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Show -1 THE TOOELE COUNTY. REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. VOL. IV. m San STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1903. pneumonia last Sunday and was burled at Stockton Tuesday afternoon. The funeral Krvlces were conducted by the order of Eagles, of which her husband. George Eatough, was a member. Time Table. Los Angeles and Pedro, Salt Lake Railroad. TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. Read Up. Read Down. Station. Dally. A. M. Dally. Ar. P. Lv. M. 6.35 6:25 5:15 a We are glad to greet our townsman, D. IV. lleHston, again. Mr. H. was confined In Holy Cross hospital for nine days with blood poisoning and nurrowly escaped the lorn of his right hand. The hand Is as well as jmsslble now, but 'twill be some time before Mr. H. can work. The trouble was caused In the beginning by a sliver run In the little finger. Salt Lake Tribune The not only reaches iai mountain readers from one to four days earlier than either Eastern or P clflc Coast papers, but Is a better psp : for the people of all this region, because of its special State news facilities here not possessed by outside papers. At 31.30 from now until May 81, 1005, It t not only the best but the cheapest. find for It now. KODOL DY8PSPSIA CURE Digests all classes 'f food, tones and strengthens the stousch and digestive organs. Cures Dy eptda. Indigestion, Stomach Troubles i id makes rich red blood, health and I strength. Kodnl worn-otisDysjiepsla Cure rebk-ldstrenkhens and sweet sues, purifies, ens the stomach. sv. G. W. Atkinson of W. Va., say I Jtuve used a number of bottles cl Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have founrlit to be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful, remedy for stomach allmenu. i recomuiend it to my friends. Bold by Mercur Drug Co., uercur, Utah. Mercur Meat St (fro. Co., Stockton, b Utah. M. E. Brown. Stojtton, Utalu Semi-Week- NO. 24. ing 5.434 acres. Said Gulch West Extension lodge location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conllict-in- g claims and Oregon No. 2, survey No. (991. I direct that this notice lie published in The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, ltcglater. O. V. Parks. Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1993. Last pub., Feb 6, 1994. ly . A glass or two of water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular, llarsh ca(hurtles should lie avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber-laiStomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle in their iicllon. For shIc by Drug Co., Meicur, Utah. Al. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. - n' AU-rcu-r AA TTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTT A. AAAAAA-AAAAAAAA.- 1:00. .Salt Lake City ............. Dr. L. G. Thayer, X t 1:10.. Buena Viata t ( :20..Rlter SNVSIOIAN AND f6:00 I l:40..Garneld BETTER THAN A PLASTER. tusaioN f 4:50 1:53. .Half May Spur A piece of flanpel dampened with f 4:45 Chamberlains 0:00. .Erda Main Street. and bound APPLICATION FOR PATENT. .. ............... 4.30 on the affected Pain Balm 0:15. .Tooele Is better than a 3766. parts, 51. Notice No. A. 4:23 0:21..Buehl for a lame back and for pains United Slates laind Office, Salt Like 4:20 plaster 0:25. .Stock! m or chest. Pain Balm has in side the City, Utah, Dec. 7, 1903. f 4:07 no f 0:40.. St. John .. as a liniment for the relief Notice Is hereby given that the Black f 0:65. .Ajax.. .. ....................f 3.53 of superior rheumuscular and Diamond Alining and Alilllng company, f10:10. . Faust . .... ........... .....f 3.42 matic pains. For sale by DR. F. M. DAVIS. a coritoratlon duly organised under the fl0:25.. ernos .... ............... ..f 3.30 Merrur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. laws of the Slate of Utah, and whose 3.15 .. .................f fl0:40..Lofgrein M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. SHVSIOIAN AND principal place of business Is Salt Lake 11 DO.. Boulter Summit f 3:00 ourdion City, Utah, by its agent and attorney 2:47 11:15. .Tlntlc Junction MINES AND MINERS. in fact. Joseph Dederlchs of Salt Lake, 2:44 11:10., Mammoth Jet - Utah. Stockton, Utah, has