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Show POSTMASTER ALONG. TOOK THE WEEKLY SENTINEL Thugs Were Not Satisfied With FIGIIT FOR PANAMA Loot- ing Office. MBS. W. N. OUNDRY. Editor.. COLOMBIANS search fur Postmaster J. F. Congleton, kidnaped by masked thugs, aroused the people of Milan, Wash., Monday night. About 9:80 p. m. Congleton went to his store and discovered two burglars in possession, lie tried to escape, but t elng a rripple, was overtaken and made prisoner. Congleton managed to throw away his pocketlKMik. containing $150, but was robbed of about $35. The pocketbook was found by a friend next morning. The robbers marched Congleton down the railroad track to Cbattaroy, seven miles away. It was a rainy night and the crippled postmaster's strength failed, but he was urged on WILL DISPUTE RIGHTS OP REPUBLIC. A midnight UTAH STOCKTON, UTAH STATE NEWS. The hack driven of Salt Lake have Organized a anion. A $12,000 meeting house la being erected at Pleasant Grove. Application has been made to the Huntsville city council for a franchise for an electric Lglit system. The Crystal Creamery, at Marion, has closed down, and the owner Is having the machinery sent to Salt Lake. An epidemic of mumps is going the rounds at American Fork at present, a large percentage of the school chib dren being affected. Surveyors who have Just returned from the Uinta reservation, report having found a monument on Emmons peak which was inscribed 14,449 feet j COLOMBIA'S REPRESENTATIVE. Expected. A special from Colon saya: pany of marines from the A comUnited States steamer Prairie was landed bare Monday under the command of Captain Butler, and entrained for Panama, whence the marines will be sent to a point on the Coast south of Panama. This step was made In consequence of receipt of information that Colombian troops had landed in the direction with the object of marching on Panama. If this is confirmed it will mean the beginning of a long campaign of guerrilla warfare on the lothmua. The destination of the is said to Taviza, up the San Mlgnel gulf and Tulra river. Torpedo Boats Ordered to Isthmus. The report that the entire torpedo fleet has been ordered to Panama," ia net confirmed officially. So far the Perry and the Paul Jones are the only torpedo boats with orders to go to the isthmus. These two boats are now ready to leave for the lower bay of San Francisco, but await the arrival of some of the officers from the easL The cruiser New York is now on her Army Officers Keenly Interested. from Bremerton to San Francisco The news of the movement of ma- way and may receive orders to go from rines southward from Panama, baaed there to the Isthmus. mi-rin- altitude. Mrs. Lena Larson, a young married woman of Pleasant Grove, suicided on the 7th, cutting her throat with a razor. Continued ill health had unbalanced her mind. Lelii, which is the largest ward In the Mormon church, will soon be subdivided into four wards, which will necessitate the forming of four new ward organizations. A proposition looking to the consolidation of the thirty-sischool districts in Salt Lake county into twelve districts is being considered by the county commissioners. Zola Shoedler, aged 4, was fatally burned while playing around a Are in the yard at her home In Salt Lake City, the little ones clothing being burned from her body. Charles Smith attempted suicide while confined in the Salt Lake City Jail by hanging himself, but the rope was cut and the mans life saved after his rescuers had worked over him for some time. The first Salt Lake automobilist to be arrested under the new law fast driving through the Its Whs 'Eeitoy Snow, a son ol the late President Snow and a teacher In the L. D. S. business college. James Livingston, a flyman at the Salt Lake theatre, suicided on the 9th by hanging. Livingston fastened the end of a rope to the platform in the flies and Jumped off, being deaf when found, although his body was yet warm. Carl W. Pederson of Salt Lake was killed by a boiler explosion at the Nelson Bennett companys works, two miles west of Milner, Ida. The boiler was used in operating a rock drilling machine and the explosion was due to the water in the boiler becoming low. The annual report of Commissioner John Sharp of the state fish hatch Rries shows that good work is being done in the matter of replenishing the streams of the state with trout During 1903 the grand total of all the trout fry distributed throughout the state was 1,978,000. United States Marines Sent to Head Off Colombians and the