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Show J.V.V.V.WWAV.SVW, HOUSEHOLD 9 ? J -MATTERS $ .999 SW.V.AWAVAmV tlla. UliMT To make honey rake melt a cupful ot butter aud mix it with two cupfule ot strained honey, a ot gin get, a grated nutmeg, a bit ot lemon rind aud a Utile flour. Diasolve a heap log teaapooaful of coda In a cupful of water and atruln Into the mixture. Then add flour till the mixture la atlff enough to roll out. Bake like gingerbread. Thia cake may be eaten worm or cold. tabk-apoonf- PAPER AND PAP3R la Character t Uacliiarrj. Change PULP. Matariala lad Great Water Improved method in machinery and SsSiue Work, Death md Sicknesssi Tobogganing. the great change in the charaeier of material! uaed have bad au important -bearing upon the printing art. In the earlieat mill! established in thli counA Lcsrcnd. Fifty-thre- e try the raw fibre, after being prepaied In the beating machine, waa formed Cy COUNT TOLSTOI. Into a sheet In a mold or wire sieve which was dipped from the pulp vat by hand, the water drained off and AOK. HIS Is a lc;e:ui current the pulp left In a wet sheet in the arr e c.'iii.'iaciM. J by which cut linn-- glume no: :mg is L jl.LMKS g tlic Suu.h American mold. The sheets so made were turned u:s t.i n.r. u.i 4. i. I her o. logs may he maned There ' linlii.'.is: o I) out upon e felt press and then dried cu ticle ; .uv. 'il.is . i, ar ii.e ri.n lruui t'.ie forests primeval they say. nt first by exposing to the air In slugle sheets. aud t..e sawuii.U on the arojiid y had pii.u: .ie;i.'.ei. i.i.i Muu-- , i.nu.i men mi .ha: v . Buch mills were small and the output neurn.ii. ,,.....1 t0 wo-- t. pur. i the hurra .Nevada lain, and i.:.si.j.s was limited. Strictly hand made paper .. ;.:e eaaun wanted r.eiilicr liuusi-s- nor do. lies, t.y i.uwii to the valleys below are wli.ch seeme i u. .i:Mi uor Is a rarity, although It exists. common from MiU Diego .o t uncoaver. ; of u.c ;.n n:.ii,u.:i 1.0,1a ..u: tn.nl. and they u lived till they were By the aid of the Fonrdrlnler machine They are buili u;.m hiii treties andi how ur to1 a hiiii'.rri!. aud did l.ot know wliat Hiit nuu.d he the transformation of the fluid to stock lary iu height from lea to 1JU tect, ue- - gm. 1J0M V UH "like, A Slide of Miles From Yrin ter to Summer in California. 1 ! aii-u- i li- . lg Hiooting at a live adversary with wax bullets, by way of dwlliiig prac-- ! tine, is the latest exercise of Burialae votaries of tbe revolver. I te - tii-- - u-- 1 r I In course of a recent lawsuit at Breslau. brought by three ballet glrla against their manager, a scene from a ballet was enacted lu court ; , j In Itiissla nursemaids and govern-essmonth If get from SKi to 23 tin y know the laugunge only, and 927 to $:.l If they know two or three lam or finished paper is made an uutonmtle lic:i af.er some time Cod looked to pemliug upon the le.t-- of toe country j lhi, by Ie:m.i:- out as me but bar-- j guages and uiusle. r.e 1 operation. The pulp is screened from traversed. All the tiuiucs me snap-d one cn.e.i a iii,i:,.en,i.ry j ope ho'.v i j'n'l'D were livlug, lie mw the vat over an apron to a moving end- aud the water Honing through is UV.ei u,' t,;,; w.u.e io;.i.i o. i.,c nver oT j that iu:rn.l In of being happy their The Madrid police the other day less wire cloth made of closely woven Toe nf, n;,y had quarreled with one an- yard deep at the ile, epcsi par.. Wueu tl:e ra;.o.i. No; - a an old woman who practised fine brass wire, and supported by a in a operatmu the flume is gorged for ; p.uu.ng nf u,- r.,-.- uv; . ;.ie other, and, each erring for himself, had "wi tellers ft and made mneb money. series of smail metal rolls set close week at a time still lumber, wuicii Is.roiL lru. ..s c . . a .1 ifiiJ j brought matters to sucli a pass that Her assistant wiis a goat which, with together, yet without touching each fished out at the Yai.cy terminus of tua c e a a i.i.,t'..iuii up ic ui:j,.iii of t.ie far from on 'oyiug life they cursed It. horns. Impersonated phosphorescent other. cliff from wli.di ,,ie i nsvtiH-- r iu iuc flume aud sorted and p.led ready lor j his satan at midnight. Then Go.I sahl to Himself: In this way an extra surface of the use. The longest ilume is iu Nor. li;ru j flume hui hn.;s .,, u ns ue hurries conics of their livlug separately, each wire cloth Is maintained, and by pre- California. It is four miles long 0:1. Nei.r, y cvci i v.:v.v 111 sight the for himself." Anil to change this state siay Gland Pinpkli. Fevernl Chinese cities