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Show . V K. Time Table. San Los Pedro, Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. Read Up. Read Down. Station. m iDMSf Dally. Right in Line. Daily. Ar. P. M. A. M. Lv. Hicks Hes trying berry culture 5:36 1:00.. Salt Lake City now, you know he says hes hav1 l:10..Kuena Vlita 5.25 r 8:20..Klter f 5:16 ing considerable success. C 1:40.. Garfield Wicks Yes? f 6:00 1:63.. Half H ay Spur f 4:60 Hicks Yes, although he admits the 9:00.. Erda .... ...................f 4.46 returns are small as yet. 9.15. .Tooele ........ ............... 4.30 Wicks Well, that , sounds natural. 9 :21..Iluehl .... .... .............. 4:23 4:120 You might call that success with 9 :25 . . Stockl in ud 9:40. .St. t 9:66.. f fl0:10.. f f John Ajax 4:07 3:62 f 3:42 f 3:30 Fault flO:2S.. Vernor f fl0:40..Lofgrern 11:00. .Koulter Summit 11:16.. Tlntlc Junction f ll:19..Maiumth Jet 11:27. .Mammoth 11:46.. Eureka 3:15 3:00 2:47 2:44 .Silver City Ar. Lv. Train a at Si It Lake make direct con nectlon for all point! north and enst. 3. W. CILLETT. G neral Passenger Agent. L. MOOR 6, J. Commercial Agent. 11:69. A. M. Catholic Standard and one-four- one-four- This Is Common, Fuddp Dont you know It is the worst thing you can do to read in the car? In Boston. one-four- da a, th No. 9. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the settler has filed notice of his Intentoln to make final proof In supof his claim, and that said proof port will be made before the Clerk of the District court In and for Tooele county, Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, on December 19, 1903, vis.: Egerton Lougy, H. E. 13,548, for the N BEfc.NEK nd 8W and lot 3, Sec. 7, township 4 south, range 4 west, S. L. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis.: Francis X. Lougy. Willard Atkin, John B. Gordon, Alvin J. McCulsflon, all of Tooele, Utah. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. L. I BAKER, Attorney. follo- wing-named Dr. L. G. Thayer, PHVOIOIAN Main Street. MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. Mr. Johnsun, the insurance man. lt ad. In Mr. lien Ktcinman and Mr. Frank Erath were in town lust week. o Mr. Haworth ha been taken to the hospital. He 1 suffering from miner's conmimptinn. Mrs. Beanleta Will dear little Waldo stop here like a good boy while 1 go Inside? Waldo I have already "stopped, mamma. I will stay here, however. The Con. Morcur'a strong box, under strong guard, went down to Salt Lake ThuiBday hint. A. 41. Swanson and Miss Christine Gustafson of Ophlr were married In Salt Lake last week. Thought He Was Baby. Towne Popleys baby Is old enough now to sit up and take table food. Auditor Conklin of the M. & 8. L. Browne How do you know? was passing out the n.onthly checksRy. to Towne I sat next to him in the employee of the read last week. restaurant and when he got Mrs. Lottie Ehlers Is very sick. The his of cold beef he plate cornet) lady has been confined to her home for cut up some of it in some time with Illness. Her recovery is soon hoped for. small bits and passed it over to me. Press. Mrs. L. E. Ward Is at the Holy Cross Philadelphia frf.n'ilal where she went to.be operated To the Point upon lorTaflcer. The success of the operation and her speedy recovery Is hoped As cum I don't know whether your head over the article about Col. e death was printed the way you A. Swenson Co. have bought out the Bryan Bros. stock of dry goods. This Intended, but It was a good one. firm la growing faat and bids fair In City Edlttor Let me see. What short time to he the leading store ina was It? Mercur. Ascum Has fought his last 'botMi Fred Ostler Is In Wit-tic- k tle.' working s barber shop. Mr. Ostler will be a barber If he works there a In ths Boarding House. while, rh Fred Is one of the best In the State. remarked the philosopher, Age, is a great softener. It makes one P. J- Conway was picked up In the more tender." street Monday morning, the 7th, In from If that's the case, remarked the or the Kiionn. and n a short time thereafter he was dead.very The remains nervy boarder from the foot of the were shipjied