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Show MY srx. ity Ood,J my Hod! and can it b That ihnuM aln i lightly now, And think no more of evil thought Thun of lh wind that wave the bough? walk th earth with IlghtHome atop, Bmlle at the Munxhlne. breathe tha air, Vo my own will, nor over heed X Uethaemana and thy long prayer. Shall It he alwaya thus, O Lord? Wilt thou not work thla hour It) mo Thu grace thy paaalon merited. Haired of aelf and love of thee? it waa my aln, though no other aln there were. That waa to him who beara the world A load that he could acarcely bear. -- F. W. Faber. And make me feel A METHODS SPOTS. BOY FOUND SUN When the captive was released rom durance vile,' though still held irmly fettered, he grunted out. Heap irava squaw papoose, ugh! Heap rave, ugh!" looking at Tabitha with nuch wonder and admiration. T should say so!" laughed jolly HI; ind Good for you. Tab!" declared .mb, her brothers all crowding around ier In loving pride, and her father todded his head approvingly. And ablthas usually unflinching gaze fell afore the look of mingled admiration md love that shone forth from the jlear blue eyes of brave CapL.Toba. Then her father turned to the cringing culprit, demanding, sternly, And )'ou, what do you mean by skulking around my house in this way? Ugh! Big chief sent Wandao to py out white mans house. What? Is It Wandoa?" reproachfully asked Tabithas father. Havent I always been friendly and (rue to the red men, my brother? Wandoa bent bis head In deep thought, and vben he looked up the lines of bitter hatred were gone from his dark face as be said: My white brother is true, and has ilways been true. But, Big Chief and hia warriors have their war paint on, for they have been ill treated by the white men, who take from them their lands and gives them the Are water that goes to their heads and makes them mad, because it takes away their good sense, and makes them like the POLICE Inhuman Means Employed to Extort Confession. The manner in which the man was convicted at Vienna a short time ago of killing and eating nls daughter, who recently turned up alive and well, discloses extraordinary methods employed by the Austrian police. A gendarme, who found working in a field, knocked blip over, and, bringing the point of' his bayonet to the man's breast, ordered him to confess to the murder of his daughter as he valued his Ufa. Bratuschka, overcome by fear, thero upon admitted that be had committed the crime. When taken before the magistrate, the prisoner withdrew hit confession. The magistrate, however, strongly advised him to stick to his confession with a view to mitigating his doom, and he again did as he was bid. Before the Jury he stoutly do nled his guilt, but bis two previous confessions were against him, and the village surgeon testified that bones which Bratuschka had been munching were human bones. He was sentenced to death, but reprieved, and tha-cllcer who forced the confession from him was recommended for promotion. On the return of his daughter, Bratuschka was, of course, liberated. Youthful Astronomer Has Covered Himself with Glory. Hubert Howe, aged fifteen, who la undoubtedly the youngest practical astronomer In the world, recently as--, tunded the veterans of the science by announcing the discovery of a new group of sun spots. Young Howes discovery was not the result of accident. For several months he had been taking regular observations at the observatory of Bra-tuschk- a Bra-tusch- . wild OF AUSTRIAN , beasts. But Wandoa will see to it that the red warriors who have painted their faces for the warpath, shall not harm My great, great grand-aunTabitLa, fact that Tabitha waa the eldest his white WHO fty rmvjrpjrj jsfcw brother, who Is his friend, itood out on the back doorstep shak- daughter and the seventh child. And nor any of those that belong to the JjnTLT& 9 you know there has been much of iming the tablecloth after supper. She wasn't no, I mean I wasnt her portance attached to being a seventh lodge of the father of the heap brave Denver university, in which univeryoung squaw.. And now, Wandoa has sity his father is professor of astronchild. then. great, great grand-nlecand will go In peace." omy. But I have that tablecioth now, It was a lovely evening, the twi- spoken, But. Tabithas big brothers sternly Young Howe, in spite of bis contriearefully folded away In lavender, and light slowly settling down Into dusk refused to let Wandoa go free, de- bution to the science of astronomy, laid In the big linen chest, with which r d Tabitha lingered, gathering the he had proved does not find his greatest pleasure In anIt has descended from broad, long folds of the tablecloth claring angrily that father and their shook his work at the telescope. Zoology la hla unfaithful; cestors to me. evenly together, after the vigorous favorite study, and to this he devotes How much longer things do last shaking by which she had freed it bead doubtfully; and Capt. in with and most of his time. IIIb astronomical grave silence, sturdy lips tnan folks! It seems strange. from lta last crumb. Arm set observations, however, have been carSo she stood for a moment, breathBut 1 think one reason may be beThen Tabitha who ha.. been watch-fmi- ried on with enthusiasm, although it cause the things don't wear them- ing In the fragrant summer evening studying all their faces, and the is with difficulty that the youth can selves out with fret and worry, as air. There may have been something countenance of Wandoa as well, be brought to speak of them. He will dark people da Resaid sturdily, yet