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Show TO CUXZ A COLD UM Luktivi Brora i:, THE CHANGE WAS MACS. T:biit gli!ai the mnn-- y druggists refund ir Cilia to cun. X. W. Grove's algnatur' la lack box. Ue. AH WAHTTO -- FERS.r SKVlinAL character aatf goal iii.iai!a I lab Btota (om la this Mtnjr to NpnuBt and advertise oldrauir Mohod Mltkr buaiaava of Ml. bibcUI ataadlng. Salarykun JLl.tO week C at hr with expenses additional, all payai-- i to cuk each Wednesday dirta frzr bold tlSeN. Horn and can-lafa Biabod whan n actuary. Rtf. fou, BUI U1 Dearborn envelop. g o ad Co, at, Chicago. EesgaeRQ F Mtfc Vlatri on Arailta er.j Cyc pepJa. "Dyzpspsin." wrote Eugene Tie, Nfwa Incapacitates a man I sometimes axlloguialiaa tha fira ambition.' Though great daipfte fc:. coniplalnt Flaid auffert- -l frwtn lnil!c-- t tion ill hia llfa. A weak, tired iioni-ant digoat your food. It IMt Ton emn onlv t it by tha of a preparation like Kodol, which i lievesitof work by digesting your f.N:j Baal aoon raatoraa It to ila koroiel emi-ar-.-- nd - ra-.- v-- io. Strengthening!, SatiofyHg, Cavijorstin!; ACDlWiTTh C..v r.radoalyby buttle eoutalai t I tlnu tuasM. ni- - Maicur Drug Company. Mary X. Brown, Stockton. bda-- Through CervScd j SY.ELJyS EAST AN f. 3 THE VIA Nothing has ever equalled k. y Nothing can ever surpass it But It Was tha Big Firm That Paid Increased Rent. Jules the French Journalist, oho has aunounceil that Americana make love too culdly, is the sou of a rich and astute merchant. M. lluret likes to tell a story lu ll!ulration of ms father's fine liusiues sense. My father, year ago." he will begin, cccupied a small shop on the ground floor of a large building. He was then at the beginning of hia career, and hh income was somewhat paltry. He was, however, an economical man. A clothing firm occupied all of the building except the portion hell by my father, and this firm bad arranged with the proprietor that they should have that portion, too, whenever they were ready to pay tho rental demanded. Weil, one day they decided to take in my father's shop, and their manager accordingly called on him, and in a friendly way told him that he had better look about for another stand at once, since his firm would be taking over the shop in Slay. But 1 dont want to move said my father. Well, but you'll have to said the manager. 'You are a poor man, and my firm Is rich. We can afford to pay three times as much rent for this floor as you can. Now, if you'll leave quietly, without making any fuss, we'll kelp you to find a new place. But, it rou stay, you'll have to pay a rent mat will beggar you simply beggar you, remember 'Give me said my father humbly, Two weeks to think this matter over Well and good tho manager replied, and two weeks later called on him again. My father waa all smiles as he received him. Everything, my friend, Is arranged my father said. You may stay here, as before. 1 dom pay any rent at all, but you pay 2 500 franca 1 a year more than you paid last. have bought the building. Hit, RAILWAY Sssar I THROUGH SCENIC ClLE2AE2 $ UHSASmSSOSSI PULLMAN b ss BLEEPING CARS. ODSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, electric . chair cars Reclining .. . (naan raaa). ATEDAV UF-TO-- D . CO A6N ES. Hr lertti, TIcUti, Ftlfin, it, iddnn Cure : i in H. C.TOWNlfNB, a sm tiwft wtr, n. irn Illinois Central Railway. SUFFICIENTLY SKRVKS A TA81 TXRR1ITORT By through aorrloo to and from tha tallowing eltlaai Omaha, Hah. Chisago, HL Xa it. Paul, XXlBB. St Loula, Minneapolis, Kins pearl a, XU. Kanaag City, Xa BvansviU Xad. Xrahrllle, Tans. Memphis, Tonn. Cincinnati, Obis Atlanta, Oa. Jackoon villa, PI (Louisville, Xy. Haw Orleans, La. Vicksburg, XIh o Weekly through service batwaoa and batwaan Cincinnati Chl-sag- tha Pacific Coast and Montana And Territory. Connsetlons at thaao Urmlnale to tha EAST, SOUTH, WEST AHD HOSTS. Past and Handsomely Equipped Steam Heated Trains Dining Caro Caro Sleeping Care-Fr- ee Reclining Chair Cars. Ask ticket gents tor tickets via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, or apply to Buffet-Libra- TS ry TT. Xnd So. jr. a. rourr, St, Balt Lake