made application for a UnitPublication. ll:27..Mamm3th notice No. ife54. W. C. Reynolds of the Mammon mine ed States patent for the Union Consoli2:40 11:45.. Eureka to eat turlode mining claim, situate In the 2:22 at Dry canyon, came down Mammoth Department of the I Her lor. Land Office dated hia Tooele with parents. key 2:05 11:53. .Silver City at Salt Lake 'Cltjl Utah, November Rush Valley mining district, county, Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear 9, 1903. A. M. Ar. Lv. P. AL , F. W. Mulenbruch. superintendent of feet of the lode and surface ground (as Notice is hereby aNcn that the Tralna at Si It Lake make direct the Juno Alining company, will spend wing-named settlefiled notice of located) 690 feet wide, being mineral for all points north and east. ass. isa x. the holidays with his family at Provo. his Intentoin to makAtyial proof In sup- survey No. 49K3, and described In the S. W. GILLETT, surfield official of notes the and plat General Passenger Agent. port of his claim, BCiitfrhat said proof From Mercur Mirer. will be made boforl.. .'lClerk of the vey on file In thla office with magnetic J. L. MOOR . Dr. Samuel H. Allen, mine Rulllon Is the 17 It that at varlutlon reported deg. 00 inln. east, as District court In aniJ' fooele county, Commercial Agent. will resume operations very soon. to at ixiat wit: Commencing AS BAST SIM! IT MONTH, at Tooele City? jlKih, on Decem- follows, The Daisy at the West Dip put on Utah, ber 19, 1903, vis.: Egci,i Lougy, H. E. No. 1 a corner of the claim from which SALT LASS OITV. UTAH. Leave your orders for business and week. men more or this ten oust on corner the section 13.548, for the Nft Blfa.KKU and 8W iay bills due this office to Mrs. W. N. eight 4 Office 24. Hours t to I p m. township and lot 3, Sec. 7, township 4 south, boundary of section Gundry at the postofflee. 4 From Mercur Miner. Sunday by appointment. 4 west, S. I hi. lie names the south, range 5 west, Salt Like meridian, range of The Utah Queen mine Dry canyon, following witnesses to prove his con- bears S. 46 deg. 37 inln. W. 843.3 feet 1 Deseret Newt Office, Bldg, M. It. Hunt manager, 1r scheduled to tinuous residence SENTINEL LOCAL ITEMS. Ujbn and cultivation distant; thence running from said corrend in another shipment of good ore In of said 41 I 61 585.5 W. N. inln. feet ner No. deg. X. Lougy, land,, vis.: fram-luMrs. E. Spalding spent a day or two the near future. Willard Atkin, JohulB. Gordon, Alvin to corner No. 2: thence N. 70 deg. 23 min. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 3: fH4m44'44t4-4444'44H44H- t In Salt Lake City this week. J. McCuistlon, all ol (Tooele, Utah. From Mercur Miner. thence N. 79 deg. 49 inin. W. 483.1 feet D. FRANK i IfOBBS, Register. It is reported that an Eastern syndilo corner No. 4; thence N. 3 deg. 30 Miss Rosa Brown of Salt Lake City L. L. BAKER, Attorney. J. has secured a bond on the Nearter min. E. 247.2 feet to corner No. 5: Is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. N. Gun-dr- cate & Green group at Stockton, adjoining 69 deg. 49 inln. E. 819.4 feet N. thence ...DENTIST... NOT! the Galena King. to corner No. 6; thence S. 58 deg. 13 inln. a AD In Dentistry BolanUI-sall- y rations S. No. p 755.1 corner E. feet to 7; thence Mrs. Kate Mltchener and son Charles List No. 51, Iniane Asylum. Performed. 3 deg. 30 inln. W. 380.3 feet to corner will spend the holidays with relatives From Mercur Miner. Z. Edwards Is kept United States LandUjMre Salt Lake No. 1, being the place of beginning. George Dlaiennllf Dots Hie Itreet Frei PmMUcs. 1 and friends In Stockton. City, Utah, Dec. very busy these days mining various w w Said claim being located In the N. W. 4 To Whom It May lgncern: Notice is Mr. Edof section 19. township 4 Mrs. A. M. Little and Miss Dollie propositions for capitalists. of no Is ha of wards Utah an that small expert ability. hereby given range 4 wrest, and N. E. Macklnson will eat Xmas dinner with filed In this office a I lit. Nb. 51. of lands south, of section 24. township 4 south, their sister, Mrs. Sara Brown. selected by the sa(d State for the es- rang 5 west, Salt Luke From an Exchange. nierldiun, and Inan is tablishment The Honerlipe mill FRED. W1TT1CH nearing comple-- --7 -- lY.Vi' and 1'ifMowiance of nr tin Tonya of 12.415 ,nrrh, aiva When a peddler gets into the hands invng.ajpv.ji tKa maohlmry-JlflaoO&.AjrtjF tfie tnereTrom n tie Win However, Tuv fates n "i nthy TONSONIALIST IN TNB L A Dt N Then 'twill not be long ere we'll act of Congress e July 16. 