f V.rMrrn Canada Inrraaird for falalus. W.LUouin, Brnrtisa. Mai us their order la that Has. . . i. 'iii'ii iliiiiui iIm sui year, over tions. This arises from the fart that ltsirn ui SU.IHN IhtIM, AlllSIII'SU. COKUKSrONDBNCn SOLICITED. when he did make the request there We offer special Indmemesia Wiii in siiiIku il Canulian Gmerment was no resitonse. This circumstance and liberal enmmlsfciuni Mr out Aril. I fin L avsilisu Ail-- uml other infm annum- town eurrespnsdenia. Our of lui sd lii s' Supl. was tbe basis of a report, printed in l.iiUi:riiiii.Oiii,ra,Canilsi hook of Information llbN I. JA "How Te KlitlMh lil'NN III OCK some newspapers, that none of ihc AVtM t. liKliAl- - FALLS. MONTANA. Speculate," msileil free. Love inaTANca ruoMaaw. senators knew the prayer. The report r suit mp m !( Mcsikers taH Lake Mialn, Eackange W rofn r t t Hur'i in turn became the source of no little rfartatfM H wir. M KittlMYor Knw In IhO ChrisUMl Cor rsturita COPIES anxiety to Dr. Hale. RMS 5,000 iltMlutmuirafiiflor iitH WHipac nare for C'lrfa'mn Fn'loovot Can it be possible that such a dr lot rlvln t lArttrutanw A HEADQUARTER OFFICES ROOMS Go No. Hutal Cbomical UutUUus lb LouJs STANDARD PIECES. 2 D.F. WALKER BLK. ploraliie condition of afTairs exists?" 10 COPIES fiend trvdiy for r.it he asked more than one senator, ami $1.00. lake arv utan. salt pfi4l A i lirtfiiH. utif4t frufi. Urnri hrv. he was apparently much relieved ly FinnUte A hU iivlni;ii rm. Imiba'i.b i:i plEUflQ WrH al mu li.r i viriiue aud prlre. MaihIo the assurance given him that the Ims ItuiUrfi, SlrkhKA mid Fittings. newspaper report was without foundaTHE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. Demand tho Utah Hand Mad Horae tion. 8283 Wtfthuiftton Avm Ogcinv UlOh . uoiiarvroRi "I'd Just like to see the test made." said Senator Tillman when he heard Whitaker & Dallas, Makers & H. H. OPPICKU CO., the story. T fear they'd all be like to th mar two fellows they tell about down in NEW PENSION LAWS chin mad South Carolina. They were in peril You will Apply So N All! A N lilt KFOKI,014 5 kt, Senpic. lv uni!I I I Mb lives Mil of losing their by drowning, I. ' cardal ir.n,..,. HneldngUiu, I. C. never have trouble with ham hold when one of them Insisted the other should pray, notwithstanding his comWas an Improvement, Wsan't it 7 Bernea m Alaska. Oldest Bank Note. panion remonstrated that he did not v c.li'-of i he Yukon, the know how to pray. Along an Tho oldest hank note Is in tbe Bm GermanR claim ilmt old it ulid saiiimu tsh .Museum, it was printed In Chins "Just pray anyhow.' said the o' her game, which fur inure than r the hot m e liuiii-mat miI In IOCS, ninety two years before the is whereupon the one said: still has played, li) years a lu the thaw wliiih gi'uuad 'Lord, inako us thankful for what being played in aiiine district of (iultenherg, th reputed I i bin Ii days, tf Washingwe are about to receive.' veutor of printing. Westphalia. Emigrants tuuk it to the d Ih of lour feel. ton Post j I'niled Slates, aiul there lia name of iMMdnte nnd ttllllnn P.ilsr (trass. was changed into .scliarwenzel" You ran do your dyeing In halt ai l:inls ei hour Tier tw-- i Kniitest Faithful to Hia Friends. iAimlun with ILiTXAM FADKLKSf poker. I rt .i bay One thought hail lie. to live bin life, DY1JS. i Xu ti:iJ rr r ii fodder ol ,i To link with Juyt its uimust lulu. anil Rtopg the fongli -: i Iu-i tu Crmva ev.-of the etrifo But In the lhleki-nWorkn 1t tin Coltl Iba. sheep an. I There Must Have Been. He wtu faithful to TiIh friends. Irire25c: Tlap)-- . yuldiiiK r.ii.O'rt) Laxative BrianotJuiniuuTalilpts s Ine fis, I per ai . A writer tays that tb ancient Re Cared not he for right nor wrong. T Jl'.