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Show t THE WEEKLY SENTINEL ... FUNERALS MUST HAVE UNION LABEL. MRS. W. N. OUNDRY. Editor. STOCKTON. - - NEW KlNJv IN STRIKES THE UTAH NEWS SUMMARY. Undertaker Adopta Plan of Placarding Hearse, Proclaiming Vehicle Waa Owned by People Paying Union 8cale. A cable dispatch from Toklo 1171 the dispatch of troops to Korea is ira Membera of the Chicago Uvery mlnent Drivers union met Tuesday to conThe house has passed without divls sider an arbitration plan to settle Ion the pension appropriation bill, car their strike. While arbitration was lying $138,150,100. being considered news was received Red Cloud, the celebrated Sioux of the first "Union label funeral" since chief, almost blind and very feeble, it the strike began. The funeral waa dead at Tine Ridge, 8. D aged HE arranged by Undertaker G. M. Marks, the corpse being removed in a dead" years. Estimates place the world's produc- wagon bearing the placards proclaiming the vehicle was owned by an tion of Indian corn in 1903 at bushels, against 3,040,200,000 undertaker paying the union scale. The carriages containing the mournbushels last year. It is estimated that 7,200,000 pound i ers were similarly labeled. A conference committee to receive of dried figs were produced in Califor nia in 1902, against 6,500,000 pounds an expected peace proixisal from tihe drivers union was appointed by the the year previous. General John C. Black has accepted j Joint liverymen and undertakers exthe civil service commissionershlp and ecutive committee. the president will send in his nomina2,830,-000,00- tion when congress reconvenes. Representative Lacy of Iowa has Introduced a bill for the protection oi wild animals, birds and fish 1 the for est reserves of the United States. Six persons were asphyxiated by gap in San Francisco, Sun day nlg&t, and Ae coroner concluded that- all the cases were accidental. The three main departments of th. Illinois Steel company at Joliet arc now Idle, the billet mills having been ordered to close. About 1,500 men art affected. The London Dally Mail's Toklo cor respondent says that the Korean for elgn office denies the reported agree ment to employ Russian officers In the Korean army. The wool clip of 1903 Is estimated at 245,450,000 pounds of fleece and pounds of pulled wool, making K tolal wool product "oi 287,450,000 pounds of v?ool in the grease. r'General Pimentel has raised a fores 'afclnst the" provisional government at Haina, San Iomlngo.; The situation Js becoming complicated, and the presence of warships is desirable. For the flrBt time in the history ol , States, as far as the recjUqUed ords show, a jury composed of sis women sat on a case before Judge the juvenile court in Chicago last week. mOne thousand miners employed In the mines of Tunnelton. HowesvilU and Aatlantic, W. Va., are on Btriki because of the operators' attempt tc reduce the rate of pay 10 cents a ton for mining coal. With the Ohio river frozen over and great gorges at many places, a rlsf of three feet threatens danger to all kinds of craft A harbor steamei was sunk at Cincinnati, Sunday, by a "run out of ice. General Delarey made a speech to the Boer prisoners at Admadnagar, and succeeded in persuading all but ten of them to sign the oath of allegiance to Great Britain. General Delarey spoke for five hours. Mrs. J. Messersmlth, her daughter and Frank Smith, a clerk, were burned to death In a fire which destroyed the meat market and rest dence and the dry goods Btore of J. Simon at Braldwood. III. It is announced that the shortage In the accounts of W. A. McKowen, the defaulting secretary of the board ol regents of the University of California will amount to over $50,000. McKowen lost the money at the race track. Five residences and a vacant store building were wrecked by dynamite at New Castle, thirteen miles west oi Colorado Springs, Colo., on the 17th. There is no clue as to the perpetrators. Several persons had narrow escapes from death. Alexander llaff, the suspended superintendent of foreign malls in ths New York postofllce, who was to havs been brought to trla' in the federal court this week for robbing the malls, killed himself Sunday night by shoot WOMAN 8CARED TO DEATH. Thought 8h Had Been Poisoned and Dropped Dead. "Dead because she thought she had been poisoned, was the singular verdict pronounced by Coroners Physician Springer in Chicago, after performing an autopsy on the body of Virginia Jackson, an aged colored woman. The tfntopsy was performed In the belief that the strange circumstances of the womans death were Indicative of murder. This woman thought she had been poisoned, said Springer, and It affected her heart to such an extent that it killed her. The heart actually burst. A neighbor gave her medicine and she concluded cn feeling ill Immediately that she had been poisoned. The fear of death killed her. Contrary to current rumor. President Moyer of the Western Federation of Miners did not return to Pueblo. Colo., to make a test case of the action of the police department Jn ordering him to leave the city. Clef of Police Shoup is armed with a warrant charging Moyer with incitwill be served so soon ing riot and as Mr. Moyer attempts to hold any more meetings in the city. - there: are others. 