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Show swer very nicely for material for the and with the addition of the seasons stole effect It becomes possible to i Lady's cloth, serge, cheviot, silk or every one to wear the style without velvet could be used In the construc- fear of looking stump. . Cleveland. President Kilfoyl asked tion, and if additional trimming Is In the nobby design shown here the him how much he wanted for next desired, wear a lace collar, or trim long shoulder line is carried out by the corners of the collar and end of the employment of a shaped sleeve season, and Bernhardt told Kilfoyl to the stole with little lace medallions. cap. The front buttons at the neck insert the sum he thought Bernhardt Long Coat la Popular. Fashion having set the seal of apover a vest, which may be of the eame deserved, and the latter would sign. Popular Russian Modes. Barrett of the Detroit! is to wed proval upon the long coat, every womThe sleeve la In the picturesque little dress shown or different material. M.88 Marie Walsh of Detroit in thq an should Include this in her wardwe have a variation of the pop- the full bishop style, gathered at It here spring. Barrett is one of the most robe. In one model shown, the back ular Russian modes that are so be- lower edge Into a pretty cuff. The back fits the figure closely and the popular players before the public, and is half fitting, while the fronts fall coming to small girls and boys The tabs in the front all his many admirers will wish him loosely to the lower edge and may be give a pretty finish. front and back are For a world of luck in the new connection turned back to show the machine Autumn wear these little Eton ornamented by two are he is soon to mfcke. titchlng which modlshly decorates just the thing. It requires very broad box plaits, the cost. The capes, uniquely slashed little material and could easily be and the closing is In front, are a smart feature, although National League News. on the side, in RuLeon Demontrevilie will not be with they may be dispensed with if a plain ssian style. A coat is desired. The sleeve is of the the St. Iouis Nationals next spring. unique feature of Chicago has offered to trade Pitcher newest shaping, with a fancy facing the dress is the a de and Peau cuff. and Jack Taylor for Cy" Seymour deep pointed circular sleeve cap, Pitcher Poole of the Ileds. sole, broadcloth, taffeta, cheviot and a style which is Charley Pittenger haa asked Cincin- tailor suitings in general are recomnot confined to nati & make a deal for him, but Garry mended for attractive effect and decortheir elders alone, ations may be supplied with narrow Herrmann Bays no Pittenger in hia. for we see it not Catcher McLean will be turned bias bands or machine stitching. In the chilonly adrift by the Chicago Nationals. Mandren's dresses, but Broad Shouldered Effect ager Selee says he is too slow for fast coats as well. The One of the late designs that Is sure dress company. be made all in one or worn may new Roger Bresnahan Is one of a syndi- to find many admirers is the with a gulmpe. cate of bidders who deBlre to acquire military effect in An attractive dress would be of the Toledo club. If the deal goes yoke blouse shown here in the devel red serge trimmed with bands of through Bresnahan will try to get his white stitching, edged with soutache release from the New Yorks, so that braid and wearing with It a gulmpe of he may become playing manager of cream colored serge or cashmere, or the Toledo team. better still, of white lawn or washable materials so that the gulmpe American Association Newt. and sleeves u.ay be washed frequently, Out Adder Edward Duggan of and then the dress will be always has signed with Indianapocrisp and fresh. The pattern is very lis. easy to put together and consists of Toledo has Bigned McKernan, the the front, back, lining (which serves erack third baseman of the Sydney as a gulmpe), sleeve, sleeve cap, col(O.) Club. lar, belt and wristband. Any mothThe St. Paul Club has signed second er who is at all skillful with her neebaseman Denton or the Charleston (W. dle can make a very pretty little Vn.) team as Huggins' successor. dress, and at very slight expense of Coniiskey says the South Is the only time or money. place to train, and that New Orleans, where he will take his team next In the Eton Style. In keeping up. with the styles considerable latitude Is allowed by made from some r material or Dame Fashion for the exercise of per- skirt sonal fancies. One may have the seThe skirt is a very popular design vere tailor-madcoats for a walking skirt to wear with the or the Eton. It is all a matter of In- Eton, or as a operate skirt is the dividual choice, and one may just suit plaited style. It is made up of five her own style or, perhaps, we had bet- gores, plaited, as illustrated, with ter say, her purse, when making selec- seven backward turning tucks or tion. For seasons past there has not plaits. The pattern also includes a been an effect or combination which yoke, the use of which. Is optionaL has met with such universal favor as The skirt length may ba of golSat or the Eton. It is a trim little garment ground length. Jacket Late Newa By Wire. The Buffalo Club haa drafted the fol A paw pitcher Greene from the Concord Club. The Albany Club haa signed third baseman Peter Gitzen, late of the blillvale (Pa.) team. The Cincinnati Club has waived claim on pitchers Egan, Bohannon and High II111 of Louisville. The Seattle Club, of the Pacific CoaBt League, has Manager Parke Wilson for next season. The Little Rock Club is negotiating with three Pittsburg players, namely. Shortstop I)e Moss, Catcher