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Show marry the woman I love, and live hers tu the home that reminds uie of you wherever I turn." "So true an thou! So loving! So to me! Oh, I have thought ever dear to Bow The of Ribbon. Sequel , Orange as 1 worked. I shall leave my memory here and here and here again for never. Joris, never, dear Joris, white thou art In this world, must thou forA LOVE STORY BY AAELIA E. BARR get me! Never! Never, oh never, dear, dear (Copyriiht, IWOt hr Amelia , Barr) mother! And that night they said no more. Indeed, it U the common falling; Both felt there would be plenty of CHAPTER V (Continued.) After be had gone, Mrs. Adams pro- and at present there Is no one like timo in the future to consider whatI will except the Presiever changes it might have In store for posed a walk In the lovely garden, the French. and Hyde hoped then to obtain a few dent. and Mr. Admns, and Mr. Hamil- them. words with her. But Mrs. Smith ac- ton. and say the rest of us are French CHAPTER VI. companied them, and Hyde found no mad. Listen! That Is thy father's galopportunity to get a word In on his own affairs, and the, suddenly, as lop. So early in the morning, what la Aunt Angelica. The first changes referred especially they turned Into the main avenue, he coming for? He had an Intention to go to Mr. to Hydes life, and were nui altogether Doctor Moran and Cornelia anpeared. approved by him. Ills pretense of Quite as suddenly, Mrs. Adams Semple's funeral. That la good. Thy grandfather Is reading law had to he abandoned, for divined the motive of Hydes early he had promised to remain at home visit; she opened her eyes wide, and already gone. At this moment Gen. Hyde entered with his mother, and it would not looked at him with a comprehension room. Hurry and excitement therefore be possible for him to dawdle so clear and real that Hyde was comwere in hla face, though they were about Pearl street and Maiden Lane pelled to answer and acknowledge her suspicion by a look and move- well controlled. He gave his band to watching for Cornelia. Yet this Madame Van Heemsklrk, saying: Yet he was not happy about Cornement quite as unequivocal. Good morning, mother! You look lia. Since that unfortunate instantaneous understanding containmorning ed neither promise nor sympathy and well, as you always do. Where is the at Richmond Hill they bad never met. If she saw him go up or down Malden he could not tell whether he had gain- Colonel? Ho has gone to Elder Semples Lane, she made no sign. Several times ed a friend or simply made a conhouse. You know fession. Arentas face at her parlor window know well. For a long time I had given him a passing hope, but Doctor Moran was evidently both astonished and annoyed. He stepped have puriKised to call on the old gen- Arenta's own love affairs wore Just out of his carriage and joined Mrs. tleman, and what I have neglected I Adams, but kept Cornelia by his side, am now justly denied, for I must leave so that Hyde was compelled to escort for England this afternoon at five Mrs. Smith. And Cornelia, beyond a o'clock, and I have more to do than I can well accomplish. very civil Good morning, sir." gave him no sign. George leaped to his feet at these When the party reached the steps words. "Sir." he cried, what has hapbefore the bouse door, though Mrs. pened? "Your uncle Is dying perhaps dead. Adams certainly invited him to reI a letter this morning urging received tu come conclusion the he had main, that he was Just 'the tone person not me to take the first packet. Now, wanted at that time; (yet os ha had George, von must come wwith me to ho completely Mr. Hamilton's office; we hare much plenty of hid beneath a gay and charming man- business to arrange there. ner the chagrin and disappointment So far his manner had been perempthat were really tormenting him, and tory and decided, but, suddenly, a until he was out of sight and bearing sweet and marvelous change occurred. he rode slowly, with the easy air of a He went close to Madame Van lleeme-kirk- , man was only sensitive to the and taking both her hands, said beauty of his surroundings, and thor- in a voice full of those tones that oughly enjoying them. captivate women's hearts: He kept this pace till quite outside "Mother! mother! 