have erected an flow of l the serving unvarying pnln aud cost yiiid.vKAJ, wuvre tue lumber is canon dars a. a, h .hr of the i.iuru- - of things Cod so arranged mutters tliut It may he stewed as fur pies, placed and temples In hniinr of LI llung Chang. a constant forward motion of the cheap. A new liuine was recently , tv. o or .ntvc pln-ebit, tile suit ;.l It was impossible for people to live Ills tomb slsi hns tbe form ot a temboiling hot in glass Jars aud sealed wire cloth, the thickness of the layer Unisued iu County. It Is with ligul intis li.iMUgii t.te gateways lu without working. To avoid suffering Two ot Its liiscrlpMoiis are: An quickly or cut lutu inch cubes, pare, of pulp deposited was kept uniform. this flume that this story deuis. It the cl. its und tie ucatt.a lull 011 loiiiu- - from co!d and hunger they were now ple. ecrape out seeds aud stringy part, cook By lateral motion of the countries In this world mourn bhn , in supporting dls.aac.-silent Immense from iug ihe leads und tue ll.iuus, lores.! pine in clear water or very weak syrup until rolls the fibres are caused to Interlace obliged to build dwellings, and to dig and He chnngcd heaven end revoluou the mountains, TiXXJ fc.-- t above sea g.ail tnc blac.iin.is of i.;c graai.c c.ii.s ' tender enough to eat. theu place In In various directions gmuitd, anil to grow aud gather tionized tbe earth. and give greater dowu iuto Ban Joaquiu Valley, wiili-- bang ii.ti wails u tuousaud feet1 frll;A nllj alu. giau jars aud seal while bolting hob transverse strength to the texture. As level, at the little town of Coihs, near Fres- above the rive; Borne housekeeper use the cold water Work will bring them together,11 A small boy In East Ft. Ixmls, in, the pulp Is carried along on the wire no. Iu other words, the flume s.ar.s The passenger cannot look twice at thought God. They cannot make their recently went to the authorities of tha procese with great success. This an cloth much of the water drains amid the perpetual suows aud ice of the scene. The lit:. t minute he has ewers nicely If the pumpkin le not to and sow ami gather their har- town ar.d claimed that he had been leaving the fibre on the the Sierras ainl terminates amid pawed again into limber; theu comes tool, and be kept very long, aud when canned In through, spin and wenve, and make kidnaped hy a negro who wished to meshes. This first drying Is usually growing vineyards and apricot orch- curve alter curve around a rucky vests, their clothes, each one by himself. this manner It can be cooked and uaed hastened make a monkey nf him. The boy'a by various devices, and the ards of the bun Joaquiu. mountain, and after a little while the "It will make them understand that skin had been stnlnnl, nnd he aald in any way desired. moist web Is carried between rolls Stephenson Creek, iu the mouuuuus, catiou, which had seemed so ueariy the more heartily they work together that he hnd hern In a cage of monkeya which are covered with woolen felt, supplies the water. bottomless, has been t behind. The the more they will obtain und the bet- In a circus for a week. Gasan Tomatoes and Onions. The flume boats lu which the rapid lint twelve miles of (he Journey bring ter they will live; and this will unite A delicious pickle may be made of and then taken front the wire cloth on endless woolen felts which pass It Journeys are made down the flumes the traveler to the western face of Fine them." green tomatoes and onlone. Slice one A herd nf gnr.ts. npnn which tha between rolls and then to dryers. are simple. Thev are made the snaps Rk'.ge, the last drift of snow disai-pear- s, peck of green tomatoes and half a peck Time passed on. sml again God came selcntlsts at Hie Inlrerslly of Chicaand the stately groves of sugar to see bow men were living, nnd go lmd been experimenting, waa raliV of white onions. Iut them In a press These are large metal cylinders healed of the boxes of the flumes. The upIn layers of salt In two days place by steam. The taper has now ac- per ends of the boats are closed by a pine aud urbor vitae begin to give place whether they were lumpy In their life. ed by a crowd of inlsehlevona hoy r hoard nailed across, but left open to to tangled thickets of uiuiizuiilln and them in a porcelain lined kettle, and quired considerable strength. But He found them living worse limn eently, and one lad waa apprehended The water has been evaporated and let out the water which splashes over chapparal, and the starved and siunied Just