City. CO YEARS EXPERIENCE I ssj 0 afl .5r. a JL- -' .k- - T"DI Mara Designs 'Hit1a rtetrtCorrnaHTS As. and danwiptlne Bay SpioMr aa, aruila our oumon fntm whether aa if nrotiaa.y MlyubV (kaaiulra ttw-oa r a. fa 14 'tiicilramiMF'itM. hkllill-Cil- f fi O'.'mI infer for ijrariaf iwtanu. nt !aieuii take' i .'Mil Vans A Co. receive Bnwi anfk'4, without shirt, la tha Aarna a Scientific Jfccrican. A Ittartraiad rwt'f. h bi'inmtl rt anv f.aaniisa Journal, Ti f ,r fc. aaiatlba n-- e KaUhy Slllreadany, If AW irKVuW: 9C rgnaanrecaB THE 6CENIO LINE TO Gleawood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springe, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, &nd all points east " SALT LAKE HOT IPRINGS s Sanitarium Baths 3 V.Sl Seat Sak Laks FI Train Giy a. Vis N JlHMaa CoMiecUng 3 tar ictaa. SU a eiUliM sf valor lima Uaeaga ifar- Hal Makaa TUa Ha RAi la F M mt Maa- - Nm OKf tOC PWae MlUpLHaal Ma iMm Maht Ml rtaaaara V MmwO kalSa vkaa la toll MfcaS Ula Of a S 4 aWfca Aar For rmtaa, toUlan. fraa UluairatM booklet a 10., laqulro of your noaraat Uokotagaai, apoalfylag tho Bio Qraudo mum, or oddioaa L Fran Kansas City, Salat Xrals and Memphis to points in Utt South, Southeast and South west. A BENTON, G. Ai P, D., And the visitor walks out of the ofIn a daxeu sort of way. But sometimes the seekers after charity are dazed in the opposite direction. I know your place Air. Harrlman will say. Its no good no: making Hie right kind of men and women. You can't get a cent from me. Good-da- y. r'TN''FR. C.r.GT.4. Compliments Were Deserved. TV. TV. Keen of Philadelphia has great repute as a surgeon. In New Y'ork one winter afternoon last year he saw a man slip on an icy pavement and fall heavily. He hastened to the poor fellowR assistance and found that he had broken his leg. Dr. Keen used his umbrella as a spiint, and with his own and' several borrowed handkerchiefs bandaged the broken limb tightly. As he finished his task the ambulance arrived. Youve bandaged tills rather well, the young blue uniformed ambulance surgeon said to I)r. Keen. Thank you' said the other. Oh, not at all. I suppose, the youth resumed, that you have been reading up some first aid to the injured' treatise, eh? They say a little learning is a daugcroii thing, but, really, the- little you nave learned about surgery you have put to good account. Give me your name and address and I'll forward your umbrella to you. I'll give you my card, said Dr. Keen. lie did so. and the young surgeon flushed a little as he read on It the name of one of the greatest of modern surgeons. Would Not Be at a Loss. During a recent conversation between District Attorney Jerome and several members of the New York bar reference was had to tlio sharp practices of a certain notoriously shifty politician of the city. Certainly he Is never at a loss, Do you kaow, 1 said Mr. Jerome. really believe that if that man were he cast ou a barren rock In would make money If there were New York another man on the rock. Tribune. - n Dl UNION PACIFIC s. spencer. A.C.r.T.A. THE OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH cm m 20! MAIN s TTNION PACIFIC A ST. Unexcelled Castrated. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. 83 PER YEAR, POSTPAID, corr. bub ion umi MEfiRGSi!tmc aso xakxr it a VIE gr.. m PRESS rw.Awaraoa. ca YOU HEARD OP THE LIONS MOUTH? As Old Venetian I Idem la Adopted by AaavrieGA JfawopB progressive pas to Meet Mod an XUqalro rCtNTLiaav Q COMFORT SAFETY TEAR TTetLly C- - SPEED offici mining:" ATCHISON, t THS rORJUUl ROUTS TO ALL CQSUiNNa SALT LAKE CfTT, VTAX. 48 Pages ga-- u ths ekect connection with thi D. E. BVRLET, For CouQhSf ColJi and Croup. P YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE RAILROAD r- OOLO. Dr. . IN FIGURING SALT LAKE CriY Line Short Oregon - CneKIInute Gssgh Sara fice 3 DAILY Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Oars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, SL Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. REMEMBER, roaTT-TETK- KQUIPPBO BETWEEN 0CDEN AND DENVER Via Tkrao Sap rale aa4 Ulatlaol Saatla Boutao. n mid-ocea- Hi