1 bid you a lovthe precincts of Richmond Hill, then ing, grateful farewell! You have ever he struck his horse with a passion been to me good, and gentle, and wise He saw Arenta Van Arlene. that astonished the animal and the the very best of mothers. God bleBB then at a very Interesting point, and, next moment shamed himself. Then be you! Then be kissed her with a besides, she regarded the young lieubegan to talk to himself In those ellip- solemn tenderness, and Lysbet under- tenants admiration for her friend as tical, unfinished sentences, which the stood that he believed their parting only one of his many transient enthuInner man understands, and so thor- to be a final one. She sat down, weep- siasms. oughly finishes. Sijch reflections, ing. and Hyde with an authoritative "If there was anything real In It, blended with pet names and apologies motion of the head, commanding his she Cornelia would are to his horse, brought Him in sight of sons attendance, went hastily out It talkedreflected, about him, and that has the Van Heemsklrk house, and he in- was then eleven oclock, and there was never done. stantly felt how good his grandmot- business that kept both men hurrying She did not understand that the hers sympathy would be. He saw her here and there until almost the last quality of love In its finest revelation at the door, leaning over the upper-hal- f hour. At four o'clock Gen. Hyde joined desires, after Its first sweet Inception, and watching his approach. his son. He looked weary and sad, a little period of withdrawal It won1 knew It was thee! she cried. and began Immediately to charge ders at Its strange happiness broods over it is tearful of disturbing emo"Now, then, what Is the matter with George concerning his mother. thee? Disappointed, wert thou last We pnrted with kisses and smiles tions so exquisite. These are the birth I leave her pangs of an Immortal love of a love this morning," he said. night? No but this morning I have been in your charge, George, and when that knows within Itself, that it is send her word to come to England, born for eternity, and need not to badly used: and I am angry at it. Then he told her all the circumstances look well to her comfort. And be hurry the years of of Ills visit to Richmond Hill, and she sure to fume with her. "Do you hear lime to a consummation. Of such noble lineage was the love listened patiently, as was her way me?" of Cornelia for Jorls Hyde. Ills grawith all complainers. Yes. sir. In too great haste are thou, were On no account even If she wishes cious, beautiful youth, seemed a pari her first words. No worse I think of it permit her to come alone. Promise oi her own youth; his ardent, tender Cornelia, because a little she draws me." glances had filled her heart with s I promise you, sir. What is there sweet trouble that she did not under back. To want, and to have thy want, that has been the way with thee all that I would not do for my mother? stand. Joris was moved by a sentiment ol thy life long. Thy mother has taught What is there I would not do to please the same kind, though in a lesser thee to expect too much. If, now, you, sir?" I have thought of Cornelia 1 ask you, then, to play with some thou had fallen in love with Arenta, moderation. I ask you to avoid any long enough," he said one delightful It had been a good thing. If I had not seen Cornelia, I might entanglement with women. ask you summer morning; with all my soul 1 have adored Arenta but, then, Arenta to withdraw yourself, as soon as pos- now long to see her. And It Is not an has already a lover. sible, from those blusterers for French impossible thing 1 desire. In short, there Is some way to compass it." So? And, pray, who is It? liberty or rather French license, Of all men In the world, the gay, and assassination. Stand by the Then a sudden, Invincible persuasion handsome Athanasq President, and every word be says. oi success came to him; he believed Frenchman, Every word Is sure to be wise and in his own good fortune; he had a conright. Then, taking out his watch, he viction that the very stars connive rose, saying, Come, It Is time to go with a true lover to work his will. And under this enthusiasm he galloped to the ship My dear George! George could not speak. He clasped into town, took his nurse to a stable, his father's hand, and then walked by and then walked towards Maiden his side to Toffee House Slip, where Lane. In a few moments he saw Arenta the North Star was lying. Before either realis'd the fact, the General YTan Ariens. He placed himself directhad crossed the narrow plank; it was ly in her path, and doffed his heaver quickly withdrawn, and the North to the ground as she approached. "Well, then. she cried, wilh an afStar, with wind and tide In her favor, who was facing the great separating ocean. fected air of arionishment, of would have a In from the you? seeing thought George turned ship maze. He felt as if his life had been Your retirement Is the talk of the cut sharply asunder, and that his town. Where are you going? "With you?" mother's voice aDd presence would be "In a word, no. For I am going to the best of all comfort at that hour; so, late as It was, he rude out to Hyde Aunt Angelicas. Manor. His mother opened the door Upon my honor, it is to your Aunt for him. Angelica's I desire to go most of all!" "Now I understand. You have found I thought it was thy father. Jorls," she Raid; "hut what? Is there any- out. that Cornelia Moran Is going there." thing wrong? Why art thou alone?" "I you that I did not know There Is nothing wrong, dear mothwas going there. To tell Moran Miss I will er. Conn. tell you what has Hyde Answered With a Smile. I came into town to the very