cover them with vinegar. Add an before. They worked together Hint while making off with a billy" whoa heated the the drycylinders complete ounce of whole cloves, one ounce of the sides of the boat from time to digger pipes uiul gnarled Jack oaks could not help hut they did not system hnd been filled with disease The paper Is then given a time. Bhort boards are laid across for take tbe place of the tamaracks which they allspice, two ounces of mustard seed ing process. all work together, being broken up Into germs Imimrted from India. Another and five large red peppers, shredded In smooth surface by the calender rolls, seats, depending upon how many per- grow about the reservoir nt the start- little groups. And each group tried nf tlie precious animals was full of biwhich are smooth metal faced, heavy sons are to make the journey. A car- ing place. Climate succeeds climate as to siintch work from another group, chloride of mall pieces. When all the pickles are which cost tbe Unirollers. the finished paper Is penter can make one of these boats In the boat rushes from ridge to ridge. $200. hindered one n not her, wast- versity aiithn-Itl- cs scalding hot pour them into stone jars, reeled offFinally and they in rolls and ent Into sheets half an hour. The boat Is meant only Passing around the mountain at the ing time and strength In llielr strugand when cold cover them closely. of the desired size. A Inrge paper mill for oue jouruey, for uoue is ever hauled head of Dry Greek, Fresno City, forty-fiv- e gles, so that things went 111 with them (taunt rim aa Fmrati. will make 2fiO tons of finished paper a back for auulker voyage. Only a little Cora Chowder. miles distant, Is seen, with the all. received Egypt aa a presCleopatra of a pound of day. The most modern machinery preparation is necessary for a trip of morning sun kindling 011 tlie metal Chop fine seen that till, loo, was not ent from Julius Caesar. Lucullua, Bulla Having out turns a continuous welt of finished this kind, and half u dollar will buy roofs and glancing from the dome of fat salt pork, put into a deep kettle each gave away half a well, God decided so to arrange things and with two large white onions, chopped paper at the rate of find feet a minute. enough lumber for the boat, aud a the Court House so far away that It that men should not know the lime of dozenl'oiiipry Antony gava the litkingdoms. raw wood The material of Is pulp flue, and cook fur ten minutes without mau la a poor earpeuter Indeed who seems a speck of light. die nf any 111O' tle kingdom of Judea to Herod. One their but might death, In smaller qnan-title- cannot make his own vc,seh The trip browning. Add one pint of raw pola sprnee and pnplnr. and Although the roughest pnrt of the ment; and II uiiiimmml this to of tho excellent atorlea of tha pant la various ether woods are toes cut into hulf-incdice and sulH' la made with little danger at least In mouutalus are left behind after (lie that each of them may die that the Emperor Constantine gave Knowing Wood to a has ex' great dent hulling water to cover. Cook for pulp tltis Fresno flume. The principal heed of Dry Creek Is readied, tlie at moment," though' God, "they ltome and all Italy to l'ope Sylvester, ten minutes, add cue piut of corn cut tent superseded the use of rags, and trouble la wliru once started there are flume has util! some of Its steepest willnny not, by grasping nt gains In a life who cured him of leprosy. King John, or scraped from llic ear, salt and pep' entirely so In the mnnufnrturc of news- few places where oue can stop. The grilles below that point. The decline end so soon, shiI1 the lioura called Ioicklaud, being excommunb that may The wood blocks of i:re pressed current la generally so rapid that It la not uniform, varying from a hardly of life per to taste und simmer for fifteen paper. art- - allotted to them. culed by loiie Innocent III, gava to tlint minutes longer. Have ready one pint hydraulically against the edge of a makes lauding Impossible, and the voy perceptible grade to us much ns one But It tiirm-- out otherwise. When that lope aud bis successors the kingot. ndlk made Into a thin sauce with one rapidly revolving grindstone, and by ager cau only sit still and let the bout foot in ten. Down the steepest places God ret 11 r mil to see how people were dom of Irelaud and England. Tbe deed the boat rushes nt a speed which ap- living He saw thut tbeli life was as reads: Not constrained with fear, but tahlcspoonful of butter