19QL LIVES E Some Were Roasted by Fire, While Others Were Slowly 8calded , to Death, Every Passenger In Smoker Meeting Death. lives were lost ' and thirty persons injured as the result of a passenger train wreck at Laurel Run, Fa., when the through passenger train from Pittsburg to New York on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad crashed into a pile of lumber. 'Hie killed were mostly foreigners, wno were in the smoking car just back of the baggage car. They were literally roasted to death, the baggage and smoker telescoping the engine and immediately catching fire. Many of their bodies are lying burned to a crisp in the baggage room of the BalOhio depot to be removed timore later to the different undertaking shops in the city. A peculiar feature of the accident is the fact that not a woman was Injured, except a few slightly. The wreck was caused by the breaking of eastings on a carload of bridge timbers on a westbound freight train which had passed Laurel Run not more than fifteen minutes before the passenger train. The wreck occurred on a curve and it was impossible for Engineer Tborley to .see far enough ahead to detect the obstruction on the tracks. A big Atlantic type engine plunged into the timbers at a velocity of sixty miles an hour. The engine plowed Into the embankment and the baggage car was thrown into the Youghloughcny river. The smoker followed the engine and lauded squarely on top of It. This allowed the escaping steam from the engine to fill the car. The smoker was packed to its utmost capacity and all the passengers were cooked alive. Not a single passenger In this car escaped alive, and it 1b estimated that at least forty of the dead were in the smoker. Sixty-thre- e DIDNT WANT LORD KITCHENER. English 8oldiers Experience with Famous American Singer. Lord Kitchener, noted as a woman hater and as a military hero, for whom many English mothers have laid snares on behalf of their daughters, is quoted as saying to a friend in London that Miss Minnie Tracey, the American singer, is the only -- A dispatch from Rome says the bombardment of Durbo in Italian So malllan'l, where 1 leutenant firabau was killed, which has been undertakes by the Italian warship Galileo, li merely for the purpose of impresslnf the natives. Exports of cottonseed oil from thi United States for the ten months ended October 30th. were 20,436,155 gallons, against 25,139,850 gallons for the same period In 1902, and 38,005,637 gallons for the first ten months of BLOTTED OUT IN FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. SIXTY-THRE- LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. Handful of Colombian Warriors Land Near Colon. Information has been received at Colon that about 180 Colombian troops have landed at the Island of Pines, northwest of Cape Tlburon, which Is situated- at the western entrance of the Gulf of Darien. The Island of Pines is in Panama territory, and is the only island along that coast which Is wooded, peaked with mountains and also well watered, thus offering every facility for camping and being used as a base of observation. The United States cruiser Mayflower has sailed in the direction of the Island of Pines to verify the report. - OWES LIBERTY TO SON. Boy Secures Pardon for His Erring Father. If it were not for the devotion ol aon George, hia fourteen-year-olCharles Norris, a former Lehigh Valley railroad car inspector, would stil) be in a cell at Dannemora prison instead of with his family at Ithaca. George Norrle is the newsboy who Interceded with Gov. Odell and se cured a pardon for his father. The d ill-fat- - Ing. DEATH ON THE HAIL The French government is happy over the poeseselon of a small surplus over expenses for the current year. Uncle Samuel smiles. CHINA IS IN PERIL. Russia and Japan, Neutrality Impossible. A Peking dispatch says: The Chinese officials are awaking to the peril confronting China In the event of a war, and they are greatly distressed. Wu Ting Fang has been urging the United States legation