-Ilk: KIN'II TO THS Crockedeat Railway. is STturs mans hud no word for yea." Bat Honor's mil nor duty's way; John A. s.ilzer Seed io.. fro e. when n.i'idius He hut lived among the t lining, The crookeile.--t th la railway somebody asked A pall a fur them in their uni return Lived among IVia. day. . world is one from Boswell tu Kriod-pr.-suni'-liodus if he would like t Sci-1'it.i of sampii-sfaiui talking aol Thus he lived and thus he died. Ta.. tnc airline iIIsIhiich lining (V. X. V.i uirntwirr down the Applan Way to Yet ench one nnwr his l:fifive miles. The road douhl.-r or i.i in establishment for tb sal of itself For we snw the rule uppHeil. Hr whs faithful in hi Save Marriage Fee. four times, and al one iioinf, after liquid comforts, there probably war At Kntiei'lam poor people who can-- - hotiin avaiialde expression In th la ntfl'ring a loop of slioul five miles, ths temia-sthe run a'. Rough and I'riNiki-i- l whs the Kilh lie Irud; road comes bark to v. ithni 3uo feet of not afford ! pay a fnu me married on suage equivalent to Don't car if f 'neiilh the nail. Oft hi- - siagai-n-i- l noon. j Wednesday itself on a grade fiftv feet lower. j do." And swure luuiliy at hi- - Cml. hiu varied all But after year-N- a ral IV-ruu- a W. L. DOUCLAS The FREE Homestead 3.13 3 SHOES comhission' Western easy-titlin- Canada STOCKS im-lii- GREAT OPPORTUNITY A This ORGAN, with Stool and Book, DELIVERED at your Railroad Station for 5 ij-, ! V are putting in 8tx of these at thla 211-21- price. Regular i 123.00. Write u a at once for an thing Musical. Lowest - -- prices. Easiest terms. i - CLAYTON MUSIC CO. SUCCESSORS TO D. O. CALDERS SONS CO. 109 MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. DIPHTHERIA REMEDY HALLS CANKER ANO FOR THE MOUTH. THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS.... SALE BY ALL DRUQOISTB NEVER FAILS - FOR ANO OkNKRAL OTORBS Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., General Agents. n Nelden-Judso- l LKN-TKA- L O ioo We I cm . I ( I dtr ' suui-inf-- bt-i-- MKXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Cuts, Burn, Bruise ,, i 1 . j . ' li Wr ri-- tk Itarber Trada In A Wwtha nJ guarani Writ fir particular MOLErS BARBER COLLEGE. Uax.cn C'.Ln.. D.ll.h, ;xx.. a. it Lana City. Ua ULE B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. Bail Flartl DmIjiu Far All Ocgatisns. Fraagt ant Cardal AilantiM Gi.cn to Mail Ordrri. PHONE! SALT LAKE CITY Wtl-M- L i. s ON RAINY DAYS WEAR lHi , Waterproof OILED CLOTHING $ T'l UjQM Pnuupt if.uru 4 jr tO, AS5A) liniil Hfld SUYRT....H.00 foid KUy'r.fojt r .. 1.50 iu limn smiigilss. 1T? MAMAHOI IT.. dvnvcr. colo. IT MAKES EVERT MaanM. DAT tii.it I 'i:1.;. - V k fh ...i.- aU.l 1 ! .( (Hi W'lis BBS , anu-iul-- ; arn.iiw, ls Ills fri-m- 1;. It. Hi'Ik-- h. 1 r.iul in 12. 1904. :m! r- - pays i y lnai!: a ii.itunlookiug at. 1 Lake-N- o. 1 Deer Make Pretty Picture. A Mitlilh Hex, Vt farmt r, while drawing lugs two nr thrt-t- days am,, saw a Kruup "f eighi ih-- r on a imp dow ala-ti- t a inile aud it half smith of a tl:i the vlll.l sli-i-- Salt he tn make p.iyiin-ii- i faithf:il to - .I'I'Ll.,.LiM ,,r,lrf, W. N. U., ' I t iidii'BiiNij, fab lu-s- -il Henry COURT M fm TTHSZSKSSTt SEE?! . t 11 RELIABLE ASSAYS. 14 , Irh-nds- . He left no BUKK or YELLOW. Lead , - 11 - 1. r wt-:- M i n . uud wnr'h The Old Reliable Right Along A fpo tr.Ir.jj live j takv j c.i i.ew life, a::d so J St. Jacobs Oil .: r:.d I a'.i i and Aches Pains Price nr.j 211c, POc. i |