Ortleib and Pitcher Kommer. The Athletic Club of Philadelphia has signed Pitcher Jud Daly of Webster, Mass., who has achieved a reputation among independent clubB. President Strobel of the Toledo Club Is negotiating for the sale of the club with Addison Clark of the Clark Coach ft Transfer Co. of Toledo. a President Holland of the league states that Peoria has not applied for admission, and declares there will be no change In the circuit. AsThe Western sociation negotiations for the evacuation of Kansas City are at a temporary standstill, owing to George refusal to pay the Western League anything for their improvements in that city. Indiana-Illinois-low- League-Amcrica- n Te-beau-'s American League Notes. First Baseman Carey will winter in Washington. Crawford, Barrett aiql McIntyre will constitute the Detroit outfield in 1!04. Pitcher Frank Donahue Is booked for a from Cleveland next year. Sears, a Princeton baseball star, is cut-dow- n broad-shouldere- Con-nellsvil- le left-ove- e, long-skirte- d SOMETHING opment of blue linen embroidered in white. The fancy yoke in scallop outr line gives the drooping shoulder line and the blouse embellished by tucks has the full puff at the waist 11ns. Another attractive feature of the waist Is the scalloped gauntlet cuff and, by the way, this style cuff will be worn a great deal on new shirtwaists. The back of the blouse has s fanciful yoke shaping, which gives a good line to the figure. This style blouse is very becoming to most figures and Is exceedingly attractive In any of the linens, using contrasting colors of thread for scalloped edges and dots. If desired, the yoke may be simply stitched for decoration. NEW IN BLOUSE EMBROIDERY. Favorite of the Season. tuxedo veilings, mostly in hairline designs in diamond patterns, are among the seasons favorites. Some of the newest have a single thread of white running through the black of the pattern, adding much to the effect. Again, at the Intersection of the diamonds of the pattern there is a knot finished with a small figure of self material or of chenille. A Two-tone- After one of the most Interesting fights ever seen on the coast among the lightweights Jimmy Britt received the decision over Martin Canole, the game New England lightweight. The verdict came at the close of twenty rounds of fighting and was received with approbation by the big crowd that watched the fighters. At the close of the affair there was really little to choose between them. being negotiated for by the Washington Club. Lajole, Hickman, Demis, Moore and r contract playJosa are the ers of the Cleveland Club. Charley Shields, formerly of the Baltimore Club, is pitching ball for the Portland (Ore.) Club. Pitcher Martin Glendon of the Clevelands is taking pait in sparring matches In and around Chicago. Henry J. Killilca says there is not the least truth in the yarn that he intends to sell out bis Boston holdings. Manager McAiecr says there is no truth in the report that Outfielder Hemphill is seriously ill. Hemphill Is at Youngstown, ()., however, under a doctor's care. Bill Bernhardt signed With two-yea- gilt-edg- e d but Britt had done the better part of Neat Coat for School Girl. the leading and in the opinion of the season of tho year the school At this referee was entitled to the verdict needs a light coat for every-dagirl Canole put up one of the grandest one that Is not too fussy" and wear, ever in seen San Francisco. He fights was there with about everything yet has a certain amount of style to It In the little model known to the fighting craft and met shown here the Britt's every advance in the gamest seasons style of possible style, but Jimmy was always stole collar adds for him and him beat at ready really to the appearance his own game of rushing and forcing. of the coat, although the coat spring, is the best place In the South. may be worn with Orville Frantz, brother of the Kanor without either y sas City first baseman, has been appointed head coach of the Harvard baseball team. It has now leaked out that Manager Watkins was after the Toledo franchise earlier in the year and was anxious to get a foothold there. Ernest Barnard, secretary of the Cleveland Club, is mentioned as possible successor to Thomas J. Hickey In tho presidency. Mr. Hickey strongly indorses Barnard. President Lennon of the St Paul Club has started a baseball players' clerks row in his clothing store. Eddie Wheeler, tin Huggins brothers and a few other players have been given places In his store for the cape or cape and stole. This makes the pattern more desirable, for if there are two little girls in the family one might have a coat made with Just the shoulder cape alone and the other might be Just the collar and stole without the cape. The only trimming necessary is the machine stitching, which always gives a pretty finish. The sleeve Is the regular coat sleeve. One might easily make this little coat from an old discarded overcoat or verge skirt Almost every woman has an old walking skirt of good material that would an Here is a new idea for embroidering effect when finished is very goody and blouse. The design should first It is not only easy to do, but is quickly be stamped or drawn on the blouse in made. This is also a very pretty way to a palm-lea- f pattern like the design with inserting, of which it takes strap illustration. around the ones Each leaf is simply down the center, making the stitch reach to the edge every time. Then outline the leaves and the stems. The briar-stitche- d six yards. The material should be cut from under It. Handkerchlel linen would be the beBt to use fbr the blouse, and the handwork should he done In cut rotten No to. |