on his own responsibility, to seek a special audience of the dowager empress and impress on her Chinas perilous position and the need of a strong army. China will attempt to remain neutral, though doubtless she will be subjected to strong Japanese pressure to participate in the conflict In Case of War Between la Russo-Japanes- e for the preservation of her integrity. The officials here recognize that the remnant of China's sovereignty in Manchuria is lost if Russia succeeds, and see the difficulty of China avoiding becoming entangled in a war on her own territory. Young Couple Meet Death While on a Pleasure Trip. A Denver special contains the Information that the bodies of John Ryan and Miss Leonora Zornlg were found In Berkeley lake. They went skating Saturday evening and fell through the ice. Ryan's parents live at Grand Junction, la. He was about 19 years of age, and came west a short time ago for his health. Miss Zornlg also came from Iowa, but she has a sister living in California. CEOFCE MOWS elder Norris had been sentenced to five years and four months for stealing $70,000 worth of bonds and Jewels from the private car of Denman Thompson, the actor, as it lay in the station at Ithaca. He had served just one year when, one day last week, the prison doors were opened to him, Gov. Odell was on a visit to President Schurman of Cornell university, and young Norris wrote him begging him to pardon his father. Ha could not summon up courage to deliver the letter until the governor was stepping aboard a train for Albany. Then, with a few hesitating words, he handed the letter to the governor, who patted him on the head and said hs would look Into the matter. Later, after reading the letter, which proved to he a touching appeal, in boyish language, he made an investigation and concluded that Norris should have a chance for an honest life. In accord with the governors com mand. young George is now the custodian of his father, who will go to work to support his wife and live small children. FAILED TO FLAG TRAIN. Brakeman Responsible for Terrible Wreck in Kansas. In a wreck at Godfrey, Kan., of the "Meteor, the St. Louis & San Francisco railway's fast train from the south, eight persons were killed and thirty-twothers injured. Of the Infive probably will die and fourjured, teen are seriously hurt. J. A. Bartley, the freight brakeman, whose failure to flag the passenger train caused the wreck, has not been found. The Corbin brothers, two of whom were killed and one seriously injured, were on their way home to Oklahoma to spend Christmas. o woman of all he has mat who didn't The friend in try to marry him. question says Lord Kitchener is as much of a "woman hater as ever. He met Miss Tracey in Cairo and gave several dinners in her honor there. Miss Tracey Is a daughter of Col. John Tracey of New York and HAD ROPE AROUND HIS NECK. Washington. She has been singing in grand opera In Europe and America Man Narrowly Escapes Lynching for for eleven years. She is 33 years old. Incendiarism. It Is said her action in refusing to A man named Rogoway was almost receive a casket of Jewels sent her by at Lebanon, Ore., Monday lynched men of Cairo Lord caused some young morning. He was suspected of incenKitchener to seek an Introduct- ldiarism, his stcre and several adjoinMEANS WAR WITH UNCLE 8AM. ing buildings being burned at nlghL Indignant citizens placed a rope General Reyes Drops a Gentle Hint to around his neck, compelling him to citiconfess his crime. Colombia. zens Induced the mob to forego the "War on Panama means war with lynching, and the man was placed in the United States. is the substance of jail. cablegrams which General Reyes, the Broken Neck Set Colombian minister, is sending to An operation said to have no parBogota and to his more Influential fol- allel In the surgical world was perlowers throughout Colombia. Realiz- formed at St. Josephs hospital, 81oux ing the gravity of the situation, Gen- City, Iowa, Monday, by Dr. William eral Reyes is endeavoring to bring Jepson of the State university. John the Colombian people face to face Norstrom fell from a load of hay. with the situation as he knows it here. striking on his head and breaking his He is convinced that the United neck. He has been almost paralyzed States will not permit a Colombian for weeks. A portion of the third cerarmy to land within the territory of vical vertebrate was removed, the false growth of tissue was cleaned Panama, No time will now be lost out and the bone replaced. The par in his completing by General Reyes is doing well, with every prostlent communication to the state pect of recovery. Law-abidin- g |