Beginning of Guerrilla Warfare Is aa it was on the reported landing of Colombian troops in that part of the isthmus, was received with keen in terest in army circles in Washington where there has been exhibited for some time a desire to participate with the navy in any military movements on the Isthmus. The general staff gavw tbe subject immediate attention. Thera was, however, no outcome in the shape of orders to troops, though Ike arrival in Washington of Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell, superintendent of the general staff college at Leavenworth, was regarded as confirming the previous statements to the effect that the army is making ready to do its share at a moment's notice. ee x pro-hlbitin- g Mrs. Mary E. Lamb, a widow, aged 65 years, fell dead from heart disease in her coal house at Murray. Mrs. Kihi Nebeker, who lives in the same house, saw the old lady go for the coal. Noticing that she did not return Mrs. Nebeker went to see what detained her and found her lying on the coal dead. A novel question was brought before Judge Rolnpp in Ogden last week, when the Warren school trustees secured a restraining order preventing a certain dance that was about to be held in the Rchool house in that dls- - RAFAEL REES Rafael Reyes, the 8trenuous Man oi Colombia, Who Is Now Visiting This Country. threats of murder. At Chattaroy he was made to climb Into a box car and was locked in. About midnight Mrs. Congleton awoke and missed her husband and gave the alarm. The town turned out to search for him. The tracks were found and traced to Ch&ttaroy, where he was found In the box car, unharmed. IS. OPPOSED .TO. SOCIALISM.! J. Pierpont Morgan Steeka has been shrlnkln'. John Bull Yet, Johnny Morgan, an' stocks aint mrlnkta. BURIED WITH A PIG. Becauae More Wae Barred From Heaven, Jolos Attacked Christiana. The Manila Cable News of October SOth Is authority for the statement that the recent outbreak on the island of- Jolo was due to the fact that a Mohammedan Moro was buried with a pig by order of Lieutenant Colonel Rodgers of the Fifteen cavalry. The story, as published in the Cable News, is that a "Juramentado (a man who has taken an oath to kin a Christian) was shot to death on the streets of Jolo after partly disemboweling a member of B troop, Fifth cavalry. Colonel Rodgers, it is reported, with - "RELEGATING neut of the socialist propaganda. He was born at Bleslau In 1834, entered the army in 1855, and participated with distinction in the wars with Austria and with France. In 1875 h was made a papal chamberlain, and has been a member of the reichstag since 1872. Count von Ballestrem has become famous for cutting off discussion in the reichstag of tbe kaiser's speeches. all that a been a desire to teach the native a lesson, ordered the body of tbe fanatic to be burled with a pig, which is the great est Insult that can be offered to the Mohammedans. The event was widely advertised, and 2,000 Moros closed in about Jolo and practically laid siege to the city. They grew more and more aggressive, and General Wood finally sent an expedition against them. pork-hatin- g Judge Amldon, in the federal court at Grand Fork, BILL PASSED IN THE SENATE BV A CISIVE VOTE. By the decisive vote of 57 to 18, the senate on Wednesday passed the bill carrying into effect the reciprocity tregty with Cuba. The final vote came at the close of the day, which was marked by a debate which, while at times animated, was never acrimonious. The principal speeches were made by Mr. Spooner for the bill and by Mr. Bailey against it Both sens-- ' tors were subjected to frequent interruptions in their remarks. Mr. Bailey alluded to the recent agreement of the Democratic caucus to stand solidly on party questions and warned the Republicans that in the future they could not depend on straggling Democratic votes in support of Republican party measures regardless of whether they were or were not in Accord with Democratic doctrine. The bill passed carries into execution the treaty between the United States and Cuba which was ratified last March. The treaty provides for A reduction of duty under the Ding-- I ley law on all Cuban articles imported Into the United States and a varying reduction of from 20 to 40 per cent from the established Cuban duty on articles shipped into Cuba from the United States. After the passage of the Cuban bill the senate agreed to the house resolution providing for a holiday recess from Dec. 19 to Jan. 4. all CUBANS GRATIFIED. Reduction Expected to Do Great Things For the