appealingly, continue his observations and says That tablecloth was homespun and member he la my captive. Let me be hopes to devote his life to original wide and white and thick and strong his fate. research and to add materially to the then, when Tabitha was shaking it My father, how can you better give knowledge of the scientific world. He Now It Is Bomewhat thin and very yelto these savage red men a lesson In has made all his discoveries with a low with age. It was big and broad Christian forgiveness, than to let telescope fur the reason that to cover then the large table enough Wandoa go free, since he has given the sun is so bright in the clear atin the great kitchen, where the meals his word that we shall not come to mosphere of Denver that it Is not good were spread for a family that would harm? for the large instrument In use at the astonish if not appal most fathers of set Bo, though unwillingly, they observatory. families nowadays, if they had to proWandoa free, and he kept his word. vide for such. One evening. Just at dusk, as Tabitha White House Uniforms. But I don't suppose the real cost of was entering the wood, following the providing for all of Tabitha's seven pathway to meet some one, there was brothers and sisters, with Tabitha, a slight rustle among the leaves and . herself, and father and mother includ-Wandoa stepped fofth with lifted hand orwaa than of that ed, greater many The warriors token of secrecy. in dinary families of a quarter of that are on the warpath. Let my white sUu. brothers make ready for them,"- he And Tabitha's folks were called said, speaking low and .then was gone. tor good livers and the This was the greeting that Tabitha times, too. uad for Capt. Tobe, when they met They had no lack of good fare, cerwhite settlers were warned In The cold boiled sliced ham, elder tainly; and drove back tbeir fierce astime apple sauce, cooked over the back log Into knots. Drawn tws hard sailants when they came. close, In the monster fireplace; and such InCapt. Tobe became one of my andian meal and rye bread, and baked of expectation in her manner, but it beans and pumpkin pie, baked in the could hardly be from any premonition cestors, too. And this is the story of Tabithas tablecloth, told over again deep brick oven; besides yellow but- of danger, apparent to her then, for it and again in days of old. was only one of the nearest of their ter and cream and cottage cbeese! Tabitha that rather hoped That was the supper, spread over neighbors JUDGE AT A DISADVANTAGE. the cloth, spun by herself that Ta- to see. She looked Intently up the narrow, Good Reason bitha was shaking the crumbs from. s Joanna Why Ha Knew Nothing And such a healthy, happy lot of flower fringed patnway that becamo About the Subject brothers a:id sisters were seated lust to sight In the gathering twilight Lack of the display bo often seen in A certain judge, living In the upper and the deep, dark woodland and. part of New York, while trying a case, liveries Is noticeable In the modest round that homely, home board! We read in a certain authentic, good then, with seeming disappointment, listened with pain and displeasure to dress of the president's house book, And there were giants In those and as though seeking solace and of a colored woman the she bent her head to in- who testimony days. was describing how she had Certainly, these brothers and sis- hale the breath of the blush June whipped one of her offspring. Shi Oldest-LlveFamily In England. ters, too, were descended from those roses, blooming on the big rose tree enlarged on the harrowing details unnear Leicester, claims Lutterworth, giants. And though I never had the at the corner of the house. til the judge stopped her. the distinction of having been the Suddenly, like a flash, she darted pleasure of meeting those great, great "Do you mean to tell me that you home of the longest-livelarge fams of mine. I yet do well down the steps, quickly unfolding and were cruel enough to punish your son ily in the kingdom. The last memspreading out the tablecloth as she like that?" he demanded. recollect my ber of this remarkable family has just I can testify to their great stature went; and with one deft movement of Her Ob co'se I did, yoh honoh," she re- died at the age of eighty-eighand brawny muscle; ihere were eight her lithe, strong, young arms, she plied. was Ruth Moore, and she was name of them, with five fair, tall and swiftly and dexterously threw it over How dare you be so brutal?" one of a family of thirteen children, some dark, skuiaing object, hiding him looked at woman The colored three of whom died at the age of thero under the spreading rose tree. one one at seventy-six- , In fine contempt for a moment, then seventy-live- , In a trice Tabitha brought the ends one at seventy-seven- , one at at eighty, asked, slowly: of the tablecloth up on the bias and two at one at eighty-threeighty-one- , was Look eher yoh Jedge, tied them tight over the head and and two at eighty-eight- , eigbty-flve- , shoulders of the crouching prisoner, de father ob a wuthless mulatter one at Each of the parents ninety. boy?" who was so doubled up that arms and The Judge almost fell from the died at eighty, and the united ages of hands and feet were all fettered withthe family of fifteen total 1,218 years bench. in the folds of that stanch cloth, London Answers. continued Ef the yoh ain't," which Tabitha, before her captive know nullin then don't you could make use of bis bewildered Wealthy Temple. senses, had drawn into two close about de case!" Harper's Weekly. a At meeting at