aud one and a attrition reduced to a mushy consist' run. half tablespoonfulK of flour. Add to ency. The first ride down the new flume proaches very nearly the limit of safewith my full consent aud the advice of There Is also a chemical process of from start to finish was made a few ty. Within five or six miles further tlie bad ns ever. the chowder with more seasoning If were strong, availing my barons, for the remission of my Those who Is making wood pulp which largely day ago. The boat was made the Anna sweeps around the brink of a themselvea of the fact that men might lus necessary and boil up twice. against God and the church, I rensed. The merchantable shnne of the evening before at tba reservoir on hlrh, bold granite cliff, and two miles die at any time, auhdned those who sign England aud Ireland to God, 81. fibre differs somewhat, Ground wood Honaahold Talks. Creek, tbe eastern terminus of aflfcy and liouu feet below the little vil- were weaker, killing aouie and threat- l'eter, BL Paul and our lord, the Pope ' Where a strong, clear heat Is re- pulp Is ordlnarllv sold In folded sheets the flume, and everything was prepared lage of Toll House bursts into view. others. And It came abont that Innocent, and to bis successors In tbe quired, as for broiling, a little charcoal only partially dry. and Is, therefore, for au early start, and ample provision Green fields surround It even in win- ening Julius II. gava tha only the alrongest and their descend- apostolic chair. thrown on a coal fire will produce the under common conditions, only sulta was made for all emergencies, even to ter, but It hns a forsaken appearance, ants did not work niul suffered from States of King Louis NIL to the Emdesired flame. hie for use near the locality of its taking along a shotgun and rifles, the for Its days of pnisiNrity are num- the weariness of while those peror Maximilian. Sixtus V, Gregory Colored wash goods will bold their manufnrture. Its weight being so In- former for killing quail and birds, the bered. It was for thirty years a stop- who were weaker idleness, bad to work beyond XIV. and Clement VIII. were ready ts creased as water the liy color If Immersed for three hours be tp preclude latter for hear or any large game tliat ping place for teamsters hsnling lum- their strength and suffered from hick make a present of France to whomsofore washing In one gallon of cold the profitable transnortetlnn of such a might be seen, for the tlume, during ber from tlie mountains, hut the flume of rest. Kadi set of im-i- i feared niul ever rhlllp II. would have chosen for d product. There are Tit? more than thirty iniies of its course, will bring lumber down hereafter, and water, to wliich has been added one hated the other. And Hie life of mun the husband of his daughter, Clara EuIn paper-makinthe United plants teblespoonful of ordinary turpentine. passes through u wild region of moun- tha teams will never return. been mi- - yet more unhappy. genia. Alexander VI. presented tba There is a sound liygir'iic reason for States, and the total capital Is tains, hills and forests, abounding In When the flume tins passed Toll seen all this, God, to mend East and West lndlca to Spain and Iluvlng to (H.Sfl giving employment game from ihe smallest bird to the House It hns entered the foothill and matters, decided to make use of one BortugHl, which was like giving alserving some acid, such as a salad, with oil and vinegar, a section of leuiou persons. The total cost of the mate- largest animal. the excitement 1 over. The wuy leutls last men 11s. He scut clckness of all most all (he earth. Speaking of the The passenger does not realise just for twenty miles down W narrow val- kinds among uu-ior a pickle with tlsh. The sour is need' rials need was F70.!i3n.23(i In limn. The God thought tlint gift of England and Ireland by King ed to neutralise the alkalis of the fish. total valne of the products was $127. how he gets Into the boat uor how he ley, and the passengers lu tbe lmut when men were czMspd to slckuesu John: lie declared himself the Pope'a 32(1, 1(12, and th total power required makes the start. It is all over before have nothing to iiluriu them as they they would unilcrstniid Hint those who farmer, or tenant, and paid down In A safe bleaching fluid can he made by for running the plants was 7D4.SU7 he has time to think. He has an un one glide along so smoothly and peace- are well must hare pity 011 those who cold cash $10,000, with a promise te of the lemon