Islands. News of the passage by the United States senate of ihe bill for rci- procity between the United States and Cuba was received in Havana at the close of the business day. It came somewhat as a surprise, both to the Cuban and Spanish merchants, the prolonged negotiations and the many delays having caused a feeling of skepticism vs to the outcome. rresincnr TWffil ' knd memberi of bis cabinet expressed no surprise at the passage of the bill, as they have always been confident that the scheme of reciprocity would eventually be successfully carried out. Nevertheless. they were highly gratified and greatly relieved at the settlement of the question. Expressions of satisfaction are universal in Havana. Americans engaged In enterprises in Cuba are enthusiastic and believe that business generally will find relief from the depression of the past four months, during which stock ran extremely low. It Is believed that the passage of the bill will result Immediately in heavy buying, both from the United States and Europe. N. D., sentenced Sheriff Scofield of Minot to ninety days Friars Will Sell Philippine Lands. In Jail at Fargo for contempt of courj An agreement has been reached for approaching a Juror who had beeS by Governor Taft and tbe friars providcalled to serve in a case pending la ing for the settlement of the "friar that court land" question. The pope has given his approval of the terms of the set- tlement and the approval of the war department is awaited. The settlement provides for the purchase of 403,000 acres, comprising all the agricultural lands and buildings of the friars, with the exception of 12,000 acres. Including a farm near Manila, which nas been sold to a railway company, and also one sugar THE MISSOURI MULE. anti-sociali- BRUTE TO BE PUNISHED. Tortured a Sorcerer. Advices have been received from Kltkatlah, a village on the northern Columbia coast, of the rescue of an Indian who was about to be trlct killed by fellow tribesmen who sus- ueorge wooming. a carpenter, was pocted him of practicing sorcery. The found dead In Salt Lake one morning persecuted Indian known as Daniel last week, hla bodv iving under a p!Ie ' "ala0CP- llal Iut a ball rf Tat bound of bricks. It is thought' he attempt d T'",1- ha,ir ani1 wiJ? ,.h bIUs' as a charm which lie hoped to fix an archwnj under Lie porch of would bring him tbe l ive of an Indian his house, when the structure collapsed, burying him In Its fall. Wadley & Sons, nf pleasant Grove, have shipped lately to the Murray smelters about ii! n cars of fire clay for the lining of the furnaces. This clay proves to be rf a fine quality and will likely (levpy.p ;Vto a paying inGrove. dustry for Pbi.-i-n- t The fiftieth anniversary of the orThe mown ganization nf ibe Christiana branch lurch Iron out of tin- guvi-ntgrows mt docr-.-of the Mormon church was celebrattaking pos-..- ' .Kio-- of ail church proped in Salt Lake City Thursday f m I.i kii arc to the night erty. ffect that the Ariiu niaiiH and Jews of last week, by about 400 Scandinavians, with Patriarch C. C. A. thoip arc- in irnaruing ami refuse to visi' tlii or other place of Christensen as the guest of honor. amusement. Officer Displayed Brutality of Driver Toward Soldiers. A Berlin dispatch says: Owing to his mistreatment of soldiers on 1,520 counts and abuse of authority cn 100 counts, a officer named Franzki of the Eighty-fiftinfantry, has been sentenced to five years imjiri..nnJent and dishonorable discharge fr.ri army, by a cmrt- maitial at. lleJs'-'-rc- . The court declared Frnnzki I; ml tlio bn:-tabty of an ox iliiv-T- i j li-Itls- I : ; ; - h - , n. ; 1 . Brakemao Rented to Death. One man lost bis life one more perir.'-r- - tln-niro- s 1 .'(-- i - haps fatally l.uti arothers or severely injured in a Cui!:io;: of iwn ( tion of a fn ight train on a long Ls C- i- 'Frl-ivSystem until: nf lhwa..v. Kan., fifteen miles from Fruit. ' ,e rrar g,. tiun ran into the section I. M. Hermitage of M meir. Mo., a man, who was tjdiiig m thr cumino the rear train, was pinioned firm-eo- (if the rab qn-- tender ami burned to death. - Mi.--vuw- . s DE- The Treaty Provides for a Reduction of 20 Per Cent From the Rate Under the Dingley Law. . by Count von Ballestrem Again Head of German Reichstag. Count von Ballestrem, who has been president of the German reichetag, la prominent as an oppo- - CUBAN TREATY It la proposed to relegats the mule, where It Is used on some of tha Miesou-- I rural free govsmmentand deliveries, substitute automobiles Press Dispatch. Chicago Inter Ocean. i |