to his family In the East. table, I wish this chicken tad been o The iwwer was olt at the mill for a a few years older when they killed It. couple of days at the Golden Gate mill caused by a defect In the electrical The Reason. Plant. The dainuge was reimired and all. Cushins is now Installed as electrito-da- y absen- t-mindedly Lueh-man'- llnd-t-lu- ss - M. DAVIS. I PHYSIOIAN AND UftasON - - Stockton, Utah. ISI 1SS4K ess. Dr. Samuel H. Allen MIT LAKB OITV. t UVAH. Honrs C to 4 p.m. Sunday by sppolntnisnt. Office, 309-31- 1 Deseret News Bldg. Office i ; J. B. TAIT""' . M-M- 6 ...DENTIST... All operations Is DealLtry MeaMt-eall- y Maaeaaliy Dees the Pestoffice. Perfemed. Itrsst Free I 4W44M4 I 4 to-w- lt: :: FRED. WITTICH, THl LNADIND TONaONIALIDT IN MBNOUR. The Beet of Week Obtainable. Hale sad Beards Trimmed la tbs very latest, stylse. one-four- th asst door to Union Mer. Go. Parlors R. H. GUNDRY. TONkORIAL ANTI8T. Main Street Stockton. W. H. PECKHAM, d" BOOT AND BMBA MANtN i thc,,e X-yo'J goods at Golden Gate Cash Store? No? go right straight and look at them. tolling' Then Good, serviceable Christmas presents. Always the cheapest in town and alIn R DR. cian. ways the best i Mercur, th n, union Inbt'l ut the head of our columns. 2 AND UNDION.... - It la the Intention of the publishers of this paper to soon unionize our office and secure the right to float the 5454. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, November th one-four- Leave your ordera for business and pay billa due thla office to Mra. W. N. Gundry at the poatofflee. .SHALL UNIONIZE OUIl OFFICE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. th 135-A- 114-Ad- In the Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said claim, for the period of nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. L. L. Baker, Claimants Attorney. First publication, Oct. 31; last, Dec. 26l th one-four- th one-four- Duddy It may be bad for the eyes, but it is very restful to the legs. So long as a man keeps his eyes on his paper he doesnt have to see the woman who wants his seat. Boston Tram script. 2:40 2:22 2:05 P. M. Mammoth small fruits, Times. to corner No. 3; thence 8. 70 deg. 64 min. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. E. 488.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence 8. Notice M. A. No. 3766. 205.4 feet to corner United States Land Office, Salt Lake 64 deg. 14 min.S. E. 49 deg. 10 min. E. 6S9.1 No. 5; thence City, Utah, Dec. 7. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the Black feet to. corner No. 6; thence S. 24 deg. Diamond Mining and Milling company, 23 min. W. 332.7 feet to corner No. 7; N. 58 deg. 48 rnln. W. 242.5 feet a corporation duly organised under the thence No. 8; thence N. 12 deg. 24 min. laws of the State of Utah, and whoe to corner 287.4 feet to corner No. 1, being the principal place of business Is Salt Lake W. Said claim being City, Utah, by Its agent and attorney pluce of Inbeginning. the N. W. and in fact, Joseph Dederlchs of Salt Lake, located of section 19, townUtah, has made application for a Unit S. W.4 4 west, and N. E. ed States patent for the Union Consoli- ship south, range of section 24, township 4 dated lode mining claim, situate in the Ituah Valley mining district, Tooele south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridcounty. Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear ian, and containing a total area of 7.361 feet of the lode and surface ground (as acres, excluding, however, therefrom located) 600 feet wide, being mineral the area In conflict with the North Star No. 2, lot survey No. 4983, and described In the and Black Diamond, lot 116 and Gulch, survey field notes and plat of the official sur- lot vey on file In this office with magnetic 3759. variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east, as Net area claimed and applied for beat post ing 5.434 acres. Said Gulch West Exfollows, to wit: Commencing No. 1 a corner of the claim from which tension lodge location mining claim besection corner on east ing of record In the office of the County the boundary of section 24. township 4 Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, Utah. The nearest known location or minbears S. 46 deg. 37 min. W. 843.3 feet conflictdistant; 1thence running from said cor- ing claims being the aforesaid ner No. N. 61 deg. 41 min. W. 585.5 feet ing claims and Oregon No. 2, survey No. to corner No. 2; thence N. 70 deg. 23 49U1. I direct that this notice be published min. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 3; thence N, 79 deg. 49 min. W. 483.1 feet in The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, to corner No. 4; thence N. 3 deg. 30 county of Tooele, State of Utah, for min. E. 247.2 feet to corner No. 5; the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, thence N. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 819.4 feet to corner No. 6; thence S. 58 deg. 13 min. Register. G. W. Parks. Attorney for Applicant. E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence S. 1903. 3 deg. 30 min. W. 380.3 feet to corner First pub., Dec. 12, Last pub., No. 1, being the place of beginning. Feb. 6. 1904. Said claim being located In the N. W. APPLICATION POR PATENT. of section 19, township 4 M. A. NO. 3758. south, range 4 west, and N. E. Notice of Application for a United of section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, and States Patent. In the United States containing a total area of 12.445 acres, Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. therefrom the October 30, 1903. excluding, however, Notice Is hereby given that F. M area in- conflict with the Black Diamond and North Star, lot 135, of 0.019 Davis, whose Postoffice address Is Stock-toacres. Utah, In behalf of himself and John Net area claimed and applied for be- Franks, William Kelly, Pat Kelly and with him, ing 12.396 acres. Said lode location min- Chester Worthing, ing claim being of record In the office has made application for a United of the County Recorder at Tooele City, States patent for the GLEN lode mining Tooele county, Utah. claim, situate In Ophlr Mining District, The nearest known locations or min- Tooele County, Utah, Consisting of 1500 ing claims being the aforenaid conflict- linear feet of said lode and surface ing claims and Cyclone, lot 125; Out- ground a shown by plat and survey, being Survey No. 6014, and described In cast, lot 135, and Hope, survey 4946. I direct that this notice be published the field notes and plat of the official In The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, survey on file in this office, with magat 16 degrees forty mincounty of Tooele, State of Utah, for the netic variation utes East, as follows: period of nine tonnerutlve weeks. Beginning at corner No. 1. which is FRANK D. HOBBS, Identical with location corner, whence Register. G. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. U. S. M. M. No. 7 bears S. 41 deg. 56 min. 1659.4 First pub.; Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub., W. ft; thence N. 22 deg. .05 min. W. 600 ft. to corner No. 2, Identical with Feb. 6. 1904. location corner; thence N. 67 deg. 55 min. E. 1500 ft. to corner No. 3, Identical APPLICATION FOR PATENT. with location corner; corner No. 3 of Notice No. M. A. 3765. United States Land Office, Salt Lake Lot No. 134 (Struck It) Lode bears S. 51 deg. 21 min. W. 280.1 ft.; corner No. 2 of City, Utah, Dec. 7, 1903. lot No. 73 (Chrlsopolls Lode) bears S. Notice Is hereby given that the Black 23 deg. 28 min. W. 352.5 ft.; thence S. 22 Diamond Mining and Milling company, a corporation duly organised under the deg. .05 min. E. 600 ft, to corner No. 4, with location corner; thence S. laws of the State of Utah, whose prin- identical 67 deg. 55 min. W. 1500 ft. to corner No. of Is business cipal place Salt Lake 1, the place of beginning. From disCity, Utah, by its agent and attorney point the lode line bears N. 67 In fact, Joseph Dederlchs of Salt Lake covery deg. 55 min. E. 1000 ft., and from disCity, Utah, has made application for a covery point S. 67 deg. 55 min. W. 500 United States patent for the Gulch ft. Expressly excepting and excluding West Extension lode mining claim, sit- from this the following conuate In