strained Juice addiug horse lower Scientific American governable desire to clutch at things, fully that if they shut tlirlr eyes they are sick and must help them, that when pay $uMiO more every year. Tha first to a quart of'culd water. Spread the hut before he can do so lie is gone, and would probably fall nslccp. Tbe speed they tlicniM-Ircdoth which It la desired to whiten fall ill those who are yeur he paid In advance and stood te Tha New Guinea Cannibals. the speed makes him catch bis breath, giows less as tbe plains are approached well may lu turn sevIn the the wet and lose all In tbe event of failure to meet upon sun, grass help them. New Guinea la a new country with eral times a day. It may take a long great natural wealth, aud whether the and that is all he can du. The start and now and then vineyard or orange It la said that tha Aud again God went away, hilt when Ida Installments. time to whiten It perfectly, hut Hie people who wish to take advantage of has been made, and it might he a race orchards are seen standing in pleasing lie came linek to see how men lived, Pope's legate, Pandnlph, departed with contrast with the Ice and water cold- now that they wen- - subject to sick tbe money and forget to remove tbe process is sure, and it will not rot the it go among cannibal savages or clvil-xi- to tbe finish. Before the passenger has time to look ness of the mountains, now 40n0 feet doth. Christians depends 011 themselves. lies. He saw that their life was worse excommunication. any ques- aliove. From the font of the ldils the than liefori-- . The very sickness that To make dam bouillon wash and , said the Rev. W. It. Mounsey the other back or forward or to ask half-mil- e aud distance to the terminus nf the flume In God's purpose, should have united Noted Interpreter Among Won Xmllnno scrub thoroughly with a stiff brush uuy when describing the work done by tions he has run the first Is sweeping around a curve, which at Clovis is alHint twelve laiuis Primeau, tbe most noted inmiles, ami men, IihiI divided them more than lie two quarts of small clams In their himself and his colleagues of the Brit to Ills not vision a among the Sioux, la dead at the opens sight terpreter nu-lessens pleasant all time. the Before fore. were Those who speed si rung shells. Cook in one quart of water till Ish New Guinea mission 011 the north beBuck agency, in South to The flume ihe the Is passes Standing contemplate. eud reached the flume boat enough to mnke oilier work for them the shells open. Itemuve from the tire, const. This part of the world was tween two walls out pusses over fine He occupied about the same of rock aud Dakota. then In to In to forced which them also them attend vineyards. strain the liquor, take the clams out of twelve years ago Inhabited by a race faalong the face of a solid rock, forming even so late in the season as December times of hilt did not It) their position among the llinnx aa the the shell, reheat the Juice, season with o' dangerous cannibals. tba did Bordlen mous the side of Paul If s among Mountain. r ali-Stephenson loud tbe turn look afti-- other large quantities of grajH-people. Aral pepper, salt and butter and serve iu Stirring times were the lot of the one can look down while speeding vines. those who were forenl to work for Chippewa of the Northwest. For a of first missionaries who went out, and acAsa cups, adding to each a the giddy height he will see beThe end rnme at last, and so slowly others anil to look after the sick were great many years Isith men played often the bishop or one of his assistant .Whipped cream. neath him the esnon of the creek, deep was the little Imnt moving that the so worn out with work tlint parts In the rivilislug of tbe a on of they hail the down In the shudows of lonely pnrt hearts, e'ergy, landing Finely chopiied raddlsl, Kith men were noted for the exat West; touch a of morning, hand was 110 sufficient look own to to sick time after their bring grated Parmesan cheese and whipped '.each, was immediately surrounded by moat dark with the depths. The bout It to a without attendance. cellence with which they could turn tha stop, and the romantic ride of but left llii-hundreds of chocolate colored savages cream make a delicious sandwich seems Is e It only space. flying through miles was ocdone. had considered many of Indian language Into English; and both If omMoreover, bared less people whose teeth gleamed mi it la said.