Bristol, missionary hard knots. No Compromise. other the day, Mr. Eugene Then, how she did use her healthy, The trouble with the average Amer- England, the mentioned Stock surprising fact young lungs, calling to her aid her ican," remarked the placid philosoa temple of Siva, which he visthat b. - brothers, and all before the astonpher, "Is that he doesn't stop work ished savage prisoner could more than long enough to digest his food. He ited In a remote provincial town of a revrnue of 70,000 a protest with a very smothered doesn't appreciate the importance of India, had twenty-fivand supported " jRh!a year, the alimentary canal." churches. Its accounts are daughter But It was not one of Tabitha's big My friend, replied Senator Sorbrothers who first came in answer to ghum, as he hasUly signed another kept by a band of clerks, sitting In her cries for help, though one surely letter, theres no use in trying to an office, with desks, supboards and very like a merchant's office. r.3 stalwart and ready to take up in any new ones. Itll be either ledgers, ring chest of the temple has The jewel her cause, as any one of them. Panama or Nicaragua, or none at alLM twenty-fou- r locks, the keys of which It was that nearest neighbor, whom r Washington Star twenty-foudifferent men. are kept by the but a little while before Tabitha "Tabitha lingered, gathering Politeness. Perfect broad, long folds of the tablecloth seemed to expect and was so di 'satiDidn't Want Her. The acme of politeness has probsfied because he failed to come. evenly together." Is a peculiar dialect In Engmine a reached There been Toho manager was leader by This Lent, auuts. ably Capt. Truly stately sisters, ray grand of the small band of l!g, brave men. la Natal, who has placed this notice land called the Pogmoor dialect. Here a goodly baker's dozen. at the mouth of the pit: Please do Is a sample: Fred Mur jest wor pass-iwho took it upon themselves to find will what So, now, mayoe yon FThree Pidgins wun day, wen flan-loris to be toid about Tabitha and tect, as far and as well as they could, cot tumble down the shaft." t.i-In families. scattered haopnln to see him. sez: 'Ahve ea to credit. ier pioneer her famous tablecloth A putten two tickets dabn ta thee. Wer For remember, rlease, that she was a danger from attack by the hostile His purse was low, his honor scant. hevvln a raffle for a poor wumman o' to those descendants cf giants; dians. Though rather late in arriving, bis He did all sorts of things he Chresmas eve.' Noonn for me. thenk and do not forget, either, that the shouldn't; He was. In truth, a mendi- yoV sex Fred, shakin's hee&d. 'Ah tablecloth was then new and firm and coming was most opportune, and cant, And what la more, amend be ah min t knaw wot ta do wi' a poor to him delivered Tabitha snt gladly strong. wouldn't wumman. if ah wnn her. 1 should not omit I state, alsc, the her prisoner t, ; o The Congo Free 8tate. Belgium, one of the smallest states in Europe, so small, In fact, that a map drawn on a generous scale Is needed to see Its boundaries definite- ly, Is mistress of one of the largest and most flourishing colonies of modern times. When one stops a moment to think of it the comparison between tha . - far-bac- k Tobe-stoo- y de-cid- o six-inc- h State, ehowlng t e size,, to that of Pennsylvania. relatively, Boveran state and the dependent territory is astonishing. Roughly speaking, Belgium is about the size of tha state of Maryland, not quite so large in area, however; while the Congo Free State, which lies in the heart of Equatorial Africa, Is nearly twice the size of Alaska, and nearly half tha size of the United States. Congo Free - well-to-d- d d grand-relation- grand-uncle- s. Enormous Elks Head. The head of what must have been an enormous elk was recently on view In Dublin. It Is the largest head which has yet been found In Ireland, the stretch of the antlers from tip to tip being nine feet eight inches, or, measured round the horns outside, twelve foet, four and a half Inches. Hitherto Lord Powersccurt possessed the largest head, but it is some inches smaller than this late find. ThiB magnificent head was got in the Dublin mountains, where quite a number have from time to time been found. It Is in a most wonderful state of preservation, not a bit of the antlers being broken. Honor at Homo. They honored him at home: Where he had been a child They cheered him In the tree to. And when he turned and smiled Their heart were filled with pride; They recognised hla worth And gladly hailed him In The village of hia birth. t. e, ne-gres-s, e j n pro-thtr- e j d I s -- ! In-sist- i j ! I vail-ver- y Down-Grade- r. They honored him at home, . They gave him lavish praiae For talents he had shown But after many daya And after he had gained The world's praise first and mads Success hla own, secure. And didn't need their aid. Faithful to His Duty. When several young ladies of New York, passing on Broadway near street, the other day saw a man struck by s trolley car hurled through the air land on his head between the tracks, they screamed. 'A crowd quickly gathered, expecting to And mangled remains. Instead, they found Timothy Sullivan, a letter carrier from Station E, surrounded by letters. With his coat torn to tatters, his face covered with blood and his shirt smeared with gore, he electrified tha throng by shouting for bis letters. Ha sat up and refused to move or permit anyone to touch him until assured by a that every letter was safely restored to his bag. Then, In a dazed condition, he was lifted Into a railroad office nearby. Twenty-sev- enth |