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Show a few days ago on mining business. lie is taking out a shipment of ore which cent lead, 23 oum-twill assay 23 sliver, $2 gold and from 11 to 12 per cent top; er. THE LONE STAR STATE. Down in Texas at Yoakum, Is a big dry goods firm of whlt-- Mr. J. M. Haller Is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his trips East to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car: Here, take one of these Little Early Risers upon retiring and you will be up early in the morning feeling good." For the "dark brown" taste, headache and that logy feeling DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pills to use. Sold by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. Mercur Meat A Gro. Co., Stockton, Utah. M. E. Drown, Stockton, Utah. and To improve the appetite strengthen the digestion, try a few loses of Chamberlain's Stomach tind Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seitz of Detroit, Mich., says: "They restored my apiietlte when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." There are people in this community who need just such a medicine. Every box warranted. For sale by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. M. H. Brown, Stockton, Utah. MERCUR NEWS NOTES. Qo on, go on, go on that is the zeal that From the Miner. wins exact knowledge. This accuracy resists d'jmrlinfHt ie for co-aration in information on the enemies pt of taif trron and friendt offorethought, to rid art mutually mistake e. It to mechanical, commercial and professional people; the employer, employe and customer; and consists of extracts taken by permission from the copyrighted letters, the lectures, notebooks and libraries of fori M. trait. Oak Hark, Illinois. He it hunting the whole world oeerfor information of eeery day his Inability, personally ass to you, and her-grrto reply to contributors. bo far as poeeibls he wishes to have in this space the rrry tdra you would like tofnd here. You are at liberty to send him any suggestion you may ears to. Ills collection was started in taut and now contains unpublished information dating buck to 27MT, with systematic plans extending to trot. Your short dory of some example of fort thought girtn to him may press to he your most saleable gift to others. for te COMMERCIAL JUSTICE. Thera Is a difference between a soft heart and a kind heart people do many things they should not do and refuse to do some things they should do. people are more anxious to be useful than people are. And people are more seful than people, because fhey think and discriminate. The moat useful person la the one but to who helps another to do this requires Intelligence and softhearted people are not intelligent Xt requires a certain amount of blood In the brain to be intelligent and s soft heart cannot pump that neces-car- y amount so high. people are more likely to become kind hearted than people are. A big man told mo this noon that he had always been an easy mark and oft hearted and that It would be for his good to become selfish. I told him what he needed was not selfishness, but the accuracy of commercial Justice. He has hired,' given to and helped ethers to their injury and he has refused some to his and their injury. His refusals were, during a momentary reform effort or by blindness. He now wants to become selfish for the rest of his life, but be cannot. While It Is, In his mind. Impossible to become selfish, though he thinks he wants to. In my mind there is a dally exercise for his heart and head which will help him to grow commercial justice and become more useful to others and less troublesome to himself. Let him spend a minute a day hunting his memory for an event worth recording for the use of others, then write down something, though it may not be as good as he would like to have 1L Day by day In time he will get better ones and unconsciously feed himself mentally and morally. Soft-hearte- d Kind-hearte- d soft-heart- ed klnd-bearte- d soft-hearte- d self-hel- Ilard-hearte- soft-hearte- d d the Same Date. Have you ever promised to brf in two places at the same time, or so near the same time that you were unable to keep both appointments. That Is not such a very, difficult thing to do, but it Is not a very desirable thing for one who is trying to speak on accuracy to do. With the hope of getting you to confess to me some Two Places on mistake which you have made I am willing to confess that this Is something which 1 recently made In the way of mistakes. Words Words Words. man who has been a collector of nice sayings Is getting tired of them. He has mental dyspspsia and all things look useless to him. Thoughts that others continue to admire he now enjoya throwing Into the waste basket This Is because he admired thoughts without using them Intelligently and persistently, and became a reversed philosopher when he might bare become an econo A ir MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. FOR LONG AND HAPPY LIFE. SPECIAL LAND BUYERS' EXCURBeautiful weather these days. SIONS Merry Christmas and Happy New Will run to the new lands of Greer Is time plus enjoyment. Life is worth Year! county, Okla., and other sections of the o living when we know how to live and Southwest In November and Degreat concert a be eve Christmas will as well there ns we lire know how. But cember, via the Frisco system. school In the the schoolhouse given by there Is certainly something wrong Are you looking for rich and fertile when we see all classes represented children.. farming lands In the Southwest which n to can for from In the daily list of deaths due to suiThe Mercur fire department gives Its you thebuy coat of landa In the East and Decemcides and unnecessary diseases and annual ball on the evening of North? They produce as much acre for ber 25th. accidents. acre. Here ie a chance to better