- The radishes should le who had a moment Is passed cupied four hours, and the boat in that the illnesses till tbe giddy place Infectious, aud fearing to were strong with the Indians, peeled and chopped very flue aud set inously tliun the huge spears which and the tioat durts Into a mass of time had carried Its confidence in them, and trnsted them not not catch a from did draw passengers them, they only carried. away n the Ice till the Inst minute. they sldi region of winter, with its Ice and snow. nearer, hut even Louis rrlmean waa tba On one occasion the bishop of New gloomy pine growing against the separated themselves Implicitly. When needed, mix with a little sillily the son of Primes n. a of Charles mouutaiii. Into a where loadfrom those who did attend the sick. country grapes still whipped cream, spread the mixture on Guinea bad his whaleboat wrecked on The place Just behind was one of the ed the vines, who waa noted In the Weal Illmn-lf- : to even Then said God If He and lost and coast the everything. a slice of brown bread, cut thin, and moat perilous In the flume. In build tills menus will not bring men to un ns the first white man to go Into what inkle lightly with the grated cheese another clergyman laid their wet lug tbe structure the workmen could Tee raltara la Canada. ilcrstand wherein their luipplness lies, Is now the State of South Dakota, te before pressing the second slice down clothea on the beach to dry in the sun. not fiud footing, and were let down by ImE. Stewurt. of who then let them Is- - lirnugh to it hy their engage in trading. I'rlnionu did Ottawa, a saw of crowd rnnuda, savages Presently they dose upon it. from tbe brink of the cliff, ami Is Superintendent of Forestry for tin! sufferings. service to the Government la ropes portant men to God And left 'TO make kumiss," says a writer In watching them, and. fearing mischief, thus they hung while with hammer Dominion Government, is at ihe Shore-hnm- . them selves. tlie Finux nprislng of eleven years ago; dressed and walked boldly toward Good Housekeeping, take one quart they drill they cut holes in the solid and It waa mainly through hie liitlurnc He meet-lu- g has conn to to lived a men And attend themselves, which slowly dispersed. It of bloodwanu new milk fresh from the crowd, the reliellion was confined to Fitin which to made and that rock, of the anchorages National Associabefore Forestry long was afterward learned that the boat they iiii(1erstKHl that they tlie cow, If possible), two teuspnonful Now Bull's followers. For many flume. rests the It there, bang which meets in this eliy. tion, could aud should lie happy. Duly in ting luid been watched and a great feast of granulated sugar, rake of solid safe and lln-imonths, perhaps during the Red Messiah erase, enough reprobubly said one ia My office, a of nf the time few he, latest clerand very planned, in which the bishop compressed yeast, pinch of salt. Stir gyman were to be eaten. enough, but one lias strange feelings cent creation In iny country. The oili- Imre begun to understand that work when Hie Sioux were holding the ghosl as he sits In a narrow boat und makes er parts nf f.'anudu ure well and bottle at once. I.cave the to ought not to he a bugbear for some and dance nightly, Crimea 11 Inhered with Cannibalism Is now practically In midair like a bird, not realize the need of bottles in a warm temperature, about the voyage, their like Hint nf galley slnves for others, Hie Iiidinii. He showed them the utter replenishing tincL although several natives still In war with tha will timber, just as you hare In tin- - United hut should be a mniiitou mid when one of the cleats seventy degree, for twelve hours. knowing It in secret. London Mail. happy folly of engaging Ttion place or, the lee for tweive hours, practice snap and let tlie whole structure States. The Government's prim-ipaall men. They have white soldiers, and his arguments had nccupstfoii, uniting when It is ready for use. 1 always use pluuge into the depths beneath. wink, however, is In the Northwest. to understand tliat with dentil the desired effect. The great laHly of llslljr I.ohnr so Art. On that morning there were many It supplies Hie farmers with tree tha siphon bottles, sm-l- i as carbonated watThere Is a shop over on Long Island threatening each one. the the Sioux remained friendly, and constantly ers come In. llecr liii'.il-1- - are m-best, which employs a Unit fifty girls In and large icicles hanging under the and gives them every aid along the only reasonable business nf each man troops hnd Hide trouble in suppressing hilt any battle or jug will do if tightly packing gold leaf. Tills work requires flume. Home times the ice was piled line of tree eulturc, and they are very is to spend tlie years, inoutlis. hours Hie uprising of Sitting Bull and hts corked ' not only the most delicate hands, but rp from the ground to the flume twefl generally taking iiihunt.