1894. area Ith the Black ,.onfllt.t badly unless the license is forthcoming. place. hear the hum of wheels and echo of tl.e MBRCUR. following tracts embraced in said mond and North Star, lot 135, of 0.049 list are In a township containing min- acres. Mrs. W. N. Gundry took a lay off of whistle. Bair The Best of Work Obtain Able. ing claims of record, viz Net area claimed and applied for bethree day this week, which time she satisfacmost Is la Beards Work of Trimmed the the and very northeast Southeast, minquarter progressing lode 12.396 location acres. Said ing spent with her mother and sisters in torily at the Stockton mine, near the quarter of Section 29. township 6 south, ing claim being of record In the office styles. latest, Suit Lake City. Honerlne, Stockton, and a station has range 6 west. Salt Lake meridian. Tooele City, at Recorder of the County A copy of said Hat, so far as it relates Toui-lthe 700 in the Parlors next door to county. Utah. Plenty of snow for Santa Claus to been cut at sueei. Union Mer. Co. shaft, from which drifts are lo said tracts, by descriptive subdlvi come In the good, nearest known location or minThe way, run anticibeen both has it ways, slons, Hidconspicuously posted being with reindeer and sleigh. Everybody being claims being the aforesaid con within thirty days, several In this office for inspection by uny per- ing rushed to death" to prepare for his pated that, ing clainiM and Cyclone, lot 125; Outson interested and by the public gener- cast. ore will known chutes encountered be - 1 . lot 135, und II ope, survey 4946. coming. on thin level. A vast amount of fine ally I direct that this notice be published JTTT In is blocked out the mine, Within sixty days following the date Remember the mails are heavy these milling ore The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton. R. H. GUNDRY, a very nice showing of ahlpplng of this notice, under departmental In Stale of Utah, for the of days, so dont give the postmistress a- with lunly struct ions of November 27, 1890. (23 L. ?r!od of Tooele, nine riniscculive weeks. "Jackson county blessing" if the post- rock of high grade. f D., 43!)), protests or contests against the T FRANK D. HOURS. office Isnt open-a- a soon ns you think it t of claim of the State the tracts . , any should be. Register. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A BOX or subdivision hereinbefore described, for Applicant, W. Attorney lark. 9torUtOn j . . value H. A. Tisdale. Summerton. on the giouud that the same is more Iilaill Cfrppf The spirit of the season should be!1, First puli.. Dec. 12. 1903. Last pub., 4cli Hazel valuable fur miner:. than for on " Tis more ugrieul- - Feb. 6, 1994. blessed to give than to re- - S' . . . . 1'yiU Salve. He says: "I had the piles for tural purposes. wi:l be received and xixxxAi.iajj,AAi.iA, , celve," but some people act Just the re- twenty year. I tried doctors t many for " the noted General Land report TIs more blessed to receive and APPLICATION FOR PATENT. verse, medicines, but nil failed except 'office at Washingnm. D. C. Failure sc than to give." M. A. NO. 3758. Witch Hazel Salve. It cured p, protest or contest within the time; DeRitts " me. wlii i,'," considemf sufficient ,7?b!n?Ttl0n,0VHe he?li,1B- specified It looks as though the outgoing Town I"t, nt; ln U,e United StteJ intlsep- evidence or the W. H. PECKHAM, character rlat8 Council would leave the water problem ticsiperties Of Office. Salt Lake City, Utah. Land and and relieves peremollients; and the selection thereof, October 30. 