your and add a liberal amount to condition For some time 1 have wanted to The Mercur band gives a concert at your pocketbook. tell how I happened to study medicine, the L. D. S. church Tuesday, DecemFor full particulars and special railand this may be my best chance. My ber 22nd. road rates apply at once ' to R. S. Lemon, secretary Frisco System Immifather wanted me to become a civil Leo Morris of Butte, Mont., is visit- gration Rureau, St. Louis, Mo. 1 My mother thought engineer. Mrs. the his sister, during Luft, ing would make a good dentist. I wanted holidays. GOOD FOR CHILDREN. to be an expert bookkeeper, but thinkThe pleasant to take and harmless Just a new line of ladies' golf One Minute Cough Cure gives immediing there was a chance to help human- gloves;received also misses', children's and ba- ate relief In all cases of Cough, Croup ity as a doctor, I took a five years bies sizes. and LaGrlppe, because it does not pass medical course; then feeling the need o Immediately into the stomach, but Mr. Burrows of the water department draws of more study, I took up the newspaout the Inflammation, heals and la out again after a aevere attack of soothes and cures permanently by per work In order to travel and ob- rheumatism. enabling the lunge to contribute pure serve and expand. o and oxygen Not long after leaving the medical Christmas night there will be a con- to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong school I learned that I was more In- cert In the Methodist church given by of Della, Tex., prescribes it dally and . terested In the prevention of disease the Sunday-schoo- l. ays there Is no better cough remedy o made. Sold by than In Its cure and that there Is as Mr. Joseph Lee has returned from hie Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. much difference between them as be- trip to the mines and again assumed Mercur Meat A Gro. Co., Stockton, tween the sun and the moon. I might hie duties at the mill. Utah. o M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. have to go Into all the world to find Mrs. Joe Garland spent a week with enough people to sustain me if I were relatives in Salt and reto devote all my time to the practloe turned home on theLakeClty 16th. of the prevention of accldenta and Our enterprising merchant, Ben sickness. About 1885 1 wrote Dr. Pephas got out a very pretty Co Btelnman, Provost of the University of per, card for hia customers. Pennsylvania, and submitted plans Have you aeen the new stock of clothrequesting an expression of bis opinion. He replied that my plan was in- ing at Stelnmans? If not see them before ordering your winter suits. genious, but he feared unpractlcaL o After allowing the subject to season Sanltas" Is the new thing for pafor a year 1 wrote him again and got pering your home. It la healthier and about the same opinion. He knew cleaner than wall paper. Bee the samhow difficult It Is for one to volun- ples at Steinman's. tarily take good advice. He Insisted Stelnman places on sale thla week fifty on his patients obeying his wise orsweaters at $1 each. No more ders, but he did not obey them him- after these are sold at that price. Hurry self. He recently died, though he up and pick your size. o should have lived a third or half a Judge Dunlavy has moved his family century longer. It Is a very unusually to Mercur and is ready for the duties wise and strong man who can do as of his office, which he will assume the next. he would unselfishly advise a friend 1st day of January - o to do. Mr. Guy Bolognese Is selling hia stock In 1892 I went on with my plans of liquors at fair prices. The gentleman and own zeal for advice and hacking. largely overstocked. For family liquors Merchants and ministers were the call on Guy at the Eagle bar. first to encourage and sustain me, and Stelnman has Just received a beautiful I would like to be of some use to line of Julleta In ladies, misses' and childrens sizes, which will them. It Is one thing to sit down and pre- bs placed on sale ato popular prices. pare a good book, but an entirely difThe "serious affair mentioned In ferent piece of work to stand up and our last that happened at the Craft apply the good ideas In the book. My house, simmered down to nothing more than a faiting spell and subsequent Illgoal Is to do both. ness of a young lady. Now back to the subject of health: Do you suppose I could find In the old Between now and the holidays, for and new world a few thousand or a the Christmas trade, Mr. Guy Bologfew hundred people who would sus- nese will sell at a very reduced figure (10 per cent) all his stock of wines and tain, for personal benefit, original and liquors. Family trade a specialty. continued study of the daily sources a In our last we had an Item that his of good health? It would cost someMayor Luft waa sick. The prin.Tjio thing to go at It right and keep at It Honor, ter it got Lupa. We hope hia long; long enough to get effective Honor will Major hold us guiltless in this truth convincingly illustrated. I have matter unless he credit it to our poor a collection of information started In chlrography. 