aPLBXOIDI.T Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Than that via tha . i at Ogden (Mas Depat with til Soothers Fsolfla and Oregon Sheri Una Tbs snip Transcontinental Lina passing directly through Sail Lake City. FAST TRAINS There's no Bettor Service h Good-day- ffi3EV;mu 1 EK7QVA31E! HEALTHTUU K p - wUAIa Mrf W M b IM I Youre Mr. says Mr. Harrlman. Quick, now. Im a busy man. the financier grunts a moUgh ment later. That's tho Institution at a street. I know about you youre teaching children to be turngood men and women. Here see this that to his secretary ing I,000. gentleman gets a check for i hat's ail right haven't time for thanks. - MaMfbMklf NfeMa. Trial Betties Southeastern such-and-suc- MeOuratck For All Throat and Lur.g Troubles. A Perfect office. . Lab Gityi Balt : 4We444toM 8t. rANB. MmSlBtiiUighii nunmo- UtLakaOty ATTOHNBV. bwwuae. Millionaire Is Liberal to Those Ha Thinks Well of. Limited E. H. Ilarriman Is a member of that The millionaires small group of that remembers the Biblical injuncLeaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. M. tion not to let the left hand know gaQy, will take yon to Springfield, Memwhat the right hand docth, when doing phis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jackson villa alms. as and all points in the Southeast. Ills philanthropies are as varied many a mans whose good deeds are For detailed information apply to trumpeted throughout the land. But while they are thus curried on quietly Q. W. MARTIN tney are also done In a gruff sort of ENKRAL WESTBRN AGENT way. The man who has charity to place 1106. 17TH before Mr. Harrlman walks Into his well-know- J rrCxTiiF,B! HARRIMANS GIFT TO CHARITY. g LAN Or. King's Nsw Disctfc-n-? ' C. W. PARKS, rogressivb (THS OVERLAND ROUTE) TOPEKA and SANTA FE RAIL WA Y. Tn Mnnertton with tho R. O. W. Ry. tho SHORT LINE from Utah to Kan-a- a City, Bt. Joaoph, Chlrago, Galveston, El Paoo and tho mining campo of Now Mexico and Arizona. Special attention paid to wool and llve-atock shipments. For particulars about tho REDUCED r, PASSENGER RATES EAST this apply to C. F. WARREN, General Agent, auna-ma- Dooly Block. 411 mem. Camel's Weekly la eenGnettog a re r) gov el and taterazUnz oompHloa for U4 readers each month. To anter tho bob' tut all one baa to do la to review the Isauu of Collier's tor thaoreurrant month thru quesk4 answer the two tions which are printed In aach loand such sugtus. giving such epmioa la improving the gestions aa wlU aid paper. Collier's alma ofIn this oneway of every to secure tha assistance Its readers la making the paper more to their liking. Every feeder, ta fart becomes one of tha editors and has his voice In building tha gieatsst UlaatraUd journal of tlia age. The first prize each month, awarded for tbs ir oat hairful suggestion, la SSO In rash, with a ascend p;lie of MS In cash, and eighteen ether prims of seta or book ranging In value from HI dowi to SS. making In all !KI of value glveri In prise aach month. There are. la addition. cumulative cash prise (or these who win prises In successive month a big cash prise of )0C) for the xroat valuable suggestions during 190L For the convenle&w of intending con- teetanta who can not be promptly supall tha copies r plied by newsdealer Collier's tor the current month wlii bo tend postpaid, toxrtbar with a handsome proof of a drawing by Charlc Dana Gibson, upon iwHpt of 40 cents is Stamps addressed to Tho Urns Mouth Collier's Weekly, 430 Weat Uth atroc-Ne- Uciou Pacific iiyJ 5t. Paq! Ry. THROUGH LINE iiwAUitee & Gfcic&go, The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Sleepers, Tourist Hallways are now running first-clas- s Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars through to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and farther information, apply to F. A. MILLER, Ccaeral PaHcngcr Age&l Chicago ' CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, 106 TP. Commercial Agent Second South Su Sell Lake York 'wiAaT-jL- ssz j To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, 13 Seven MBSoa hoarea sold b post month. Tills tlgliatlirO, 3E3B ml 6 Caros Crip la Two oa every bOZa 23Ca |