1903. f unsolved for the Incoming Council to nacts, BOOT AND SHOI work out. but it's never so bad but inanently curesbllnd. bleeding, itching being otherwise frie from objection, Notice Is hereby given that F. Al. MAKSR will be recommended for approval. what it might be worse theres plenty whose Iostnffice address Is Stock-toDavis, FRANK I). HOBBS. UegisttM-of snow to melt. Utah. In behalf of himself and John Bapatrlnx Promptly Opp. House :: George A. Smith. Receiver. ItMAM ,0. William Kelly, Pat Kelly and Franks, 1903. December 26, First Fellows The ball given by the Odd publication him. with Chester Worthing, Last publication February 20, 1904. and Rehekahs Thursday evening. Delias made' application (nr a United cember 24th. was a huge success both States patent for the GLEN lode mining AJlLICATUi.N FOR PATENT. socially and financially. The music claim, situate in Ophlr Mining District. was of the best and the Xmas spirit Tooele County, Utah, Consisting of 1500 Notice N. M. A. 3765. rom- prevailed throughout the evening. linear feet nf said lode and surface l.aml Office. United States Sait Lake 4b ns shown by pint and survey, 7. ground 1903. TV.. Utah. City. SADDLE HORSES OR The entertainment given by the puSurvey No. 5014. and described In The Chloride Ioint mine on Lion hill. Notice is given that the Black the field pils of the Stockton school Wednesday Ophlr district, notes and plat of the official LIVERY RIGS in and local Diamond the Mining appeared Milling company, miccess, though evening was a decided office, with magT lasl week with a carload of u coriMimtinn dnl.i organized under the1 survey on file in this th wipport RnPH v... the luirents of the market minc ziair laws of tin- Stall of Utah, whose prin- netic variation at 16 degrees forty vijwk.wjiufip failvpr on nnrirs twas whose benefit children (for only p. Jcliiop Isq'i LlTcrp Itifcle. tni' aK(ooiat ha a lease on this old cipal place of laifiirieM Is Salt Iike utes East, as follows: civen) was not what It should have Beginning at coiner No. 1, which is. anil it is stated thal City. Utah. 'by its agent and attorney producer, tv'en' whence' they are marketing about 100 tons of in fail. Joseph lMiTirlis of Salt Lake identical with location corner, U. S. M. M. No. 7 bears S. 41 deg. 56 inln. 31m)orc niontWy. m a h:is idp for Utah. application City. Our people did not suffer for want nf 16.',9.4 ft.; thence N. 22 deg. .05 inln. for the Gulch W. I'nilcd Slates pap-iamusement holidays. Fmm Salt Lake during the W. 600 ft. to corner No. 2. identical with I"1.sitWest Extension Review. The Mercur Abstract Co. Mining mining claim, location corner: thence N. 67 deg. 55 Wednesday evening. December 23rd. the H. A. Lane, the efficient manager nf uate in the ltu-l- i Valley mining dls- - min. E. 1500 ft. to corner No. 3. Identical whiKil entertainment. Thursday, Odd Tooele n.nii'y. Utah, consisting with location corner; corner No. 2 of mine in Dry canyon. a vau the Eureka-OphFellows hull. Friday iBSTRACTERS OP TITLRS. DM.3 linear of the lode and Lit No. 134 deville performance in afternoon and Tooele county, was in the mark t the Lode bears S. 51 (Struck It) BOMB SfO.SOO. IKW feet the. month with a cur of! surface ground la located) evening and other amusement next tlrsof leg. 21 min. W. 2v).l ft.; corner No. 2 of miner il survey No. 4982. Iot flnt "re. In ing the largest single con- being S. week. n 73 PIRC INSURANCE jde. (Chrisripnlis Inle) bear islgnment of ore ever sent out of the '! 23 deg. 2S inln. W. 352.5 ft.; thenc e S. 22 4 4 AND LOANS In on file as official of ns well Plat th.. to' Eurecanyon, ore the ore llmst the from 4. lot of ft!, 600 this; being The corner No. , IT j.. n .n,min. E. .i.Ii...io ifimlnHi.H i.riL.,, .Ilk Com- Identical with location corner; thence S. Real Batata and OoaMjanolrf Dry canyon. H. A. Lane, su- - that the mine has yet produced, the vnlucs as 13.5 follows: wiy on showing control was settled for 67 deg. 55 min. W. 1500 ft. to corner No. both ante of all A ball Property, plate 20 ounces silver, 23 From dis1, the place of beginning. per assay showing values of 34.6 ounces l"r cent copper. X Baal Efttete, la Tooele lad 14 which nd the from cent claim Iron to theltb" per silver, 15.4 per cent lead and 14.7 per,,,nt l - covery jioiiit the lode line bears N. 67 Z aouBty. y lnt netting the company f.74 a section corner or. ast Liundary of j i cent copper. The lot netted the com- - ,ndeg. 55 rein. E. 1000 ft., and from dis4 ,nn 5 24. west. lRJ'Ing railroad and smelter tin 335.81 per ton over freight and township south, range UTAH. 7 TOOELR OITY. point S. 67 di g. 55 ir.in. W. 500 The mine is looking well and 'Sail Lake bears S. 59 deg. 24 covery chnrge. ft. Expressly excepting and (xcluding S is hoMing its own In good shnpe. An-- ! min. W 442.1 A. J. BRUNIAP, Mgr. distant; thence from this application the following con- shipment is expected in noon. King from said i.ii.er No. 1 N. 59 deg Hiet areas, No. 73, Vhrlsnpo-li- a Lot 2 16 min W 94."'