1872 to build on. Would you be one The perfect fitting, satisfactory wearof many to spend time, thought and ing qualities of the clothes 7 to me back A money up century of by Strauss Bros, of Chicago, as enjoyable living Is possible. Suppose well as the low prices they charge is we try to make it real. A grain dealer what makes them so popular. Call and look at the line displayed by A. Swenin Illinois who has taken some in- son Co. terest in my system has written me Mrs. Riley, proprletoresa of the Merthat my report gave him a very pleasant surprise, as the plan was so new cur hotel. Is having a very good run of buslnesa The lady has only a few to him he went In on It somewhat In rooms left to accommodate the public the dark. Ills letter tells me he has and her numerous customers. A well been most favorably impressed with conducted hotel is what all travelers my way of collecting useful informa- look for, and Mrs. Riley will have to increase her accommodations by adding tion. , more rooms. If time Is money, then good health one-four- - life-givi- d one-ten- th ng The greatest offer ever made by a Western metropolitan newspaper Is that just announced by The Salt Lake Tribune. The big ten or twelve-pag- e Tribune, containing all the news of the intermountain region and the cream of the news of the world, will be sent from now until May 31, l'JOa. for 11.50. Thla la a chance you cannot afford to miss. Send The Tribune 81.50 end get the beat newspaper In the West for nearly a year and a half. Dont forget that special offer by The Salt Lake Tribune, from now until May 31, 1905, for $1.50. It la a chance you cannot afford to miss. Semi-Week- ly Semi-Week- ly STOCKHOLDER RECEIVES THE FULL VALUE OF HIS INVESTMENT IN CASE OF DEATH. The plan of Insuring each member in life insurance company is an old-lione without a peer in any Institution where savings and profits to its shareThe memholders are its corner-stonber making a monthly Investment of $5.00 la not only provided with a bank account for his old age, through the of hie stock to $1000 in about maturity 120 months, but secures a handsome profit on his investment; at the same time he ie protected to the extent that should death intervene at any time hia wife, estate or beneficiary would receive the full maturity value of hie stock, the same as If It had been carried by him to maturity. If an investment or saving of $5.00 per month for twelve months should have been placed in a savings bank, National bank, trust company or building and loan association, and the depositor or Investor die. the amount deposited or Invested would be paid his estate and nothing more. But the Union Savings A Investment Co., for an equal Investment, a draft for $1000 would be paid to the estate or beneficiary In the event of death. Instead of the amount or amounts deposited as would be the case In the above Institutions; It goes without saying that auch an Investment is desirable and should appeal to the common sense of business men as well as THE ne e. wage-earne- rs. -- all-wo- ol jCarrlcs a Complete Liao of GROCERIES AND MEATS fur-topp- ed O) r.;in Street, Stocktc?; o) OJ gegt and Largest Meat MarEcFla Jooele County. made-to-ord- er .Fresh Meats; BEEF, HUTTON, PORK, VEAL! Taking My Own Medicine. The advertising of accuracy all over the world Is ray work. To do this am making economic researches on accuracy and how to promote Information on accuracy. When 1 find something useful to you in the promotion of or the doing of your work my only safe plan la to poke it through the fence for you to apply. Whenever get over tla fence with it and try tc do for you what you should do fot yourself I neglect my work and hinder you. We must attend to our ovi 1 The experience of twenty-si- x years in good clothes making Is incorporated In every suit made-to-ord- er by Strauss Bros, of Chicago. You'll feel Just fine in a suit made by them and yet the price Is so reasonable. You won't understand how it can be made so low. Volume of business and superior facilities Is the reason. See the great line of 500 newest creations now displayed by A. Swenson Co. M 1 TOT HAPS the matter with ERATH'S STOREj R 1 Riled to overflowing all the time? m Why, the reason is plain, he keeps the best to to selected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his to treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by a? m all. His business is increasing daily and to promises to do so ad lib. X X X X X to ! rK th FOB ONE. X-m- as The Stelnman dry goods company gave to each lady patronising its house a fancy box of candy. The boxes were exact imitations of watermelons, apples and bananas, and each contained work. . mist a pound of the bgst candy. There were 100 boxes for Ophlr and 200 for Mercur, j Unclassified People. making 300 boxen In all, and the Dogs and Mice. cost was $105. Thla is just Sometimes you meet a person you first Is It true that a dog will never relike Ben Stelnman. When he tries to cover from the fear .of mice if when cannot classify because they are on a do anything he does It well. o young It gets bitten and defeated by track of their own which Is unliks a mouse? We are able to conquer other tracks. Do not try to classify Tourist cars to Chicago through scenic such people. If you do try to you Colorado and over the Burlington every our first impressions by an IntellecRate per berth. Salt Lake City tual control of our emotions, though It mislead yourself and misjudge the day. to Chicago, 84; Denver to Chicago, 82.60. y require several efforts to win person. Exchange information with These are Pullman tourist cars, wide set freedom. them and let the classifying alone. vestibules, rnttan upholstering, clean linen and bedding, comfortable toilet rooms at each end, brilliantly lighted, and very Honesty and Strength. Helpless and Hopeless. comfortable cars. If you are going Is a to come us and There direct and they conquering East I can tell you the best and cheapto absolute honesty est way to make the trip. See me or go to them sometlmea earnestness hem. How to help backed up by strength. Honesty with- write me. 5 Vi is a frequent out strength can be pulled against Its MINING NOTES. the de-- will the same as anything which la Ill to do. captured. The moral educators are Adain Ktnpior of Dry canyon, Tooele t make now studying the sources of strength county, who Is working the Blue Jay as well as the promotion of truth. mine in this rich district, was In the city well-worde- s . S to to to 1 ...FRANK ERATHS BREAD... to : L to to to to Is superior to tlie Royal and lias no equal In tills Gounty. iXf W & Mr rie |