truth, of French the happened." Tounnerre, a member for look yon. He gave her his father's letter, and embassy. "For me? And why, pray?" And her father? To such a mar- assumed for her sake the air of one If I "I want to see Miss Moran. who has brought good tidings. She riage what will he say? I want to hear then see her. cannot it. and folded Hyde stretched out his legs and silently read, Ah. Joris. your father has always about her. I thought you, of all peostruck them lightly with his riding whip. Then, with a smile, he an- longed in his heart for England. Like ple, could tell me the most and the ough in a weaning babe that never could be best. Now, pray do not disappoint swered, He will be proud his heart His daughter, tfle Mar- weaned was he. And thou, too? Wilt me. Listen! We meet this afternoon at quise de Tounnerre. will bA a very thou become an Englishman? Woe Is 1 have aunt's, to discuss the dresses and my for and me! In woman his plannod, planted eyes. great ceremonies proper for a very fin wedThat Is the truth. I was glad for whom I know not. You have planned and planted for ding." tby mother to be a lady, and go to (To be continued.) most of all to court and see the Queen." your Jorls. I , THE MAID af MAIDEN UANE ie 1 Mrs. Welsslltz, president of the Ger-man Womans Club of Buffalo, N. Y., after doctoring for two years, was finally cured of her kidney trouble by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Of all the diseases kuovra with which tha female organism ia afflicted, kidney disease ia the moat fatal. In fact, unleu prompt and correct treatment ia applied, the weary patient seldom survives. Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pinkham, early ia her career, gave careful atudy to the subject, and in producing her great remedy for woman's ills Lydia E, Pinkhama Vegetable Compound made sure that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was certain to control that dreaded disease, womans kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acte in harmony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and whila there are many so called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia E, Pink- - clally for women. What Mrs. Weisslitz Says. Read den. I loins. for me. For three months 1 took his medicines, but grew steadily worse. My husband then advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkhams brought home a bottle. It is the greatest Tegetable Compound,toand home. Within three months 1 was a our ever brought blessing changed woman. My pain had disappeared, my complexion became bright, and my entire system in good shape. Mas. Paula. ' clear, my eyes Wkisslitz, 173 Seneca St, Buffalo, & Y. frosf that Kiilary Trouble eaa be Cored by Lydia K. Mbaai Tegetable Ceapeud. I feel very thankful to you for the good for doctored me. done had I medicine has years and was steadily your growing worse. I had trouble with my kidneys, and two doctors told me I had Brights disease : also had falling of tho womb, and could not walk a block at a time. My back and head ached all the time, and I was so nervous I could not sleep ; had hysteria and fainting spells, was tired all the time, had such a pain in my left side that 1 could hardly stand witnout putting my foot on something. at times u I doctored with several rood doctors, but they did not help me any. I took, in alL twelve bottles of Ly five boxes of Liver Pills, and used three packages oi ?ootid, Vasli, and feel like a new woman, can eat and sleep well do all my own work, and can walk two miles without feeling over tired. The doctors tell me that my kidneys are all right now. I am so happy to be well, Mrs. Oval Strono, and I feel that I owe it all to your medicine. Dalton, Mass. Peak Mrs. Pixkhaii: Bhe Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. guided thousands to health. Address Lynn, Mass. $5000 forthwith nrotSM tho origins! lotton whtoh will two thoir olmolaio conninwoMi. B. Fiakknan Slodlelmo sssaiJiir saanot ud ilgsatsrMal C, Xjraa, self-comma- 1 threp-seore-and-t- . 1 CANKER HALLS DIPHTHERIA AND REMEDY rob-ber- roe NClFR Fill IAILO "nLltil THU MOUTH. THROAT, AND BOWCLS.... Nelden-Juds- Drug Co., 6eneral Agents. on The FREE Homestead I OF Western Canada Are tbs STAR ATTRACTIONS MHtiooa of oorca of manifloeot for 1904. Graio and Grar hr parehaao Corporation, ote. to bo had a. a froo lift. or hi Unda Railway Companioa. Land troa THE OR EAT ATTRACTIONS Soad Crop, dcllfhtfnl oil mo to, aplaadld Dohool oyatom, port art aoolol conditions, aiMptioDal rnllwaj adtantafN, and woalth and nfflnsnrs acquired aotllf. Tho popalatioa of We tern Canada inonusd 11000 hr iMBiicratioB durine tha paal rar, over AON boioi Aaorirana. Write to no rest anthoriced Canadian GovarBaal Acent for Canadian Alia and other infonaauoo for addroM Snot, of lmmicrtioa.Otiwa. Canada) Rani. Dario. Roots t Dunn block, CanuolAronno. Giant Falla, Montana. HI0HI8T CASH RAW FURS AND FRIO! 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