. bit to corner No. 2; Lot No. 134. Struck Ijode, 1.2SS hence N. 21 il. c. 23 inln. E. 124.3 feci It Lod", .034 acre?; A TIMELY SUGGESTION. acres: Survey No. 4349, ' to corner No. 3: t'e ace S. 70 deg. 54 min. Paid Glen S. Lido, 2.635 acres. f This is the season of the year when E. 488.1 feel to i nriier No. 4; thence S. Maud .tt44-M-16.704 acres, of net area a Lode contains the prudent and careful housewire re-- . 64 deg. 14 min. E. 203.4 feet to corner and I situated in an HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. unsurveyed portion RICHARD GUNDRY, It will be good news to the mothers plenislies her supply of Chamberlains) No. 5: thence S. 49 deg. 10 min. E. 6S9.1 of Twp. 5 South, ltar.pe 4 West, S. L. M. It is certain to lie fptt to corner Xu. 6: thence. 8. 24 deg. of small children to learn thal croup t nugh Remedy. elnim are and adjoining Neighboring NOTARY PUBLIC. enn be prevented. The first sign of needed before the winter Is over, and 23 min. W. :!:!2.7 to corner No. 7: Lit No. 73, Vhrlsopolls Lode; No. beare more two or much aatA r.sults 4S and 38 242.5 hoarseness. min. W. (lay N. prompt thence croup 134, Struk It tode; and Survey No. X N. 12 (leg. 24 mill. 4349. Maud S. Lvle. fore the attack the child becomes Isfnctory when It i kept at hand and to corner No. 8. soon as ns a Is cold soon the followed pegiven 2K7.4 is 1. contracted W. hoarse. This, by No. feet to being the Notice of Location of tills claim The culiar rough cough. Give Chamber- and before It has become settled In the Said claim being recorded in ihe (iflb-- of the l recorder lain's Couch Remedy freely as soon as system. Tn almost every Instance n anli;0f the Ophlr Mining District, at pages located in the X. W. cold be even or off warded after may of section 19. town- 293 and 294 of Book "J,'1 of the Records the child becomes hoarse, by taking S. W. Ihe rough cough appears, and it will this remedy freely as soon as the first ship 4 south, range 4 west, and N. E. nf Ophlr Mining District, Tooele County. of 'rtiere the cold appears, of .timi 24. township 4 Utah. dispel nil symptoms nf croup. In this indication no danger In giving it to children, for south, range 5 Salt LAke meridway all danger and anxiety may be Is I direct that this notice be published no L. H. GRAY. harmful substance. II ian. Hnd avoided. Thi remedy is used by many It contains a total area of 7.::Hl in the Weekly Sentinel nf Stockton. thousands of mothers, and has npver is pleasant to take both adults and acres, excluding, however, therefrom Utah, the newspaper published nearest been known to fail. It la, in fact, the children like it. Buv it and you will the area in conflict with the North Star! the ald claim, for the period nf nine LAND AND MININC ATTORN SV. ' For and Black Diamond, lot 135-- da Nir. 2. week. gel the best. .It always cures. FRANK I). HOBBS. only remedy that can always be by lot lot U6 and Gulcli, survey upon and that is pleasant and Kale Register. Salt Lake City. X Mercur Drug Vo.. E3XSZ T'tnh. 3759. safe to take. For sale by L. L. Baker, Claimant Attorney. Al. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. M. E. Brown. Stockton, Utah. 26 Net area claimed and applied for ! First publication. Uct. 31: last. Dec. i deep-seate- d, ut J 44 i t - for r : .... follo- - one-four- th r t t 309-31- . B. TAIT' y. Ex-Su- one-four- th one-four- th . a-'- 7 r,T.a:rr,l H- 1 Dla-Th- B double-compartme- nt ii e Wt4-444'4-4-44'4-t4-- i ; I I j i j j " I j . 1 I mi j. j. i I J II : i i j linn-mine- ral j i n, . M er I 4 t i - : I ! J t4-4-4-f- ? J I lr fX-ma- i j 55-to- n -- i 55-t- J 4 . lr. . - 11 one-four- -- t sec-mn- t ! th run-oth- te -- I 1 er i to-w- lt: I , I 1 ..-g- . t lt f.-e- t fh'-nr- i se-vi-- re one-four- oiie-four- um-roiii- -th th , iii immi s- - A 114-Ail- u. j b-- |