-igof this as- nnd minutes alloted to him in unity and rurnptipn followers. For this scrvlr by the GovNew Iioum-- show .1 tendency toward also the skillful use of the hrentli. Gold ty or thirty feet in columns and arches, sistance. love. They have begun to nnilerslnud Primeau wns rointm-iidcWashington Star. Rocha the ernment received and of marble of in having appeurunce In pension. the The rooms of leaf consists und thin from th,m. lifting that sickness, fur larger packing dividing men, Heart AH Ion I'hiitngraptird. , should on the contrary give opportim ester bathroom, which in many of the older leaves of gold from between the thin tense whiteness. If the water is perDr. ('hurpciitier. in a coaiinnnic.-ilioT- i one housed is a mii.iII room with just leaves of parchment In which they mitted to flow all winter in (he flume union with for cioilirr. loving ity lnl)T on Willi Aalmal. there might be danger that the ice hetnre thp 1aris Acudi-iniof Seieni-eenough space to iiirn round in. I now come from the gold beater's hands and iii lhi disA au iiiHii accumulate would till tlie on week, Chllmii f Louisville, Ky, had a barIron interesting weight Drvelfiplna ouilt larger, since it is to ha ucd hy placing them lie) ween the leaves of u sent to him from Italy ra rel of .nails A Baris c nicer intends to blast ail the incinher of the family, who of- tissue paper Imnk in which they are some of the high trestles would be covery ns to tin- possibility of photolij i'eveio nervous muscular hut Custom House official tlie sufficient to the und activin to entire order in furnaces t'hile graphing structure eiitly. the drag leaf The lift ten keep in it liiclr ioliel articles. sol. iinsliuped girls ity and a plate covered with a layer Hie iron ure deposits in Hie irllicrn held them up because they could fin Down-stairto nave at from the molds, using a slender pair of down. arch: run the host sail of platino c.vanmv of luiritim. Nervous part of tlint country. A syiia. i ie has no duty to levy ou snails, and It dlf After a four-mil- e least one large liiii.g tu.iiu. Tie large wooden pinchers. They then flatten it nut seem right tu let them In for nothu forest of pines sensations and Impression and muscu- been funned to organize a s' ., from cushion denly by gently ceutrsl ball, which can he used ns a out on a sheepskin r.rsHi.tiUM with a capital of and ing. It lisikcd ns if thu suaila would fir, and the passenger lu the I tost lar effort ure llasheil 011 tin-- plate, and then cut on it It. Into is ro'iin. and They Mowing growing! sitiing reception showfruti'-wliich will tie iu a pass Ihe rest of tln-i- r lives in the cua w Inch perfect squares ami again with the experience the feeling of a pernuti in a prihiuce a special tluoresceiice, in favor. Igirgc of tlie lien t pnxiiinii in . smile of (lie iron mm house, hut Hie man finally agreed 1ml are breath and pinchers place it between balloon, where the world seems to drop ing for instance, tin- action are not only dcror.-iiiM1- . ' ' tinand muscles of interior of the iiiiiira. is for nliirh the Chilean Guv - lo pay duty on them as wild animals a favorite fin lure of these hospitable Hie leave of the lunik. New York away from under him. The flume runs I I and the ulliciuU lei him have them. erumeiit is now asking bids. i Correspondence PitUburg Dispatch. lout over a high trestle, aud at Ural body. New York Herald. aud corihai hwkii.g l.aiia. Bat 1atata Salad. Pat Into a frying pun to-da- y of a pouud of bacon cut Into dice; when light brown take out aud saute In the fat a small onion cut flue. Add one-ha- lf aa much vinegar as fat, a few grains of salt aud cayenne, and oue-ba- lf as much viuegur. Have ready the potatoes boiled In skins. Remove the aklna aud slice hot into the frying pan enough to take up the liquid. Add the diced bacon, toes together aud serve. one-fourt- h e 11 li- -r, ( sm-ic.-- 1 1 ! s semi-tropi- c h-i- -- oiie-quart- n . b d low-price- g Fill?.-WI7.71- i. a si J n 1 fill-ta- fifty-thre- French-Ca-nndla- h-- one-thir- d n ! c s r Post-Kxnres- e 1- s 11 s -- 1 ph-11- cmii-pun- s uiidi-rlaki- - iim-iii!- , n. |