the Ruh Valley mining dis- flict areas, application Chrlsopotrict. Tooele county, Utah, consltlng lls Lode, 1.288 acres;LotLotNo.No.73,134, Btruck of 1481.3 linear feet of the lode and It Lode, .034 acres; Survey No. 4349, surface ground (as located) 600 feet Maud 8. Lode, 2.635 acres. Said Glen uide, being mineral survey No. 4982, Lode contains a area of 16.704 acres, and described In the field notes and and is situated innet an unsurveyed portion plat of the official survey on file In this of Twp. 5 South, Range 4 West, S. L. M. office with magnetic variation at 17 and adjoining claims are Neighboring 00 east as min. to wit: Lot No. 73, Chrlsopolls Lode; Lot No. deg. follows, Commencing at post No. 1 a corner of 134, Struck It Lode; and Survey No. the claim from which the 4349, Maud 8. Lode. section corner on east boundary of secThe Notice of Location of this claim tion 24, township 4 south, range 5 west, is recorded In the Office of the Recorder Salt Lake meridian, bears 8. 59 deg. 24 of the Ophlr Mining District, at pages min. W 442.1 feet distant; thence run- 293 and 294 of Book J, of the Records ning from said corner No. 1 N. 59 deg. of Ophlr Mining District, Tooele County, 16 min W 945.2 feet to corner No. 2; Utah. thence N. 24 deg. 23 min. E. 124.3 feet I direct that this notice be published Promptly Al IN. Ml MB town. The Union Mercantile Co.'s windows contain a great varfetv of np in pretty display. This firm Is gon.' quite metroiKilitan both in prices and variety. It Is I he largest store in the cnnntv end lier.ee better prepared to cairy an exten- sive, stock of goods. -- well-select- ; fafrics a ' Complete Lino oil SADDLE MORSES OR LIVERY RIQS ed Hank Vahr Is tending bnr at one of the saloons In Mcrcur. we are told. A few short months npr. Mr. M. Ids position as City Marshnl of resigned Mcrcur fa hundred dollar job) and went to Uir.ehain to work on the Dalton and Lark. . JtliiRttnTurtriltiiiB. I. tWWWtt4 GROCERIES AND MEATS i I Co . The Mercur Abstract Co. J : The question has cn asked: "Where can we And the City Recorder, the Cl tv Marshal and the Precinct Justice?" The first and hist can be found at the Mer- cur Exchange saloon at almost any time Mrs. New wed I notice that you and the Marshal Is at his office nr the Meri nr Drug store any time when not never speak about the pies your mothon hi heat. er used to make. Mr. Newwcd No; my father used A lieautiful Christinas is to to run a bakery. - seen In the window of display Pichle' book store. Pi r ha is the best line of toys ami goods ever brought to Mcrcur Perhaps He Waa. (an he seen at this store. However. Who was that young man hugging there is a great vuriity of article, and n. any of them "swi 11" enough to ho used you last night?" asked the girl in the list.' by the PNi" for presents. Every- new fall a took agent, responded Oh. he body shoul see them. her clium. Mn.t-rFrom "Looked to me more like a press Isn't It gicet io think that we con choose the pattern for a nw suit from agent." over 500 different patterns? Strauss Bros, of Chicago show Hint many in Tweedledee and Tweedledum. their new line now on display at the Mamma Margaret, don't say T store of A. Swenson Co. All garments are made by skilled journeymen tailors. won't" to me again, or I shall have to punish you. From r. iir Mil . r Margaret All right, mamma, I will not go to bed. ABBTIACTERS 1 . Din Street, Stockton li- ; as r add Largest Meat MfirEcl id Jooelo County. Co to Real Batata and Ooaroyanoing. Abstract. of all Proparty, both utd Bool Xtioto, la Twwlo Oom-pAs- My. r TOOILI f See the handsome catalogue of Christ- -, For Better or Worse. Madge -- Why in the world is he marrying Miss Oldgirl? Marjorie Perhaps he paying off one of those frek eleetion bets. o Town Tepir-- . BRUME AU, I y Mr. NOTARY PUBLIO. All CUaaea of Legal Buiinaoa Attended to. SHEBIS1H ATE. 8TOOITOS. y $ L. H. GRAY, BEEF; MUTTON, PORK, LAND AND MININS ATTORN XV. 1 1 UTAH, RICHARD GUNDRY. HOLIDAY GIFTS i J. - Wt4444t4"W444444-- (o .Fresh Meats; A. OITY. e) ft Co . M-- m J i Pins INBURANOH AND LOANS e) oj Co 1 1 m TITLIS. OF (S)SS2SNM3vv23S5' : CBS! Salt Lke City. Ml |